单词 | constrain | ||||||||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:constrains 现在分词:constraining 过去式:constrained v. oblige,compel,pressure,make,coerce constrain 显示所有例句
例句释义: 约束,限制,强制,强迫,抑制,勉强,束缚 1. But neither step will do much to constrain banks swimming in deposits and lending to an economy growing, in nominal terms, by 15% a year. 但是这两样措施都收效甚微,连最小的15%的存款和借贷限制都达不到,而这又将导致经济过热。 www.bing.com 2. Given such a situation, governments have only two options: to address the fundamental policy issues or to further constrain growth. 如遇这样一种局势,政府只有两条路可走:不是去解决有关根本政策问题,就是限制经济的进一步增长。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Experiment results indicate that this measure is of great help to constrain the zero error and increase precision of instruments. 实验结果表明,该措施能够有效地抑制零点误差,提高仪器测量精度。 www.mct.com.cn 4. Just as you see the potential to break out of a rut, something happens to constrain your efforts. 就如你所见你的潜力会打破常规,但某些事会约束着你的成果。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. This linear concept of time, which consists of a past, present and future does not constrain the effects of your thoughts and words. 线性概念的时间包括过去、现在和未来,它不会限制你的思想和话语的效果。 www.bing.com 6. " Work habits began to constrain vacation habits , " he said . "We became more beholden to work and that drove vacation around weekends. " 他说:“在当时,工作习惯开始限制度假方式。人们更加感激工作所得,因此利用周末出游成为趋势。” www.bing.com 7. As he said on his Web site, he is keeping the multiple options to "further constrain their ability to engage in monopoly pricing. " 就像他在自己网站上说的那样,他是保持多重选择以“进一步限制他们(指这些公司)进行垄断性定价的能力”。 www.bing.com 8. After consulting the lawyer, I were capable to give the constituent some constructive suggestions or to constrain he to follow the law. 向律师询问一番后,我方才为那位选民给予了一些建设性想法,并强制他依法办事。 www.ffenglish.com 9. It must therefore constrain us simply in virtue of our rationality , and not because of any particular desires or preferences we might have. 所以它必须强迫我们只凭借理性的力量,而不是因为一些我们可能会有的特定的渴望或偏爱。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. What you can do is to constrain the x and y positions to be a function of a custom attribute, which you animate over a range. 但是可以约束x和y的位置,使之成为某个定制属性的一个函数,这个定制属性沿着一个矩形来变化。 www.ibm.com 1. You can constrain the types of logical servers to which an application can bind when defining deployment for a system. 在定义系统部署时,可以将逻辑服务器的类型限制为应用程序可以绑定的类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Greenspan said the debt will eventually constrain the U. S. economy and erode America's place on the world stage. 格林斯潘表示,国债将最终遏制美国经济的增长,影响美国在全球经济舞台的地位。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. Whether a Chinese peak after 2020 would be able to help constrain climate change within limits often regarded as "safe" is another question. 在2020年达到峰值后,中国是否能够将气候变化抑制在“安全”范围内,将又是一个问题。 www.bing.com 4. After consulting the lawyer, I was able to give the constituent some constructive suggestions and to constrain him to follow the law. 向律师请教一番后,我方才为那位选民提供了一些建设性意见,并强制他依法办事。 www.ebigear.com 5. The people who worry most about the costs of trying to constrain carbon emissions are the very ones demanding protectionist measures. 那些担心限制碳排放将带来成本问题的人正积极要求争取贸易保护主义措施。 club.topsage.com 6. We will constrain ourselves to rather static data at the moment and add flexibility during the next chapters. 虽然我们当前被静态数据束缚住了手脚,但在下一章我们将会增加一些灵活性,等着瞧吧! wiki.redsaga.com 7. A template can constrain any attribute value to be a subset of those values legally permissible in the specification being constrained. 模板可以约束任何属性值成为规范允许的合法值集的一个子集。 www.chis.com.cn 8. Constrain the type parameter to accept only a reference type, or do not use it for the optional parameter. 约束类型参数以便只接受引用类型,或者,不要为可选参数使用它。 technet.microsoft.com 9. NET homogeneous application domains constrain code to either full trust or to the named ASP. NET同类应用程序域限制为完全信任或指定的ASP。 technet.microsoft.com 10. If the code for your type or function does not otherwise constrain the types of parameters, the function or type is implicitly generic. 如果您的类型或函数的代码未以其他方式约束参数的类型,则该函数或类型将为隐式泛型。 technet.microsoft.com 1. To constrain interpolating curves to be bounded in a given region is an important issue for shape control of curves. 将插值曲线约束于给定的区域之内是曲线形状控制中的重要问题。 ceaj.org 2. An individual process may define and constrain how inputs are used to produce outputs for that Process Group. 其中,某个过程可以定义和制约该过程如何利用依据创造成果。 www.hn1c.com 3. Criticism tends to undermine and constrain the artist's creativity. 批评家总是削弱和限制艺术家的创造力。 en.eol.cn 4. Complementarities and competition among economy are the basis to determine and constrain bilateral trade and economic relations. 经济之间的互补与竞争,是决定和制约双边经贸关系发展的基础。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. This is not entirely frivolous; a strong magnetic field. for instance, can constrain electrons to move only along the field lines. 这不是完全无价值的,例如,强磁场可约束电子使之只能沿着场力线运动。 www.jukuu.com 6. Such rates will in turn constrain investment, and could ultimately slow global economic growth by as much as 1 per cent a year. 利率高企将进而抑制投资,最终可能导致全球经济增长每年放缓多达1%。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Currency reform is not just a way to constrain inflation, but also a means of redistributing spending. 货币改革不仅可以用来控制通货膨胀,也是一种重新分配财富的方法。 www.ecocn.org 8. To be directed against the problems of products design, a knowledge supported classified constrain method was put forward. 针对产品布置设计人机交互多、效率低等问题,提出一种知识支撑分级约束方法。 www.cmemo.org.cn 9. Higher reserve requirements and loan quotas constrain their ability to lend at a time when savers are piling into deposits. 准备金要求上调和贷款配额的实行,束缚了银行在储蓄大增之际的放贷能力。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Before that, ancient waters flowed wide and shallow over the land, with little to constrain them other than mountains. 在此之前,古老的水体宽而浅的流经陆地,除了山脉,几乎没有什么能限制它们的流淌。 www.bing.com 1. For these reasons, a series of guides are used to constrain the projectile as it passes across the loom. 基于上述原因,使用了一系列的导梭片,在片梭穿越梭口时,对其进行控制。 www.jukuu.com 2. It is an architecturally neutral specification of the requirements that does not over-constrain the SOA solution. 它是一个和体系结构无关的需求规范,并不过度约束SOA解决方案。 www.ibm.com 3. Most software professionals have no laws of physics, or properties of materials, to constrain their problems or solutions. 大多数软件权威不需要物理定律或者物质属性来制约他们的问题及其解决方案。 www.ibm.com 4. The two database systems support primary keys, along with key indices that allow you to speed up queries and constrain input. 这两个数据库系统都支持主键,以及支持加速查询和约束输入的键索引。 www.ibm.com 5. The patterns are designed to help guide the design process, not to constrain it in any way. 设计这些模式的目的是帮助指导设计过程,而不是以任何方式来限制它。 www.ibm.com 6. Typically, you want to constrain the record selection with a filter or parameters, perhaps sort the records, customize the SQL statement. 通常情况下,需要使用筛选器或参数来约束对记录的选择,可能还需要对记录进行排序并自定义SQL语句。 technet.microsoft.com 7. We recommend that you select reputable IP Block List providers with service level agreements ( SLAs ) that constrain the listing policies . 建议您选择具有约束列出策略的服务级别协议(SLA)的可信IP阻止列表提供程序。 www.bing.com 8. Constrain a type to be non generic by adding an explicit type annotation to a value or parameter. 通过将显式类型批注添加到值或参数,将类型约束为非泛型。 technet.microsoft.com 9. Listen on address is useful for hosts with multiple addresses (e. g. IPv4 and IPv6) as it allows you to constrain which address it uses. 监听地址对有多个地址(例如IPv4和IPv6)的主机很有用,它可以限定使用哪个地址。 www.infoq.com 10. To constrain, and a value specifying whether the constraint is a primary key. 和指定约束是否为主键的值,初始化。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. In return they must demand the right to constrain institutions' behaviour and align their risks with society's interests. 反过来,政府必然会要求有权约束机构的行为,使其风险与社会利益相符。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The fission-track dating method has been widely used to constrain the exhumation of mountains and tectono-thermal evolution of basins. 本文利用砂岩中磷灰石的裂变径迹方法,研究了伊犁盆地中生代抬升-剥露事件。 www.dictall.com 3. Rules are used to define or constrain some aspect of the business to make more intelligent decisions. 规则用于定义或限制商业的某些方面,以便制定更加明智的决策。 www.ibm.com 4. Artists should pay little attention to their critics. * Criticism tends to undermine and constrain the artist's creativity. 艺术家不必太在意他们的批评者,批评总是在破坏和压制艺术家的创造力。 bbs.gter.net 5. China instituted a one-child policy in 1979 to constrain population growth and foster prosperity for the next generation. 中国自1979年开始实行一个孩子政策,以此限制人口的增长,同时促进下一代的繁荣。 www.bing.com 6. Obviously , the base class you constrain cannot be a sealed class or a static class , and the compiler enforces that . 显然,您约束的基类不能是密封类或静态类,并且由编译器实施这一限制。 www.bing.com 7. The great destructive power of the first atomic bomb persuaded many leaders of the need to constrain that power. 第一颗原子弹的巨大杀伤力让众多领导人相信有必要限制这种力量。 www.america.gov 8. The deal is sufficiently small for the squeeze in credit markets not to constrain TPG's ability to lodge an improved counter-offer. 此项交易金额很小,信贷市场的紧缩不会限制TPG调整价位、提出还价的能力。 www.ecocn.org 9. Household debt remains very high and is expected to constrain retail spending and the housing market for some time. 家庭负债水平仍保持高位,并可能会在一段时间内限制零售和房地产市场增长。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Overcrowding and a shortage of resources constrain bug populations. 细菌过多,以及资源短缺限制了细菌的数量。 www.ecocn.org 1. A fixed or removable cylindrical metal lining used to constrain, guide, or reduce friction. 衬套,套管一种固定或可移动的圆柱形金属套管,用来压紧、引导或减小摩擦 www.jukuu.com 2. Gets or sets a comma-separated list of MIME encodings used to constrain the file types the user can select. 获取或设置用逗号分隔的MIME编码列表,该列表用于约束用户可以选择的文件类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Mr Chirac's fate may perhaps constrain politicians' sense of impunity. 希拉克的命运或许会降低政客们对免罪的预期。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A rising budget deficit could constrain the next administration. 不断扩大的预算赤字可能会束缚新政府的施政手脚。 www.bing.com 5. Significant barriers constrain efforts by governments and donors to increase spending on this input. 政府和捐款机构在增加对卫生人员的投入方面面临着巨大障碍。 www.who.int 6. Shows how to constrain type parameters to enable access to methods and properties of the types used to instantiate the generic class . 演示如何约束类型参数,以启用对用于实例化泛型类的类型的方法和属性的访问。 www.bing.com 7. Since it is a view, you can add in your predicates to constrain the output result to what you need. 由于它是一个视图,因此可以加入谓词,以限制输出结果,使之符合要求。 www.ibm.com 8. Discussion now revolves around premature tightening and, equally disturbing, new budget rules to constrain fiscal discretion in future. 现在华盛顿讨论的焦点是过早收紧政策,以及同样令人头疼的、旨在限制未来财政酌情处置权的新预算规定。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Chinese aid programs to Africa and Latin America are not limited by the institutional or human rights concerns that constrain Western aid. 中国对非洲和拉美洲的援助计划并未像西方援助一样受到制度上或人权方面的限制。 www.bing.com 10. The second iteration of the Capital Requirements Directive is expected to constrain remuneration packages for asset managers. 欧洲再次重申的《资本要求指令》(CapitalRequirementsDirective),预计将对资产管理公司的薪酬做出限制。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Finally, Query also includes the option to constrain a search to a particular container (folder or work queue). 最后,Query还包含将搜索限制在特定容器(文件夹或工作队列)的选项。 www.ibm.com 2. With constrain of resource scarcity, scientist trends to choose his optimal path rationally to obtain comprehensive interest. 在资源稀缺的约束下科学家倾向于理性地选择实现综合利益的最优路径。 www.boshuo.net 3. These achievements tell us: multiple problems that constrain progress can be overcome. 这些成就告诉我们:制约进展的多方面问题可以被克服。 www.who.int 4. The architect makes key technical decisions that constrain the overall design and implementation of the project. 架构师进行关键的技术决策,他的决策将决定项目的整体设计和实施。 www.ibm.com 5. Latency: The expected response time of component interactions is important, because it may constrain the choice of component granularity. 延迟:组件交互的预期响应时间非常重要,因为这可能会限制组件粒度的选择。 www.ibm.com 6. meanwhile, it establishes a coordinate algorithmic model based on two anchors and a connection constrain condition. 同时,建立了利用两个锚节点和一个连通限制条件的算法模型。 www.fabiao.net 7. Mixed signals to a Fed concerned that higher gas prices and food prices will constrain consumer spending. 对于市场上混杂的迹象,美联储关切的是高油价及粮食价格会限制民生消费支出。 www.bing.com 8. To deal with the partial occlusion, the shape prior is added to the updating process to constrain the curve evolution. 为了解决人脸遮档问题,将形状先验加入到演化过程中来约束曲线的演化。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Suddenly heartache is unable to constrain anymore. 忽然心痛的无法再压抑。 class.wtojob.com 10. They also can be used to constrain the variety of plane permeability during petrophysical modeling. 这些信息可以在属性模拟时约束平面渗透率变化。 ogg.pepris.com 1. If constitution fails to administer people's behaviour, nothing else can constrain citizens in a country. 如果宪法都不能控制人们的行为,一个国家的国民将无以约束。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The conventional view highlights a number of factors that might constrain financial institutions. 传统视图中突出显示多个因素,可能会限制金融机构。 fanrengu.net 3. A new algorithm, constrain-based frequent patterns mining, was developed to provide frequent pattern mining with constraints. 在频繁模式挖掘过程中能够动态改变约束的算法比较少。 www.dictall.com 4. Finally, even if the Fed is committed to low inflation and recognizes the challenges ahead, politics could constrain its policy choices. 最后,虽然美联储致力于低通胀并且意识到前面的挑战,政治可能限制它的政策选择。 www.bing.com 5. But higher capital requirements should eventually reduce the riskiness of banks, cut into their profit margins and constrain bonuses. 但是提高资本要求最后应减少银行的风险,削减他们的利润率,限制红利。 www.ecocn.org 6. Of course, no one text is going to change the world, but put together, these treatises will constrain al-Qaida's recruitment pool somewhat. 当然一篇文章改变不了世界,但是放在一起,这些文章将会在某种程度上限制基地招募的人员。 www.bing.com 7. Regulators periodically assess banks' commitments under CRA and can constrain their activities if they fail to meet their goals. 监管机构会定期评估银行履行CRA责任的情况,对于没有达标的银行,可以限制它们的活动。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Used to constrain the considered lock granularities for an index. 用于约束经过考虑的索引锁粒度。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. So protectionism is rising, often in new and innovative forms, and there is little sign that the G20 process is doing much to constrain it. 如此看来,保护主义正在抬头,且常常形式新颖;但鲜有迹象表明,G20进程在遏制这种趋势方面有多少作为。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Administrators allow their existing resources and their job descriptions to constrain their visions and actions. 行政管理者则用现有资源和职位描述来限制他们的视野和行动。 wiki.1kg.org 1. Trusted processes, in contrast, are aware of DIFC and set up the privacy and integrity controls that constrain untrusted processes. 另一方面,受信任的进程知道系统中存在DIFC,它们设立隐私及数据完整性控制来约束不受信任的进程。 www.infoq.com 2. The Internet, he says, will eventually prod China toward greater openness. No army of censors can completely constrain free expression. 他认为:互联网早晚会促使中国变得更加开放,再严格的审查也封锁不了所有的言论自由。 www.200408.com.cn 3. And last, scene understanding and object recognition strongly constrain the selection of attended locations. 最后,现场的理解和识别物体强烈制约选择参加的位置。 www.syyxw.com 4. However, this year's record volume export Brazil likely will constrain the ability of its ports to keep pace. 但是,今年由于巴西出口量达到纪录水平,其港口的吞吐能力可能难以跟上出口进程。 www.asaimchina.org 5. Assertions constrain the existence of elements and attributes and their values. 断言约束元素和属性的存在和它们的值。 www.ibm.com 6. A template can constrain the range of allowable values of a clone's attribute. 模板可以约束一个拷贝的属的允许值。 www.chis.com.cn 7. Accurate dating for volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks provided reliable data to constrain the tectonic setting for diagenesis. 火山岩和次火山岩的精确定年为准确厘定火山岩形成的时限和地球动力学背景提供了依据。 www.geojournals.cn 8. As a matter of policy, you would have thought it wise to constrain your own power within institutions. 作为一项政策,你会认为把自己的权力交由制度机构制约是明智之举。 dongxi.net 9. Overcome gender barriers that constrain agricultural productivity and reduce gender gaps. 克服制约农业生产的社会性别障碍,减少社会性别差距。 www.ccag.com.cn 10. Most object-oriented languages have constructs to constrain the visibility (or scope) of type and type-member declarations. 大多数面向对象语言都有控制类型或者类型成员可见性(作用域)声明的结构。 www.bing.com 1. And third, populists feed the widespread mistrust of Brussels and all its works, which will constrain the options available to fix the euro. 最后,平民主义者助长了人们对布鲁塞尔以及所做工作的广泛质疑,这限制了可用的拯救欧元的方案。 www.ecocn.org 2. No matter what combination of these features you use, constrain your XML wisely and have fun! 无论您使用这些特性的哪种组合,请明智地约束XML,玩得开心点! www-128.ibm.com 3. Therefore the BAO technique helps constrain cosmological parameters and provide further insight into the nature of dark energy. 因此BAO技术有助于限制宇宙学参数,并为人们提供了关于暗能量本性的更深入的了解。 www.astronomy.com.cn 4. Constrain concurrency or single-thread requests through the large message server. 通过大消息服务器限制并发性或单线程请求。 www.ibm.com 5. If everyone well, that constrain their behavior, improve their training, can also play some of the advertised role. 如果每一个人都做好了,既能约束自己的行为,提高行为修养,也能给别人起到标榜的作用。 wenwen.soso.com 6. It is within this assembly environment that you add and constrain the panel and cover parts that you created earlier. 您可以在该组合环境中加入和约束先前建立的配电板和盖零件。 kmol.cycu.org 7. Code of ethics from the perspective of ethics to constrain the relationship between business leaders and trade union behavior. 道德规范是从伦理关系的角度来约束企业领导者和职工的行为。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 8. By analyzing the camera imaging model in space, it uses the method of epipolar constrain to reducing wrong matching of corresponding points. 通过对摄像机空间几何成像模型的分析,确定了采用极线约束的方法来减少对应点的误匹配。 www.fabiao.net 9. And will stubborn price pressures constrain the marked easing of monetary policy that America's central bankers now promise? 顽固的物价压力会影响美联储当前放松银根的政策效果吗? www.ecocn.org 10. HRN: Do you think a return to the gold standard would constrain government abuse? 你认为一个标准的返回黄金将限制政府滥用? bbs.dyhjw.com 1. Finally, you constrain the cover part to the box. This process is nearly identical to the steps you took to constrain the panel part. 最后,将盖零件约束至盒子。该程序与约束配电板零件所采取的步骤大致相同。 kmol.cycu.org 2. On profitability, the smaller challengers are unlikely to make a large impact, but they will constrain the profits of other licensees. 从盈利性来说,较小的挑战者不太可能产生很大影响,但是他们会限制其他系统使用者的的利润。 www.bing.com 3. America should also stress that the TPP is meant to engage and incorporate China, rather than constrain it. 美国也应当强调,TPP想要吸引和融合中国,而不是遏制中国。 www.bing.com 4. China is in obvious danger, which is why its government has tried to constrain loans and property prices. 很显然中国处于危险之中,为此中国政府已经采取措施限制贷款和房地产价格。 www.bing.com 5. I always constrain references to roles, dates, performance, disciplinary action. 我从来都只提供职位、日期、表现、处分这些信息。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In the boom years of 2006-07 nothing, it seemed, could constrain the leveraged buy-out (LBO) industry. 在杠杆收购(LBO)行业蓬勃发展的2006-07年,看起来没有什么可以抑制它。 www.ecocn.org 7. A template can constrain the range of allowable code values for attributes valued by terminology concepts. 模板可以约束属性概念的允许代码值。 www.chis.com.cn 8. The fact that so many homeowners are sunk in negative equity will also constrain mobility. 太多的屋主陷入了负资产的事实也对流动性进行了限制。 www.ecocn.org 9. You can constrain multiple interfaces on the same generic type parameter, separated by a comma. 您可以在同一个一般类型参数上约束多个接口(彼此用逗号分隔)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. A template can constrain any data type component, including recursively-nested components. 模板可以任何数据类型成分,包括递归成分。 www.chis.com.cn 1. As we get more experience and feedback, we might find it necessary to further constrain the BSP. 随着我们更多的经历和反馈,我们可能发现进一步约束基本安全概要是必需的。 www.ibm.com 2. Since fixtures rely on contacts to constrain wor kp piece, the effect of friction should be considered. 夹具依靠与工件的接触来约束工件,必须考虑二者之间的摩擦力。 www.chemyq.com 3. Affine gap penalty scheme is widely used to constrain the number of gaps in order to gain a meaningful alignment. 为了获得有意义的比对结果,人们广泛采用仿射空位罚分策略来限制插入的空位的数目。 www.cau.edu.cn 4. First, membership and non-membership functions of object and constrain functions were defined. 首先,定义了目标函数和约束函数的隶属和非隶属函数; www.ceps.com.tw 5. Away from rap, do these linguistic aspects constrain or affect your songwriting ? 不说说唱,语言有没有制约或影响你的创作呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It is one that may constrain his ability to obtain future funds from Congress should money be needed for more bail-outs. 如果还需要向这家公司采取更多的注资的话,那么这一事件将限制奥巴马总统在今后从国会获得资金的能力。 www.ecocn.org 7. Columns, you can constrain the column to allow only single, top-level elements for each instance stored in it. 列,可以约束每列仅允许存储每个实例的单独的顶级元素。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Learned to use origin geometry to constrain parts in an assembly. 学习了如何使用原点几何图形在组合中约束零件。 kmol.cycu.org 9. Those are the bottlenecks that constrain the development of our high-level personnel building and construction of high-level universities. 这些都是制约我国高层次人才队伍建设和高水平大学建设的瓶颈。 www.lunwenxiazai.com 10. In those cases, our partnerships can become power coalitions to constrain or deter those negative actions. 在那种情况下,我们的伙伴关系会成为抑制或阻挡那些负面举动的强大同盟。 www.america.gov 1. A string of characters that constrain user input in a text control to certain input types. 一个字符串,它将文本控件中的用户输入约束为某种输入类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Financing terms may also constrain the entrepreneur's flexibility in managing the firm. 融资条款也可能会限制经营者管理公司的灵活性。 www.elanso.com 3. Holding the Shift key when performing this action will constrain the copied layer to the center of the image (figure 60). 进行该项操作时,按下Shift键不放,复制的图层将只位于最初图层的中部(图60)。 www.manfrotto.com 4. Note that policies not only constrain decisions, but may also require decisions to be made. 注意政策不仅约束决策,而且还可能要求要制定的决策。 www.ibm.com 5. Edge constrain strategy is used to reduce the search region of each feature point. 加入了边缘约束策略,减小了特征点目标搜索的区域。 www.fabiao.net 6. The Basel regime for capital adequacy does nothing to constrain credit booms. 有关资本充足率的巴塞尔(Basel)体制无助于抑制信贷繁荣。 www.ftchinese.com 7. We adopt a new train of thought to constrain the equations of state of neutron stars. 我们采用一种新思路限制了中子星状态方程。 www.boshuo.net 8. The largest facilities constrain many basic design decisions, however. 不过,最大的发电设备限制了许多基本设计的决定。 9. Lower credit ratings will constrain the ability of governments to support their economies. 信用评级下降将对政府扶持经济之能力有所牵制。 www.ecocn.org 10. In mine domain, you may speak freely, does not need too to constrain oneself! 在我的领域里,你可以畅所欲言,不用太压抑自己! tw.myblog.yahoo.com 1. Attributes constrain how many times in succession the specified entity can appear in the corresponding position in an XML instance document. 属性限制指定的实体可以连续出现在XML实例文档中的对应位置的次数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. When establishing the optimization model, the material removal rate was set as one constrain. 设计优化数学模型时,将金属去除率作为一个约束条件。 www.fabiao.net 3. Professional codes of conduct will constrain individuals. 专业行为准则将对个人进行限制。 www.kekenet.com 4. The story except the final Chinese style's complete big result, may say that entire lets me constrain. 故事除了最后的中国式的圆满大结局,可以说整个都是让我十分压抑的。 www.qqzhi.com 5. It turns out that great artists choose to constrain themselves all the time. 事实证明,伟大的艺术家总是会选择约束他们自己。 www.infoq.com 6. The narrow pulse is eliminated through restricting constrain conditions in the process of solving switching angles. 通过约束条件的限制,使求解过程自动消除了可能出现的窄脉冲; bhxb.buaa.edu.cn 7. A template can constrain the range of allowable numbers for attributes values by numbers. 模板可以约束数字的范围。 www.chis.com.cn 8. Cancelled completely transfering investment proportion limit, changed the past to constrain the corporate investment behavior. 完全取消转投资比例限制,改变过去压抑公司投资行为的做法。 www.13191.com 9. So to constrain the essence of something by its stated purpose, techniques or goals is misleading at best. 所以让政府意图、技术或目标来限制事物的精髓会让人误解。 www.bing.com 10. This also would slow the overall amount of lending and constrain rising inflation. 这也会减缓整体的放贷速度,并抑制不断加剧的通胀。 hi.baidu.com 1. The generality of parents tend to constrain their children under the misconception that their children are their properties. 由于怀有子女是他们私人财产的错误观念,绝大多数的父母倾向于压制他们的子女。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It extends the meta-model to constrain the model where the stereotype is applied. 它扩展了原型所应用的约束模型的元型。 www.ibm.com 3. "But more and more regulations should now be created by the government to constrain their behaviour overseas, " he said. 但他指出,政府现在应该制定更多的规章制度,约束它们在海外的行为。 www.ftchinese.com 4. These obstacles constrain the applications design. 这些障碍束缚了应用系统的设计。 class.wtojob.com 5. Debt levels also constrain the flexibility of fiscal policy and risk a full-scale economic crisis. 这种债务水平还限制了财政政策的灵活性,并且有可能引发全面经济危机。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Energy shortage as a bottleneck of constrain to rapid and steady development of China's national economy. 能源紧张已成为制约我国国民经济快速、稳定发展的瓶颈。 www.fabiao.net 7. A template can express a regular expression constrain on attributes valued by strings. 模板可以表达一个字符串属性的正规表达形式。 www.chis.com.cn 8. Government efforts to constrain a lending boom have put further pressure on Chinese banks. 政府限制借贷市场的努力也给中国的银行们施加了更多的压力。 www.bing.com 9. XML Schema has a QName data type that is a good choice when you want to constrain a string to be a qualified name. 当您想将一个字符串约束成限定名称时,XML模式(XMLSchema)的QName数据类型是一个好的选择。 www.ibm.com 10. You aren't just back seat driving when you constrain an expert to rules, you are invalidating their hard-won instinct and intuition. 当要求专家遵守规则的限制时,就不仅仅是坐在后面座位对司机指手画脚了,你正在对他们很少出错的本能和直觉提出质疑。 www.infoq.com 1. It is written in the XML Schema definition language to describe the structure and constrain the content of XML documents. 它是使用XML模式定义语言编写的,描述了XML文档的内容结构和约束。 www.ibm.com 2. There are other factors, of course, that may constrain the scope of a service. 当然,这其中还有其他一些因素也限制了服务的范围。 www-128.ibm.com 3. On the other, it likely doesn't want international institutions that curb its sovereignty or constrain its financial flows. 另一方面,中国大概又不想让国际监管机构干涉自己的主权,约束本国资金的流动。 bbs.enfamily.cn 4. Our method solved the problems of low level automatic and domain constrain in the deep web crawling. 我们的方法解决了现有深度网络信息爬取中自动化程度低,适用领域窄的问题。 www.fabiao.net 5. Even with low interest rates, such levels constrain the state's ability to respond to shocks. 即便日本利率水平较低,如此高的负债水平,也限制了政府应对危机的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 6. These deficiencies constrain supervision the work on file. 这些缺陷制约了立案监督工作的开展。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. This study uses geochemistry tracing to constrain on provenance of bronzes from Heying archaeological site. 本文利用地球化学示踪的方法对何郢遗址出土青铜器的铜矿料来源进行了初步研究。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. But now Germany's economic policies constrain others' freedom of manoeuvre. 但德国的经济政策现在限制了其它国家的行动自由。 www.ftchinese.com 9. You can constrain these parameters with conditions to filter the matching values. 在一些情况下你可以限制这些参数来过滤匹配的值。 www.ibm.com 10. Tightly holding my hands, he could not constrain his tears of excitement any longer. 他紧紧握住我的手,再也忍不住激动的泪水了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Using the acceptance ratio method, we studied the depletion interactions of colloids under constrain. 该项目利用先前发展的接受几率方法,研究了约束体系胶体的排空相互作用和动力学性质; www.pet2008.cn 2. People might try to constrain the unsustainable economy instead of fixing it. 人们可能会试着限制非可持续经济的发展而不是巩固它。 dialogue.iflove.com 3. Lower incomes will constrain private expenditure on health. 收入减少将限制个人卫生开支。 www.who.int 4. You enjoy writing requirements that constrain easy way out from the Programmer. 你喜欢写作要求,简便的方法限制从程序员了。 bang.chinabyte.com 5. You can filter the records to constrain which records are selected from those available. 您可筛选资料录以便从可用的资料录中条件约束要选取的资料录。 technet.microsoft.com 6. I'm not so tech-naive to constrain this performance review technique to email alone. 我不会把这种绩效审查方法仅仅用在e-mail上。 www.elanso.com 7. Most of those pledges concern the level at which countries will constrain emissions in 2020. 大部分承诺都关注于各国在2020年将要限制的排放量。 www.bing.com 8. You can constrain the types of logical servers that the zone can contain. 可以对区域可包含的逻辑服务器的类型进行约束。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. It's all puffery and nonsense that can constrain and damage the mind and a life. 谁如果说这样的生活会压抑和损伤脑力和生命力,那绝对是胡说八道。 www.xici.net 10. But the real question is: can you constrain the money and build a bigger, better instrument? 但是真正的问题是:你能用很少的钱来建造更大更好的仪器吗? www.bing.com 1. Deepwater foldbelts often have little well control to constrain predictions within them. 深水褶皱带通常很少采用井控措施来限制褶皱带内的预测。 bbs.e5zj.com 2. Without these infusions to their capital bases, banks' CARs may slip below the CBRCs required level and thus constrain them from lending. 如果得不到资金来补足资本金基础,银行的资本充足率可能会降至银监会要求的水平之下,从而妨碍它们发放贷款。 www.ftchinese.com 3. You can also constrain the types of applications that a logical server can host when deployment is defined for a system. 在定义系统部署时,还可以约束逻辑服务器可以承载的应用程序的类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. It is no use crying over spilt milk. why should I constrain? 这个意思是,覆水难收,我又何必勉强。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Now Britain has joined the tighteners and US politics constrain any further splurge in American spending. 如今,英国已加入紧缩阵营,美国政界也在遏制支出的进一步扩张。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The sanctions also marked an escalation in the 15-nation council's efforts to constrain North Korea's nuclear ambitions. 这一制裁同时标志着这一15国成员的委员会约束朝鲜核梦想的进一步努力。 www.bing.com 7. In the modern economy, the construction model of innovative city mainly constrain by the government and market force. 在现代经济条件下,创新型城市的建设模式主要受到政府和市场两种力量的制约。 www.fabiao.net 8. This can greatly improve the performance of queries that constrain and select data along one or multiple clustering dimensions. 这可极大改善从一个或多个集群维数限定并选择数据的那些查询的性能。 www.ibm.com 9. You can apply a CommandConstraint element to the ElementSet of the project if you want to constrain menu items from the project level. 如果要从项目级约束菜单项,则可以将CommandConstraint元素应用于项目的ElementSet。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Lord, forgive our unbelief, and this evening constrain us to draw largely from thy fulness and receive grace for grace. 今晚,领我们来支取祢的丰盛,并接受祢的恩典。 www.glorypress.com 1. Firstly, the formation control of the multi-robot based on constrain equation is implemented. 首先,研究了基于约束控制的分布式多机器人编队控制策略。 www.cmykl.com 2. No army of censors can completely constrain free expression. 没有任何审查大军能完全限制自由的言论表达。 www.bing.com 3. So, when comparing XML, you're going to want to formulate DTDs that constrain the documents you're comparing as closely as possible. 所以,当比较XML时,您需要阐明DTD来尽可能准确地约束正在比较的文档。 www.ibm.com 4. Facets constrain the acceptable values of simple types. 方面约束简单类型可接受的值。 class.wtojob.com 5. Generally this kind of desire cannot constrain. 一般这种愿望是压抑不住的。 huatelin.wto8.cn 6. These standards have not attempted to constrain developers unduly, but rather to offer the "one obvious way to do it. " 这些标准并没有试图过度地限制开发者,而是给开发者提供“一种明显的写文档的方法。” www.ibm.com 7. In addition, you cannot constrain System. Delegate or System. Array as a base class. 此外,您不能将System.Delegate或System.Array约束为基类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. To bind, compel, or constrain by a social, legal, or moral tie. 使负有责任或义务被社会、法律或道德约束所束缚,强制或限制 www.jukuu.com 9. You will also get IntelliSense support on the methods of interfaces you constrain. 您还将在您约束的接口的方法上获得IntelliSense支持。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. In XQuery, you can constrain a function's inputs and outputs and give them a data type. 在XQuery,可以限制函数的输入和输出并给它们赋予一个数据类型。 www.ibm.com 1. A scheduled antigovernment march was called off, while the army stepped up efforts to constrain student protests. 一场策划好的反政府游行被取消,军队加紧压制学生的抗议。 www.bing.com 2. Goals are intended to direct, guide, and constrain from above. 目标由上级以指导、引导、约束每一个雇员的工作行为。 www.glxjx.com 3. The three decisions are whether to optimize, constrain, or accept a given variable. 三个决定分别是是否优化、约束或接受给定的变量。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Within the J2EE application, you can define and name security roles and constrain resource access based on those roles. 在J2EE应用程序内,您可以基于这些角色定义和命名安全角色及约束资源访问。 www.ibm.com 5. Constrain to the viewable desktop area and force to have a status bar. 约束的可视桌面区域和力量有一个状态栏。 xjchilli.blog.163.com 6. The government denies that such policies constrain religious freedom or are especially aimed at Islam. 政府否认这种政策强迫了宗教自由或是只针对伊斯兰。 www.ecocn.org 7. Those factors will constrain the government's ability to invigorate the economy again, economists say. 经济学家说,这些因素将制约中国政府再次重振经济的能力。 cn.wsj.com 8. Right-click the column you want to constrain to unique values. 右击要约束为唯一值的列。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. If there are many ways to perform a task, but only someone correct, constrain the task to those correct ways. 如果完成某任务有很多种方式,但是只有一些是正确的,这样就限制了选择正确方式的概率。 www.uxguide.net 10. The first value, or argument, is the namespace to constrain. 第一值,或自变量,是要约束的名称空间。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Secondly, according to different unconventional conditions, five kinds of superposition and synchronization constrain solutions were given. 基于不同的“非常规”条件,构造五类具体的迭加解法及同步约束算法。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Networks constrain flow to edges, such as streets and river reaches, which join at junctions such as intersections and confluences . 网络包括流动的边如街道,河流延伸等,和这些边交点,如十字路口和交汇处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. To constrain or overcome by harassment. 抑制通过骚扰(扰乱)来约束或征服 dict.ebigear.com 4. "Lower home prices don't help jobs, because they constrain consumer spending, " notes Yale economist and housing expert Robert Shiller. “更低的房价不利于就业,因为它们限制消费者支出,”注意到耶鲁大学经济学家希勒和住房专家罗伯特。 www.englishtang.com 5. Your vulgar words will degrade yourself, so you'd better ponder over how to constrain yourself timely. 讲粗俗的话语会贬低你自己,所以最好及时想想该如何约束自己。 www.bing.com 6. The government has raised its target to 4% for 2011, implicitly acknowledging the limits of its ability to constrain prices. 北京将2011年的通胀目标上调至4%,也暗示其在控制物价上心有余而力不足。 www.bing.com 7. CAN 5 - YEAR- OLDS CONSTRAIN THEIR INDUCTIVE INFERENCE OF BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES BY USING THE CATEGORY OF LIVING THINGS? 5岁儿童对生物特征的限制性推理的实验研究? www.ilib.cn 8. In the end, I propose several advices on how to enforce constrain of level to the corporate, how to improve capital control, etc. 最后,笔者从加强负债对企业的约束作用、完善权益资本控制权、完善企业其它治理机制三个角度提出了政策性建议。 www.fabiao.net 9. Constrain yourself to work on the project to the same time every week as a routine. 强迫自己在每周固定的时间来做这个项目。 www.bing.com 10. The old methods are running out of steam, but also constrain China's ability to reform. 老办法不仅不再奏效,而且还制约着中国的改革能力。 cn.wsj.com 1. What is worse, in some cases these policies will sharply constrain future domestic consumption, just when it is needed most. 更糟糕的是,某些情况下,这些政策将在未来最需要国内消费的时候,对其构成严重制约。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In particular, it uses the framework to constrain UML 2 models according to the official specification. 特别值得一提的是,它使用框架根据官方规格说明来约束UML2模型。 www.ibm.com 3. A new smooth constrain set (SCS) was proposed by using the property of DCT transformed block edge. 根据DCT变换后块边界特性,提出了平滑约束集。 www.joca.cn 4. urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate. 促进或命令某人做某事;抑制或者激发。 dict.veduchina.com 5. As China and other powers rise economically, they will inevitably constrain America's ability to get its way in the world. 随着中国和其它强国在经济上崛起,它们势必会限制美国在世界上独行其是的能力。 www.ftchinese.com 6. These verbs mean to constrain or impel to action. 这些动词指限制或促使行动。 class.wtojob.com 7. Yet change will constrain what President Obama can actually do in 2009. 然而在2009年,发生地一些“改变”将限制奥巴马总统实际的所作所为。 www.bing.com 8. You haven't done anything yet to constrain the size of the FixedList, but this is a good start. 目前我们还没有对FixedList的大小做任何限制,但这是一个很好的开始。 www.ibm.com 9. India still has strong traditions, such as family fealty, that may constrain nouveau-riche pressures on values. 印度有着根深蒂固的传统,比如种姓制度,这就可能从观念上对暴发户有一些限制。 www.bing.com 10. XForms uses XML Schemas to constrain submitted data. XForms使用XML模式来约束所提交的数据。 www-128.ibm.com 1. The levels, of which there are 16, are essentially shortcuts to constrain different video components when compressing. 级别(通常有16个)本质上是快捷键,用于在压缩时限制不同的视频组件。 www.ibm.com 2. Further increases to bank reserve requirements make sense in order to constrain the growth of credit. 为了控制信贷增长,有理由进一步提高银行存款准备金率。 www.ftchinese.com 3. We can also constrain to a comparison with a given value. 我们也可以添加针对给定值进行比较的约束。 wiki.redsaga.com 4. "Media coverage can gradually fade out, so we need a new way to constrain the problem. " “媒体的关注会逐渐消退,所以我们需要找到一种新的方式来遏制这个问题。” www.ftchinese.com 5. You can constrain the logical server types that can host an application. 可以约束可承载应用程序的逻辑服务器的类型。 class.wtojob.com 6. Some critics will argue that we should not constrain our nuclear efforts in any way. 有些批评人士会说,我们不应该对我国核力量施加任何限制。 www.america.gov 7. Banks cannot afford it now and it will further constrain credit. 银行目前负担不起这一转变,它将进一步抑制信贷。 www.ftchinese.com 8. For example, when defining roles on a community, the asset types can be used to constrain the role. 举例来说,当定义社区中的角色时,可以使用资产类型来约束角色。 www.ibm.com 9. Land and other resources should not constrain the development of biomass as a renewable energy source for the future. 土地和其它资源应该不妨碍作为未来可更新能源的生物量的发展。 dict.veduchina.com 10. In order to generate the model of finite element analysis, it presents a quadrilateral mesh generation algorithm based on feature constrain. 鉴于有限元分析的特殊需要,提出了一种基于特征约束的四边形网格划分方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Instead Beijing needs to constrain non-wage causes of inflation, though here too the picture is mixed. 相反,北京方面应遏制非工资因素造成的通胀,不过这方面情况也很复杂。 chinese.wsj.com 2. Like many institutional investors, they may choose not to serve as board members because it can constrain their flexibility to exit quickly. 就像许多机构投资者一样,主权财富基金也许会选择不担任董事会成员职务,因为这样会限制它们快速撤资的灵活程度。 www.ftchinese.com 3. These problems not only limited private enterprise development, but also to constrain China's economic development and social progress. 这些问题不仅限制了民营企业的发展,也制约了我国经济发展与社会进步。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. Less production means higher revenues; this is why OPEC meets to discuss how to constrain oil production, not expand it. 减产意味着更高的利润,这就是为什么欧佩克会举行会议去协商如何限制而不是扩大原油生产。 kk.dongxi.net 5. Is it really necessary to constrain yourself like that? 如此控制,压抑自我真的有必要吗? 8535.blogcn.com 6. In Bahrain, for example, strategic considerations and Saudi Arabia's resistance constrain American options. 例如,在巴林,战略上的考虑和沙特阿拉伯的反抗等因素使得美国的行动蹑手蹑脚。 dooo.cc 7. The legal problems in e-contract constrain the development and the process of e-transition. 电子合同的合法性限制且约束了电子交易的发展和进行。 wenwen.soso.com 8. But what seems certain is that they will constrain the future profitability of the banking sector. 但有一点似乎可以确定:它们将限制银行业未来的盈利能力。 www.ftchinese.com 9. We should only constrain the liberty of others if what they do causes harm. 我们只能在别人的所作所为对自己造成伤害时限制其自由。 www.bing.com 10. For example, a WHERE clause can be used to constrain the data returned. 例如,WHERE子句可用来约束返回的数据。 blog.163.com 1. For example, you could constrain the HardenedIIS Web server so that it could not host Web service applications. 例如,可以对HardenedIISWeb服务器施加约束,使其不能承载Web服务应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Often, however, an analyst wants to influence the analysis interactively, for example, constrain the rules that are found. 但是,通常,分析师希望能够交互地影响分析,比如,对所找到的规则进行约束。 www.ibm.com 3. This is useful if you constrain a type parameter by one or more interfaces. 这一点在使用一个或多个接口约束类型参数时非常有用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Is used to constrain how many times an element can occur in the documents created from this schema. 用于约束一个元素可以在从该架构创建的文档中出现多少次。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In the purest sense, if we can constrain the amount of money that is available to teams, then costs will reduce. 纯粹意义上说,如果我们限定了车队能使用的金钱数量,那花费将会降低。 piece0.blogbus.com 6. He can constrain an enemy to desist from harming me, even though he has a mind to do so. 即使敌人有加害于我们的心,上帝也能管制他,使他不能伤到我们。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. constrain s. not_equal(0) # Not "s ! = 0" since we can't redefine ! = . constrains.not_equal(0)#并不是写成“s!=0”因为我们无法重定义符号! www.infoq.com 8. For example, you can constrain the types of logical servers that can host an application. 例如,可以约束可承载应用程序的逻辑服务器的类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Mr Hatoyama calls it "an idea which I want to constrain" . 鸠山先生称之为“我想要强制推行的一个主意”。 www.ecocn.org 10. Periodic Motions and Bifurcations of a Three-degree-of-freedom Vibratory System with a Rigid Constrain 三自由度单侧刚性约束振动系统的周期运动和分岔 www.ilib.cn |
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