单词 | be responsible for |
释义 |
v. answer for,vouch for,take the responsibility for,be to blame for,be liable for 例句释义: 负责,担负,对…负责,为…负责,对……负责任 1. Mr Wheatley said he is often asked whether investors should be responsible for investment decisions. 韦奕礼说,经常有人问他,投资者是否应对投资决策负责。 www.ftchinese.com 2. eg. Employees who used to be responsible for decisions, now have to run it by their boss or their colleagues. 过去愿意承担责任的员工,现在更愿意把责任推给老板或是同事。 www.bing.com 3. Later that night, I got to think about fate. That crazy concept that will not really be responsible for the course of our lives' take. 那晚,我开始思考命运这个疯狂的概念,但是这个词并不会真正对我们的生活负责。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Back in 1954, Ray Kroc was already in his 50s when he persuaded the McDonald brothers to let him be responsible for a franchising operation. 早在1954年,雷·克劳克说服麦当劳兄弟让他负责经营一家专卖店时,他已年过50。 bbs.51ielts.com 5. The upshot, when the team crunched the numbers, was that the variant form of DARC may be responsible for 11% of the African epidemic. 当小组啧啧的清点人数时,结局就是DARC的变异一些能为11%的非洲传染病的起因负责。 boboan79.blog.163.com 6. You've got to be responsible for your own action. 你要为自己的行为负责。 www.topswim.net 7. Some people might be responsible for parts of the application delivery process, but not know the nuances of the workflow overall. 有些人可能对部分程序交付进程负责,但是他们不知道总体工作流程的细微差别。 www.ibm.com 8. Attendant will also be responsible for breaking down all the equipment on the practice facility and prepare for the next days activities. 同时,学院练习场服务员要对所有练习场的设备负责,并为第二天的活动做好准备。 job.01hr.com 9. Global warming, a heated topic of today, is often taken for granted to be responsible for the harsh weather. 全球变暖是现在的热门话题,常常理所当然地被看成恶劣气候的罪魁祸首。 www.8875.org 10. A form of insurance in which a person insures property for less than its full value and agrees to be responsible for the difference. 共同保险一种担保形式,一人保证得到少于全值的财产,并同意对差值负有责任。 www.hotdic.com 1. Mike: Hey, I really think Harry ought to be responsible for fixing your car. He busted the headlight out of it when he borrowed it from you. 麦克:嘿,我确实认为哈利应当负责修好您的车。是他借用您的车子而且碰裂您车子的前灯。 www.ncut.edu.cn 2. Regardless of how much the total investment, we will be responsible for obtaining the legal approval procedures. 不论投资总额多少,我们会负责取得合法审批手续。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. He would be responsible for planning and executing the merger of Merrill's banking and trading business with that of BofA. 他将负责规划并执行美林与美国银行旗下银行和交易业务的合并。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Supplier shall be responsible for its own interpretation of any documentation and information obtained. 供货方应对其获得的任何文件和信息的理解承担责任。 www.gongkong.com 5. Don't say premier to her Jing dollar cure injury of is isn't that he hard to say, he now gush is fighting to want her to be responsible for? 先不说给她精元治伤的是不是他都很难说,他现在倒是吵着要她负责了? cnxp.tk 6. According to the contact, the company must be responsible for the result of the experiment. 按照合同规定,公司将对实验的后果负担全部责任——怎么翻? zhidao.baidu.com 7. How much are the rental fee and the management fee? Are there any other fees I would be responsible for? 这单位每月租金和管理费是多少?还有什么费用须由租客支付? bbs.translators.com.cn 8. The food industry is estimated to be responsible for a sixth of an individual's carbon emissions, and Britain may be the worst culprit. 每个人有六分之一的碳排放量和食品工业是有关系的,这种现象在英国最为典型。 www.bing.com 9. He said bloggers, just like newspaper journalists, must be responsible for what they wrote or risk facing legal action from others. 他说博客就像报纸记者一样,一定要为他们写的负责人以及面对任何法律行动。 blogazine.emuse.cc 10. And as I said, he may very well be responsible for the deaths of American soldiers in Afghanistan. 我敢说,此人极有可能要为死在阿富汗的美国大兵负责。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. To be responsible for daily maintenance of any equipment, accessories, devices under used, to ensure all of them work properly. 负责对所使用的设备、装置、附件以及实验室进行日常保养和维护,确保各种设备始终处于正常的工作状态。 tianjin.jobems.com 2. If it is possible, be responsible for maintenance of the CNC milling machine and stretch bending machine. 如果可能,负责CNC数控铣床和拉伸折弯机的设备维护保养。 www.cdworking.com 3. Seems to be responsible for the system instability. 似乎造成了系统的不稳定。 www.drados.com 4. Just as with any development project, people must be responsible for the quality of the code and for getting reviews when necessary. 就像任何开发项目一样,人们必须对代码的质量负责,并在必要的时候进行审核。 www.ibm.com 5. Many countries began to ask manufacturers to be responsible for the life cycle of products, especially the recovery of waste products. 许多国家开始要求生产企业对产品生命周期全过程负责,尤其是废旧物品的回收。 www.zidir.com 6. I shall be responsible for the cost of the applicant's repatriation and maintenance pending such repatriation, if necessary. 如果情况需要,我将要承担申请者的遣返以及遣返判决前的一切费用。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Party B shall be responsible for the installation and debugging of the equipment with its own tools and measuring tools needed. 乙方负责安装、调试设备,并自带安装调试用的工具和量具。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. One of the most challenging problems of today's society is the question of who should be responsible for our elderly. 当今社会最复杂的问题之一是:谁该对我们的老年人负责。 hi.baidu.com 9. Only if it belongs to the insurance obligation field, the company should be responsible for the compensation. 只要是在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。 bbs.5i5i.cn 10. The General Manager shall be responsible for formulating the marketing policy and strategy of the Company for approval by the Board. 总经理应负责制订合营公司的营销政策及策略,并报请董事会批准。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. she talked about how important it was to stand on your own two feet and be responsible for your own acts. 她谈论脚踏实地和对自己行为负责的重要性。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. People expect you to be responsible for teaching, working on an entertainment project, or dealing with young people or children. 人们期待你成为教育工作旳负责人,从事娱乐项目,或者有关年轻人或孩子们旳工作。 d.yk173.com 3. Be responsible for controlling the developing direction of the company and establish the holistic developing strategic planning. 负责把握公司发展方向,制定公司的整体发展战略规划。 www.u3w.com 4. Hundreds of compounds, including antioxidants, seem to be responsible for coffee's many protective benefits. 咖啡中含有包括抗氧化物在内的上百种化合物,这似乎就是咖啡有益于健康的原因。 www.bing.com 5. Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection was thought to be responsible for acute hepatitis that did not become chronic. 过去认为戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染可以导致急性肝炎,但是并不会变为慢性。 www.otxchina.com 6. Murdoch said the bugging scandal of the things he should not be responsible for his trust in those who should be held accountable. 默多克称,窃听丑闻之事不应由他来负责,他信任的那些人应该承担责任。 www.englishtang.com 7. Either Sally must be responsible for the matter or we'll be (responsible for the matter). 或者赛丽对此事负责,或者由我们来承担责任。 www.kekenet.com 8. Her mother may also be responsible for Miley's over-sexualized transformation in both her professional and personal life in the past year. 她妈妈也许也应该为麦莉在过去两年里个人生活中和正式工作场合中的形象过于性感而负点责了! tieba.baidu.com 9. "I can't be responsible for all of Hollywood, but I can certainly be responsible for my own career, " she said. “我不可能为整个好莱坞负责,但我绝对可以为我自己的职业生涯负责,”她说道。 www.bing.com 10. If the salved party failed to do so, they shall be responsible for the result to which the salvor has no fault. 如未及时接受,被救助方应对非属救助方过失造成的后果负责。 news.9ask.cn 1. I expect you to be responsible for yours too, even if I disagree with what you decide. 我希望你也为你的选择负责,即使我不赞成你的决定。 dongxi.net 2. Instead of assigning part of a task, let staff be responsible for the whole task from beginning to end to produce a visible outcome. 不要指派员工担任部分工作,应让他们由始至终负责整项工作,直至得出结果。 www.csb.gov.hk 3. in-depth study of key partner, be responsible for negotiation of potential business cooperation projects, promoting the company's products. 深入研究重点合作伙伴,负责对潜在合作项目进行商务谈判、对公司产品进行推广; www.010so.com 4. According to what he said, Linda should be responsible for the case. 根据他所说的,琳达应该为此事负责。 www3.060s.com 5. The Shanghai Sewerage Project Construction Company(hereinafter referred to as the Employer)will in no case be responsible for those costs. 上海市污水治理工程建设公司(以下称业主)在任何情况下将不承担这些费用。 jpkc.wzu.edu.cn 6. They also help the companies to improve their public reputations at a time when business is widely held to be responsible for the downturn. 在人们普遍认为商业应该为经济低迷负责的时候,这些措施还帮助企业改善了公共关系。 www.ftchinese.com 7. To be responsible for the work of the State Work Safety Technology Committee (now known as Expert Team). 负责国家安全生产技术委员会(现为专家组)工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Department heads should be responsible for the evaluation of staff performance and the preparation for the next day's work. 部门经理做好员工工作评估。准备第二天工作的范围。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. 'If there was some sort of problem, then we couldn't be responsible for it. ' says Ms. Tahara. “如果发生什么问题,我们无法对此负责。”田原说。 www.rr365.com 10. Officials also say a woman may be responsible for a second attack in the northern part of the country. 并宣称可能一名女人应为国北部另一起该袭击负责。 bbs.putclub.com 1. Trauma can be responsible for cruciate injuries, although the trauma may not always be observed by the owner. 外伤可以伤害负责十字,虽然不一定是创伤业主观察到。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. IV. The Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau shall be responsible for the interpretation of the specific application of these Provisions. 本规定的具体应用问题,由市医疗保险局负责解释。 www.kuenglish.info 3. The charterer shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the ship during the bareboat charter period. 第一百四十七条在光船租赁期间,承租人负责船舶的保养、维修。 www.juyy.net 4. Where any customs operations are involved, the General Administration of Customs shall be responsible for the interpretation. 涉及海关业务的,由海关总署负责解释。 www.yanmon.com 5. More importantly, my mom taught me through this how to think, how to make wise decisions and how to be responsible for my own actions. 最重要的是,通过这件事,妈妈教会了我如何去思考,如何去做智慧的决定,并且如何为自己的行为负责。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Bank shall not be responsible for any delay in remittance or loss in exchange during transmission or in the course of collection. 银行无需对传输或托收过程中发生的汇款延迟或汇价损失负责。 www.kuenglish.info 7. The bank which issues the related cheque book should be responsible for reporting and filing the legal document about the illegal behavior. 报告签发空头支票违规行为、代为送达有关法律文书由出票人开户银行负责等; www.cwcccpa.com 8. Be responsible for registration, alteration, annual audit and cancellation of the company important licenses and certificates. 负责公司重要执照和证件的注册、变更、年检和注销。 jobs.zhaopin.com 9. Similarly, we cannot be responsible for the policies and practices of any site from which you linked to our Web site. 同样,如果您从任何其它网站连接到本网站,我们也不能对那个网站的政策和做法负责。 www.tdict.com 10. If a woman hasn't chosen actively, she must be responsible for her final embarrassed situation. 若女性未能积极主动地选择,她就该为自己最终尴尬的处境负责。 www.tdict.com 1. Some cancer cells are able to synthesize components of basement membrane, which may be responsible for the invasive activity of tumor cells. 癌细胞具有产生基底膜样物质的能力,可能与肿瘤细胞的浸润活性有关。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 2. "people-oriented" idea of the social information communication requests the "communicator" to be responsible for the communication. 我国“以人为本”的社会信息传播理念要求“传者”为其社会信息传播负责。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. As a fundraiser, you would be responsible for raising as much money as possible for your charity. 作为一个筹款活动,您将负责筹集的钱尽可能为您的慈善事业。 www.mianshiba.cn 4. To be responsible for the party-masses work of Administration and its directly affiliated institutions. 负责局机关及直属单位的党群工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. If mitochondria are the architects of aging, they may also be responsible for some of the most notorious afflictions of old age. 如果是线粒体导致老化,那么它们也可能与某些最常见的老年疾病有关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Be responsible for the company finance budget, cost check, the financial report, tax administration declare, masterly machine-readable turn. 负责公司财务预算、成本核算、财务报表、税务申报,熟练电算化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Others believe the general manager or even the concierge should be responsible for developing and executing social media strategies. 其他人则认为应该由总经理甚至或是行李房来负责发展和执行社会媒体策略。 www.bing.com 8. We will not be responsible for provision of any hardware or software licensing for carrying out the said services provided by you. 我方不负责提供任你方为进行本合同所述服务而必须的硬件或软件许可。 www.tiantianbt.com 9. That's why the company takes the whole sum at the very beginning and promises to be responsible for its client. 这就是为什么公司要在一开始就收取全部的费用并保证为客户负责。 www.bing.com 10. Real-Time Asset Locator will be responsible for interpreting the button event and map it to a change in state of an asset. Real-TimeAssetLocator将负责解释这个按钮事件并将其映射到一个资产状态更改。 www.ibm.com 1. Article 3 The general office of the Ministry shall be responsible for the centralized administration of the Ministry's exhibition affairs. 第三条部办公厅负责归口管理信息产业部的展览工作。 www.lawinfochina.com 2. The Manufacturing Technician may be responsible for the buddy, trainer, and certifier levels and is in charge of updating training manuals. 制造技术员可负责的同事,教练和验证水平,并管理上岗培训的人力。 wenwen.soso.com 3. In an official statement, GAZ said it would be responsible for manufacturing Opel passenger cars at its Nizhny Novgorod plant. 在一份正式声明中,嘎斯表示,将负责生产欧宝轿车在其下诺夫哥罗德植物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. She devoted herself to the fight and was appointed to be responsible for the promotion work by the student union. 她投身于斗争中,并被学生会任命负责宣传工作。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. They should be responsible for planning and carrying out the financial policies of the company. 他们要对公司的财务政策的计划与执行负责。 llang.net.cn 6. I am to blame, too. It is I that made the last decision. You need't be responsible for the matter. 我也有责任,是我做出的最后决定,你不用为这事烦恼。 blog.163.com 7. Remember this cardinal rule: you can't make anyone do anything. You can only be responsible for your own behavior. 请记住这条首要准则:你不能让任何人做任何事,你只能对自己的行为负责。 www.jukuu.com 8. The State Copyright Administration shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations. 本规定由国家版权局负责解释。 www.jukuu.com 9. The Club supervisor will be responsible for the running of the business and day-to-day operations in the absence of the general manager. 会所总经理不在的时候,会所的主管将负责会所的运营和每天的营运。 www.jobui.com 10. All children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult to supervise their behavior and be responsible for their safety. 12岁以下儿童必须在对其安全和行为负责的成人陪同下方可游戏。 wenku.baidu.com 1. To be responsible for the translation as well as review and verification of important external documents of the Commission. 负责银监会重要对外文件的翻译及审核工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. the Employer shall not be responsible for any claims which may arise from the use or otherwise of any access route. 雇主不应对由于任何进场通路的使用或其他原因引起的索赔负责。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In that event, you could be responsible for the potential losses of your shareholders. 如果出现这种情况,你们应对给你们股东带来的潜在损失负责。 www.bing.com 4. Units or individuals using land shall be responsible for the protection, management and a rational use of the land. 使用土地的单位和个人,有保护、管理和合理利用土地的义务。 www.hjenglish.com 5. Open an account in the child's name. Let him have his own passbook and be responsible for it. 用孩子的名义开个账户,让他有自己的存折并对它负责。 www.yylj.info 6. The competent labor administrative institution under the State Council shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations . 第十七条本规定由国务院劳动行政主管部门负责解释。 www.bing.com 7. When you made a mistake, don't look for anyone else to be responsible for that; you are the only one who is responsible. 当你犯了一个错误,不要去找别人对其负责:你是唯一负责的人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. So it seems that exhaustion at the time of testing may be responsible for the results, not memory consolidation during sleep. 因而,似乎是受试者受试时的疲劳度在影响实验结果,而非睡眠对记忆的强化作用。 www.bing.com 9. Be responsible for implementation of directives and policies on safety, health and environment as required by the company system. 按照公司要求,负责安全、健康及环境政策及指令的落实及完成。 www.sndhr.com 10. We usually design the label ourselves. You know we should be responsible for the brand labels of our goods. 恐怕不行,我们通常自己设计标签,你知道我们必须为我们自己品牌的商标负责。 www.ebigear.com 1. You could be responsible for food supplies and preparation, organizing neighborhood watch meetings, interpreting, etc. 你可以负责的食物供给和准备,组织邻里相助会议,翻译等。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Each Party shall be responsible for its employees', contractors' and Subsidiaries' adherence to the terms of this Agreement. 任何一方应当按照此协议中的相关条款对他的员工、合同方和附属机构负责。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. To be responsible for the building of Party organizations and political ideology, and manage the employment forces' building. 负责国家铁路系统党的建设和思想政治工作,管理职工队伍建设。 www.prcgov.org 4. If the defect of product causes losses in property of the victims, the party shall be responsible for restoring or compensating for it. 因产品存在缺陷造成受害人财产损失的,侵害人应当恢复原状或者折价赔偿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Our duty is to be responsible for people -----please let me have a few more to choose. 我们的责任是向人民负责---你就多拿几种让我挑挑吧。 www.englishdata.cn 6. Be responsible for the interior design, to match with the accurate budget of the company engineering item. 负责室内设计,以配合公司工程项目准确预算。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Oneself participate the company "the DSP function occurrence machine" to develop a work, be responsible for the design of control panel. 本人参与公司“DSP函数发生器”的研制工作,负责控制面板的设计。 www.2wenda.net 8. If it does not, who will be responsible for performing backup and recovery operations, and how will the individuals be trained? 如果没有,那么谁负责执行备份和恢复操作,他们如何进行培训? msdn2.microsoft.com 9. to be responsible for the annual examination, register transfer, paying bills and transact relative certifications of the vehicles. 负责车辆年检、过户、缴费及各类证明等有关手续的办理。 bj.zhaopinxinxi.com 10. To be responsible for all the human resources activities, including: recruitment, training, performance, salary, etc. 负责公司所有人力资源活动,包括招聘、培训、考核、工资等。 www.lietou.com 1. to be responsible for meeting the order intake and sales target set by the company. 负责承接订单并满足公司的销售目标。 www.jobp2p.com 2. Be responsible for assisting the company's Chief Financial Officer (Filipino) handling daily affairs of the company. 负责协助公司的财务总监(菲律宾人)处理公司日常事务。 www.kshr.com.cn 3. It seems to be your fault, even if the teacher would claim to be responsible for the loss. 似乎是你的错,尽管这位老师愿意为由此造成的损失承担责任。 www.9146.cn 4. Auditing project plan and arrange the priority of the projects . Be responsible for the general project plan. 审核公司项目工程计划,协调各项目的优先顺序,对公司的总体项目计划负责。 www.bing.com 5. Be responsible for selecting, monitoring and auditing suppliers of each commodity in terms of QCD philosophy. 供应商的选择;根据QCD标准监督和审核供应商生产的产品; shangrao.01hrjiangxi.com 6. You shall be responsible for any claims or actions made against you in respect of messages and materials posted or sent by you to the Forum. 您将对任何针对关于您在本论坛中张贴或发送的讯息和材料所产生的赔偿或法律行动负责。 www.fundsupermart.com 7. These aberrations may be responsible for the diverse biological behaviour of these different tumour types. (染色体)畸变(的不同)可能是这些不同类型肿瘤生物学行为各异的原因。 news.dxy.cn 8. What exactly in our brains, though, might be responsible for such a behavior? 我们大脑中到底是什么控制这样的行为呢? www.bing.com 9. To be responsible for contacting and cooperating with Customer and its representatives during project executive period. 负责在项目执行期间与顾客的沟通联系。 www.jobui.com 10. Just like the Federal Reserve, it should be responsible for maintaining a sound banking system and stable capital markets. 和美联储一样,它应该负责维护银行业体系的健康和资本市场的稳定。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I will be responsible for the vision that this team carries out and I expect them to implement that vision once decisions are made. 我负责这个团队要达到的目标,一旦作出决定,我期待我的团队成员们去实现这些目标。 www.ebigear.com 2. About half of these cases are familial, though a variety of different genes may be responsible for this disease. 虽然有大约一半的病例是家族性的,但是引起本病可能是多个基因改变所致。 www.binglixue.com 3. To be responsible for the cadre's education and training and intelligence importation of the Commission and affiliated institutions. 负责机关及本系统干部教育培训和智力引进工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The supplier shall be responsible for the system integration and ensure the system can work properly to meet the requirement. 供应商负责系统集成,主机及附件能够正常工作,达到供货技术要求。 www.caigou.com.cn 5. Security transparent code should not be responsible for verifying the security of an operation, and therefore should not demand permissions. 安全透明代码不应负责验证某个操作的安全,因此不应要求权限。 technet.microsoft.com 6. To be responsible for the statistical work of occupational health in workplaces, put forward related statistical and analytical reports. 负责作业场所职业卫生统计工作,定期提出统计分析报告。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Organizational Structure : To be responsible for the establishments, function allocation, personnel quota and human resources plan of CAPC. 组织结构:负责公司的建立、职能配置、职工定员、人力资源计划。 search.chenhr.com 8. eg. While it's long, it's a great summary of the debate about who should be responsible for social media in an organisational context. 信虽然很长,但的确是一个很好的总结,一个关于谁有责任在一个组织中充当媒介的思考。 www.bing.com 9. Media reports have also speculated Kim s health or disagreements over a reshuffle of the power structure could be responsible for the delay. 媒体报道还推测,金正日的健康问题或因权力结构改组引发的分歧也有可能是造成延误的原因。 www.tryjohn.com 10. to be responsible for the issuance and administration of the occupational health safety permits and report of occupational hazards. 负责职业卫生安全许可证颁发管理工作和负责职业危害申报工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Activin A might not be responsible for the number of eggs ovulated of goats. The main effect of ACT A may be extention of follicular stage. 推测ACTA主要作用可能是延长卵泡期,对于山羊排卵个数的影响不起主导作用。 www.ebiotrade.com 2. Be responsible for the lift area, ground floor area. Control the flow of traffic; interact with customers at all times. 负责客梯区域和一楼及四楼大堂区域。控制往来人流,时刻与客人保持互动。 job.veryeast.cn 3. While services may be outsourced, the organization shall be responsible for the subcontracted services, including technical leadership. 当这些服务被分包时,组织必须对分包服务负责,包括提供技术指导。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. You must ensure that there is no unnecessary overlapping with other staff who would be responsible for your duties while you are on holiday. 你必须确保没有其他的员工不必要的重叠在一起,谁来负责为你的职责,而你在度假。 sh.iyaya.com 5. shall be responsible for the exact of these details installation before and after filling embedded concrete. 投标商在灌注掩埋的混凝土前后,都要对准确安装这些细部负责。 www.1x1y.com.cn 6. Being an upright person, you should have the sense of duty. Be responsible for your teacher, for your parents, and above all for yourself. 做人要有责任感,对老师负责,对家长负责,最重要的是对自己负责。 www.360doc.com 7. to be responsible for the building and administration of the information facilities. 负责信息设备的建设和管理。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Management will be responsible FOR prompt and confidential processing of any incident reported hereunder. 若发生此类案件申诉,公司将立即采取机密的行动。 dict.ebigear.com 9. The Night Manager will be responsible for the entire hotel and act on behalf of the General Manager during this time frame. 夜班经理还将在这个时间段内负责整个酒店并代表总经理行使权力。 job.veryeast.cn 10. Article 4 A Financial Manager shall be responsible for the finance and accounting management of the company. 第四条、本公司设财务经理一名,负责本公司财务会计的管理。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. International students should be responsible for any expenses on medical care or hospitalization if they do not buy the insurance. 对于没有医疗保险的留学生,在校学习期间发生了意外或病痛,一切责任由其人负责。 2. Be responsible for correcting measurement tools used for inspection during production. 有责任检查生产过程中使用的测量和试验仪器是否准确、正常和已校正。 www.01job.cn 3. Be responsible for implementing the company's annual financial budget, examining and analyzing the budget performance. 第二条负责编制与落实公司的年度财务预算,检查、分析预算执行情况。 jobs.zhaopin.com 4. He shall appoint department managers as appropriate to be responsible for the work of their respective departments. 总经理委派其认为合适的部门经理负责各个部门工作。 test.binvor.com 5. At least have one safety staff specially be responsible for the safety of all employees , to check through the process . 在项目实施过程中进行监督检查,有专人负责项目的安全工作。 www.bing.com 6. Although there is no censorship of the press in Britain, all newspapers have to be responsible for what they publish. 尽管英国没有新闻审查制度,但新闻报刊必须对自己的出版物负责。 eng.hzu.edu.cn 7. To be responsible for the administration, supervision and inspection of government procurement of the Ministry. 负责农业部政府采购管理及监督检查工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. To be responsible for cooperating with Bombardier Transportation Engineering, to work out suitable solution for specific project. 负责与庞巴迪技术部门合作,共同针对特定项目提出适应性解决方案; www.lietou.com 9. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of disease. 许多初为人父母者都有点过份紧张,常谨重地告诫小孩们不要接近污垢,因为可能会致病。 www.qdhyg.com 10. to be responsible for the guidance and supervision of the state-owned assets and financial affairs of attached associations. 负责指导、监管所联系协会的国有资产和财务等工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. to be responsible for the management of nuclear safety, radiation environment and radioactive wastes and supervise the pollution prevention. 负责核安全、辐射环境、放射性废物的管理及污染防治的监督。 www.prcgov.org 2. Another solution is to let your partner be responsible for all the decisions concerning your sexual direction. 另一个办法是让你的另一半监督你通过自己的爱情取向而做出的所有决定。 www.05133.com 3. To be responsible for the formulation of the reform plan of prefectural housing system; to organize and implement the plans after review. 负责制订全州住房制度改革方案,经批准后组织实施。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Each Party shall be responsible for the personal injury of its own personnel and bear the relevant Expenses. 发包人或承包人人员伤亡由其所在单位负责,并承担相应费用。 bbs.e5zj.com 5. Be responsible for the application of purchasing charge according to the purchasing contract and the financial regulations of the company. 根据采购合同和公司的财务制度,负责申请采购费用。 jobs.zhaopin.com 6. The direction of Iran or Russia in the end the NATO anti-missile system should be responsible for obvious differences between the two sides. 伊朗方向到底应由北约或是俄罗斯反导系统负责,双方存在明显分歧。 www.englishtang.com 7. To be responsible for the statistics of the rural township enterprises, monitor and analyze their economic operations. 负责乡镇企业统计工作,监测、分析乡镇企业经济运行情况。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. To be responsible for the daily administration of the leadership and leading cadres of related financial institutions. 负责有关金融机构领导班子和领导干部的日常管理工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. The competent FORest authorities at various levels shall be responsible FOR the organization of the work of FORest insect pest prevention. 各级林业主管部门负责组织森林病虫害防治工作 dict.ebigear.com 10. Get a feel for the implementation, even if you are not going to be responsible for it. 即使不负责进行实现,也要考虑到实现时的情况。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Under all situations, we have to be respectful to others, be responsible for our obligations, and resolve our own problems with wisdom. 任何状况下,对人要尊重,对事要负责,对自己要有智慧。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It would also be responsible for delivering the land in developable condition. 上海还负责交付达到可开发条件的土地。 www.bing.com 3. To be responsible for the daily supervision of the restaurant, concentrating on service procedure and quality of product. 负责餐厅的日常管理,主要是服务程序和产品质量方面的管理。 www.edeng.cn 4. Be responsible for the inventory work of each item; make sure that the accounts be consistent with the fact. 第八条负责组织完成各项盘点工作,做到账实相符。 www.job592.com 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy, stability and safety of all Site operations and of all methods of construction. 承包商应对所有现场作业和施工方法的完备性、稳定性和安全性负责。 horseke.blog.163.com 6. The activities of invertase at the early stage influenced by bagging may be responsible for the accumulation of sugar in the bagged fruit. 套袋可能主要是通过影响果实发育早期转化酶活性来影响果实糖分积累。 terms.shengwuquan.com 7. To be responsible for the contact of the local tax administration, public finance etc the related exterior organization. 负责当地税务、财政、外管局及相关外部机构的联系。 www.showxiu.com 8. Following Wehrmacht troops into Ukraine, the Einsatzgruppen would be responsible for liquidating political and racial undesirables. 特别行动部队跟着纳粹国防军进入乌克兰,他们的任务是扫清不利的政治和种族势力。 www.bing.com 9. Mr Abe hinted at the tough battle ahead, saying he would be "responsible for the cabinet" . 安倍暗示修宪并非易事,但表示将“对内阁负责”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Sorry, the handle of your bag is broken. Please sign your name here. The airlines will not be responsible for damage or breakage. 对不起,您的行李把手已损坏,请在此处签名,证明航空公司对您行李已有的损坏不负赔偿责任。 blog.csdn.net 1. The securities rating organizations shall be responsible for the impersonality , impartiality and punctuality of the rating result. 证券资信评级机构对评级结果的客观、公正和及时性承担责任。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The freedom is not the freedom of action, but rather, freedom to be responsible for one's own actions. 自由不是行为的自由,而是对每个人行为负责的自由。 www.tjhot.com 3. The Bank shall be responsible for the damage caused by hacker's invasion into the bank's computer or related equipments. 骇客入侵银行之电脑或相关设备者所发生之损害,由贵行负担。 www.b2bank.com.tw 4. The Master shall be responsible for the management and navigation of the ship. 第三十五条船长负责船舶的管理和驾驶。 www.chinalawedu.com 5. This position would be responsible for the product sales growth and profitability within a designated region. 该职位将负责在指定区域内商品的销售增长及利润收益。 www.haoqiantu.cn 6. To coordinate and guide prefectural foreign affairs and communication; to be responsible for foreign affairs involved prefectural leaders. 协调指导全州外事活动和对外友好交往;承办州级领导对外交往事宜。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. The Ministry of Finance and the State Tax Bureau shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Rules . 第一百一十三条本细则由财政部、国家税务局负责解释。 www.bing.com 8. to be responsible for the building of information network system for budget administration. 负责指导预算管理信息网络体系的建设等。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Also be responsible for plant instrument operation management and tracking record including spares fulfillment after normal operation. 正常运行后负责装置各类仪表运行情况的管理和跟踪记录包括备件的落实情况。 sh.jobems.com 10. The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions. 八、本规定由财政部负责解释。 www.bing.com 1. The Airport Group Company must be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the facilities of the airport enclosure. 机场的围界设施由机场集团公司负责设置和维修。 www.lawyee.org 2. To be responsible for the major news release, organize and examine interviews of the Ministry leaders and major news drafts. 负责部重大新闻发布,组织和审定采访部领导的重要新闻稿件。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. To be responsible for the administration and training of carders of the Information Office departments and directly affiliated institutions. 负责本机关和下属单位的干部管理和培训工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In Iceland and Ireland, the public does not readily understand why it should be responsible for the follies of financiers. 在冰岛和爱尔兰,公众很难理解自己为什么应对金融家们的愚蠢行为负责。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Your organization should be responsible for the safety and discipline of the public during the programme. 申请机构须负责公众在参加活动时之安全及秩序。 www.epd.gov.hk 6. She will also be responsible for the brand identity of ADAM Software, based on the company's vision and brand values. 她还将负责ADAM的软件,品牌对公司的愿景和品牌价值为基础的身份。 bzxw.512121.com 7. The State Tax Bureau shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Provisions. 第十五条本规定由国家税务局负责解释。 cq.netsh.com 8. His unit has since hacked into dozens of sites and is thought to be responsible for the arrests of hundreds of Iranians. 自那以后,他的部队闯入了许多站点,并被认为对数以百计伊朗人之被逮负责。 www.ecocn.org 9. Please try to be responsible for your patients and don't be blinded by profits. 对你的患者负责,不要被利益遮住了眼。 yayan123.com 10. The Company shall not be responsible for any non-Company related income you may receive in or outside China. 公司为任何的非公司的相关收入将不是有责任的你可能接受在或在中国以外。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. to be responsible for and organize the classification and research on the applications of the invention, and practical and new patents. 负责和组织发明、实用新型专利申请的分类及研究工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. In primates, the neocortex appears to be responsible for an enhanced capacity to predict others' behaviour. 在灵长类中,对其他动物下一步行动预判能力的提升便大大得益于大脑新皮层的作用。 www.bing.com 3. The Ministry of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Criteria . 第六十五条本准则由财政部负责解释。 www.bing.com 4. To coordinate and guide provincial foreign affairs and communication; to be responsible for foreign affairs involved provincial leaders. 协调指导全省外事活动和对外友好交往;承办省级领导对外交往事宜。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Assists the Inside Sales Officer to be responsible for customs declaration, export commodity inspection and inland freight arrangements. 协助内部销售员负责出口检疫、报关及内陆运输。 www.jobui.com 6. The political departments of the army forces shall be responsible for the administration of reserve officers in their respective forces. 军兵种政治部负责军兵种部队预备役军官的有关管理工作。 www.lawinfochina.com 7. To be responsible for the indirect production material control, total cost control , To control and maintain the stationery for shop floor. 负责非原料性材料的控制,总成本控制,控制和保证车间文具用。 www.606job.com 8. Supply and maintain the lighting or other facilities used in daytime, and be responsible for safety guard. 提供和维修非夜间施工使用的照明或其它设施,并负责安全保卫。 bbs.e5zj.com 9. to be responsible for drafting the local laws, regulations and regarding municipal agriculture, furthermore, to organize and implement them. 负责起草本市有关农业方面的地方性法规、规章草案,并组织实施。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Grain size refinement by dynamic recovery and recrystallization is thought to be responsible for the formation of foliated fault locks. 由动态恢复和动态重结晶控制的矿物颗粒的细粒化被认为是产生这些片理化断层岩的原因。 www.dictall.com 1. Each department or bureau shall be responsible for its own work on electronic supervision and administration of information disclosure. 各司局负责本单位的信息公开电子监察管理工作; www.lawinfochina.com 2. In case any inconsistency occurs, we would be responsible for all legal liabilities, and for any consequences involved. 如有不实之处,我单位愿承担法律责任,及由此造成的一切后果。 www.e-to-china.com 3. The Owenses through their attorneys said that Mark Owens could not be responsible for what the scouts did because he did not command them. 欧文斯夫妇通过他们的律师圣扎迦利说,马克?欧文斯不能为巡防队的行为负责,因为他并未控制他们。 www.bing.com 4. The head of a business unit shall be responsible for all risk management matters in the unit under management. 业务单位主管总承其所属单位的全部风险管理事宜。 www.cntranslators.com 5. Neither wants to be responsible for breaking up the coalition, for fear of something worse. 任何一方都不想为打破这种联合负责任,因为他们担心事情会变的更糟糕。 www.ecocn.org 6. Be responsible for the installation, maintenance, repairing and instruction on operation of the hotel computers. 负责饭店所有电脑的安装、维护、定期保养和指导操作。 www.6eat.com 7. If you need to confirm the ink when you order 3KG 1KG I will make up to you, for me to be responsible for shipping. 如果确认是你需要的油墨在你订购3KG的时候我会补上1KG给你,运费由我来负责。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Be responsible for IT system programming of the section, build up and maintain IT system including software and hardware. 负责部门的IT系统规划,和公司IT部门工作,建立并维护部门IT系统(含软件和硬件)。 www.gao8dou.com 9. To be responsible for the reception of foreign visitors; to guide and coordinate prefectural works regarding foreign protocol. 负责组织接待来访重要外宾;指导和协调全州涉外礼宾工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Researchers from Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan suggest that the antioxidant catechins may be responsible for the protective effects. 日本福冈九州大学的研究人员提出,抗氧化剂——儿茶素可以起到保护牙龈的作用。 www.bing.com 1. Although the supervisor said he needn't be responsible for the result , John still exhibited signs of stress . 尽管督查员说约翰不必为此事负责,他还是显现出承受压力的迹象。 www.bing.com 2. R. China. In principle, an occupier of a thing, instead of its owner, should be responsible for the damage caused by the thing. 关于物的行为致害时的责任人,作为一般原则,应当让物的占有者,而不是其所有者承担责任。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. To be responsible for party-masses relations of CNTA and its organizations directly affiliated in Beijing. 负责机关和在京直属单位的党群工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs shall be responsible for interpretation of this announcement. 六、商务部、海关总署负责对本公告的解释。 www.bing.com 5. And my wife will take the children and be responsible for them so that I can be left free. 和我的妻子会带着孩子,并为他们负责,这样我可以无牵无挂。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The seller needs to be responsible for supporting the buyer's daily operation and technical enquiry about the system. 负责为该通信系统的日常运行和维护提供技术咨询服务。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. However, you will be responsible for any interest that is applied to your taxes as a result of such a plan. 然而,这个偿还计划导致的结果就是你必须根据所欠税额支付利息。 www.bing.com 8. In case of terminate the contract in advance caused by Party B, he shall pay the total rent and be responsible for related expenses. 在合同期内因乙方原因提前终止合同,乙方须首先付清实际租赁期间的相关费用并赔偿相关费用。 www.shljl.cn 9. From now on, you can be responsible for scheduling. That means that if you can`t find someone to cover a shift, you`ll have to do it. 这听起来很合理.要不这样吧.从现在开始.值班安排由你负责.那就是说.如果有人不能值班你就得自己来值。 www.bing.com 10. This the twenty-first standard by the China Certification and Accreditation Association shall be responsible for the interpretation of. 第二十一条本规范由中国认证认可协会负责解释。 www.cnqr.org 1. GE's "ecomagination" strategy of creating environmentally friendly products is said to be responsible for $18 billion in annual revenues. 比方说GE公司通过绿色创想(ecomagination)战略创造的环境友好型产品,据说这些产品每年销售收入可以达到180亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 2. Colleges should be responsible for education, training and assessment of good quality family medicine practice. 学院应该负责教育、训练和评价良好质量家庭医学服务。 terms.shengwuquan.com 3. The Office of Student Affairs shall be responsible for guidance in personal and insurance matters of foreign students. 生活辅导与保险事宜,则由学生事务处办理。 www.cyut.edu.tw 4. In the construction, B shall be responsible for the keeping and quality control of A's material if the material has been accepted by B. 甲方所提供的材料、设备经乙方验收、确认办理完交接手续后,在施工使用中的保管和质量控制均由乙方负责。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. I hereby authorize QC Manager to be responsible for preparing and verifying implementation of the Quality Control System in the shop. 我在商店特此批准QC经理负责准备和核实质量管理系统的实施。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. To apply for company registration, an applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application documents and materials. 申请办理公司登记,申请人应当对申请文件、材料的真实性负责。 law.chinalawinfo.com 7. The COMPANY will be responsible for any pre-spud permitting, including land use, drilling and environmental permits. 承包商将负责任何的预钻许可事宜,包括土地使用、环境许可证。 www.infopetro.com.cn 8. Article 21 The General Administration of Customs shall be responsible for interpreting these Measures. 第二十一条本办法由海关总署负责解释。 www.bing.com 9. But the Contractor shall be responsible for his own interpretation thereof. 承包商应对他自己对上述资料的解释负责。 www.jukuu.com 10. To coordinate and guide regional foreign affairs and communication; to be responsible for foreign affairs involved regional leaders. 协调指导全区外事活动和对外友好交往;承办自治区级领导对外交往事宜。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The odontoblast is thought to be responsible for dentin formation and mineralization during tooth development and dentin reparation. 成牙本质细胞在牙齿发育和损伤修复过程中负责牙本质的形成和矿化。 www.pet2008.cn 2. The trustee shall be responsible for paying trust benefits to the beneficiaries within the limit of the trust property. 第三十四条受托人以信托财产为限向受益人承担支付信托利益的义务。 www.chinalawedu.com 3. In a more complex scenario, the builder may possibly be responsible for wiring all the different objects together if they required it. 在一个更复杂的情形里,制造都可能因为需要而负责所有对象的。 www.cnblogs.com 4. Be responsible for the company process documents filing management and relevant rectifications. 负责对公司内工艺文件归口管理及相应工艺文件的更改。 www.gao8dou.com 5. Migrating wildfowl believed to be responsible for the spread of the virus from Asia and Siberia to Romania and Turkey. 侯鸟在该病毒从亚洲和西伯利亚地区传播,到罗马尼亚和土耳其的过程中发挥了重要作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. That famous odor comes from byproducts of allicin, the sulfur compound believed to be responsible for most of the herb's medicinal benefits. 那种极妙的味道来自大蒜素的副产物,这种硫化合物被认为是大部分香草具有药用价值的来源。 www.bing.com 7. A third party may also be responsible for a sudden interest in experimenting sexually. 另外,第三者的加入也会使男人在性生活中做新的尝试。 www.bing.com 8. To be responsible for the daily administration of the Coal Mine Supervision Specialists of the state. 负责国家煤矿安全监察专员的日常管理工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. The Seller shall also be responsible for consulting with the relevant authorities to obtain transportation approval. 卖方还将负责与有关主管部门进行的必要工作以便获得运输许可。 ambition-05.blog.163.com 10. Be responsible for new product and its process engineering development , application , improvement and related documents compiling. 有工程图面判读、相关程序文件及各类产品检验标准等知识培训。 www.bing.com 1. The State Council's Labor Administration Department shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the labor contract system. 第七十三条国务院劳动行政部门负责全国劳动合同制度实施的监督管理。 www.bing.com 2. To be responsible for the safekeeping , selling and disposal of the confiscated properties. 负责罚没财物的保管、变卖、处置等工作。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It would be responsible for protecting people from unfair and abusive practices with borrowing and investing. 其主要职责是保护人民免于不公平和滥用的借贷行为。 www.bing.com 4. That person should be responsible for the trial registration data set and for making sure that the same data is provided to each registry. 联系人应负责试验注册数据集,并保证向每个注册中心提供该数据。 www.who.int 5. Confirm that you have investigated background of your promoter, and that you will be responsible for the credibility of the information. 确认已对所指派的促销员的个人品德进行了深入调查并对资料的真实性负有责任。 wenku.baidu.com 6. to be responsible for the liaison with and promotion of the construction of local work safety institutions. 负责联系、推动地方安全生产监管机构建设工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. 3 "I do as what you ask me to do" . So, it goes without saying that the sermonizer should be responsible for the results of such behaviors. 「你叫我做什么,我就做什么」。所以,行为的结果由说教人去负责,这是理所当然的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. To be responsible for franchise candidate negotiation, policy introduction and store survey & evaluation. 筹备并负责与加盟意向人进行公司加盟政策介绍,谈判及相关店面勘查评估。 www.job700.com 9. It would also be "responsible" for Obama to acknowledge the big gamble in his budget. 这也是所谓的“责任”他自己也承认他的预算是一个巨大的赌博。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. To coordinate and guide district's foreign affairs and communication; to be responsible for foreign affairs involved district leaders. 协调指导全区外事活动和对外友好交往;承办区级领导对外交往事宜。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. He may be responsible for recruiting and managing third party design firms as well or design resources. 能够负责招聘管理设计部门和第三方的设计资源。 www.baijob.com 2. The local people's governments shall be responsible for the purchasing, employment and administration of the cashmere reserve. 羊绒储备的收购、动用和管理均由地方人民政府负责。 cq.netsh.com 3. This position will also be responsible for scheduling the required calibration and maintaining the required procedures and records. 同时,该职位还负责所需校准时间安排及维持所需程序和记录; www.job20.com 4. Another committee might be responsible for rescue efforts and medical assistance. 另一个委员会可能负责救援工作和医疗援助。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. be responsible for sales admin. , hr as well as finance job of branch office to ensure the office run in regular and normally. 负责办事处内部的销售行政、人事、财务管理等工作,保证办事处正常运行,配合办事处正规化建设。 www.jobui.com 6. German company had for a long time been under accurate artillery fire. This was something that only an observer could be responsible for. 一支德军步兵连长时间处于盟军精确炮火打击下,这都是拜一位盟军观察员所赐。 www.langmanzg.com 7. In France, Nicolas Sarkozy, previously interior minister, will run the finance ministry and will also be responsible for industrial policy. 在法国,前内政部长尼古拉?萨尔科奇(NicolasSarkozy)将执掌财政部并负责工业政策。 finance.sina.com.cn 8. Neither Contracting Party shall be responsible for any agreement between the above mentioned organizations. 但对上述合作组织间的契约,双方均不承担责任。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. Then, the developer or developers in charge of the use case should be responsible for completing their implementations afterwards. 然后,开发人员或管理用例的开发人员应该负责完成它们的实现。 www.ibm.com 10. To be responsible for the secretarial work for the leaders of the Party Group and ministers. 负责部党组和部领导的秘书工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn |
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