单词 | be removed | ||
释义 | be removed
例句释义: 挪移 1. He teareth himself in his anger: shall the earth be forsaken for thee? and shall the rock be removed out of his place? 你这恼怒将自己撕裂的,难道大地为你见弃,磐石挪开原处吗。 www.ebigear.com 2. punching waste, etc. must be removed at least once a day, preferably with a brush. 粗颗粒污物如绝缘性物质,冲压废弃物等至少每天必须移除一次,最好是用刷子刷掉。 dict.kekenet.com 3. You don't care that he might be one of those guys who's so fat he has to be removed from his house with a crane? 你不在乎他可能是那种肥得需要起重机才能将他从屋子里搬出来的人? www.hxen.com 4. All such changes are intended to become a part of the enterprise models or to be removed from the project models at some point. 所有这些变更会成为企业模型的一部分,或者在某个时段从项目模型中删除。 www.ibm.com 5. Water rises to the surface to form globules which can be removed with a ladle, and the turbidity is reduced. 水升到表面形成小球,可以舀除去,因而降低混浊度。 6. Buried Cable A cable installed under the surface of the ground in such a manner that it cannot be removed without disturbing the soil. 地下电缆安装在地下的电缆,采用这种方式,只有挖开土壤才能取出电缆。 swtrunk.bokee.com 7. The lawyer asked to be removed from the case due to a conflict of interest stemming from his association with the client. 律师被要求从这个案子中除名,因为他与来往客户有利益冲突。 onlinetest.chit.edu.tw 8. Not easy to damp the long-term motor, which should be removed Inoue, back indoors, the motor casing clean the dirt. 电动机长期不用容易受潮,因而应从井上拆卸下来,拉回室内,把电动机外壳上的污物擦拭干净。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. While acknowledging his regret of any inconvenience to us, he insisted the garden had to be removed. 杨先生对由此给我们造成的不便深表歉意,但他坚称花园必须铲掉。 app.fortunechina.com 10. After the ruling Woods pointed out that he was the only judge in American history to be removed from a case on the basis of press articles. 裁决之后,伍兹指出,他是美国历史上唯一依据报纸文章被排除出案件的法官。 www.bing.com 1. At the end of the day, barriers must be removed, and mentoring groups, networks and a supportive infrastructure need to be put in place. 最终我们必须打破藩篱,还必须建立起指导组织、人际网络和支持性的基础设施。 chinese.wsj.com 2. At last those souls of Light who came for this very occasion, are moving into positions ready to replace those who will be removed. 最终,那些为此而来的【光之灵魂们】,正进入就位,准备逐步取代那些将被清理的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Light stains can be removed with a sponge damped in water or a mild soapy solution, or with a fine sandpaper. 清除一般污迹,可使用含有皂液的潮湿海绵块擦拭,或使用细砂纸。 www.ikea.com 4. That this document remains in the Hotel and Office and not to be removed from the Hotel premises. 此文件保存在酒店和办公室内,不得带出酒店。 wenku.baidu.com 5. But a routine blood test revealed the Londoner had a problem with four tiny glands in her neck, which needed to be removed. 但一项例行血检显示,问题出在她脖子上的应该切除四个小腺体。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. From this year they are allowed to charge students up to £ 3, 000 a year, and from 2009 the cap may be removed altogether. 今年开始大学被允许每年对每个学生收取最高达3000镑的学费,到2009年该限制将完全取消。 www.ecocn.org 7. You know that they are lying, but they are slaves to The Plan: they must carry it out otherwise they would be removed from office. 你知道他们在撒谎,他们是黑暗诡计的奴隶:他们必须执行它,否则他们将从办公室被清理掉。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. Although scratches cannot be removed, any other marks can be cleaned using a damp cloth and then polished dry to remove any excess moisture. 虽然金属配件的刮痕无法修复,然而污迹可先使用湿布擦拭,再擦干过多的水分。 www.dunhill.com 9. The remark seemed to strike the magistrate, but he made no farther immediate observation, only desired to be removed. 这番话似乎打动了市政官,可是他没有即时再说什么,只是叫人把他带了下去。 10. The tree remains, but the turbine had been put up in the wrong place and had to be removed. 现在那个树形标志还在,但涡轮机却被放在一个错误的地方,并要被移走。 www.ecocn.org 1. And, Chan says, repairs are far easier, because only a stair or two needs to be removed at a time. 并且,大卫.陈说,这种电梯修理更为容易,每次维修只需要拆开一级或者两级即可。 www.bing.com 2. The front of the Tour Bag can be removed, revealing a heavy duty mesh screen that protects the transducers during use. 本次旅行的前袋可拆除,露出了重型屏幕保护网在使用过程中的传感器。 www.nbtydz.com 3. 'Aidan's Hickman got infected after a month and a half, it had to be removed immediately without time to schedule anaesthesia. ‘艾登的西克曼一个半月后就感染了,它必须立即被移除,甚至没有时间来麻醉。’ www.bing.com 4. A prophet warned that the trouble would not be removed until the murderer of the former king Laius was driven out of the country. 一个预言家警告说,不会麻烦删除,直到前国王拉伊俄斯的凶手被赶出国门。 www.youeredu.com 5. "It is possible, " he said, when asked whether the rule may be removed. 当被问及该条款会否被取消,他表示那是有可能的。 cn.reuters.com 6. Recently, the government issued orders that Yunus is to be removed from his post as managing director of the bank. 最近,孟加拉国政府发布命令,要求尤努斯从格莱珉银行常务董事的职位上退下来。 www.bing.com 7. AOL IMAP servers do not permit folders to be created in the root folder or to be removed from the root folder. AOLIMAP服务器不允许在根文件夹中创建文件夹,也不允许从根文件夹中删除文件夹。 support.microsoft.com 8. The hospital has formed an investigation team and the nurse in question is to be removed from her post. 目前该医院已成立调查组,当事人或将被调离岗位。 eamrs5211.blog.163.com 9. It coiled itself around coil springs in the wheel well of the woman's car when it had to be removed. 这条蛇缠绕在这位女士汽车车轮旁边的减震弹簧上面。 bbs.cnnas.com 10. Quick drying. The coated base can be removed and stacked up in a few minutes after coating. 干燥快,涂装数分钟之后即可搬运堆放。 www.tj-jhpaint.com 1. Second, if the surface paint peeling off of steel doors and windows, the main corrosion or cracking, it must be removed again. 二是钢制门窗如果表面漆膜剥落、主体锈蚀或开裂,也必须拆掉重做。 www.xiami360.com 2. Since the outer ring has a shoulder on only one side, the outer ring may be removed. This is often advantageous for mounting. 磁电机轴承外圈与内圈只有单面相连,因而拆卸方便,利于安装。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. At my own commencement ceremony several protesting students tried to take over the podium and had to be removed by class marshals. 在我自己的毕业典礼上,几个抗议的学生试图霸占讲台,但最终被拉下台。 blog.renren.com 4. He added that this was a "serious boundary" to online growth that should be removed. 他补充说,这是网络增长一个很严重的边界。 www.bing.com 5. The router removes the message completely and leaves only a deletion stub, allowing the message to be removed from replica copies as well. 路由器将彻底删除消息且仅留下删除存根,还允许从复制副本删除消息。 www.ibm.com 6. "We believe that at least 95percent of the PCBs in the dredge area will be removed, " she said in atelephone call with reporters. 她在接受媒体电话采访时说:“我们相信挖掘区至少将有95%的PCB可以被清除掉。这一数字让我们深以为傲。” www.bing.com 7. Carrefour staff have also been wearing clothes decorated with Chinese flags, Unlike the caps, the clothes did not have to be removed. 家乐福中国员工还穿着印有中国国旗的工作服。与帽子不同,中国政府没有命令他们更换工作服。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The mesh should be removed at least once a year and thoroughly cleaned. 而且这种渗透网至少要每年更换一次并进行彻底的清洁。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. They resolved that if the groups occupying the city's main plaza did not leave, that they would be removed by force. 民主青年团表示如果聚集在市中心广场的群众(古柯农联盟)不自行撤离,他们将以武力方式驱散这些民众。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. Some hairpieces must be removed each night; others can be worn for up to a month at a time. 一些假发必须每晚摘下,其余的能一次至少戴一个月。 www.21tfw.com 1. Before Congress began its debate, the president discovered a cancer in his mouth. The cancer needed to be removed immediately. 就在国会展开辩论之前,克利夫兰总统发现他患有口腔癌,必须立即动手术。 www.bing.com 2. This rule shall not affect any liability of the judicial trustee for breach of trust or to be removed or suspended. 本条并不影响司法受托人因违反信托而须负的法律责任,亦不影响其可被免职或停职。 www.highkin.com 3. polishing techniques are beneficial due to the precision and control with which material can be removed. 由于抛光技术,有利于控制的精度和与该材料可以被删除。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. An indestructible permanent can be removed from the game, returned to a player's hand, put into a graveyard, or sacrificed. 不会毁坏的永久物依旧可以被移出游戏,回到玩家手上,置入坟墓场,或用来牺牲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. If the object to be removed is the last remaining object in the list of registered objects in an application, the application is unloaded. 如果要移除的对象是应用程序注册对象列表中剩余的最后一个对象,则该应用程序将被卸载。 www.kuenglish.info 6. In many instances, petroleum can penetrate the surface of concrete floors to the extent that the oil may not be removed by surface cleaning. 很多情况下,汽油能够渗透过水泥地板表面,以至于需要在地面对油渍进行清洁。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 7. In the early stages of a sulfite cook, equal parts of cellulose and lignin appear to be removed. 在亚硫酸盐蒸煮初期,脱木素与脱纤维素程度相当。 maxyeah.com.cn 8. Pls. check and confirm if the remits among the loops could be removed from the sample , as it does not look that good there. 耳仔之间钉上撞钉看起来并不是很好看,请查看样办并请确认是否可取消。 bbs.51fashion.com.cn 9. The extra clock will probably be removed in a week or two. 该时间表会在一两个星期之内被移除。 bbs.8da.com 10. This Form Will BE Removed From Active File If Applicant Is Not Employed Within A Year From The Date. This Form Is Submitted. 申请人如自申请日起一年内未经录用本表即予销废。 www.itreviews.cn 1. Tip: Pour soda powder into a paper towel, bind up and put it into silk stockings. And then put into shoe cupboard, the smell can be removed. 方法:将梳打粉倒进纸巾内,包扎后放进旧丝袜内,绑好放进鞋柜,可除臭味。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. By day two it had been be removed and replaced by the unfortunate Lagonda concept. 每天两个已被删除,取而代之的是不幸的拉贡达概念。 usa.315che.com 3. He said they must be removed to show the international community that Israel is serious about advancing the peace process. 他说,它们必须被拆除,以向国际社会显示以色列在推动和平进程方面是认真的。 www.ebigear.com 4. What first spooked the markets, indeed, was a rumour that Mr Tremonti was to be removed by the prime minister. 开始使市场感到恐慌的原因竟是一则谣言,说特雷蒙蒂将要被贝卢斯科尼解职。 ecocn.org 5. Instead, user atc was supposed to become the administrator of the group, while xander's administrative rights were to be removed. 相反,应该把atc用户变成组管理员,删除xander的管理权限。 www.ibm.com 6. Additionaly, the metadata of the computer account cannot be removed if the computer account of the DC contains another leaf object. 另外,如果DC的计算机帐户包含其他页对象,则无法删除该计算机帐户的元数据。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. A man can not be removed from the woman will not be impossible to set up a stall set up to make a little hard to support their families. 一个可以不被男人剔除的女人不可能不会摆摊设点赚一点辛苦钱养家。 www.hiv-check.com 8. As a result of this non-Darwinian event, the superior animal and its genes would be removed from the population. 由于达尔文学说中未涉及的这一事件,这只良种猪连同它所携带的基因便从这群猪中消灭掉了。 www.showxiu.com 9. At this point, neither dead stones could be removed, players could only "Result confirmation" or "Cancel calculation" . 此时无法再点选任何死子,只能「确认结果」或「取消计地」。 lgs7.taiwango.net 10. The magistrate sentences a criminal to wear a heavy wooden collar for a period of two months, except at night, when it is to be removed. 某位官员判处一个罪犯戴两个月沉重的木枷,只有夜里才能取下不戴。 chen.bokerb.com 1. Lower branches may need to be removed to allow for gardening activities or to improve air circulation. 下部的枝蔓需要休掉以方便打理,有助于空气流通。 bbs.hongyue.com 2. We both felt painfully sensible that between us and these people there was an iron barrier, which could not be removed by our new friend. 我们俩都痛苦地意识到,在我们和这些人之间,隔着一堵铜墙铁壁,而我们这位新交的朋友是不可能把它拆掉的。 www.jukuu.com 3. If the fish cannot be removed, a release system within the overshot allows the overshot to be disengaged and retrieved. 如果落鱼不能移动,则打捞筒内的释放系统能使打捞筒脱开并起出。 www.infopetro.com.cn 4. At this point, the user account information can be removed from the client system and be obtained from the LDAP directory. 现在,用户帐号信息可以从客户机系统中删除并从LDAP目录中进行获取了。 www.ibm.com 5. When the tunnel is driven through stiff clay, the flow of water may be small enough to be removed by pumping. 当隧道穿越粘稠土质时,水的流量也许会小到用水泵就可以抽干。 www.93576.com 6. The catalysts need not to be removed and have no effects on the characteristics of the product, outer appearance and storage. 工艺简单,生产周期短,催化剂无需除去且对产品的性能、外观及储存等没有影响。 www.chemyq.com 7. The last organs to be removed were invariably the heart and lungs so as to keep the condemned alive (and in pain) as long as possible. 最后被剜去的脏器往往是心脏和肺,目的在于保持受刑人尽可能长时间活着(十分痛苦的活着)。 www.bing.com 8. A publication cannot be removed if it has one or more subscriptions to it. 如果发布包含一个或更多对它的订阅,则不能删除。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. It takes one of two values: preserve (preserve duplicate spaces, like HTML ) and default which means duplicate spaces can be removed. 它采用两个值:preserve(象HTML一样保留重复空格)和default(可以除去重复空格。) www.ibm.com 10. A mass that increases in size or does not regress must be presumed to be neoplastic and should be removed surgically. 逐渐增大、不消退的肿块必定为一新生物,应被手术切除。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This incentive obviously needs to be removed, and I think this can be achieved by improving the authentication arrangements. 毫无疑问,我相信改进认证安排可以解决这个问题。 www.info.gov.hk 2. But as was the "fall" , it must be a group decision and the differences and pathological blocks to objective understanding must be removed. 但是由于“瓦解”,它必须是团体决定并且刨除对客观理解的分歧和病状阻碍。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Somehow, the war criminals enshrined at Yasukuni will have to be removed, even though the shrine has private status. 无论怎样,供奉在靖国神社的战犯必须挪走,即便神社是私人拥有的。 www.ecocn.org 4. These systems are used with the wheelsets in-situ on the train -normally only the axle end caps have to be removed. 该装置可以在火车原处检测轮副——通常只需要移动轴上的弹簧盒盖。 www.contech-development.com 5. If dams cannot be removed, then they should be equipped with eel ladders to help juvenile eels travel upstream. 如果大坝非建不可,就应该装备一条留给鳗鱼幼仔洄游河流上游的途径。 www.bing.com 6. wherein an inner portion of the spar web can be removed to accommodate the at least one hinge fitting. 其中内的部分石网络可以去掉,以适应至少有一个铰链装置。 www.tech-domain.com 7. If a company does not honor the contract, the student can report the situation and the company might be removed from the list next year. 如果哪家公司不履行合同规定,学生可以向上报告该情况,那么明年该公司就可能从名单中删除。 businessenglish123.blog.163.com 8. The frequency with which the filter should be removed, inspected, and cleaned will be determined primarily by aircraft operating conditions. 过滤器拆卸,检查及清洗的次数主要取决于飞机的运行状况。 www.8875.org 9. By means of this method, water in gases could be removed to a very low degree. 应用该工艺方法可将气体中的水分去除到极低的程度,露点达到-70℃以下。 www.chemyq.com 10. It was shown from the experiments that these interfering matrix elements might be removed with the strong acidic cation exchange resin. 实验结果表明,样品溶液通过阳离子交换树脂柱后,这些离子的干扰基本消除了。 epub.cnki.net 1. The harness can be removed simply by undoing the chest strap and Velcro straps around the legs like a jacket. 吊带可以很容易脱掉,解开胸带和腿部的夹克状搭扣即可。 www.bing.com 2. Everyone in the Chicom leadership can be removed peaceably if he does not perform, by vote of his peers. 掌握领导权的人倘若不作为,后被他的同事们和平地选下去。 www.picassoclub.net 3. Insert the handle's pin through the elastic loop following the illustrations given. The cords must be removed at the end of this stage. 7按照给定的例证从弹性圈处插入手柄的别针,必须移动绳子以牢固松口。 paracn.net 4. When you completely remove a user or group from a collection, any rules specifically and only for that user or group will also be removed. 当您从集合中完全移除使用者或群组时,也会一并移除该使用者或群组专用的任何规则。 technet.microsoft.com 5. No one did. Clearly wires got crossed somewhere. I'll try to get to the bottom of this, but the copiers will be removed before lunch. 没人订购。显然是误会了。我会尽力弄个水落石出的,复印机将在午餐前搬走。 www.kekenet.com 6. A VB game, crazy right touch, the game is to get together to find the same two or more graphics can then be removed. 一款VB游戏,疯狂对对碰,游戏方法是找出两个以上凑在一起的相同图形然后可以清除。 www.pudn.com 7. For example , a retention age of one day specifies that data cannot be removed until it is at least one day old . 例如,保持期一天指定至少在一天的时间内不能删除数据。 www.bing.com 8. Because a replicated database cannot be detached, replication had to be removed from these databases first. 因为无法分离复制的数据库,所以必须首先从这些数据库中删除复制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. A kind of Acacia, 2 Spare Melancholy no account of this situation can be removed only under the brow, but the heart. 一种相思,两处闲愁此情无计可消除,才下眉头,却上心头。 www.fannaojieda.com 10. Mayerik said the infraction would be removed from students' records in 12 weeks if they had no other in-school violations. 梅尔里克说,如果那些学生在今后12周内没有出现其它违反校规的行为的话,那么他们本次在着装方面的违规记录将会被删除掉。 gb.cri.cn 1. Made out of cotton within a rubber casing, the K&N filter is can be removed at regular intervals for cleaning and oiling , than reinstalled. 与常见的用棉与橡胶制造的空滤不同,K&N牌空滤可以定期清理和浸油,而不需更换。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It does not yield character-by-character equivalence: Entities will be expanded, and white space not marked as significant might be removed. 它不生成字符对字符的等效:实体将被扩展,且未标记为重要的空白可能被删除。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. When God is in the midst of a kingdom or city He makes it as firm as Mount Zion, that cannot be removed. 当神在一个城中,祂使那城象锡安山一般坚固,不能移动分毫。 www.ebigear.com 4. The underlying devices cannot be removed until the child devices are deleted first. 必须先删除子设备,然后才能删除底层设备。 www.ibm.com 5. Destructors are methods that are called by the runtime execution engine when the object is about to be removed from memory . 析构函数是当对象即将从内存中移除时由运行库执行引擎调用的方法。 www.bing.com 6. He explained that there were still pieces of shrapnel from a home-made bomb lodged in his knee and shin, waiting to be removed. 膝盖和胫骨里仍然残留着几片土炸弹的弹片,等待取出。 www.ecocn.org 7. LED lamp can be removed, and a bad one change, has a similar products in a string of bad , easy maintenance. LED灯可前后取出,坏一颗换一颗,有别与同类产品坏一颗换一串,让维护变得简单。 www.cnledw.com 8. But the irony is that a truly disastrous Labour leader would be less of a problem for the party, as he or she could be removed. 讽刺的是,一个灾难性的工党领袖对其政党来说问题没那么大,因为她或他可以被替换。 www.ecocn.org 9. This contamination must be removed before distributing the data, thus we are about to run out of work units to send. 必须在分发数据前清除这些噪点,否则我们将没有任务可发放。 www.equn.com 10. However, this limitation can be removed by using a TCA method in an iterative way in order for the smaller peaks to be detected. 然而,这种限制可以去除用三氯乙酸法在迭代的方式,以便使小峰被检测。 www.syyxw.com 1. The excavated earthworks should be removed without delay. No earthworks could be piled around the foundation pit optionally. 挖出的土方及时运走,不得随意堆放在基坑周围。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 2. Doctor: The foreign body should be removed through the intubation of a bronchoscope. This operation involves some risk for the patient. 医生:异物需要通过插入气管镜摘除,这个手术对病人有一定的危险。 www.hz-hospital.com 3. The upper half of the ball is removable, is under your tank to be removed also. 上半球可以移去,在水箱下也没问题。 www.bing.com 4. Dropping an index will cause the corresponding statistics to be removed from memory and no longer be reported by the function. 删除索引将导致从内存中删除对应统计信息,且该函数不再报告这些统计信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. All the debris including packing materials generated during job will have to be removed to the designated place on day to day basis. 所有施工期间产生的废弃物包括包装材料应每天运送到指定地点… www.zaixiandailiwang.com 6. Arab-Americans said the line played on stereotypes and asked that it be removed. 阿拉伯裔美国人说对电影所形成的风格路线颇有成见,并要求将其删除。 www.bing.com 7. All deformed material must be removed before refinishing; deformed high-strength steel alloy components must not be straightened. 在涂层之前,所有变形的材料必须去除,不得自行改直变形后的高强度合金钢部件继续使用。 www.minhang.cc 8. Osteoporosis exists as a variety of factors that cause old bone to be removed faster than new bone can be formed . 骨质疏松症的一些因素,使旧骨质流失的速度,超过制造新骨质。 www.e-harvest.com.tw 9. The relief valve should be able to be removed by unscrewing the relief valve from the housing. 通过从外壳上旋下安全阀应该能够拆卸安全阀。 www.dictall.com 10. The valve bonnet may now be removed. There may be a slight leakage, as the metal-to-metal backseating does not provide a drip-tight seal. 现在可以拆卸阀盖。如果金属-对-金属后座没有实现无滴漏密封,则可能会有轻微的泄漏。 www.h6688.com 1. A. Bacteria are not the only impurities that must be removed from wastewater. 细菌不是唯一需要从废水中去除的污物。 edu.163.com 2. At least one connecting part of the first heater can be removed from the opening. 从所述开口移出第一加热器的至少一个连接部分; ip.com 3. It is possible that the old iostream library will be removed in a subsequent release. 在以后的版本中,可能会移除旧的iostream库。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Occurs when a node belonging to this document is about to be removed from the document. 当属于该文档的节点将被从文档中移除时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Just prior to the announcement period we will have the mini stasis, so the rest of those in the way can be removed out of sight. 在宣布之前,我们将进行小型停滞期,剩余的黑暗存有能够从实相中被移除。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Trash, wooden pallets and any other flammable material must be removed from areas of hot work. 应移除高温作业区域的所有垃圾、木制托盘和其他可燃物。 www.vpsafety.com 7. Only a section of the bottle platforms CAM is to be removed during the changeover and it's done very easily and quickly. 在更换瓶型时只有一节托瓶台凸轮要更换,更换非常容易、迅速。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Fortunately, the decentralized nature of Internet means such content can't be removed and ignored entirely. 幸运的是,互联网的分散性意味著这些内容无法被完全忽略或移除。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 9. All the institutional and policy barriers to urbanization must be removed and the rational and orderly flow of rural labor guided. 消除不利于城镇化发展的体制和政策障碍,引导农村劳动力合理有序流动。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Remove the retainer from the body bore. The check valve modules can now be removed from the valve by hand or with a screwdriver. 从阀体镗孔上拆卸保持器。现在可以用手或螺丝刀从阀体上拆卸止回阀模块。 www.h6688.com 1. Specifies the name of a database snapshot to be removed. 指定要删除的数据库快照的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Penal stones may be removed instrumentally via percutaneous nephrostomy or by irrigation through a tube placed directly into the kidney. 肾结石可通过皮穿器械摘除,或者经皮穿刺肾造瘘或经肾直接置管进行冲洗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Pass Line bets cannot be removed once the point is established. 一旦点数确立以后下注在PassLine区域的筹码将不可取回。 www.commodorecasino.com 4. Because zero point energy is the lowest possible energy a system can have, this energy cannot be removed from the system. 因为零点能是系统中所能包含的最小能量,这个能量是不能被从系统中取出的。 www.showxiu.com 5. Let's say two more requests come in like the previous one, but now no more objects on the heap can be removed (see figure 5). 假设,这时有两个与之前的那个请求类似的请求进来,但是heap上却再没有对象可被删除(参见图5)。 www.ibm.com 6. While they certainly serve an important purpose, each pleura can be removed if it becomes damaged or diseased. 尽管它们有重要的作用,如果它们受损或发生疾病时可以被移除。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The affected adnexa should be removed intact and a frozen section obtained to determine or confirm the diagnosis. 受累附件应完整切除,并送冰冻切片以决定或确定诊断。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The set of users to be removed is entered as a verb parameter, preferably using context variables. 要删除的该组用户作为谓词参数输入,但最好使用上下文变量。 www.ibm.com 9. Micro-structure and the strength can be improved, defect can be removed by the means of glass-ceramic composite. 玻璃陶瓷复合材料可以改善玻璃陶瓷的微观结构,消除结构缺陷,增强玻璃陶瓷的力学性能。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. The parking deck had to be removed after a section collapsed and made the building unsafe. 停车后甲板已被遣送了一段坍塌的建筑物和不安全。 www.kuenglish.info 1. Village Oracle: The ashes of your wife and child will remain fastened to your skin, never to be removed! 祭司:你妻子和你女儿的骨灰会永远粘附着你的皮肤,永远也无法抹去! 2. Processing instructions intended for the tokeniser MAY be removed; all other processing instructions MUST be preserved. 为实现标记转换而设置的处理指令也可以删除;但必须保留所有其他的处理指令。 www.ibm.com 3. The pulsed rapid disruptive energy field is created by the use of a probe which surrounds the soft proteinaceous tissue to be removed. 通过利用围绕要去除的软蛋白质组织的探针,来建立脉冲迅速破坏能量场。 www.hgpf114.com 4. DEVICEREMOVEPENDING Device is about to be removed. Cannot be denied. 设备将要被清除。不能拒绝。 www.zjrj.org 5. The handwheel can be removed and repositioned any of six positions around the stem. 手轮可以拆卸并重新定位在环绕阀杆的六个位置中的任何一个位置上。 www.h6688.com 6. In Eclipse, dispose is called when a visual element should be removed or closed. 在Eclipse中,当需要去掉或关闭一个可视元素时,就调用dispose。 www.ibm.com 7. Thus, a new version of this process can be introduced easily and the old version can be removed when it is not needed any more. 这样,可以容易地引入该流程的新版本,旧版本在不再需要时可以容易地删除。 www.ibm.com 8. His daughter, whom he must also kill if the stain is to be removed, has been given sanctuary by a human-rights organisation. 为了除去所受玷污,他还必须杀了自己的女儿,但她受到了人权组织的庇护。 www.ecocn.org 9. Once the fiberglass resin has set, the mold can be removed, and wedges are used to take the mold off the plug. 玻璃纤维和树脂凝固后,可将模具移开。使用楔型物将模具从母模中移开。 www.frponline.com.cn 10. If Mrs Arroyo were to be removed by unconstitutional means, that election might not take place. 如果阿罗约总统通过违宪手段被免职,大选可能将不会举行。 www.ecocn.org 1. But my lovingkindness will not be removed from you. And My covenant of peace will not be shaken. 但我的慈爱必不离开你,我平安的约也不迁移。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. In a second (or later) stage, code that depends on the libraries can be removed so that the dependency can also be removed. 在第二个(或者后面的)阶段,依赖库的代码可以移除,这样依赖关系同样也移出了。 www.ibm.com 3. Alll previous versions of the word breakers must be removed prior to installation . 安装之前,必须删除所有先前的分词器版本。 www.bing.com 4. When implemented in a derived class, this method indicates whether the specified value can be removed from the collection. 当在派生类中实现时,此方法指示是否可从集合中移除指定值。 msdn.microsoft.com 5. The only components that are permitted to be removed for shipping are the 4 side guide sections and 1 tail section per chassis. 被允许被去除为运输的唯一的组分是4个旁边指南部分和1尾部每底盘。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. If Arroyo were to be removed by unconstitutional means, that election might not take place. 如果阿罗约总统通过违宪手段被免职,大裖赡芙换峋傩?。 www.bing.com 7. If the Iranian threat were eliminated, the driving force for missile defence-construction in Europe would be "removed" , Mr Obama added. 奥巴马补充说,如果伊朗的威胁已消除,在欧洲建立导弹防御的驱动力便已“移除”。 www.bing.com 8. ZSS020 will skin if left in opened container. Skin has no effect on performance, but should be removed before reusing. 如果将ZSS020放置在敞开的容器中,表面可能结皮,使用前须将结皮去掉; www.starmarine.com.cn 9. If the case is serious, the name of fuel gas appliance produced or sold may be removed from the Permitted Sales Catalogue. 情节严重的,可以将生产或者销售的燃气器具从《准许销售目录》中除名。 www.zftrans.com 10. It was suggested in the Shanghai paddock that, to accommodate the large diffuser, the seats of Briatore's Lear jet had to be removed. 有人在上海的围场,为了容纳大扩散,席位布里亚托雷的里尔喷气机已删除。 usa.315che.com 1. Housekeeping must be maintained at all time inside the confine space. All unnecessary material must be removed from the space. 受限空间内应始终保持整洁有序。所有不必要的材料都必须从受限空间内清除。 sinohse.com 2. If your code does not have permission to execute unmanaged code, this attribute has no effect and should be removed. 如果您的代码不具有执行非托管代码的权限,则该特性将没有作用,应将其移除。 technet.microsoft.com 3. When pressure testing any lines, vessels or assemblies, all rig personnel must be removed away to a safe area until pressure is released. 对任何管线和容器试压时,所有的井队人员都必须远离高压区,直到试压结束。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. however, a liquidator chosen by shareholders may also be removed by a majority vote of the shareholders. 但股东选任之清算人,亦得由股东过半数之同意,将其解任。 www.cntranslators.com 5. The second kind of weakness is the difficulties felt by some economists, which can be removed or proves to be actually nonexistent in UUT. 另一类是许多经济学家所感受到的困难,也是统合效用主义所能解除的或是极少实际存在的。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Some believe that Section 106 has been left in as a bargaining chip, to be removed in return for a Republican concession. 有些人相信第106节一直留着作为一种讨价还价的筹码,以换取共和党的让步。 www.ecocn.org 7. Through degrease disposing, 98% of greasy impurity and 95% of iron impurity attached on the surface of steel strip can be removed. 带钢经脱脂处理其表面油杂质去除率达98%、铁杂质去除率达95%。 www.dictall.com 8. In an effort to clean up PHP, the functions and features listed in the next section will be removed, or deprecated, from PHP. 为了保持PHP的简洁性,将删除下面小节列出的函数和特性。 www.ibm.com 9. He ought to have done something about it and I think he ought to be removed. 他应当想办法呀,而且我觉得应当把他撤掉。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Odinga told reporters that he believed President Kibaki was part of the old way of Africa and must be removed. 奥廷加向记者表示,他认为齐贝吉总统是旧非洲的一部分,必须下台。 www.voanews.cn 1. Suppose there was a mistake and user atc was not supposed to be removed. 假设这是错的,不应该删除atc用户。 www.ibm.com 2. Bleach: (1) Converting a metallic silver image to a halide or other salt which can be removed from the film with hypo . 漂白:1)把金属银的影像转化成能用硫化硫酸钠冲洗掉的卤化物或其他盐类。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The specified DHCP element cannot be removed because it has been used. 无法删除指定的DHCP元素,因为它已被使用。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 4. the last inch of diameter will be removed in one of the final machining operations before the cylinders are finally mounted on the frame. 最后的尺寸这直径将被去除其中一个的最后的加工工序在这汽缸的最后安装在支架上。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Objects in the Deleted Objects container are tombstones that will be removed during the next garbage collection cycle. 删除对象容器中对象是tombstone在下垃圾集合周期将被删除。 support.microsoft.com 6. With a subsequent revision of a file, the label either must be removed or a new label must be applied. 对于文件的后续修订,必须移除该标签,或者必须应用新标签。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The conflict cannot be removed without either a painful and unnecessary domestic deflation or abandoning the undervalued yuan-dollar rate. 要么承受痛苦且不必要的国内通缩,要么放弃被低估的人民币兑美元汇率,否则这种冲突无法消除。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The laminaria can be removed and the woman's cervix allowed to closenaturally, as the fetus continues to develop. 昆布条会被移除,妇女子宫颈自然合拢,胎儿继续发育。 www.bing.com 9. We hold that the meeting should be held if only because some misunderstanding can be removed. 我们认为会议应该举行,就是为了消除点误会也是好的。 10. All portable electric tools that are damaged shall be removed from use and tagged Do Not Use. 所有已损坏的便携式电动工具均不可再使用,并应贴上“请勿使用”字样的标签。 www.vpsafety.com 1. This port is currently in use by a printer and cannot be removed. Make sure no printer is connected to this port. 该端口正被另一打印机使用,无法删除。请确定没有任何打印机和该端口连接。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 2. In general, Dead dead or living parts of plants need to be removed to improve the shape or roomful growth of the plant. 一般来说,死了或活的植物都需要迁移来改善形状和植物的产量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The filaments further allow the nasal dilator of the present invention to be removed from the nose in a 'top-to-bottom' fashion. 该丝进一步允许本发明的鼻扩张器以“从顶部到底部”的方式从鼻子上去除。 ip.com 4. Any residues from the cleaning process itself (detergents, solvents, etc. ) also have to be removed from the equipment. 清洗过程本身留下的任何残留物也必须清除掉(清洁剂、溶剂等)。 bbs.jsvd.org.cn 5. By the end of the phase, roughly 80% of the project variances should be removed, and variances at the end of this phase should be near 20%. 在此阶段末尾,应该去掉了项目方差的80%,此阶段末尾的方差应该将近20%。 www.ibm.com 6. The unit is provided with a gooseneck faucet and a spray head that can be removed for sterilization. 该装置配有一个鹅颈管龙头及喷头,可在杀菌时移除。 word.hcbus.com 7. if you choose not to perform a clean install , third party components will not be removed , which may cause unpredictable behavior. 如果不执行超乾净重装,有时一些不同版本的元件会造成你新装的版本出问题。 ichacha.net 8. C. Four casters at the bottom of the machine can help move. The fixed foot can be removed, saving time and space. 机脚附四个脚轮,移动方便。固定脚可以折叠,不用时不占空间。 www.foodqs.cn 9. They are usually harmless and many fade in childhood; those that do not can sometimes be removed by laser surgery or abrasion. 通常无害,有许多在孩童时期会自动褪去,褪不掉的有时可用雷射手术或磨蚀来除去。 tr.bab.la 10. This memorial may bring you great comfort during the grieving period, and can be removed once your life starts getting back to normal. “纪念角”能够在你最悲痛的日子里给你带来极大的安慰;等到你的生活恢复正常,即可将其撤去。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Tags like img and a can easily be sanitized, but more powerful tags like object and embed need to be removed completely. 诸如img和a的标签可以比较方便的清理,但是一些更强大的标签如object和embed需要被完全得滤去。 www.bing.com 2. For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. 为肋膜(胸膜间皮瘤)的癌症,肺在称肺切除术的操作也许被去除。 www.bokee.net 3. f. NO advertisement of any actual or virtual store is allowed. All such advertisements will be removed if found. 不欢迎任何实体店或网店的宣传,如发现立即删除。 bbs.mf8-china.com 4. Causes all previous overrides for the current frame to be removed and no longer in effect. 导致当前框架先前的所有重写都被移除,不再有效。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. I guess that might be false papers, or Academy of Sciences to be removed. 我估计也就是论文造假、院士被罢免。 bbs.5i5i.cn 6. Carbon dioxide will be removed from the chimney using chemicals and turned into a liquid, ready for storage underground. 二氧化碳将被化学物质从烟囱中除去,转化为一种液体,从而可以被储存在地下。 www.bing.com 7. Genetic engineering must consider what other tasks a set of genes are performing, as often all or none must be removed. 基因工程必须考虑一系列其它的基因所起到的作用,要么是整个地去除掉,要么一个也不能去除。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Touran has a versatile seating layout with a spacious middle row of seats that slides, folds and can be removed easily. 途安的座椅编排有多种变化,中间排座椅空间宽敞,可轻易地进行倾斜、折叠与拆卸。 www.xcar.com.cn 9. A skin forming on the product should be removed. It is forbidden to use hardened product even if it is mixed with water. 如砂浆表面结皮应剔去不用,严禁将已干结的砂浆加水混合后使用; china.eb80.com 10. For instance, many surgical devices may be removed from packaging, but not used in an operation. They still get thrown away. 举例来说,许多外科手术器械除去包装后,并没有被用于手术,但它们仍然被扔掉了。 www.bing.com 1. to have dewaxing and degreasing systems , the bond in sintering materials can be removed efficiently. 配置脱蜡脱脂装置,可有效去除烧结材料中的粘合剂等成分。 www.ichacha.net 2. If it is, the session property can be removed from the project, and the project entry can be removed from the map. 如果在,相应的会话属性可以从项目中删除,项目条目可以从映射中删除。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Causes any previous Assert for the current frame to be removed and no longer in effect. 导致当前框架先前的所有Assert都被移除,不再有效。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Directors may not be removed from office without cause by the Shareholders' General Meeting prior to the expiration of their term of office. 董事在任期届满以前,股东大会不得无故解除其职务。 blog.163.com 5. Line of shrimp and vegetables into unhygienic appearance, generally we have to be removed. 虾线不卫生且影响成菜美观,一般我们都要去掉。 baike.baidu.com 6. If there is algae growing in the water, there is probably slime throughout the system, which can be removed by increasing the ozone output. 如果有在水增加的藻类,在系统各处或许有烂泥,能被藉由增加新鲜的空气输出移动。 www.xici.net 7. That which once despoiled your view will be removed and vistas anew you will experience as you explore the bounty of spirit's offerings. 那曾经掠夺你观点的(负面能量)将会被移除,当你会探索灵性慷慨的给予之时,远景会令你更新。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. If you don't need sessions, the session handler can be removed so we don't even waste the cycles looking for a session cookie. 如果不需要Session就可以移除Session处理器,这样我们连会话Cookie都不用找了,大大节省了时间。 www.infoq.com 9. Batteries in the oesophagus should be removed promptly by endoscopy, those distal to the oesophagus can be left to pass spontaneously. 在食道电池应及时去除胃镜,那些食道远端可以通过自发离开。通道可以保证的粪便检查。 www.syyxw.com 10. This extension, specifying a join, can be used instead of a subquery in the WHERE clause to identify rows to be removed. 这个扩展指定联接,可在WHERE子句中取代子查询来标识要删除的行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. resources depend on the network to provide service to Clients. The Client access capability cannot be removed from the network. 一个或更多的群集资源依靠网络来向客户端提供服务。不能从网络上删除客户端访问能力。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Do you think any guidance in the allocation chapter should be removed, or moved to the website Please be specific and provide rationale. 您认为这一章给出的指南是否有一些应该被删除,或者移到网站上请明确阐述,并给出理由。 oadoc.net 3. The old houses in good city place are going to be removed. The dwellers are busy with moving their home. 黄金地段的老房子即将拆除,居民忙着搬迁。 arts.tom.com 4. The name of the provider to be removed from the collection. 要从集合中移除的提供程序的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Carbon dioxide will be removed using chemicals and turned into a liquid, ready for storage underground. 而其中的二氧化碳将利用化学物质来清除,并最终转化成液体,以便存储于地下。 www.bing.com 6. It was her childlessness, not her fat, that oppressed her, and she prayed for the curse to be removed. 正是她的无子而不是身体胖才让姑姑倍感压抑。所以她就祈祷能早日能去除这个诅咒。 www.bing.com 7. He washed himself, and rubbed his clothes; there were spots that would not be removed, but he cut the pieces out, and burnt them. 他洗了洗手,把衣服擦擦干净,衣服上有几处血迹怎么也擦不掉,他索性把那几块剪下来,烧掉了。 novel.tingroom.com 8. The presentation will examine the major web accessibility obstacles for the vision-impaired people and how these obstacles can be removed. 是次简报会检视失明人士浏览网页所遇到的主要障碍,及如何将之消除。 www.info.gov.hk 9. Experts say up to 20 metric tons a day could be removed with nets over a period of several years. 专家指出接下来几年的时间里一天可以用渔网捕捉20吨鱼。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. Now it is important to understand that short temper is a serious problem and it has to be removed from your personality forever. 现在是时候意识到急性子是一个大问题,而且它应该被永远剔除出你的性格之外。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The valve bonnet may now be removed. There may be slight leakage as the backseat does not provide a drip-tight seal. 现在可以拆卸阀盖。如果后座无法提供无滴漏密封,则会有轻微的泄漏。 www.h6688.com 2. Very strong adhesion plaque, using mouthwash method is not clear the plaque must be removed thoroughly brush your teeth. 很强的粘着斑,使用漱口水的方法是不能清除牙菌斑,必须彻底清除刷牙。 www.qiyeku.com 3. Both of these changes increase the risk that the cell will become trapped in the spleen and be removed by macrophages. 这些改变都增加了该细胞被脾脏的巨噬细胞清除的危险。 www.bing.com 4. Labels must not be removed from container unless all chemical residues in the container have been cleaned. 除非容器内的所有残留化学品都被清除,才能够移除容器上的标签。 hi.baidu.com 5. Pull-out: Part of a publication which can be removed from the binding and used separately. 抽出本:出版物的一部份。它可以从装订中松出,当独立本使用。 www.tdict.com 6. "If publishers want their content to be removed from Google News specifically all they need to do it tell us, " the statement concluded. 声明最后说:“如果发布商想从Google新闻上屏蔽内容,只需要告诉我们一声便可。” www.bing.com 7. Each puppy emerges in its own placental membrane, or sac, which must be removed before the puppy can breathe. 胎衣包裹住犬仔,在犬仔呼吸之前,就要将胎衣去掉。 blog.aigou.com 8. The name of the object to be removed from the collection. 要从集合中移除的对象名。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The incumbent may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of parliament, with the concurrence of the Supreme Court. 现任者可以由议会三分之二投票,经由最高法院同意其免职。 www.ebigear.com 10. Defines a reference to a method that is invoked when a cache entry is about to be removed from the cache. 定义方法的参考,这个方法会在即将移除快取区中的快取项目时叫用。 technet.microsoft.com 1. I held all the charity and its property safely waiting for these 'bad' people to be removed before our work would continue. 我将所有的慈善财产以安全的方式保护起来了,我在等待这些”坏人“被清除,这样我们的工作才能得以继续下去。 www.mjjcn.com 2. All the temporary connections are to be removed and system shall be normalized before 2nd stage passivation. 二级钝化前所有临时连接拆除,系统中和。 www.1x1y.com.cn 3. Water or other liquids may be removed from solids mechanically by filtration or centrifugation or thermally by vaporization. 可以通过机械过滤或分离或者热力汽化将固体中的水或其他液体予以消除。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. All members of a database role must be removed before the database role can be removed. 必须删除数据库角色的所有成员,然后才能删除该数据库角色。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Specifies the name of the database to be removed. 指定要删除的数据库的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The general refuse should be removed on a regular basis for hygiene. 一般废物必须定期清理,避免影响环境卫生。 www.cuhk.edu.hk 7. Lignin is difficult to be removed during retting process. Lignin has a greater impact on the fiber quality and performance of the textiles. 木质素是亚麻脱胶时难以去除的成分,它的存在对亚麻纤维品质和纺织性能有较大影响。 www.fabiao.net 8. All runs and sags should be brushed out immediately or the coating should be removed and the surface repainted . 任何流挂均应迅速刷去,否则应清除涂层重新进行涂装。 www.bing.com 9. These compiler options will continue to work as expected in the current release, but may be removed in a future release. 这些编译器选项将会在当前版本中继续按预期工作,但在将来的版本中可能被移除。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. To establish the operational readiness of the metering unit(s), the protective housing can be removed from said metering unit. 为了使配料单元准备好操作,保护壳体可从配料单元移除。 ip.com 1. It specifies whether the publisher policy configuration information should be removed from the binding process. 安全模式指定是否应该从绑定过程中移除发行者策略配置信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. When minerals are extracted from land surface mines, grasses and trees must be removed, causing erosion of the bare earth. 从地表露天矿开采矿物时,必须割伐草木,从而导致植被破坏和土壤流失。 edu.china.com 3. Leasing Center to recover the space, residential entrance to the supermarket, beauty shop and photo shop to be removed wash! 租赁中心要收回场地,小区入口处的超市、美容店和相片冲洗店都要拆了! www.qiyeku.com 4. In winter most people are forced to roast inside so the ease at which the smoke can be removed from the house is of the up most importance. 冬天,有很多人不得不在室内烘豆,所以能容易地清除室的烟雾就成了第一重要。 www.baristacn.com 5. From this point onwards, the floppy can be removed. 从此以后,可以移除软盘。 www.ibm.com 6. The name of the item to be removed from the collection. 要从集合中移除的项的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The name of the type to be removed from the collection. 要从集合中移除的类型的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Depending on the kind of Tivoli package created, the view can either exist or be removed. 依赖于创建Tivoli包的类型,视图可以存在或被删除。 www.ibm.com 9. Credit limits for commercial banks will also be removed to channel more lending to priority projects and rural development, it said. 声明称,对商业银行的信贷规模限制也被取消,以便为重点工程建设以及农村发展提供更多资金。 www.rr365.com 10. That officer must be removed from his position. 那位军官必须免职。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 1. Sometimes this duplicate information is not needed and can be removed to save space on disk. 有时候该重复信息是不需要的,可以将它除去以节省磁盘空间。 www-128.ibm.com 2. These policies must be removed for automated peer recovery to be enabled again. 在再次启用自动对等配置后,这些策略必须删除。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Incition input power supply, switching power supply to be removed, there is no measurement of the blowing of the insurance. 切断设备输入电源,拆下开关电源保险测量,没有烧断。 www.bing.com 4. If the stereotype is required (as indicated by the Required column) then it cannot be removed. 如果原型是必须的(由Required属性列所显示),那么它就不能被删除。 www.ibm.com 5. Ultimately, come regret time, that means there's less ink that needs to be removed, which means less time spent getting zapped bya laser. 最后,如果遇上顾客后悔,就可以只去除较少的墨水,也意味着只要花较短的时间使用激光。 www.suiniyi.com 6. A berry was to be removed from the bough every time a girl was kissed under it. 每当树下一个姑娘被亲吻时,人们就会从圣诞树枝上拿走一个浆果。 bbs.edu-edu.com.cn 7. Side effects should be limited to the eye, and in a worst-case scenario, the organ could be removed without endangering life. 副作用应该只是针对眼部,最坏的结果就是移出整个器官,而避免危及生命。 www.bing.com 8. Carbon, manganese and silicon can be removed easily by any of the processes, acid or basic. 不管用酸性法还是碱性法,碳、锰及硅容易除去。 www.jukuu.com 9. Public officials may be removed from office for failing to perform their duties properly as well as for serious violations of law . 没有很好的履行职责和严重违反法律的政府官员会被免职。 www.bing.com 10. When the transaction log file no longer contains any active or inactive transactions, the log file can be removed from the database. 事务日志文件不再包含任何活动或不活动的事务时,可以从数据库中删除该日志文件。 technet.microsoft.com |
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