单词 | change over |
释义 | changed over是change over的过去式
第三人称单数:changes over 现在分词:changing over 过去式:changed over 例句释义: 改变,改期 1. "We want to measure more ancient samples to see how the mantle might have changed over time, " Willbold said. 维尔博尔德说:“我们还要测量更古老的样品来观察地幔可能是怎样随时间而变化的。” www.bing.com 2. We'll take a look at how both brands have changed over the years and which seems to have the better strategy. 今天我们要看一下,这两大品牌的这些年的历程,并讨论哪一方的战略更加出色。 www.bing.com 3. The book discusses the extent to which(= how much)family life has changed over the past 50 years. 本书论述了近50年来家庭生活的变化程度。 www.kekenet.com 4. This command has changed over time, so depending on which version of sMash you're working with, you will need to adjust what you type. 此命令已随时间推移而更改,因此取决于所使用的sMash版本,您可能需要调整输入的内容。 www.ibm.com 5. It used to be most of the scientific world was against most types of supplement. That has changed over the last 15 years. 我们曾一度反对大多数类型的补品,但在过去15年里这发生了改变。 www.bing.com 6. A lot of things had changed over the years, but never my love for helping people and trying to make a difference. 这些年来许多事情已经改变了,但是我对救人和改变世界的爱好从来没有变。 www.bing.com 7. What is remarkable about the history of toys is not so much how they changed over the centuries but how much they have remained the same. 在玩具的发展史中,值得记录的并不是他们变了什么而是在这么多世纪之后他们仍保留了某些特性。 wenwen.soso.com 8. If one knows her past, one would be surprised by how much she had changed over the years. 如果知道她过去的人都会对她这么多年来的变化感到惊讶。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Requirements stability. As measured by how much the project's goals changed over the course of the phase. 需求稳定性,在这个阶段的整个过程中项目的目标的变化程度有多大。 www.ibm.com 10. It was clear that customs had changed over the years, but Andrea found out that parents had not. 很明显,海关已改变过去多年,但安德烈找到指出,家长没有。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Familiar piece of road, the impression had not changed over the past two decades, can now no longer the old look. 那条熟悉的路,印象中近二十年来都没有变过,可如今,已不再是旧模样。 enwaimao.cn 2. Admittedly things changed over the next couple of years as Tottenham's financial problems escalated and United hinted at the titles to come. 无疑,事情在未来几年里有了很大的变化,热刺的财务问题越来越大,而曼联则开始成为冠军。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. SIMON: Can I get you to talk about how your thinking has changed over 40 years, as you suggested? 西蒙:我可以请你谈谈,在已经过去的40年里,你的思想是如何变化的吗? www.bing.com 4. But a look at how the economics have changed over the past decade sheds some light on why companies like Wham-O are deciding to return. 但是,应着眼于如何改变过去十年的经济,摆脱停滞,这就是为什么许多公司喜欢威猛,决定返回的原因。 yayan123.com 5. Joan: It's interesting to see how the culture of Xmas has changed over the years. 琼:看到圣诞节文化如何随着时光的推移而发生改变很有趣。 www.bing.com 6. We've always had this idea of the American Dream: a nice house, picket fence. How has the definition changed over the last few years? 以前我们对美国梦的理解一直都是:一所有尖桩围栏的漂亮房子。在过去的几年里这个定义又是如何变化的? www.bing.com 7. Do you know how the IBM logo has changed over time? Or where the Mercedes-Benz brand and three-pointed star logo comes from? 你知道IBM的商标发展经历了怎样的过程?或者你知道梅特勒奔驰汽车品牌名称和其三角星商标从何而来? www.bing.com 8. For large projects, there is a natural need for a larger set of documents that must be produced, delivered, reviewed, and changed over time. 对于大的项目,自然也需要产生一套更大的文档,和交付、检查和变更额外的时间。 www.ibm.com 9. As I was getting into my car the other day, I was thinking about how muc my life had changed over the last couple of years. 当我前几天踏进车里的时候,我在思索在过去的几年中我的生活到底改变了多少。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. it is impossible to tell whether the amount of dark energy around has remained constant, or has changed over the course of time. 目前没法知道暗能量的数量究竟是保持不变,还是随着时间而变化。 club.topsage.com 1. A great deal has changed over the years but the linch pins have always remained the same: quality, innovation and service. 历经风雨,欧菱宝对消费者的承诺:质量、创新、服务,始终未变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. What changed over the last half decade was both the extent and the brutality of the violence sweeping across Mexico. 在过去的五年里,横扫墨西哥的暴力的范围和残忍度都出现了变化。 dongxi.net 3. Though their meanings may have changed over the years, harvest festivals are still popular all over the world. 多年来丰收节的意义可能已经变化,但这个节日依然在全世界流行。 www2.upweb.net 4. Theirs are among hundreds of names a Manhattan court has changed over the last few years for transgender New Yorkers. 这些名字是近几年来曼哈顿法院为纽约变性人更换的数百个名字中的一部分。 www.bing.com 5. The messaging systems have changed over time; as such reporting standards and message format have changed as well. 这些信息系统已经被多次更改过了,例如报告的标准已经信息的格式都已经被更改了。 www.bing.com 6. I used to take slides, but i changed over to color prints. 我过去常照幻灯片,但是后来改照彩色照片。 bbs.jxue.com 7. If there's a doctor in the house, by all means, let us know if and how the psychological indicators of the test have changed over time. 如果有医生的话,请务必告诉我们这种心理指标是否已经随着时间发生变化,以及如何变化。 www.bing.com 8. No doubt the country has changed over the past four decades, but Qaddafi's required reading hasn't. 毫无疑问,在过去的四十年里,这个国家发生了巨大的变化,但是卡扎菲的这本全民必读著作却一成不变。 dongxi.net 9. The makeup of the U. S. electorate has dramatically changed over the past several decades. 过去几十年来,美国的选民结构有戏剧性的变化。 www.exam8.com 10. What are the general ways in trade issues have changed over time? 贸易议题随时代而改变,主要在哪些方面? www.myoops.org 1. The Directorate General of Telecommunications hopes to have all telephones changed over to the pushbutton type by 1990. 电信总局希望在民国七十九年以前,将转盘电话全面更换为按钮电话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Further, there was some discussion as to how to handle the case in which the value of wsa: From changed over the course of a Sequence. 另外还有一些问题比如如何处理wsa:From的值在序列的过程中发生变化这一情况。 www.ibm.com 3. Here you can discover how communication has changed over the year, from early letter writing to modern-day text messaging. 在这里你可以发现多年来通讯是怎么变化的,从早期的写信到现在是信息文本。 huangyunzheng123.blog.163.com 4. But a lot has changed over the past three years, and the new edition covers recent developments in economic research, events, and policy. 但是过去三年许多事情变量,新版书里将会涵盖经济学的研究,经济事件,经济政策的最新的一些发展状况。 www.bing.com 5. The position of my government has not changed over the years. 美国政府在这一问题上的立场从未改变过。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. However, one thing has changed over the 30 years of rock history. 然而,在摇滚乐三十多年的历史里,有一件事情却改变了。 www.bing.com 7. Some of these challenges have slowly changed over time, but many of them are perennial offenders. 这些挑战中,有的会随着时间慢慢改变,然而更多的会持续反复地困扰我们。 www.bing.com 8. Here you can discover how communication has changed over the years, from early letter writing to modern-day text messaging. 在这里你可以发现多年来通讯是如何变化的,从早期的写信到现在的文本信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This doesn't mean, though, that our politics have not fundamentally changed over the last few decades. 不过,这并不代表我们的政治家在过去几十年中没有发生根本上的改变。 www.bing.com 10. By contrast, the bilateral current account balance between the US and the euro zone has hardly changed over the past few years. 相比之下,美国与欧元区之间的双边经常项目近年来几乎没有变化。 finance.sina.com.cn 1. International Circulation: How has the Austrian rehabilitation program changed over the years? 《国际循环》:近年来,奥地利的康复计划改革是怎样的? esc.icirculation.com 2. At Mint. com, you can build graphs that show how your spending, income, debt or net worth has changed over a specific period. 在Mint.com网站,你可以构建图表,显示某个特定时期支出、收入、负债或净资产的变化情况。 www.24en.com 3. What is the role of the citizen in a system structured to maximize national self-realization, and how has that role changed over time? 在一个求国家自我实现最大化的体系中,公民的角色是如何,以及这角色如何与时俱变? www.myoops.org 4. The character of Akihabara has constantly changed over the decades and continues to do so. 秋叶原几十年来在不断的改变,也在不断的延续前进。 wenwen.soso.com 5. But overall, India's form of ownership has barely changed over the past decade. 但是从整体上来看印度公司的所有权形式在过去十年没有变化。 www.ecocn.org 6. You can even look up how the discourse around it has changed over time. 你甚至可以以时间轴的形式查看围绕该书发生的争论的变化。 kk.dongxi.net 7. About 56 percent of American adults drink coffee, a proportion that hasn't changed over the last few years. 56%的美国成年和咖啡,这个比例几年里从来没有变过。 www.bing.com 8. The museum explores the complex situation of Chinese-Americans and how it has changed over time. 博物馆探索中美关系的复杂形势以及它是如何随着时间变化的。 voa.hjenglish.com 9. How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over the years? 这些年来,你对下属犯错的容忍能力有多大改变? www.bing.com 10. He used to drink tea at breakfast, but he's changed over to coffee. 他以前早饭喝茶,但是他已改喝咖啡了。 www.jukuu.com 1. The museum explores become the complex situation now. Chinese-Amercians of Chinese-Americans and how it has changed over time. 博物馆探究者中美之间的复杂关系以及它随着时间是怎样变化的。 www.showxiu.com 2. Another way to filter the data is to get only the data that changed over a certain time period. 过滤数据的另一个方法是只获取那些在一段时间内更改过的数据。 www.ibm.com 3. I'm not a cricket fan or a rugby fan but I have noticed how those sports have changed over the years to improve decision making. 我不是一个板球迷,但是我注意到很多比赛在这些年里都改变了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The 12 words and phrases described how pain began as well as how the pattern of pain changed over time. 12个单词和短语描述疼痛开始以及如何格局的疼痛随时间变化。 www.syyxw.com 5. They also asked about a range of symptoms associated with depression, and tracked how these changed over the course of the study. 他们也问及一系列与抑郁症相关的症状,还跟踪整个研究过程中这些症状的变化情况。 www.bing.com 6. The agency has changed over the years--it now does its work largely through private contractors. 多年来,这一机构已经发生了变化。它现在很大程度上通过私人签约人开展相关工作。 www.unsv.com 7. Evolution -- as used in everyday speech -- is about how an entity is changed over time. 进化——这一常挂在嘴边的学说——是有关某实体如何随着时间的迁延而变化的学说。 www.bing.com 8. And you can see how the Internet penetration has changed over the years. 你能够看到因特网对我们生活的影响在这些年里是如何变化的。 www.ted.com 9. So has the concept of Raksha Bandhan changed over time? 所以手足节的概念是否随着时间而转变了呢? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. Despite technologic advances, the presenting symptoms of lung cancer (LC) have not changed over time, according to a new study. 根据最新的研究表明,尽管科学技术不断的进步,但肺癌的主要症状并没有得到改善。 med.essaystar.com 1. While millions of Americans still associate the GE name with kitchen appliances, its image has changed over time. 尽管数百万的美国人仍然将GE与厨房电气联系在一起,但他的形象已经随着时间有所转变。 www.bing.com 2. While the protocols over which SCSI is transported have changed over the years, the SCSI command set retains many of its original elements. SCSI传输所采用的协议已经时过境迁,SCSI命令却保持了最初的元素。 www.ibm.com 3. Living things have all adapted, that means they've changed over time to fit the cold conditions of the polar regions clime. 生物都要懂得适应,这意味着他们要随时间而改变来适应极地寒冷的气候。 www.funshare.com.cn 4. The distribution of carbon among atmosphere, organisms, land, and oceans has changed over time. 碳在大气、有机体、陆地和海洋之间的分布会随着时间的推移而发生变化。 www.seed.slb.com 5. In addition, the emphasis given to the key features of the concept have changed over time, further confusing purpose and outcome. 此外,给予重视概念的主要特点已经随着时间的推移改变了,这进一步混淆的目的和结果。 wenku.baidu.com 6. How has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over years ? 在过去几年里,你在容忍下属犯错的程度上有无变化? z.tougao98.com 7. And how has the role of design in America changed over time, since the early days of the young Republic? 又如何有在美国设计中的作用随着时间而变化,因为年轻的共和国的初期? ccebook.net 8. American English has changed over the centuries, too . 在过去的几个世纪里,美国英语也发生变化。 files.eduu.com 9. Within its annual reporting of the 3PL market, little has changed over the past couple of years. 在其关于第三方物流市场的年度报告中,过去几年几乎没有变化。 www.logclub.com 10. But she is concerned because standards for what information appears in legal documents have changed over time. 但她对此仍很担忧,因为何种信息可呈现在法律文件中的标准一直在随时间改变。 www.bing.com 1. There is no agreement in the industry about what a smartphone actually is and definitions have changed over time. 不能达成协议的行业什么是智能手机,实际上是和定义随着时间的推移发生了变化。 q.sohu.com 2. Therefore , the machine can quickly be changed over to new formats . 收缩套管的长度可无级调动,所以能在更换容器时迅速转换规格。 www.bing.com 3. Britain changed over from pounds, shillings, and pence to the new decimal money system. 一九七一年英国把英镑、先令、便士改为新的十进位币制。 dict.bioon.com 4. Meanwhile, although growth appears robust, the nature of the growth has changed over time. 同时,尽管增长强劲,增长的性质已经发生了变化。 www.bing.com 5. How has medical photography changed over the years? 医疗摄影近年来发生了哪些变化? www.bing.com 6. Moreover, in almost half the cases studied (46 percent), the killers' ritualistic behaviors changed over time. 此外,在所研究的案例中中几乎有一半(46%)案例中的杀手其“仪式”不断变换。 www.bing.com 7. These picture-words changed over time until they became square characters. 这些图画文字经过演变就成了现在的方块字。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And although the logo has changed over the years, it's still the same basic shape and concept I designed over 30 years ago. 虽说LOGO这么些年来已经变了不少,但是它始终跟我30年前设计出来的基本外形和概念一致。 dongxi.net 9. In-theatre training of anaesthetists in a teaching hospital: has it changed over 10 years? 教学医院手术室麻醉师培训在过去十年有变化吗? www.120health.com 10. Given that 60 percent of the population is overweight, our view of normal eating has changed over the years. 我们大致估计有60%的人身体超重,我们对于正常饮食的观念,几年前已经开始改变。 www.bing.com 1. King: Has your definition of flow changed over the years? King:您对“心流”的定义这些年有变化吗? www.bing.com 2. The average travel time has not changed over that period. 在此期间,平均行驶时间并没有改变。 wenwen.soso.com 3. In relation to GM foods and crops, the types of tests required have changed over time. 关于转基因食品和作物,规定的检测类型不断变化。 www.scidev.net 4. English has changed over the centuries, too. 几个世纪以来,英语也起了变化。 www.szteacher.net 5. For modern men, not much has changed over the centuries. 现代男人与几世纪前相比变化不大。 www.bing.com 6. Q. Has your leadership style changed over the years? 这些年来,你的领导风格变了吗? cn.nytimes.com 7. The names and details changed over the years, but the story remained the same. 多年来虽然名称和细节有所变化,但内容仍然一样。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Further studies of the fish may tell how animals changed over time. 对这种鱼作进一步研究的结果也许能告须我们动物的漫长演化方式。 www.yhtec.com.cn 9. Use this parameter to add informative comments to the rule, such as what the rule is used for or how it has changed over time. 使用此参数可以将信息注释(例如,规则用于何种操作或者它如何随时间而更改)添加到规则。 technet.microsoft.com 10. We have indices of house prices, measuring how they have changed over the past month, quarter or year. 我们编制了各种房价指数,衡量过去一个月、一个季度或一年来房价涨跌情况。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Wired: How has your thinking about design changed over the past decades? 连线:对于过去十年中设计的变迁你有何看法? www.bing.com 2. The thrust of the practices also changed over time to become more ritualized. 那推进那练习也改变随着时间的过去到变成更多使仪式化。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. and how the glacier has changed over time. 以及冰川如何随着时间而变化。 www.bing.com 4. Webber also discovered that the most popular names in Britain have not changed over the past 127 years. 韦伯也发现,英国127年以来排名靠前的姓氏始终未变。 www.ebigear.com 5. The railways here have changed over from steam to electricity. 这儿的火车已经从蒸汽机车改成电动火车。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. How have your career motivations changed over the past few years? 在过去短短的几年时间里,你的职业动机是如何变化的?。 www.txjunshi.com 7. Many things have changed over the years. 经过这么多年,很多事情都变了。 www2.upweb.net 8. Well, California's changed over the last little while. You should come back out sometime. 噢,加利福尼亚最近变化很大,什么时间你应该再回来看看。 edu.21cn.com 9. Q: Has the focus of the show changed over the years? 问:这个剧的侧重点在这么多年里是否发生了变化? www.america.gov 10. That number, too, has hardly changed over the past four decades. 这个数字,同样在过去四十年几乎没有改变。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. The user interface for editing models has changed over time. 用于编辑模型的用户界面已随时间推移而更改。 www.ibm.com 2. So the way we observe, catch and perpetrate lies has changed over the past 50 years, but the consequences of being caught have not. 所以说,人们观察、发现和揭穿谎言的方式在过去的50年里也是发生了变化。不过,被逮住的后果却没有变。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. It is a living document whose interpretation has changed over time. 它是一份活的文件,其解释已经随着时间而改变。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The answer has changed over the years. 多年来此总是的答案也在变化。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The country has changed over from military to democratic rule. 这个国家已经由军事统治转变为民主领导。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Craig's life changed over a bowl of cereal. 在克雷格喝着一碗麦片粥的时候,他的人生改变了。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Happiness, as measured by national surveys, has hardly changed over 50 years. 据国家调查估量,幸福在过去50年中没有什么变化。 www.ecocn.org 8. These meanings of health have also changed over time. 随着时间的流逝,这些健康概念也改变了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. In this week, presentations are about how eating habits in China changed over the last 20 years. 这个星期的“陈述”是关于在过去的20年里,中国的饮食习惯如何发生变化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The nature of investment operations has changed over time. 随着时间推移,投资贷款的性质已发生变化。 web.worldbank.org 1. How has it changed over the years? 这几年有没有什么变化? www.bing.com 2. Has the town changed over the years? 多年来这个城镇已经变了很多吗? blog.163.com 3. In fact I probably changed over 5000 diapers during my time at the orphanage! ! 实际上我在孤儿院的期间可能换过5000片次尿布!! www.mouldbbs.com 4. The intent is to show what has changed over time. 其目的是为了说明随时间发生了什么变化。 www.ibm.com 5. But one very important factor has changed over the past 17 years: China. 不过,过去17年来,一个非常重要的因素发生了改变,这就是中国。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Boko Haram's tactics have changed over time. 博科圣地的策略随着时间不断改变。 www.huizhouw.com 7. Client needs have become increasingly complex and globally oriented, and as a result wealth management has changed over the past 10 years. 客户需求已变得日益复杂和全球化,其结果是,财富管理工作在过去10年中已发生了巨大变化。 www.ftchinese.com 8. While the purpose of glue hasn't changed over the years, the technology certainly has. 虽然这么多年来胶水的用途一直没变,但胶水的技术却在进步。 firedoor.5d6d.com 9. Has this pattern changed over time? 这种模式变化了吗? www.bing.com 10. But the situation has changed over the past six months. 但在过去六个月期间,情况发生了变化。 www.ftchinese.com 1. They can easily be increased or decreased in size, and the shapes can be changed over time. 他们可以很容易地增加或减少的大小和形状可随时间变化。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Why has English changed over time? 为什么英语会随着时间的推移而改变呢? wenku.baidu.com 3. So why has English changed over time? 那么为什么英语一直变化呢? blog.66wz.com 4. Has that view changed over time? 这一观点会随时间而改变吗? chinese.wsj.com 5. Many people now believe that one form of life changed over long periods of time into other completely different forms of life. 现今许多人相信一个形式的生命经过长时期的改变,变成另一个完全不同形式的生命。 www.jdtjy.com 6. What percentage of people in your country or region lives in poverty and how have income distributions changed over the past 20 years? 在你的国家和地区有百分之多少的人口生活在贫困当中,过去20年来收入分配发生了怎样的变化? web.worldbank.org 7. An exception is if you can show it can't happen -- but often programs are changed over time that make the impossible possible. 能够容易看出来的异常就不可能会发生――但是程序通常会随时间而变更,从而使得不可能成为可能。 www.ibm.com 8. That's because the study also discovered that name popularity trends have changed over the years. 该研究还发现取名的流行趋势多年来已经有所改变。 www.bing.com 9. How do you feel your musical style has changed over the years? 你怎么看待自己近几年音乐风格的变化? www.leehom-cn.com 10. Q: How has the industry changed over the past 50 years? 问:在过去50年来,旅游代理商行业发生了怎样的变化? www.bing.com 1. There is also clear evidence that many other aspects of the world's climate have also changed over the past 100 years. 也有清楚的证据表明,地球气候的许多其它方面在过去100年也发生了变化。 www.scidev.net 2. Have you changed over the summer holiday? 你暑假有所改变吗? www.tingroom.com 3. THE PICTURE HAD CHANGED OVER NIGHT. 经过一夜图像翻转。 dict.bioon.com 4. The plant changed over to the manufacture of storage batteries last year. 这家工厂去年已改产蓄电池。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. One ray of hope is that recessions in America have changed over the years. 有一线希望寄托于此次衰退不同于美国以往。 www.ecocn.org 6. Play back and copy earlier versions of a wave, so that you can revert to an older state of a given wave, or see how it changed over time 回溯到早期版本的wave,因此你可以将一个wave恢复到以前状态,或者跟踪它的改变过程 www.bing.com 7. SD: Well, I think we should think of how many things have changed over the last year. SD:嗯,我觉得我们从去年开始就已经改变了很多事情。 bbs.hellof1.com 8. and how the design of these has changed over the years 以及这些年来这项技术的设计有哪些改进 dongxi.net 9. "Death Sentence With Reprieve" should be Changed over to an Independent Kind of Penalty “死缓”应改为独立刑种 10. how the organization's goals have changed over the past three to five years 公司的经营方向在过去三到五年内有什么变化 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Though their meaning may have changed over the years, 虽然他们的用意一年不同一年。 www.tingroom.com 2. To search for work items changed over a range of dates 搜索在一段日期范围内更改的工作项 www.ichacha.net 3. The effect of aging to serum calcium regulating hormones and bone changed-over markers and BMD 增龄对钙调节相关激素、骨转换指标及骨密度的影响 www.ilib.cn |
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