单词 | change detection | ||||||||||||||
释义 | change detection
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 变化检测,变化侦测,变化觉察 1. Multitemporal remote sensing image change detection has been used in civil economy and national defense widely. 多时相遥感图像变化检测已经在国民经济和国防建设领域得到广泛应用。 www.fabiao.net 2. In recent decades, many change detection methods have been developed. Previous researches have shown that each method has its own merits. 各国学者发展了众多的变化检测方法,研究表明每种方法都具有优势与不足。 stbcyj.alljournal.com.cn 3. Change detection models for several typical urban areas are studied and a novel change detection model is proposed for urban building areas. 本文研究了几种不同类型区域中的变化检测模型,并针对城市建筑用地区域提出了一种新的变化检测模型。 search.gucas.ac.cn 4. Change detection can be useful for identifying changes in data patterns that you can use for future analysis and prediction. 变化监测对于识别数据模式中您用于未来分析和预言的数据变化是有益的。 www.ibm.com 5. Remote sensing is primary technology used for change detection. 遥感技术是土地覆盖变化研究最有力的技术手段。 stbcyj.alljournal.com.cn 6. Is typically used to set the faulty part separated out from its background is to change detection. 凡是用于不兵有弊端的部件从其配景别离不入来的办法是改变检测。 www.bing.com 7. This paper presents an evidence theory based change detection method capable of utilizing multiple image features. 提出了一种以证据理论综合利用图像多种特征的变化检测方法。 jors.cn 8. Image registration is an important step of image fusion, change detection and target recognition in remote-sensing applications. 图像配准是图像融合、变化检测、目标识别等遥感应用中的重要步骤。 cjig.cn 9. Alternatively, you can use triggers to automate parts of the change detection process. 或者,也可以使用触发器使部分变化检测过程自动化。 www-128.ibm.com 10. Experiment result shows the influences of camera motion and large object motion on shot change detection can be eliminated. 实验结果表明该方法可以排除摄像头运动及大物体运动对镜头边界检测的影响,提高了镜头边界检测的准确率。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The value of gravimeter surveys for gravity change detection lies in the fact that gravity change indicates elevation change. 用重力测量检测重力变化的意义在于,重力变化表示高程变化。 2. The most serious problems for change detection on high-resolution images are the sensitivity to registration and the complexity of terrain. 而对于高分辨率遥感图像的变化检测,面临的突出问题是对配准误差的敏感性和人工环境下地形的复杂性。 www.fabiao.net 3. However, limited empirical studies have focused on the different characteristics of visual change detection between Deaf and hearing people. 由此,本研究将这两个方面作为切入点,研究聋人的视觉变化觉察和健听人的异同。 www.fabiao.net 4. With change detection, the device automatically triggers an application to perform a read operation after a digital line changes state. 通过改变探测,在数字线改变之后,设备能自动引发应用以执行阅读操作。 www.chuandong.com 5. By using change-detection paradigm, all subjects memorize single color, single shape, color-shape conjunction. 利用变化检测范式,分别记忆单一颜色、单一形状、颜色和形状的捆绑。 6. Land-cover change detection is extremely important for researching global change. 土地覆盖变化对与促进全球变化研究具有十分重要的意义。 stbcyj.alljournal.com.cn 7. Change detection is the process of analyzing changes of surface features with multi-temporal remote sensing imageries in the same area. 变化检测通常是指利用同一地区不同时相遥感影像分析该区域地物的变化情况。 jors.cn 8. This paper proposes a change detection algorithm for remote sensing images based on image fusion and adaptive threshold selection. 提出一种基于影像融合和自适应阈值选择的遥感影像变化检测方法。 jors.cn 9. An image change detection algorithm based on adaptive parameter estimation for multi-temporal remote sensing is proposed in this paper. 提出一种基于自适应参数估计实现多时相遥感图像的变化检测算法。 www.dictall.com 10. Trend change detection has been applied widely to applications of time series stream. 趋势变化检测在时间序列流中有着非常广泛的应用。 airiti.com 1. The study results suggest that Bayesian network will be a newly effective approach for remote sensing data change detection. 实验结果表明,贝叶斯网络为遥感数据的直接变化检测提供了一种新的途径。 www.magsci.org 2. The software includes new filters, such as line crossing, object trajectory, aspect ratio, and condition-change detection. 该软件包含了新的过滤器,如折线,目标轨迹,长宽比和条件变化检测。 www.21csp.com.cn 3. As a result from the case study in Haidian District, Beijing, the accuracy of change detection is obtained about 87. . . 从海淀区的实例研究结果看,变化的检测精度可以达到87%以上。 epub.cnki.net 4. Land-use has been the focus of the study in the remote sensing image change detection. 土地利用变化检测一直是遥感影像变化检测研究的重点。 www.71155.com 5. Change detection of remote sensing image for earthquake-damaged buildings and its application in seismic disaster assessment 建筑物震害遥感图像的变化检测与震害评估 service.ilib.cn 6. Research on the Land Use Change with Beijing Ring Road Driven Using Remote Sensing Change Detection 北京环线建设驱动的土地利用变化遥感检测与分析 ilib.cn 7. Shoreline Dynamic Change Detection and Stability Discriminant to the Guanting Reservoir with Multi-temporal Landsat TM 官厅水库的遥感动态变化探测及边岸稳定性判别 www.ilib.cn 8. A New Method for Change Detection and Spatial Location in a Real-Time Scene 实时场景中多目标运动变化检测和空域定位方法 ilib.cn 9. A New Statistical Similarity Measure for Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images and Its Extension to Multiscale Change Analysis 一个多时间SAR图像变化探测的新的统计相似性度量以及其在多尺度变化分析的扩展 library.cma.gov.cn 10. Research on Direct Classification Change Detection for Temporal and Multi-spectral Remote Sensing Data Using Neural Network 多光谱遥感数据直接分类变化检测的神经网络方法研究 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 1. Application of Bayesian network classification to remote sensing change detection 贝叶斯网络分类算法在遥感数据变化检测上的应用 www.bnu.edu.cn 2. Radiometric normalization of multitemporal high-resolution satellite images with quality control for land cover change detection 监测土地覆盖变化的有质量控制的多时间高分辨率卫星图象的辐射标准化 www.zzdnyy.com 3. Twi-difference Algorithm and Pixel-matching Twi-difference Algorithm for Video Abrupt Shot Change Detection 用于视频镜头突变切换检测的二次差分法和像素点匹配二次差分法 ilib.cn 4. Research on Change Detection of Architectural Areas along Heilongjiang River by Remote Sensing Methods 利用遥感方法对黑龙江沿岸建筑用地变化的检测 www.ilib.cn 5. Automatic Land Use and Land Cover Change Detection with One Temporary Remote Sensing Image 单一时相遥感数据土地利用与覆盖变化自动检测方法 ilib.cn 6. Case Study on Image Differencing Method for Land Use Change Detection Using Thematic Data in Renhe District of Panzhihua 采用图像差值法提取土地利用变化信息方法——以攀枝花仁和区为例 ilib.cn 7. Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Change Detection Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks 利用动态贝叶斯网络进行多时相遥感变化检测 www.ilib.cn 8. based on frequency domain processing on the diagonal direction of change detection method is more sensitive to changes in information; 基于频域处理的变化检测方法对对角线方向的变化信息更敏感; www.fabiao.net 9. Airborne Image Change Detection and Analysis of Beijing Olympic Main Venue Construction Area 北京奥运主场馆区航空真彩色影像的变化检测与分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Automatic Analysis of Difference Image for Statistical Change Detection 统计运动检测中的自动差值图像分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Reduction of ICESat systematic geolocation errors and the impact on ice sheet elevation change detection ICESat系统全球定位误差的减少及其对大冰原上升变化探测的影响 edu.cma.gov.cn 2. An abrupt change detection algorithm for buried landmines localization 为了掩埋的地雷定位突然变化测定算法 edu.cma.gov.cn 3. Study on Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Change Detection 多时相遥感变化检测的动态贝叶斯网络研究 ilib.cn 4. New Texture Segmentation-Based Approach for Change Detection in Remote Sensing Image 基于纹理分割的遥感图像的变化探测 www.opticsjournal.net 5. Study on Dynamic Change Detection of Tropical Forest Using Remote Sensing Data in Hainan Island 海南热带林动态变化的遥感监测 service.ilib.cn 6. Optimizing of Change Detection in Differential Image with MMX Technology 差值法图像变化检测的MMX优化 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of Multitemporal Composition and Classification to Land Use Change Detection 多时相组合分类法在土地利用动态监测中的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Remote Sensing Change Detection Using Bayesian Networks 利用贝叶斯网络进行遥感变化检测 www.ilib.cn 9. A Fast Algorithm of Scene Change Detection for the MPEG Compressed Video Stream 一种从MPEG视频流中快速分割镜头的算法 ilib.cn 10. Unsupervised change detection on SAR images using fuzzy hidden Markov chains 使用模糊隐藏马尔科夫链对SAR成象上未检测变化探测 edu.cma.gov.cn 1. The Distributing Rules and the Change Detection of Coast-elements for Chinese Coastland 中国海岸带分布规律及其海部要素变化检测 www.ilib.cn 2. An Image Change Detection Method Using Statistical Analysis 一种基于统计分析的图像变化检测方法 www.ilib.cn 3. Abrupt Change Detection with Wavelet for Small Current Fault Relaying 应用小波检测故障突变特性实现配电网小电流故障选线保护 advertisement.zhongku.com 4. A Building Change Detection Method Considering Projection Influence Based on Spectral Feature and Texture Feature 一种运用纹理和光谱特征消除投影差影响的建筑物变化检测方法 www.ilib.cn 5. Image Preprocessing Method Based on Edge Feature Matching for Change Detection in Multi-temporal Remotely Sensed Imageries 基于边缘特征匹配的遥感影像变化检测预处理方法 www.ilib.cn 6. An Efficient Video Object Segmentation Algorithm Based on Background Registration and Change Detection 一种基于背景记录和变化检测的视频对象分割算法 www.ilib.cn 7. A Mutual Information and Joint Entropy Based Method for Shot Change Detection 基于交互信息量和联合熵的镜头检测算法 ilib.cn 8. A Quadratic Difference-based Method for Abrupt Shot Change Detection 一种基于二次帧差的突变镜头检测方法 www.ilib.cn 9. An urban change detection method using spectral and spatial features 基于光谱和空域信息的城区变化检测方法研究 www.ilib.cn 10. New Method of Combining Camera Motion Recognition and Shot Change Detection 摄相机运动识别及视频分割的组合检测新方法 ilib.cn 1. Area Accuracy Assessment for Land Use Change Detection by Remote Sensing 土地利用动态遥感监测面积精度评价方法 www.ilib.cn 2. Fast Gradual Effect Scene Change Detection Algorithm in MPEG Domain 一种MPEG域上的快速缓变效果场景分割算法 ilib.cn 3. Multi-Channel Remote Sensing Imagery Change Detection Based on Orthogonal Transformations 基于正交变换的多通道遥感影像变化检测 service.ilib.cn 4. Landscape change detection in Yulin prefecture 榆林地区景观变化探测模型 service.ilib.cn 5. A regional change detection method by remote sensing image and vector graph 一种基于矢量图的区域变化检测方法 www.ilib.cn 6. A fuzzy logic based scene change detection method for MPEG compressed video 一种基于模糊逻辑的MPEG压缩视频场景转换检测方法 ilib.cn 7. GIS Assistance-based Change Detection in Surface Feature 在GIS辅助下的地物变化检测 www.ilib.cn 8. Real-time segmentation for head-shoulder video sequences based on temporal statistical change detection 基于时域统计变化检测实时分割头肩视频序列 ilib.cn 9. Reference Signal Construction Based on the Spectrum Function in the Latency Change Detection of Evoked Potentials 诱发电位潜伏期变化检测中基于谱函数特性分析的参考信号构造方法 service.ilib.cn 10. Change Detection Methods and Their Application in City 变化检测方法及其在城市中的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. Study on Change Detection Framework of Land Use and Land Cover by Remote Sensing 论土地利用与覆盖变化遥感信息提取技术框架 www.ilib.cn 2. Determination of Threshold in Change Detection Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis 基于典型相关分析的变化检测中变化阈值的确定 ilib.cn 3. Remote Sensing Change Detection Based on Bayesian Networks Classifications 基于贝叶斯网络分类的遥感影像变化检测 ilib.cn 4. SOFM-based Change Detection of Airdrome Area in Remote Sensing Image 基于SOFM的遥感图像的机场区域变化检测 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 5. Pixel-Matching Method for Abrupt Shot Change Detection 用于镜头突变切换检测的像素点匹配法 ilib.cn 6. Approach for Terrain Change Detection and DEM Updating 一种地形变化检测与DEM更新的方法研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Method for Change Detection and Spatial Location in Real-time Scene 多目标运动变化检测及空域定位新方法 www.ilib.cn 8. A Feature-based Change Detection Method of Constructions 一种基于特征点的人工目标变化检测方法 www.ilib.cn 9. Abrupt climate change detection based on heuristic segmentation algorithm 基于启发式分割算法的气候突变检测研究 ilib.cn 10. The research on land use change detection by using direct classification of stacked multitemporal TM images 运用多时相直接分类法对土地利用进行遥感动态监测的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. A Key-Path-Based Change Detection Algorithm for XML Documents 基于特征路径的XML文档变化检测算法 www.ilib.cn 2. A Summary of Change Detection Methods of Remote Sensing Image 遥感变化检测方法研究综述 service.ilib.cn 3. Study on Change Detection Automatically Based on Similarity Calibration 基于相似度验证的自动变化探测研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Urban Change Detection Using Landsat TM Imagery 影像的城市变化检测研究 www.ilib.cn 5. The Detection of the Changed Building in City Based on Change Detection Technology 基于变化检测技术的城区建筑变化目标提取 6. GIS Knowledge Guided Change Detection and Update of Digital Orthoimage GIS知识引导的正射影像变化检测及更新 www.ilib.cn 7. Research on method of automatic land use change detection 土地利用变化信息自动提取方法 www.ilib.cn 8. An Unsupervised Approach Based on the Generalized Gaussian Model to Automatic Change Detection in Multitemporal SAR Images 根据一般的高斯模式对在多时间SAR成象里自动变化探测的一个无须检查的方法 www.carreviews.cn 9. Fast Segmentation of Video Objects Based on Change Detection and Spatial-Temporal Filters 基于变化检测与时空滤波器的视频对象分割方法 service.ilib.cn 10. Change Detection Using Aerial Images with POS Data POS数据辅助的航空影像变化检测方法研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Change Detection Using Aerial Images with POS Data POS数据辅助的航空影像变化检测方法研究 www.ilib.cn 2. A Cause and Effect Algorithm for Cut Shot Change Detection 一种因果的突变镜头检测方法 www.ilib.cn 3. An improved method for video change detection 一种改进的视频切变检测方法 www.ilib.cn 4. Multitemporal Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Based on Adaptive Parameter Estimation 基于自适应参数估计的多时相遥感图像变化检测 www.ilib.cn 5. An Image Change Detection Algorithm Based on Differential Invariants 一种基于微分不变量的图像变化检测方法 www.ilib.cn 6. Structure Change Detection of Images Based on Biological Vision Principle 基于生物视觉原理的图像结构信息变化检测方法 ilib.cn 7. Stereo Video Object Segmentation Based on Disparity and Change Detection 基于视差和变化检测的立体视频对象分割 www.ilib.cn 8. A Model-Based Wipe Scene Change Detection Method 一种基于模型的扫换检测方法 ilib.cn 9. Fast Algorithm of Scene Change Detection Based on DC Coefficients and Motion Vectors 基于DC系数和运动矢量的快速场景分割算法 ilib.cn 10. An Integrated Method for Change Detection and Map Updating Based on Decision Tree Rules 基于决策规则的变化检测及图件更新一体化方法研究 www.ilib.cn 1. A New Method for Real-time Segmenting Video Objects Based on Statistical Change Detection 以统计变化检测为基础的实时分割视频对象新方法 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Airport Change Detection 机场区域变化检测研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Wipe Scene Change Detection in MPEG Video Sequences Based on Pattern Templates 基于模式模板的MPEG压缩视频序列的划变转换检测 ilib.cn 4. Study on Land Cover Change Detection Method Based on NDVI Time Series Datasets: Change Detection Indexes Design 基于NDVI时间序列数据的土地覆盖变化检测指标设计 www.ilib.cn 5. Fusion algorithm for multi-temporal image based on change detection 基于变化检测的多时相图像的融合算法 www.ilib.cn 6. Change Detection Technology Based on Remote Sensing Image 基于遥感影像的变化检测技术 www.ilib.com.cn 7. Based on Fusion and GGM Change Detection Approach of Remote Sensing Images 基于融合和广义高斯模型的遥感影像变化检测 ilib.cn 8. Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images Change Detection Based on Linear Feature 基于线特征的多时相遥感图像变化检测 ilib.cn 9. A New Algorithm for Change Detection 一种变化检测的新算法 service.ilib.cn 10. A Road Network Change Detection Algorithm Based on Linear Feature 一种基于线特征的道路网变化检测算法 www.ilib.cn 1. A Road Network Change Detection Algorithm Based on Linear Feature 一种基于线特征的道路网变化检测算法 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Land-use Change Detection Based on Multi-date Classification 基于多时相影像直接分类的土地利用变化监测方法研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Abrupt Shot Change Detection Based on Statistical Model 基于统计模型的镜头突变检测方法 www.ilib.cn 4. Approach for Terrain Change Detection and Updating Based on Orthoimage Matching 基于正射影像匹配的地形变化检测与更新算法 service.ilib.cn 5. A Method of Change Detection in Urban Areas 城区变化检测的一种方法 service.ilib.cn 6. Scene change detection based on compressed domain 基于压缩域的场景变换检测 ilib.cn 7. A Method of Wavelet Change Detection Based on Regional Texture Feature 基于区域特征的小波差值变化检测方法 www.ilib.cn 8. A Method of Change Detection Based on the Special Objects Extraction 基于特征提取的目标变化检测方法研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Shot Change Detection Based on Local Linear Prediction in Time Domain 基于时域局部线性预测的视频镜头变换检测 ilib.cn 10. Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images Change Detection Based on ICA 基于独立成分分析的多时相遥感图像变化检测 ilib.cn 1. Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images Change Detection Based on ICA 基于独立成分分析的多时相遥感图像变化检测 ilib.cn 2. Review of the Development of Remote Sensing Change Detection Technology 遥感变化检测技术发展综述 www.ilib.cn 3. An Algorithm for Abrupt Video Shot Change Detection Based on Spatio-Temporal Slices 一种基于时空切片的镜头突变检测方法 ilib.cn 4. A method of texture feature based on wavelet for change detection 基于小波变换的纹理特征变化检测方法研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Change Detection Technique Based on Region Likehood Ratio for SAR Images 基于区域似然比的SAR图像变化检测 ilib.com.cn 6. Change Detection Based on Both Edges and Gray 基于边缘特征的变化检测方法研究 service.ilib.cn |
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