单词 | chance encounter |
释义 | 例句释义: 偶然遭遇,邂逅,巧遇,机缘 1. Don't say it like! This was all a chance encounter created by fate! 别那样说啦!这全是命运带来的偶然! www.squarecn.com 2. It was a wonderful chat, but we'll be hard pressed to meet again as this was a chance encounter at both of our non-regular hour. 聊的好开心,不过,再见的缘份不大,因为今天都是在我们的意外时间才偶遇。 www.dailymile.com 3. What got me thinking about all of this was a chance encounter with a client several months ago. 几个月前与一位客户的偶遇让我思考了这一切。 www.bing.com 4. But you are more likely than you were in the past to discover something useful through a chance encounter. 这时你看起来比以往更需要通过四处碰运气的方法来发现有用之物。 www.bing.com 5. In fact, the so-called "predestination" is often a kind of coincidence or chance encounter, even a kind of accident. 其实所谓“缘份”,经常是一种巧合、偶遇,甚至误打误撞。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A chance encounter with him could evoke a totally different emotional response. 你再遇到他时就可能会产生完全不同的情绪反应。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. My most interesting Moscow adventure began with a chance encounter in the hotel elevator. 我在莫斯科最有意思的经历是从饭店电梯里的一次偶遇开始的。 www.bing.com 8. Another fascinating photo shows a chance encounter between a parrot fish and a school of grey grunts in Galapagos. 另一张迷人的照片记录下加拉帕戈斯群岛水域一只鹦鹉鱼遭遇灰色鲈鱼群的一刻。 www.bing.com 9. Seizing on a chance encounter with an attractive stranger, Deidre accepts his offer to use his country home. 抓住一个机会,遇到陌生人有吸引力,德德雷接受他的提议,以利用他国家。 www.ccebook.net 10. A day is a chance encounter; a year says love. 一天只是心动邂逅,一年终成不渝爱情。 blog.pixnet.net 1. But I couldn't export, woman looking younger than me a lot, I and her story is a chance encounter. 可我怎么也叫不出口,女人看着比我还小很多,我和她的故事是一次偶遇。 www.bing.com 2. But crab lice in human pubic areas are more closely related to those of gorillas so must have crossed over later, in a chance encounter. 但是存在于人类阴部的蟹虱同大猩猩身上的虱子关系更为密切,所以肯定是在后来的一次偶遇中改变了立场。 www.bing.com 3. That such a fleeting chance encounter can result in so many overwhelming feelings tells us a lot about the power of love. 稍纵即逝的邂逅便能引发难以抗拒的情感,这让我们更深刻地认识到爱情的力量。 wenku.baidu.com 4. The Pleiades nebulosity is caused by a chance encounter between an open cluster of stars and a molecular cloud. 昴星团是在一次偶然的机会下,由一个疏散星团与一个分子星云遭遇而形成的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Prey is located by following a fresh scent trail on the ground or in the air, or simply by a chance encounter. 猎物位置后,鲜香味径在地面上还是在空中,或干脆由一个机会遇到。 post.baidu.com 6. My friend had not shared a word of her difficulties, yet this chance encounter satisfied her need to receive something positive. 我的朋友再也没说一句关于她的困难事。这次的机缘巧合令她很满足,她知道要去吸收积极的事。 www.bing.com 7. He first stumbled into it in 1969, thanks to a chance encounter at a hotel in Palm Springs. 1969年,Simmons入住到棕榈泉的一家旅店,正是在当地的偶遇使他初涉石油领域。 www.ecocn.org 8. The chance encounter of these two holidays has sparked an amazing discount season for shoppers. 对于购物者而言,两大节日的相遇碰撞出惊喜折扣的火花。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. and absurdly wandering the streets in the hope of a chance encounter. 而荒唐地在街上游逛,以期碰巧遇上一样。 www.rrting.com 10. This chance encounter showed me the special genius of those people, and the special potential of the green banana. 我开始欣赏那些人特别的智慧和青香蕉潜在的独特价值。 club.topsage.com 1. Only in silence waiting for the chance encounter of the beautiful people will be exciting, more beautiful. 只有在默默的等待中不期而遇的美丽,才会让人怦然心动,越发美丽的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If we are prepared properly and are optimistic we are likely to incorporate the chance encounter and use it as a positive experience. 如果我们有适当准备并且乐观,我们就能与机会好好“合作”,并产生积极的体验。 www.bing.com 3. A chance encounter or love at first sight , Memories of past casual brush of shoulders. Destiny draws the starting lines of love. 不期而遇或者一见钟情是爱情开始的机缘还是擦肩而过的回忆夜的颜色,沉淀着许多激情。 www.bing.com 4. Jennifer, from New York, can almost never forget a face, even a chance encounter on the subway 20 years ago. 她几乎不会忘记任何一张曾经见过的脸,哪怕是20年前在地铁车站擦肩而过的路人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Life is accidental, chance encounter, and met great friend can also be accidental. 生命是偶然的,相遇是偶然的,相识相知也能是偶然的。 www.bing.com 6. This, they reckon, will increase the likelihood that a chance encounter will prove valuable. 他们预计如此一来,碰上好运气的可能性便会大大增加了。 www.bing.com 7. But the intriguing feature of this story is that the chance encounter provided the necessary spark of encouragement and hope. 但这个故事的有趣之处在于他是一个很好的机会给我的朋友带来了必要的鼓励和希望。 www.bing.com 8. A chance encounter; a chance result. 邂逅;不曾料想的结果 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Those a lot of chance encounter, only get hold of one in " accidental " that may be written in water. 那许多巧遇,只不过是把握住了许多可能转瞬即逝的“偶然”中的一个。 blog.zhiji.com 10. One day my humor is good, old father just sent living cost, I am eating lovely much, the chance encounter on the road him. 有天我心情好,老爸才发了生活费,我吃着可爱多,路上巧遇他。 www.google-web.org 1. A chance encounter made me know you. 很偶然的机缘认识你。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He also started a boring life and work, however, this chance encounter feelings and not the end. 他又开始了无聊的生活与工作,然而这种不期而遇的感情并没有结束。 www.xkyn.com 3. He had a chance encounter with a friend this morning. 今天早上他偶然遇到了一位朋友。 www.tingroom.com 4. Just think, JiangTaiGong successes in with the king is just because the chance encounter? 试想,姜太公成就的取得难道仅仅是因为与文王的偶然相遇吗? wenwen.soso.com 5. It took another chance encounter -- this time with a worker in the Xinsi smelter they bumped into in Xi'an -- for them to learn about lead. 又有了一个让他们瞭解铅危害资讯的机会,这次是与在西安偶遇的一名新寺冶炼厂工人接触。 www.ecocn.org 6. Nothing but a chance encounter or a dream in the Red Chamber 不过是一次邂逅红楼那一场梦 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Mark Twain in Love A chance encounter on a New Orleans dock in 1858 haunted the writer for the rest of his life 1858年新奥尔良码头偶然的相遇,成了作家一生挥之不去的记忆。 www.bing.com |
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