单词 | commercial value |
释义 | 例句释义: 交换价值,商业价值,工业价值,商品化价值 1. The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular? 这种无线音乐盒没有任何想的到商业价值。谁会为不针对具体人的消息付费呢? blog.sina.com.cn 2. But the unique medical and commercial value of the herbal extract artemisinin have made it a contentious issue in China. 但青蒿素这种植物提取物,却又因其独特的药用和商业价值在中国引发了一场争论。 www.scidev.net 3. The total commercial value of an import is assigned to a single country of origin, as the good reaches customs. 当一件进口商品抵达海关时,这件商品的全部商业价值都会归到一个原产国名下。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Blog software platform provider of commercial value, there is no doubt exist. 博客软件平台提供商的商业价值,毫无疑问是存在的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. So in all likelihood, the compensation you receive could be considerably less than the commercial value of your goods. 因此,阁下所获的赔偿极可能远低于货物的商业价值。 www.myscnu.com 6. Like most singers are not the same as Michael's enthusiasm for music with first, and later created the commercial value of a miracle. 跟大多数歌手不一样的是迈克尔先是有了对音乐的狂热,而后又创造了商业价值的奇迹。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Blog is involving and influencing the social economy in its own way and attracts great attentions on its commercial value, also. 它以自己的方式融入并影响着社会经济,赢得了人们的广泛注意,也使众多的企业及个人关注博客营销的商业价值。 www.13191.com 8. One of the important factors that determine the commercial value of methacrylate impregnation sealants is its storage stability. 影响甲基丙烯酸酯型浸渗剂商业使用价值的一个重要因素,是其储存稳定性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Gypsum also has a commercial value, and this needs to be incorporated into the overall assessment of the FGD processes. 石膏也有商业价值和被合并进FGD过程的总的评价的这需要。 bbs.translators.com.cn 10. As a cultural phenomenon, fancy stone with fairly high collective and commercial value is an important content of chinese culture. 石文化作为一种文化现象是华夏文化的重要内容,观赏石具有较高的收藏价值及商品经济价值。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. If it is a commercial shipment with a commercial value, you will need a commercial invoice. 如果货件属於具商业价值的商业运件,便需备有商业发票。 www.dhl.com 2. Logo image is not just a logo, it is a symbol of commercial value. 标志形象不仅仅是一个图案,更是一个具有商业价值的符号。 www.fabiao.net 3. In an industry conference, some analysts asked Cao when the commercial value of microblog would be realized. 行业会议上,一些分析家询问曹国伟新浪微博的商业价值何时能够体现。 www.bing.com 4. Apple Fruit bagging is to improve the quality and commercial value of one of the important cultivation. 苹果套袋是提高果实质量和商品价值的重要栽培措施之一。 www.myeducs.cn 5. Broadly speaking, the jadeite jade is the name of reaching to gem grade jadeitite which have lots of colours and have high commercial value. 从广义上讲,翡翠是指具有商业价值,达到宝石级硬玉岩的商业名称,是各种颜色宝石级硬玉岩的总称。 www.fabiao.net 6. But a news agency can retain exclusive use of its product so long as it has a commercial value. 但另一方面,通讯社却能独享自产的新闻材料----只要它还有商业价值。 www.ecocn.org 7. for samples or articles with no commercial value , a nominal or fair - market value must be stated for customs purposes. 样品或没有商业价值的物品,基于关税需要,一定要标明其虚价或一般市价。 www.ichacha.net 8. And it will have commercial value, so it will turn up in many places very swiftly. 这样的程序必然会有商用价值,因此它们会在顷刻之间遍布许多地方。 www.moon-soft.com 9. Equally important, OER open up a previously closed commercial value chain system in ways that empower learners and teachers. 同样重要的是,OER以授权学习者与老师的方式,揭开商业价值链以前的封闭系统。 www.bing.com 10. Domain name rights to explore the commercial value, but it has brought unprecedented legal issues. 域名权商业价值的发掘的同时,也带来了前所未有的法律问题。 www.fabiao.net 1. locations are selected As for commercial value, legal considerations should also be taken into account. 既然是根据商业价值而选择位置,那么也应把法律因素考虑在内。 www.8875.org 2. appropriate amount of fertilizer can improve the apparent commercial value of the cucumber to a certain degree. 4. 适宜的施肥量对黄瓜的表观商品性有一定的改善。 www.boshuo.net 3. Accurate gem identification is essential to maintain both the commercial value of natural gemstones as well as consumer confidence. 宝石的准确鉴定对维护天然宝石的商业价值及消费者的信心都至关重要。 cepd.66wen.com 4. English advertising is a very important style to express information to public, which emphasizes its high commercial value. 广告英语语篇是一种注重商业价值的信息传播性文体。 www.dictall.com 5. in the textile trade, yarn can be identified for assessing the quality of the commercial value of products and prices. 在品贸易中,纱线质量的评估可以确定产品的商业价值和价格。 blog.hnce.com.cn 6. This kind of irrational commercial value pursuit could only resulted in the neglect and lack of ethnic tourism culture pluralistic unity. 这种非理性的经济追求,势必造成对多元一体民族旅游文化的漠视与缺失。 paper.pet2008.cn 7. Mr. Qiaohui is one brand design elite who integrates cultural connotation with commercial value to produce sustainable development space. 将文化内涵与商业价值融合出持续发展空间的品牌设计精英。 www.88ht.com 8. This kind of actuation germ depends on the user that how Baidu allows its are giant producing commercial value. 这种冲动的根源在于百度如何让其庞大的用户产生商业价值。 word.hcbus.com 9. Color - This criteria is perhaps the most critical variable in determining the overall commercial value of an instrument top. 颜色-该标准或许是最主要的变化因素,它决定乐器音板的全部商业价值。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Otherwise, even if on the body has the rich commercial value, also releases inescapably by the Laker to the development alliance result. 否则,就算自己身上有再丰富的商业价值,也无法逃脱被湖人队下放到发展联盟的结局。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The sericin stability and dyeability of solidified silk influences the commercial value of sericin-solidified silk fabrics directly. 固化茧丝的丝胶稳定性及染色性直接关系丝胶固着丝绸产品的市场开发前景。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The tools of his industry are so common and so cheap that they have almost ceased to have commercial value. 作家的工具在普通不过了,极为廉价,几乎没有什么商业价值。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In actual exploration, only source-contacting gas(deep basin gas) and conventional gas reservoirs have commercial value. 从实际勘探角度而言,仅根缘气藏(深盆气藏)和常规气藏具有工业勘探价值。 lib.cqvip.com 4. This page will teach you how to complete a proforma or non-business use invoice (for a non-commercial shipment with no commercial value). 本页将指导您如何正确填写形式(发票)或非商业用途发票(对于不具有商业价值的非商业快件而言)。 www.dhl.com 5. left-eyed marine flatfish whose tail tapers to a point; of little commercial value. 尾巴呈锥形至形成一个点的左眼海生比目鱼;少有商业价值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The rice flavouring substance could raise the old rice's edible quality and commercial value. Its market outlook was broad. 通过添加大米增香剂可以提高陈米的食味品质,提高其商品价值,应用市场前景广阔。 www.fabiao.net 7. The best translation of the film to some extent even the full-length movie can be enhanced commercial value. 电影名的佳译在某种程度上甚至可以使整部电影的商业价值得到提升。 wenwen.soso.com 8. The commercial value of the tape is undoubtedly tremendous with huge profits resulting from the sales. 这咱带子的商业价值毫无疑问是巨年夜的,能带来丰厚的发卖利润。 howlearn.com 9. Intent and damage to the commercial value of the work are important considerations. 但涉及到故意侵权和损害具有商业价值的作品时就要慎重考虑了。 blog.163.com 10. According to customs duties and regulations, advertisement articles and samples without commercial value are exempted from customs duties. 根据海关关税条例的有关规定,对属于无商业价值的广告品和货样的服装,不需要征税。 beta.yapolo.com 1. With the great history and culture block and Xiangji temple reconstruction, Xinyifang's commercial value stood out gradually. 随着大兜路历史文化街区和香积寺复建,信义坊商街地段价值将逐渐显现。 www.35mc.com 2. The route with the intermediate G shows more favorable commercial value in the manufacturing scale. 经过中间体G的路线有一定的参考价值,为进一步工业化生产和技术创新打下基础。 www.chemyq.com 3. Flower Fair Yanling by implication the cultural values and commercial value is inestimable. 鄢陵花博会所蕴涵的文化价值和商业价值是不可估量的。 wenwen.soso.com 4. And it will have commercial value, so artifici intellig commercia it will turn up in many places very swiftly . 这样的程序必然会有商用价值,因此它这样克隆因此们会在顷刻之间遍布许多地方。 www.cto360.com 5. Form the perspective of ultimate customers, we create accurate brand experience with commercial value according to customer brand strategy. 我们始终站在最终顾客的角度,依照客户的品牌战略,创造出准确的、极具商业价值的品牌体验。 www.alsox.com 6. The basis for virtual community to create commercial value is to keep a sizeable member scale. 保持一定的成员规模,是虚拟社区创造商业价值的基础。 lib.cqvip.com 7. But recently the estimated commercial value of NFL teams has fallen slightly and owners see fewer avenues for growth. 但最近联盟的商业价值略有下降,球队老板感到了价值增长的压力。 www.ecocn.org 8. But this kind of gas reservoirs has hardly commercial value directly. They can be developed and utilized economically only after fracturing. 但低渗气藏的低产特徵,使得这类气藏往往难以直接获得商业性开发利用,只有通过储层压裂改造才能达到经济开发要求。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The Mayas believed that chocolate had mystical properties but cocoa also had commercial value. 玛雅人相信巧克力具有神秘的特性,也具有商业价值。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Thus, China's network flows appear high , factually most of them are garbage flows, and without commercial value. 因此中国的网路流量看似很大,其实大部分都是垃圾流量,没有商用价值。 big5.cri.cn 1. There shall be no such defect as crack, rust, leakage, which may adversely affect commercial value of battery. 电池外观应没有破裂、污渍、生锈、漏液等影响市场价值的缺陷存在。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. the film title commercial value another one manifests is its novel striking, is good at sensational. 片名商业价值的另一体现是其新颖醒目,善于煽情。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. A good film title can quickly induce the public to accept and watch the film, realizing its commercial value. 好的电影名可以迅速吸引大众接受电影,观看电影,从而实现电影的商业价值。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Intellectual property is a product of the mind that has commercial value. 知识产权是思想的产物,具有商业价值。 wenwen.soso.com 5. This kind of video does not have commercial value, unfruitful raise bandwidth cost. 这类视频没有商业价值,又徒然增加带宽成本。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. For customers to create the largest commercial value, is pursued by the world-rong service. 为客户创造最大的商业价值,是蓉世人所追求的服务宗旨。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Production and services provided by Correctional Services Industries in 1997 were equivalent to $433 million in commercial value. 年内,惩教署工业组的产品和服务总值,相等于巿值4.33亿元。 www.hotdic.com 8. However the cost of synthesis was too high for any commercial value. 不过合成的成本太高,没有任何商业价值。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Stand consists of 20 immature trees that are of no commercial value or future potential. (引种地点)共引种的20棵斑克松未成熟,且没有商业价值或可能的发展前景。此20棵。 www.wendang365.cn 10. How to realize the profit, found the SNS website the commercial value, is precisely question which this article attempted to discuss. 如何实现赢利,找到SNS网站的商业价值,正是本文试图探讨的问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. For business reasons, the sellers may not want to reveal the actual commercial value of the goods to the buyers upon delivery. 出于一些商业原因,在向客户交付货物时,销售商通常不愿意向客户透露商品的实际价值。 www.kuenglish.info 2. This code is great commercial value, determined to make the software industry who can get the code changes. 这个代码很有商业价值,有心做这个行业软件的人拿此代码修改即可。 www.3333355555.com 3. Mr. Tuyi is the design elite who combine with commercial value, social value and personal value. 商业价值与社会价值与自我价值相互融合的设计精英。 www.88ht.com 4. Her novels are well written and they have good commercial value as well. 她的小说写得很好,销路也不错。 www.ahnu.edu.cn 5. Day, John Liu will Google have commercial value and the outside world of communication. 当天,刘允也将谷歌得商业价值和外界进行了沟通。 www.82g.com.cn 6. Therefore, the book business in business is the common sense, subtitle why universal commercial value in China won't work ". " 因此,这本书的正题为商业的常识,副标题却是《为何普世商业价值在中国行不通》。 www.82g.com.cn 7. Table Tennis Competition Rules of order changes in order to expand the commercial value of flexible space to create favorable conditions. 乒乓球竞赛规则规程的灵活变化为拓宽商业价值空间创造了有利的条件。 8. Further, foreign companies have voted with their feet on commercial value. 此外,外国公司已经用脚给它们的商业价值投了票。 c.wsj.com 9. The device makes the mountain edible wild herb in growth state during storing and transporting and has great commercial value. 它可使山野菜在运输或存贮过程中始终处于生长状态,具有较大的商业价值。 ip.com 10. The commercial value of the final animation works from their cultural values. 动漫作品的商业价值最终来源于其文化价值。 www.dw188.com 1. Yao's commercial value is unlikely to shrink in the near term. 姚明的商业价值短期内不会缩水。 www.bing.com 2. That is because direction is a very practical type of writing with high commercial value. 说明书是一种极具实用性和商业价值的文体。 www.fabiao.net 3. D. It will not much commercial value. 将没有太大的商业价值。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. These are animals that died in the process, but have no commercial value. 这些是在被捕获的过程中就死去了的动物但它们没有商业价值。 www.ted.com 5. In chapter four, some strategies are put forward in order to upgrade the commercial value of SME under the Olympic economy. 第四章,在实证研究的基础上,探讨奥运经济下我国中小企业提升商业价值战略; blog.sina.com.cn 6. Formerly translated not only fully demonstrates the cultural value and commercial value, but also faithful to the film's content. 译名不仅充分展现了原名的文化价值和商业价值,还忠实了电影的内容。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. As long as the use of this special commodity of commercial value, we can for their own corporate profits. 只需应用这种特别商品的贸易价值,就能为本身的企业盈利。 www.591aimei.com 8. The prescription has commercial value because it is secret. 该处方因其属于秘密而具有商业价值。 bbs.putclub.com 9. In a May report, it said the commercial value of such software sold in China last year rose $900 million from 2008 to $7. 6 billion. 他们在一份五月份的报告中说,中国市场上销售的这类软件的商业价值从2008年的76亿美元升至去年的90亿美元。 www.bing.com 10. In case of necessary customs declarations do not declare any commercial value; in case of customs payments Coram will not accept delivery 如在海关申报时须声明作品无任何商业价值,Coram将不予支付相关的海关费用 www.dolnb.com 1. and the commercial value of any other security given; also that the 以及任何其他特定的安全商业价值也认为, zhidao.baidu.com 2. However, in commercial value to our network at the same time, we can not ignore its security on our harm. 但在网络带给我们商业价值的同时,也不能忽略了它的安全性对我们的伤害。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. On the conflict between academic and commercial value and its resolution through an examination of the university spin - off 从大学衍生企业看学术价值与商业价值的冲突及其化解 www.ilib.cn 4. Reasons For Export: Scientific Collaboration No commercial value and for customs purpose only 出口理由:科学合作,无任何商业价值。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Embody innovative hi-tech concept and commercial value in terms of design 在设计上体现创新科技理念和商业价值 nanhai.tianan-cyber.com 6. Solid culture technology for pot - flowers with high commercial value cultured within modern fishery greenhouse 现代渔业温室中高档盆花立体栽培技术研究 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Experiments on Cultivation of Seedless Watermelon for High Quality, High Commercial Value, High Yield 无籽西瓜三高栽培技术因子的研究与分析 www.ilib.cn 8. The Legal Protection of the Commercial Value of the Title of a Work 作品标题商品化价值的法律保护 www.ilib.cn 9. advertisement articles and samples without commercial value; 无商业价值的广告品和货样; www.ebigear.com 10. work together with business department to improve products' commercial value; 配合商务部门提升产品商业化程度; www.jobui.com 1. A Brief Talk on the Commercial Value and Cultural Connotation of the Apparel Brand 浅谈服装品牌的商业价值与文化内涵 service.ilib.cn 2. The possibility of exploring commercial value of physical education and the market of universities 高校体育商业价值及其市场开发的可行性 www.ilib.cn 3. Key viticulture techniques for promoting commercial value of 'Xiangtiancuiyu' grape 提高香甜翠玉葡萄商品性关键栽培技术 www.ilib.cn 4. mark labeling, changing package, assembling, and other auxiliary operations that lead to increase in commercial value 刷帖标志、改换包装、拼装等具有商业增值的辅助性作业 www.en84.com 5. Discussion on the commercial value of packaging container plastic arts 包装容器造型艺术的商业价值 www.ilib.cn 6. The Commercial Value and the Legal Protection of Famous Trademark 驰名商标的商业价值及法律保护 service.ilib.cn 7. A tuffbreccia stratabound copper deposit of commercial value discovered in northeastern Yunnan 滇东北发现具工业价值的火山凝灰角砾岩层控型铜矿床 www.ilib.cn 8. Commercial Value of Competitive Sports 竞技体育的商业价值 service.ilib.cn 9. The commercial value of the domain name in E-business 电子商务中域名的商业价值 www.ilib.cn 10. How USA Improved the Commercial Value of Farm Products 美国如何提高农产品的商业价值 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis on Commercial Value of Feilaixia Reservoir 飞来峡水库商业价值的分析 www.ilib.cn 2. On the Commercial Value of Information 论图书情报的商业价值 www.ilib.cn 3. (m)Sample of no commercial value 无商业价值样品(即赠品) blog.hjenglish.com 4. Analysis on the Commercial Value of the Professional Basketball and the Development of the Chinese Basketball Market 浅析职业篮球的商业价值及我国篮球市场的开发 www.ilib.cn |
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