单词 | commercial | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:commercials adj. n. commercial bank,commercial center,commercial property,commercial success,commercial district v. n. create commercial,commercial run,produce commercial,commercial sponsor commercial 显示所有例句
例句释义: 贸易的,商业的,赢利的,以获利为目的的,广告,商业广告,商务的,商品化的 1. Many investors have already contacted the team trying to put the invention into commercial production. But the team refused. 许多投资商纷纷找到Xight团队,试图将该发明投入商业生产,但都被婉拒了。 gb.cri.cn 2. "The word 'commercial' is exactly what we want, " said the maestro, who also starred in TV ads for American Express. 这位艺术大师说道:“商业化这个词就是我们想要的”,他还在美国快递公司的电视广告中担任主角。 club.topsage.com 3. Advertisers paid at least two and one-half million dollars for a thirty-second commercial broadcast during the game. 广告客户支付三十二分之一商业广播在比赛中至少有两个和一个150万美元。 www.englishtang.com 4. Generally, out of consideration of economic rationality, commercial launches do not require excessively high guidance technology. 一般情况下,出于经济合理的考虑,商业发射不需要采用过高的制导技术。 www.jukuu.com 5. Skeptics deem the concept a non-starter, at least until the cost of putting a commercial power plant into orbit drops dramatically. 怀疑者认为现在没有条件开始,至少要等到把商业发电站送入轨道的费用大幅下降后。 www.bing.com 6. Have your printed ad or commercial ready to be delivered and produced to fit the format. 准备好你的印刷广告和电台广告,根据形式需要进行播放和生产。 www.bing.com 7. One of our principle is to see that contracts are honored and commercial integrity maintained. 我们的一条原则是务必要重合同,守信用。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 8. The greatest contribution Mansfield made to the law of England is to fix the commercial customs as a part of common Law. 曼斯菲尔德对英国法最大的贡献是将商事习惯固定下来成为真正的法律,使之变为普通法的一部分。 www.13191.com 9. Local commercial livestock farmers will have to decide how much of their N$2-billion industry they want to divert to China, Mutorwa said. 穆托尔瓦说当地饲养商业家畜的农民将必须决定他们20亿美元的产业中会将有多少转向中国。 www.bing.com 10. He paused and looked at her for a moment in his direct, examining way, his hard commercial business judgment restored on the instant. 他停顿着,用锐利的,探索似的眼光望了她一会儿,立即又恢复了他冷酷的做买卖的决断。 1. Thomas said "multiple witnesses and a commercial transaction" indicated one of the charged players was not at the party. 托马斯说,“多重证据和商业交易”显示出被指控的球员不可能出现在聚会上。 www.tianya.cn 2. Strano said he was confident his team's discovery could be translated into commercial batteries within a few years. 斯特拉诺表示他相信小组的发现在几年之内就可以转化成商业的电池。 www.bing.com 3. Commercial invoices must be made out in the name of the Applicant and need not be signed. 商业发票上必须做成以申请人的名称为抬头且发票无须签字。 dict.ebigear.com 4. The hard commercial declaration came as a shock to me; it was a shock too that she was one of my own profession. 坚硬的商业宣言成为冲击到我这里来,这是一种冲击太说她是我的一个自己的职业。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Qingdao Sigma is a set of visual arts photo, personalized wedding, commercial photography into a professional photography studio. 青岛格玛视觉是集艺术写真、个性婚纱、商业广告摄影为一体的专业摄影工作室。 qingdao.qite8.com 6. The overall test time of this system should be at least twice as fast as the fastest available commercial system. 整个测试系统的测试速度最少应该达到当前可用的最快的商用HAC测试系统的两倍以上。 oaps.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn 7. Among such top one hundred or two hundred websites, there is often a large number of non-commercial and non-competitive website. 在前一两百个网页中,经常会有大量非商业网站,非竞争对手的网页。 www.elanso.com 8. That combination allows commercial development of innovations that otherwise might never make it out of labs in the West. 二者结合使得发明创造能够在商业上被有所开发,如若不然,这些发明可能要永远待在西方的实验室里了。 chinese.wsj.com 9. We are surrounded by relentless commercial culture which is always screaming at you, trying to get you to buy something at every minute. 我们生活在一个无情的商业文化环境中,在这个环境中经常有人对你大声喊叫,每一刻都在试图让你买他们的东西。 www.kekenet.com 10. The commercial interests of the US and China are converging in an unlikely place: in and around Detroit. 美国和中国的商业利益正在一个人们意想不到的地方交融:底特律及其周边地区。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Lehman was one of the main market-makers in commercial paper and a large issuer of these short-term obligations to boot. 雷曼是商业票据的主要做市商之一,还是这些短期债务的大型发行商。 www.bing.com 2. In keeping with its position as the leading commercial city of the United States, New York is also the financial center of our nation. 纽约不仅一直保持作为领军美国商业的重要位置,也是全国的经济中心。 www.yappr.cn 3. With results like these, it's easy to see why grid computing is increasingly appealing to the commercial sector. 通过这样的结果,可以很容易看出为什么网格计算对商业部门的吸引不断增加。 www.ibm.com 4. Also, commercial banks must submit their formal applications for adopting the Accord to CBRC at least half a year in advance. 商业银行至少提前半年向银监会提出实施新资本协议的正式申请。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Most of the languages explored here are open source and may be used for free, while a few are commercial products that must be purchased. 在这里介绍的大多数语言是开放源代码的,可以免费使用,只有少量是必须购买的商业产品。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The Americans say it was just a working model and not a commercial reality . . . but then they would say that, wouldn't they? 但是美国人却说,斯旺爵士的灯泡只是一个模型,而不能用作商业生产。美国人一定会这样说的,是不? www.hjenglish.com 7. Commercial banks shall have the right to refuse to grant a loan or to provide a guaranty forcibly demanded by any unit or individual. 商业银行有权拒绝任何单位和个人强令要求其发放贷款或者提供担保。 www.bing.com 8. The bank credit conduction is blocked due to the low capital adequacy ratio of state-owned commercial banks account for a dominant position. 由于资本充足率低的国有商业银行占主导地位,致使银行信贷传导出现阻塞。 www.fabiao.net 9. Unless otherwise specified in the credit, commercial invoices shall be made out in the name of the applicant for the credit. 除非信用证另有规定,银行将授受表明以信用证受益人以外的第三者作为发货人的运输单据。 ecocn.org 10. Mr Pandit said the savings the technology offered would be more pronounced in commercial vehicles that had high mileage rates. 潘迪特称,该技术的节约效应在里程费率较高的商用车上将更加显著。 www.ftchinese.com 1. They did not receive payments or other benefits or a commitment or agreement to provide such benefits from a commercial entity. 他们没有接受商业实体的付款或其他好处或提供利益的允诺。 hzgk.net 2. Yeah, yeah, I've been good. I've been doing well. As you see, we are here tonight for Nikon commercial. It's been a very exciting day. 是啊,我很好,我过得很好,你看,我们今天晚上又相聚在尼康促销活动了。今天非常激动人心。 post.baidu.com 3. But Japanese media reported that the bank was in talks with Bank of China, one of China's "Big Four" commercial lenders. 但日本媒体此前报道,三菱东京UFJ正与中国“四大”商业银行之一的中国银行(BankofChina)谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It is only a commercial banking crisis that poses a systemic risk and can lead to the sort of mess we face today. 最重要的原因简单明了:只有商业银行危机才会构成系统性风险,并进而引发我们如今面临的这种乱局。 www.ftchinese.com 5. So nervous was the company about commercial confidentiality that Gosset published surreptitiously under his pseudonym. 该公司对待其商业机密非常谨慎,戈塞特只能用假名发表自己的研究成果。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The so-called reserve requirement ratio is an important tool in China for limiting how much money can be lent by commercial banks. 所谓的存款准备金率是中国政府一个重要的金融工具,它限制商业银行最多可以借出多少钱。 www.bing.com 7. and that John's open personality suggested he might be a candidate for making a commercial TV ad. 而且他开朗的性格也可能使他成为一位电视广告的候选人。 www.bing.com 8. The decision, he said, made him want to stay in the National Guard, and he hasn't gone back to commercial flying. 萨瑟维尔说,这一决定促使他留在了国民警卫队,此后他再也没有当过民航飞行员。 cn.wsj.com 9. The factory was one of the most sophisticated examples in Aceh of how fishing can turn a real commercial profit. 它是亚齐发展程度最高的工厂之一,显示了捕捞业如何创造真正的商业利润。 www.fao.org 10. When I opened my eyes again it was already day and I had to get ready to shoot a commercial for my exercise equipment. 我再张开眼睛的时候,已是天亮,我将要投入拍摄我的运动器材广告。 www.jackiechan.com 1. Tower 42 would be the company's first large commercial property acquisition in London. 42号大厦将成为该公司在伦敦收购的首个大型商业地产。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The high colour value or absorptivity needed for a commercial dye is not an advantage when that dye ends up in a waste stream. 当它排入废水时,作为商品染料所必须具备的强着色值成的附性显然对废水处理不利。 www.kuenglish.info 3. "Commercial real estate is a tsunami coming that's going to wipe out a lot of the small banks, " he said. 商业不动产为即将席卷而来的海啸,即将冲垮许多小型银行。 cn.reuters.com 4. He says contemporary art has become such a commercial product that people are buying it as if it was stock. 他说当代的艺术作品演变成了商品,大家都当作股票来买。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In practice, it is still unclear whether commercial fishing pressure could be high enough to have a significant impact, she said. 她还说,目前还不确定商业捕捞在实践中是否会对入侵鱼类产生显著影响。 www.fanyitie.com 6. There is nothing wrong with a commercial business trying to make money. 一家商业公司试图赚钱并没有错。 kb.cnblogs.com 7. Unfortunately, I never got to see the commercial because it was for the U. S. Latino audience and Mexico. 很可惜,因为这则广告是播给美国和墨西哥的拉丁裔观众的,所以我从没看过这则广告。 www.bing.com 8. ever notice the disclaimer at the bottom of every advertisement, commercial, or label? 有没有注意过那些瓶瓶罐罐上的广告或标签下面的“特别提示”? blog.sina.com.cn 9. In terms of talent spawned and innovations inspired, it was one of the all-time great commercial hits. 从所培养的人才和所激发的创新来看,它是有史以来最伟大的商业明星企业之一。 www.ftchinese.com 10. That we did, however, illustrated something of the dishonesty at the heart of what are essentially political and commercial relationships. 然而我们做的说明了不诚实的东西本质上是政治与商业的关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Between them, the two domestic factories can churn out a combined 530, 000 cars and 30, 000 commercial vehicles a year. 在它们之间,这两家制造厂每年可生产53万辆组合汽车和3万辆商用汽车。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The synthetic way showed the disadvantage of commercial available starting material, mild reaction conditions and easy to operate. 所采用的工艺路线合理可行、原料易得、反应条件温和、操作方便。 www.fabiao.net 3. A year later, the two took control of Commercial Credit, the moribund financial arm of a computer company, and put the same formula to work. 一年后,两人控股了一家电脑公司旗下濒临破产的财务子公司CommercialCredit,并采用同样的模式运作。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Figures from the Bank for International Settlements suggest that commercial property might at least be reaching an inflection point. 国际清算银行的数字表明,商业地产价格可能至少正在接近转折点。 www.ecocn.org 5. The British, who realized its potential as a port city for the produce of the Indus Valley, developed it into a commercial trading center. 英国,发挥它的潜力作为港口城市为Indus谷的产物,开发了它成一个商业贸易的中心。 shaikhsiddiqui.com 6. other kind of bank -the Bank of the United States was simultaneously a commercial bank and a quasi-public central bank. 另外一种银行为美利坚银行,它既是商业银行又是准公共性质的中央银行。 gb.cri.cn 7. It was the world's first commercial computer with a screen that looked anything like the way yours does now. 这是全球首款配备屏幕的商用电脑,外观与我们现在使用的电脑别无二致。 www.bing.com 8. A television commercial can bring a customer into a store, but only a real, live salesperson can close the deal. 电视广告可以把顾客带到店里,但只有真正的活着的销售员可以完成交易。 www.yappr.cn 9. Translators should be fully aware of the commercial terms of the context dependency, do not be confused with the general vocabulary. 译者应充分认识到商务词汇对语境的依赖性,不要将其混同于一般词汇。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. "The mass production of these works of art as parasites on the body of a commercial IC goes unnoticed by most observers, " writes Chipworks. “大量的藏身于商业集成电路上的艺术品被大多数的观察员所忽视,”Chipworks写道。 www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce has urged commercial grain supply and purchase departments to be well prepared to fight against floods. 同时,商务部已敦促商业粮食供应和采购部门做好准备抗洪。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. China was one of the very few Countries that continued to maintain a separation between commercial banking & the securities industries-. 中国是少数几个继续保持商业银行和证券协会相隔离的国家。 www.junshijia.com 3. We're back from the long weekend and ready to kick off 10 minutes of commercial-free headlines. 我们刚刚度过了一个长长的周末,现在准备开始十分钟没有广告的头条新闻。 bbs.koolearn.com 4. If people running commercial radio do not recognise that, we are in worse trouble than I thought. 如果运营商业电台的人不承认这一点,我们的处境比我想象的更糟。 www.bing.com 5. It said it would not object to WIPO's initiative for trying to make contracts with private companies which had commercial databases. 该代表团表示不反对WIPO与拥有商业数据库的私营公司建立协议。 www.wipo.int 6. It prospered as the hub of a commercial and trading nation when the sun never set on the British Empire. 早在日不落帝国时代,它就已经是这个商贸国家繁荣的港口了。 www.ecocn.org 7. The reform of the share-holding system of the state-owned commercial bank is the key problem and a hard war in commercializing the bank. 国有商业银行股份制改造是银行商业化改革的核心问题和攻坚战。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Second, it could host ads for the support of the Wikimedia Foundation, without compromising the non-commercial nature of Wikipedia itself. 其次,可以在上面挂广告以支持维基媒体基金会,同时不在维基百科的非商业本质上有任何妥协; www.bing.com 9. If commercial banks were to be protected, they should not be allowed to gamble in the securities markets. 如果商业银行要得到保护,那就不允许他们在证券市场厮混。 www.ecocn.org 10. It's particularly important, that you never put the quality of your life in the hands of a commercial corporation. 最重要的是你绝不能让商业公司来掌控你生活的质量。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. As you know , our regular savings rate changes periodically in accordance with the interest earnings rate allowed for commercial banks . 您知道,我们的一般存款利率是按照商业银行所允许的利率定期性的变化。 www.hxen.com 2. and finally arriving at today's situation in which we have a commercial product ready to be rolled out nationwide. 时至今日,我们已经能向全国供应这一产品。 www.hxen.com 3. You'll also have to be able to create a safe and enjoyable commercial suborbital space flight experience for your passengers. 还要能够为乘客创造出安全和愉快的亚轨道商业飞行体验。 www.bing.com 4. Chinese officials had argued that the transaction should have been assessed purely on commercial grounds and did not raise security issues. 中国官员曾提出,这桩交易应完全从商业角度进行评估,并不存在安全问题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. As if in requital, she insisted upon having her own will in the domestic and commercial department which her husband abandoned to her. 作为交换条件,在家务和店务方面,丈夫既已授权,她坚持按自个儿主张办。 6. Even the predicted economic benefits of less fettered commercial activity and international trade are not always easy to see. 甚至预测中自由的商业活动和国际贸易的经济利益也并不总是显而易见。 www.bing.com 7. Maybe you've seen the commercial featuring a philandering husband caught in the act by his wife. 也许你已经看过这个广告剧情,一个正在调情的丈夫被其妻子抓个现行。 www.bing.com 8. Gradually the First Bank of the United States evolved into a sort of banker's bank, gaining the power to police lesser commercial banks. 美利坚第一银行因而逐渐演化为银行的银行,把握着监督较小的商业银行的权力。 gb.cri.cn 9. A Citybus spokeswoman said on Dec. 11 that it would not discriminate against any party and that it was a commercial decision. 而香港都市巴士公司的发言人在12月11日宣称这并不是对任何团体的歧视只是一个商业决定罢了。 www.bing.com 10. Most of these components are server-side implementations that would be replaced with a commercial or open source solution in production. 这些组件的大多数是在生产中将被商业或开放源代码解决方案所替代的服务器端实现。 www.ibm.com 1. It wasn't immediately clear how much of the forecast demand for commercial jetliners the U. S. aircraft producer was planning to capture. 按照其对中国商业客机需求量的预测,波音计划赢得多大比例的订单,现在尚不清楚。 c.wsj.com 2. On the surface , my films do seem a bit edgy but I think they ve always demonstrated reasonable commercial potential . 表面来看,我的电影或者比较另类,但其实它们都拥有一定的商业潜质。 www.bing.com 3. Along with the increasing of the bank's business development, credit operations of commercial banks have gradually become a major focus. 随着银行业务的日益发展,信贷业务也逐渐成为商业银行的一大重点。 www.fabiao.net 4. So a ratings bump is an obvious reason and with higher ratings comes higher commercial appeal for a show that depends on advertising. 收视率的上扬是改革显而易见的动因,收视率越高就意味一个依赖广告收入的晚会在商业上越受欢迎。 www.bing.com 5. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 6. Understanding the full extent of Mr Ho's commercial empire and how it might be parcelled out to the next generation is not easy. 要了解何鸿燊商业帝国的版图及其将如何转移到下一代人身上,这并非易事。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Take the National Hockey League, ice hockey's premier body, which has for years been trying to expand its audience and commercial reach. 以顶级冰球组织——国家冰球联盟(NHL)为例。该联盟多年来一直在努力吸引更多观众,延伸商业触角。 www.ftchinese.com 8. There was no "music business" in the modern sense, for commercial pressures had not yet debased and polarized public taste. 当时不存在现代所谓的音乐行业,因为商业方面的压力那时还未能降低公众的趣味,也未能使公众的欣赏趣味产生两极分化。 pdf.sznews.com 9. The planes may be in commercial use as early as the end of this decade or the beginning of the next. 这类飞机最早可在八十年代末或九十年代初投入商业飞行。 bbs.translators.com.cn 10. Our granite kitchen tops have also widely been used in residential and commercial jobs in USA . Sizes can be customized or standard . 我们的花岗岩厨房台板也广泛应用于美国的家居和商业工程。产品尺寸可定做或按标准制造。 www.bing.com 1. So a ratings bump is an obvious reason and with higher ratings comes higher commercial appeal for a show that depends on advertising. 收视率的上扬是改革显而易见的动因,收视率越高就意味一个依赖广告收入的晚会在商业上越受欢迎。 www.bing.com 2. Under such a context, Insurance companies and commercial banks are blended to form a new business model, which is called bancassurance. 在这样一个背景下,保险公司与商业银行相互融合,形成了一种新的业务模式,即银行保险。 www.fabiao.net 3. The ambassador also implied that this sort of activity reflected Indian government policy rather than commercial considerations. 孙玉玺大使同时也暗示,此类活动更多地是反映印度政府的政策意图,而不是商业考虑。 wk.shangdu123.org 4. The game is commercial aviation, and Pratt has been a laggard for years despite a strong presence in military engines. 这场比赛是商业航空,普拉特一直尽管在强大的军用发动机存在一个多年落后。 www.englishtang.com 5. Understanding the full extent of Mr Ho's commercial empire and how it might be parcelled out to the next generation is not easy. 要了解何鸿燊商业帝国的版图及其将如何转移到下一代人身上,这并非易事。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Take the National Hockey League, ice hockey's premier body, which has for years been trying to expand its audience and commercial reach. 以顶级冰球组织——国家冰球联盟(NHL)为例。该联盟多年来一直在努力吸引更多观众,延伸商业触角。 www.ftchinese.com 7. There was no "music business" in the modern sense, for commercial pressures had not yet debased and polarized public taste. 当时不存在现代所谓的音乐行业,因为商业方面的压力那时还未能降低公众的趣味,也未能使公众的欣赏趣味产生两极分化。 pdf.sznews.com 8. The planes may be in commercial use as early as the end of this decade or the beginning of the next. 这类飞机最早可在八十年代末或九十年代初投入商业飞行。 bbs.translators.com.cn 9. Our granite kitchen tops have also widely been used in residential and commercial jobs in USA . Sizes can be customized or standard . 我们的花岗岩厨房台板也广泛应用于美国的家居和商业工程。产品尺寸可定做或按标准制造。 www.bing.com 10. The physical properties of the compound have come up to ASTM standard and can compare with some commercial products both at home and abroad. 该胶料的各种物理性能均达到了美国ASTM标准规定的指标,与国内外几种商品防水卷材的性能相当。 www.chemyq.com 1. The physical properties of the compound have come up to ASTM standard and can compare with some commercial products both at home and abroad. 该胶料的各种物理性能均达到了美国ASTM标准规定的指标,与国内外几种商品防水卷材的性能相当。 www.chemyq.com 2. The "ghost" town has several residences and barrack-type accommodations, as well as the remains of a few commercial establishments. 这座“鬼镇”残存着几处住所和临时木板房,以及一些商业设施。 www.showxiu.com 3. By looking at another data series from the St. Louis Fed that tracks how much money commercial banks have lent. 参考另一个圣路易斯联邦储备银行发布的专门追踪商业银行放贷金额的数据序列。 www.bing.com 4. None of the authors has a financial relationship with a commercial entity that has an interest in the subject of this manuscript. 没有哪个作者和与这一手稿利益相关的商业机构有经济关系。 www.medspeaker.com.cn 5. Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. 批评家们还认为,商业性基因检测的过程实际上就是用样本与参考数据库进行比对的过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Folding Morgan Stanley or Goldman into a large commercial bank could make for a safer company, but a less nimble one. 对摩根士丹利或高盛而言,并入一家大型商业银行可能会是条较安全的生存之道,但这也会降低公司的灵活性。 www.bing.com 7. However, due to the restrictiveness of the compiled technique, it has not been able to push through in commercial products. 但是,由于编译技术的限制,它从来没有能够在商业产品中推广。 www.fabiao.net 8. Up to now, the company has 285 satellites into space, the total number of global active 50% of commercial satellites. 截至目前,公司已将285颗卫星送入太空,占全球现役商用卫星总数的50%。 www.englishtang.com 9. The health of the commercial banking system depends on the assumption that, at any time, most depositors will keep their money in the bank. 商业银行体系的健康,取决于一个假设--无论何时,大多数的存款人都会将他们的钱放在银行里。 www.ecocn.org 10. Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperiling commercial shipping. 散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。 it.bab.la 1. Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperiling commercial shipping. 散逸的水雷开始在太平洋海岸出现而危及商船的航行。 it.bab.la 2. But Africa's slaving kings and entrepreneurs seem to have squandered their profits. They left no great political or commercial empires. 但是非洲的奴隶酋长和贩奴者们看来白白浪费了到手的利润,没留下任何政治或商业帝国。 www.bing.com 3. From what I can gather, this monastery appears to be run as a commercial enterprise that provides a service to its visitors. 据我所见,这座寺庙似乎是以一种为游客提供服务的商业企业形式运行的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. So support can be just as "commercial" in an open source environment as in a closed-source one. 所以支持服务在一个开源环境中可以如同闭源环境中的那般“商业化”。 www.ibm.com 5. The commercial possibilities of the Internet are just beginning to be realized. 互联网在商业上的可能性只是刚刚被人意识到。 www.bing.com 6. Well, we're back here with Tom Cruise. Uhm, you know, something that we were talking about in the commercial break. . . 好的,我们和汤姆?克鲁斯一起回来。嗯,你知道,我们在广告时间谈论的一些事… qac.yappr.cn 7. Mustafa Kamal, Karachi's mayor, said the attack was part of an attempt to disturb the peace in the country's commercial and financial hub. 卡拉奇市市长凯末尔(MustafaKamal)说,这次炸弹袭击是破坏巴基斯坦商业和金融中心和平的企图之一。 c.wsj.com 8. The commercial ends with an image of a young girl, Shaan Sahota, opening her closed eyes, as if to see the possibilities before her. 这个广告以一个正在张开紧闭眼睛,仿佛看到她以前的各种可能性的小女孩作为结尾。 instapedia.com 9. He said he hoped state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China will soon get an operating license. 他说他希望国有的中国工商银行不久能获得经营执照。 c.wsj.com 10. A 1950s advertisement shows a man kissing his wife and child goodbye as he boards a commercial jet for a business trip. 这是上世纪50年代的广告,男子和妻子孩子吻别,乘坐商用客机出差。 www.bing.com 1. "New York on the way up was one of the most terrific commercial real estate investments you could make, " he said. “将要复苏的纽约是你可能取得的最佳商用地产投资之一。”Gordon说。 cn.reuters.com 2. Be able to leverage the studio to follow commercial projects with A&D and customers to help sales realization. 能利用设计中心与建筑师、设计师和客户跟踪商业项目,协助实现销售。 www.lietou.com 3. I used to believe that the great divide was between the public and the private sector: between state and commercial interests. 我曾经以为,公共部门和私营部门存在着巨大的差异:它存在于政府和商业利益之间。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Also known as profit-making commercial advertising or financial advertising, in terms of profits for the primary purpose of advertising. 商业广告又称盈利性广告或经济广告,是以盈利为主要目的的广告。 wenku.baidu.com 5. But today we read in the WSJ that China has seen the cracks and is getting ready to invest in commercial mortgages and related securities. 但我们从《华尔街日报》上读到,中国已看到这种下跌,正准备投资商业抵押贷款及相关证券。 www.bing.com 6. American consumers and industry throw away enough aluminum in a year to rebuild our entire airplane commercial fleet every three months. 全美国的消费者和工业界每年中所丢弃的铝都够我们每三个月重建一次整个的商业飞机舰队。 www.bing.com 7. Through the courtesy of our Commercial Counselors' Office in London, we notice that you are interested in doing business with us. 承蒙我们在伦敦的的商业委员办公室的介绍,我们得知贵公司有兴趣与我们合作。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Starts off with an intro with very distinct violin in the background. And Lee Hom sounds as if he's doing a commercial type of song. 专辑以一个很特别的小提琴声音为背景开场,力宏唱得似乎有点商业的味道。 www.leehom-cn.com 9. The region has commercial laws on paper. The trouble is, they are not yet applied. And the would-be state's new leaders do not seem to care. 当地确实有明文写出的商业法律文件,而问题是他们并不遵守、而这个即将成立国家的新任领导者们看起来也并不关心这一问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. "Bringing women back is good for diversity at banks but have no doubt that first and foremost, it makes commercial sense, " she says. “让妇女回去工作有益于银行雇员多元化,但无疑,首要的是那样做具有商业意义,”她表示。 www.ftchinese.com 1. You'll need to look at the differences between the commercial code and the open source base to see which parts of the rankings may apply. 您需要查看商业代码和开源代码库之间的不同,看看哪部分排名可以应用。 www.ibm.com 2. Children aged four to five liked the funny endings better and did not notice whether or not the punch lines made commercial sense. 4至5岁的孩子更喜欢那可笑的结尾,并没有注意那关键词是否具有商业意义。 www.zftrans.com 3. You knew that this was the beginning of a change, but it was unrecognizable in every way. There was very little in terms of commercial life. 你或许了解那时的中国刚刚开始发生变化,但仅仅是在有限的方面,商业生活没有任何改观。 i.myechinese.com 4. Security is often the last item addressed on even larger commercial sites. 安全经常甚至是那些大型商业站点都需要忙于处理的最后一个问题。 www.bing.com 5. Studies done at the time showed such a vehicle was technically feasible, was fairly easy to manufacture and had commercial appeal. 当时的研究工作显示这样的一辆汽车在技术上可行,相对容易生产并且具有商业吸引力。 www.ecocn.org 6. Although you could take your favourite as a personal collection , all my work here are prohibited for any form of commercial use as well. 如果您喜欢我的作品,请作为个人收藏,但禁止将我的作品用于商业用途! hi.baidu.com 7. However, a commercial agency could be very expensive and the applicants are less likely to stay with the company for a long time. 然而商业性的中介机构大概会非常昂贵而且申请人一样平常不会为公司事变太久。 www.hei518.com 8. At the moment, only three commercial satellites provide the kind of resolution that can help in efforts like the Fossett hunt. 而此时,只有三家商务卫星做出有效地帮助像佛赛特搜救任务这样的承诺。 www.ecocn.org 9. It has always been known as a fishing port and a commercial town. 它向来以渔港商城而著称。 www.cctv.com 10. Smurfit Kappa Recycling has appointed Deborah Porter-Walker to be the company's commercial manager for the East Midlands region. 墨菲特卡帕回收已委任德博拉波特,沃克是该公司的中东部地区的商业经理。 bzxw.512121.com 1. A few of the top clubs are considering setting up stores for their kit, but the league as a whole has no commercial outlet. 有少数俱乐部在考虑开设装备专卖店,而联盟作为一个整体则没有一家商业设施。 www.bing.com 2. Uhm, so American Express asked me to do another commercial for 'em, so I said, "Okay, but can Beyonce be in it with me? " 嗯,所以美国运通请我为他们再做一个广告,我说:“好的,但碧昂斯能和我一起做吗?” www.yappr.cn 3. The Chekiang Industrial Bank was one of Chinese important private commercial banks in Modern China. 浙江实业银行是近代中国重要的华资私营商业银行。 www.juhe8.com 4. Libyan official who led CNN personnel on a tour of the area Friday said the commercial port, not the nearby military port, was hit. 一位星期五带领CNN工作人员前往此地的利比亚官员表示,被击中的是商埠而不是军港。 www.bing.com 5. But future, commercial versions can be slimmer and are perhaps two years away, she said. 她继续说,但是在未来,商用的视控技术笔记本可能变得更加薄。 www.bing.com 6. As a substantial energy importer with a fast-growing commercial relationship with Russia, it has a direct interest in the matter. 土耳其大体上是一个能源进口国,与俄罗斯的商业关系也在快速发展,此问题对它而言利益攸关。 www.ecocn.org 7. In a sense the commodification of image-making through copyright threatens to render it a commercial activity, one with no soul. 在一定意义上,通过版权将影像制作商品化威胁着将它变成一种没有灵魂的商业行为。 pro.yeeyan.com 8. The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive consumption. 电视上反复地播放同一个广告的目的无非是想宣传得使消费者非用不可。 vod.swjtu.edu.cn 9. Jerry: Oh, I can't begin to tell you how much I hate that commercial. 杰瑞:哦,我都不想告诉你我有多讨厌那个广告。 yangwenzhan.spaces.live.com 10. It can siphon inflationary cash out of the system by requiring the commercial banks to lodge deposits at the Bank - quantitative tightening. 通过商业银行定量收紧在银行的存款,可以虹吸通货膨胀现金。 www.bing.com 1. He said the new film turned out to be "an unsuccessful transition from art film to commercial" . 他表示这部新片是一个“艺术电影向商业电影转型的失败案例”。 sh.yingyu.com 2. Rightly or not, the impression given was that the Chinese state is ready to show its claws when its commercial interests are threatened. 无论理由正当与否,外界得到的印象是,当商业利益受到威胁时,中国政府随时准备露出利爪。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Instead, the central bank has been trying to make sure commercial banks keep within their lending targets, which banks habitually exceed. 相反,央行一直在确保商业银行能够按造央行制定的目标控制借贷总量,不过商业银行一向是超额放贷。 www.bing.com 4. However, we need to figure out if we are able to get it to the surface, and if we do, then it is a question of if it will be commercial. 不过,我们需要断定我们是否有能力把天然气开采出来。如果能够,就有未来是否用在商业上的问题。 www.voanews.cn 5. Each commercial is, in its own right, interesting - not just a cookie-cutter of the last. 上述每支广告片都有其独特的趣味—并非如出一辙。 z.tougao98.com 6. The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular? 这种无线音乐盒没有任何想的到商业价值。谁会为不针对具体人的消息付费呢? blog.sina.com.cn 7. The beauty and pleasure in art -- probably a human universal -- were -- began to be considered saccharine, or kitsch, or commercial. 艺术中的美与乐——可能是一种人类共性——开始被认为是甜稠的、媚俗的、商业的。 www.ted.com 8. The CDB, which mainly lends to key national projects, is undergoing share-holding transformation to turn itself into a commercial bank. 中国发展银行的职能是给重要的国家项目贷款,它经历了股份制改造,成为商业性银行。 www.ourtra.com 9. S. citizens and non-emergency embassy personnel to leave Syria while commercial transportation is still available. 美国国务院发出旅行警告,建议美国公民和非必要的使馆人员在商业运输仍可利用时离开叙利亚。 www.voa365.com 10. Also, pictures submitted should not have been used for any commercial purpose before. 同时,所提供的应当是从未用作商业目的的照片。 www.qeto.com 1. First, such a trade imbalance is to a great extent structural and a result of shifting commercial relations. I will give you one example. 我想说明几句,第一,美中贸易逆差是结构性和转移性的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. As one of the major risks, credit risk's measurement and management of commercial banks has always been a major task. 信用风险作为商业银行所面临的主要风险之一,对其进行有效的度量和管理始终是商业银行面临的重大课题。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. The ship's first mate said the area they were in is way off any normal commercial shipping route. 渔船的大副说当时他们所处的海域脱离了任何正常的商务航线。 www.bing.com 4. But the unique medical and commercial value of the herbal extract artemisinin have made it a contentious issue in China. 但青蒿素这种植物提取物,却又因其独特的药用和商业价值在中国引发了一场争论。 www.scidev.net 5. Commercial radios filter out the tone, but our amateur radios do not so the tone is usually noticeable. 通常商业电台会滤掉这些亚音频,但我们的业余电台并不进行过滤,所以我们可能能听到这个频率的音频。 www.motoyes.net 6. In 2001, after four years of running the company as a commercial entity, Mr. Brown incorporated as a nonprofit. 2001年,在作为商业实体运做了四年之后,布朗先生将其组建为非营利组织。 wiki.1kg.org 7. After selecting the raw materials for a particular geographical area, the next step is to combine them into a commercial glass. 在根据特定的地理区域选择好原材料以后,下一步就是把他们制成商品化的玻璃。 bbs.boli.cn 8. Some of the most dramatic declines will be in the money coming from commercial backers, particularly in the form of corporate hospitality. 收入下滑最严重的将是一些来自商业赞助商的资金,尤其是以商务接待形式赞助的资金。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I got out of Yale, I acted in New York for a year and then I commercial-fished and paid for Stanford Business School. 从耶鲁大学毕业之后,我在纽约干了一年演员,然后就去商业捕鱼了。我挣得了上斯坦福商学院的费用。 kk.dongxi.net 10. At the moment transactions have dried up in the commercial-property market as owners try to avoid selling at a loss. 眼下,随着投资者尽力避免茫然地抛售股票,商业地产市场上的交易越来越少。 www.ecocn.org 1. Other required to be in the industrial and commercial administration authorities for registration of the name of the organization. 其他按规定需在工商行政管理机关办理登记的组织的名称。 www.blawgdog.com 2. As a commercial company, we need to charge at least a nominal amount to keep . NET Reflector up-to-date and relevant. 作为一家商业公司,我们需要至少在名义上收取一些费用,以保持.NETReflector的更新和地位。 space.cnblogs.com 3. A pickup truck arrives on the beach, and a young commercial fisherman begins throwing the ancient creatures into the back of it. 一辆顺路而过的卡车到达了沙滩,一个年轻的商业渔人开始将这些古老的生物扔向它的后面。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Unfortunately it's just a concept product at the moment, but hopefully it will be made into a commercial product to be sold on the shelves. 遗憾的是,目前它仅仅是一个概念产品,但是,它将有望(面世)成为货架上的商品。 www.bing.com 5. After two years of pain, American house prices seem to be stabilising. But attention is now switching to the commercial-property market. 2年过后,美国房屋价格似乎止稳,但是现在的目光开始转移到商业房地产市场。 www.ecocn.org 6. Japan should think about giving up Antarctic "research" , he said, in return for a limited resumption of commercial coastal whaling. 他表示,日本不应该再在南极地区进行研究性捕鲸,而应该有限制地恢复沿海商业捕鲸。 www.ecocn.org 7. And I started to think about why, as the beer commercial asks, some days are better than others. 我开始思考为什么,为什么好多啤酒商会祈祷,让日子过的更好些。 www.bing.com 8. Similarly, Citic PE has found that its investments in Chinese city commercial banks were in better shape than it had anticipated, he added. 他还说,类似的,中信产业基金发现,它在中国城市商业银行的投资表现好于预期。 cn.wsj.com 9. commercial bar code cannot be placed in the package insert for easy-to-wear surface. 商品条码不能放置在包装的易磨损面上。 www.bing.com 10. Preferably with an experience in commercial department of any pharma manufacturer in the province handling distribution, collections etc. 有在制药企业从事该区域商务管理工作经验或担任同等职位; www.happy315.com 1. They are also investigating whether Lehman put proper values on its large commercial real estate holdings, people close to the matter said. 据接近调查的消息人士透露,上述两区的检察官还将对雷曼是否对旗下控股的商业性地产进行合理估值展开调查。 www.bing.com 2. The U. S. Federal Reserve is trying to help the 4th largest U. S. credit card company by allowing it to become a commercial bank. 美国联邦储备委员会正在帮助美国第四大信用卡公司,使它能够成为商业银行。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Christmas is only as commercial as you make it. You choose what Christmas means to you. 圣诞节只是你自己把它商业化的,你可以选择你自己的圣诞节。 www.feedou.com 4. Addressed concretely, there was no differentiation between low-level commercial estate and traditional housing unit. 具体而言,低档商品房与传统单位房之间不存在任何分化; paper.pet2008.cn 5. Playground design is often mistaken as 'browsing through catalogues' of play equipment companies or even as a commercial entertainment area. 游乐场所的设计经常被误解为一个从游乐设施提供商的产品目录中进行挑选的过程,甚至仅仅是一个商业化的游乐场。 www.jchla.com 6. Matt Wells, the Guardian's head of audio, agreed that the commercial radio sector appeared to be in terminal decline. 马特.威尔士,Guardian的音频主管,赞同商业电台部门看上去在走向衰落这一观点。 www.bing.com 7. Do a quick reset of the room you're in - Commercial breaks aren't long but it's amazing how much you can get done. 整理一下房间---广告时间不会很长,但还是能有很多事情可以做的。 www.bing.com 8. In the last years, tannase has been the subject of a lot of studies due to its commercial importance and complexity as catalytic molecule. 由于单宁酸酶催化机制复杂且商品化需求日益增加,在过去的几年里,已成为了许多专家学者研究的热点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Creosote is a wood preservative used for commercial purposes only; it has no registered residential uses. 木馏油是一种仅用于商业的木材防腐剂,它没有用于住宅的许可登记。 bbs.wpc.cn 10. Most of the ventures seem to be about tapping into local knowledge and driven by commercial interest. 大多合资行为似乎都是为了利用当地智力,且是出于商业动机.可以产生很强的协同作用。 cn.reuters.com 1. At the end of the introduction, the article states the research methods used for the verification on the acts of Commercial Bribery. 在导言的最后,表述了本文对商业贿赂行为认定进行研究所使用的主要方法。 www.fabiao.net 2. It has been used in commercial ad. and achieved good results in combination with digital technology. 目前在商业广告中立体印刷已被采用,并且与数码技术相结合,取得了令人满意的效果。 www.chemyq.com 3. Accordingly, he asked Marion to write to the Commercial Attache at the British Embassy to ask for advice on this point. 同时,他让玛丽恩写信给英国大使馆的商务专员,征求他对这事的意见。 tr.bab.la 4. Besides, there're 1185 payments that add up to nearly $391 million made by the company for illegal purposes, commercial briberies included. 此外,西门子还有1185笔付款、将近3.91亿美元被用以违法目的,包括进行商业贿赂等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Jerry: I'm supposed to see her again on Thursday, but can I go out with someone who actually likes this commercial? 杰瑞:我们本来约好周四再见的,不过我真的能和一个这么喜欢那广告片的人出去约会吗? yangwenzhan.spaces.live.com 6. HKEC would be a performance and growth driven commercial entity allowed to make profit and distribute dividends to its shareholders. 交易结算公司是一个商业机构,以业绩和业务增长为目标,可赚取利润,并可向股东分派股息。 www.hotdic.com 7. "We found if there was a frozen pea commercial they moved the mum forward, if it was a toy they moved the child doll forward, " Smith says. 史密斯说:“我们发现,如果是一个有关冰冻青豆的广告,他们把妈咪推向前;如果是一条有关玩具的广告,他们把代表孩子的布娃娃向前移动。” www.zftrans.com 8. You can have either your company or your personal consultancy expense a portion or all the cost of any of the commercial products. 您可能需要支付公司或者个人的顾问费用,也可能要花钱购买必需的商品。 www.ibm.com 9. But neither those stories nor the commercial is going to help much in terms of making people like China. 但是,在让人们喜欢中国这一点上,不管是这些新闻故事还是广告都不会有多大作用。 www.bing.com 10. Sadly Dr Greenberg's co-founder died in 2009, just a year short of realising his goal of creating a commercial retinal implant. 遗憾的是格林伯格博士的合作伙伴于2009年去世,离实现他创造出商业化的仿生眼的目标仅仅只有一年时间。 www.ecocn.org 1. There is no doubt that this cartoon vividly depicts a negative but rampant scenario in modern society: commercial bribery. 毫无疑问这幅漫画生动地描述了现代社会一种负面的但是却十分猖獗的现象:商业贿赂。 www.hxen.com 2. This information is not used for commercial purposes, is not shared with third parties and is only used for site administration. 该信息不会在商业上使用,也不会与第三方共享,而仅用于网站管理。 web.worldbank.org 3. He's already made at least one commercial, demonstrating the kind of charisma that will help him adapt quickly to the NBA and to America. 他至少已经证明了他的商业价值和超强魅力,这将帮助他更快地适应美国适应NBA。 www.huanantiger.com 4. The commercial department is working very hard, for the next season (in Europe) it is a question of time. 整个商业部门都非常努力,因此我相信再次进入下赛季的欧冠只是时间问题。 engbbs.fans1.com 5. The British considered commercial agriculture the cornerstone of a prosperous and stable rural life, in Palestine as well as elsewhere. 英国人认为与其他地方一样,巴勒斯坦商业化的农业是乡村经济繁荣稳定的基础。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Cleaning coal of its greenhouse gas byproduct is a widely discussed idea but at this point unavailable at a commercial scale. 清除煤燃烧时释放的温室气体早就成为人们谈论的话题,但是直到目前为止还无法达到商业规模。 www.bing.com 7. Commercial bar code visually appears to be normal, but it is in size and quality of the optical properties of request cannot be ignored. 商品条码从表背上看似别致,但它在尺寸和光学共性方背的质量请求却是不禁止关心的。 www.bing.com 8. Therefore, the commercial bank oneself resists the ability of the software system risk to seem to be count for much. 因此,商业银行自身抵御软件系统风险的能力就显得非常重要。 www.fabiao.net 9. Ultimately, if technique or documenting well-known scenic spots is the only concern, one is only a commercial trade photographer. 倘若只着重在技巧或记录知名景点上,最终也只是一名摄影匠。 iskong.com 10. To me it would seem only a commercial exchange, in which each wished to be benefited at the expense of the other. 对我来说,这似乎只是一种商品交换,双方都想损人利己。 www.kekenet.com 1. Converting coal bed methane to LNG uses well-established technology, but has never been proved as a commercial proposition. 将煤层气转化为LNG使用的技术相当成熟,但作为商业计划从未被证实可行。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But unlike a regular commercial bank, it had the federal government as a partner and number one customer. 与通常的商业银行不同的是,它拥有联邦政府作为合伙人和头号客户。 gb.cri.cn 3. Analysts said the new oral drugs could have significant commercial potential, possibly generating annual sales of $1 billion or more. 分析家称这种新的口服药有巨大的商业前景,每年的销售额可能达到10亿美元。 www.bing.com 4. However, for other Web servers which do not implement HTTP compression, a commercial product might be needed. 不过,对于其他未能实现HTTP压缩的Web服务器,可能需要商业产品。 www.ibm.com 5. They were introduced to the U. S. in the late 1800s, and a few commercial acres still exist in California and Florida. 那里的芒果从19世纪初开始出口到美国,现在在加州和佛罗里达州依然有一些商业亩。 www.bing.com 6. One of the more severe thermal food processes is referred to as commercial sterilization . 商业灭菌是较严格的食品热处理过程之一。 www.jukuu.com 7. Methods Polymorphic analysis was used for the commercial crude drug Bulbus Lilii with RAPD technique and a tree diagram was constructed. 方法采用RAPD技术对商品药材百合进行了多态性分析,并构建聚类树型图。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Those who decide to maintain ownership are ultimately going to let the commercial marketplace decide their degree of compensation. 哪些决定维持他们所有权的人最终将由商业市场决定他们的赔偿程度。 www.ibm.com 9. There is no doubt that commercial banks'competition will be represented by the contest for the credit card business. 毋庸置疑,商银行之间个人业务的竞争主要表现为对信用卡业务的争夺。 www.fabiao.net 10. to be used to help select a commercial product and a process specification. 包括用于辅助选择商业产品的材料规范和工序规范。 www.showxiu.com 1. Wikipedia is run as a charity by the Wikimedia Foundation so, free from commercial pressures, Mr Wales can be very candid about the site. 维基百科是维基媒体基金资助的一家慈善机构,所以无需面对商业压力,威尔士先生非常坦诚地回答了涉及网站的问题。 www.bing.com 2. Investigating the commercial arrangements between chefs and the bakers they work with revealed a more secretive world than I had expected. 对于厨师和面包师之间的商业合作的调查,揭开了一个比我想象中更加秘密的世界。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The EeePC was the first ultra-cheap, scaled-down laptop (a new category known as a netbook) launched worldwide through commercial channels. EeePC是首款在全球范围内通过商业渠道推出的超低价、缩减版笔记本电脑(这一新类别被称之为netbook)。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Business assets, liability business and intermediary business have always been known as the three basic operations of commercial banks. 资产业务、负债业务、中间业务一直以来并称为商业银行的三大基本业务。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 5. Websites sponsored by particular commercial, political, or other entities should be viewed with suspicion as well. 由特定财团、政治力量或其他组织赞助的网站也要警惕对待。 www.bing.com 6. ON A Tuesday at 6pm, children begin arriving at a bland commercial building just as the office workers are leaving. 某个星期二下午6:00,孩子们开始来到一个不起眼的商业楼宇,此时,办公室人员正下班离开。 www.bing.com 7. The field application proves this system is ready to provide the commercial test application. 通过现场应用表明,系统运行稳定,准确度高,完全达到商业测试应用的标准。 www.fabiao.net 8. 'It's not as easy to use as other commercial mapping services, ' one user from Beijing wrote in the service's feedback section. 一名北京的使用者在天地图的反馈评论中写道,它不如其他商业地图服务用起来方便;想取代谷歌地图? c.wsj.com 9. And then to break her heart forever, the baby boy, who has begun to talk, starts to sing the Pepsi commercial he heard on T. V. 后来,永远伤了她的心的是,那个小男娃,开始说话了,开始唱他在电视上听到的百事可乐广告歌。 blog.tianya.cn 10. Help marketing department to make advertisement or to decorate the shops of commercial partners after launching the new products. 产品上线后,协助市场营销部,疏通商户关系,进行必要的门店宣传与装饰。 jobs.zhaopin.com 1. White, the octogenarian star of a popular Super Bowl commercial, was the top choice of a dinner date for most of the centenarians. 怀特,这位超级碗广告的老年明星,是大多数百岁老人的最佳晚餐对象。 www.bing.com 2. He brushes aside criticism in the British press for a commercial he did for Sky, at the height of the phone hacking scandal. 他不理会英国媒体批评他,在电话窃听丑闻正高潮时,为天空电视台拍摄一部广告片。 www.bing.com 3. Instead, Enlight, much like Huayi and Bona, is trying to focus on projects that promise the biggest commercial benefit. 相反,光线影业与华谊兄弟和博纳更为相似,都把重点放在了有希望创造最大商业利益的项目上。 www.ftchinese.com 4. TV commercial due to be broadcast shows a masked man in a superhero costume scaling scaffolding to rescue some lost balloons. 在一段即将播出的电视广告中,一个穿著超人服装的蒙面男子爬上鹰架试图救回几颗飘走的气球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Li Kaifu: I feel dinkum to be a bit later really for the angle from commercial interest. 李开复:我觉得纯粹从商业利益的角度来说确实是晚了一点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Mindful of his need for Angola's support on diplomatic, military and commercial fronts, Mr Kabila kept his mouth shut. 考虑到刚果在外交军事以及商业方面都需要安哥拉的支持,卡比拉选择了沉默。 www.ecocn.org 7. I think it's one of the most fun things about the commercial is just uh, you know, showing different people doing different things. . . 我认为这是对商业的最有趣的事情之一就是,嗯,你知道,显示做不同的事情不同的人… www.yappr.cn 8. Through operating system theory, control theory and information theory, set up the general internal control system of our commercial bank. 最后应用系统论、控制论、信息论进行了内部控制系统的总体设计。 www.fabiao.net 9. LED lights are still much more expensive which is why they are mostly used for commercial applications at this point. LED灯仍然昂贵得多这就是为什么他们多为在这一点上的商业应用中使用。 www.bugutang.com 10. The presumption must be that Japan is no longer seen as a commercial threat, while China is both this and political rival. 它这么做想必基于下述假设:它已不再视日本为商业威胁,而中国在商业上与政治上,都是它的竞争对手。 www.ftchinese.com 1. However, the value of New York's commercial coastal property at $1. 3 trillion was higher than that of any other state on the list. 不过,新的价值,纽约的商业沿海物业的1.3万亿美元,高于任何其他国家的名单上。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Under China's criminal law, the distribution of obscene content for non-commercial purposes carries a jail term of up to two years. 根据中国刑法,非商业用途的色情内容传播,最高可获刑2年。 www.bing.com 3. Now Chinese collectors are beginning to acquire them as homage to the sophistication and commercial acumen of their forebears. 而时至今日,中国收藏家正开始收购这些瓷器,以向先辈们的智慧与商业眼光致敬。 www.ecocn.org 4. It's been a recurring issue at the annual gathering along with Japan's request for a commercial hunting quota. 这一问题与日本要求分配商业捕杀配额的申请反复出现在国际捕鲸委员会的年度会议上。 www.bing.com 5. Body Writing has become a characteristic of female sexual exposure and extreme exhibitions, and turns out to be a commercial activity. 身体写作成了对女性性特征的暴露和展览,走向极端化,从而变成一种商业行为。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 6. Commercial search engine may be not the impetus of IT technology, but becomes an obstacle for the further development of new system. 商业搜索引擎也许不是信息技术的推动力,反而成了进一步开发新系统的障碍。 www.bing.com 7. Commercial A term used to refer to any party or organization involved in producing, transporting, or merchandising a commodity. 指任何参与生产、运送或销售商品的参与方或机构。 sh.netsh.com 8. The results may not come as quickly as commercial polishers, but the onion-based polish is good enough to be a worthy substitute. 效果会跟买的抛光剂一样快,但用洋葱擦的就足够好,可以成为划算的替代品。 www.bing.com 9. It was a huge commercial success---but it did not cure his headaches. 虽然在这项买卖上他大赚了钱,可是却没有治好他的头痛病。 emuch.net 10. Tom Doctoroff, director of the north Asia area for WPP Group's JWT ad agency, said the commercial ad is 'a good first step. ' WPP集团旗下的广告公司智威汤逊(JWT)北亚首席执行长唐锐涛(TomDoctoroff)说,这则广告是中国迈出的“良好的第一步”。 cn.wsj.com |
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