单词 | be on the agenda |
释义 | be on the agenda例句释义: 全部 1. Dealing with the growing economic and military power of China will also be on the agenda, she said. 她说,应对中国日益增强的经济和军事实力也将在议程之中。 c.wsj.com 2. But the consensus was that human rights has to be on the agenda even if it is awkward. 但各方一致认为:即使人权问题很棘手,也要把它提出来,人权问题进入会谈议题才会取得效果。 cn.reuters.com 3. Yet if the total amount of economic growth is limited, then that should be on the agenda as well. 但如果经济增长的总量有限,那么最高收入这种说法也应提上议事日程。 www.bing.com 4. North Korea's recently disclosed uranium enrichment program will be on the agenda of future discussions, he said. 博斯沃思说,北韩最近才公开的铀浓缩项目将被列入今后讨论的议程。 www.america.gov 5. While Pirotta would not say exactly what the committee will address, full body scanners are likely to be on the agenda. 然而皮塔罗并没有明确表示委员会讨论的议题,全身扫描仪将有可能列入议题。 voa.hjenglish.com 6. It will be on the agenda again when he visits Pakistan later in the week, before heading into the war zone itself. 马伦本周晚些时候访问巴基斯坦时也将讨论阿富汗问题。马伦此后将前往阿富汗战区。 www.24en.com 7. The issue is bound to be on the agenda during Condoleezza Rice 's visit. 赖斯出访莫斯科期间,这个问题必定出现在议事日程上。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Italian officials say Prato is expected to be on the agenda when Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China visits Rome in October. 意大利官员称,今年十月份温家宝总理访问意大利时,普拉托的问题将被摆上议事日程。 www.bing.com 9. That will now be on the agenda for the BRIC summit to be held shortly in Brasilia. 如今,这将被提到不久后在巴西利亚举行的“金砖四国”峰会的日程上。 c.wsj.com 10. Early debt-restructuring of insolvent members should also be on the agenda. 尽早对失去偿付能力的成员国进行债务重组,也应该成为欧元区的议题之一。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The authors hope that cancer will be on the agenda of a September 2011 UN meeting of world leaders on the global health systems. 作者希望癌症能够在2011年9月的联合国全球健康系统首脑会议上被提上日程。 chinese.wsj.com 2. To make this reciprocity possible a wider range of issues must be on the agenda. 要实现这种互惠的局面,必须把更多问题提到议程之上。 www.ftchinese.com 3. 'I would like to move forward during the G-8 so Doha can be on the agenda in November, ' Mr. Lamy said. 拉米说,我希望在G8会议上推动此事,以便让多哈回合谈判能成为11月会议时的议程。 www.bing.com 4. Travel could be on the agenda for you this month, but you'll have to play things by ear . 本月,旅游计划将会提上日程,但你要注意获取信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. All of these issues will be on the agenda tomorrow when I meet with President Hu. 所有这些议题,在明天我和胡主席会晤时,都将列入议程。 www.way2english.com 6. For others, it will realistically not be on the agenda for most of their students. 对于其他学校来说,实际上不会把对多数学生的A*教学提上日程。 www.bing.com 7. You attend the meetings, wondering more about what kind of cookies will be waiting on the table than what will be on the agenda. 你去开会,对桌子上等待着你的是什么甜饼要比会是什么议程内容想地更多。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Next year plans, Visa procedures and Course Selection information will be on the agenda. 届时将介绍下一年度工作计划,签证申请流程,选课信息等。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 9. The process of election of a new Director-General will be on the agenda. 选举新的总干事的程序已列入议程。 www.who.int 10. If you are in the process of getting a divorce, the division of property will be on the agenda or discussions about child support. 假如你正在办理离婚,那么关于财产分割或者儿女的领养权都是在议事日程之内的事。 blog.163.com 1. Human rights will certainly be on the agenda. 人权问题当然还是会被列入议程之上。 club.topsage.com 2. Urbanization will be on the agenda at next year's "Rio 20" United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. 城市化将列入明年里约 20联合国可持续发展大会的议程。 sh.yuloo.com 3. These and other topics will be on the agenda for the Geneva meeting. 这些以及其他一些议题都将被列入日内瓦会议的议程。 www.who.int 4. A sunset cruise and watching the whales migratmg will be On the agenda too. 黄昏在海边漫步和看鲸鱼也会是安排之一。 hi.baidu.com 5. The senate or the house bill will be on the agenda. 参议院或众议院将议案列入议程。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Unsurprisingly, many suggest that Ghana's oil discoveries will be on the agenda. Amedor of All Voices asks 一如预期,许多人认为,迦纳刚发现石油也会是一项议题,AllVoices的Amedor质疑 zh.globalvoicesonline.org |
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