单词 | Christmas tree |
释义 |
复数:Christmas trees 例句释义: 圣诞树,采油树,耶诞树,装饰圣诞树 1. The Christmas tree was an underwhelming two feet tall, there was no backdrop and guests dressed down for this party. 过去的表演中,圣诞树只有两英尺高,没有任何舞台背景,嘉宾们特为这个聚会而穿着朴素。 www.bing.com 2. Laura and I are pleased to welcome all of you, here for one of Washington's great traditions, the lighting of the National Christmas Tree. 劳拉和我很高兴欢迎你们大家,来这里参加华盛顿的伟大传统之一,点亮国家圣诞树。 www.yappr.cn 3. "The marijuana plant had been put in a Christmas tree stand and decorated with a string of lights, " the police said. 警官表示:“这颗大麻植株被放在一个圣诞树架上,并点缀了一串灯饰。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Wolstencroft really wasn't such a bad name after all they both decided as they whirled around the Christmas tree at the front of the store. 在商店前面,他们围绕着圣诞树快乐的转着圈儿,这时候,他们再也不认为Wolstencroft是个很糟糕的名字了。 www.hjenglish.com 5. He opened the door and there was a little angel with a great big Christmas tree. 打开门一看,是个带着个大圣诞树的小天使。 www.bing.com 6. They went down to the Christmas tree, and soon the sun was creeping up to where the star had been. 我们一下楼来到圣诞树下,不久太阳就爬到那颗星星所在的位置上了。 7. The surface force per unit area exerted at the top of a wellbore when it is closed at either the Christmas tree or the BOP stack. 当采油树或防喷器组关闭时,施加在井口单位面积上的力称之为为关井压力。 www.infopetro.com.cn 8. Get the children to come to the front and stick their decoration on the Christmas Tree when they've finished. 让学生到讲台前来并在圣诞树上帖上他们已经完成的装饰物。 www.in2english.com.cn 9. In the West, whether Christian, had a Christmas tree at Christmas must be prepared to increase the festive atmosphere. 在西方,不论是否基督徒,过圣诞节时都要准备一棵圣诞树,以增加节日的欢乐气氛。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. 卡在圣诞树枝上的只是一个很小的白色信封,没有姓名,没有身份,也没有留言。 www.24en.com 1. I'd driven out to her house one night and his Le Mans was parked in her driveway, her Christmas-tree lights blinking over his hood. 那天晚上我开车去了她家,他的那辆勒芒牌跑车就停在她的车道上,引擎盖上闪烁着她家圣诞树的灯光。 www.bing.com 2. The depth of the cellar is such that the master valves of the Christmas tree are easy to reach from ground level. 方井的深度是这样设计的,圣诞树的总闸门从地表水平容易到达。 www.infopetro.com.cn 3. Amy Johnson from Nashville, TN sent in this photo of her beautiful Christmas tree. I think I might have been her inspiration for this one! 来自田纳西纳什维尔的Johnson给我发了张照片,看她的圣诞树多漂亮啊。我想也许是我给了她装点得灵感。 www.mmap.com 4. But it is definitely good news to see at least one Christmas tree lot switching over from fossil fuels to solar power. 但无论如何,有一批圣诞树放弃了矿物燃料转而使用太阳能这种清洁能源都是毋庸置疑的好消息。 www.bing.com 5. The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. 圣诞树四周最好的礼物是:幸福的家庭氛围,将人们彼此紧紧裹住。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There is a shining-light of Christmas tree emerge from the subway , people are so small, like a great desire to do so! 地铁出口一棵闪亮发光的圣诞树,人是那么渺小,愿望确实如此般伟大! blog.sina.com.cn 7. As our Christmas Boy grew, he made it clear that only he had the expertise to select and decorate the Christmas tree each year. 随着圣诞男孩的长大,他清楚地向大家表明只有他才有本事选择和装饰一年一度的圣诞树。 cn.wordmind.com 8. the last thing to do is to place your star or your tree topper right to the top of the Christmas tree, which we're going to do today. 最后一件事就是在圣诞树顶端放上星星或树顶饰品,那就是我们今天要做的。 www.yappr.cn 9. It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. 我家的圣诞树上挂着一张小小的白色信封。 www.ebigear.com 10. Another woman, who found a snake in her Christmas tree, started a petition demanding that Helen get rid of her snakes. 另一位妇女,因为在她的圣诞树上发现了一条蛇,就发起签署一封请愿信的活动,要求海伦不再养蛇。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Well, I would be glad to, but I have promised Tom to see his Christmas tree, and play the piano for his song tonight. 但是,我已经答应汤姆今晚去看他的圣诞树,而且为他的歌用钢琴伴奏。 talk.oralpractice.com 2. About a week before Christmas, people decorate the Christmas tree with lights, coloured paer and an angel on the top. 在节日的一周之前,人们就开始用小灯、彩纸以及一个小天使来装饰圣诞树。 www.pai-hang-bang.com 3. Professor David Cumming and Dr Qin Chen etched the Christmas tree image on to a minute piece of glass. 大卫·卡明教授和陈勤博士在一块微小的玻璃上刻下了圣诞树的图像。 www.bing.com 4. David Cameron, the British prime minister, turns on the Christmas tree lights at No 10 Downing Street in London. 伦敦唐宁街10号,英国首相大卫·卡梅伦点亮圣诞树。 www.bing.com 5. By the following night, his feet were cold and swollen. He slept next to a garage, using an unwanted Christmas tree as a blanket. 第二天晚上,他的脚开始冻伤并且肿胀,他在一座车库旁过了一夜,用一棵被扔掉的圣诞树当毯子取暖。 big5.cri.cn 6. The children flocked around the Christmas tree . 孩子们聚集在圣诞树周围。 en.v.wenguo.com 7. The next day the Watrases took down their Christmas tree, put their clothes in some bags and moved into a nearby hotel. 第二天,华特斯一家把他们的圣诞树取了下来,把衣服装到一些袋子里后,搬到了附近的一家旅馆。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. "This year the Santas want to be trendy. They seem to be tired of the green Christmas tree, " said Congress spokeswoman Vibeke Larsen. 会议女发言人维贝卡.莱珊表示:「今年的耶诞老公公要来点时髦的花样,他们似乎厌倦了绿色耶诞树。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. With the lighting of the National Christmas Tree, we observe one of the great traditions of our nation's capital. 随着国家圣诞树上灯火亮起,我们迎来了祖国首都一个重要的传统节日。 www.tingroom.com 10. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. 当小女孩想要用包装纸来装饰一个盒子并把盒子放在圣诞树下时,男人变得勃然大怒。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Christmas tree in general is sort of evergreen fir Bo made a symbol of life forever. 圣诞树普通是用杉柏之类的常绿树做成,意味生命长存。 www.23ok.com.cn 2. When the children saw the beautiful Christmas tree, they looked and looked. 当孩子们看见美丽的圣诞树时,他们瞧了又瞧。 wenwen.soso.com 3. The light in children's eyes shine as the Christmas tree is put up and decked out in ribbons , lights and ornaments. 当圣诞树在彩带、蜡烛和各式圣诞装饰物的映衬下熠熠生辉时,孩子们的眼中也闪动着期待的目光。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. "THERE will be toys under the Christmas tree this year, " says Alan Hassenfeld, as confidently as if he were Santa Claus himself. “今年的圣诞树下会有玩具的,”艾伦?哈森菲尔德说,说得那么自信,好像他自己就是圣诞老人。 www.ecocn.org 5. Each year as the boy grows, so too does the baby fig tree until the family is able to adorn it with lights and use it as a Christmas tree. 每年当男孩长大,这棵小无花果树也长大了直到这一家人可以把这个当作圣诞树一样的用小灯泡装饰。 6. A long, high-pressure pipe fitted to the top of a wellhead or Christmas tree so that tools may be put into a high-pressure well. 一条长的高压管,装在井口或采油树上,以便工具能够下入到高压井中去。 www.infopetro.com.cn 7. Such forward to play a Christmas tree in a single-striker system, do a bit of reluctance. 这样一名前锋去打圣诞树体系里的单前锋,确实有点勉为其难了。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 8. Chorus: Christmas tree, my Christmas tree, laid up like the sun. . . 圣诞树,我的圣诞树,装点像太阳…… www.jsedu.net 9. To the 16th century, Christmas trees tower and the Garden of Eden into a Christmas tree. 到16世纪,圣诞塔和伊甸园树合并为圣诞树。 wenwen.soso.com 10. The Christmas tree is decorated, but Mrs McKamey is trying to prepare for Christmas without spending money. 圣诞树已经装饰完毕,不过,McKamey太太却不打算为圣诞多花一分钱。 www.ecocn.org 1. No sense fretting about taking down the 5-foot Christmas tree buried in a snowdrift on her deck in Brookfield, Conn. 当她从位于康涅狄格州布鲁克菲尔德的自家平台上拆下埋在雪里的5英尺高圣诞树时也不用烦恼了。 www.bing.com 2. Fireworks light up the sky to launch the Christmas tree display along a bay walk in Palawan city, Philippines. 菲律宾巴拉望,在海湾散步区燃放烟火,启动周围圣诞树展览活动。 www.bing.com 3. Entering the square, the first thing which come into your eyes and catches your sight is the unique and huge christmas tree. 进入广场,第一眼就看到那棵奇特又巨大的的圣诞树,炫眼夺目。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The children's faces were full of wonder as they looked up at the Christmas tree. 孩子们抬头看着圣诞树,脸上充满惊叹。觉得奇怪,想知道。 beike.dangzhi.com 5. We watched as the National Christmas Tree was lit and admired the chef as he put the final icing on the gingerbread house. 我们还观看国家圣诞树点亮仪式,当白宫大厨为姜饼做的白宫模型浇上最后一勺糖霜时,我们对他充满了仰慕。 www.mrtranslator.cn 6. Keep kids and pets from knocking over the Christmas tree by securing it with clear fishing line attached to the treetop and a ceiling hook. 要阻止孩子和宠物撞到圣诞树通过用把钓鱼线树顶和天花板的钩链接起来。 www.bing.com 7. Every surface has been silvered , with giant icicles to hang from the beams, and a giant Christmas Tree sits at the head of the space. 所有的器具都镀了银,房梁上吊着粗大的冰柱,还立着一棵无比高大的圣诞树。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The big Christmas tree in the White House is always here in the Blue Room. 大圣诞树在白宫总是在这里在蓝色屋子。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 9. Who probably was the first man to put candles on a Christmas tree? 谁是第一个在圣诞树上挂糖果的人? www.ccppg.com.cn 10. So the question is, how can you carry a pilot around the world with an airplane that uses the same amount of energy as a big Christmas tree? 所以,问题是,你怎么能够携带一个飞行员环球飞行驾驶一架飞机,它所消耗的能源同等于照明一个大的圣诞树? www.ted.com 1. I was staring at the 59th Street Bridge. It was as sparkling and beautiful as a Christmas tree. 我看着眼前的第59街大桥,它像圣诞树般闪闪发光,美丽动人。 www.ebigear.com 2. The children thrilled with joy at the sight of the Christmas tree . 孩子们一看到圣诞树简直欣喜若狂。 en.v.wenguo.com 3. This strange little tree is tied to a fence literally in the middle of nowhere. It's totally reminds me of Charlie Brown's Christmas tree. 篱笆远远地围住了这棵奇形怪状的小圣诞树。它让我想起了查理·布朗的圣诞树。 www.hicoo.net 4. My parents and I sit around the Christmas tree on Christmas morning and exchange gifts. 圣诞的早上我和父母坐在圣诞树下交换礼物。 www.bing.com 5. I don't believe the office Christmas tree is as nice as you say. 我不相信办公室的耶诞树有你说的这么好。 bbs.wtojob.com 6. The sparkling lights on the Christmas tree delighted the children. 这棵圣诞树上闪烁的灯光让这些孩子很高兴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Just like the warm stove, the beauty of the goose, then happy Christmas tree, I could not see anything. 就像那温暖的火炉,那美丽的烤鹅,那幸福的圣诞树一样,我什么也看不见了。 quote.psytopic.com 8. The poor girl tries to get the stove. but it goes to the kids around the Christmas tree. 小女孩伸出手想靠近火炉。但火炉却走了。走到圣诞树边。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Or, instead of a tree, some people have a small, sweet-smelling rosemary plant, cut to look like a little Christmas tree. 有人也用小棵的,好闻的迷迭香来代替树木,切成一棵迷你圣诞树。 www.tingclass.com 10. The next thing that you would look to do with the Christmas tree is to place your garland on. 接下来要看在圣诞树上的何处摆放你的花环。 www.yappr.cn 1. A Christmas tree is usually decorated with ornaments and lights. 我们平常用圣诞装饰品和等装饰圣诞树。 www.bing.com 2. And then, reaching high, For everyone to see, They hang balls of snow On the big Christmas tree. 然后,派对进入了高潮,每个人都可以感受到,他们把雪球挂在一棵大圣诞树上。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. It is picture of his two-year-old son Matthew, dressed in a red plaid outfit and sitting in front of a Christmas tree. . . 那是一张他两岁的儿子马修的照片,穿着有褶边的红色套装,坐在一棵圣诞树前。 zhaoqi0210.blog.163.com 4. Finally, they connect a multi- valved structure called a Christmas tree to the top of the tubing and cement it to the top of the casing. 最后,在油管顶部安装一个被称为采油树的多阀结构,并与套管顶部连接处用水泥封固。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The burning fireplace, Christmas tree, red candles, ivy, Santa Claus, and white wine - simply elements of a traditional Christmas dinner. 炉火,圣诞树,红蜡烛,冬青树叶,圣诞老人,白葡萄酒,构成了传统的圣诞晚餐。我们聚在房子里,愉快地进餐,谈笑风生。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. But we'd like to have the banquet hall decorated. It would be better if a Christmas tree stands in the middle with some colourful streamers. 不过我们还希望能将宴会厅装饰起来,如果能在大厅中央放置一棵带有彩色垂带的圣诞树就会更加增辉了。 www.hotdic.com 7. A Christmas tree built of Lego bricks is on display at St. Pancras International station in London. 伦敦圣潘克勒斯国际火车站,乐高积木搭建的圣诞树供人观赏。 www.bing.com 8. Molly : When he landed on my house, he climbed in through the chimney and placed presents under our decorated Christmas tree. 莫莉:他停在我家的房顶上,从烟囱下到我们的屋里,然后把礼物放在装饰好的圣诞树下。 www.bing.com 9. Before Christmas presents are placed underneath the Christmas tree and are opened in a gift-opening event sometime during the big day. 圣诞节之前礼物被摆在圣诞树下面,等待隆重打开的那一时刻。 blog.163.com 10. The child was attracted by the glitter of the Christmas tree decorations. 这孩子被圣诞树上闪闪发光的装饰品吸引住了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. What can be better than a fat gay mermaid on your Christmas tree? 还有什么比胖胖的美人鱼挂在你的圣诞树上更好的呢? www.kekenet.com 2. In this image, you see our solar system turned on its side into "tree" mode, bringing the Christmas tree analogy into visual focus. 在这个画面中,你会看到太阳系变成了“树”的模式,把圣诞树比喻成了视觉重心。 www.bing.com 3. Others put all the presents around the Christmas tree and wait until evening before giving them out. 另外一些家庭把所有的礼物都放在圣诞树周围,一直等到晚上才分发礼物。 www.jukuu.com 4. They did not choose a Christmas tree until Christmas Eve . 他们直到圣诞节前夜才挑中一棵圣诞树。 www.bing.com 5. IN DECEMBER 2007, a Japanese aquarium hooked up the lights on a Christmas tree to a tank containing an electric eel. 2007年12月,日本的一家水族馆把挂在圣诞树上的五彩灯连接到了一个装有一条电鳗的水槽上。 www.bing.com 6. Begin the season by buying a gift for a needy person whose name was plucked from The Salvation Army Christmas tree at a local mall. 在当地商场的救世军圣诞树上取下一个穷人的名字,买点礼物送给他作为假期的开始。 www.elanso.com 7. Ancelotti usually favours a Christmas Tree formation, but opted for a trident with Kaka supporting Alexandre Pato and Pippo Inzaghi. 安切洛蒂通常喜欢用圣诞树阵型,但是今晚选择了卡卡支援帕托和因扎吉的三叉戟。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. "Even the Christmas tree in Turkish homes is no longer the ironic statement it once was. " “甚至土耳其家庭里的圣诞树也不再像以前那样具有讽刺意味了。” www.bing.com 9. When Germany's Prince Albert came to England in 1840 to marry Queen Victoria, he brought the Christmas tree with him. 而当1840年,德国的阿尔伯特王子(PrinceAlbert)前去英格兰迎娶维多利亚女王时,也把圣诞树带到了不列颠。 dongxi.net 10. Nick the night before. Some families attend morning mass, while others gather around a Christmas tree to open brightly wrapped boxes. 还有一些家庭会在其他家庭聚在圣诞树前拆礼物时,到教堂参加弥撒。 www.24en.com 1. For some, that means digging out those old lights and ornaments out of the closet to hang on the Christmas tree. 对一些人而言,这意味着要将橱柜里往年的装饰灯具和装饰品倒腾出来挂在圣诞树上了。 www.ebigear.com 2. But a bale of burnt-out Christmas tree lights the size of a love seat? 但是一大捆与双人沙发体积相当的圣诞灯有多重呢? www.bing.com 3. This beautiful Christmas tree was made of a small fir. 这个漂亮的圣诞树是由一个小杉树做成的。 feeds.feedsky.com 4. I know you will go when the match is burned out. You will vanish like the warm fire, the warm food, and the great glorious Christmas tree! 我知道,这火柴一灭掉,你就会不见的,你就会像那个温暖的火炉,那只美丽的烤鹅,那棵幸福的圣诞树一样不见的! blog.sina.com.cn 5. The 77th annual Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree was lit up in New York on Dec. 纽约洛克菲勒中心的第77届圣诞树点燃仪式于12月2日举行。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 6. I almost forgot to say, Yue, this Christmas tree which brought us happiness, warmness and beauty is a great gift from your dad! 对了,小猪,这棵带来快乐、温暖和美的圣诞树可是爸爸送给我们的礼物噢! blog.sina.com.cn 7. The child was attracted by the glitter of the Christmas tree decorations veduchina . 这孩子被圣诞树上闪耀的装饰物吸引住了。 en.v.wenguo.com 8. Some American households will even put up a Christmas tree this early, although most will wait until a couple of weeks before Christmas Eve. 一些美国家庭甚至会在那时就早早地树起了圣诞树,虽然大部分人将会把这件事留到圣诞夜之前的几个星期才去做。 www.jznu.edu.cn 9. Here's another weird conceptual Christmas tree made out of different colours of plastic tubing. It's, um, well, unique. 又一个搞怪的概念型圣诞树,它是不同颜色的塑料管做成的。嗯,哦,它很独特。 bbs.putclub.com 10. When pressed parts, it will put on Christmas tree, you can drag it and place in right place when end of touch in the screen. 当按下配件,配件会立即弹到圣诞树上,再用手指头拖动配件的位置,摆在适当的地方。 itunes.apple.com 1. Santa comes down the chimney to put gifts under your Christmas tree. 圣诞老人通过烟囱下到你的屋里,并把礼物放在圣诞树下。 www.bing.com 2. In their light, she sees several lovely visions including a Christmas tree and a holiday feast. 在他们的光,她看到一些很漂亮的异象包括一棵圣诞树,盛宴。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The official White House Christmas Tree was unveiled in the Blue Room of the White House, Washington DC, on December 1. 12月1日,美国华盛顿,白宫官方圣诞树亮相蓝厅。 gb.cri.cn 4. This wooden pyramid may be several feet high and is built in the tradition of the Christmas tree. 这个木制的三角架可以有几英尺高,这也成为圣诞树装饰必备的东西。 www.suiniyi.com 5. One turns up e-mails related to the company, the other turns up threads related to Christmas tree donations. 前面一个是和这家公司相关的电子邮件,后一个是和圣诞树捐款相关的话题。 kk.dongxi.net 6. The parliament building is decorated with a Christmas tree and decorations in Tbilisi, Georgia, on Dec. 位于格鲁吉亚共和国首都第比利斯内的国会大厦在12月6日装饰着圣诞树和装饰物。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 7. Here's another weird conceptual Christmas tree made out of different colours of plastic tubing. 这是另一种离奇的思维式圣诞树,它由颜色各异的塑料管组成。 www.readerstimes.com 8. Astronomers at the European Southern Observatory recently captured an image of a Christmas tree cluster by a 2. 2m-diameter telescope. 近日,欧洲南方天文台的天文学家用直径2.2米的太空望远镜拍摄到一棵“太空圣诞树”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. President Bush and his wife Laura have taken part in the annual lighting of the National Christmas Tree. 美国总统布什和第一夫人劳拉参加了一年一度的国家圣诞树的点灯仪式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Again she lit another. This time she was sitting under a lovely Christmas tree. 她又点燃了一根火柴。这次她坐在一株可爱的圣诞树下, www.tingroom.com 1. Christmas Eve, people around the Christmas tree singing and dancing. 圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌跳舞,尽情欢乐。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. American people Christmas tree, placed on family decorate gifts socks stuffed into, mainly in Turkey, eat meal, Christmas party at home. 美国人过圣诞节着重家庭布置,安置圣诞树,在袜子中塞满礼物,吃以火鸡为主的圣诞大菜,举行家庭舞会。 wenku.baidu.com 3. All that's left of the big Christmas tree display here is a big empty spot on the floor. 原来放巨大的圣诞树的地方空出一大片空地。 www.bing.com 4. A trumpeter plays during the illumination of the Christmas tree and opening of the Christmas market in Prague. 布拉格,一名鼓号手在点亮圣诞树和圣诞集市开市期间表演。 www.bing.com 5. We cannot accept that a German Christmas tree has anything to do with a crib in a manger in Bethlehem. 我们无法接受德意志圣诞树和伯利恒的一个马槽有任何关系。 dongxi.net 6. Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Wellhead and christmas tree equipment. 石油和天然气工业。钻井和生产设备。井口和井口采油装置。 www.bzw.com.cn 7. And for many Americans, an enduring symbol of Christmas is the National Christmas tree on the National Mall in Washington, D. C. 对许多美国人来说,圣诞节的一个永久性象征是华盛顿国家大草坪上的国家圣诞树。 www.voanews.com.cn 8. You will vanish like the warm stove, the delicious goose and the beautiful Christmas tree. 就象那温暖的火炉,美味的烤鹅和美丽的圣诞树一样。 www.tingroom.com 9. you will vanish like the warm stove, the roast goose, and the large, glorious Christmas-tree. 我知道在火柴熄灭时您会离开我,会像那温暖的火炉,烤鸭和那棵漂亮的圣诞树一样消失掉! bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Called for more hands to decorate the Christmas tree; an old hand at labor negotiations. 叫更多的人手来装饰这圣诞树;一个老手在进行劳动谈判。 bbs.edu.online2.sh.cn 1. as this year's theme, Yuletide cheer will hit the hotel in November, during which its atrium Christmas tree will be set up and lit. 作为今年的主题,尤尔德欢呼在十一月将达到酒店,在此期间,它的中庭圣诞树将设立并点燃。 www.58qm.com 2. The National Christmas Tree Association has presented the official White House tree since 1966. 美国圣诞树协会从1966年开始向白宫捐赠圣诞树。 www.neworiental.org 3. Athens, Greece: Riot police officers guard the christmas tree in Syntagma square, where protesters hung rubbish during a demonstration. 希腊,雅典:在宪法广场上,防爆警察正列队保护着圣诞树,那里抗议者正通过悬挂垃圾以向政府示威。 www.bing.com 4. Two aluminum electrodes inside the eel's tank capture that energy and send it down a wire to a nearby Christmas tree. 鱼缸内部的两个电极捕集电流后传导到导线,再由导线输送到鱼缸附近的圣诞树上。 www.bing.com 5. Experts have identified four hinting styles that women use to try to ensure their favoured choice is placed under the Christmas tree. 专家发现,女性通常会使用四种暗示方式,以确保在圣诞树下收到心仪的礼物。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. The Christmas tree which was to be placed in front of my company. You may imagine how tall it was if compared with those cars. 公司门口即将被装饰的圣诞树,拿旁边的汽车做参照,大家就不难看出这树有多么高大。 bbs.9c9t.com 7. We were attracted by the glitter of the Christmas tree decorations. 我们被圣诞树上闪闪发光的装饰物所吸引。 infos.edulife.com.cn 8. His teacher asked him to go to a forest and bring home the biggest, the most luxuriant, and the most suitable Christmas tree. 老师然他去森林找一棵最大,最茂盛,最合适在家做圣诞树的树,并且只有一次机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The most expensive Christmas tree went on display recently at the Ginza Tanaka jewellery shop in Osaka, Japan. 近日,日本大阪银座街的一家珠宝店展出了一棵用24K金打造的华丽圣诞树,堪称世上最豪华的圣诞树。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to decorate the house, put up the Christmas tree, the decorations and the balloons. 在圣诞前夜,整个家庭帮忙装饰房子,搭起圣诞树,准备饰物和气球。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Thirty minutes later he returns with a great big Christmas tree. "How did you cut it down so fast? " his son asks. 30分钟后,他爸爸带着一棵超大的圣诞树回到了加。他儿子问:“你怎么会砍得那么快?” www.hxen.com 2. My Christmas tree isn't turning into real tree. Let me try it again! 可是琪琪的圣诞树为什么没有变成真的呢?小本继续努力。 www.ccppg.com.cn 3. This site also offers a variety of Christmas tree farms, hay rides, sleigh rides, holiday recipes, and various other winter fun. 网站也提供许多圣诞树农庄、大篷车、雪橇、节日食谱和其他各种各样的冬日趣物。 www.suiniyi.com 4. Using a Mobile Solar Station provided by Stellar Solar, Purdy Tree Farms' Christmas tree lot officially runs off renewable energy. 在StellarSolar组织提供的太阳能移动电源车的大力支持下,帕迪农场的这批圣诞树正式成为了利用可再生能源的圣诞树。 www.bing.com 5. Under the control of the control circuit, the light-emitting Christmas tree emits color lights to increase festive atmosphere. 在控制电路的控制下,整个发光圣诞树彩灯结构发光,在夜晚可增加发光圣诞树的真实感,增添节日的欢乐、喜庆的气氛。 ip.com 6. Charlie quarrels every year to his old father to the Christmas tree, his old father always said it was too expensive, do not want to buy. 查理每年都向他老爸吵着要圣诞树,他老爸总是说太贵了,不想买。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The beautiful Christmas tree depends on mutually concomitant, happy happy time! 美丽的圣诞树相依相伴美好欢乐时光! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Victorian-style Christmas tree decorated with candles, candy and cake colors, with ribbons and paper chains hanging on the branches. 维多利亚式圣诞树饰以蜡烛、糖果和花色糕点,用丝带和纸链吊挂在树枝上。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Imagine your christmas tree full of your and your family best wishes. . . This will be fun. 想象一下你的圣诞树上挂满你和你家人最好的愿望…那是多有趣啊。 www.elanso.com 10. The advance could help engineers pack all sorts of spheres more efficiently, from nano-sized buckyballs to Christmas tree ornaments. 这个进步可以使工程师们更加有效的包装各类球形物品,从纳米级的巴克球到圣诞树饰品都适用。 www.bing.com 1. Providing the porcelain and ceramics, resin Christmas tree hangs a decoration. Be accepted the picture process to the kind. 提供陶瓷、树脂圣诞树挂件、圣诞节、复活节、万圣节饰品。承接来图片来样加工。 www.diytrade.com 2. Germany: German every family once believing in Protestantism, have one Christmas tree, the Christmas tree is some in Germany first. 德国:德国的每一信奉耶稣教的家庭,都有一株圣诞树,圣诞树是在德国最先有的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Also received the White House Christmas tree photos. 也收到了白宫的圣诞树照片。 bbs.scol.com.cn 4. A pair of thieves swiped a Christmas tree. 一对小偷盗取一棵圣诞树。 www.tingclass.com 5. What do the following things have in common: a cone, the fur of a fox, and a Christmas tree? 下面这些东西有何共同点:锥形,狐狸皮,圣诞树? www.bing.com 6. The sun rises behind trees at the Dartmoor Christmas Tree Farm on December 1 2009, near Ashburton, England. 太阳升起于2009年12月1日,近阿什伯顿,英国后面的达特穆尔圣诞树农场树木。 08062788.blog.163.com 7. Almost. I've put up the decorations and we've decorated the Christmas tree with plenty of tinsel and baubles. 差不多了。我已经挂好了装饰物,也有了很多闪亮的小玩意装饰了圣诞树。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Bottom of the screen has all kinds of Christmas tree parts can be arranged for you. You can slide your finger to select more parts. 画面下方有各式圣诞树配件可以供您布置,也可以用手指滑动来选择更多的配件。 itunes.apple.com 9. Christmas tree on the bright lantern, I pray you safe life; Christmas Eve, melodious bell, that is what I wish you a happy life. 圣诞树上耀眼的彩灯,那是我祈祷你平安一生;圣诞夜里悠扬的钟声,那是我祝福你快乐一生。 blog.163.com 10. There was a Christmas tree in the open door reflected in the mirror. 有在镜子被反映的门户开放的一个圣诞树。 www.bjwyh.cn 1. The Germans popularize the Christmas tree as well as certain prominent holiday carols. 德国人普遍都装饰圣诞树和唱某些著名的圣诞歌曲。 www.hzfanyi.net 2. Thus began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree. 从此,圣诞树顶上的小天便成了一种传统。 www.bing.com 3. Top to bottom sequined and metallic dresses are a big trend this season but you can end up looking like a Christmas tree! 从上到下缀有闪光金属片或金属光泽的衣服是本季大热,但你也有可能穿得像棵圣诞树。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Add the decorations to the Christmas tree in their exercise books and colour them in with the correct colour according to the sentences. 将练习本上的圣诞树增加上装饰品,并将装饰品根据句子的要求涂上正确的颜色。 www.in2english.com.cn 5. The first mention of decorated trees being taken indoors came in 1605 in Germany - a country with a long Christmas tree history! 其中一个是说:大约在十六世纪,圣诞树最先出现在德国,德国人把长青的松柏枝拿到屋中去摆设,将之成为圣诞树。 www.kekenet.com 6. Student D: Red, green, white are main colours of Christmas. Red are Christmas flower and candle. Green is Christmas tree. White is snow. 红,绿,白是圣诞色。红色的有圣诞花和圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。白色的是雪。 yj.yjxxjy.com:8080 7. Tell them to draw a Christmas tree on the front of their own card. 让学生在他们的卡片的下面画一棵圣诞树。 www.in2english.com.cn 8. Throughout Europe and in many last-minute American homes, too, families gather to set up their Christmas tree. 在整个欧洲和许多美国家庭,家人们都会一起来装饰圣诞树。 www.putclub.com 9. A girl poses for photographs in front of a Christmas tree decorated with teddy bears in Seoul, South Korea. 韩国首尔,小女孩在装满泰迪熊的圣诞树前拍照留念。 www.bing.com 10. She holds the Christmas tree in her hands. 她手里举着一棵圣诞树。 www.tingroom.com 1. Nevertheless, the "Christmas tree for my extracurricular life or adds interest. " 尽管如此,这“圣诞树”为我的课余生活还是增添了乐趣。 www.268r.com 2. Every family in mid-December, the market will be satisfied with their choice of a decorated Christmas tree and colorful. 每一个家庭在12月中旬,便会在市场上选择一株称心满意的圣诞树并装饰得五彩缤纷。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. After dinner, there would be presents under the Christmas tree for the childrens. 晚餐过后,小孩们会在圣诞树下开始拆礼物。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Santa shot at in Rio. Electric eels light up Japanese Christmas tree. Singapore elephants get festive gift of boots for jumbo pain. 圣诞老人在里约热内卢遭到枪击。日本用电鳗点亮圣诞树。新加坡的大象收到了圣诞礼物“止痛靴” bbs.crazyenglish.org 5. I also like the snowflake on the Christmas tree. 我也喜欢圣诞树上悬挂的雪花 zhidao.baidu.com 6. France In France, everyone has a christmas tree, sometimes decorated in the old way with red ribbons and real white wax candles. 法国在法国,每人都有一棵圣诞树。有时圣诞树按传统的方式用红绸带和真正的白蜡烛装饰。 www.zhku.com 7. Would you do me a good turn by dressing the Christmas tree? 请帮忙装饰这棵圣诞树行吗? dict.ebigear.com 8. The Christmas tree has become one of the most beloved and well know holiday symbols. 圣诞树已成为一个最心爱的和清楚地知道节日符号。 www.1363.cn 9. It's really beautiful. A Christmas-tree-shaped candle and a Santas-Claus-shaped chocolate bar. 真漂亮。圣诞树形的蜡烛,还有圣诞老人形的巧克力。 m.nciku.com 10. The tradition of having a pine tree as a Christmas Tree is believed to come from Germany. 把松树作为圣诞树的传统普遍认为来自德国。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. According to records of the Christmas customs, the first Christmas tree is the city of Bethlehem a small palm tree side of the road. 根据圣诞节习俗的记载,第一棵圣诞树,是白冷城路边的一棵小棕树。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Cigarette reliably in hand, he poured champagne, hugged beautiful women, brought home the Christmas tree. 他手握香烟,添香槟,搂美女,买耶诞树回家。 www.bing.com 3. an insect that feeds on hemlocks; its egg sacs are small fuzzy white balls like artificial snow on a Christmas tree. 以铁杉为食的昆虫;其卵囊为有绒毛的小白球,形似圣诞树上的人造雪。 www.jukuu.com 4. Okay! People decorate their houses, place a Christmas tree in their room, and maybe sing a Christmas carol together. 行!人们会装饰屋子,在房间里摆上一棵圣诞树,还可能一起唱圣诞颂歌。 www.hxen.com 5. Some people feel the saddest thing about Christmas is taking down the Christmas tree. 一些人觉得关于圣诞节最伤心的事是把圣诞树拆卸开来。 www.kekenet.com 6. Andrew took a turn around the room, considering, then stopped beside the Christmas tree . 安德鲁在屋里踱了几步,考虑着,然后站在圣诞树旁。 en.v.wenguo.com 7. As the host city of the international climate talks, Copenhagen set up an eco-friendly Christmas tree, which is powered by bicycle-pedaling. 作为联合国气候变化大会的主办城市,哥本哈根市中心放置了一棵需要蹬自行车踏板才能点亮的环保圣诞树。 8. Sculpted by master glass blower Simone Cenedese, the artistic Christmas tree is a modern reflection of the holiday season. 由雕刻大师用玻璃创造出艺术圣诞树,反映一个现代的假日季节。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A Christmas tree lot in San Diego claims to be the first in the world to get its energy from solar power. 在圣迭戈,一批自称是世界上首次采用太阳能作为能源的圣诞树引起了人们的热议。 www.bing.com 10. He describes them as "Christmas-tree decorations" on government safety commissions. 他说他们之于政府安全委员会,就像是“圣诞树上的装饰品”。 www.ecocn.org 1. rocking around the christmas tree. 在圣诞树边摇摆 www.bing.com 2. It's a defense mechanism of the Christmas tree worm, most of which resides in a tunnel it carves into live coral. 这是圣诞树蠕虫的防御机制,它们中的大多数栖身在活珊瑚上挖出的“地道”里。 www.bing.com 3. The road to the ancient home of the glass Christmas tree bauble is a long and treacherous one. 这条通往玻璃圣诞树古屋的路是一条崎岖而漫长的路。 www.bing.com 4. Christmas Eve church song and candles, stores Christmas tree, the whole world is diffuse this happy atmosphere. 平安夜教堂里的歌声和蜡烛,商店里的圣诞树,整个世界都弥漫这快乐的气氛。 29.cnwzw.com 5. During the holidays, stress levels soar higher than the star atop the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. 在假期里,压力水平高升到比洛克菲勒中心的圣诞树顶上的星星还要高。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 6. The film tells the story of the birth of the Christmas tree, Santa's reindeer, his sleigh, his elves and the tradition of mistletoe. 电影讲述了圣诞树,圣诞老人的驯鹿和雪橇,以及小精灵们的由来,此外还介绍了槲寄生的传统。 bbs.ewteacher.com 7. Our neighbour gave us a Christmas tree. Well, it's not a real one. 今年邻居奶奶送给我们一棵圣诞树。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. She lighted another match, and then she found herself sitting under a beautiful Christmas-tree. 她点燃另一根火柴,接着她发现自己坐在一棵美丽的圣诞树下。 www.zftrans.com 9. The custom of a family Christmas tree really took off after the royal family was pictured around one in 1848. 家庭圣诞树习俗真正的起源是1848年,在皇室成员围绕圣诞树照相之后。 www.ftchinese.com 10. I knew she would never sit with me and admire our Christmas tree again. 我知道她再也不会和我坐在一起欣赏圣诞树了; www.eachinese.net 1. MRS. BUSH: Well, we're here in front of the major White House Christmas tree. 布什夫人:那么,我们是这里在主要白宫圣诞树前面。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 2. The woman's tired face lit up like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a seat beside her. 女士疲倦的脸泛起了光,就像我们的圣诞树,然后她丈夫在她身旁坐下。 ask.baby.sina.com.cn 3. The presents weigh down the branches of the Christmas tree. 礼物把圣诞树枝坠弯了。 www.exam8.com 4. LIN TAO: OK. Cutting down the Christmas tree at the farm was a lot of fun. 林涛:好吧。在农场里砍这棵圣诞树的时候有趣极了。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. I love the red barns, rolling hills, the Christmas tree farm, and the frame houses with drooping or highly decorated porches. 我喜欢红色的仓库、丘陵、圣诞树农场和门廊经过漂亮装饰的木屋。 dongxi.net 6. put up the Christmas tree and the decorations and blow up the balloons. 竖起并装点圣诞树,吹起各色气球。 www.jukuu.com 7. The US private equity group has quietly pulled the plug on a Chinese Christmas tree factory it acquired six years ago. 这家美国私人股本集团还悄然放弃了6年前收购的一家中国圣诞树工厂。 www.ftchinese.com 8. As for the Christmas tree, most Americans who observe Christmas have one in their homes. 至于圣诞树,大多数过圣诞节的美国人都会在家里放上一棵。 bbs.net130.com 9. There stood a Christmas tree hung with hundreds of candles, glittering with tinsel and coloured balls. 圣诞树站在那里同数以百计的红蜡烛,用金属丝和彩色球闪闪发光。 wenwen.soso.com 10. On Christmas eve people dance and sing around Christmas tree and Santa Clause gives presents to children. 在圣诞夜里,人们围着圣诞树唱歌跳舞,还有可爱的圣诞老人,给孩子们分发礼物。 enwaimao.cn 1. The decoration of the Christmas tree is a tradition that was borrowed from Baltic manor lords several hundred years ago. 装点圣诞树是几百年以前拉脱维亚人从波罗的海庄园主那里学来的传统。 www.latvianembassy.org.cn 2. It's fun to put up a Christmas tree! 装饰一棵圣诞树很有趣! www.tingroom.com 3. Luther, in order to obtain a starry Christmas night, to design layout of a home filled with Christmas tree candles. 路德,为求得一个满天星斗的圣诞之夜,设计出在家中布置一颗装着蜡烛的圣诞树。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Bigdrinker was lit up like a Christmas tree at the party last night. 在昨天的社交晚会上,大酒徒先生喝醉之后高兴极了。 www.english8848.net 5. Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. 永远不要担心你的圣诞树的尺寸 www.bing.com 6. Thai workers decorate a giant Christmas tree in a shopping mall in Bangkok. 泰国曼谷,工人们正在一家大商场中装扮一棵大型圣诞树。 www.bing.com 7. Mr. Bigdrink was lit up like a Christmas tree at the party last night. 在昨天的社交晚会上,大酒徒先生喝醉以后高兴极了。 home.ebigear.com 8. Estimated arrival: Look for it under your Christmas tree with a big bow. 预计抵达:期待您的圣诞树下的一个大弓。 usa.315che.com 9. A 19-year-old Somali man was arrested in Portland for allegedly planning to detonate a bomb at a Christmas tree lighting ceremony. 一名19岁的索马里籍男子在美国波特兰被捕,被控计划在一个圣诞树点亮仪式上引爆炸弹。 item.feedsky.com 10. In Athens' Syntagma square, just across from Parliament, protesters set ablaze a large Christmas tree. 在雅典正对着议会的宪法广场上,示威者放火烧掉了一株大型圣诞树。 www.bing.com 1. People from different cities came to appreciate the magnificent Christmas tree and the decoration on the shop windows. 人们从许多不同的城市前来欣赏圣诞树和装饰华丽的商店橱窗。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. He was rather like a Christmas tree whose lights , wired in series , must all go out if even one bulb is defective . 他倒很象一株圣诞树上串起来的节日灯泡,只要一只出了毛病,其余别的也都要熄灭了。 www.bing.com 3. Spools of videotape clung to the branches like streamers on a Christmas tree. 录像带的线条紧贴在书插上,像圣诞树上的彩条。 www.bing.com 4. Though this is only a story, early in the morning on Christmas Day kids are eager to find gifts under the Christmas tree. 尽管这只是一个传说,但是孩子们在圣诞节这一天总是早早起来,在圣诞树下急切的寻找礼物。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. A street vendor dressed as Minnie Mouse sells balloons by Puerta del Sol Square's Christmas tree in Madrid. 西班牙马德里,扮作米老鼠的街头小贩在太阳门广场向路人兜售气球。 www.bing.com 6. Where was the Christmas tree used first? 什么地方最先使用圣诞树? www.ccppg.com.cn 7. A boy begs his father to get him a Christmas tree this year. 一个孩子求他爸爸,说能不能今年为家里准备一棵圣诞树 bbs.ebigear.com 8. The Dulls' barn is part of a Christmas-tree farm. 道尔的谷仓有一部分是作为圣诞树的农场。 www.ecocn.org 9. The star on top of the Christmas tree symbolizes the star that led the wise men to Jesus. 圣诞树顶上的星星象徵著那颗引导博士找到耶稣的星星。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. It is complete with a potato Christmas tree and Nativity scene. 一个完全用土豆制作的圣诞树和基督降生场景。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The lifting of the curtain disclosed a beautiful Christmas tree. 幕启时,露出一棵美丽的圣诞树。 dict.ebigear.com 2. The kids squealed with delight at the sight of the Christmas tree . 娃娃们看到圣诞树喜欢得尖声高叫起来。 dict.veduchina.com 3. This time, she was sitting under the most amazing Christmas tree. 这次她坐在世上最美的圣诞树下。 www.netfm.com.cn 4. After the students put up a Christmas tree in the centre , the classroom took on a holiday appearance . 同学们在教室中央放了一株圣诞树,教室里呈现出一派节日景象。 hpjx.hpjy.edu.cn 5. It actually looks more like some strange underwater creature than a Christmas tree! 其实,相对圣诞树而言,它更像一个奇异的水下动物。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It was festooned with Christmas tree ornaments. 它用圣诞树上的装饰品打扮得很好。 www.hxen.com 7. my mother had set up a Christmas tree in the parlor decorated with candles and bells. 母亲在厅堂里插了一株圣诞树,树的周围点缀了蜡烛和银铃。 www.jukuu.com 8. On Christmas Eve, people dance and sing around Christmas tree merrymaking. 圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌舞蹈,恣意高兴。 newswen.yaosho.cn 9. This conceptual Christmas tree was found in Toronto, ON Canada. It consists of large light balls that are lit up at night. 这棵概念的圣诞树在加拿大的多伦多市发现的,它由大量的发光的小球组成,晚上会点亮。 bbs.putclub.com 10. Christmas tree 13 meters high, decorated with gold leaf placed in the hotel's circular lobby. 这棵圣诞树高13米,放置在酒店饰以金叶的圆形大厅中。 www.englishtang.com 1. Cornwall's Eden Project will be lit up by a 10m-high Christmas tree constructed from plastic bags this holiday season. 康沃尔郡的伊甸园项目将照亮了一个10米高的圣诞树建造从塑料袋今年圣诞销售旺季。 bzxw.512121.com 2. This town's really ablaze like a Christmas tree . 这座城市可真亮得象棵圣诞树了。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Four-year-old Alice runs to the Christmas tree and sees wonderful presents beneath it. 四岁的爱丽丝跑到圣诞树前,看到树下有许多极棒的礼物。 bbs.sdust.edu.cn 4. I also decorate a Christmas tree every year. I decorate it with glass balls and a big star on top. 我每年也会装饰一颗圣诞树,我用玻璃球和仪个大的星星装饰在它的树顶。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Christmas tree is the most typical Christmas decoration, people will decorate the tree with gifts and lights. 圣诞节里最典型的装饰是圣诞树,人们会在树上挂满礼物和彩灯。 www.nexoncn.com 6. You can even use a tall house plant as your family's Christmas tree with some decorations and creativity. 你甚至可以用一棵院子里的大树作家里的圣诞树,加一些装饰和创造力。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. This is a Christmas tree of a fish. everything on this fish lights up. 这个毒蛇鱼像一棵圣诞树,它身上的每处都会发光。 www.ted.com 8. In the West, whether Christian, one must be prepared when Christmas tree, in order to enhance the festive atmosphere of joy. 在西方,不要论是的否基督徒,过圣诞节时都要预备一棵圣诞树,以增加节日哒欢乐气氛。 iwen.e069.com 9. The Christmas tree was decorated with lights, paper flowers and small gifts. 我们用灯,纸花及小礼物来装饰圣诞树。 files.eduu.com 10. Energy-saving Christmas tree lights are getting more popular this year, too. 另外一些能够节约能源的圣诞树光源在今年也格外流行。 www.bing.com 1. That's when Caitlin, our granddaughter helps me decorate the Christmas tree. 当时我们的孙女凯特林帮我装点了圣诞树。 qac.yappr.cn 2. Norwegian Christmas tree lights up Trafalgar Square. 挪威,特拉法加广场,明亮耀眼的圣诞树。 www.bing.com 3. The family sits around the christmas tree. 全家围坐在圣诞树下。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Fireworks explode around a Christmas tree during the lighting ceremony at Rodrigo de Freitas Lake in Rio de Janeiro December 4, 2010. 围绕烟花爆炸圣诞树期间在里约热内卢2010年12月4日在罗德里戈德弗雷塔斯湖亮灯仪式。 08062788.blog.163.com 5. I wish that on the holiday I had a Christmas tree. 我希望在圣诞节那天我能有一颗圣诞树。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. the crowning star on a Christmas tree; her hair was her crowning glory. 圣诞树顶的星星;她的头发是她无比的荣耀。 www.1stenglish.com 7. Presents are bought and wrapped, and traditionally placed under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. 人们一般在圣诞前夕把买来包装好的礼物放在圣诞树底下。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. They may sit together enjoying pretty Christmas tree lights, or sip on cups of eggnog. 他们也许会坐在一起欣赏美丽的圣诞树彩灯,或者喝上一杯蛋酒。 www.englishtide.com 9. He had bought that 6600 pounds for my benefit, to show me how his company's Christmas tree light recycling system works. 为了展示该公司的废圣诞树灯回收系统是如何工作的,他特意为我准备了这6600磅的废品。 www.bing.com 10. Another very prominent symbol of Christmas is the Christmas tree. 圣诞节另一个显著的象征是圣诞树。 dict.bioon.com 1. Don't shake down the decorations on the Christmas tree. 别摇落圣诞树上的装饰品。 www.jxenglish.com 2. Onlookers pass by Saks Fifth Ave. before the 77th annual Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting ceremony in New York. 纽约,围观者在第77届洛克菲勒中心圣诞树亮灯仪式举行前途径萨克斯第五大道。 www.kekenet.com 3. The Christmas tree and a large variety of natural pine and cypress trees, but also man-made Christmas trees and a white Christmas tree. 圣诞树的种类繁多,有天然松柏圣诞树、也有人造圣诞树及白色圣诞树。 www.1363.cn 4. Pets may also gnaw on electrical cords for Christmas-tree lights. 宠物也会因啃咬彩灯的电线而触电。 www.bing.com 5. They dressed up a Christmas tree with lights. 他们用彩灯装饰圣诞树。 www.ksbs.cn 6. People usually put a star on top of Christmas tree. 人们通常在圣诞树的顶端摆放一颗星星。 www.diyifanwen.com 7. On the Christmas tree decoration, it seems very much the same all over the world. 关于圣诞树的装饰,世界各地似乎大同小异。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Christmas tree was placed in the comer of the brilliant hall . 圣诞树放在灯火明亮的客堂的一角,其实是太荚了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In a such sweet and auspicious night, santa Claus is hiding outside the snickerbelow Qing Qing's christmas tree, sleep! 在这样一个温馨祥和的夜晚,圣诞老人正藏在外面青青的圣诞树下窃笑,睡吧! www.monkeyfu.net 10. It's a good idea to decorate a Christmas tree at home on Christmas Eve. 圣诞前夜在家装饰一棵圣诞树是个不错的主意。 yingyu.eduu.com |
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