单词 | continued |
释义 |
例句释义: 继续不变的,连续不断的,继续的,连续的,持续 1. A moisture came into his eyes, and, as the whipping continued, he arose and walked irresolutely up and down. 他的眼睛潮湿了,鞭子继续抽打着,他站了起来,犹豫不决地走来走去。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Benjamin was so excited that it was a mercy he did not awake Tommy Brock, whose snores continued solemnly in Mr. Tod's bed. 本杰明很激动地认为幸好自己没有吵醒在托德先生床上,持续频密打着鼾的汤米獾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In fact, any one person, never money from a poor man, after hardship of effort, continued to earn a lot of a lot of money. 其实,任何一个人,从没钱从一个穷光蛋,经过艰难困苦的努力,日后不断地赚到了很多很多的钱。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Later this custom has continued down to become the children do not make fun of generous family joke. 后来这习俗一直延续下来,就成了孩子们取笑不慷慨之家的玩笑。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The basic framework of a social assistance system for both urban and rural residents was set up, and charity programs continued to grow. 城乡社会救助体系框架基本建立,慈善事业不断发展。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. The economy continued to be mired in a long recession that many blamed on the free-trade agreement. 经济依然是陷入长期衰退,许多归咎于自由贸易协定。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Clashes were continuing to flare into the early hours of Thursday morning, as fires continued to burn around Tahrir Square. 冲突持续到周四凌晨,解放广场的周围仍有大火。 c.wsj.com 8. Rest assured that his entrance is nigh, and when he comes you may never have to say goodbye. . . to be continued. . . 请放心,他的大门就在眼前,当他到来时,你们将永远不必说再见。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Leading up to the earnings announcement, Google continued to gain ground on rivals. 根据一项收入公告表明,谷歌依然遥遥领先于竞争对手。 www.bing.com 10. The Chinese continued to see foot binding as a beautiful act although it was illegal (Jackson 48). 中国继续看到缠足作为一个美丽的行为,虽然它是非法的(杰克逊48)。 cblog.chinadaily.com.cn 1. As they were based in a neutral country, Teixeira had continued to trade with German businesses. 因为他们处在中立国家之中,泰伊克塞伊拉公司继续与德国进行商业贸易。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 2. Aurora was kind to him in spite of this, and continued to give him beautiful clothes, and to feed him on the food of the gods. 虽然这样,欧洛拉还是对他很好,给他穿漂亮的衣服,吃神祗的食物。 www.yingyubo.com 3. Travel chaos has continued to grip Europe, despite the easing of its aerial lockdown as the Icelandic volcano eruption appeared to wane. 尽管冰岛火山爆发活动开始衰减,航空管制业已解除,欧洲交通仍然处于混乱之中。 www.enread.com 4. Dzeko accepted their decision, but continued to express his desire to join Milan, who he apparently used to watch as a boy growing up. 哲科接受了他们的决定,但是他仍然在表达着自己加盟红黑军团的渴望,并多次重申他从小就是米兰球迷。 tieba.baidu.com 5. A year went by during which Wainwright continued boxing , stayed in school, and managed to keep out of trouble. 一年之中,温赖特坚持练拳击,规规矩矩地上学尽量不去惹事生非。 www.jukuu.com 6. The G77 negotiators continued to engage in negotiations, hoping for these to be part of the final agreed outcome. 77国集团继续参加谈判,希望这些能成为最终商定成果的一部分。 www.bing.com 7. But winter was coming and neither the houses nor the crops would be ready if everyone continued to work with one arm behind their back. 但是冬季就快来临,如果每个人还是继续以一只手放在背后来工作的话,不管是屋子或是农作物都将赶不及准备好。 dipan.kekenet.com 8. Yet a method heavily grounded on those same quantitative and theoretical principles, called Value at Risk, continued to be widely used. 不过,一个严重依赖于相同定量和理论原则的方法还在广泛使用。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Hiroshima, as you know, is a city familiar to everyone, " continued the mayor. " “正如大家所知,广岛这个城市为我们每个人所熟悉。”市长继续说。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mr Obama's promise of continued low taxation may have helped him to electoral victory, but it also planted the seeds of his policy failures. 奥巴马对于继续实行低税收的承诺,可能在竞选总统时帮了他的忙,但也为他播下了政策失败的种子。 www.ftchinese.com 1. And what was so upsetting, she continued, was that she felt she had nothing to be unhappy about. 她还说,令人沮丧的是,她找不出来自己到底是对什么不满。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The majority of these newcomers continued to come from Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. 这些新移民大部分仍然来自爱尔兰、德国、荷兰和斯堪的纳维亚。 www.america.gov 3. In his new book Joel Sonnenberg shares how God has continued to bless him and teach him to forgive in spite of the accident. 他在新书里分享到神如何祝福他,教导他饶恕造成车祸的人。 hourofpower.org.hk 4. Sino Forest hit back on Friday with a strong denial, dismissing Muddy Waters' "self-interested" approach, but the shares continued to slide. 对此,SinoForest在上周五作出反击。该公司发表措辞强烈的声明,否认上述指控,并称浑水摸鱼的做法是“自私自利的”,但该公司股价继续下滑。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Senior management continued to invest in the Dreyer Leadership University [DLU], demonstrating that they cared about employee development. 高级管理层继续向醉尔思领导力大学[DLU]投资,这表明了他们关注员工的成长。 www.elanso.com 6. For the most part, the child did not acknowledge the nurse's presence, but she still continued to visit. 大多数时候,这孩子都意识不到护士的存在,但她仍旧不断地去看她。 www.ebigear.com 7. Campaigning in the northeastern state of New Hampshire, Romney continued to criticize the president's economic policies. 罗姆尼在美国东北部的新罕布什尔州从事竞选活动时,继续批评奥巴马总统的经济政策。 www.2abc8.com 8. Although Alfred encouraged reading and writing in Anglo-Saxon as well as in Latin, most works continued to be written in Latin. 尽管阿尔弗雷德提倡人们不仅用拉丁文,也用盎格鲁?撒克逊语读书、写作,但大多数著作仍然是用拉丁文书写。 club.topsage.com 9. Lloyd continued as if he had not heard the remark. "She also likes a little taste of sugar now and then. " Lloyd似乎没有听到回答似的继续说道“她偶尔也喜欢吃点糖。” www.bing.com 10. My business continued to grow and so I decided to get one more man to help write legal papers. 我的事业还在继续发展,并且我决定再雇佣一个人帮助我写法律文件。 www.unsv.com 1. The Finn reckons his team has continued to improve in the last few races, but he feels its rivals have taken bigger steps forward. 莱认为车队会在接下来的几场比赛中继续更新,但是他感觉对手们进步得更快。 ferrari-china.com 2. A spokesman for Globescan said Germany continued to benefit from its reputation as a wealthy nation. “环球扫描”的一名发言人表示,德国继续得益于它作为一个富裕国家的声誉。 www.360doc.com 3. The unpopular government is bracing for collapse, and on Tuesday, Irish government bonds continued a week-long slide to a fresh record low. 周二爱尔兰政府债券依旧延续一周跌势,滑至历史新低。 chinese.wsj.com 4. At once the Happy Chinaman swung the sack over his shoulder and continued on his way. 布袋和尚立即将那布袋抡起在肩,扛起继续赶路。 www.bing.com 5. This outlay has continued up to now. The Olympic Park, lying at the north end of this central line, has become a new landmark of Beijing. 奥林匹克公园则建在这条中轴线的北端,成为北京的新地标。 robertnxd.blog.163.com 6. The ruling came as anti- terrorism officials continued to investigate a reported plot to bomb flights from Britain to the United States . 法规是为反恐官员继续调查从英国到美国的航班的炸弹阴谋中得来的。 www.bing.com 7. The raw milk group continued to have healthy offspring throughout the experiment. 原料奶组在整个实验中一直继续有健康的后代。 dongxi.net 8. The uncle continued to bear his spite but Milarepa out his great regret for killing so many people had forsaken his spite against his uncle. 而密勒日巴在杀死如此多人之后,出于悔恨和愧疚,他放弃了对伯父的仇恨。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The trio continued to make the time of death beyond the death of Edgar Allan Poe, death is not a point, is a process. 这种时间上不断的重奏使爱伦坡的死亡超越了死,死亡不是一个点,是一个过程。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. "He's one of the best strikers in the world and just playing with him means you're always going to learn so much, " continued Danny. “他是世界上最好的射手之一,在他身边踢球意味着你总能学到很多。”维尔贝克说。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 1. The important thing is to identify how you have continued to use your business skills in the time you have been out of the workforce. 最重要的是你需要指出在你没有工作的那段时间,你是如何继续运用你的工作技能的。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. But as he still continued to stay, as time went on, the rich man became used to the smell, and did not feel unpleasant . 但他依然继续居住在那,随着时间的过去,那个有钱人适应了那股味道,再也不觉得难闻了。 wenwen.soso.com 3. As well as hoping for a defence umbrella, supporters of autonomy want the continued link with the Netherlands to help prevent corruption. 除了希望得到保护伞外,那些自治的支持者们还希望,继续与荷兰保持紧密关系以防止腐败产生。 www.ecocn.org 4. That it has continued to push the renminbi higher as global markets have tumbled suggests a somewhat stronger commitment to appreciation. 但这一次,当全球市场大跌时,中国却继续推动人民币走高,这说明当局的升值意向有所增强。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I continued to read about Hinduism and Buddhism when I stumbled upon a lesser known religion called Jainism . 我继续研读印度教和佛教当我偶然发现了一种不太知名的宗教,耆那教。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Air Force planners continued to see a need for the larger version of the radar. 空军规划人员仍在寻求开发大型雷达。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. Still the dealers continued to see it as a gimmick. 尽管如此,各承销商仍然把它看作是一种花招。 8. However, Mr. Kan continued to deny any intention to leave office, even as he conceded the DPJ's defeat in the April elections. 不过,就在菅直人承认日本民主党在4月的选举中失利之际,他仍否认有辞职的打算。 chinese.wsj.com 9. As the golden autumn days rolled by and we continued walking south, I began to feel more alive than I ever had before. 当金色的秋悄然而至,我们继续南下,我开始感到自己比以往任何时候都有活力。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. This time, it appears, he seeks to reach a mass Chinese audience as well with a plea for continued cooperation with the United States. 这一次,看起来他正试图对一大批中国读者做同样的事,好象在恳求:“行行好,在未来继续和美国合作吧。” dongxi.net 1. The TDC continued to facilitate trade through market intelligence, trade matching and an expanding range of e-commerce applications. 透过提供市场情报、进行商贸配对,以及扩大电子商业应用服务的范围,贸易发展局继续促进本港贸易。 www.jukuu.com 2. It would never be enough, for one simple reason: I had survived and continued to serve and fight for what I believed. 原因很简单,只有一个:我挺过来了,并且还要继续为自己的信念服务和战斗。 www.bing.com 3. I found my education to be so relevant to what I was doing that I continued to seek out as much knowledge as I could. 我发觉我的教育与我现在所做的事业息息相关。所以,我要继续追寻探索更丰富的知识。 www.bing.com 4. However, "the Wall Street Journal" pointed out that if the deficit continued to widen, Lehman Brothers, may need to raise more funds. 但《华尔街日报》指出,如果亏损持续扩大,那么雷曼兄弟可能需要募集更多资金。 www.showxiu.com 5. The company continued to fight problems in several reactors on Wednesday, including a fire at the plant. 周三,东京电力公司仍在全力应对各反应堆出现的各种问题,包括一起走火事故。 www.hxen.com 6. Gold continued to gain after reaching record highs on Monday due to continuing concerns regarding the weakening of the dollar. 黄金价格在周一创下新高后持续上涨,主要是因为美元持续走软,引发外界关注。 www.bing.com 7. The man rose to his feet to bow, the woman continued to sit, a fixed smile on her otherwise unreadable face. 先生绅士般地起身鞠躬,女士依旧端坐,凝固的笑意在她深不可测的脸庞上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Then, one is able to freely let go of all that does not serve in one's continued evolution and path of ascension. 随后,你能自由地松开不服务你持续演化和提升路径的事物。 www.shuimo.com 9. While Illinois continued to resist ratification, the ERA marches became one of the defining efforts of the women's movement. 虽然伊利诺伊州最终还是没有批准修正案,但这一系列的示威游行当之无愧地成为了妇女运动最关键的成就之一。 www.bing.com 10. Many snake charmers have continued to work clandestinely since the ban, despite the threat of up to three years in jail. 许多耍蛇人自禁令颁布以来,不顾蹲三年监狱的危险,继续秘密地工作着。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. And whatever his flaws as a novelist, his growing mastery of the short-story form continued to define him as a writer. 他作为一个小说家的缺点先不去评说,他对短篇小说的驾驭能力不断增长。 www.bing.com 2. Critics have continued to complain about this use of federal money; on July 27th a judge dismissed another lawsuit on the subject. 批评人士继续抱怨联邦资金在这个领域的使用,7月27日一名法官驳回了又一起针对干细胞研究的诉讼。 www.ecocn.org 3. When she was finished with her Eric story, she continued into a Conner comparison without any prodding. 当她讲完了艾力克的故事后,不需要任何提示,她便接上了与康纳的比较话题中。 bookapp.book.qq.com 4. That's why the team continued to work very hard over the last weeks to bring some new solutions to this race. 在过去休息的几个星期内,我们的整个团队仍然在不懈的努力,找出一些新的解决办法来应对本周末的德国大奖赛。 ferrari-china.com 5. But he cautioned that the European market remained intensely competitive as governments continued to support national champion carmakers. 但他也指出,欧洲市场的竞争仍十分激烈,各国政府继续扶持本国顶尖汽车制造商。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Pakistan's government said the operation had been completed in December, but fighting in the area has continued. 巴基斯坦政府称该打击行动已于十二月完成,但该地区的战斗依然在继续。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. Julie found that the next step, auditing, continued to erase the boundary between reality and fantasy. 朱莉发现,下一步,听析继续清除着现实和幻想之间的界线。 www.bing.com 8. But HSBC and Barclays continued to see significant loan-impairment charges in the third quarter. 但汇丰控股和巴克莱集团第三季度继续出现了巨额贷款减值支出。 cn.wsj.com 9. The renminbi continued to advance in the futures market yesterday as pressure on China to let its currency appreciate intensified. 随着人民币面临的升值压力加剧,昨日期货市场对人民币的升值预期继续攀升。 www.ftchinese.com 10. As the company continued to grow, the financial establishment of the new system, I also constantly upgrading the capacity and progress. 随着我公司的不断发展壮大,财务新系统的建立,我个人的能力也在不断的提升和进步。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 1. In getting his way, not least with his own party, Mr Obama will need continued strong public support. 要想按照自己的方式行事(尤其是在自己的政党内),奥巴马需要公众继续大力支持。 www.ftchinese.com 2. and with pointed attention continued to talk to her and endeavour to raise her spirits, in spite of being out of spirits herself. 并且十分关切地继续陪她说话,想使她打起精神,尽管她自己情绪低落。 novel.tingroom.com 3. Super-deluxe houses have continued to set record prices, undaunted by the softened market environment. 今年,有些超豪宅继续打破楼价纪录,不受疲软的市场环境动摇; luxehomes.scmp.com 4. Ari continued to read aloud the words that now appeared in her little note book, "Knock and it shall be opened. " 雅俐继续把小记录簿上出现的字大声念出来,“敲门的,门就为你敞开。” q.163.com 5. 'It was a great performance tonight, ' he continued, bringing his analysis up- to - date. 'Especially the second - half. 他继续着他对比赛的看法:“今晚是一场伟大的比赛,特别是在下半场。” dictsearch.appspot.com 6. As they receded from view, health took centre stage and continued to hog the limelight for almost a year. 随着这些决定慢慢退出人们的视线,医疗保健改革问题占据了舞台的中心,并且在将近一年的时间里出尽了风头。 www.24en.com 7. Most importantly those of the Light have continued to keep focused on Ascension, and helped raise the consciousness levels on Earth. 最重要的是那些明亮的“光”已经持续的保持了对提升的聚焦,帮助提升了地球的意识水平层级。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. The European giants continued to press as the game wore on, but they were unable to break down a supremely disciplined DPR backline. 欧洲大妹在比赛中继续施压,但是她们无法突破严格训练的朝鲜防线。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Southerners, of course, continued to be cotton exporters interested in having cheaper access to imported manufactures. 当然南方人仍然是棉花出口者,他们对于可以获得更廉价的进口工业品很关心。 www.jukuu.com 10. Total assets of our city state administrative institutions have been expanding in the state share of total assets continued to rise. 滨海经济开发区行政事业单位国有资产总量规模不断扩大,在国有资产总量中所占比重持续上升。 www.boshuo.net 1. Have to ask ourselves if the crisis continued a year, you have enough savings? 要问问自己,如果危机持续一年,你的积蓄够不够? zhidao.baidu.com 2. The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Their consequent spending fuels continued growth and creates enough jobs for almost everyone, at least for a time. 他们接着的消费持续刺激增长和为每一个人创造职位,至少曾在某一段时间如此。 www.bing.com 4. Second, the United States continued to fear Soviet conventional superiority in Europe. 第二,美国继续担心苏联常规军力在欧洲的优势。 www.america.gov 5. The moment passed, and life on Train 4419 continued as it had begun. 时间慢慢过去,4419号列车的生活依旧继续。 www.bing.com 6. We continued the legislation of the aggravated punishment in the primary stage of new China, and began to establish the heavier punishment. 新中国成立初期,继承了加重处罚的立法,同时,从重处罚制度开始形成。 epub.cnki.net 7. The slumping dollar means that even as the yuan has strengthened against the greenback, it has continued to weaken against other currencies. 尽管人民币已经对美元升值,但由于美元重挫,它对其他货币仍在贬值。 chinese.wsj.com 8. As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feelings on living and dying. 只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。 www.zftrans.com 9. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 10. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 1. Most importantly those of the Light have continued to keep focused on Ascension, and helped raise the consciousness levels on Earth. 最重要的是那些明亮的“光”已经持续的保持了对提升的聚焦,帮助提升了地球的意识水平层级。 apps.hi.baidu.com 2. The European giants continued to press as the game wore on, but they were unable to break down a supremely disciplined DPR backline. 欧洲大妹在比赛中继续施压,但是她们无法突破严格训练的朝鲜防线。 tieba.baidu.com 3. Southerners, of course, continued to be cotton exporters interested in having cheaper access to imported manufactures. 当然南方人仍然是棉花出口者,他们对于可以获得更廉价的进口工业品很关心。 www.jukuu.com 4. Total assets of our city state administrative institutions have been expanding in the state share of total assets continued to rise. 滨海经济开发区行政事业单位国有资产总量规模不断扩大,在国有资产总量中所占比重持续上升。 www.boshuo.net 5. Amazon deleted most of the offensive "Keep Calm" range but continued to promote the company's shop. 亚马逊删除了大部分“保持冷静”的攻击性系列产品,但继续为该公司促销。 www.kekenet.com 6. He continued to work on the system, but by the 1850s he was a very sick man, and each year he became sicker . 他继续改善新系统,但是1850年后,他已经是一个身患重病的人,而且每年他的病情都在恶化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Have to ask ourselves if the crisis continued a year, you have enough savings? 要问问自己,如果危机持续一年,你的积蓄够不够? zhidao.baidu.com 8. The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Their consequent spending fuels continued growth and creates enough jobs for almost everyone, at least for a time. 他们接着的消费持续刺激增长和为每一个人创造职位,至少曾在某一段时间如此。 www.bing.com 10. Second, the United States continued to fear Soviet conventional superiority in Europe. 第二,美国继续担心苏联常规军力在欧洲的优势。 www.america.gov 1. Total assets of our city state administrative institutions have been expanding in the state share of total assets continued to rise. 滨海经济开发区行政事业单位国有资产总量规模不断扩大,在国有资产总量中所占比重持续上升。 www.boshuo.net 2. Amazon deleted most of the offensive "Keep Calm" range but continued to promote the company's shop. 亚马逊删除了大部分“保持冷静”的攻击性系列产品,但继续为该公司促销。 www.kekenet.com 3. He continued to work on the system, but by the 1850s he was a very sick man, and each year he became sicker . 他继续改善新系统,但是1850年后,他已经是一个身患重病的人,而且每年他的病情都在恶化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Her hand moved in its slow circles lower and lower as she continued to talk in her reassuring way and I continued my chattering. 她的手慢慢划着圆,越来越慢。另一边,她继续与我交谈消除我的顾虑,我则继续喋喋不休。 www.bing.com 5. Have to ask ourselves if the crisis continued a year, you have enough savings? 要问问自己,如果危机持续一年,你的积蓄够不够? zhidao.baidu.com 6. The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Their consequent spending fuels continued growth and creates enough jobs for almost everyone, at least for a time. 他们接着的消费持续刺激增长和为每一个人创造职位,至少曾在某一段时间如此。 www.bing.com 8. Second, the United States continued to fear Soviet conventional superiority in Europe. 第二,美国继续担心苏联常规军力在欧洲的优势。 www.america.gov 9. The moment passed, and life on Train 4419 continued as it had begun. 时间慢慢过去,4419号列车的生活依旧继续。 www.bing.com 10. We continued the legislation of the aggravated punishment in the primary stage of new China, and began to establish the heavier punishment. 新中国成立初期,继承了加重处罚的立法,同时,从重处罚制度开始形成。 epub.cnki.net 1. Her hand moved in its slow circles lower and lower as she continued to talk in her reassuring way and I continued my chattering. 她的手慢慢划着圆,越来越慢。另一边,她继续与我交谈消除我的顾虑,我则继续喋喋不休。 www.bing.com 2. The official said the US side continued to raise the issue to China and he believed that China was taking measures to resolve these issues. 这位官员说,美国方面继续向中国提出这一问题,他相信中国也正在采取措施解决这些问题。 www.jukuu.com 3. Have to ask ourselves if the crisis continued a year, you have enough savings? 要问问自己,如果危机持续一年,你的积蓄够不够? zhidao.baidu.com 4. The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Their consequent spending fuels continued growth and creates enough jobs for almost everyone, at least for a time. 他们接着的消费持续刺激增长和为每一个人创造职位,至少曾在某一段时间如此。 www.bing.com 6. Second, the United States continued to fear Soviet conventional superiority in Europe. 第二,美国继续担心苏联常规军力在欧洲的优势。 www.america.gov 7. The moment passed, and life on Train 4419 continued as it had begun. 时间慢慢过去,4419号列车的生活依旧继续。 www.bing.com 8. We continued the legislation of the aggravated punishment in the primary stage of new China, and began to establish the heavier punishment. 新中国成立初期,继承了加重处罚的立法,同时,从重处罚制度开始形成。 epub.cnki.net 9. The slumping dollar means that even as the yuan has strengthened against the greenback, it has continued to weaken against other currencies. 尽管人民币已经对美元升值,但由于美元重挫,它对其他货币仍在贬值。 chinese.wsj.com 10. As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feelings on living and dying. 只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。 www.zftrans.com 1. Have to ask ourselves if the crisis continued a year, you have enough savings? 要问问自己,如果危机持续一年,你的积蓄够不够? zhidao.baidu.com 2. The company continued him in office for another year. 公司留他继续任职了一年。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Their consequent spending fuels continued growth and creates enough jobs for almost everyone, at least for a time. 他们接着的消费持续刺激增长和为每一个人创造职位,至少曾在某一段时间如此。 www.bing.com 4. Second, the United States continued to fear Soviet conventional superiority in Europe. 第二,美国继续担心苏联常规军力在欧洲的优势。 www.america.gov 5. The moment passed, and life on Train 4419 continued as it had begun. 时间慢慢过去,4419号列车的生活依旧继续。 www.bing.com 6. We continued the legislation of the aggravated punishment in the primary stage of new China, and began to establish the heavier punishment. 新中国成立初期,继承了加重处罚的立法,同时,从重处罚制度开始形成。 epub.cnki.net 7. The slumping dollar means that even as the yuan has strengthened against the greenback, it has continued to weaken against other currencies. 尽管人民币已经对美元升值,但由于美元重挫,它对其他货币仍在贬值。 chinese.wsj.com 8. As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feelings on living and dying. 只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。 www.zftrans.com 9. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 10. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 1. Their consequent spending fuels continued growth and creates enough jobs for almost everyone, at least for a time. 他们接着的消费持续刺激增长和为每一个人创造职位,至少曾在某一段时间如此。 www.bing.com 2. Second, the United States continued to fear Soviet conventional superiority in Europe. 第二,美国继续担心苏联常规军力在欧洲的优势。 www.america.gov 3. The moment passed, and life on Train 4419 continued as it had begun. 时间慢慢过去,4419号列车的生活依旧继续。 www.bing.com 4. We continued the legislation of the aggravated punishment in the primary stage of new China, and began to establish the heavier punishment. 新中国成立初期,继承了加重处罚的立法,同时,从重处罚制度开始形成。 epub.cnki.net 5. The slumping dollar means that even as the yuan has strengthened against the greenback, it has continued to weaken against other currencies. 尽管人民币已经对美元升值,但由于美元重挫,它对其他货币仍在贬值。 chinese.wsj.com 6. As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feelings on living and dying. 只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。 www.zftrans.com 7. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 8. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 9. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 10. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 1. The moment passed, and life on Train 4419 continued as it had begun. 时间慢慢过去,4419号列车的生活依旧继续。 www.bing.com 2. We continued the legislation of the aggravated punishment in the primary stage of new China, and began to establish the heavier punishment. 新中国成立初期,继承了加重处罚的立法,同时,从重处罚制度开始形成。 epub.cnki.net 3. The slumping dollar means that even as the yuan has strengthened against the greenback, it has continued to weaken against other currencies. 尽管人民币已经对美元升值,但由于美元重挫,它对其他货币仍在贬值。 chinese.wsj.com 4. As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feelings on living and dying. 只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。 www.zftrans.com 5. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 6. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 7. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 8. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 9. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 10. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The slumping dollar means that even as the yuan has strengthened against the greenback, it has continued to weaken against other currencies. 尽管人民币已经对美元升值,但由于美元重挫,它对其他货币仍在贬值。 chinese.wsj.com 2. As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feelings on living and dying. 只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。 www.zftrans.com 3. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 4. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 5. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 6. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 7. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 8. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. She did say that China continued to view Europe as an important economic partner. 她说中国将一如继往地把欧洲视为重要的经济伙伴。 www.bing.com 10. Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。 www.bing.com 1. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 2. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 3. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 5. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 6. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She did say that China continued to view Europe as an important economic partner. 她说中国将一如继往地把欧洲视为重要的经济伙伴。 www.bing.com 8. Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。 www.bing.com 9. And this thought took such hold upon her mind that she prayed earnestly to God for help, and even in her sleep she continued to pray. 这个思想牢牢地控制她的身心,以至她热忱地祈求上帝的帮助,甚至在睡梦里她也在继续祈祷。 bbs.yahoo.cn 10. Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 www.bing.com 1. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 2. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 3. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 4. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. She did say that China continued to view Europe as an important economic partner. 她说中国将一如继往地把欧洲视为重要的经济伙伴。 www.bing.com 6. Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。 www.bing.com 7. And this thought took such hold upon her mind that she prayed earnestly to God for help, and even in her sleep she continued to pray. 这个思想牢牢地控制她的身心,以至她热忱地祈求上帝的帮助,甚至在睡梦里她也在继续祈祷。 bbs.yahoo.cn 8. Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 www.bing.com 9. Growing up in London her parents continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year. 在她于伦敦长大的过程中,其父母仍保持着过中国新年的传统。 learning.sohu.com 10. But some newspapers have continued to question why panic should be so widespread. 但是有些报纸继续质疑,为什么抢购散播得如此之快。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The moment passed, and life on Train 4419 continued as it had begun. 时间慢慢过去,4419号列车的生活依旧继续。 www.bing.com 2. We continued the legislation of the aggravated punishment in the primary stage of new China, and began to establish the heavier punishment. 新中国成立初期,继承了加重处罚的立法,同时,从重处罚制度开始形成。 epub.cnki.net 3. The slumping dollar means that even as the yuan has strengthened against the greenback, it has continued to weaken against other currencies. 尽管人民币已经对美元升值,但由于美元重挫,它对其他货币仍在贬值。 chinese.wsj.com 4. As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feelings on living and dying. 只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。 www.zftrans.com 5. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 6. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 7. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 8. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 9. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 10. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The slumping dollar means that even as the yuan has strengthened against the greenback, it has continued to weaken against other currencies. 尽管人民币已经对美元升值,但由于美元重挫,它对其他货币仍在贬值。 chinese.wsj.com 2. As long as he was able, he read widely and continued to write in his diary about his thoughts and feelings on living and dying. 只要身体状况允许,他广泛地读书,一如既往地在日记里写下他对生与死的想法和感受。 www.zftrans.com 3. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 4. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 5. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 6. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 7. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 8. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. She did say that China continued to view Europe as an important economic partner. 她说中国将一如继往地把欧洲视为重要的经济伙伴。 www.bing.com 10. Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。 www.bing.com 1. It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills. 它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 2. But when economic data continued to suggest that growth would remain positive, if sluggish, U. S. stocks began to look like a bargain. 不过,当经济数据不断显示即使不太景气、经济仍有望实现增长时,美国股票开始看起来似乎价格很低值得买进。 www.qeto.com 3. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 4. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 5. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 6. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. She did say that China continued to view Europe as an important economic partner. 她说中国将一如继往地把欧洲视为重要的经济伙伴。 www.bing.com 8. Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。 www.bing.com 9. And this thought took such hold upon her mind that she prayed earnestly to God for help, and even in her sleep she continued to pray. 这个思想牢牢地控制她的身心,以至她热忱地祈求上帝的帮助,甚至在睡梦里她也在继续祈祷。 bbs.yahoo.cn 10. Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 www.bing.com 1. Older quarters continued to be upgraded under a programme to refurbish some 4500 married quarters for Junior Police Officers. 约4500个旧的员佐级已婚人员宿舍单位,陆续根据一项翻新计划获得改善。 dict.veduchina.com 2. The number of safes continued to increase as the clearing of tsunami debris led to more discoveries. 随着海啸灾害残骸清理工作发现越来越多的物品,保险箱的数量也在上升。 www.bing.com 3. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 4. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. She did say that China continued to view Europe as an important economic partner. 她说中国将一如继往地把欧洲视为重要的经济伙伴。 www.bing.com 6. Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。 www.bing.com 7. And this thought took such hold upon her mind that she prayed earnestly to God for help, and even in her sleep she continued to pray. 这个思想牢牢地控制她的身心,以至她热忱地祈求上帝的帮助,甚至在睡梦里她也在继续祈祷。 bbs.yahoo.cn 8. Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 www.bing.com 9. Growing up in London her parents continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year. 在她于伦敦长大的过程中,其父母仍保持着过中国新年的传统。 learning.sohu.com 10. But some newspapers have continued to question why panic should be so widespread. 但是有些报纸继续质疑,为什么抢购散播得如此之快。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. From the perspective of tourism as an industry, continued efforts are being made to let the world know of the fascinations of Tokyo. 从旅游业作为一种产业的角度来看,继续努力让全世界了解东京的魅力。 www.kuenglish.info 2. "He ought to see that this thing, if continued, is going to do him irreparable damage, " said Mr. Kane. “他应该知道这件事情如果拖下去,对他将会造成无可补救的损害,”甘老头子说。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. She did say that China continued to view Europe as an important economic partner. 她说中国将一如继往地把欧洲视为重要的经济伙伴。 www.bing.com 4. Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。 www.bing.com 5. And this thought took such hold upon her mind that she prayed earnestly to God for help, and even in her sleep she continued to pray. 这个思想牢牢地控制她的身心,以至她热忱地祈求上帝的帮助,甚至在睡梦里她也在继续祈祷。 bbs.yahoo.cn 6. Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 www.bing.com 7. Growing up in London her parents continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year. 在她于伦敦长大的过程中,其父母仍保持着过中国新年的传统。 learning.sohu.com 8. But some newspapers have continued to question why panic should be so widespread. 但是有些报纸继续质疑,为什么抢购散播得如此之快。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. And yet he continued to read for another six minutes. 然而事实上他很淡定的继续朗读了六分钟。 kk.dongxi.net 10. And as they continued to fall upon him, the spark of life within flickered and went down. It was nearly out. 当棍子不断落在身上时,他体内的生命的火花闪烁不定,几乎要熄灭了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. She did say that China continued to view Europe as an important economic partner. 她说中国将一如继往地把欧洲视为重要的经济伙伴。 www.bing.com 2. Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。 www.bing.com 3. And this thought took such hold upon her mind that she prayed earnestly to God for help, and even in her sleep she continued to pray. 这个思想牢牢地控制她的身心,以至她热忱地祈求上帝的帮助,甚至在睡梦里她也在继续祈祷。 bbs.yahoo.cn 4. Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 www.bing.com 5. Growing up in London her parents continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year. 在她于伦敦长大的过程中,其父母仍保持着过中国新年的传统。 learning.sohu.com 6. But some newspapers have continued to question why panic should be so widespread. 但是有些报纸继续质疑,为什么抢购散播得如此之快。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And yet he continued to read for another six minutes. 然而事实上他很淡定的继续朗读了六分钟。 kk.dongxi.net 8. And as they continued to fall upon him, the spark of life within flickered and went down. It was nearly out. 当棍子不断落在身上时,他体内的生命的火花闪烁不定,几乎要熄灭了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The false deserters had been imprisoned safely in the bowels of the pyramid . . . but Daario's rage continued to fester. 虚伪的背弃者被安全的关在金字塔的最深处……但是达里奥的怒火依旧蔓延。 www.cndkc.net 10. 'Just a few more moments, Papa, ' begged George, who continued to stare resolutely out to sea. “再一会就好,爸爸,”乔治央求道。他依旧毅然望向大海。 kk.dongxi.net 1. And this thought took such hold upon her mind that she prayed earnestly to God for help, and even in her sleep she continued to pray. 这个思想牢牢地控制她的身心,以至她热忱地祈求上帝的帮助,甚至在睡梦里她也在继续祈祷。 bbs.yahoo.cn 2. Indoctrination continued to involve mass marches, rallies, and staged performances, sometimes including hundreds of thousands of persons. 灌输还通过群众游行、集会和舞台表演进行,这些活动有时有几十万人参加。 www.bing.com 3. Growing up in London her parents continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year. 在她于伦敦长大的过程中,其父母仍保持着过中国新年的传统。 learning.sohu.com 4. But some newspapers have continued to question why panic should be so widespread. 但是有些报纸继续质疑,为什么抢购散播得如此之快。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And yet he continued to read for another six minutes. 然而事实上他很淡定的继续朗读了六分钟。 kk.dongxi.net 6. And as they continued to fall upon him, the spark of life within flickered and went down. It was nearly out. 当棍子不断落在身上时,他体内的生命的火花闪烁不定,几乎要熄灭了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The false deserters had been imprisoned safely in the bowels of the pyramid . . . but Daario's rage continued to fester. 虚伪的背弃者被安全的关在金字塔的最深处……但是达里奥的怒火依旧蔓延。 www.cndkc.net 8. 'Just a few more moments, Papa, ' begged George, who continued to stare resolutely out to sea. “再一会就好,爸爸,”乔治央求道。他依旧毅然望向大海。 kk.dongxi.net 9. He continued working in his mother's theater company as an actor and a manager until 1913. 他作为一名演员和经理持续工作在母亲的电影公司直到1913年。 www.bing.com 10. From my parents, I continued to hear stories of women whose husbands and fathers slapped them around. 从我的父母,我不断听到妇女被丈夫和父亲掴掌。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org |
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