单词 | be treated as | ||||||||||||||
释义 | be treated as
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 把……当作……对待,当做……来看,被当作 1. He said the days of big power politics when countries could be treated as chess pieces were over. 他还称国家间相互利用的强权政治时代已经过去。 www.eoezone.com 2. But they should not be treated as if they experience such essentially human emotions as embarrassment and a desire for self-expression. 但是,不能认为他们具备人的基本感受,以及具有自我表达的愿望。 www.ecocn.org 3. be treated as a special case of an isolated society, but rather as part of a changing regional and global culture. 换言之,我们不能也不应当把中国当作孤立社会的特殊个案,而应把它视作变动不居的地区和世界文化的一部分。 www.bing.com 4. It would be treated as an act of a deranged man who lost his mind through a series of troubling events in his life. 这将被视为是一个危险的人在一连串的不顺之后发疯了。 zhwggin.blog.163.com 5. He has come down in life. He used to be treated as a VIP but is now ignored. 他的社会地位已跌落,以往他被当作一个大人物, wenwen.soso.com 6. Instead, she said people with mental disabilities needed to be treated as useful citizens and given special education and training. 相反,她说,需要有精神残疾的人被视为有用的公民对待,给予特殊的教育和培训。 www.maynet.cn 7. The message he gave was that black people should not be separated but should be treated as well as other people, and with complete respect. 他带给人们的启示是黑人不应该被隔离,而应受到像对待其他人一样的待遇,并且受到完全的尊重。 www.gyjszx.com 8. An IQ score as a summary score should not be treated as the only stagnant representation of the intellectual quality of a person . IQ分数作为一种终结性分数不应该作为个体智力品质不变的唯一的表述。 www.bing.com 9. China will become an economic and political competitor to the United States, he said, but should not be treated as "an inevitable enemy. " 他说,中国将会成为美国经济和政治上竞争者,但不应被当作“不可避免的敌人”来对待。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. He said clerics had told him he must perform jihad or he would be treated as a non-believer when he died. 他说,教士也告诉他,他必须履行圣战否则他将被视为非信徒,他死了。 www.beiin.net 1. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. 和你们同居的外人,你们要看他如本地人一样,并要爱他如已,因为你们在埃及地也作过寄居的。 www.ebigear.com 2. The original directive was that in this situation the two offences should be treated as one incident, and punished with one yellow card. 最初的官方指令上认定在同一时间违法两次规则应该被定义为同一事件,所以应该只出示一张黄牌。 www.bing.com 3. Otherwise, the application shall be treated as if it had not been filed. 否则,该申请应被视为未提交。 www.wipo.int 4. A sequence of integers can be treated as a sequence of objects, by boxing every integer as it comes out of the sequence. 通过装箱,我们可以把一个整数序列当做一个object的序列来对待。 www.cnblogs.com 5. She would not be treated as her mother had been . 她不会受到她母亲受过的那种对待 www.bing.com 6. After some bickering with the Foreign Office, I ensured that he would be treated as a state visitor. 我同外交部打了几次交道,才把他当作国宾接待。 7. In its desire to be treated as a global power China has slowly come round to the need to show responsibility if it is to gain respect. 中国希望被视为一个全球强国,为此,它渐渐开始意识到,要赢得尊敬,就需要展现责任感。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Any condition statement given, as a courtesy to a client, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact. 所有情况声明被提供,作为礼貌客户,是仅观点,并且不应该对待事实的声明。 www.hbzxr.com 9. Indicates that a string should be treated as if it were fixed length. 指示应该将字符串当作固定长度的字符串来处理。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Gases may also be treated as incompressible if the pressure changes are very small, but usually compressibility cannot be ignored. 气体不可压缩也许并且对待如果压力变动非常小,但压缩性无法通常被忽略。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The supply chain, though outsourced, is still your responsibility and should be treated as part of your organisation and production process. 尽管已经外包出去,但供应链仍然是你的责任,应当作为自己组织和生产过程的一部分来对待。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This means that if you have a single parameter value that contains a comma, it would be treated as if it consisted of two values. 如果有一个本身包含逗号的参数值,会把它当作两个值对待。 www.ibm.com 3. Mini-Mart is one of the best scores in the game, capable of scoring from literally anywhere, and should be treated as such. 小马丁绝对是联盟中出色的得分手,应该来说可以从任何地方得分,他应该得到大家的关注。 www.bing.com 4. Thus organization but become of bubble form building, can be treated as the result of "the tension complete constringency" . 这样组织而成的泡形建筑,可说是“张力完整收缩”的结果。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It is with a high personality or can be treated as a Buddha-like man of honor, if one can bear them. 做得到的自然是具有很高的人格,或者说具有初步的佛格的如佛君子。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He is to be treated as a hired worker or a temporary resident among you; he is to work for you until the Year of Jubilee. 他要在你那里像雇工人和寄居的一样,要服事你直到禧年。 new.fuyinchina.com 7. The service layer object will be treated as a stateless interface to which the CRUD operations can be delegated. 服务层对象将作为无状态的接口对待,CRUD操作可以委托给该接口。 www.ibm.com 8. They might even be happy not having to deal with an "arrogant" manufacturer that expects to be treated as a national champion. 国防部甚至很高兴,不用再和这家“傲慢”的、还指望着把自己当民族英雄来对待的飞机制造商(阿韦公司)打交道了。 www.ecocn.org 9. According to Kant, the fundamental right of a human being is to be treated as an end in oneself, not merely as a means. 根据康德的观点,一个人的基本权利是他应把自己尊为目的而不是手段。 www.hbsky58.net 10. Please note that this article must not be treated as a formal guide or a reference for regulatory compliances. 请注意,本文不是法规遵从性的正式指南或参考资料。 www.ibm.com 1. Generally in a schema, any element defined at the top level can be treated as a root element of the XML structure. 在一个模式中,通常可以将在顶级定义的任何元素当作XML结构的根元素处理。 www.ibm.com 2. Thus, librarians rightfully should be treated as if they were providing any product or service. 因此,图书馆员就应当被作为某种产品或服务来对待。 www.bing.com 3. Property determines whether or not the application that you are publishing will be treated as an update. 属性确定要发布的应用程序是否将被视为更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. such subsequent proceedings or other action would not be treated as done under the default rules of the clearing house. 尽管如非有本款的规定,该等随后的处理程序或其他行动便不会视为根据该结算所的失责处理规则而作出。 www.jukuu.com 5. "Churchill said : " moral courage is every reason to be treated as human beings first, which ensures that all the rest of the moral virtues. 丘吉尔也说:“勇气很有理由被当作人类德行之首,因为这种德行保证了所有其余的德行。” learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. If Iran does not halt its nuclear programme, its rulers should expect their country to be treated as an international pariah. 如果伊朗不停止它的核计划,它的统治者应该会预料到,人们将把他们的国家看成国际流氓国家来对待。 www.ecocn.org 7. Sets the index of the color to be treated as transparent. Only one color in a palette can be transparent. 设置被作为透明色处理的颜色的索引值。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Gets a value indicating whether the prompt character should be treated as a valid input character or not. 获取一个值,该值指示是否应将提示字符视为有效的输入字符。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. He was a major advocate of a 2003 Swiss law under which animals are to be treated as sentient beings, not personal property. 2003年瑞士颁布一项法律,规定大众应当以有感知能力的生物、而不是个人财产来对待动物。哥切尔正是此项法案的主要支持者。 www.e-say.com.cn 10. If it wants to be treated as a regular market economy, it must behave like one. 而中国如果想要成为一个正式的市场经济体,也必须要有所表现。 www.bing.com 1. This means that financial markets should not be treated as a physics laboratory but as a form of history. 这就意味着金融市场不应该被当作物理实验,而应该是历史。 dongxi.net 2. The prices charged by an enterprise on behalf of third parties shall be treated as liabilities rather than revenue. 企业代第三方收取的款项,应当作为负债处理,不应当确认为收入。 tjlx.chinalawinfo.com 3. Returns a value indicating whether a configuration path is to a configuration node whose contents should be treated as a root. 返回一个值,该值指示配置路径是否为应将内容视为根的配置节点的路径。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. And information in these formats can be treated as RDF statements, allowing RDF to be used to integrate data from many sources. 并且,这些格式的信息都能看成RDF陈述,这使得RDF能用于集成来自多个数据源的数据。 en.transwiki.org 5. A named query can be treated as a table, on which you can base other Analysis Services objects. 可以将命名查询视为表,基于该表可以建立其他AnalysisServices对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. It just takes a few simple things to set yourself apart from the other guests in the restaurant, and be treated as a VIP. 只需简单地做几件事,就可以让你有别于餐馆里的其他客人,享受贵宾级待遇。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Van Loan said a more flexible currency would help China's case in asking to be treated as a market economy by its trade partners. VanLoan指出,较有弹性的汇率将帮助中国要求贸易夥伴以对待市场经济体的方式对待该国。 cn.reuters.com 8. Class that can be treated as if the suite composite were statically defined. 类,可以像静态定义的包那样处理它。 www-128.ibm.com 9. We want to be treated as 100 percent Libyans, not as a minority, and not as if we were faking being Libyan. 我们想要100%的成为利比亚人,不是作为一个少数民族,我们不要假装成利比亚人。 www.kekenet.com 10. It's not to be treated as a comprehensive document of the entire file system interface in Boost. 不应将本文视为Boost中的整个文件系统接口的综合文档。 www.ibm.com 1. The compiler does not distinguish between warning levels if you want warnings to be treated as errors. 如果您希望将警告视为错误,编译器不会区分警告等级。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. This kind of logging activity is to be treated as carefully as the other business operations of applications. 这种类型的日志将像其它的一些业务操作一样来被谨慎处理。 www.ibm.com 3. We are using the @: character sequence to explicitly indicate that this line within our code block should be treated as content. 我们用“@:字符序列”来明确地指出我们代码段里的这行应被当作是内容块。 blog.joycode.com 4. If some program supports executable formats, all filename extensions that are set to open by it, should be treated as executable file types. 如果一些计划支持可执行文件格式,所有的文件名扩展,载打开它,应被视为可执行文件类型。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 5. If he fails to do so the loss can only be treated as a partial loss. 如果被保险人未发送委付通知,损失只能被视为部分损失。 averageadjusting.net 6. Dear In Christ, This is a personal email directed to you and I request that it be treated as such. 亲爱的,在基督里,这是一个个人电子邮件向你和我的请求,它必须如此对待。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. From a deontological perspective, embryos cannot be treated as objects of experimentation, one must oppose therapeutic cloning. 义务论认为,胚胎不能作为试验的客体,反对治疗性克隆研究。 www.chemyq.com 8. To tell Python that an integer should be treated as a long, simply append an L to the end of the number, like 100L. 要通知Python应该按照长类型处理整数,只需将L附加到数字的末尾,如100L。 www.ibm.com 9. As Part 6 notes, the data quality analysis itself must be treated as a project itself within the broader confines of the SOA project. 如第6部分所述,数据质量分析本身必须看作更宽范围的SOA项目之内的一个项目。 www.ibm.com 10. During the term of this Intent Letter, all cooperation details and materials shall be treated as confidential information. 在本意向书有效期内,甲乙双方对有关合作信息及资料负有保密责任。 img9.vikecn.com 1. Man considered just as man, without regard for race, religion, property, rank, should be treated as equals. 人仅考虑其为人,而不论其种族、宗教、财富、地位,则应以平等待人。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 2. Practice top-notch customer service: In a small business, Spector said, every customer can be treated as a VIP. 实行一流的客户服务:小本生意,Spector说,每个顾客都可以作为VIP会员。 www.bing.com 3. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the input must be treated as a password and the characters masked on the target device. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否必须将输入作为密码处理并在目标设备上屏蔽字符。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Traditional dry cleaning uses a solvent called perchloroethylene, which is toxic enough to be treated as hazardous waste. 传统的干系方法通常会使用一种叫做全氯乙烯的溶剂。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The serial number should be treated as In-house identification number and should be used for reference purpose. 对照品序号应作为内部编码并用以使用情况追溯。 wenku.baidu.com 6. I hope that the recommendation letter which Professor Lee wrote for me can be treated as an important material for scholarship evaluation. 本人但愿能把李传授给本人写的引荐信也作为主要的奖学金申请评价的主要资料。 www.173lx.com 7. Specifies whether the array is to be treated as dynamic, and whether to write an array descriptor for the string describing the length. 指定是否将数组视为动态的,以及是否为描述长度的字符串写入一个数组说明符。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Gets a value that indicates that this is a virtual resource that should be treated as a directory. 获取一个值,该值表明这是应作为目录处理的虚拟资源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Father is the police, when their children do bad things, an angry will the child be treated as criminals. 爸爸是警察,在子女做坏事的时候,一生气就会把孩子当成罪犯来对待。 www.1363.cn 10. Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be treated as confidential. 对你提供的任何资料,我们都予以保密。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Buyers' failure to obtain the relative Import Licence is not to be treated as Force Majeure. 购买者没有获得有关的进口许可证将不被看作不可抗力。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The teapot began to be treated as old and useless from that moment. 茶壶开始被年老,从那个时候无用对待。 www.backpack.net.cn 3. If current growth trends continue, China will follow the same path, making the case to be treated as a separate asset class. 如果当前的增长趋势能持续下去,中国将走上同样的道路,从而有理由把它作为一个单独的资产类别加以对待。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Data originated as the plural of Latin datum, "something given, " and many maintain that it must still be treated as a plural form. Data来源于拉丁文datum“给予的事物”的复数形式,而且许多人坚持它必须仍然被当作复数形式。 www.chinabaike.com 5. This thesis could also be treated as a research report of the process and results of action research and action learning. 也可以将本论文视为是一项行动研究与行动学习的过程与结果的研究报告。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. An equity linked deposit is not the same as nor should it be treated as a substitute for normal fixed time deposits . 股票挂钩存款并非一般定期存款,亦不可视为其代替品。 www.bing.com 7. anyone who agreed to be interviewed outside Iraq would be treated as a spy. 任何同意在伊拉克境外接受采访的人都将被当作间谍处理。 www.jukuu.com 8. As a postdoc you will work on someone else's ideas, and may be treated as a technician rather than as an independent collaborator. 作为一个博士后,你只能按照别人的想法来工作,可能被当成一个技术员来使唤,而不是作为一个单独的科学家来合作。 bbs.sciencenet.cn 9. Note: This Addendum, when executed, shall be treated as an integral part of the Customer Agreement. 注:本附录一经签署即视为客户协议书不可分割的部份。 www.gfsforex.com 10. Such material needs to be treated as hazardous waste and is best destroyed by high temperature incineration. 这种材料需要被视为危险废物并且最好通过高温焚烧处理。 www.who.int 1. Children will also be treated as a priority, because outbreaks of flu have accelerated since schools reopened. 由于学校开学,流感有加速爆发迹象,儿童同样将成为疫苗优先接种对象。 www.bing.com 2. The personal data provided in this form will be treated as confidential and used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only. 申请人在本申请书内所提供的个人资料,将绝对保密并只用于招聘工作及其他与雇用有关的事宜上。 www.vtc.edu.hk 3. For application by fax , the date and time of fax received by the Agency will be treated as the date and time of application . 以传真递交申请,递交申请日期将根据本处收到有关传真的日期及时间作准。 www.bing.com 4. All men are not created equal but should be treated as though they were under the law. 并非所有人都是生来平等的,但是在法律面前应把所有人视为平等的。 www.bing.com 5. Attribute to a field to indicate that it should be treated as a fixed-length inline array. 属性可指示该字段应被视为固定长度的内联数组。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Messages sent to such a mailing list and received by you will not be treated as junk e-mail. 发送到该邮件列表中的邮件以及您收到的邮件将不会被视为垃圾邮件处理。 technet.microsoft.com 7. CDATA is text that will NOT be parsed by a parser . Tags inside the text will NOT be treated as markup and entities will not be expanded. 剖析器不会解析CDATA文本。文本中的标签不会作为标示字体,实体也将不会得到扩展。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A bid submitted with a fixed price quotation will not be rejected, but the price adjustment will be treated as zero. 递交投标报价,以一个固定的价格将不会被拒绝,但价格调整将被视为零。 www.gldpf.org.cn 9. The Secretary shall issue regulations requiring foreign taxes to be treated as expenses in determining pre-tax profit in appropriate cases. 财政部长应颁发行政法规要求在确定适当情况下的税前利润时将外国税款作为费用处理。 www.bing.com 10. Realize that you are a treasure , and deserve to be treated as such. Never settle for anything less. 要知道你就是一件珍宝,你值得别人对你好。别把自己想得太差了。 www.hjenglish.com 1. But the onus appears to be on business schools to convince the CHE the MBA should be treated as a masters. 但在MBA应被列为硕士学位级别的问题上,商学院似乎有责任说服南非高等教育委员会。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As a practical matter, your inboxes should be treated as end-points , with all your various inputs funneling towards them. 作为一个实用的物体,你的收集箱应该视为一个终点,带着各种扔进去的漏斗式的东西。 www.bing.com 3. Palm, and crown, and white robe shall be thy guerdon; thou shalt be treated as a conqueror and owned as such by the LORD Himself. 棕榈树、皇冠、白袍,将是你的奖赏,上帝看你是得胜者,而你也配得这名。 www.glorypress.com 4. Therefore, to exploit and use Russian Far East natural resources should be treated as a top priority of investment cooperation with Russia. 因此,应将开发和利用俄远东的自然资源作为与俄投资合作的优先方向。 www.chemyq.com 5. First, organizations interacting via Web services need to be treated as peers operating on an equal basis. 第一,通过Web服务进行交互的组织应该被当作是在平等基础上操作的对等体。 www-128.ibm.com 6. The above information is given on the understanding that it is to be treated as strictly confidential. 以上信息是基于应绝对保密的理解而给出的。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Each human being is entitle to be treated as an end rather than as a means. 每一个人应被看作目的,而非手段。 wlxt.whut.edu.cn 8. A business that cannot go bankrupt is not a normal private enterprise and must not be treated as one. 一家不能破产的企业不是正常的私人企业,因此也不应该将其视为正常的企业。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Long ago, managers gave up the notion that workers can be treated as programmable machines. 从前,经理放弃可以将工作人员看作可编程序的机器的想法。 www.ibm.com 10. By default, each specialized element in the new information type will be treated as an instance of its general equivalent. 缺省情况下,在新信息类型中每一个专门化元素都被视作其常规同等体的实例。 www.ibm.com 1. By default, this property is set to False, indicating that it should be treated as a registered COM reference. 默认情况下,此属性设置为“False”,以指示应将其视为注册的COM引用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the virtual directory should be treated as the application root. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否应将该虚拟路径视为应用程序根。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. but should be treated as well as other people, and with complete respect. 而应该受到象对待其他人一样的待遇,而且应该受到完全的尊重。 www.tingroom.com 4. A value that indicates whether the virtual directory should be treated as the application root. 指示是否应将该虚拟路径视为应用程序根的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Indicates that an array in a structure or non-local variable should be treated as a fixed-length array. 表示结构或非区域变数的阵列应视为固定长度的阵列。 technet.microsoft.com 6. Scenarios exist when database schemas are out of sync or under development, and such errors need to be treated as warnings. 如果数据库模式不同步或者还在开发过程中,就需要把这些错误当作警告对待。 www.ibm.com 7. But without systems in place, much of that will be treated as garbage. 但没有相应的处理系统,很多这样的产品将被视为垃圾。 www.bing.com 8. In the stress analysis of heat exchanger system, the tube layout area of tube sheet should be treated as a various elastic based plate. 管板布管区应处理为变基础弹性基础板,进行换热器系统应力分析。 www.chemyq.com 9. The basic characters and the conditions in which signal line must be treated as transmission line are presented. 介绍了传输线的基本特征以及信号线视为传输线的具体条件。 stae.com.cn 10. Aspiration education should be treated as the first lesson in "career guidance" and be carried on in enrollment education for new students. 要把立志教育放在《就业指导》课第一课,安排在新生入学教育中进行。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Raj(to Sheldon): First, at all times, I am to be treated as a colleague and an equal. 首先,任何情况下,你都得把我看做同事平等对待。 bbs.m4.cn 2. Drink driving should be treated as a crime regardless of whether the driver causes a crash. 不管是不是造成了事故,酒后驾车都应该按犯罪处理。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. All the leading comrades wished to be treated as ordinary workers in the factory. 所有的领导同志都希望把他们当成该工厂的普通工人来对待。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. All data that you communicate to us will be treated as confidential and used by us solely to provide you with certain services. 您和我们的交流数据我们将视为机密,这些数据我们仅仅在为您提供相应的服务时才会使用。 tecsis.de 5. There is no need to initially turn an organization on its head, since individual projects may be treated as test labs and idea incubators. 不需要在这之前考虑一个组织,因为单个项目可以是一种实验性的或想法孵化器。 www.ibm.com 6. The workers are refusing to be shoved around by the employers; they demand to be treated as human beings. 工人们正拒绝听从雇主的任意摆布,他们要求把自己当作人来对待。 www.tdict.com 7. Copying another person's work or allowing your work to be copied by others is a serious academic offense and will be treated as such. 抄袭或复制它人的作业或借别人抄袭是严重触犯校规的,我们也将会以校规处罚。 www.myoops.org 8. Reiss argues that creationism should not be treated as a misconception but as a world view. Reiss主张,神创论应被视作一种世界观,而不应被作为一种误区加以纠正。 www.bing.com 9. This kind of logging is to be treated as carefully as other business operations. 这种类型的日志将像其它的一些业务操作一样被谨慎处理。 www.ibm.com 10. In the case of the EU VAT system, they should be treated as supplies of services. 在欧盟加值税系统的情况,他们应该被当做服务的补给。 www.kdask.com 1. Sets how sharp an edge has to be to be treated as a hard edge. It is also used to split normal map tangents. 设置如何对锋利的边缘作硬边处理。它也可以用来切分法线贴图切线。 game.ceeger.com 2. Score sheets without signature will also be treated as verified scores and no appeal will be entertained. 如记分纸上没有该参赛者之签名,赛会同样接受,但不会接纳任何分数之投诉。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 3. Conclusion In postmenopausal women, mature ovarian cystic teratoma should be treated as lowly malignant and should be paid much attention. 结论对绝经后妇女卵巢囊性成熟畸胎瘤,应按低度恶性对待,给予高度重视。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. OK, I take the express service for my red checkered shirt, the rest can be treated as regular. 好的,红格衬衣就按快衣处理,其余就按普通服务处理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Gets a value indicating whether the items in the list are to be treated as hyperlinks. 获取一个值,该值指示是否将列表中的项作为超链接来处理。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Section C must be signed by the applicant personally, otherwise this application will be treated as null and void. 丙部须由申请人亲自签署,否则本申请将被视作无效。 www.fehd.gov.hk 7. We have already established that light may be treated as a transverse electromagnetic wave . 我们已经论证过可以把光当横电磁波来处理。 www.bing.com 8. Instance that is applied to a Web control to be treated as a visual control during design time. 实例,该实例应用于要在设计时视为可视控件的Web控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. "These must not be treated as nuclear disarmament talks, " said one foreign ministry official. “六方会谈不应该被当作核裁军谈判,”日本外交部的一位官员表示。 www.ftchinese.com 10. There is an RDF abbreviation that allows namespace-resolved attribute names to be treated as property names. RDF缩写允许将namespace-resolved属性当作特性名对待。 www.ibm.com 1. Of course, the arrival of the H1N1 virus, we have the mentality to be treated as SARS virus, do like all good prevention work. 当然,现在的H1N1病毒来临了,我们的心态也要像对待SARS病毒一样,做好一切预防工作。 www.zftrans.com 2. The Evaluated Bid Price calculated out in accordance with ITB Clause 24, 25 and 26 shall be treated as the final Evaluated Bid Price. 根据本须知第24、25和26条所计算出的评标价应为最终评标价。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Thomas Jefferson advised Americans that meat should be treated as a condiment for vegetables. 托马斯?杰斐逊曾建议美国人:肉食应该作为蔬菜的调味品。 www.ecocn.org 4. However, each registered additional business name will be treated as a branch of the business. 但每一个额外的业务名称,都会当作为一间分行来登记。 www.ird.gov.hk 5. if both investors are state-owned and collective economy respectively, it shall be treated as absolute state-owned equity control. 若投资双方分别为国有、集体的,则按国有绝对控股处理。 fj.chinalawinfo.com 6. The underlying premise must be that SWFs are political entities and should be treated as such. 必须把握一个根本性前提:主权财富基金是政治实体,因此就应如此对待。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Whether the page has an associated master page and should therefore be treated as a content page. 页面是否具有关联的母版页,是否应据此将其视为内容页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Documents submitted by the applicants will be treated as confidential, but will not be returned. 投标人提交的文件将按秘密文件处理,但不予退回。 fanyixueyuan.scientrans.com 9. The costs of developing a trademark or brand name often consist of advertising campaigns which should be treated as expense when incurred. 开发商标或品牌的成本通常是由系列广告活动的支出组成的,这些广告支出应在发生时当费用处理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. "No innocent fellow human should be treated as a lab rat, no matter your nationality, " Menendez said. 梅内德斯说:“无论你是什么民族,都不应该被当做实验鼠对待”。 www.bing.com 1. An optional parameter that specifies that the J2EE subdirectory in the service. jar should be treated as a free-form project. 一个可选参数,它指明应该将service.jar中的J2EE子目录看作自由格式的项目。 www.ibm.com 2. Each partition may be treated as an independent entity, allowing concurrent processing by SQL and DB2 utilities. 每个分区都被看作一个独立的实体,允许SQL和DB2实用程序对其进行并发处理。 www.ibm.com 3. A victim of advanced hypothermia must be treated as a medical emergency. 患重低温症的病人应当作急救处理。 blog.163.com 4. Any Eclipse project can be treated as a valid target for CORBA Transformation. 任何Eclipse项目都可以作为CORBA转换的有效目标。 www.ibm.com 5. Log operations can be treated as well as other updates to participate in atomicity. 可视为其它更新一样参与原子事务的日志操作。 www.ibm.com 6. The euro area must not be treated as an "opt out" from the European Union. 欧元区绝不是一个欧盟中适用“选择性退出”的领域。 www.bing.com 7. Such banks are not commercial operations; they are expensive wards of the state and must be treated as such. 这些个银行并非商业化运作,它们是昂贵的国家病房,必须作这样的处理。 www.bing.com 8. Meanwhile, mobile grid can support the mobile devices, which can be treated as grid interface or grid resource. 移动设备存在一些共性,如移动性、能量受限和网络连接不稳定等。 www.fabiao.net 9. Cycling could be treated as the most cheapest and dangerous means when going to travel. 骑自行车是去旅行最便宜最危险的方式。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Traditionally, in a relational database, XML data has to either be treated as a large object or decomposed into relational columns. 在关系数据库中,XML数据通常被视为大型对象,或者分解为几个关系列。 www.ibm.com 1. Information about prices is to be treated as confidential. 关于价格的信息要作为机密处理。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Party B shall not leave the post without authorization in the work time. Otherwise, it shall be treated as absence from work. 在上班时间未经请假不得擅自离开岗位,否则按旷工处理。 www.366translation.com 3. According to Chinese criminal law, when an affray results in serious injury or death, it is to be treated as intentional injury or murder. 根据刑法规定,在聚众斗殴致人重伤、死亡的情况下,按照故意伤害罪、故意杀人罪处理。 epub.cnki.net 4. One piece of big ginseng with bonnie st body which over half catty in weight, can probably be treated as zilch. 一支体形好,重量在半斤以上的大山参,在当今世上也是无价之宝。 www.hicoo.net 5. Initially SOA projects should be treated as traditional implementation projects. 初期,我们不妨将SOA当作一个传统项目看待。 www.infoq.com 6. And then thirdly, water needs to be treated as an economic good. 然后第三,要把水当成经济商品来看待。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. The single current pulse in a half cycle can't be treated as criterion of uniform discharge in high frequency operation. 周期性出现的单电流脉冲无法作为高频下均匀放电的普适性判据。 www.13191.com 8. It should be treated as binary data or, better yet, merged into the original document through XML namespaces. 应该将其看作二进制数据,更好的是通过XML名称空间将其合并到原来的文档中。 www.ibm.com 9. Students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas. 学生不应该只是被动接受知识的容器。 wenku.baidu.com 10. License is not to be treated as Force Majeure. 我们不负责因不可抗拒力而引起的耽误。 word.hcbus.com 1. With such valuable information at your fingertips , your records should be treated as invaluable. 手上握着这样有价值的信息,你的记录就该视为无价之宝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The event handler reports that the update should be treated as an error. 事件处理程序报告:应将更新作为错误对待。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. It is pointed out that the green chemistry education must be treated as different specialties. 探讨了高等学校绿色化学教育体系,指出应针对不同类别专业的学生区别对待; www.chemyq.com 4. Some XML is intended to be treated as documents (for instance, consider a newsfeed). 有些XML预定看作是文档(例如,考虑newsfeed的情况)。 www.ibm.com 5. student should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas. 学生不应该只是被动的接收简单知识的容器 wenku.baidu.com 6. Should a 250-year-old physical teen be treated as an adult and served alcohol or not? 一个250岁高龄但生理上只有十几岁的人能否被看作成人,能否买酒? dongxi.net 7. At obtaining trading financial asset, the fair value of such trading financial asset will be treated as initial confirmation amount. 取得交易性金融资产时,按交易性金融资产的公允价值作为初始确认金额。 ask.suiniyi.com 8. In the same year, the House of Lords ruled that same sex partners should be treated as family and have the right to succeed a tenancy. 在同一年,上议院规定同性伴侣应做为家庭对待,有权获得租方合约。 www.chain.net.cn 9. When taking relief, the whole tree is to be treated as one obstruction. 采取补救时,整个树木将被视为一个妨碍物。 sports.sina.com.cn 10. As far back as 1950, Alan Turing proposed the Turing Test as a method of determining whether an entity should be treated as intelligent. 回到1950年,阿兰图灵推荐将图灵测试作为一种判定实体是否是智能的实体的方法。 www.bing.com 1. Personal bank card accounts will start to be treated as clearing accounts . 个人银行卡账户将被纳入结算账户管理。 www.bing.com 2. Lesson 3. Writing MDA transformations should be treated as a software development project itself. 经验3.应将MDA转换的撰写视为软件开发项目本身。 www.ibm.com 3. PCDATA is text that will be parsed by a parser . Tags inside the text will be treated as markup and entities will be expanded. 剖析器会分析PCDATA文本。文本中的标签会被当作标示的字体,实体将会扩展。 www.360doc.com 4. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non responsive and rejected. 提交的标书,可调价报价将被视为不符合要求,不予接受。 zaixian-fanyi.cn 5. Indicates that a field should be treated as containing a fixed number of elements of the specified primitive type. 指示字段应被视为包含指定基元类型的固定数目的元素。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. "White collar" criminals are criminals and should be treated as such. Their conduct is reprehensible. “白领”罪犯也是罪犯,他们应被当作罪犯对待,他们的行为应该受到谴责。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Services themselves should be treated as subservient to the higher level system or systems that use them. 服务自身应该从属于使用它们的高层系统。 www.infoq.com 8. In an MDX project, files with the extension of. Txt or. Sql will be treated as miscellaneous files. 在MDX项目中,扩展名为.txt或.sql的文件被视为杂项文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Other alloys containing 2% or more, by weight, of silver are to be treated as alloys of silver. 按重量计含银量在2%及以上的其他合金,应视为银合金。 www.china-customs.com 10. Under the precise management of this legendary service provider, resident owners will be treated as permanent resort guests. 根据精确管理本传奇的服务提供商,驻地业主将被视为永久的度假客人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If there is no MQ Header, then the data would also be treated as delimited. 如果没有任何MQ标头,还可以将数据视为带分隔符的数据。 www.ibm.com 2. Boxing allows any type to be treated as a reference type. 装箱允许任意类型被加工为引用类型。 eroad.alai.net 3. It treats the comment thread as a new blog. I think comment threads and the posts that anchor them should be treated as one thing. 评论线是以新博客的形式出现的,我个人认为评论线和邮件应被视为同一事物对待。 www.bing.com 4. Houses, though old enough, they should not be treated as broken and rugged clothes. 老房子,虽然老旧,但不应该被住得破破烂烂; josephsui.blogchina.com 5. Most of the letters of intent are not considered to be offers. But in some cases, they could be treated as offers. 大部分的意向书都不是要约。但在某些案例中,意向书可被当作是要约。 wenku.baidu.com 6. China first applied in 2003 to be treated as a "market economy" in trade disputes. 中国在2003年首次申请在贸易争端中被当作“市场经济”看待,这一地位将令它不那么容易面对欧盟的反倾销行动。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Some data must be treated as a unit when it is transferred between sites. 某些数据在站点之间传输时必须作为一个单元进行传输。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. History is not to be treated as relics. 历史不能作为遗产处理。 spaces.msn.com 9. Database Marketing is one of Edge disciplines which first be treated as science which have some art-component. 数据库营销,实际上是一门边缘科学,首先是科学然后加上少量的艺术成分。 www.fabiao.net 10. Choledocholithiasis can cause complications of acute cholangitis, acute biliary pancreatitis and should be treated as soon as possible. 总胆管结石可造成急性胆囊炎,急性胆石性胰脏炎,两者皆必需迅速治疗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Expect to be treated as you have treated others. 希望你对待他人一样,你也期望得到如此的待遇。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. That all Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students-visa subclass 574 - be treated as though they are all AL1 applicants. 所有攻读研究型高等学历(HDR)的学生—574签证类别将按一级风险(AL1)申请人对待。 www.thenewstone.com 3. Means code analysis warnings will not be treated as errors when compiling with. 意味着代码分析警告将不会被视为错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Always remember that any alarm will be treated as a real alert. 永远牢记任何一次火警都当作是一次真实报警。 www.ship99.com 5. Special topic types can be treated as more generic topic types for common processing. 特殊的主题类型可作为更一般的主题类型进行常规处理。 www.ibm.com 6. He believes former communists should be treated as normal politicians, not moral lepers. 他认为前共产党人应该是正常的政治家,而不是道德麻风病人。 www.ecocn.org 7. Music education shouldn't be treated as a kind of skill training for the reason that music is an important part of human culture. 音乐是人类文化的一个重要组成部分,因此音乐教育绝不仅仅是一种单纯的技能技巧训练,而应视为一种文化教育。 8. Statements within a block can generally be treated as a single statement. 块中的语句通常可以视为一个语句。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. For application by fax, the date of receipt of the fax will be treated as the date of application. 以传真递交申请,递交申请日期将根据本处收到有关传真的日期作准。 www.sfaa.gov.hk 10. They demanded that black people should be treated as well as white people. 他们要求黑人应该像白人那样好好地被对待。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. If the requested Dispatcher is not available then the request will be treated as being non-affine. 如果请求的Dispatcher无法达到,则请求将被视为“不密切”。 www.ibm.com 2. Boxing and unboxing enable value types to be treated as objects. 装箱和取消装箱使值类型能够被视为对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Causes the request to be treated as a cache miss. 导致将请求视为缓存未命中处理。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Without the "test" prefix, it will be treated as a normal Ruby method and the testing framework won't run it automatically. 如果没有“test”前缀,它就被当作一般的Ruby方法,测试框架不会自动运行它。 www.ibm.com 5. Cadres who have already retired but meet the qualifications mentioned above shall likewise be treated as veteran cadres. 已经退休的干部,符合上述规定的应当改为离休。 en.pkulaw.cn 6. the author thinks the collected rainwater can be treated as goods to deal in the market. 本文认为,积蓄雨水可以当作一种商品来对待,成为市场交易的对象。 www.dictall.com 7. However, the US Congress rejected Senator McCain's proposal that stock options be treated as compensation. 不过美国国会拒绝参议员马侃所提股票选择权必须被列为赔偿金的建议。 www.jukuu.com 8. Kangaroo Island is a safe and friendly place, and you will be treated as a member of our family. 位于南澳洲的袋鼠岛是个安全又友善的小岛,你在我们农庄的居留期间我们将待你如家庭的一员。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Get mixed up with all kinds of waste paper, the enterprise can only be treated as inferior materials handling. 各种废纸混杂在一起,到了企业只能被当作低档原料处理。 www.bing.com 10. Note: This is not an exact measurement or an exact formula and should be treated as a rough approximation. 注意:这不是十分准确的测量或一个准确的公式,这只是个近似值而已。 www.equn.com 1. No credit will be given to earlier deliveries, and bids offering delivery beyond this range will be treated as non-responsive. 提前交货不考虑降低评标价,晚于交货时间范围供货的投标将被视为非响应性投标。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If delay acceptance will exceed three months without reason, that will be treated as goods rejected midway. 无故延期验收超过三个月即按中途退货处理。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. When we arrive on Earth we do not want to be treated as superior to you, even so that our spirit levels are much higher. 当我们到达地球上的时候,虽然我们的灵性水平高的多,我们并不希望被看作是优于你们的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. You always hear people say they deserve respect and to be treated as equals. 你总会听到大家说他们应当受到尊重、平等对待。 www.bing.com 5. Cyber war techniques can be treated as weapons of mass destruction. 网络作战技术可视为大规模杀伤性武器。 english.chinamil.com.cn 6. It can be treated as a scalar value or a pointer to a structure containing multiple parameters, or it can be ignored. 它可以视为标量值,或指向包含多个参数的结构的指针,也可以忽略。 technet.microsoft.com 7. tool is rugged and designed for shop use, but is also a precision measuring instrument and should be treated as such. 工具崎岖不平,设计商店使用,而且是一个精密测量仪器,并应这样看待。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. As a result, enablement cannot only be treated as a top-down flow of knowledge from a worldwide team. 因此,实施不能仅仅看作是由来自世界范围团队知识构成的组织严密的流程。 www.ibm.com 9. Compulsive lying can also be an underlying symptom of some other serious disorder and one has to be treated as soon as possible. 强迫性说谎也可能是其他严重疾病的潜在征兆,比需尽快接受治疗。 www.bing.com 10. When the device or service provide users with any device or service, then the user will be treated as a vendor. 当设备或服务的使用者提供以上任何一种设备或服务,那么该使用者就被视为供应商。 www.bing.com 1. This is already a promise of the brand also to be treated as a premier customer. 这也是我们品牌的承诺,要为客户提供最顶级的服务。 blog.qq.com 2. The list of values will be treated as a single value, and placed in a text field. 值列表将被视为单个值并放在文本字段中。 office.microsoft.com 3. She wishes to be treated as nothing more than a common girl. 她希望被对待得只不过像一般的女孩子。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Each result can be treated as an independent 12 bit conversion. 每个结果可以被当作独立的12位转换。 www.pat365.com 5. In school you will be treated as a teacher and you will become familiar with the professional environment. 实习期间,你会被看成一个老师,你需要熟悉整个教学环境。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. All of your company's comments will be treated as strictly confidential. 贵公司的全部意见将严格保密。 coffeejp.com 7. Because most tweets are public, should users be treated as publishers and held to similar standards? 由于许多推特用户都是公民大众,应该把他们视作出版商、并适用类似的法律吗? www.ecocn.org 8. Everything else should be treated as 'vendor extensions'. 其它的变量均作为“供应商扩展(vendorextensions)”来对待。 pl2.php.net 9. The IBM Cognos 8 SDK application will not need to logon as it will be treated as the Anonymous user. IBMCognos8SDK应用程序不需要登录,因为它将被视为匿名用户。 www.ibm.com 10. Traffic lights should be treated as guidelines rather than laws set in stone. 交通信号灯应该被视为规定来执行而非仅仅被当作参考。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. With that declaration, everything in the source file will be treated as having the encoding encoding instead of UTF-8. 通过此声明,在上例中,源文件的所有东西都将被转换为encoding编码而不是UTF-8编码。 www.mayajc.com 2. Traffic lights should be treated as guidelines rather than laws in stone. 信号灯应该视为规定被执行而不是当作参考 blog.hjenglish.com 3. From now on, our digital infrastructure will be treated as a strategic asset. 从现在起,我们要把数字基础设施当作一种战略资产对待。 dongxi.net 4. When image, voice, time and language can be treated as numeric elements in the computer, the art of mimic reality then comes out. 当图像、声音,时间和文字等都可以数字化输入到计算机中,成为计算机处理的元素时,虚拟现实艺术便孕育而生。 www.fabiao.net 5. The blacks demanded that they(should) be treated as equal citizens. 黑人要求,他们应当受到平等的公民的对待。 www.51share.net 6. Any white pixels in the image will be treated as a pass-through mask in subsequent steps. 图像中任何白色像素将在后续步骤中作为pass-through蒙版处理。 www.ibm.com 7. Sometimes, it is difficult to decide what should be treated as native content and what should be treated as properties. 有时候,不容易判定什么是原始内容,什么是属性。 www.ibm.com 8. Burma's generals are criminals, and must be treated as such. 缅甸的将军们是罪犯,而且必须被这样认为。 www.bing.com 9. This parameter specifies whether the PIN will be treated as expired. 此参数指定该PIN是否被视为过期的PIN。 technet.microsoft.com 10. The act of property cheat while the actor paid money or property should not be treated as crime of swindling . 不应该把骗取财物的同时支付了相当价值财物的情形,当诈骗罪来处理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. If the cookie is not loaded, the user will be treated as a new user. 如果没有加载cookie,则用户将被视为新用户。 www.ibm.com 2. A sale contravening subsection (4) above may be treated as fraudulent by the buyer. 与上述第(4)款相违背的买卖,买方可将之视为欺诈。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Create a list of host names to be treated as internal. 创建一个视为内部主机的主机名的列表。 technet.microsoft.com 4. Hyperplasia with atypia should be treated as early cancers. 与不典型增生,应被视为早期癌症。 www.syyxw.com 5. You may rest assured that any information you may provide will be treated as strictly confidential. 你们尽可放心,对你们提供的任何信息,我们一定予以绝对保密。 www.ebigear.com 6. A flashing red may be treated as a regular stop sign. 甲闪烁的红色,可视为正常停止的迹象。 tieba.baidu.com 7. If white space appears before the XML declaration, it will be treated as a processing instruction. 如果在XML声明之前出现空白,将作为处理指令对待。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Causes warnings to be treated as errors. 相同,它使警告被视为错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. If there are multiple investors, they must be treated as one in the calculations above. 如果有好几个投资者参与,他们在上述计算中是被视作一个整体来对待的。 www.bing.com 10. Specifies that warning 42024 should be treated as an error. 指定应将警告42024视为错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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