单词 | client area | ||||||||||||||
释义 | client area
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 工作区,客户区,客户区域 1. Our first job in solving this problem is to determine how much of the program's output can actually fit with in the client area . 解决这个问题的我们第一个工作是确定程序的输出有多少实际上可以在客户区中容纳。 www.showxiu.com 2. Gets the distance, in pixels, between the bottom edge of the control and the top edge of its container's client area. 获取控件下边缘与其容器的工作区上边缘之间的距离(以像素为单位)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Suppose you want to work with a coordinate system that has its origin in the body of the client area rather than the upper-left corner. 假定您想使用原点位于工作区的主体而非左上角的坐标系统。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The program displays up to 8 KB of the beginning of the file in the right side of the client area of HEADs window. 这个程序在HEAD窗口显示区域的右边,从文件的开头开始显示,它最多能够显示8KB的内容。 www.hxzi.com 5. Is typically associated with a control and the origin of the rectangle will be relative to the client area of that control. 通常与某个控件相关联,因而矩形的原点是相对于该控件的工作区的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Occurs when the user drags an item and the mouse pointer is no longer over the client area of this item. 当用户拖动某项并且鼠标指针不再悬停在此项的工作区上方时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Method is called whenever the Canvas needs to redraw any part of its client area. 每当Canvas需要重新绘制其客户机区域的任何部分时,都需要调用其。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Graphics operations do not include the right and lower edges of a client area. 图形操作不包括工作区的右边缘和下边缘。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. When this method is called with no parameters, the entire client area is added to the update region. 在不带参数的情况下调用此方法时,会将整个工作区添加到更新区域。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. I won't go into gory detail on the calculation, suffice to say that it divides the client area into 4 areas with the same sizes. 我并不去详细的解释计算过程,只使说明它将客户区划分为四块大小相同的区域。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Each position of the scroll bar corresponds to a line of text displayed at the top of the client area. 每个对应一行文本的滚动条位置显示在客户区顶端。 www.showxiu.com 2. Gets or sets the distance , in pixels , between the left edge of the control and the left edge of its container's client area . 获取或设置控件左边缘与其容器的工作区左边缘之间的距离(以像素为单位)。 www.bing.com 3. Events are no longer supported for MDI Forms, because the MDI Form has no client area to receive mouse events. 事件,因为MDI窗体没有接收鼠标事件的工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Operation causes the back buffer content to be copied immediately to the client area of the target window . 操作使后台缓冲区内容被直接复制到目标窗口的工作区。 www.bing.com 5. The system-defined color of the background in the client area of a window. 窗口的工作区中背景的系统定义颜色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Clipping Drawing can be restricted to a particular section of the client area. 剪裁-绘图可以受限于客户区的特殊区域。 dict.veduchina.com 7. The system-defined color of the text in the client area of a window. 窗口的工作区中文本的系统定义颜色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Naturally, as the client area is resized, the entire window resizes as well. 客户区域大小调整了,整个窗体的大小也就自然调整了。 www.cnblogs.com 9. If the scroll bar thumb is at position0, the first line will be positioned at the top of the client area . 如果滚动条滑块是在位置0,那么第一行将位于客户区顶端。 it.bab.la 10. To enable visual styles in the client area of a Windows form, add the following code to your application's Main method. 若要在Windows窗体的工作区启用视觉样式,请向应用程序的Main方法中添加以下代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Your window procedure receives a WM _PAINT message only if part of your client area is invalid. 只有在部分客户区无效时你的窗口处理程序才会接收到WM_PAINT消息。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Determines the size of the entire control from the height and width of its client area. 确定整个控件(从控件工作区的高度和宽度起计算)的大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The user control is hosted as a child of the native view and occupies the entire client area of the native view. 用户控件以本机视图的子视图的形式承载并且占用本机视图的整个工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Determines, in screen coordinates, where the control bar will be docked in the non client area of the destination frame window. 以屏幕坐标系统指定控制条在目标框架非客户区停靠的位置。 xcf-007.blog.163.com 5. Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer's position relative to the client area of the browser window, excluding window scroll bars. 获取鼠标指针位置相对于浏览器窗口工作区(不包括窗口滚动条)的x坐标。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. A tool is a rectangular area on the client area of a window which the tooltip control will monitor for mouse pointer. 工具是在一个窗口客户区上的一矩形区域,工具提示控件将监视这个窗口的鼠标指针。 www.pjzl.cn 7. When you enable per-pixel opacity, the system no longer draws the non-client area. 如果启用每像素不透明度,系统将不再绘制非工作区。 technet.microsoft.com 8. thus , the offset is equal to the border width plus the caption height plus the offset into the client area of the form. 因此,偏移位置等于边框宽度加上标题高度,再加上窗体工作区的偏移位置。 www.ichacha.net 9. Validates the client area within the given rectangle by removing the rectangle from the current update region. 在当前的更新区域中删除给定的矩形,使客户区的给定矩形有效。 www.zjrj.org 10. Change the contents of the client area in response to a change in the scroll bar. 改变客户区的内容以响应滚动条的改变。 www.winu.cn 1. Luckily, there is a function inside our view class that will order the frame window to resize its client area to accommodate space for it. 我们的视图类提供一个函数,它可以命令框架窗口调整客户区域容纳视图本身。 www.cnblogs.com 2. Invalidates the client area within the given region by adding that region to the current update region. 在当前的更新区域中加入给定的区域,使客户区的给定区域无效。 www.zjrj.org 3. There is one exception: up to half of the window can exist outside the left or right edge of the Internet Explorer client area. 但有一个例外:最多有半个窗口可以存在于InternetExplorer客户端区域的左侧或右侧边缘之外。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Active documents, however, take up the entire client area of the view when they are in-place active. 但是,在活动文档处于就地活动状态时这些活动文档占据视图的整个工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Method lays out the client area, including resizing the display area as required to accommodate the scroll bars. 方法对工作区进行布局,包括根据需要调整显示区域的大小以容纳滚动条。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Visual styles are being used to draw the client area of application windows. 视觉样式正被用于绘制应用程序窗口的工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Gets or sets the color of the client area of the button when the mouse is pressed within the bounds of the control. 获取或设置在控件边框内按下鼠标时按钮工作区的颜色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. A position to the left of the client area of a TreeView control. 在TreeView控件的工作区左侧的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The origin for client coordinates is the upper-left corner of the client area of the control or form. 工作区座标的原点位于控制项或表单的工作区的左上角。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. Docking toolbars can be dragged onto or off this client area, and arrange themselves according to the space available. 可将停靠工具栏拖入或拖出此工作区,并根据可用的空间排列它们。 tr.bab.la 1. This event occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the border or client area of the control, depending on the type of the control. 当鼠标指针离开控件的边框或工作区(具体取决于控件类型)时发生此事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The size of the client area of the form is the size of the form excluding the borders and the title bar. 窗体工作区的大小是除边框和标题栏外窗体的大小。 technet.microsoft.com 3. One feature of the DWM APIs is the ability to extend the application frame into the client area. DWMAP的一个特性是允许扩展应用程序边框到客户端区域。 www.cnblogs.com 4. The example program will wait for left mouse clicks and display a text string at the exact clicked spot in the client area. 示例程序将等待鼠标单击事件并在客户区中鼠标点击的地方显示一个字符串。 blog.chinaunix.net 5. The client area does not include the space occupied by the scroll bar. 客户区不包括由滚动条占据的空间。 www.zaoxue.com 6. Visual styles are not applied to the client area of application windows. 视觉样式不应用于应用程序窗口的工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. True, the form displays a sunken client area with a raised border. 时,该窗体显示具有凸起边框的凹陷工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Called when the size and position of the client area need to be calculated. 当需要计算非客户区的大小和位置时调用这个函数。 www.zjrj.org 9. At run time, MDI child forms are displayed inside the client area of an MDI parent form. 在运行时,MDI子窗体在MDI父窗体的工作区内显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Building DTM model directly reflected rainwater load pressure in human active client area. 建立DTM模型,直观反映人类活动区域的雨水负荷压力; www.fabiao.net 1. Forces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls. 强制控件使其工作区无效并立即重绘自己和任何子控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. the runtime updates the window client area immediately , and might do so more than once during the adapter refresh period. 运行库将立即更新窗口工作区,并且,在适配器刷新周期内可能不止更新一次。 www.ichacha.net 3. Occurs when the user drags an item over the client area of this item. 当用户将某项拖动到此项的工作区上方时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. In all cases, the upper-left coordinate of the rectangle is included in the client area, while the lower-right coordinate is excluded. 在所有情况下,矩形左上方的座标都是包含于工作区中,而右下方座标则排除在外。 msdn.microsoft.com 5. Additionally , when auto scrolling is on , the client area of the form automatically scrolls to make the control with input focus visible . 另外,当自动缩放打开时,窗体的工作区自动滚动,以使具有输入焦点的控件可见。 www.bing.com 6. Called when the size of the client area of the Clipboard-viewer window has changed. 当剪贴板观察器窗口的客户区大小发生变化时调用这个函数。 www.zjrj.org 7. Causes the associated control to redraw the invalidated regions within its client area. 导致关联的控件在其工作区内重新绘制无效区域。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. When the window changes size, the program automatically repositions the text string in the center of its client area. 当窗口改变尺寸时,程序自动将文本字符串重新定位到客户区域的中心。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A position to the left of the client area of a. 控件的工作区左侧的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You can use it to invalidate specific rectangles of the client area or the entire client area. 你可以用它使客户区的指定矩形或整个客户区无效。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The size and speed of the bouncing ball are relative to the client area. 弹球的大小和速度与工作区有关。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Use SetShapeWindowSkin function to skin application-specific windows without non-client area and menu bar. 此函数用来设置没有非客户区和菜单条的特殊的窗口。 blog.163.com 3. Gets the rectangle that represents the client area of the control. 获取表示控件的工作区的矩形。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The area separating the rectangle from the top and left of the client area is 1 pixel wide. 把矩形从客户区的顶端和左边分开的区域是1像素宽。 blog.csdn.net 5. Next it will register and create a window without caption and border and display the bitmap in the client area. 下一步,它将注册并创建一个没有标题和边框的窗口并在这个窗口的客户区中显示一位图。 www.pjzl.cn 6. The Button control is positioned outsize the client area of the new form. Button控件超出了新窗体的工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Occurs when the user drags an item into the client area of this item. 当用户将某项拖动到该项的工作区内时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Depending on cost I wish to have a client area too. 成本取决于我希望有一个客户区了。 www.bing.com 9. A position to the right of the client area of the TreeView control. 在TreeView控件的工作区右侧的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Menus provide options for the client area or the control at the mouse pointer location. 快捷菜单在鼠标指针位置提供了工作区或控件的选项。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Causes the control to redraw the invalidated regions within its client area. 使控件重绘其工作区内的无效区域。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Called when the client area of the Clipboard viewer needs repainting. 当剪贴板观察器的客户区需要重画的时候调用这个函数。 www.zjrj.org 3. In the last chapter, we used the TextOut function to display some text in the client area of the window. 在上一章,我们用TextOut函数在窗口的客户区中显示一些文本。 www.wangchao.net.cn 4. We'll fix it shortly, but first consider how we update the client area after a WM _VSCROLL message. 我将在不久修正它,但是首先考虑我们如何在WM_VSCROLL消息之后更新客户区。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. For example, a team could organize the product work into a client area, a server area, and an extensibility area. 例如,团队可以将产品工作组织为客户端区域、服务器区域和扩展区域。 technet.microsoft.com 6. An icon is dragged across the client area. 图标被拖过客户区。 blog.csdn.net 7. Think about it: the area specified by the tool is on the client area of the other window. 想想看:被工具指定的区域如果在其它窗口的客户区上。 www.pjzl.cn 8. Gets the bounds of the client area of the element in the HTML document. 获取HTML文档中元素工作区的边界。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Likewise, when the mouse pointer leaves the button's client area, the cursor is shown again. 同样地,当鼠标指针离开按钮的工作区时,光标就会再次显示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Gets or sets the height and width of the client area of the control. 获取或设置控件的工作区的高度和宽度。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Sets the size of the client area of the control. 设置控件的工作区的大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Gets or sets the size of the client area of the form. 获取或设置窗体工作区的大小。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Updates the specified rectangle or region in the client area. 更新客户区中的指定矩形或区域。 www.zjrj.org 4. To be exact, we will learn how to display a bitmap in the client area of our window. 为了更精确,我们将学习如何在我们窗口客户区显示一个位图。 bbs.pediy.com 5. Structure that is the color of the background in the client area of a window. 结构,它是窗口工作区中背景的颜色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. With that device context handle you are free to paint your client area and make it as beautiful or as ugly as you like. 有了关联设备句柄你就可以自由地在客户区绘制并按照你的喜好使它好看或难看。 www.zaoxue.com 7. The TabControl is initially sized to occupy the full client area of the form. TabControl的初始大小设置为占据窗体的全部工作区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Occurs when the user or code scrolls through the client area. 用户或代码滚动工作区时发生。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The following code example hides the cursor when the mouse pointer enters the button's client area. 下面的代码示例在鼠标指针进入按钮的工作区时隐藏光标。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The bar occupies its portion of the client area. 该栏在工作区中占据它自己那部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Shows how to enable visual styles in the client area of a Windows form. 显示如何在Windows窗体的工作区中启用视觉样式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Cy Specifies the new height of the client area . 指定了客户区域的新高度。 www.bing.com 3. A position to the right of the client area of the. 控件的工作区右侧的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Scrolls the contents of the client area. 滚动客户区的内容。 www.zjrj.org 5. Now that the bitmap is loaded, we can paint it in the client area of our main window. 现在,位图已经被装载,我们能将它画在我们主窗口的客户区上。 bbs.pediy.com 6. cx Specifies the new width of the client area. 指定了客户区域的新宽度 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Repositions control bars in the client area. 重新设定客户区中控制条的位置。 www.zjrj.org 8. Structure that is the color of the text in the client area of a window. 结构,它是窗口工作区中文本的颜色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Gets a Color structure that is the background color in the client area of a window. 获取Color结构,它是窗口工作区中的背景色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. These coordinates are scaled based on the width and height of the client area. 这些坐标是基于客户区的宽度和高度成比例的。 www.moon-soft.com 1. That is the color of the background in the client area of a window. 它是窗口工作区的背景色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Event to know when the user or code scrolls the client area. 事件来了解用户或代码滚动工作区的条件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Gets a SolidColorBrush that is the color of the text in the client area of a window. 获取SolidColorBrush,它是窗口工作区中文本的颜色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. That is the color of the text in the client area of a window. 它是窗口工作区中的文本的颜色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Controls to the form so that some are below the visible client area. 控件添加到窗体,使某些控件在可见工作区下。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. In other Words, we have 75 lines of information but only 50 can fit in the client area at any time. 换句话说,我们有75行而不仅仅是50行信息可以在任何时候容纳在客户区中。 www.xgdown.com 7. Gets a SolidColorBrush that is the background color in the client area of a window. 获取SolidColorBrush,它是窗口工作区中的背景色。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Because the entire window is your client area, you can simply draw what you want in the extended frame. 因为所有区域都是客户区域,你可以想怎么画就怎么画。 www.cnblogs.com 9. CLIENT Draw the client area of the window. 画出窗口的客户区。 www.zjrj.org 10. HTCLIENT In a client area. 在客户区中。 www.zjrj.org 1. By overriding any requests to make the non-client area appear inactive, we can create the effect we want. 采用覆盖任何请求的方法来使得非客户区看起来像非活动的,我们可以创造任何我们想要的效果。 www.x2blog.cn 2. For example, a team could organize the product work such that there is a client area, server area, and extensibility area. 例如,团队可以按照客户端区域、服务器区域和扩展区域来组织产品工作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Easy to Use Client Area with Integrated Support Tools 带有完整支持工具的易用的客户面板 www.baike.com 4. Parameter is outside the client area of the control, the first character of the string closest to the point specified in 参数中指定的位置在控件的工作区以外,则返回距离 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. note that the page coordinate space has its origin at the upper - left corner of the client area ; this will always be the case 请注意,页面坐标空间的原点在工作区的左上角,情况将总是如此。 www.ichacha.net 6. To make room for a control bar within the client area of the dialog box, follow these steps in your dialog box's OnInitDialog function 若要在对话框的工作区内为控制条留出空间,请在对话框的OnInitDialog函数中遵循下列步骤 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Note that these coordinates are relative to the visible client area of the screen, not relative to the 注意,这些坐标相对于屏幕的可见工作区,而不是相对于 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. True if visual styles are enabled for controls in the client area of application windows; otherwise, 如果在应用程序窗口的工作区为控件启用了可视样式,则为, msdn2.microsoft.com 9. To create a bitmap-button control in a window's client area, follow these steps 在窗口的客户区创建一个位图按钮的步骤如下 www.it130.net 10. The dimensions of the client area are also described by a 工作区的尺寸也用 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Displaying a bitmap on the client area of an MDI parent form 在一个MDI父窗体的客户端区域显示一幅位图 www.iyuanma.com 2. Child Window Client Window Client Area Sub-Window 子窗口客户窗口客户区 wenku.baidu.com 3. The Size of the Client Area 客户区的尺寸 blog.csdn.net 4. A Windows program can also obtain a handle to a device context that applies to the entire window and not only to the window's client area Windows程序可以可获得应用于整个窗口而不只是窗口的客户区的关联设备句柄 www.zahui.com 5. Paint client area of window 绘制窗口客户区 blog.csdn.net |
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