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例句释义: 结成一个整体的,使结合的,使凝结的,使内聚的,粘着的,凝聚的,有结合力的 1. But in fact both approaches reflect a desire to see a reasonably cohesive EU as well as a viable euro. 但是实际上,这两种方法反映出对看到合理、富有凝聚力的欧盟和切实可行的欧元的渴望。 www.bing.com 2. it was about establishing a new and cohesive culture, with a clear-cut set of rules and a solid performance-management and feedback system. 它是有关建立新的和前后一贯的文化,藉由一轮廓清晰组的规则和坚硬的表现-管理和回应system。 279835489.szgaoju.com 3. But he said the company was thinking about ways to corral the "likes" and suggestions of its members into a more cohesive system. 但他说该公司正在研究将用户的“喜好”与建议归集于一个更有凝聚力的系统之中。 www.bing.com 4. Even the most cohesive and determined government would be hard-pressed to get out of this kind of fiscal mess. 就算是最具凝聚力、最坚定的政府也很难走出如此困境。 www.ecocn.org 5. Fortunately, there's no reason you can't keep the best of both environments to produce a rich, cohesive application. 幸运的是,您完全可以利用两种环境的优点来生成丰富、集成的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 6. The idea is to allow the user to view outside content without leaving your site , but the result is often less than cohesive . 原本是想允许用户在不离开站点的情况下查看外部内容,但结果往往不一致。 www.bing.com 7. Iraqis know that establishing a more cohesive and broader-based government is at least as important as beefing up the Iraqi security forces. 伊拉克人知道,建立一个更具凝聚力和民众基础更广泛的政府和加强伊拉克安全部队建设同样重要。 www.ecocn.org 8. Reduction of contact area between cohesive soil and the surface of dredging tools is able to decrease soil adhesion and cutting resistance. 降低粘性土壤对刀齿表面接触面积可以减小土壤对刀齿的粘附和降低刀齿切削土壤的阻力。 lib.cqvip.com 9. in which he portrayed Japan, with its strong economy and cohesive society, as the world's most dynamic industrial nation. 在书中,他把日本描述为世界上最具活力的工业国,这也是源于其有着强大经济实力以及其具有凝聚力的社会。 www.ecocn.org 10. Put forward a concept of macro-cohesive strength, witch could be obtained by back-analysis of the auto stability of the sandy pebble soil. 针对成都砂卵石地层提出了宏观内聚力的概念,指出可通过反分析的方法取得宏观内聚力的取值。 www.qk114.net 1. He does not see it as a proto -superstate, or a union cohesive enough to become a giant version of France, Germany or Britain. 他并不认为欧盟已经成为了一个超级大国,或是一个像扩大版的法国、德国和英国那样有足够凝聚力的共同体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Mr. Duggan's death, however, has become a forgotten footnote rather than any sort of cohesive rallying cry. 不过,杜干之死被大家所遗忘,却没有成为团结抗议者的统一诉求。 cn.wsj.com 3. RESULTS: With the organizational culture construction, cohesive force and innovative spirit of our staffs had been improved significantly. 结果:药剂科实施组织文化建设后,科室员工的凝聚力、创新精神等显著提高。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The Yamato cannon is a terrifying weapon that uses an intense magnetic field to focus a nuclear detonation into a cohesive beam of energy. 所向无敌的“大合炮”是种十分可怕的武器,它用强磁场把重核爆凝聚成一个能量束,形成炮火。 sc2bbs1.uuu9.com 5. In such a manner, the different development efforts are linked together in an integrated and cohesive manner. 以这样的方式,不同的开发目标以综合性和凝聚力的方式就联系在一起了。 www.ppmiao.com 6. It is the result of the cohesive forces acting at the surface of the liquid. 这是内聚力作用于液体表面的结果; www.doctorsky.cn 7. The Greenhouse is situated at the intersection of many landscapes and offers a way to unite the varied exhibit into a cohesive whole. 温室位于众多景观的交叉路口,使各种展品构成为一个整体。 www.bing.com 8. There must be a structure associated with the server to ensure the documentation is organized in a coherent and cohesive manner. 必须有与服务器相关联的结构,从而确保以一致的方式组织文档。 www.ibm.com 9. The invention has excellent heat-insulating property, high cohesive strength with the wall and is simple and convenient for construction. 本发明保温性能优越、与墙体粘结强度高、施工简单方便。 ip.com 10. Businesses have so many small needed that it is impossible for an IT department to come up with a cohesive solution to all needs. 业务部门可能会有很多小需求,IT部门不可能提供一套完整的解决方案来满足所有的需求。 www.ibm.com 1. The study of cohesive devices of Obama's addresses is mainly based on the theory of cohesion put forward by Halliday and his wife Hasan. 本文主要基于韩礼德夫妇提出的衔接理论,将衔接手段加以分类,并通过对语料库中抽取的实例进行分类分析。 www.boshuo.net 2. "I think the biggest challenge is building a cohesive user experience and enabling and allowing for multiple views, " he said. 多西表示:“我认为最大的挑战是打造天衣无缝的用户体验,以及让用户能从多种角度获得信息。” www.fortunechina.com 3. You integrate different technologies and products into a cohesive system that you can manage. 可以将不同的技术和产品集成到您能够管理的内聚系统中。 www.ibm.com 4. The attempt to calculate the cohesive energy of metals has scarcely been carried beyond the first column of the periodic table . 计算金属结合能的尝试几乎没有超过周期表上的第一行的范围。 www.bing.com 5. China would have to totally collapse and disintegrate as a cohesive nation state for it to happen. 如果这样,中国将会全面崩溃,瓦解成民族割据的国家。 www.ltaaa.com 6. BARACK OBAMA ran an impressively disciplined presidential campaign. He has presided over a notably cohesive White House. 奥巴马总统的竞选之路可说是相当严谨有序,而他的政府也是空前团结。 club.topsage.com 7. Chinese civilization, thanks to its strong cohesive power and inexhaustible appeal, has survived many vicissitudes intact. 中华文明,以其顽强的凝聚力和隽永的魅力,历经沧桑而完整地延续了下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. One of Australia's great strengths is its robust and cohesive society which embraces a wide range of cultural and religious traditions. 澳洲的其中一个优点是:祂是坚强而巩固的,具有凝聚力的,包融多种文化和宗教灵性传统的社会。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The product dissolves easily in water and its aqueous solution alkaline. It has good cohesive force. 易溶于水,水溶液呈碱性,有很好的粘结力。 mhaotw.com 10. A strong global campaign depends on consistent delivery of cohesive messaging. 一个强大的全球行动依赖于有亲和力的信息的准确传递。 www.21mishu.com 1. The theory of cohesive mind was the important cultural and psychological basis for the birth of cohesive moral. 先秦时期比兴思维是儒家“比德”观产生的重要文化心理基础。 www.jiaoyu85.com 2. Ye expressed the hope that CYL Branch would be functioning as a platform for League members thus enhancing their cohesive force. 叶总则表示,希望共青团工作能够成为加强员工凝聚力、向心力以及选拔优秀后备干部的平台。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This is called adsorbed water and is considered to give clays their cohesive and plastic properties. 这就是所谓吸附的水和被认为是给粘土其凝聚力和塑料性能。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Tests of cohesive pulling strength between the cloth and concrete are made to reveal the performance of reinforcement. 通过高强复合玻璃纤维布与混凝土正拉粘结强度试验研究了其加固性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Republican thoughts have great cohesive force to the European nations in the process of many years of division and reunion. 在千百年分散聚合的历史进程中,共和思想对于欧洲诸多民族始终具有强大的凝聚力。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. There needs to be a cohesive flow between rooms that always must be evaluated. 房间与房间之间要有联系,要协调,这一点不容忽视。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is often said that a special team spirit of solidarity, in particular, cohesive, what is? 人们常说这个球队特别有团结精神,特别有凝聚力,是指什么? zhidao.baidu.com 8. In theory, political parties could provide the cohesive force to balance the centrifugal influences of a fragmented committee system. 从理论上来说,政党可以提供一种内聚力来牵制分散的委员会体系的离心力。 www.jukuu.com 9. This can be used to pinpoint network problems or performance bottlenecks, and provides cohesive management for server farms. 这就能用来指出网络问题或性能瓶颈,为服务器群提供集中的管理。 www.jukuu.com 10. China's leaders consider, among other things, the Confucian ideal of moderation and a cohesive society in their planning. 除了其他事情之外,中国领导人还考虑儒家的中庸理想和他们规划中的和谐社会。 www.bing.com 1. As it entered new businesses its culture remained remarkably cohesive, thanks to strong leadership and its eschewal of big acquisitions. 随后它开拓新业务,得益于其有力的领导及对大型收购的避免,公司文化一直能保持很强的凝聚力。 www.bing.com 2. In the wake of the great event, people began to realize that a nation could not go without cohesive power. 那次重大事件之后,人们开始意识到一个民族不能没有凝聚力。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Libyan government forces appear more cohesive and have been able to regroup, a senior U. S. official said. 美国一名高级官员说,利比亚政府军看起来更具有凝聚力,能够重新组织起来。 c.wsj.com 4. It may strengthen a social the centripetal force, the cohesive force as well as melts and resists each kind of risk the ability. 它可以增强一个社会的向心力、凝聚力以及化解和抵御各种风险的能力。 www.13191.com 5. A wrenching decade resulted in a more flexible and competitive economy, though also a more unequal and less cohesive society. 十年的苦心经营成就了一个更加富有弹性和竞争力的经济体,但也造就了一个更加不平等、更加不团结的社会。 www.ecocn.org 6. The military are nowhere near as cohesive as they were, and their black operations are more difficult to control. 军队不再以曾经的方式紧密结合,他们的黑暗操作变得更难于控制。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. Application architectures exist to bring together the various aspects of an application into a cohesive form. 应用程序架构用来把应用程序的各个方面结合成一个整体。 www.ibm.com 8. 7 explained that the recording process has been lengthy in an attempt to create a cohesive record. 7还说整个录音过程一直都很漫长,以做出一张连贯有力的唱片。 www.eminem.cn 9. Ahh, another refreshing case of imagery and typography combined into one cohesive, readable, memorable logo. 还有一种新鲜的设计,将意象与美术体应刷结合在一起组成联系密切,可读性高,记忆深刻的商标。 www.bing.com 10. This article demonstrates a way to build the complete GUI by combining modular interactive elements into a cohesive whole. 本文展示如何将模块化的交互元素组合成统一整体来构建完整的GUI。 www.ibm.com 1. If we can't step in a cohesive coordinated fashion, then we're going to trip all over the place. and that's a messy company. 如果我们不能步调一致,那么我们就会分崩离析。那将是个混乱的公司。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. If methods and classes are highly cohesive, you are able to easily split off entire groups without affecting the design. 如果方法和类都具有高度的内聚力,则可以轻松地分解整个组而不影响设计。 www.ibm.com 3. The soil strength descends evidently and its strain rate increases as water content of cohesive soil with low swelling property increases. 随着具有微膨胀特性的黏性土含水量的增加,土体的强度显著下降,加载后的应变率增大。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. One of the beneficial characteristics that tests surface is really cohesive method. 测试显现的有益特性之一是真正内聚的方法。 www.ibm.com 5. The author skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole . 作者将一些片断巧妙地合并成有连贯性的整体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. When people tell the truth, their whole speech and non-verbal language are cohesive, each agreeing with the other. 当人们说真话时,话语和非言语信息保持一致。 www.bing.com 7. The art of good object-oriented design includes defining minimal, clear, and cohesive public abstractions. 好的面向对象设计的艺术在于定义最小的,清晰的,有凝聚力的公共抽象层。 www.bing.com 8. Keeping China cohesive and stable even as it quickly changes and relies more on the outside world will take new skills among its leaders. 在中国迅速变化并更多地依赖外部世界之时,保持中国的凝聚力和稳定需要领导人掌握新的技巧。 www.stnn.cc 9. The reduction of the surfactant concentration in the dispersions improves the cohesive strength of adhesives made with the dispersions. 分散体中表面活性剂浓度的降低改善了用所述分散体制备的粘合剂的内聚强度。 ip.com 10. Rosin is cohesive, fragile, removable and recyclable, and has a good reserve effect, can be used in wax printing technology. 松香具有粘度大、易碎裂、防染性好、易脱蜡及回收率高等特点,可用于手工蜡染。 www.chemyq.com 1. So confecting gravure printing ink, the ink that you want to enable the free flow of the brush, have a uniform and cohesive force. 因此配制凹印油墨时,要使油墨自由流畅,细腻均匀,且具有一定内聚力。 www.bing.com 2. The information, the creativity, the good faith show its key role as well as the cohesive force day by day in the time development's step. 信息、创意、诚信在时代发展的步调中日益彰显其核心作用以及凝聚力。 www.fenleibaba.com 3. Only the thermosetting resins provide a strong cohesive forces; this is due to molecular cross linkages. 只有热固性树脂具有巨大的凝聚力,这是由于分子交错链所造成的。 www.kuenglish.info 4. solid requirements - clear, complete, detailed, cohesive, attainable, testable requirements that are agreed to by all players. 详细需求-清晰、完整、详尽、紧密、可实现、可测试性的需求是所有相关人员都要的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Rather, this is an effort requiring dedication, discipline, and a cohesive Enterprise Transformation team. 相反,这是一项需要奉献、经验和有凝聚力的企业转化团队的工作。 www.ibm.com 6. Results The adhesion force and cohesive strength could be affected by the contents of sodium polyacrylate, PVA, Gelatin. 结果配方中各因素对粘着力、剥离强度的作用大小依次为聚丙烯酸钠、聚乙烯醇、明胶。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. While Dojo is a great toolkit, we feel that Ext offers a more cohesive framework for developing applications. 相比Dojo这个出色的工具包,我们认为Ext能提供一个粘合度更高的应用程序框架。 www.infoq.com 8. It would be so easy if you built a cohesive system that carries the entire transaction to create a receipt that is useful. 如果你建立一个,能覆盖整个交易过程,能产生有效的收据的系统,一切都会变得更容易。 open.163.com 9. Cohesive moral ranks among the leading contents of Confucian aesthetic theory. “比德”是儒家美学思想中的重要内容。 www.dictall.com 10. Overall, a cohesive, rational layout, the power of the national highway has initially formed. 总体而言、一个干支衔接、布局合理、四通八达的全国公路网已初步形成。 house.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The increased shear conditions around the blade are beneficial for mixing a cohesive API. 增加剪切条件,周围的叶片有利于混合一个有凝聚力的空气污染指数。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The music and the book are fine, but they do not fit very well into a cohesive unit. 音乐和书都很好,但他们不属于一个团结的整体很好。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Systematizing a vast assortment of rules into a cohesive whole. 把大堆杂乱的规则系统整理成连贯的整体。 iask.chinaenglish.com.cn 4. This integration scheme is used in an XFEM analysis to model the fracture of a three-point bending beam using the cohesive crack model. 利用基于该积分方案的扩展有限元程序,结合粘聚裂纹模型实现了对三点弯梁开裂过程的模拟。 www.dictall.com 5. The cohesive element for the nonlinear finite element software ABAQUS is used to simulate the interface between the stiffener and the skin. 利用非线性有限元软件ABAQUS粘接单元模拟筋条与蒙皮的脱层界面。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Other research also has shown that the health protective effects of cohesive neighborhoods may be stronger in whites. 其它的研究也显示了社区凝聚力的健康保护作用可能在白人中要大一些。 www.bing.com 7. At the end of the thesis, the writer found it effective to apply cohesive devices to practical listening teaching. 最后,笔者发现将语篇的衔接知识理论运用于实际英语听力教学中,是行之有效且效果显著的。 www.13191.com 8. To become a cohesive team, leadership must learn in the absence of perfect information, there is no unified decision-making advice. 要成为一个具有凝聚力的团队,领导必须学会在没有完善的信息、没有统一的意见时做出决策。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. thus full arouse the enthusiasm and creativity of talents, enhance the cohesive affinity of the enterprise and competitiveness. 从而科学充分的调动人才的积极性和创造性,增强企业的凝聚力和竞争力。 www.13191.com 10. A bilinear cohesive zone model was introduced to analyze the initiation and propagation of the low temperature crack of asphalt pavement. 为了深入分析沥青路面低温收缩裂缝的形成和扩展问题,引入了双线性内聚力模型。 airiti.com 1. Testing results showed that bearing capacity of cohesive subsoil decreases exponentially with the increasing width of loading plates. 试验结果表明,随压板宽度增加,黏性土地基承载力呈幂函数规律衰减。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. A cohesive team environment and involvement in enjoyably challenging practices help children learn invaluable social and personal skills. 一个有凝聚力的团体和参与有趣的挑战训练可以帮助孩子们学习宝贵的社交技巧。 bbs.runbible.cn 3. The gradeability of full-wheel driving vibratory rollers is related to its power, and restricted by cohesive factor. 全液压振动压路机的爬坡能力与动力有关系,并受到附着系数的限制。 www.dictall.com 4. The ruling elite around the family trinity might appear cohesive from a distance, but they are potentially vulnerable to intrigue. 围绕在这个家庭金三角周围的权力精英可能看起来很团结,但是他们在潜在的阴谋面前可能不堪一击。 www.bing.com 5. And groups that are more cohesive are more likely to survive in interactions with other groups. 那些更具凝聚力的群体更有可能在同其他群体交往中继续生存下去。 www.bing.com 6. Relying on tribal structures may work best in the south-east of the country, where the tribes are comparatively stable and cohesive. 在阿富汗的西南地区,依靠部族结构可能会发挥最好的作用,在这里各部族是比较稳定和有凝聚力的。 www.unsv.com 7. The characters of leaders, mechanisms of enterprise, common ideality are the cohesive force in enterprise. 领导的人格、企业的机制、共同的理想是企业凝聚力的关键。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. the fine way of our Party and government is the strong cohesive force that may improve development. 优良的党风政风是凝聚民心、带动发展的巨大力量; www.ceps.com.tw 9. It also stimulated potential which we have never realised and increased the energy and cohesive force of our group. 激发了自己以前没有的潜能,增强了团队的活力和凝聚力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The position of the cohesive zone, pressure drop and top gas temperature are affected by both air blast rate and combustion temperature. 鼓风速率和燃烧温度的变化影响软熔带的位置、炉内压力损失及炉顶煤气温度。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. But has this led to the emergence of a happier, more cohesive and more productive workforce? 但这让劳动大军更幸福、更团结、生产力更高了吗? www.ftchinese.com 2. The lattice constants and cohesive energy of the alloys were calculated, which agree well with the experimental data. 合金的许多宏观性能,如熔点,膨胀系数,弹性模量等都与结合能有关。 elec.wanfangdata.com.cn 3. Safe, cohesive, child-centred neighbourhoods, communities, and villages matter for early child development. 安全、亲密、以儿童为中心的邻里关系、社区以及村庄对儿童早期发育很重要。 www.who.int 4. Cured adhesive offers excellent cohesive strength, pull-out strength, torque and fatigue resistance under constant flexing. 提供优良的固化胶粘剂粘结强度,拔出强度,扭矩和抗疲劳性不断地挠曲。 www.taotaobang.net 5. Each use case was extremely cohesive, but consequently the use cases had a high degree of coupling. 每个用例极为内聚,但也因此造成用例间的高度耦合。 www.ibm.com 6. The president's advisers contend that they have never seen a force as cohesive, well-trained and ideologically driven. 总统顾问争辩,他们从未见到过如此团结,如此训练有素,如此理想化的军队。 www.bing.com 7. Middle Eastern politics is so complicated that even experts cannot agree on a cohesive policy. 中东政治如此复杂以致于甚至专家们也难以制定出统一的政策。 wenku.baidu.com 8. The thesis probes into E-C translation of personal reference as a cohesive tie from the perspective of text linguistics. 本文从篇章语言学的角度探讨了英汉翻译中人称照应这种衔接手段的翻译策略。 www.fabiao.net 9. Since the liquid is cohesive, there is a surface which does not touch the container wall. 由于液体是内聚性的,因而有一个表面不与容器的壁碰撞。 cfl.cqupt.edu.cn 10. To our knowledge, very few people have described quantitatively how cohesive devices can be translated into another language. 着重描述在翻译过程中,各类衔接手段之间是如何转换的。 www.juhe8.com 1. Asset-based development is about developing software solutions by (re)using cohesive, documented software artifacts. 基于资产的开发讨论的是通过使用(重用)具有内聚性且有恰当记录的软件构件开发软件解决方案。 www.ibm.com 2. Sealants - Determination of adhesive and cohesive force by endurance tensile strength after thermal treatment. 密封剂.热处理后用耐久拉伸强度测定粘附力和内粘聚力测定 www.mapeng.net 3. Our team is full of cohesive force and combat strength, and I love our team ardently. 我们的队伍非常有凝聚力和战斗力,我非常喜欢我们的团队。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Centrifugal model tests are conducted to investigate the behaviors of cohesive soil slopes with weak layers under rainfall condition. 进行了降雨条件下含软弱夹层黏性土坡的离心模型试验。 www.cgejournal.com 5. But since English and Chinese belong to two different language families, there inevitably exist many differences in cohesive devices. 但是由于英语和汉语属于不同的语系,其衔接手段必然存在不少的差异。 www.fabiao.net 6. In southern China, gravel containing cohesive soil side slope destabilization is the prime land slide type of transmission line side slope. 在我国南方地区,含碎石粘性土边坡失稳是输电线路边坡滑坡的主要类型。 www.dictall.com 7. Goal: Enhances the club interior cohesive force, meanwhile raises the members' cooperated consciousness. 目的:提高俱乐部内部的凝聚力,培养俱乐部成员的团队合作意识。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Sealants - Determination of adhesive and cohesive force by tensile strength test until rupture after thermal treatment. 密封剂.热处理后进行拉伸试验直至拉断时的粘附力和内粘聚力的测定 www.mapeng.net 9. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates conceded to the panel that the rebels are not a well-known or cohesive unit. 在国会上国防部长罗伯特盖茨承认利反对派缺乏团结声誉不佳。 www.bing.com 10. This cohesive strength permits columns of water to be pulled to great heights without being broken. 这种内聚压力使得水柱被拉到非常高的地方而不会断裂。 www.putclub.com 1. Previously, many representatives are encouraged to cohesive, national spirits. 此前曾有不少代表委员提出,国歌能凝聚人心、鼓舞斗志。 wenwen.soso.com 2. faction: a group of persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious minority within a larger group. 小集团,宗派:在较大的团体中由一群人形成的紧密结合在一起的有争议的少数派。 www.jukuu.com 3. Reforming and opening to the world has had an omnibearing influence on the ch. people's cohesive force in the present age profoundly. 改革开放对当代中华民族凝聚力也产生了全方位的深刻影响。 www.taojz.com 4. moving these "side-effect" statements to a loop makes your code more readable and cohesive. 把这些“副作用”语句移入一个循环,这样能让你的代码可读性更强,结构更好。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. The Yeti visualizations automatically group together the instances of objects into larger cohesive units. Yeti可视化显示自动将对象实例组织为更大的内聚单元。 www.ibm.com 6. Development of an enterprise depends on its cohesive force. 企业发展要靠增强企业凝聚力。 www.hjenglish.com 7. It's a great question, and it's taken me awhile to write this out in a cohesive way. 这个问题很有难度,而且它花了我好久的时间来把它用这种总结的方式写出来。 www.bing.com 8. Thank you! We tried to make it as cohesive as possible. 谢谢!我们努力使一切尽可能多的凝聚在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A less suitable basis for a cohesive economic bloc than Apec is hard to imagine. 很难想象,还有哪个凝聚的经济集团比APEC更缺少合适的基础。 www.ftchinese.com 10. COMPTUEX is designed to bring every intricate part of a strike group together to effectively and efficiently work as one cohesive unit. COMPTUEX是旨在使每一个战斗群一起错综复杂的一部分,有效和高效地工作,作为一个团结的整体。 forum.rbc.cn 1. Nearly all the harbors built on coast of cohesive sediment have serious sediment siltation problem. 淤泥质海岸上建起的港口一般都存在严重的泥沙淤积问题。 www.fabiao.net 2. The paper describes what cohesive force of group means and analyses the probable significant effect it is to make in library. 文章通过阐述群体凝聚力的内涵,分析了群体凝聚力在图书馆中的作用。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. Cultural development is an important element for building a cohesive society. 文化事业的推动,正是凝聚社会的重要元素之一。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Between ages three and four, children begin to give fairly lengthy and cohesive descriptions of events in their past. 在三岁到四岁之间,孩子们开始能够对自己的过去做出足够长且连贯的描述了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The changes must be in accord with the primary goal of the web design. This will make the site focused, organized and cohesive. 改变必须要与网站设计的主要目标相一致,这将使得整个网站更具焦点、组织性和粘合性。 www2.w3pop.com 6. This paper is dealt with the fluidization of cohesive particles under transverse rotating magnetic field. 本文研究了横向旋转磁场作用下粘性颗粒的气固流态化。 www.dictall.com 7. Cohesive soil with high liquid limit is not suitable to be used as fill material for road beds. 高液限粘土不适宜作为路基的填筑材料。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. The principal objective of this public service is to allow people to interact so as to build up a cohesive society. 该公共服务的最主要目的是让人们彼此互动,建立和谐社会。 www.globrand.com 9. Well-designed, cohesive components can be described in one simple sentence. 一个设计好的内聚组件可以用一句话来概括。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The erosion and deposition-induced shear stresses were considered in cohesive sediment transport model. 其中黏性泥沙输运模型考虑侵蚀和沉积剪切应力。 www.juyy.net 1. The application of Lattice Boltzmann Method provides a new way for the research of cohesive sediment transport. 上述研究成果对于建立合理的粘性泥沙输送模型具有重要意义。 word.hcbus.com 2. To probe the important action of head nurse management methods on department cohesive force and raising nursing quality. 探讨护士长的管理艺术,对调动大家积极性,加强科室内聚力,提高护理质量起着重要的作用。 www.chemyq.com 3. While in low quality group, lexical reiteration is the most often used type of cohesive device, followed by reference and conjunction. 但是在质量差的那组作文中,词汇重复用的最多,其次是指示和连接的使用。 www.fabiao.net 4. Value corporeal money only, ignored spirit cohesive affinity, it is breakneck to a nation thing. 只重视物质财富,不重视精神凝聚力,对一个民族来说是非常危险的事。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The image outside, cohesive strength, strengthen management, to create value is our business purposes. 外树形象,内聚实力,强化管理,创造效益是我们的企业宗旨。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Young's modulus and internal friction angle have great effect on base bearing capacity, but cohesive strength have little effect on it. 土的弹性模量和内摩擦角对桩端承载力均有较大的影响,而凝聚力则影响较小。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. A good test to determine whether a package is cohesive is whether you can give your package a short, descriptive name. 判断包的内聚性是否足够好有一个好的测试方法:是否可以给这个包取一个简短而有描述性的名字。 book.51cto.com 8. It's no coincidence that his coherent speech conforms to the code of conduct of the cohesive coalition. 他的条理清晰的话符合那个有凝聚力(团结)的联盟的行为准则,这并非巧合。 xiaoyu.8310.blog.163.com 9. This goal is easier to achieve with cohesive components: Each component should have one responsibility. 这个目标很容易通过内聚组件来实现:每个组件应该只有一个职责。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The adjusted levee around Eastern Tai Lake is formed of cohesive hydraulic fills, which include lots of pebble-shaped clods. 东太湖堤线调整大堤由黏性土水力吹填形成,填土中含大量鹅卵状土块。 www.gcdz.org 1. Mr Prince wants to make Citi one cohesive company, rather than a jumbled group amassed under a single canopy. 他想让花旗银行成为一个具有凝聚力的公司,而不是一个杂七杂八的“集团”,躲在同一顶保护伞下。 www.ecocn.org 2. Work as a cohesive unit with fellow team members and personnel of other departments. 与其他团队成员及其他部门员工关系融洽,形成一个有凝聚力的团体。 bj.liecai.com 3. perhaps someone in the management of the side, so that cohesive organizations. 在管理中有人道化的一面,使组织具有凝集力。 www.starlunwen.com 4. Learning about "concerns" is important in determining how to organize functions and classes to be tightly cohesive. 了解“关注点”对于决定如何紧密地联系函数和类十分重要。 www.ibm.com 5. New Hotel and Resorts- design in close conjunction with hotel or resort architects to ensure a cohesive design package. 新饭店和度假村-与饭店或度假村的建筑师密切协作以确保制定出具有内聚力的设计方案。 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. Their cohesive offense, deadly shooting, unselfish passing, and swarming defense boosted to Lakers to a 39-20 lead at the quarter-break. 团队进攻,致命的投篮,无私的传球还有快速移动的防守使得湖人在第一节以。 www.kobechina.com.cn 7. Object-oriented programming has two main objectives: to build highly cohesive classes and to maintain loose coupling between those classes. 面象对象编程有两个主要的目标:构建高聚合的类并维护这些类之间的低耦合性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Played by colleagues can enhance team cohesive force. It is a necessity of domestic living, traveling and business management. 多人一起踢更可提高团队凝聚力,是居家度日,外出旅行,企业管理之必备良品。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Third, some more cohesive. The thin is viscoelastic on solidification, reheating melting, use it again. 第三,有再黏性。当其涂刷在被黏物上冷却固化后,还可以重新加热熔融,再次使用。 www.bing.com 10. The present invention discloses a hot-melt adhesive with excellent surface cohesive force for polypropylene (PP) and metal. 本发明涉及一种粘合剂,公开了一种对聚丙烯、金属均有优良表面粘接力的聚丙烯、金属用热熔粘合剂。 ip.com 1. Methods of making such cohesive non-free flowing sweetener compositions are also provided. 还提供了制造这种非自由流动性粘结甜味剂组合物的方法。 ip.com 2. The goal is to leverage technology to create a cohesive team, even if team members are miles apart. 目标是权衡技术来创建一个合作的团队,尽管团队成员可能相隔很远。 www.ibm.com 3. Honorable person CS is mainly strengthens the staff cohesive force and team cooperation ability. 真人CS主要是增强员工凝聚力与团队协作能力。 www.qdcs5.com 4. The use of JMS as a distributed transport makes for a cohesive story. 将JMS作为分布式传输协议使用将实现一个具有内聚性的系统。 www.infoq.com 5. Cohesive means that acertainclass performs a set of closely related actions. 聚合意思着一个普通的类执行一系列的密切相关的动作。 www.bing.com 6. It prefers cohesive failure at high temperature, otherwise it tend to interface failure at high loading rate. 提高温度有利于出现内聚破坏,而提高实验速度则易于出现界面破坏。 www.chemyq.com 7. It shall increase the cohesive power, influence and attractiveness of Chinese culture. 增强中华文化的凝聚力、影响力和感召力。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Another possibility is that schizophrenia is more likely to be detected in more socially cohesive neighbourhoods. 另外一个可能性就是在邻里关系更和谐的社区,精神分裂症更容易被察觉。 www.elanso.com 9. But outside of increasing their wealth, I do not see a cohesive social vision or a "Chinese Dream" . 但是,除了财富增长外,我看不到一个内聚的社会梦想或者“中国梦”。 www.bing.com 10. But Howard is more resemblant of Pippen as a cohesive force at both ends of the court. 其实Howard更像Pippen,在攻防两端都是粘合力。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Composed method encourages building software with lots of cohesive methods. 组合方法可以用许多内聚的方法构建软件。 www.ibm.com 2. In this case, "cohesive strength" and "tensile strength" are not exactly identical in concept. 此处“内聚强度”与“拉伸强度”两个概念并不完全相同。 emuch.net 3. It is not easy for large groups to share responsibilities and generate a cohesive common purpose. 大集团要分担责任和达成一致的共同目标绝非易事。 web.worldbank.org 4. It is superior to sodium silicate cement in impermeability , resistance to dilute acid and cohesive strength. 钾水玻璃胶泥的抗渗透性、耐稀酸性和粘结强度高于钠水玻璃胶泥。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Objectively, emphasis should be laid on how to develop cohesive force in students' colonies and good interpersonal relations. 客观方面,应培养学生群体的内聚性和良好的人际关系等; www.ceps.com.tw 6. Leaders are the core of cohesive force, who should treat workers as their brothers and sisters with both rigid and care of them. 领导是凝聚力的核心,领导对待员工要像对待自己兄弟姐妹一样,既要严格又要细心爱护。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In Afghanistan, where withdrawal dates have already been set, it is difficult to believe that a cohesive unified state can be established. 在阿富汗,撤军的日期已经划定,很难相信,一个具备凝聚力的国家将能在那里建立起来。 www.bing.com 8. Domain modeling is when you create a model of the problem domain and divide it into cohesive groups. 域建模指的是,您对问题域创建相应的模型并且把它划分为若干个内聚组的过程。 www.ibm.com 9. skilled at building a cohesive team and facilitating goal accomplishment. 能够促进一个运作良好的团队的建立和和巩固; www.010so.com 10. So, here we can only consider that boundary region has a lower cohesive rather than than lower tensile strength. 因此,此处只能说明边界区域的内聚强度小而不能说其拉伸强度小。 emuch.net 1. cohesive strength is too small bridgeis cannot be bonded. 内聚强度过小则无法黏结牢固。 www.bing.com 2. other smaller and less cohesive bands of physics are heading in quit different directions. 其他比较小并且较不物理言词一致带正在带领在被放弃的不同的方向。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. A clear technical strategy, founded on evidence, is the most persuasive way to unite partners in a cohesive approach. 一项以证据为基础的明确技术战略最能够说服各伙伴一致采取统一方法。 www.who.int 4. As with military units worldwide, they will not be cohesive during and after the pole shift. 对于全世界的军事单位来说,在极移期间和极移以后他们不会有力结合在一起。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Getting them as a team is the biggest thing. We talked about playing as a cohesive team and we haven't achieved that yet. 得到他们就是队伍的一件大事,我们讨论比赛就象一个团队,但是我们至今没有做到。 www.englandbbs.com 6. Collective turnover which is a cohesive and clustered employee flow is different from the individuals'turnover in the consequence. 作为集群的有连带关系的人员流动方式,群体离职与个体离职在影响后果方面具有明显的差异性。 www.fabiao.net 7. Behind the scenes, the show was known for its unusually cohesive and unified cast. 在幕后,这部剧集还以它非同一般富有凝聚力和统一的演员阵容而闻名。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. City of Melbourne asked Landor to develop a cohesive brand strategy and new identity system. 墨尔本问朗涛发展一套连贯的品牌战略、新身份系统。 gtn9.com 9. The less tribally cohesive, more fragmented West is, meanwhile, losing out. 而西方的部落凝聚力越小,就越分化,同时将失去优势。 www.bing.com 10. Wugs, likewise, are neither an evolutionarily nor ecologically nor otherwise cohesive group. “wugs”也是类似,既不是一种进化结果,也不是生态学或其他相近组群。 www.bing.com 1. Food companies value the clear cohesive pastes produced from waxy maize Starch. 食品厂用含蜡玉米淀粉生产透明粘性糊料。 dict.ebigear.com 2. An SOA links together many disparate services into one cohesive interoperating environment. SOA将很多异类服务连接为一个具有内聚性的互操作环境。 www.ibm.com 3. and, socially, it will help to make Chile a moral, cohesive, fraternal and peaceful society. 而在社会上,将有助于使智利成为一个道德的、有凝聚力的、友爱且和平的社会。 www.ecocn.org 4. In addition, cohesive strength between casing and cement mantle should be strengthened. 除此之外,还应该加强套管与水泥环之间的粘结强度。 www.lw23.com 5. The user experience should not only be cohesive, but it should extend beyond a single transaction. 用户体验不仅应该具有内聚性,还应该加以扩展,超越单事务模式。 www-128.ibm.com 6. You can still combine hdb1 and hdb3 into a single, cohesive whole using linear mode. 您仍可以运用线性模式将hdb1和hdb3组合为具有内聚性的单一线性卷。 www.ibm.com 7. The joint failure by shear tension is the mixture failure of interface and cohesive. 接头静拉破坏形式为界面破坏和内聚破坏的混和破坏。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. It's this unusual experience that has made us mature and made the school so cohesive and tightly knit. 正是这段与众不同的经历,使得我们更加成熟独立,使得这个团体更加有凝聚力。 campwon.blog.163.com 9. What is the key to harmonizing all of those various disciplines into one cohesive treatment plan? 协调所有这些不同学科进入一个整体治疗方案的关键是什么? www.idiabetes.com.cn 10. Highly cohesive OO designs are focused and organized in related modules. 具有高度内聚力的OO设计被集中并组织到相关模块中。 www.ibm.com 1. These individual principles are not new, but are now exposed as one cohesive unit. 这些单独的原则并不是新的,但是现在作为单个内聚的单元来公开。 www.ibm.com 2. Both are important to the signaling required to produce cohesive action by cells in tissue. 钙及β肾上腺素能效应均为细胞形成组织发挥作用的重要信号通路。 news.dxy.cn 3. though also a more unequal and less cohesive society. 但是社会仍然不平等而且凝聚力不强。 ecocn.org 4. High cohesive strength for optimum heat resistance. 高凝聚强度,最佳的抗热性能; www.e-gtm.com.cn 5. The resulting two-layer raft is cohesive, buoyant and water-repellent. 形成了一个凝聚力的、有浮力的和能防水的两层式筏子。 club.topsage.com 6. PIMCO's cohesive culture also gives it more reason than most to worry about the impact of splashy deals. 在企业文化影响下,对于大手笔交易,PIMCO要比其他人有更多理由表示担心。 www.bing.com 7. These recognize that a good team acts not as a collection of individuals, but as a cohesive unit. 这些都指出一个优秀团队不是一群个体,而是一个有凝聚力的集体。 www.ibm.com 8. To do so, I must ensure that the guidance we provide is cohesive and based on the best evidence. 为此,我必须确保我们提供的指导是一致的并以最佳证据为基础。 www.who.int 9. Is water cohesive by nature or not? 水是否本身就有内聚性呢?。 chinafanyi.com 10. The high requirement on the supervising equipment of blast furnace is needed in the cohesive zone model of Baogang. 宝钢软熔带模型对高炉监测装置要求较高; www.chemyq.com 1. "Wet" keratin, under the microscope, appears as cohesive eosinophilic squames arranged in pavement-like sheets. 湿角蛋白镜下是鳞状细胞排列呈致密的嗜酸性团块。 ipathology.org.cn 2. Give one entity one cohesive responsibility. 一个实体应该只有一个紧凑的职责。 spaces.msn.com 3. This is a sign that they may be interacting and merging with neighbouring galaxies to form larger, cohesive structures. 这标志着他们或许正与附近的星系发生相互作用并合并形成更大的有凝聚力的结构。 www.astronomy.com.cn 4. Figure 7. 8: Relationship between friction angles and cohesive strengths mobilised at failure of slopes in various materials. 图7.8:摩擦角之间的关系,并在各种材料斜坡破坏团结动员优势。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. This result implies that simple repetition is also the first choice for English majors to make the text cohesive and coherent. 这个结果显示简单重复也是英语专业学生为了使语篇更加衔接与连贯而最常用的衔接手段。 www.fabiao.net 6. This use of interfaces and metadata in the manifest enforces loosely coupled yet tightly cohesive modules. 这些接口和清单中的元数据的使用实现了松散耦合但紧密聚合的模块。 www.ibm.com 7. Foremost in this agenda is the need to build vibrant cities, cohesive societies and clean governments. 在这个议程中,最重要的是需要建立充满活力的城市、具有凝聚力的社会和廉洁的政府。 web.worldbank.org 8. She leads a cohesive team of youth, creating Starwood quality. Ms. 带领一支青春有凝聚力的团队,创造了[喜达屋]品质; www.88ht.com 9. You have seen how they need to be interconnected and coordinated to create a cohesive application. 您已经看到了,需要怎样把它们互相连接和调整它们以创建一个内聚的应用程序。 www.ibm.com 10. Wolves' cohesive power, group spirit and training is central to their life. 狼群的凝聚力、团队精神和训练成为决定它们生死存亡的决定性因素。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. When a cohesive plan is developed that is satisfying, the individual elements become less important. 当你建立起相应的令人满意的计划时,个人因素的重要性就变得小一些。 www.elanso.com 2. To reduce viscosity reduce the cohesive force it back get dirty. 黏度减小即内聚力贬矮,便当变成背后蹭脏。 www.bing.com 3. Before disaster, cohesive affinity always is more powerful. 在灾难面前,凝聚力总是更加强大。 itzhe.cn 4. Using the right techniques, anyone has the ability to get millions of people organized in a cohesive way. 运用合适的技术,所有人都有能力紧密组织百万人的群体。 www.bing.com 5. In few words a place to have a cohesive community working together. 换言之,就是形成一个更有凝聚力的社区,让大家可以一起工作。 www.infoq.com 6. Shahabpur, a village on the Gangetic plain, is caste-addled and somehow cohesive. 沙哈布普,一个坐落于恒河平原的村庄,有着混乱的种姓阶级以及某种凝聚力。 www.bing.com 7. Norway is a small, cohesive and proud country. 挪威这个国家以小而有凝聚力为豪。 www.bing.com 8. That likely helped to make the group cohesive and stable -- and gave them hope. 这可能促使了这些矿工的团结和稳定,并给了他们希望。 c.wsj.com 9. Are Cohesive Groups More Effective? 向心力强的群体是否更有效率? www.8848hr.com 10. As for the middle class, it is much less cohesive and idealistic. 中产阶级也变得没那么理想化和有凝聚力。 www.ecolion.cn 1. Insuch a manner thecorpor develop effort, the different development efforts are linked together in anintegrated and cohesive manner. 以这样的方式,不同的开发目标以综合这样企业开发性和凝聚力的方式就联系在一起了。 www.cto360.com 2. The sweatshop situation's kind of cohesive and kind of take advantage on the people that are poor and at an economic disadvantage. 血汗工厂里的情况,有一点凝聚力,还有点就是利用那些贫困的,经济状况不好的人们。 tieba.baidu.com 3. The electroluminescent layer (19) and the filter layer (20, 21) are integrated within a cohesive sequence of layers. 电致发光层(19)和过滤层(20,21)整合到粘着顺序的层中。 ip.com 4. I find it very significant that a cohesive climate change signal emerges from the data. 我认为大气变化信号从这些资料中很显著的显现出来。 www.huaxia-ng.com 5. Develop cohesive teams within each operation units and within all manufacturing facilities in China. 与中国区的各家工厂和各运营单位发展成为紧密合作的团队。 www.lietou.com 6. Reason: too dilute ink and cohesive. 原因:油墨太稀和粘性不合适。 www.bing.com 7. Based upon the cohesive, efficient and aligned processes to learn, change and innovate so as to respond to the new environment. 基于衔接、有效而一致的过程进行学习、变革和创新,以适应变化了的环境。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. As a discourse cohesive device, omission has attracted more and more attention in the academic circles. 省略作为一种篇章衔接手段,是越来越受到学术界关注的焦点。 9. Its anti-scour ability is weak because the cohesive force between earth granules is small. 由于土料颗粒间的粘结力很小,因此土石坝抗冲能力较低。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The firm lacks cohesive force. 公司没有凝聚力。 www.bing.com 1. and it is coherent with respect to itself, and therefore cohesive. 它自身是连贯的,因而是衔接的。 www.lw23.com 2. thus, you should use cohesive elements so that your sentences, paragraphs and the whole text make sense. 因此,你应该使用相互一致的语言,使句子,段落和整个文本更能说明问题。 www.bing.com 3. It has a cohesive workforce and it can still come up with innovative products. 它有一支具有内聚力的劳动力大军,这支队伍仍然可以拿出创新的产品。 www.ecocn.org 4. These two new classes with their highly cohesive methods have low coupling because they can be used completely independently of one another. 这两个拥有高度内聚力方法的新类的耦合性都很低,因为可以完全独立地使用。 www.ibm.com 5. We listed our Top 10 Facebook Apps: Work in July, but at that time there was no way to create a cohesive groupware environment in Facebook. 7月时,我们曾经列出过Facebook的10个顶级应用程序,但在那个时候,在Facebook中还没有办法开发出具有粘合力群体软件环境。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The cohesive devices can make the language concise, information prominent and the logic clear. 衔接可以使语篇的语言简练,信息突出,逻辑连贯。 www.fabiao.net 7. In addition, a text can be regarded as a whole with the help of cohesive devices in English writing teaching. 另外,在英语作文的教学中,可以将文章看成是一个由众多衔接工具组成的统一整体。 www.13191.com 8. This paper concentrates on demonstratives as cohesive devices in English discourses. 本文主要是对指示词在英文写作中作为衔接手段进行研究。 www.fabiao.net 9. Personal reference exists in English and Chinese as grammatical cohesive device. 人称照应衔接手段存在于英汉两种语言中。 lib.cqvip.com 10. So quilt. Spend hours every day integrating the people you work with into a cohesive group. 所以,每天花些时间凝聚你的团队。 www.en369.cn 1. At the same time, we want to build one cohesive organization. 与此同时,我们也希望建立一个有凝聚力的组织。 chinese.wsj.com 2. From innovative ink, to come and have a good cohesive, and this is very critical. 从油不朱方面看,给来有较好的黏性,这也是很关头的。 www.bing.com 3. Because the adhesive strength, viscosity, cohesive, and so we can decide the book bond stretch. 因为胶粘剂的强度、粘度、粘性等才能决定书册粘结的牢度。 www.bing.com 4. And thus we can make a broader social, and make our class more united, more cohesive. 这样才能让自己的社交更广,才能让一个班更团结,更具有凝聚力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Analysis on Carbon Fiber's Stress Distribution within the Cohesive Length of the Bending Members 受弯构件黏结长度内碳纤维应变分布的分析 service.ilib.cn 6. The higher these cohesive forces are, the higher the surface tension will be 内聚力越大,表面张力越高? wenku.baidu.com 7. Determination of Cohesive Strength and Length of the Grouted Part of Prestressed Cables 预应力锚索内锚段粘结强度及长度的确定 www.ilib.cn 8. small vertical scribe cohesive style of the node into a flat horizontal stretch; 将小篆纵长内聚的结体风格变为横扁舒展; learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Correlations between Compressibility and Micro Structural Form of Cohesive Soils 某粘性土压缩性与微结构形态之间的关系 www.ilib.cn 10. Study of Deformation Behavior of Grouting Materials of Post-tension Cohesive Prestressed Concrete 后张有粘结预应力混凝土灌浆料变形行为研究 www.ilib.cn |
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