单词 | beginner |
释义 | beginners是beginner的复数
复数:beginners 例句释义: 初学者,创立人,新手人生,初学者咨询,航模新手学堂 1. Usually, for beginners the best places to gather information about this re-emerging and mysterious topic, is at local lectures or workshops. 一般对初学者来说,收集那些多次显现和具有神秘色彩信息的最合适地方是当地的讲演或专题讨论会。 www.bing.com 2. He said leeks were his favorite vegetable, and he had read that they were easy for beginners to grow and bring in a stable income. 韭菜是他的最爱,同事他了解到韭菜也非常容易种植并且收益稳定。 www.bing.com 3. It does not cover all aspects of Cake, merely enough to enable beginners to understand terminology they may not be familiar with. 它并不包含CakePHP的所有方面,仅仅是帮助初学者能够理解他们还不熟悉的领域。 www.bing.com 4. What beginners call gut feel is usually an urge to gamble, and I tell them they have no right to a gut feel. 新手的内心感觉就是赌博的冲动,我告诉他们,他们并没有权利谈自己的内心感觉。 bbs.translators.com.cn 5. The word "meditation, " however, tends to be daunting to beginners. 不过对初学者来说,“冥想”这个词让人望而却步。 www.ebigear.com 6. However, this does not prevent beginners from oo to understand some basic ideas and methods of a number of packages. 但是这并不妨碍初学者从中了解一些基本的oo思想和一些封装方法。 3333355555.com 7. Reciting the texts seems to be quite dull, but it is really helpful for learning English, especially for the beginners. 背课文看起来的确很枯燥,但是对英语学习很有帮助,尤其是初学者。 bj.58.com.cn 8. But things were different for BEginners. "For BEginner exercisers, mirrors can BE daunting, " she said. 但是这对于初学者来说就不一样了。她说:“镜子会令初学者感到畏惧。” dict.ebigear.com 9. Neon tetras are very popular due to their splendid colors and are easy to care for, even by beginners. 由于霓虹灯拥有绚丽的体色,并且即便对于新手来说也是易于照顾的鱼类,所以它们非常受欢迎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Trying to read your broker's voice is a sign of insecurity, a common state for beginners. 听经纪人的话说明你感觉不安全,这是新手的普遍特征。 www.bing.com 1. While other beginners are star struck and try to dazzle the fans, often with poor results, Kaka has been a model of discipline and teamwork. 当其他的新人还在跌跌撞撞,还在试图迷惑球迷的时候,卡卡已经成为纪律和团队运动的榜样了。 www.hicoo.net 2. The book is written in such simple English that beginners can understand it without looking up in a dictionary. 这本书是用如此简单的英语写的,所以初学者不用查词典也能读懂。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. For beginners? You've got to be kidding. I'm going to the advanced run. 初级练习场?你在开玩笑。我要去高级滑道。 pdf.sznews.com 4. It's easy to think the basics of business are for beginners. 人们很容易认为企业的基本要素是新手要学习的东西。 www.bing.com 5. At the beginning of the term, some beginners began to recite the words. 在学期一开始时,一些初学者就开始背单词了 wenku.baidu.com 6. Carroll, who runs a chain of English-language schools in Shanghai, said the service is designed for "absolute beginners" . 在上海创办了英语语言分校的卡罗尔说,这些服务是为“绝对初学者”设计的。 www.bing.com 7. Compound workouts are good for beginners and for toning certain parts of the body. 新手选择混合锻炼更好一些,对于增强身体的某一部分也很有帮助。 www.bing.com 8. It's not particularly good looking, neither on the customer nor the user side, but it works right out of the box and is ideal for beginners. 它外观并不很好看,不管是对顾客还是用户,不过却可以很快上手,对于新手来说很很理想。 www.bing.com 9. Some discussion of the role of securitisation and systemic risk is essential, even if it feels like a lot of detail for beginners to grasp. 证券化的作用和系统风险的内容有必要经过讨论,即使这些知识超过初学者需要掌握的范围。 www.ecocn.org 10. The game consists of a few tens of rounds at varying levels of difficulty suitable both beginners including children and advanced users. 游戏构成的数轮在不同程度的困难,既适合初学者,包括儿童和先进用户。 xtdownload.com 1. Little experience, a spit faster. Want to help beginners. If it is not appropriate to welcome correction. 小小心得,一吐为快。希望对初学者有所帮助。如有不妥,欢迎指正。 ftp.hackchina.com 2. Personals system to this one, for beginners would be a good tutorial, which can refer to the procedure, giving top priority. 这个一个交友系统,对于初学者,会是一个比较好的教程,可以参考里面的程序,举一反三。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 3. While only 10% of a product's users are beginners, all users of the product must pass through the state of being a beginner user. 虽然只有10%的产品用户是初学者,但是所有的产品用户都要经历初学者的阶段。 www.infoq.com 4. Is to be found in the play of all beginners, and seems to come to them quite naturally. 要相当自然地在所有的初学者的游戏中被发现,而且像是走近他们。 www.downxiazai.cn 5. A very common fault among beginners is to let the catching hand go too early in the movement. 初学者容易犯的一个错误就是在做动态时过早的出手。 www.bing.com 6. linux under a self-linux-based file system database, the realization of a simple database operation, suitable for beginners. 自编的一个基于linux文件系统的数据库,实现简单的数据库操作,适于初学者。 ftp.hackchina.com 7. For the beginners studying Empirical Criminology, being universalized in measuring standard has a unique sense of meaning. 对于初学实证的我国犯罪学界,普及量具标准化意识有独特的意义。 lib.cqvip.com 8. This is most commonly used as a basic form of English to be taught for beginners in various parts of Asia. 在亚洲的许多地区,基础英语是英语初学者们的基本学习内容; www.hjenglish.com 9. By explaining every little detail of each step, this tutorial should be a good exercise for the beginners among you. 这篇讲解的每一个制作步骤都非常详细,所以对那些初学者来说,这是一个非常棒的学习材料。 www.elanso.com 10. The split-complimentary color scheme is often a good choice for beginners, because it is difficult to mess up. 分散的互补色系对于初学者是很好的选择,无论你怎么搭都很好看。 www.bing.com 1. Beginners complain about getting whipsawed, stopped out of trades that eventually would have made them money. 新手抱怨止损就是被洗,认为如果不设止损,最终会获利。 www.bing.com 2. perpetual intermediates, because although beginners quickly improve to become intermediates, they seldom go on to become experts. 因为新手虽然能很快进步成为中间用户,但他们很少能够继续成为专家。 www.jukuu.com 3. Beginners can benefit from meditation, but it takes practice to see real benefits. 初学者可以受益于冥想,但需要多加练习才能真正从中受益。 www.kekenet.com 4. simple list of examples of the controls used to control the presentation and easily understood, especially for beginners. 简单的列表控件例子该控件为常用的报表格式,简单易懂,特别适合初学者。 www.showxiu.com 5. Furthermore, our obsession with practice comes with serious drawbacks, since the tedium of practice can prove discouraging for beginners. 除此之外,过度练习还会带来严重的弊端,因为练习过程中的单调沉闷也许会让初学者丧失兴趣。 www.bing.com 6. The first is for beginners, those of you who are unfamiliar with the inner realms of your own consciousness. 第一种是给你们之中那些还不熟悉你们自己意识之内在领域的初学者们。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Beginners are too easy to make such mistakes. 初学者容易犯这样的毛病。 8. Even Python beginners should be able to follow the subsequent directions. 即便是Python的初学者也能理解后继的用法。 www.ibm.com 9. Small Basic: Small Basic is a simplified programming language and environment to help teach programming to beginners. SmallBasic:SmallBasic是一种简化的编程语言和环境,主要为编程初学者提供指导。 blog.joycode.com 10. Switched range analogue multimeters are very cheap but are difficult for beginners to read accurately, especially on resistance scales. 量程转换型指针万用表是非常便宜的,但是对于新手使用者来说除了电阻档以外,都是很难读数的。 blog.163.com 1. For beginners, I ask that you first take your walk, allowing the full anchoring and grounding of your soul into your form. 对新手而言,我请你先去进行你的步行,允许你灵魂完全锚定和根植入你的形体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The book written in simple English, English beginners were able to read it. 该书是用简单英语写的,英语初学者也能看懂。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. As limited, and animation targeted at beginners, so animation is a little nagging, please bear with me. 由于水平有限,而且动画定位于初学者,所以动画会显得有点唠叨,请各位多多包涵。 3333355555.com 4. It helps beginners familiarize themselves with MySQL without having to deal with what can be intimidating command-line interfaces. 它可以帮助初学者熟悉MySQL,而不用使用命令行接口来处理这些任务。 www.ibm.com 5. The latest news and valuable advices are among the Forex robot reviews can provide, they also offer tips, and strategies even for beginners. 最新的消息和宝贵意见机器人之间的外汇交易可以提供的评论,他们还提供提示,即使是初学者和策略。 corrugatedroofing.info 6. Code format: text Baidu keyword, SEO beginners seems that in some seemingly hard to understand, ha ha, is actually very simple too. 代码格式:文本百度关键词,在一些SEO初学者看来这个貌似很难懂,哈哈,其实很简单得。 www.82g.com.cn 7. So, to facilitate such situations, the beginners note using real concepts to help direct their mind to these realities. 所以为了应对这种情况,初学者观照时使用真实概念以助其心导向究竟真实法。 wap.folou.com 8. That's an interesting point, but don't you think long texts don't suit beginners? 这个观点挺有意思.但是你不认为长的课文对初学者不太适合吗? www.bing.com 9. Web hosting can be a bit overwhelming for beginners. 主办网站可以为初学者有点压倒性。 actuafreearticles.com 10. Jack Kornfield's book, Meditation for Beginners, is one of the best, quick-reads on meditation you'll find. 你会发现这是一本非常优秀的书,关于冥想的快速阅读。 www.elanso.com 1. Cairo will not draw anything without a stroke, and accidentally failing to include the stroke is a common problem for beginners. 如果不设置笔画,cairo就不绘制任何东西。忘记设置笔画是初学者经常犯的错误。 www.ibm.com 2. in this it is recommended for beginners to use smaller brand practice build a licence, Pai, slowly getting old, enjoy the sense of weight! 在此建议初学者先用较小的牌练习砌牌、摸牌,慢慢再越打越大,享受那重量感!。 www.524w.com 3. Beginners do not need live data because they have to put all their attention into learning to trade with daily and weekly charts. 新手并不需要即时波动数据,因为他们的重点是学习利用日线图和周线图进行交易。 www.bing.com 4. Most beginners are difficult to understand the American speech. 大多数初学者是很难听懂美国人讲话的。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Interactive mode contains a number of help features and is ideal for beginners while script-mode is best suited for algorithm development. 交互模式包含了许多帮助特征,并且对初学者是理想的选择,而脚本模式最适合于算法开发。 chinapubmed.net 6. In vocabulary learning, English for beginners can not be merely the surface meaning of the word, but also learn its cultural connotations. 在词汇学习时,英语初学者不能只停留在单词的表层意义上,也要学习它的文化内涵。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. For beginners or lower stage of a student perspective, cultural barriers, and sometimes is simply insurmountable. 对于初学者或者较低阶段的学习者来说,文化障碍有时简直是难以逾越的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. It is an extremely easy to use framework that is ideal for beginners to advanced coders. 这是一款无论对初学者还是职业程序员而言都及其简单的开发框架。 www.bing.com 9. There are numerous products trying to educate beginners, but at the same time they are really annoying to intermediate users of the product. 大量产品可以帮助培养初学者,但同时它们也干扰着该产品的中级用户。 www.infoq.com 10. This book is dedicated to foreign English students, especially those Chinese learners from beginners to the advanced. 本书写给非英语国家的英语学习者——尤其是那些中国学习者,范围从初学者到熟练者。 english.31931.cn 1. This method should be useful for both beginners and experts since it decreases the duplication of code and its nice URL-based access. 这个方法对于初学者和专业人员都是有益的,因为它减少了代码的复制量以及它的良好的基于URL的存取。 osl.bsw.net.cn 2. He made the usual mistakes which all beginners make. 他犯了初学者常犯的错误。 www.xuehaiedu.cn 3. Is a wonderful book on Scheme programming for beginners, which really teaches how to think like a Scheme programmer. 是关于Scheme编程的面向初学者的一本好书,它将真正教您如何像Scheme程序员那样去思考。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Check out his 11-minute video where he walks through some great meditation techniques for beginners. 看看他的11分钟视频,这里他表演了一些很适合初学者的冥想技巧。 www.elanso.com 5. It is only that classical novels are less accessible to beginners due to their language styles and social background. 主要的原因是因为古典文章对于新手来说由于它的年代和语言方式更为难以理解。 www.ebigear.com 6. Oh, certainly. Certainly. I'm always willing to help beginners. Just call me Big Brother Dave. 喔,没问题。我一直都很乐意帮助初学者。只要叫我迪夫大哥就好了。 talk.oralpractice.com 7. Stroke order demonstration of Chinese word by animation step by step to help beginners master it easily. 以动画的方式一笔一画的演示汉字的书写顺序,使初学者更容易掌握。 www.yeedou.com 8. Think of beginners mind as the mind that faces life like a small child, full of curiosity and wonderand amazement. 初学者的心态正如一个更生儿面对这个世界一样,永远布满猎奇、求知欲、赞叹。 www.sdhxkj.com 9. Jenny Hadfield, a Chicago-based running coach tells beginners, "Start where you're at rather than where you want to be. " 芝加哥跑步教练JennyHadfield告诉初学者,“从你的现状开始总比从你想达到的目标开始好。” www.bing.com 10. He made the usual mistakes that all beginners made. 他犯的就是初学者常犯的错误。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Of course, these routines are going to be difficult for beginners. 当然,对于初学者来说,要按惯例坚持训练是很困难的。 www.bing.com 2. but beginners, to my mind, should begin at the beginning and work steadily through to the end. 但是,我认为:初学者应该从开头动笔,稳扎稳打,写到结束。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In this new environment, how to let the beginners get a proper understanding of the importance of free-hand? 在这种新的环境下,如何让初学者正确地认识徒手画的重要性? degree.fzu.edu.cn 4. For beginners, ordinary people like us, it is difficult to understand the true practice of love and compassion. 对于一个初学者,一个像我们这样的普通人,往往很难理解爱与慈悲的修持真谛。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Is it a workout for regular beginners or is it an enhancement for athletes? Prasara瑜伽是为初学者,还是为提高阶段运动员设计的? www.bing.com 6. Not many tutorials on the use of OpenSSL exist either, so getting it to work in applications can be a little troublesome for beginners. 因为还没有多少关于OpenSSL使用的教程,所以对初学者来说,在应用程序中使用它可能会有一些困难。 www.ibm.com 7. Beginners of any age, whether learning in groups or alone. 不分年龄,不管是参加团体或自学的初学者。 en.lernu.net 8. Magic quotes are implemented in PHP to help code written by beginners from being dangerous. 魔术引号在PHP中用来实现避免初学者的代码更危险。 ie.php.net 9. mistakes that all He made the beginners make. 他犯的就是那些初学这老犯的错误。 wenku.baidu.com 10. This book is not for beginners who are just learning to program since it assumes previous programming background. 这本书不适合那些刚开始学习编程的初学者,因为它假设了读者要有一定的编程背景。 hi.baidu.com 1. Thirdly, the author offers some self-training skills of simultaneous interpretation, which is of great value to the beginners. 第三,作者提供了同声传译自我训练的一些方法,对与初学者来说颇具实战意义。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. sequences , readers'technical questions answered, a whole section dedicated to beginners, and much, much more! 顺序,读者的技术问题被回答,一个整体部分致力初学者,并且,更多! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Three weeks later, Aviad signed up for a beginners' creative-writing class. 三个礼拜过去了,艾维尔德报名参加一个创意写作的初学班。 www.bing.com 4. A typical introductory example in courses and books for beginners with spreadsheets is a simple sales volume overview. 在课程和书本中针对电子表格的初学者的典型入门实例就是一张简单的销售总览表。 ooo.pingju.org 5. Because Chinese farmers had never cultivated their dry uplands, they made beginners' mistakes. 这是因为中国农民从来没有养护过他们的高原田地,他们犯了初学者的错误。 www.bing.com 6. Friends do not recommend beginners hip hop practice this action. 不推荐初学街舞的朋友练习这个动作。 www.xiami360.com 7. It's a good advisor for beginners or anyone who would like the added guidance. 对于新手或任何喜欢这种附加指导的人来说,它能够提供很大的帮助。 www.ibm.com 8. And check out the great selection of articles, tutorials and tips for beginners and experts alike. 并查看用于初学者和专家等的文章、教程和技巧精选。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Beginners should start with a tempo run of about 5 minutes and work up to about 20. 初学者应当从5分钟的门槛跑开始,慢慢提高到20分钟。 www.bing.com 10. Thus it showed that the selective attention learning strategy training could improve the EFL rural beginners' listening ability. 从而验证了选择性注意学习策略培训能够提高农村外语初学者的听力理解水平。 www.fabiao.net 1. People spend an entire semester on statistics and an entire semester on data mining, and only then are they considered "beginners. " 花上整整一学期的时间去学习数据统计和数据挖掘的人也只能被称为“初学者”。 www.ibm.com 2. Just Liezi, I provide a source, beginners can take a look! 只是个列子,我提供了源码,初学者可以看看! www.dgmini.com 3. If you're a beginner, the other beginners you'll be playing will rarely serve and volley, so do what you can to hit a deep return. 如果你是新手,那么和你打球的新手也很少会大力发球或截击你的球,所以你应该尽量把球回得深一些。 www.ywhc.net 4. Screen-oriented mode of operation, easy to learn and use, suitable for beginners. 画面导向的操作模式,易学易用,适合初学者。 www.g36.com.cn 5. One of the VC input and output streams procedure more suitable for beginners VC. 提取和插入运算符重载。一个有关VC 输入、输出流的程序,比较适合VC 初学者。 3333355555.com 6. Bring newer teammates and beginners up to speed. 可以让新的小组成员和新手更快的进步。 blog.csdn.net 7. Black boxes appeal to beginners who derive a false sense of security from them. 黑箱能吸引新手,新手从黑箱得到了虚假的安全。 www.bing.com 8. This set is suitable for overseas Chinese language learners at the beginners level and as a supplementary teaching materials for teachers. 本套挂图既适合初学汉语的留学生,也可以为汉语教师提供教学辅助之用。 zengshu.hanban.org 9. subjective assessment of heart size is the most practical method and is the one recommended for general use , except for the beginners. 主观判断心脏大小是最实用的方法,除初学者外可以作为一般的应用。 www.ichacha.net 10. When they return to the product, they are not beginners, but they will need reminders to jog their memory back to its former state. 当他们重新使用软件时,他们虽不是新手,但需要一些提示回到以前的状态。 www.jukuu.com 1. To begin with, we like to talk about the motive of and the types of research to give beginners a preliminary idea about research. 本文中,我们将先介绍做研究的动机与研究类别,期望能让初学研究的人有初步的了解。 hi.baidu.com 2. This Underwater Photography For Beginners Guide will provide practical advice in getting started in underwater photography. 本指南将给你在水下摄影初步阶段最实用的建议。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. This is not a good market for beginners; it is too expensive and too fast. Learn to drive an old Chevy before a turbocharged Ferrari. 这个市场不适合新手。价格太昂贵,波动太快。在开法拉利之前,最好先学会开雪佛莱。 www.bing.com 4. Find helpful resources for beginners and experienced users at the Get started now with Apache Geronimo section of developerWorks. 部分,查找面向初学者和有经验用户的有用资源。 www-128.ibm.com 5. People don't like to be incompetent, and beginners, by definition, are incompetent. 人们不喜欢显得不称职,而就定义来说,新手意味着不称职; it.bab.la 6. Some runners, both beginners and experienced runners, may hit periods in their training when they are feeling bored or uninspired to run. 某些跑步者,包括跑步新人和高手,可能会遭遇在训练中感到无聊或不想跑的时期。 bbs.running8.com 7. Hoping that these suggestions can do a certain help to "the non-Chinese character circle" beginners' Chinese character learning. 希望这些研究及建议能够为“非汉字圈”零起点留学生的汉字学习起到一定的帮助。 www.boshuo.net 8. The book is thought (to be) quite useful for the beginners of English. 人们认为这本书对英语初学者很有用。 www.3edu.net 9. Badminton is a very popular indoor sport in Taiwan. It is suitable for various age levels. Beginners can easily find the fun in badminton. 羽球是国内十分普遍室内运动,适合各种年龄层的运动,初学者很容易便可融入其中; aa.npust.edu.tw 10. First experience in graphic design is appreciated but beginners with the right qualities will be considered. 有图画设计经验者优先,初学者也会被考虑。 www.dmc.com 1. Perfectly adequate for most household purposes, manual typewriters are especially useful for students and beginners. 手动打字机非常适合于家用,尤其对学生及初学者更为有用。 www.hotdic.com 2. By way of background for any Python beginners reading this, Python has long had some semi-formal documentation standards. 作为提供给阅读这篇Python文章的任何初学者的背景资料,Python一直有些半正式的文档标准。 www.ibm.com 3. Korean grammar points is complicated, many beginners were dashed to grammar knowledge into the dizzy brain expansion. 韩国语的语法点可谓纷繁复杂,许多初学者被迎面冲来的语法知识击得头晕脑胀。 www.268r.com 4. This book is designed for English BEGINNERS, especially for children, to get the ideas and usage of grammar. 本书是为英文初学者,尤其是小孩子所设计,帮助他们了解文法的概念与用法。 elearning.cge.nkfust.edu.tw 5. Conspiracy Generator - A fun program - shows case, counters, for loops and listbox. Some other things too - For Beginners, by Beginners. 这是一个有趣的程序-陈列框,计算器,用于循环和列表框,还包括其它一些事情-由初学者为初学者所编写。 opensource.gdsp.net 6. Beginners can be used for reference. 初学者可以用来参考。 nulung.com 7. As long as the Chinese begin to build facilities that are accessible and can open up the game to beginners, the industry can thrive. 只要中国开始修建开放式的公共设施,将场地开放给那些初学者,这个产业便将会得到兴旺。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Similarly, for language practice enough by beginners, direct learning grammar is not very useful. 同样,对於语言实践不够丰富的初学者,直接学习语法的用处不是很大。 fjtct.now.cn:7751 9. But, first, if you've never run before, make sure you check out the Absolute Beginners' Guide to Running before getting started. 但是首先,如果你不经常跑步,一定要确定你在开始之前看过了《完全菜鸟指导手册》。 www.bing.com 10. This burdensome deployment model was a definite barrier for beginners. 这个有点麻烦的部署模型对新手肯定是一道障碍。 www.ibm.com 1. That way a professional does not end up with a book meant for beginners, one that is far too simplistic to meet their needs. 那样,专业人员就不会止步在一本指定给初学者的书上,一本极其简单,以致不能满足他们需要的书籍。 www.yeeyan.com 2. It's perfectly doable but not for beginners, especially as there's no salt or vinegar to help preservation. 这样做完全可行,但是对生手来说有点难,尤其是在不使用盐或醋等防腐材料的情况下。 www.bing.com 3. Better able to encourage beginners interest in C! 能更好地鼓励初学者对C的兴趣! www.pudn.com 4. Professionals take full advantage of starry-eyed beginners crowding into options. 当过分乐观的新手抢着买期权时,专业人士会利用这个优势。 www.gft99.com 5. The flow is somewhat broken up by all the short chapters, so beginners may find it hard to follow. 这部分内容的介绍不断被一些短文打断,因此新手可能会发现很难跟上该书的进度。 www.ibm.com 6. Beginners are often seduced by low-priced stocks with strong technical patterns. 新手特别喜欢有强烈技术模式,同时又便宜的股票。 www.bing.com 7. Starting from beginners, mutual collaboration, in the unremitting efforts, the end to win entrenched attitude of the leading line. 从零起点出发,相互协作,在经不懈的努力后,终以胜利之姿盘踞行内龙头。 www.b2b128.cn 8. From beginners all the way to advanced players, the second serve is one of the most undervalued strokes in the game. 从初学者到高级选手,在比赛中二发是最容易被低估的攻击手段。 www.ezeem.com 9. I mean for beginners, it's nice if they can just to get the ball out of the bunker. 我是说那些初学者,觉得能将球打出沙坑就很满意了。 www.s1979.com 10. Beginners are in a hurry to make money, whereas serious traders begin by measuring risks. 新手想赚快钱,然而认真的交易者是从计算风险开始的。 www.leson6666.com 1. Therefore, the merging of digital media with beginners' form-making discipline has become a new challenge of pedagogical strategy. 因此,如何整合数位媒体与初学者的形式创作训练,已经成为空间形式教育的新课题。 admin.cyut.edu.tw 2. Stocks tend to move more slowly than futures, thus reducing risks for beginners, especially those who avoid margin. 股票一般比期货动的慢,这样就降低了新手的风险,尤其是对于不使用保证金的人。 www.bing.com 3. A speech coding books, are ideally suited for beginners are welcome to download, share! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 一本语音编码的好书,非常适用于初学者,欢迎下载,共同交流!!!!!!!!! 3333355555.com 4. Pattern recognition is not appropriate basis, but eager to get started with beginners. 本文适合没有模式识别基础,而又急于上手的初学者。 www.dssz.net 5. Through the four exercises on horseback, I think beginners horseback required Trilogy: bold, hard to find the feeling. 通过这四次骑马的练习,我觉得初学者骑马需要三部曲:大胆、用心、找感觉。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Beginners welcome as a professional potter will provide step-by-step guidance. 安排有专业人士指导,初学者也可放心体验。 www.yjw2008.jp 7. This simplifies the results and provides clear information to act on, which is very handy for LCA beginners or students. 这就简化了结果并提供了清晰的信息用来处理,这对于刚刚接触生命周期评估的初学者和学生都是非常容易上手的。 hi.baidu.com 8. Some topics are more logical for beginners and others more advanced technology users. 有一些课题比较适合初学者,而另一些则更适合掌握了更高级的技术的用户。 www.bing.com 9. Basil grows all year round. For beginners, it's best to start out with herbs. 罗勒全年都可生长。对于初学者来说,最好先从种植草本植物开始。 www.bing.com 10. We recommend beginners to choose harmonicas with plastic combs. Of course, those with metal combs sound large. 初学推荐使用塑料格,当然金属格也可以,声音很大。 www.kouqin.com.cn 1. The book is written in such simple English that the beginners can understand it without much difficulty. 这本书是用简单的英语写成的,初学者可以毫不费力地读懂。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Beginners sometimes overlook the defects of this machine. 初学者有时会忽略这台机器的缺陷。 www.jukuu.com 3. Chopsticks for beginners come with a metal spring for easier use. 专为初学者设计的筷子,中间有弹簧夹,用起来更方便。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Even the ultra-popular blog Zen Habits recently posted an article about barefoot running for beginners. 即使超人气的博客-禅习惯(ZenHabit)也发布了一篇关于裸脚跑新手的文章。 www.bing.com 5. If you find it tough going, try a book more oriented to beginners -- but be sure to read this one later. 如果您觉得它很难,可以试着阅读主要面向初学者的书―但之后请一定阅读该书。 www.ibm.com 6. The small business payroll system is a simple C code, containing a total of about 2000 lines of code lines, very helpful for beginners. 这个小型企业工资管理系统是简单的C 程序代码,共包含2000行左右的代码行,对初学者帮助很大。 www.my1010.com 7. Resorts provide courses like night diving and underwater photography for beginners. 度假村还为初学者提供夜间潜水课程和水下摄影课程。 iphone.unisk.cn 8. Its task is basic theories; basic method and basic technical ability of making beginners grasp the accountant. 其任务是使初学者掌握会计的基本理论、基本方法和基本技能。 som.hit.edu.cn 9. I suggest beginners concentrate solely on this method until they have more experience. 我建议初学者只专注于这个方法,直到他们更有经验。 www.bing.com 10. Not for beginners Many help systems assume that their role is to provide assistance to beginners. This is not strictly the case. 许多帮助系统认为其任务是为新手用户提供帮助,严格来讲,实际情况并非如此。 www.jukuu.com 1. A single button sacrifices power for the majority of computer users in exchange for simplicity for beginners. 为了新手的简洁,它牺牲了大多数计算机用户的效能。 www.jukuu.com 2. A small but exquisite software source code, can help beginners get some good training opportunity! 一款小而精致的软件的源码,能帮助一些初学者得到很好的锻炼机会! www.dgmini.com 3. The book is written in such simple English that we beginners can understand it without much difficult. 好这本书用如此简单的英语写,以致于我们这些初学者学起来也毫不费力。 www.yntvu.edu.cn 4. Today, we'll discuss a number of cases where beginners of English fail to use the language properly. 今天,我们讨论一些英语初学者不能恰当地使用英语的情况。 vip.15546.zxxk.com 5. The dictionary is of great use to beginners of English. 这本字典对英语初学者来说很有用处。 www.21cnjy.com 6. MaxPlusII used to write a small clock procedures, as well as reference for beginners. 采用MaxPlusII写的一个小时钟程序,也是供初学参考。 www.dssz.com 7. As an excited member of the beginners' chorus line , I was aware of my lowly status. 作为初级合唱队中心情激动一员,我意识到了自己地位的低下。 dict.veduchina.com 8. It is definitely geared at technical software beginners, but anyone interested in writing great software can get something from it. 该书的确是面向技术软件初学者的,但是对撰写杰出软件感兴趣的人也能从中得到知识。 www.ibm.com 9. Considering that they are just beginners, they are doing quite a good job. 考虑到他们只是新手,干得已经相当不错了。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 10. There are many tunes for beginners on this site. Learn them one by one, then try the more advanced lessons. 本站有很多初学者口琴曲,你可以一个接一个的学习,然后再取尝试中高级别的曲子。 www.kouqin.com.cn 1. Omitted calling convention is a very common mistake that many beginners do. 对于很多初学者来说忘记添加调用协定是非常普遍的错误。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Shorten your stride. When it comes to form, the most common mistake distance runners make, especially beginners, is they over stride. 缩短您的步幅:谈及跑姿,对于长距离跑步者,特别是跑步新人,最常见的错误是他们的步幅太大。 bbs.running8.com 3. Beginners kill themselves by running out of air. 新手却因氧气耗尽而自己杀死了自己。 www.leson6666.com 4. It has been designed to meet the needs of both beginners and experts. 设计用于同时满足初学者和专家的需求。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Fundamentals of modeling design and space design are two compulsory courses for beginners. 学习造型基础及解决空间问题,是一个造型设计者必修的课。 www.qikan.com.cn 6. In North America, corn, sugar, and, in a slow year, copper are good markets for beginners, allowing you to learn in your own time zone. 在北美,玉米,白糖,铜都适合新手,方便你在自己的时区学习。 www.bing.com 7. No matter your skill level, add your thoughts and recommendations for beginners to the comments. 不论你的水平如何,请留下你的想法。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This book is rather too difficult for the beginners. 这部书对初学者来说太难了。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Start all pieces by counting carefully, especially for beginners and youngsters. 每开始新学一条曲目都要认真数拍子,特别是对钢琴初学者与青少年。 www.popiano.org 10. Spring simple example of a good thing for beginners. Spring简单的小例子,初学者好东西。 www.hxzi.com 1. But we should not discourage because, uh many beginners like yourself and like myself, we have to begin with ss. . . begin somewhere. 不过,我们不应该气馁,因为许多象你我一样的初学者,总要从某处开始。 blog.qq.com 2. MIX is a paragliding harness created especially for training fields and beginners. MIX是特地为在训练场地上使用和初学者使用而发明的滑翔伞装备。 paracn.net 3. The beginners please participate in the discussion here with the basic knowledge from zero. 初学新手请到此版块参与讨论,基础知识从零开始。 bbs.007hack.com 4. Structured, clear, suitable for beginners of English listening. 结构分明,条理清晰,适宜初学英语的人收听。 www.i21st.cn 5. teaching reading by training beginners to associate printed words with spoken words. 把书面语和口头语结合起来的阅读教学。 www.hotdic.com 6. They were quite experienced in teaching beginners. 他们教初学者相当有经验。 www.edgeenglish.com 7. I'm always willing to help beginners. 我一直都很乐意帮助初学者。 www.kekenet.com 8. Smaller hands, forearm and wrist strength of weak players, and beginners also love using this grip mode. 手比较小、前臂和腕部力量微弱的球手,以及初学者也爱采用这种握杆方式。 www.chuncui.cn 9. This may sound simple, but it never ceases to amaze me how poorly and slowly most beginners count. 这听起来可能很简单,但大部分新手的算术水平之差和计算速度之慢却常会令我吃惊。 xuping723723.blog.163.com 10. This project is a good environmental awareness activity for beginners. 此项目是一项很适合于初学者的活动,有助于唤醒人们的环境意识。 www.think.com 1. This book is especially written for beginners. 这本书是专门为初学者编写的。 www.english88.com.cn 2. Beginning with the causation and behavior of skating beginners timidity psychology, it discusses how to overcome the timidity psychology. 从大学生初学滑冰胆怯心理的形成原因及具体表现入手,探讨如何使学生克服胆怯心理。 www.dictall.com 3. B. This semester I'm taking beginners' programming, maths, statistics and Japanese. 这个学期我上初级程序,数学,统计学和日语。 www.yzcc.com 4. This book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it. 这本书是用浅易的英语写的,所以初学者可以读懂。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. Even beginners can easily master the usage of the ruler and can cut out fitting garments. 即使是初学者也极易掌握本尺的使用方法量裁出合身的服装。 ip.com 6. They make yoga fun and easy to learn for beginners. 他们让初学者学起瑜伽来既有趣又轻松。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. Here are six easy tips and meditation techniques for beginners that will help get you started. 现提醒六条简单小贴士和冥想技巧,能帮助初学者开始实践。 www.elanso.com 8. Simple DirectDraw sample programs for reference for beginners. 简单的DirectDraw示例程序,供初学者参考。 www.hxzi.com 9. This can be particularly helpful for beginners. 这对初学者尤为有用。 www.elanso.com 10. For beginners, I would say Honeymoon Bay, near the town of Daxi. 对初学者来说,我会推荐大溪镇附近的蜜月湾。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. If I accept first-timers in my TTCs, of course I accept beginners. 如果我接受新手,当然接受初学者。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Beginners especially can benefit from the behavior-driven approach to testing. 新手尤其可以从这种行为驱动的测试方法中受益。 www.ibm.com 3. He drives better than most beginners. 他比多数初学驾驶的人开得好。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. The book is intended to be read for beginners. 本书是为初学者阅读而编写的。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Mysql database indexing and optimization, is a good helper for beginners. Mysql数据库的索引及其优化,是初学者的好帮手。 www.hxzi.com 6. This book is written in such easy English as beginners can understand. 这本书是用初学者也能读懂的浅易英文写的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Beginners may use them for practice, but full-size contracts are much better trading vehicles. 新手可以用它们做练习,但完整的合约更适合作为交易工具。 www.bing.com 8. This book, written (= which is written) in simple English, is suitable for beginners. 本书是用浅显的英语写的,适合初学者。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 9. Because Pala and Al's emphasis is on Tantra in relationships, both beginners and skilled Tantric practitioners will find value here. 由于帕拉和基地的重点是密宗的关系,无论是初学者和熟练的密宗从业人员会发现这里的价值。 bbs.sciopsy.com 10. Beginners over trade and write too many options, breaking money management rules. 新手过度交易,发行了太多的期权,打破了资金管理原则。 www.bing.com 1. This new technology allows Forex beginners to learn Forex in a REAL life situation with minimal investment! 这种新技术让初学者在真实环境中体验并学习外汇交易,而所需的投资却是最小! www.liteforex.org 2. Where are the vile beginners of this fray? 这一场争吵的肇祸的罪魁在什么地方? www.zftrans.com 3. The Parrot internals are definitely not for programming beginners. Parrot的内部机制显然不适合编程的初学者学习。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Are the basis of reference procedures for beginners. 属于初学者基础参考程序。 nulung.com 5. Generally, for women beginners, Zhao Jinyu starts his course from "Dan or female role of the maidenly type" . 对初学昆曲的女会员,赵津羽一般都从“闺门旦”教起。 www.showxiu.com 6. computer network programming source code for beginners computer networks of people, it is definitely treasure it, Suggest to vomit blood! 计算机网络编程源代码,对初学计算机网络的人来说,绝对是珍品呀,吐血推荐! www.hxzi.com 7. Yeah, I bet. Okay, don't you think we should start at the hill for beginners? 嗯?不太可能吧。好了,我们是不是该从初级练习场开始? pdf.sznews.com 8. The book is a tutorial material edited for beginners of linguistics. 这些书主要是供初学的人使用的。 www.hotdic.com 9. Note: naturally this post is meant for beginners, so the more advanced users should probably skip this one. 这篇文章自然是写给初学者的,所以,更加有经验的用户也许可以跳过这篇文章。 www.bing.com 10. Beginners may be more comfortable using a canvas panel than painting on stretched canvas. 初学者用画板画画可能比直接画在展开的画布上更顺手。 www.nciku.cn 1. Professor beginners mainly students get a better evaluation of students. 主要教授零起点的学生,获得了学生较好的评价。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Beginners are drawn to the S&P 500 futures, but few have accounts large enough for proper money management in this expensive market. 新手喜欢做标注普尔500股指期货,但是在这个昂贵的市场,很少人的账户有足够的资金做好资金管理。 www.bing.com 3. well , in my opinion - chic - i think since we ' re beginners , a good idea would be. 呃,照我看来齐克我想既然我们是初学者,一个好主意就是跳。 www.ichacha.net 4. Beginners should be more English language environment to create as realistic as possible. 英语初学者应多创造尽可能真实的语言环境。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Can be modified according to user needs the font, color, size, etc. , suitable for beginners. 根据用户需要可以修改字体,颜色,大小等,适合初学者。 www.codesoso.com 6. Find helpful resources for beginners and experienced users at the. 区中找到针对初学者和有经验的用户的有用资源。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Learning design patterns suitable for beginners! 适合学习设计模式的初学者! nulung.com 8. However, be aware that many use-case beginners go overboard and create too many low-level use cases. 然而要小心,许多用例的初学者走过了头,建立了太多的低层用例。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Beginners should supplement it by writing small, similar programs of their own. 初学者应编写一些类似的小程序作为本章内容的补充练习。 czk.8866.org 10. Browser-based newsreaders are popular for beginners, because you don't need to install or configure anything. 基于浏览器的新闻阅读程序很受初学者的欢迎,因为您无需安装或配置任何内容。 office.microsoft.com 1. For several weeks, InOMN is having a photo contest with separate categories for beginners and those with more experience. 几个星期以来,国际观月夜有个分别针对初学者和有经验人士的摄影比赛。 www.bing.com 2. Data type query, very suitable for training beginners. May contact the string. 数据类型查询,非常适合初学者进行训练。 www.hxzi.com 3. Note: For many beginners body-weight squats may represent a proper starting intensity. 提示:对于许多初学者来说,承载身体负荷的下蹲可以代表一个合适的起始强度。 scifans.com 4. And now a new study in Pediatrics shows thattheshoesareparticularly dangerous for beginners and girls. 并且现在一项小儿科的最新研究显示滑轮鞋为初学者和女孩带来了显著的威胁。 www.bing.com 5. Frameworks can also help beginners to build more stable apps by ensuring proper database interaction and coding on the presentation layer. 这些框架还通过确保正确的数据库操作以及只在表现层编程的方式帮助初学者创建稳定的程序。 www.bing.com 6. Huawei company linux data necessary for beginners, really good. 华为公司内部linux资料,初学者必备,真的不错。 www.hxzi.com 7. They have safe tracks, especially for the beginners and provide free training. 它们有安全的路线,特别是对于新手,它们还提供免费培训。 www.hxen.com 8. Beginners horse very important election, it is necessary to select the horse obedient and docile. 初学者选马很重要,要选择听话而温顺的马。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. This book is too difficult for beginners. 这本书对初学者来说太深了。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. It is fun! People come here not to get drunk but to taste tasty drinks. Alcohol experts are teaching beginners how to drink fire water. 这很好玩!人来聚集到这并不是为求一醉而是来品尝不同的饮料。酒类专家正在给初学者传授如何饮用这些火辣的酒水。 www.bing.com 1. Now, we have beginners and intermediate students in one class and the more advanced students in another. 现在,我们将初学者和中级学生放在一个班级,把其他的孩子放到另一个班级。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 2. QT entry code learning exercises, suitable for beginners. QT入门学习练习代码,适合初学者。 3333355555.com 3. That question is beyond the reach of the beginners. 那问题初学者无法理解。 www.88u8.com 4. The program suitable for beginners Win32 programming, with a lot of Chinese Notes. 该程序适合Win32编程初学者,内含大量的中文注释。 www.my1010.com 5. Support the translucent RichEdit control, very useful, very helpful for beginners. 支持半透明的RichEdit控件,十分有用的,对于初学者很有帮助的。 3333355555.com 6. Such mistakes are apt to be made by beginners. 此类错误初学者很容易犯。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. This book is intended for beginners. 这本书是为初学者编的。 dict.hjenglish.com 8. Most users are neither beginners nor experts; instead, they are intermediates. 大多数用户既非新手,也不是专家,而属于中间用户。 www.jukuu.com 9. (6)Considering that they are just beginners, they are doing quite a good job. 考虑到他们是新手,他们干得算是不错的了。 bbs.englishcn.com 10. You avoid the typical beginners' error of monitoring markets only when they are active and "interesting. " 你避免像新手那样犯错,只关心有波动和兴趣的市场。 www.bing.com 1. make stand group: to the search engine optimization beginners standing group is very complex. 制作站群:对搜索引擎优化的初学者而言站群是非常复杂的。 www.ymkchina.com 2. Java is very suitable for beginners learning to raise interest in Java language, and to improve their programming ability. 很适合JAVA初学者提高对学习JAVA语言的兴趣,以及提高自己的编程能力。 www.hxzi.com 3. Beginners get when single Hamburg, and slowly we should learn to be a giant! 初学时弄单层汉堡,慢慢就要学习做巨无霸了! 4455.cc 4. Friendly user interfaces for beginners. 友好的用户和计算机的交互界面。 packages.debian.org 5. The book is hardly intelligible to beginners . 这本书对初学者来说不好理解。 www.bing.com 6. Some students were almost fluent and others were just beginners. 有些学生英语很流利,而另一些却几乎只是初学者。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 7. This book is adapted for beginners. 这本书是为初学者改写的。 www.yaohua.edu.cn 8. The book does not apply to beginners. 这书不适合于初学者。 www.kekenet.com 9. Shanghai Poly High Dream Sports Golf under the Haixia Consulting Co. , Ltd. is a professional golf teaching center for beginners! 上海聚高高尔夫隶属于上海夏梦体育咨询有限公司是专业针对初学者的高尔夫教学中心! www.chuncui.cn 10. Both beginners and experts tend over time to gravitate towards intermediary. 新手的变化更快,新手和专家随着时间推移都会倾向于成为中间用户。 www.jukuu.com |
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