单词 | beg |
释义 | begging是beg的现在分词
过去式:begged 第三人称单数:begs 现在分词:begging 例句释义: 乞求,讨饭,请,乞讨,请求,乞讨术 1. If he saw a beggar in the street he did not arrest him for begging. Instead, he gave him a few coins to buy a meal. 如果他在街上看到一个乞讨者,他不会把他抓起来,相反,他会给他一些零钱买一顿饭。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Most of her wants to scream out in desperation, begging him not to leave her alone. 多数她在失望想要尖叫,乞求他不留下她单独。 5n2b.5d6d.com 3. " We were begging graduates to work for us . We were bribing them , " said the British chief executive , who asked not to be named . “我们那时恳请毕业生为我们工作,我们讨好他们。”那位英国首席执行官说道,她要求不透露她的姓名。 www.bing.com 4. He was simply letting Anakin be, and appreciating him for his efforts and talents -- he wasn't imposing boundaries nor begging for aid. 他只是让阿纳金顺其自然,并欣赏阿纳金的努力和才干,他既不咄咄逼人地设定要求,也不卑躬屈膝地请求帮助。 www.starwarschina.com 5. It took me a year of begging, cajoling6 and more begging to get to him to agree to meet with me. 我整整用了一年的时间求他,讨好他,然后再求他,才求得他见我一面。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 6. By the time the nurses had strapped on the monitors I was begging for an epidural, heroin, a shotgun, anything to put me out of my misery. 当护士把监视器绑好,我恳求她们使用硬脊髓外腔止痛、吗啡或者来颗子弹,只要能帮我解决痛苦。 www.gzdlw.com 7. Now here you are begging to me to give our love another try may I love you and I always will but darling right now I've got to say good-bye. 现在你却向我乞求我们的爱,也许我爱你,我一直会这样吧,但是亲爱的,我刚刚已经和你说了分手。 wenwen.soso.com 8. By talking as if capital punishment is murdering human beings are interchangeable here, you're actually begging the question aren't you? 如果说死刑和,和谋杀是两个可以互换的概念,你们实际上是在求问题,不是吗? open.163.com 9. Miss Sconciaforni alleges that Terry bombarded her with texts for weeks after, begging her to meet him in a hotel. Sconciaforni小姐还声称特里对她进行了几个星期的短信轰炸以恳求她在一家酒店见面。 gb.cri.cn 10. And finally the rest of the world will be begging at me for a piece of high-tech beachfront property. 最后全世界的国家都会哀求我施舍他们一点临海的高科技房地产。 q.sohu.com 1. Ilyin took the bucket of water, and pouring a few drops of rum in it, went up to Marya Hendrihovna, begging her to stir it with her finger. 伊林提了一桶水,往桶里滴了几滴罗姆酒,走近玛丽亚·亨里霍夫娜,请她用手指搅搅。 novel.tingroom.com 2. She found herself on her knees in front of the Dominican embassy begging for her life in broken Spanish. 而我母亲跪在多米尼加大使馆的前面用她蹩脚的西班牙语乞求放自己一条生路。 www.bing.com 3. Begging some privacy, and pretending not to be in the best of health, I promised to resume my duties as fast as I possibly could. 所以我只能装病,还答应一旦身体好转后就会立即回到岗位上,希望能够蒙混过关。 bn13.com 4. They had been wasting the precious time running about all over the country, begging and praying for a candidate. 他们浪费宝贵的时光跑遍全国东求西讨想找一位候选人。 5. Then he wrote to a skinflint relative begging her to let him have 500 rubles , too, at whatever interest she wanted . 然后他写信给她这么吝啬让他有相对乞讨500卢布,也她要在什么兴趣。 www.bing.com 6. The next day he tried to beg for money, but large signs in some villages warned him that anyone caught begging would be sent to prison. 第三天,他不得不乞讨小钱了。但在一些村子,他能看到大的牌子,上面写着警告说,任何乞讨的人,一旦抓住后,将被送进监狱。 www.kekenet.com 7. Until two years ago, he financed his mission work out of his paycheck or by begging aid wherever he could find it. 直到两年前,他都是在靠自己的工资或尽己所能寻求援助来资助自己的神圣工作的。 www.bing.com 8. How much money did you make per month before you began begging in Beijing? 那您来北京前每个月赚多少钱呢? www.bing.com 9. By asking (begging) China to help out with North Korea, the US is showing weakness to China, North Korea and our allies in Asia. 美国在中国、北朝鲜以及我们的亚洲盟友面前露怯了。 www.tianyayidu.com 10. Yongseok Jang, LG vice president of strategy, recently joked that his kids are "begging" him for 3DS systems. "But I said no way, " he said. LG战略副总裁YongseokJang最近开玩笑地说,他的孩子们向他恳求三维动画系统,“但是我说没门”。 www.bing.com 1. At the beginning of this campaign, Wang was accused by his blog visitors of online begging and received little money. 在这次发帖初期,王浩在网上的乞求博客遭到访客的指责并且收到了少许金钱。 www.dltcedu.org 2. Begging lifts from acquaintances, I'd end up in the back seat like an eight-year-old. 蹭熟人的便车时,我会被安排在后座,好像我是个8岁大的孩子。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Dad finally agreed when he noticed that most of the clothes were cheaper than Stitches, which I had been begging him to bring me to. 爸爸注意到大多数的衣服针比Stitches——我请求他带我去的另一家店——便宜后,终于同意了。 www.bing.com 4. "Great Expectations" in Providence is such a figure, Mr. . . His childhood was an orphan, living stealing, begging life. 《远大前程》中的普洛威先生就是这么一位人物。他从小就是孤儿,过着偷盗、乞讨的生活。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. "All of these products, " he said, "are just begging me to kick them over. " 他说,“所有这些产品都在乞求我把他们踢翻。” www.bing.com 6. Then Phoenix was like an old woman begging a dignified forgiveness for waking up frightened in the night. 此时,菲尼克斯就象一位老妇人因半夜惊醒感到恐惧而恳求体面的宽恕一样。 7. Father: Son, don't you think you're getting too big to be forever begging for dimes? 父亲:儿子,你不认为你已经长大了,不该再老是一角一角地要钱了(该自立了),不是吗? www.sedu100.com 8. So after begging his old lady for an hour, George got the OK the go out with the guys as long as he stayed off of the booze. 就这样,苦苦哀求他的老婆子一个小时后,乔治得到许可和伙计们出去,条件是他离酒精远远的。 www.bing.com 9. He lay in wait for the girl when she was walking home one day and accosted her, begging her to elope with him. 一天,在这个女孩回家的路上,他藏起来等着她,和她搭话,求她和他一起私奔。 10. He said nothing to me, perhaps because begging was forbidden, but he looked up at my face just for a moment. 他一言未发,也许因为乞讨是不许可的,但是他抬头看了我一会儿。 www.bing.com 1. you, whose voice has dried up, wander begging. . . with eyes that seem to be breaking along with your slender arms. 你,用干涸的声音,徘徊着企求……纤细的双臂,心碎的眼神。 tieba.baidu.com 2. Cindy: being tired of it already? Huh? Who the hell was that begging me to borrow money for that god damn cab? 辛蒂:烦了?啊?当初是谁死乞白赖要我借钱买出租车来着? blog.sina.com.cn 3. To such straits was he reduced by his extravagance that he took to begging. 他因为挥霍浪费而弄到这般境地,竟然开始要起饭来。 4. 9During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us. " 在夜间有异象现与保罗。有一个马其顿人,站着求他说,请你过到马其顿来帮助我们。 www.ebigear.com 5. I ran into this girl begging, and a look of disappointment like I gave her the money, and she was shocked, just looked at me. 我又遇到这个行乞的姑娘,一脸失望的样子,我把钱递给她,她大吃一惊,只望着我。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. And right up until he was taken back to Russia, he kept begging me over and over to take care of his family, almost as if he was delirious. 而在他刚刚被遣送回俄国后,他不断地一次次地求我照顾好他的家人,简直像魔怔了似的。 mgcn.com 7. She went on begging for forgiveness. Perhaps she said things that would have been better left to silence. 她继续乞求他的宽恕。也许当时她保持沉默比说这些话还好些。 www.kekenet.com 8. Tom so regretted his misunderstanding of his girlfriend that he went down to his knees in front of her, begging for her merry. 汤姆如此后悔自己对女友的误解,以至于跪在女友的面前乞求她的宽恕。 www.go818.com 9. Allen looked like a frightened deer and was looking at him piteously, begging to be forgiven. 亚连就像一只受惊的小鹿,可怜巴巴的看着他,象是在乞求他的原谅。 post.baidu.com 10. Father: Son, don't you think you're too big to be forever begging for dimes? 爸爸:儿子,你不认为你已经长大了,不该总要一角又一角的了? www.cnblogs.com 1. Dentist begging the patient: Could you help me? Could you give out a few of your loudest, most painful screams? 医生求病人:帮帮忙好吗?你能最大声最痛苦地尖叫几声吗?。 www.ziran1.com 2. larinax: You know, there used to be this cartoon - bum-looking, emaciated Marx and Lenin are begging for money in the street. 你知道,过去曾有种流浪者的漫画形象,它画的是憔悴的马克思和列宁在街上乞讨。 taipedia.selfip.info 3. Is begging his father to leave his motorbike in his garage after he was knocked off his chopper and nearly killed in a recent accident. 在最近一次事故中从摩托车跌下几乎丧命之后,他恳求父亲将他的摩托车留在车库里。 www.bing.com 4. I'm begging you to look at it from her point of view and maybe. 我希望你能站在她的立场上考虑或许。 sfile.ydy.com 5. It knelt down in front of him, begging for its life. 它在王先生跟前跪下,向他求救。 www.crazyen.com 6. He saw the girl, whose face was covered with water, confusing tears or rain, and also he saw begging for pity in her eyes. 他看见满脸都是水的女孩,分不清是泪水还是雨水,他还看见女孩眼中的乞怜。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. I don't really advise getting even, but I do recommend you think about what you might do if the friend comes begging back. 我并不是真的建议报复,但我推荐你想想万一朋友又回来怎么办。 www.bing.com 8. Diesel has a bare-chested man with his head on a woman's lap, begging for a glass of water. 在Diesel的一张海报上,一个裸露着胸膛的男子将头放在一个女子的大腿上,乞求一杯水。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Kakenya broke the cycle of her tribe by begging her father to allow her to finish her education. Kakenya恳求她父亲让她完成学业,打破了部落的传统循环。 www.elanso.com 10. They are almost all men, with a small attachment of women in non infantry jobs. Many are begging to see combat. Others dread the prospect. 士兵中大多数是男人,只有一少部分做技术工作的女性。大多数人都渴望战斗,其他人则对前途感到担忧。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Angelina Jolie's family and friends are 'begging her to eat more, ' claims Grazia magazine. Do YOU think she's too thin? 安吉丽娜·朱莉的家人和朋友都“祈求她多吃一点。”《红秀》杂志报导。你觉得她看上去太瘦吗? www.hjenglish.com 2. The questions were begging to come pouring out of my mouth like water spilling out of a tiny hole chiseled in the Hoover dam. 我忍不住发问一连串的疑问,就像水不断从胡弗堤坝的一个小孔里溢流出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The law, in its equality, forbids the rich, as well as, the poor from sleeping under bridges, begging in the streets, and stealing bread. 平等的法律同时禁止穷人也禁止富人在桥下睡觉,在街上乞讨和偷面包。 www.xue90.cn 4. I knew the trend would hit the wall, but I found it hard not to focus on what customers were begging for. 我知道这个趋势会停止,但是却发现对顾客的要求很难置之不理。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Had he been in his right senses, he could not have thought of such a thing as begging you to give away half of your fortune. 如果他神志清醒的话,他就不会要求你放弃自己的一半财产。 it.bab.la 6. eg. He burst into tears, begging her to forgive him and swearing to pay back everything he had stolen. 他突然大哭起来,求她原谅,并发誓偿还他偷的所有东西。 www.bing.com 7. Even some of the officials of the province, friends of Paul, sent him a message begging him not to venture into the theater. 还有亚西亚几位首领,是保罗的朋友,打发人来劝他,不要冒险到戏园里去。 www.ebigear.com 8. Whenever he spied children, he would come running meowing frantically and bump his head against their hands, begging for their love. 只要一瞅见孩子,他会跑上前痴迷地喵呜着,用头推搡孩子的手,乞求他们的爱。 www.douban.com 9. After she cancelled the first abortion clinic appointment, he had become really upset. "He was begging me and crying, " she said. 她第一次取消就诊预约后,他变得很烦躁,“他边哭边哀求我”她回忆道。 www.bing.com 10. Alone and unsupported, she was reduced to begging for her living. 孤孤单单,无依无靠,她被迫乞讨为生。 www.jukuu.com 1. It follows adults around throughout the day, belting out squeaky begging calls for the entire colony to hear. 全天都有成年狐獴呵护着它,幼崽大声的吱吱乞食声全群落都听得见。 www.bing.com 2. Automakers are begging for Washington's help, trying to avoid collapse. 汽车工业请求华盛顿政府的帮助以避免破产。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. BEGGING for government help would have made you a pariah in most parts of the high-tech industry a few months ago. 几个月前,在多数高科技产业向政府乞求援助的浪潮中,你可能已经觉得自己是被社会遗弃的人了。 www.ecocn.org 4. She was so poor that she descended to begging for her food. 她竟穷困到要饭的地步了。 5. In the face of true love, you don't just give up, even if your object of your affection is begging you to. 在真爱面前,不要放弃,哪怕你喜欢的人要求你放弃。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Begging on the streets was out of the question, since no one would take pity on such a big fellow. 他不能在街上去乞讨,那么大的个子,没有人肯对他发善心。 www.jukuu.com 7. The only thing wrose is begging her to love you. 更差的是企求她爱你。 www.tingclass.net 8. Duo cried out, begging the boy to stop, but his voice was drowned out by the rain and the wind; by the echoes. 迪奥哭喊着,乞求那个男孩停下来,但是他的声音再一次被风声和雨声还有回声所淹没。 blog.cctvcnm.com 9. Begging overlords have even set up a school where children are coached to ask in foreign languages. 乞丐头目甚至办起学校,培训孩子们用外语来乞讨。 www.bing.com 10. Molly : Well, I'm begging you to leave me alone right now. 莫莉:好啊,我求你现在离我远点儿。 www.xianzai.cn 1. After 4 years of begging on the street, Chinn says, she became mute and felt like an animal. 经过了4年的街头行乞,关惠群说她变得沉默寡言,觉得自己和动物无异。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. The boy has to make a living by begging. He is unwilling to help me with my English. 男孩不得不通过乞讨维持生计。他不愿帮我学习英语。 www.cavtc.net 3. At last she began begging the aunts to give her just a little time to think it over. 最后,她请求两位姑姑给她点时间考虑考虑。 www.bing.com 4. I feel like, let me tonight to sing hymns were begging for a brighter tomorrow. 一如我的心情,让我今夜共唱赞美诗乞求明天会更好。 wenwen.soso.com 5. She kept begging me not to say all this, not to recall it. 她一直苦苦求我不要再说这件事,也不要再去想它。 www.bing.com 6. Thankfully, a number of URL-shortening Web services are out there practically begging to be integrated with Grails as a custom plug-in. 幸运的是,有几个URL缩短服务强烈要求作为自定义插件集成到Grails中。 www.ibm.com 7. I cannot tell; Aunt Reed says if I have any, they must be a beggarly set: I should not like to go a-begging. 我说不上来。里德舅妈说,要是我有亲戚,也准是一群要饭的,我可不愿去要饭。 www.irunnet.com 8. Everything in the world is interdependent, just like the forgiveness is same to be forgiven. An end starts a new begging. . . 世界上任何事物都是相互的,如同原谅也是被原谅一样。放下才能开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He found God, begging Road: " God ah, I drink all day without the need for work, too boring, too painful it is hell! " 他找到上帝,苦苦哀求道:“上帝啊,我整天吃喝玩乐而不需要工作,太无聊了,太痛苦了简直是地狱!” www.tradeask.com 10. adv. repeatedly He visited her family repeatedly, begging her to marry him. 他一再地拜访她家,求她嫁给他。 news.koolearn.com 1. When you see children begging on the street, please do not open your purse, but call the police. 如果看到路边有行乞的孩子,大家一定不要忙着慷慨解囊,而是必须报警。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Perhaps I overstated. She may take pity on you when you come begging for her hand. 看来我夸张了点儿,当你去求着她给予支持时她可能会可怜你。 www.cndkc.net 3. I remember running after my mother and her date, begging her not to leave me home again. 记得我曾追着母亲和她的男友,哀求他们不要再让我一个人留在家中。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. On another occasion I saw a group of disoriented, emaciated Amerindians , begging for food by the side of the road. 还有一次我看到了一群迷失了方向的印第安人,他们非常憔悴,站在路边乞讨食物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Poor players will no longer be able to speak. Sorry. No begging or gold website advertising. 贫穷的玩家将不能说话。再没有要钱的乞丐和金币广告了。 wow.tgbus.com 6. I think one of the lasting impacts of this for me is watching how these guys who were our heroes are seemingly begging for medical support. 后来我看到这些英雄为获得医疗援助而费尽周折的场面,我想这是对我构成持久影响的事情之一。 cn.wsj.com 7. The third prince was saved by the fox , without any money. He had to go begging all the way, finally he returned to his country . 三王子被狐狸救了出来,身无分文,只有一路乞讨,终于回到了自己的王国。 www.bing.com 8. "We started heading out along narrow roads lined with villagers begging for water, " he said. “我们往前走,两边都是讨水的村民,”他说。 www.bing.com 9. the premises was no means is that, when Richard and Huang go to the bank A begging time credit, three of the words quite memorable. 比较无意思的处所在于,当理查德以及阿煌去银行乞贷的时间,三人的对于话颇有回味。 www.99bank.com 10. A Somali mother almost reduced to begging told us our food-for-work program had not only saved her life, but restored her dignity. 一位曾经几乎沦为乞丐的母亲告诉我们说,我们的工作换食品计划不仅救了她的命,而且恢复了她的尊严。 www.america.gov 1. Well, as if I would go begging to Servilia. 你难道认为我会去找赛维莉娅求情吗?。 www.engxue.com 2. A Somali mother almost reduced to begging told us our food-for-work program had not only saved her life, but restored her dignity. 一位曾经几乎沦为乞丐的母亲告诉我们说,我们的工作换食品计划不仅救了她的命,而且恢复了她的尊严。 www.america.gov 3. either tightly with thrown at him kindly gaze behind them closely, begging. 要么紧紧跟在向他投来善良目光的人身后,寸步不离地乞讨。 www.bing.com 4. As for confronting him: The last time you confronted him about another other-woman, MIP, you wound up begging for his forgiveness. 至于要不要质问他:别忘了上次你质问他的结果,MIP,结果是你乞求他原谅你侵犯了他的隐私。 bbs.internet.org.cn 5. I ignored the message for a couple of hours, and she sent another message begging me to upgrade the comment. 我不理睬它,几个小时后,她又来了另一条信息请求我给出更好的评价。 www.bing.com 6. Begging you please don't go. And I said "Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone " . 在心底里祈求你不要离开。我说,罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. And there you are on your knees, begging for forgiveness, begging for me, just like I always wanted, but I'm so sorry. . . 现在你双膝跪着,乞求我的原谅,不停地乞求我,就像我常想的那样,但是我很抱歉… www.yappr.cn 8. To Begging Princess: Life is like a rainbow bridge that you could see after it winds and rains. 乞丐公主说:人生就是经风历雨后看到的彩虹桥。 www.5f5y.com 9. I mean wanderers, the spiritual wanderers those who are walking naked, begging, they are not looked down, in fact they are looked up. 我是指那些游方的人,灵性的游方者,他们裸行、乞讨,然而却不被看低,事实上他们是受到尊重的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The administration claims that failing to do so would be begging terrorists and criminals to plot together via the information superhighway. 政府称不这样做就等于让恐怖分子和犯罪分子通过信息高速公路来共同策划阴谋。 www.tingclass.com 1. The administration claims that failing to do so would be begging terrorists and criminals to plot together via the information superhighway. 政府称不这样做就等于让恐怖分子和犯罪分子通过信息高速公路来共同策划阴谋。 www.tingclass.com 2. Weakened by illness and unable to produce and hunt enough food, the Yanomami are reduced to begging and most recently trading sex for food. 因生病而不能削弱和狩猎生产足够的粮食,雅诺马马都沦为乞丐和最近交易性食品。 www.baike.com 3. He glanced fearfully towards the Heights, begging she would remain another half-hour at least. 他害怕地向山庄溜了一眼,求她至少再逗留半个钟头。 www.putclub.com 4. The poor old man has been humpedover the corner for a whole day, begging money and food from passers-by. 那个可怜的老人窝在角落已一整天了,向过路人乞讨着钱和食物。 www.godict.com 5. That Nazi and I will always strike one another as begging all the crucial questions, arguing in circles. 那个纳粹分子和我会永远攻讦彼此回避所有关键问题,陷入循环论证。 www.bing.com 6. Gordon: Just wait and see. One day you'll be begging to go out with me. 戈登:等着瞧吧。有一天你会求着跟我约会的。 www.xianzai.cn 7. I'm begging you to at least give it some thought. 我恳求你至少对此加以考虑。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Theyare almost all men, with a small attachment of women in noninfantry jobs. Manyare begging to see combat. Others dread the prospect. 他们大多是男人,以及一少部分做技术工作的女性。大多数人都渴望战斗,其他人则对前途担忧。 www.bing.com 9. "I've been keeping the church in a begging mode, " she said. 我一直让教堂处于一种‘祈求’的状态。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Begging for cleverness, the festival festive event, with competitions, similar to how the ancient custom of the Big Dipper. 乞巧节的节日活动,带有竞赛性质,类似古代斗巧的风俗。 hi.baidu.com 1. The Turtle keeps begging . The Eagle cannot say "no" any longer She agrees to take the Turtle up into the sky . 乌龟不断地恳求。老鹰再也无法说“不”。她答应带乌龟到天空。 www.bing.com 2. And I hadn't combed my hair and shaved in some years so it was matted hair, it looked like sadhu, and I had a little begging pot. 我许多年没有刮胡子,也没有梳头,因此一头的乱发,看起来就像个萨杜,然后我的手中还拿着一个乞讨用的小罐。 bbs.poco.cn 3. When Deputy Ritter started barking the scared Hood surrendered begging them to call the dog off. 里特一开始学狗吠,恐惧的胡德就马上投降,并请求他们放走那只狗。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Otherwise you may find yourself knocking on the door of some local begging for a gas can. 否则,你只有敲开当地人的大门乞讨一罐汽油。 www.bing.com 5. Because begging is prohibited in the city business district, five homeless the U. S. Fuji Li Georgia Charlottesville city court. 因被禁止在城市商业区乞讨,5名无家可归的流浪汉将美国弗吉利亚州夏洛茨维尔市政府告上法庭。 www.englishtang.com 6. Disguised as a Catholic priest, Reilly stormed on board the Rothschildyacht, begging his reluctant hosts to give alms to his orphanage. 赖利伪装成一位天主教神父,上了罗思柴尔德家族的游艇,在上面假装为孤儿乞求捐助。 www.bing.com 7. Six grenadiers came upon an old woman named Mother Batherick and surrendered to her, begging for protection. 六个掷弹兵遇到一个叫巴瑟里克妈妈的老婆婆,向她投降,要求庇护。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Incredibly horny and more than a little booze-fuelled I was begging my boy for a quick shag, so we raced upstairs and got down to it. 酒精的作用,更主要的是强烈的欲望骚动,促使我要求男朋友来一次闪电战,于是我们跑到楼上开辟了战场。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. God wants to see what " love " is, becomes a beggar, stand in the roadside begging . 上帝想看看“爱情”是什么东西,变成了一个乞丐,站在路边乞讨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He wasn't begging for a handout but certainly appreciated the help in a heart-breaking, and embarrassing situation. 他没有乞求施舍。他对在这种撕心的难堪场合下别人给予的救助,当然是感激涕零。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 1. Now and then their faces are shown in the news, or is the begging ads of relief organizations. 他们的面容不时出现在新闻里或救济组织的求援广告里。 www.hjenglish.com 2. If you meet a child begging , please call the police a. s. a. p. Save the child from now on. 以后一见到有乞讨的小孩,请你立刻报警,不要麻木,救救孩子吧! blog.sina.com.cn 3. He made a living by begging from door to door. 他靠挨家挨户乞讨为生。 school.ecp.com.cn 4. Shandong used throughout the festival to poems to hold a wide variety of activities begging for cleverness. 从前山东各地都以七夕为节,举行多种多样的乞巧活动。 hi.baidu.com 5. Michael kept begging his parents to let him see his sister, "I want to sing to her, " he said. 迈克尔不断地恳求他的父母让他见见妹妹,“我想唱歌给他听,”他说。 www.bing.com 6. There was a picture of a six-year-old boy begging in the street. His name was Yang Weixin. 我们看到这个微博页面的头像是一个六岁的乞讨男孩,名字叫杨伟鑫。 www.ebigear.com 7. The poor old man made a living by means of begging. 那位可怜的老人靠乞讨来谋生。 www.edu2edu.com 8. Jake: But I still remember someone was begging me to marry her the other day. 我还记得几天前某个人在求我娶她。 www.bing.com 9. The shocking incident came to light after passersby on a busy Mysore street asked the well groomed schoolgirl why she was begging. 直到一个过路人上前询问这个看起来很沮丧的女学生为何在此乞讨,这件令人震惊的事情才真相大白。 www.hxen.com 10. Everyone's mascot, jester, dogsbody, hoping to foil the punches by rolling over and begging for a pat on the head. 他成了船上每一个人的吉祥物、供人逗乐者、打杂工,人人都希望通过使诺曼打滚并乞求拍头轻一点来衬托自己的威仪。 edu.51ielts.com 1. Do you remember how you prayed to Krsna to help you 21 years ago in Paris? You stood before Him with your hands folded, begging for mercy. 你还记得21年前在巴黎你是怎么对奎师那祈祷的吗?你站在他面前双手合十,祈求仁慈。 www.krishna.com.cn 2. And to depart from injustice, is to offer a propitiatory sacrifice for in justices, and a begging of pardon for sins. 远离邪恶,就是举行赎罪祭,和为所犯的罪求赦的祈祷。 www.ccreadbible.org 3. The angel, disguised as an old man, went from door to door begging for food and drink. 天使伪装成一个老人,一户挨一户地上门乞讨食物和饮料。 www.nciku.cn 4. Like a little kid, begging me to play with it. 这个塑料胶袋就和我跳起舞来,像一个小孩求我陪他玩。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At this, he lost total control and started laughing hysterically , begging me to stop. 在此,他失去了总量控制,并开始笑歇斯底里,恳求我停止。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. At this time, the old lady came before, and hastened to the villagers described the promise of the elderly begging. 这时,太太婆才恍然大悟,赶忙向乡亲们述说了乞讨老人的许诺。 fanrengu.net 7. The terrain was strewn with beautiful theorems begging to be picked up and arranged in unified order. 该领域充满了美妙的定理,等待着人们去采撷和整理。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The rest of us would be waiting around to use the bathroom, pleading, urging, and begging. 我们其他人要用洗手间只能在外面干等,不停地呼喊、催促、哀求,但无济于事。 wenku.baidu.com 9. A young man, who appeared to enjoy robust health, was begging in the street of Madrid. 在马德里街头,一个看来体魄壮健的年轻人正在向一位绅士乞讨。 blog.chinaacc.com 10. You can take it apart slowly by begging to be included in business meetings throughout the organization. 您可以通过请求将该问题包括在整个组织的业务会议中,从而逐渐地采取分而治之的方法。 www.ibm.com 1. After months of begging, Fatima's family finally agreed to let her get a divorce. 经过数月的苦苦恳求,Fatima的家人最终同意她离婚。 www.bing.com 2. Some people say bears wander around the Russian cities begging for food, especially during winter. 一些人说熊们在俄国城市里面到处晃荡着求食,特别是在冬天的时候。 www.360doc.com 3. Even if the object of your affection is begging you to. 即使你所爱的人求你放手。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He then kept begging me, saying that if he failed the test, he would flunk the course. 然而他继续求我,说假如这次再考不好,这科就会被当掉。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 5. The most important thing is to make sure you aren't SUPPLICATING or BEGGING her for her number. 最重要的事情是你不是在为了她的号码在恳求或是乞求她。 paoxue.com 6. "On my first begging day, I stood in front of a supermarket for a long time before I could hang out the wooden board, " Xia recalled. 夏海波回忆说:“在我乞讨的第一天,我在一家超市前站立了很久,才拿出乞讨用的木牌。” www.suiniyi.com 7. The US is a crumbling empire, with the Statue of Liberty clutching a begging bowl and holding up a sign saying: Please give generously. 中国人认为美国是正在崩溃的帝国,就连自由女神也拿着讨饭碗,哀求:“请多施舍些!” www.bing.com 8. in the face of true love, you don't j just give, even if THE object of your affection is begging you. 在真正面对爱情,你不旦只是付出,即使你对你的感情对象是乞求你。 www.xkyn.com 9. I love to sit in the sun enjoying my leisure time with two little puppies bouncing around begging for food. 我喜欢坐在阳光下,享受闲暇,同时有两条小狗在边上跳来跳去,乞讨吃的。 info.mysshome.cn 10. My grandfather, who was a millionaire, often received begging letters from charitable organizations. 祖父是个大富翁,他经常收到一些慈善组织寄来的募捐信。 www.godict.com 1. It was not long before cabinet officials were begging to join the conversation at her table. 不久以后,连内阁官员也请求在她的宴会桌上参加谈话。 www.docin.com 2. Two smaller, female chimps were nearby with their hands stretched34 out, as if begging. 两只小一点的雌猩猩在附近伸出手来,好像是在乞讨。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. "Don't be ridiculous. " I wanted to sound angry, but it just sounded like I was begging. "You're the very best part of my life. " “别玩笑了。”我想让自己的声音起来听起来像在生气,却变成了乞求。“你是我生命中最棒的一部分。” bookapp.book.qq.com 4. Once he was begging for the poor in a drawing-room of the town. 一次,他在城里某家客厅里为穷人募捐。 bbs.ycwb.com 5. As the white -collar are yelling for being hard up, we blue-collar had better go begging. It's soon when I am going to be a beggar. 白领们都在叫着薪水不够,我们蓝领真该去要饭了。现在看快了,离要饭仅一步之遥。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He spent all the money his father had left him and now he sat by the roadside, begging. 他花光了父亲给留他的全部积蓄,现在坐在路边乞讨。 www.e-l-e.net.cn 7. He follows me around all day long begging for hounds. 他整天跟着我,巴巴地就想要几只猎犬。 www.bing.com 8. He looked at the water steaming invitingly and the glass of wine just begging to be savoured. 他看着浴缸里诱人的热气,还有那杯简直好像求人品尝的红酒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. During the Olympics, when construction projects were ordered to stop, her uncles camped out at work sites begging for odd jobs, said Ms. 谭建英说,北京奥运会期间建筑工地被勒令停工,她的叔叔们就守在工地打打零工。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then Mrs Heep fell on her knees to all of us, begging us to forgive her dear boy, and to remember how humble he always was. 这时,希普太太给我们大家跪下了,乞求我们饶恕他亲爱的孩子并想想他以前一惯的卑微相。 www.chinaedu.com 1. After days of begging for help, many citizens stranded in evacuation shelters near the Fukushima plant were bused to Tokyo for refuge. 在求援十多天后,许多被困在福岛核电站附近避难所的市民终于能够乘坐大巴去东京。 www.bing.com 2. He made a living by begging. 他以乞讨为生。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 3. A mother scratches the dry ground outside her hut, begging for a few mouthfuls of water. 一位母亲在她的小屋外刨着干地,祈求能获得一些水。 www.ecocn.org 4. Poor Liz to go begging, wander about in the corner of the city, the life of the seemingly endless misery. 贫穷的丽兹需要出去乞讨,流浪在城市的角落,生活的苦难似乎无穷无尽。 wenwen.soso.com 5. I knew that parties were involved, begging for nuts and candies, bonfires in the square, and playing tricks on the townsfolk. 我知道有一伙一伙的孩子讨要坚果和糖果,在广场点篝火,和镇民们玩弄恶作剧。 www.ebigear.com 6. He ignored shouts begging him to stop and sign autographs. 他丝毫不理会粉丝求他停下来签名的喊叫声。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. But boy you know your begging don't fool me. 但你的乞求是多麼的敷衍我 zhidao.baidu.com 8. And across the country, stores are closing, municipal budgets are tightening, and banks are begging for bailouts. 纵观全国,商店关门,市政预算紧缩,银行向政府请求经济援助。 bbs.24en.com 9. The owner wrote an impassioned letter to Jobs practically begging him to intervene and allow the product to keep its name. 产品的开发者给乔布斯写了一封慷慨激昂的信,几乎是在乞求乔布斯调解此事并允许保留产品的原名。 bbs.ecocn.org 10. One day I was asked to write a few articles on begging in London. 有一天,我被要求写几篇关于在伦敦行乞的文章。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. NK also knew our President would go begging China to step in and help. NK also knew Chinas response. Do nothing as usual. 北韩同样清楚我们的总统会去乞求中国帮忙,北韩也知道中国的反应——像通常一样什么都不做。 www.bing.com 2. What meaning is begging speed not to say beneficial result only? 只求速度不讲效益是什么含义呢?。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 3. The son went down on his knees, begging his father for mercy. 儿子跪在地上,请求父亲的宽恕。 www.kekenet.com 4. If such lawlessness continues, hopes an adviser to the governor, everyone will be begging for the police to come back and restore order. 如果这样无法无天的行为继续发生,建议者称民众就会请求政府召集警察来维持秩序。 www.ecocn.org 5. The children were begging for food. 那些孩子在讨饭。 6. She came to the capital begging all the way to look for her husband. 她沿路乞讨到京城找她的丈夫。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. What's question begging about this argument? 这个论点求什么问题? open.163.com 8. When he was young, his parents died, so he had to make a living by begging. 他小时候,父母双亡,他不得不靠乞讨为生。 wenku.baidu.com 9. He had no choice. Begging for a stay order. With innocent eyes looked at the pope. 他没有选择。乞求留下一条命。用无辜的眼神望着罗马教皇。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. So. . . when I'm whining and sighing and begging, "Oh, God, please get me out of this! " 所以,当我抱怨、叹息和乞讨:“哦,上帝,请让我摆脱这一切吧!” www.bing.com 1. It was begging me to run a scan. . . And that is exactly what I did. 它要求我运行一次扫描……那也正是我所做的。 www.bing.com 2. This horribly cute toy puppy will paddle around if put in water, swimming to his owner with big, begging eyes. 把这个可爱至极的玩具狗放到水里,它会扑腾着、睁着带有祈求眼神的大眼睛游向它的主人。 www.ryedu.net 3. There was a girl named Flora, who paid Mrs Sucksby a penny to take me begging at a play. 一个叫弗洛拉的女孩,付给了萨斯比大妈1便士,然后带着我去剧院行乞。 blog.tianya.cn 4. The Yanomami are not being integrated into Western society; instead begging, prostitution and drunkenness are being introduced into theirs. 雅诺马马不被纳入西方社会;不是乞讨、卖淫和酗酒正在引进身上。 www.baike.com 5. The Irish government, driven partly by a rise in aggressive panhandling as people struggle to get by, is reforming its begging laws. 在爱尔兰,由于强行乞讨现象增多,该国政府正在重拟乞讨法令。 cn.reuters.com 6. One of those is Zhang Shangwu, 28, a former gymnastics champion who was discovered last month begging on a Beijing street. 其中最典型的当属张尚武,28岁,前奥林匹克冠军,但是上月却被发现在北京街头乞讨。 dongxi.net 7. A mother living on begging and her children also enjoy the rare "leisure time" of the whole day. 人们在愉快地用晚餐,以讨要为生的两个孩子和他们的享受这一天中难得的“闲暇”时光。 bbs.chinazikao.com 8. When I asked if he was coming, how could I reveal my begging eyes? One should not be too honest to a handsome man, he will only despise you. 当我问他还来不来时,我怎能显露出那希求的眼光,在一个漂亮人面前是不应老实,让人瞧不起…… www.jukuu.com 9. Virtually, please begging you to bring you sweet love back to me. 实际上,你正把你甜密的爱带给我。 bbs.zol.com.cn 10. The stuff that I was lucky and begging for to get when I was a kid is now ubiquitous. 我很幸运并且我小时候想得到的东西现在无处不在。 www.ted.com 1. What, I wondered, is the proper etiquette for begging for food for one's children? 我想,用什么办法能体面地为孩子们讨一点食物呢? www.bachinese.com 2. Unknown What combat let trenchant Colombian abjection Thus, prefer translation trash food allay hunger unwilling extend begging hand. 不得而知是什么样的打击让犀利哥落魄至此,宁愿翻垃圾桶中的食物充饥,也不愿伸出乞讨之手。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. Dad met us at the gangplank and guided us through the swarms of hawkers and children begging for coins with outstretched hands. 爸爸在跳板上遇到我们,并带我们穿过那群叫卖的小贩和伸手讨钱的儿童乞丐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. and an exhausted Mr Paulson, begging congressional leaders on his knees to back a huge rescue plan. 乞求国会支持庞大援救计划的筋疲力尽的保尔森。 www.ecocn.org 5. At this time, jinshan also looking for loose end, he is the tail of the year to loose, begging for a debt. 此时,金山也在寻觅松尾,他是向松尾讨要当年的一笔欠款。 tv.360mp3.com 6. Less than four years ago today, I had no job and I was begging for work. 不到四年前的今天,我没有工作,我上班乞讨。 www.englishtang.com 7. The basic characteristic of England forbidding begging at this period is elites' suggestion, government legislation, and towns' execution. 此时,英国乞讨限制呈现出三管齐下的基本特征:精英献策、政府立法和城镇执行。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Regarding some illegal members, even can be remnant their artificial system, as goes begging the tool take it. 对于一些不法分子,甚至会将他们人为制残,以之为乞讨工具。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 9. The night before, a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips. 前一天晚上,一条貌似德国牧羊犬的狗来到酒吧,乞讨土豆片吃。 www.bing.com 10. baby, please, all the happiness and sorrows are just belonging to us, so begging you not crying in the class again. 宝贝,请,所有的快乐和悲伤只是属于我们,所以求求你不要哭在上课的时候了。 tieba.baidu.com 1. You will see Gypsies begging beside the road, but do not give them any money. 你会看到吉普赛人在路边乞讨,但是不要给他们钱。 www.bing.com 2. Host A: Well, were graduate students suddenly begging to be in your lab, beating down your door? 主持人甲:嗯,研究生是不是突然间都争相想到你的实验室,把门挤爆? www.joyen.net 3. Simply begging for aid when you feel overwhelmed is likely to make honest folks back away, while exploiters smell blood in the water. 在你感到无法应对的时候,只是去祈求获得帮助则可能让忠实的人们离开,而剥削者们… bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. He had seen the man begging on the road near his apartment, seen people roll their windows up and avert their eyes. 他见过那个人在他住处附近的路上乞讨,也看到人们摇上车窗转头不顾。 www.ebigear.com 5. begging for her house back. 想要回她的房子 www.kekenet.com 6. Other moms began begging for the innovative little device too, and Karen would make them while watching Oprah. 其他的妈妈们开始索要这种富有创意的小玩意儿。Karen就一边看《疯狂主妇之奥普拉》一边制作。 www.bing.com 7. Mobile courts, in the backs of vans and operated by a police task force, are being introduced to speed up convictions for begging. 由警察特遣部队设立的流动法庭设在货车尾箱,能迅速给乞丐定罪。 www.bing.com 8. and she heard, at the same time, little Morning begging pardon for her brother. 同时,她还听到小公主“清晨”为弟弟求情的声音。 www.docin.com 9. All right, cool. But one day, you'll come begging for what I got. 好吧行但是总有一天你会为我拥有的能力来求我 www.tingroom.com 10. But to cite an example like that to justify homework is an example of what philosophers call begging the question. 但如果把它当作证明需要大量家庭作业的例子的话,就变成了哲学家所称的“窃取论题”。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Indeed, looking at them begging for attention, I also shaken, being soft-hearted, and felt he was too ruthless to do so. 的确,看着她们乞求的目光,我又动摇了,心软了,感觉自己这样做太无情。 www.bing.com 2. With her begging, my cold heart softened, but I still put up an annoyed face and walked in the park. 她的请求让我的心变得柔软,但我还是摆着一副不耐烦的面孔走进公园。 www.tiantianbt.com 3. Okay where are the question begging premises in each of the following premises? 求问题的前提在哪?,在下面前提中的哪个? open.163.com 4. Michal keeps begging his parents to let time see his sister, "i want to sing to here , " he said. 迈克尔一直不断地祈求爸妈让他见见自己的妹妹,“我想给她唱歌,”他说。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Roma (and non-Roma) women cradling babies or young children and begging are a common sight on Budapest's boulevards. 罗姆(和非罗姆人)妇女摇着怀中的婴儿或者年轻小孩一道乞讨在在布达佩斯的大街上是一个常见的场景。 www.ecocn.org 6. Instead of begging, they were instructed to say, 'You don't have to go to the toilet. When you're bigger, you'll get it. ' 他指导他们不要用乞求的语气,而应该说“当然你也不是非得用厕所不可;不过等你长大了你自己就明白了。” chinese.wsj.com 7. But by carrying a begging bowl, in fact, it is as though you always have something to put things into. 但是,带著托钵,事实上好似你永远都有个东西是可以放入什麽的。 www.haodf.com 8. When the brain signed off, Tesla's knees buckled . He moaned weakly, begging for his captors to remove the resplendent collar. 主脑离线时,泰斯拉的双膝猛地内扣,虚弱地呻吟一声,请求他们摘除那华美的项圈。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. When people fish scales to touch his hand, begging for a snake eyes flashing light, very poor. 当鱼人把手触向鳞片时,蛇眼里闪着乞求的光芒,十分可怜。 www.bing.com 10. When reduced to begging in enclaves of humanity, the birds can often lose some of the wildness. 在人类居住地乞食的鹤鸵渐渐的就会失去野性。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. One contained a ten-dollar bill and a message begging her son to make contact. 其中一封装了一张十美元的钞票还有乞求她儿子与家里联系的信。 www.bing.com 2. the wolf dog sprawls on his back , wriggling obscenely with begging paws , his long black tongue lolling out. 那只狼狗摊开四肢趴在他的背上,伸出长长的黑舌头。 www.ichacha.net 3. Then let's say you get into horrible, disastrous debt and have to go begging to the government, like a sad little stray. 另外,比如说,你陷入了讨厌的、损失惨重的债务,而且必须像一个可怜的小流浪儿一样向政府祈求。 www.bing.com 4. Kratos is on his ship again, begging Athena to finally rid him of his nightmares. 克瑞托斯在船上,企求雅典娜最终让他拜托那些噩梦。 bbs.co2ky.com 5. But the facts Thucydides reports are pregnant with judgments begging to be born. 但修昔底德记述的事实孕育着产生判断的请求。 book.douban.com 6. First, an ancient biological program in the brain overrides natural satiety when there are lots of mates begging to be sexed. 首先,当有许多性伴等待交配时,大脑中一条古老的生物指令会优于天然满足感。 www.bing.com 7. To work is to preserve your honour. It is better than begging. 工作是为了捍卫自己的尊严,总好过行乞。 www.oxfam.org.hk 8. a German shepherd looking mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips. 前夜,一个德国人来到酒吧乞讨土豆片。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. Now foreign manufacturers are sitting pretty while the American auto industry is on its knees, begging for a bailout. 现在外国制造商还能玩得转,美国人早已经双膝跪地,祈求援助了。 www.bing.com 10. Impatient rebel sons are begging their fathers to let them march on Tripoli; some 17, 000 have signed up as volunteers in Benghazi alone. 没耐心的叛军士兵恳求领导人让他们在的黎波里街上游行;仅班加西一地就有约一万七千人签名加入志愿军。 www.ecocn.org 1. Servers that trust clients to send them only valid data are just begging to be hacked. 相信客户机总是发送有效数据的服务器等于是请求别人的攻击。 www.ibm.com 2. Today, after months of her begging me, I let my girlfriend cut my hair for the first time. 今天在女朋友几个月来苦苦哀求之下我点头同意她第一次给我剪头发。 www.bucter.com 3. Best served with blue cheese dressing and celery sticks, Buffalo wings leave most people licking their fingers and begging for more. 香辣鸡翅与蓝乳酪调味酱和芹菜茎作最佳的搭配,让大部分的人吮指回味乐无穷、欲罢不能。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Perhaps this piece of human scum , who sits here today begging for mercy, is wise in not telling us. 今天坐在这儿乞求宽恕的这一人类渣滓不肯告诉我们,或许这倒是聪明的做法。 dict.veduchina.com 5. It was almost two years ago when I first saw the disfigured man begging for money. 我第一次看见那位残疾人乞讨差不多是在两年前。 www.ebigear.com 6. But bureaucrats, not entrepreneurs, are the ones begging for cash to fund their pet projects. 但是,节目里为项目寻找融资的不是创业者,而是日本政府官员。 www.ecocn.org 7. Geng Jinping yesterday knelt before the court, begging for victims' forgiveness. 耿金平昨天在庭上下跪,乞求受害人的宽恕。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 8. At this time, the old woman is suddenly enlighted, quickly to the villagers told begging the old man's promise. 这时,老婆婆才恍然大悟,赶忙向乡亲们述说了乞讨老人的许诺。 zhidao.baoliaoguan.com 9. We insist to beg existence by quality, begging a development by species, begging the management policy with prestige by service. 我们坚持以质量求生存,以品种求发展,以服务求信誉的经营方针。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Reaching downstairs, the puppy will run toward s you, wagging it tail begging for a rub. 到了楼下,狗狗会向你跑来,摇着尾巴等待你抚摸它。 zhishi.sohu.com 1. You saw the president crying and begging on TV and it sent you into a panic. 你看到总统在电视上声泪俱下地哀求,这使你陷入恐慌。 www.bing.com 2. Irregular digitalis begging for guidance in his strayed life A juggling feat for the eates A struggling beat for the wired. 他误入指导乞讨的不规则洋地黄生活为吃一个为有线奋力击败杂耍技艺。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 3. Tendai Biti, his finance minister, had already done the rounds of Western capitals with his begging-bowl and had come back empty-handed. 他的财务部长滕达伊?比蒂已经屡次乞求西方各国的资助,但都空手而归。 www.ecocn.org 4. Every time I come home from school, I see several children sitting beside the road and begging. 每次我下学回家,城市看见几个小孩坐在马路旁边乞讨。 www.haosc.cn 5. His cheese can send the authors of Michelin guidebooks into rapture; Switzerland's best chefs regularly call him begging for some. 这些是米其林指南的作者们趋之若鹜的东西,而瑞士的顶级厨师们经常向他企要这些奶酪。 www.ecocn.org 6. Will he keep begging you for mercy? Will he speak to you with gentle words? 他岂向你连连恳求,说柔和的话吗? new.fuyinchina.com 7. I spent the first couple of days alternating between begging for forgiveness and planning the strikes on al Qaeda. 假期的前两三天,我一边请求得到大家的宽恕,一边筹划着对基地组织发起进攻。 www.bing.com 8. Help, help me! Gods help me! Ple-, Please! Im begging you, help me out of here! 救命,救命啊!神啊,救我!我向你乞求,帮我从这里弄出来! 9. I don't see begging a woman to change her mind, and I don't imagine begging helps. 我不乐意央告一个女人改变主意,我也不认为央告有什么用。 10. A. Give helpless wife: Ask for help is inferior to begging his, disrelish his formulation, introduce new pattern as oneself! 给无奈的妻子:求人不如求自己,嫌他公式化,不如自己引进新花样! dictsearch.appspot.com |
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