单词 | began at |
释义 | began at例句释义: 全部 1. Puritan Sabbath observance began at sundown and no work of any kind, even household chores, was allowed for the next 24-hours. 清教徒的安息日是从日落开始,不做任何工作,包括家务,长24小时。 douban.com 2. The attack began at 6: 18 p. m. , just as he said it would - Judgment Day. 午后6时18分展开攻击,就跟他们说的一样——审判日。 wenwen.soso.com 3. But the vegetation did not extend far, and a long, sandy plain, which began at the foot of these slopes, reached to the beach. 可是过去不远,就没有植物,成为一片铺展得很开阔的沙地平原了,这片平原从斜坡的尽头开始,一直延伸到海滨。 novel.tingroom.com 4. Another season began at Toyota Center and basketball is still treated like just a part of the entertainment package here at Camp Yuckitup. 新的赛季在丰田中心拉开帷幕,然而,在这里,篮球依旧仅仅被看作是娱乐活动的一部分。(缺少爵士球迷的那种激情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In the fall, when he began at Davidson, he found the two advocates he needed, one in the office right next door to Winterberg's. 同年秋,他在戴维森学院开始了求学之路,很快,他便找到了两位对自己事业持肯定态度的支持者,其中一位就在温特伯格的隔壁办公。 www.bing.com 6. Its use began at least as long ago as Theodore Dreiser's novel An American Tragedy (1925). 这个词根的使用至少始于西奥多-德莱塞(TheodoreDreiser)的小说《美国悲剧》(AnAmericanTragedy,1925年出版)。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The SEC alleged Mr. Pang's fraud began at least in 2003 when he raised hundreds of millions of dollars from investors, mostly in Taiwan. Mr. 证交会声称,彭日成的欺诈行为至少从2003年就开始了,当时他从投资者手中筹集了数亿美元资金,其中大部分为台湾投资者。 www.bing.com 8. The surrogate told me that she charged according to a sliding scale that began at $70 an hour. 那个性爱代理人告诉我,她按小时收费,起价70美元。 www.bing.com 9. And he began at once to put this decision into effect. 他马上把这一决定开始生效。 www.cqwx.net 10. At home, the day begins with a heart-to-heart talk with her father. Her life study class began at an early age. 在家里,一天的开始是和爸爸谈心,她的终身学习从很小就开始了。 www.newdaai.tv 1. Inflation of expectations at opening ceremonies began at least with the Disneyfication of the games at Los Angeles in 1984. 人们对奥运开幕式的期望提高,至少可追溯到迪斯尼特色的1984洛杉矶奥运。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But with 2. 5 billion people without proper sanitation, he believes his vision, which began at the bottom of a toilet bowl, is coming true. 但全世界有25亿人没有良好的卫生设备,因此他坚信自己这个从抽水马桶底部开始的计划将变成现实。 www.bing.com 3. He began at Yale Medical School, but he completed his medical degree at Columbia University in New York City. 他开始在耶鲁大学医学院,但他完成了他在纽约哥伦比亚大学医学学位。 www.maynet.cn 4. He wore a long black coat, too. The coat began at his neck, and ended at his feet, so I could not see his arms, his body, or his legs. 他还穿了一件黑色的长外套,外套从颈子上一直拖到脚下,所以我看不见他的手臂、身体和腿。 www.bing.com 5. but, being of a hopeful nature, they began at once to invent plans to save the prince from the dreadful doom that awaited him. 但是,由于人充满希望的本性,他们马上就开始筹划将王子从等待着他的可怕的死亡中拯救出来。 www.bing.com 6. I began at last to question the value ofthis personal freedom which had seemed so inherently right. 我终于开始质疑起这个本该如此正确的个人自由价值观来。 www.bing.com 7. But they only laughed at me, and began at last to look upon me as crazy. 可是,他们只是嘲笑我,最后竟把我看作疯子。 www.bing.com 8. It all began at a small locksmith workshop in Heidenheim at the river Brenz at the outskirts of the Swabian Jura. 福伊特起步于位于斯瓦比亚郊区布伦兹河边海登海姆的一座小锁匠作坊。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The celebration began at the Lupercal cave, where the wolf Lupa was said to have suckled the infant Romulus and Remus. 庆祝仪式在卢帕卡尔洞穴开始,据说那里是卢帕狼哺育罗姆鲁斯和拉姆斯这两个婴儿的地方。 www.ryedu.net 10. His dream came true on his 26th birthday, when after years of training he entered the race. The race began at noon. 他的梦想在他二十六岁生日那年终于实现了,因为经过多年的训练,那年他进入了决赛。 www.hjenglish.com 1. Golf Digest, with a circulation of 1. 65 million, announced Thursday the mutual end of a relationship that began at the 1997 Masters. 高尔夫球文摘,发行量为一百六十五万,星期四宣布结束与大师开始于1997年相互的关联。 www.aitrans.net 2. But the recession which began at the end of two thousand seven has not hurt all fifty states equally. 但是,于2007年底开始的衰退并未同等程度地损害50个州。 www.unsv.com 3. The game began at the Suns' favored tempo, with both clubs sprinting up and down for quick baskets. 比赛是以太阳最喜欢最擅长的节奏开始,两队都在快速奔跑,迅速出手。 www.t1.hk 4. She began at length to recover, to fidget about in her chair, get up, sit down again, wonder, and bless herself. 到最后她才完全弄明白了是怎么回事,于是在椅子上坐立不安,一会儿站起来,一会儿又坐下去,一会儿诧异,一会儿又为自己祝福。 www.ebigear.com 5. He approached the young woman and, without saluting, began at once to converse with her. 他走近那年青女郎,马上就和她攀谈起来了,连招呼都不打。 6. However, a study of literary inquisition began at the end of the Qing Dynasty. 但真正意义上对清代文字狱的研究则从清代灭亡开始。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. About a mile down the road, a hot sensation began at the back of Swanson's neck and spread forward toward his face. 开车行驶了大约一英里之后,斯旺森感到后脖颈上一阵火热,并逐渐向面部扩散。 wiki.jukuu.com 8. In many ways it is a continuation of a debate that began at the start of the Clinton administration. 从很多角度来看,这都是克林顿政府执政之初开始的一场辩论的延续。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Romulus began at once to lay off the bounds of his little town. 罗穆卢斯立即开始规划他的小镇的边界。 dict.wenguo.com 10. The phenomenon began at dawn over the western coast of India, passing over Surat, Indore, Bhopal, Varanasi and Patna, Nasa said. 美国航空航天局称,黎明时分,印度西海岸首先观察到这一景象,随后日食经过苏拉特、印多尔、博帕尔、瓦拉纳西和帕特纳。 www.bing.com 1. For the boat out at sea the bad dream began at about midnight. 对于出海的船,恶梦始于子夜时分。 www.zftrans.com 2. According to the Xinhua news agency, the attack began at 8am when a truck rammed into a group of police jogging in the street. 据新华社报道,袭击发生在早8时,当时一辆卡车冲进了一队正在街上出早操的武警之中。 www.bing.com 3. Lini, ten yards in advance, began at once to knock on the door . 林妮跑在前面,约十码左右,立即上前去敲门。 www.jukuu.com 4. We began at the Tarboro High School, the most populated shelter in the state, where thousands of people were temporarily living. 我们首先前往塔波罗高中,那里是该州人数最多的避难所,有几千人暂时住在那里。 sm2000.org 5. They began at a speedy pace but we did well to defend solidly and wait for the best moment to hit them. 他们上来的节奏就很快但是我们的防守坚不可摧,并且等到了最好的机会,一击即中。 www.soccer-media.com 6. Mrs. March smiled and began at once, for she had told stories to this little audience for many years, and knew how to please them. 马奇太太笑笑,马上又讲开了。她跟这班小听众讲了多年故事,知道怎样迎合她们。 www.kekenet.com 7. Both Brown and Rihanna had been scheduled to perform at the Grammy Awards, which began at 5 p. m. at Staples Center. 这两个布朗和蕾哈娜原定执行在格莱美奖颁奖典礼开始,下午5时在斯台普斯中心。 www.ukoo.net 8. Its expression specificity began at the somites stage, mainly in the nervous system of the head. 从体节期开始,其表达逐渐表现出特异性,主要在头部的神经系统中表达。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Those efforts began at least a decade ago. 中国政府在这方面的努力至少十年前就开始了。 chinese.wsj.com 10. A few years ago, I had a dream. It began at summer and over by the following spring. 几年前,我做过一个美丽的梦,在夏天的时候开始,又在下一个春天结束。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Protests and strikes began at colleges in other cities, with many students traveling to Beijing to join the demonstration. 抗议和罢工开始在其他城市学院,与前往北京参加游行的许多学生。 chinesewang.myfreeforum.org 2. Segovia's quest to elevate the guitar to a prominent position in the music world, began at the early age of four. 在塞戈维亚年仅四岁的时候,他就开始探索着想把吉他提高到世界音乐的领先地位。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Commemoration events began at the Pentagon on Friday - under heightened security. 纪念活动星期五在五角大楼开始,现场戒备森严。 www.bing.com 4. The son of Michigan State University computer science professor Dr. Carl Victor Page, Larry's love of computers began at age six. Larry是密歇根大学计算机科学教授CarlVictorPage博士之子,从六岁即开始热衷于计算机。 www.google.ca 5. Ms. Holmes began at Groupon last August as a writer, then became an editor, then senior editor. Holmes女士去年八月以一名写手的身份加入Groupon,然后成为一名编辑,再升职为高级编辑。 www.bing.com 6. Government offices closed Friday in observance of the Jewish Sabbath, which began at dusk. 星期五,因为庆祝黄昏开始的犹太人的光明节,政府办公室关闭。 www.24en.com 7. British penetration of the area began at Zanzibar in the last quarter of the 19th century. 英国渗透在桑给巴尔地区开始在最后一个季度的19世纪。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. When I began at NPC, I noted the impact of our advice on donors and on the charities themselves. 我刚开始在NPC工作时就注意到,我们给捐赠人和慈善组织的建议影响深远。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The protests that began at the start of the year captured worldwide attention, and social media elevated this attention to mega-publicity. 今年年初开始的抗议活动举世瞩目,而社会媒体更是进一步对这种关注进行广泛宣传。 www.who.int 10. At the Beijing auto show, which began at the weekend, the Volkswagen Passat CC saloon is making its debut. 在上周末开始的北京车展上,大众帕萨特CC首次亮相。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Health officials say the outbreak began at a village dinner party near Danzhou. 卫生官员说,疫情源自在儋州附近的一个农村席宴。 ept-cn.com 2. Nato later confirmed that more than 10, 000 sorties have been flown since operations began at the end of March. 北约领袖确认,自三月底行动开始以来,他们已经发动了超过10,000次袭击。 www.hxen.com 3. ON JULY 9th the trial began at The Hague war-crimes tribunal of Rasim Delic, a former commander of the Bosnian army. 7月9日于海牙军事法庭,有关战犯RasimDelic的案件开庭审理。RasimDelic是波斯尼亚军队的前任将领。 www.ecocn.org 4. Now, my work began at the beginning. 现在,我的工作是从头开始。 www.ted.com 5. RAPHAEL BOUSSO and JOSEPH POLCHINSKI's work together began at a workshop on string duality in Santa Barbara. 布索与普金斯基的合作始于在美国圣巴巴拉举办探讨弦对偶性的工作坊。 6. JOSEPH POLCHINSKI's and RAPHAEL BOUSSO work together began at a workshop on string duality in Santa Barbara. 普金斯基与布索的合作始于在美国圣巴巴拉举办探讨弦对偶性的工作坊。 7. The buzz around A Single Man began at the Venice Film Festival in September, when Firth, 49, won the best actor prize. 《单身男人》成名于九月的威尼斯电影节,当时49岁的Firth因此赢取了最佳男主角奖。 www.bing.com 8. Foraging expeditions began at night, Kennedy and Pomfret let them, with silencers on their revolver, in search of buck. 一小队人带着装有消音器的左轮手枪,在肯尼迪和庞弗雷特率领下去搜寻雄鹿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The slope-sliding of Union Valley Open Pit Mine began at the mine development stage. 团结沟露天矿从基建时起即开始滑坡。 www.dictall.com 10. The total eclipse began at 7. 40am with the Moon close to the western horizon and lasted for around 73 minutes. 本次月全食开始于早上7:40,此后月亮慢慢靠近从西边落下,整个过程持续了近73分钟。 www.bing.com 1. It is believed the live burial of pigs began at Christmas and the figure is likely to climb far above the one million mark. 据说埋活猪始于圣诞节,很可能这个数字会远超一百万。 www.bing.com 2. We began at Fu Sing Shark Fin Seafood Restaurant, a brash old Cantonese family favourite. 我们先去了性急的老广东人最喜爱的富声鱼翅海鲜酒家(FuSingSharkFinSeafoodRestaurant)。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It was a force behind the environmental movement, which began at about that time. 正是它推运了从那时兴起的环境保护运动。 www.ecocn.org 4. Fast fill of the external fuel tank began at 8: 15 a. m. with the liquid oxygen and one minute later for the liquid hydrogen. 外部燃料箱的快速填充将于上午8时15分开始,液氢填充将会在液氧开始填充后的一分钟时开始。 hi.baidu.com 5. The group began at a one-time-only show in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 本集团已开始在温尼伯市,马尼托巴省,加拿大一次性只能说明。 www.englishtang.com 6. CIA mind control projects began at Bethesda Naval Hospital in 1947, with data gained from German SS intelligence. 中情局的思想控制计划在贝塞斯达海军医院开始于1947年,使用从德国党卫军情报部门的数据。 www.180qu.com 7. Among boys puberty, defined as an increase in testicular volume, began at around 11. 2 years. 男孩青春期按照定义睾丸体积开始增大,平均年龄约为11.2岁。 www.bing.com 8. The meeting began at a (quarter)to six p. m. 会议五点四十五分(差一刻到六点钟)开始。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. The outage, which is not believed to be connected to the Amazon problem, began at 9. 30pm on Wednesday night. 这次中断开始于周三晚上9:30,据信与亚马逊的问题并无关联。 www.bing.com 10. The first and most serious clash began at about 4am local time when troops in full combat gear advanced to disperse the protesters. 发生在当地时间凌晨4点的第一次也是最严重的冲突中,军队全副武装以驱散示威者。 www.bing.com 1. Our example must encourage those who come after us to continue the endeavor that began at the dawn of the 21st century. 我们必须为子孙后代作出表率,鼓舞他们继续进行在21世纪初开始的努力。 www.america.gov 2. Results: The high cure rate of DINCPE was observed if treatment began at early stage. 结果:药物所致非心源性肺水肿的早期治愈率较高,但早期诊断易被忽视。 www.chemyq.com 3. My tour of duty began at the Wynn Macau, a 600-room gaming and leisure resort that opened last September. 我的参观之旅从永利澳门赌场酒店(WynnMacao)开始。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The rift between the Gungan and Naboo people began at first contact, centuries ago. 几世纪前冈根人与纳布人首次接触时,他们之间就产生了不和。 starwarsfans.cn 5. The process of regulatory reform began at the outset of the crisis. 监管改革进程始于危机爆发。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A phase 1 clinical trial of Genzyme's gene therapy treatment began at the end of May. Genzyme基因疗法临床测试的第一阶段在5月末启动。 www.bing.com 7. Six people initially died during the attack, which began at 12. 30 a. m. Wednesday, witnesses told the activists. 目击者对活动人士说,攻击开始于周三午夜12点半,最初有六人死亡。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The eclipse began at about 5. 30 am gmt and was seen first in the eastern city of Gauhati in India. 日食大约于格林威治时间时间上午5点30分开始,首次出现于印度东部城市高哈蒂。 www.eoezone.com 9. Their friendship began at last time's world war when they still battle companion. 他们的友谊起始于上次世界大战当他们还是战友的时候。 www.hotdic.com 10. Then began at half past seven back English sentences and words. 然后七点半开始背英语句子和单词。 www.hazhu.com 1. Work began at the site this week, under the protection of armed civilian guards. 工程于本周动工,由武装平民看守。 www.ecocn.org 2. The two men recited vows before family and friends at a ceremony which began at 11. 45pm on Monday night. 仪式在星期一晚上11点45分进行,他们在家人和朋友的见证下立誓。 www.bing.com 3. summer holidays began at the end of June. 暑假在六月底开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. China's problems actually began at home. 实际上,中国的问题始于国内。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Nobody seemed to know, but they did know that it began at the water fountain. 似乎没人知道,但是她们只知道流言是从饮水处那传出的。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. The path to the end, Began at his start, To find her first calm, Her long broken heart. 他已经踏上寻求目标之路,为了找回她当初的宁静,弥合她破碎已久的心。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Our friendship began at the University of Notre Dame in the states so it always seemed fitting to come here. 我们的友谊始于圣母大学因此去那里祈祷再合适不过。 www.elanso.com 8. Eg. Aileen began at once to unburden her feelings. 爱玲立刻开始发泄她的感情。 www.for68.com 9. The crisis began at 2: 46 p. m. local time on Friday, when the massive quake struck (see 'Giant shock rattles ideas about quake behaviour'). 事故发生于当地时间星期五下午2点46分,地震来袭之时(参见‘Giantshockrattlesideasaboutquakebehaviour一文)。 www.bing.com 10. I'm glad you began at once, and hope you will keep on. But I want to say one word before we sit down. 真高兴你们马上就开始学习,可要坚持下去埃不过坐下之前我想说几句话。 www.kekenet.com 1. It all began at the Plaza Hotel. 一切都从广场酒店开始 www.tingroom.com 2. The working day began at 8am, the crack of dawn for investment bankers in those days. 工作日8点上班,对于投行家来说此时正是破晓时分。 www.ecocn.org 3. The test began at 2: 30 p. m. and dozens of rounds were directed into waters southwest of the island. 演习于当地时间周一下午2点30分开始,几十轮火炮射击指向的都是延坪岛西南方海域。 cn.wsj.com 4. It was unclear where the talks finally began at 8. 35pm, almost 12 hours after the visitors arrived. 会谈最终于晚间8点35分举行,距韩方代表团抵达已近12个小时。尚不清楚会谈究竟在哪里举行。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It is surely no coincidence that the rise in the relative wages of financial professionals began at that point. 此时金融专业人员的相对薪水上涨绝非偶然。 www.bing.com 6. The 2006 Ladies Asian Golf Tour Zhuhai stage began at the Zhuhai Orient Golf Club on March 15th. 年女子亚洲高尔夫巡回赛珠海公开赛,15日在东方高尔夫俱乐部开杆。 old.zhtv.com 7. The play began at eight, so they must dine at seven. 戏八点开始,因此他们必须七点吃饭。 www.hxen.com 8. Our end-of-year countdown began at 8 o'clock. 我们的新年倒计时在八点钟开始。 www.bing.com 9. Our journey began at Changsha. 我们的旅行从长沙开始。 wenwen.soso.com 10. This obsession began at an early age. 这种痴迷是从小开始的。 www.bing.com 1. The Inspector began at once. 探长马上就开始了提问。 www.crazyenglish.org 2. The classes began at half past two in the afternoon. I was in high spirits and paid close attention to the teachers during the lessons. 下午两点半开始上课,我的情绪很高,上课期间全神贯注地听老师讲课。 www.yz81.com 3. His teaching began AT the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, but William Rainey Harper lured him to the new university of Chicago. 他的教书生涯始于麻省理工学院,但是WilliamRaineyHarper把他吸引到了新成立的芝加哥大学。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Researches on using vegetable oil as dielectric liquid began at the same time as mineral oil. 植物绝缘油的研究与矿物油的研究是同期进行的。 www.fabiao.net 5. The tiger hunt began at sunrise. 日出时分开始捕猎老虎。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. What new type of diving began at the 2000 Olympics? 2000年奥运会上有什么新的跳水项目? www.tingroom.com 7. The mistaken order flow began at 3: 38pm Eastern time on Monday and lasted six minutes. 错误订单从美国东部时间周一下午3:38分开始,持续了6分钟。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The evening show began at 8 pm after the national songs of China and Kuwait were played. 科威特当地时间晚上八点,晚会在科中两国雄壮的国歌声中开始。 news.rednet.cn 9. I'm glad you began at once, and hope you will keep on. 你们立刻开始行动了,我真高兴。希望你们能持之以恒。 10. The tea party began at half past six. 茶会下午六点半开始可以。 www.tnseo.com.cn 1. The modern Olympic Games began at Greece in 1896. 第一届现代奥运会于1896年在希腊举行。 www.tingroom.com 2. The path to the end began at his start. 通往尽头的小路就从他的脚下开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It began at the wrong end. 这事一开始就错了。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Michael's road to fame began at the University of North Carolina. 乔丹的成名之路始于北卡大学。 nba.cpgl.net 5. The sports meeting began at 8 a. m. last Sunday. 上周日运动会是上午八点开始的。 www.qikan.com.cn 6. Fees began at 100 yuan after 11 p. m. for Ben Ao An Da's driver service, plus extra charges based on distance and wait times. 某家公司的服务是这样收费的:夜间11点后,100元起步,还有基于距离和等待时间的额外费用。 www.common-talk.com 7. Iran's oil exploration began in the late 19th century, a large-scale exploitation of oil began at 20th century 50s. 伊朗石油开采始于19世纪末,大规模开采则自20世纪50年代开始。 www.fabiao.net 8. The film began at 5 o'clock and has been on for half an hour. 电影5点开映,已开映半小时了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I began at once. 我马上就开始了。 www.bing.com 10. He drew the horses very well, but he always began at the tail. 他画马画得很好,但他总是从尾部开始。 wenwen.soso.com 1. There is also a two-year, part-time programme that began at the same time as the full-time MBA. 此外,与这个全日制MBA同时开设的还有一个两年制在职MBA。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The "Beat L. A. " chants began at about 5: 08 p. m. local time, 25 minutes before tip-off. 当地时间下午5:08,离比赛正式开始还剩25分钟,场上响起了“打败湖人”的口号。 www.tianya.cn 3. I was only a boy then, and it all began at the time my father owned the Admiral Benbow inn, at Black Hill Cove . 那时我还是个孩子,我父亲在布莱克希尔湾开了一家名叫“本葆将军”的客店。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. When the race began at 9 a. m. , it was 71 degrees and the humidity was 78 percent. 当比赛在上午9点开始时,气温大概是22°C,相对湿度78%。 www.bing.com 5. And almost 90% of all our smokers began at or before their 18's 18th birthday. 而且烟民中接近90%是在18岁生日时或者之前开始吸烟的。 home.hjenglish.com 6. The film began at 8: 00 that evening . 那晚电影8点就开始了。 blog.163.com 7. You are keeping busy? The school began at September 1. 你很忙吧?我九月一号就开学了。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Because sound was so important to him, Stevie began at an early age to experiment with different kinds of sound. 因为声音对他格外重要,史蒂夫从很小就开始用不同种类的声音来给自己做试验了。 iask.sina.com.cn 9. They're punctuated by major rallies, such as the one that began at the Nov. 20 low of 752 and then failed at 935 in January. 它时不时会有大回弹,比如从11月20日的低点752点向上,到一月又从935点掉下来。 www.bing.com 10. Today, a three minute silence began at 2: 28pm local time in China, as air raid sirens and horns of cars, trains and ships wailed in grief. 今天,中国星期一下午当地时间2点28分,当防空警报、汽车、火车和轮船的喇叭汽笛齐声鸣叫呜咽时,三分钟静默开始。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Ignorant and inexperienced, it is not strange that in the first years of our new life we began at the top instead of at the bottom; 由于我们无知,又缺乏经验,所以在我们新生活的最初,几年里,我们没有从最低点而是最高点开始努力; www.usinfo.org 2. It began at 6: 40 this morning and lasted until nine o'clock. 这起事故开始于早上6点40并持续到九点。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. Cyndi's talent for music began at the age of 12 when she learned to play the guitar and creating lyrics. 辛蒂的音乐天赋是12岁时,当时她学习吉他并创作。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. My obsession with him began at the age of 12when I would spend maths classes designing uniforms for him and hisbodyguards. Sad, but true 我从12岁开始就为他着迷,那时我常在数学课上给他和他的护卫设计制服,真的。 www.bing.com 5. calculations in his mind: that, ordinarily, the sittings of the Court of Assizes began at nine o' clock in the morning; 随后他心里又这样计算:平时法庭开审,常在早晨九点,这件案子不会需要多长时间的; www.jukuu.com 6. John hoped to jump again, he would have a lot to do. He began at once. Even in his hospital 如果约翰还想再跳,他就有很多事情要完成。他马上开始了自己的计划。即使在医院的病床上 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Tell us that life was a matter began at the end of the circle; more indifferent 告诉我们,生命原本是一个无所谓开始更无所谓结束的圆圈; zhidao.baidu.com 8. once the strain exceeded the elastic limit, the dislocations began at the stress concentration position of the hole; 超过弹性极限后,位错发生于小孔的应力集中处。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. The Jewish Passover holiday began at sunset last Friday, 上周五,随着日落的到来,犹太教逾越节开始了。 www.tingroom.com 10. You're still in bed at ten and work began at eight 八点上班你十点还在床上 spaces.msn.com 1. the hisorty of modern CHina began at 1940 中国近代史的开端是1940 zhidao.baidu.com |
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