单词 | choose | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
过去式:chose 过去分词:chosen 现在分词:choosing 第三人称单数:chooses v. n. choose type,choose location,choose language,choose word,choose way adv. v. choose carefully,deliberately choose choose 显示所有例句
例句释义: 选择,选取,挑选,决定,选择性,选定 1. Each is a completely valid way of modeling the system, but which we choose depends on which interactions are important. 这两种选择都是对系统建模的完全有效的方法,但是到底选择那一个,取决于那一种交互作用是重要的。 www.ibm.com 2. Whichever group that you choose to listen to, it is always good to get the solid facts and information from both sides of the argument. 两者组您所选择的听,它始终是很好的获得了坚实的事实和资料,从双方的论据。 uzmart.com 3. Arrange other parts of the picture area in such a way as to complement what you choose to be the center of interest. 安排图片上的其它部分作为你选择的兴趣中心点的补充。 www.hayaofans.com 4. But if it is more convenient for you to use this ship, we do not think it would cause any problem to choose it. 如果你认为用这条船会更方便的话,那么我们认为选择它不会有任何问题。 bulo.hjenglish.com 5. They might just choose to ask their employees to work overtime to make up the difference. 他们可能就是要求他们的员工加班已完成任务差额。 bbs.66xue.com 6. Writing regularly is a great way to track your thoughts in a more informal way; it helps clarify what you think about any topic you choose. 日志可以帮你你理清你所选择的任何一个话题的思路。 www.bing.com 7. Passengers would then be able to choose (and pay more for) an airline that is less likely to leave them stranded for long. 然后乘客们可以选择不太可能让他们滞留太长时间的航空公司(要支付更多钱)。 www.ecocn.org 8. I would not choose to be an ordinary person, and if I can do, I have the right to become an unusual person. 我是不会选择做一个普通人的,如果我能够做到的话,我有权成为一个不寻常的人。 tieba.baidu.com 9. One person who was in a meeting with him early in the crisis remembers his saying: "We have to choose to be calm. " 一位曾在危机之初与伯南克共同参加会议的人还记得伯南克的话:“我们必须选择保持平静。” www.ftchinese.com 10. There's been a setback for the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in regional elections a month before voters choose a new federal parliament. 距离人们投票选举下一届联邦议会一个月时间,德国总理安格拉·默克尔在地区性选举中遭遇挫败。 club.topsage.com 1. Your nest step will be to fill out your profile with as little or as much information as you choose to tell people about you. 您的燕窝步骤将是填写您的个人资料作为很少或尽可能多的信息您选择告诉人们你。 103993044.lingd.net 2. Note: If you do not choose to treat your nonresident spouse as a US resident, you may be able to use head of household filing status. 假如你不选择视你的海外配偶为居民,你仍可用一家之主身份报税。 usa.bbs.net 3. The actual form of the page is entirely up to you, as is the data that you choose to include. 页面的实际形式完全取决您所选择的要包括的数据。 www.ibm.com 4. Usually they will target a film first, and set out to see that, but sometimes they will just go and choose when they get there. 通常他们会看中一部影片,然后确定要不要观看,但有时也会到了影院才决定看什么。 www.bing.com 5. Please give me a correct answer so that I choose to leave or to stay ? 请你给我一个正确的答案好让我选择离开还是留下?。 wenwen.soso.com 6. Choose one of these situations and write a dialogue. Then act it out. 选择下列情景之一编一段对话,然后表演出来 www.tingroom.com 7. He has trained himself to choose correctly between the two freedoms: the freedom to do as he pleases, and the freedom to do what he must do. 他把自己训练得知道怎样在两种自由中作正确的选择:随心所欲的自由和非做不可的自由。 www.putclub.com 8. Maybe you already are, in which case you might be able to skip to the next step or choose a second candidate to try out. 或许你已经开始并跳到了下一步或者选择了第二个候选项。 www.bing.com 9. The scabbard too, will save him and doom him, for a man who cannot be wounded is not a man that a woman can choose to love. 剑鞘也一样,挽救他,也毁灭他。因为没有哪个女人会选择爱上一个不会受伤的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. For a female to choose a blond male he must be able to deliver resources (mammoth), as his blond hair alone is not enough to turn her on. 女性选择能够给她提够一些食物(比如猛犸肉)的男人,因为仅仅靠他的棕色头发并不能激起她的性欲。 www.bing.com 1. Holding a draft in front of him, Margaret asked Sean to choose "stroke" or "minor stroke" or leave out the detail. 玛格丽特将新闻稿的草稿放在马宏升面前,问他选择“中风”还是“小中风”,还是完全回避这个细节。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Please, you think I'm such a superficial person? ! You think I would choose a girlfriend base on looks? 拜托!你以为我是这肤浅的人吗?!你以为我选女朋友只会在乎外表? www.5ilog.com 3. I'd like to be able to tell you simply to choose one of the described techniques and ignore the others as inferior or less general. 我希望能够告诉您从所介绍的方法中仅选择一种,将其他方法作为次要选择或不常用的方法。 www.ibm.com 4. Instead, the TV experience is simply being enhanced by the web-enabled technologies - which you can choose to use or not use as you wish. 不同的是,看电视这种体验简单地因为这种网络技术而得到改善--你可以根据自己的感觉选择用还是不用。 www.bing.com 5. If I can make you happy that I would choose to leave. . . As long as you know I really love you. . . But I in your eyes hell? 如果我的离开能让你幸福那我情愿选择离开……只要你心里明白我是真的爱过你……但我在你眼里到底算什么?? wenwen.soso.com 6. If I had late arrival, I would be able to get sleep. I would choose late arrival over study hall. 如果我有迟到,我能得到睡眠。我会选择在学生自修室的迟到。 chinesewang.myfreeforum.org 7. You choose a specific form whenever you use wild shape, and that form has no effect on your game statistics or movement modes. 你在每次使用野性变身时决定你的外形,同时这个外形对你的游戏数据或行动模式没有影响。 www.anetcity.com 8. Although George Washington helped to choose the site for the residence while he was president, he never lived at the famous house. 虽然乔治.华盛顿在担任总统时选择了白宫的所在地,但是他却从来没有住在这个有名的建筑物里。 www.24en.com 9. You cannot indulge in your own weaknesses and let others choose events and opportunities for you to get what you want! 你不能沉陷于自己的弱势,让他人选择属于你得到的事件和机遇。 www.bing.com 10. If a company were to give a sum of money to one of these causes, it would be difficult to choose between them. 如果有公司要提供一大笔钱给其中之一,这将很难做抉择。 www.chinakaoyan.com 1. Work together with your partner. Choose one of these situations and write a dialogue. Then act it out. 与你的同伴合作,选择下列情景之一编一段对话,然后表演。 www.dictall.com 2. Choose a question only you know the answer to and that has nothing to do with your password. 选择一个只有您自己知道答案、并且与您的密码无关的问题。 www.jukuu.com 3. That is to say, to do something and to choose a line, and "a little bit of ambition" to attack the old establishment. 那就是他自己所谓的“一点野心”,即做一点事情,造一条战线,向旧社会进攻。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. He was also involved in a television documentary to spread the word, a quarter of a century after his series, "Free to Choose" . 25年前,他同样还参与制作系列电视记录片《自由选择》来传播他的理念。 www.ecocn.org 5. April 5You are wont to rush to judgment, to call a thing "wrong" or "bad" or "not enough, " rather than to bless what you do not choose. 不要急着下结论,把一样事物称作是“坏的”、“错的”或“不足”,而要去祝福你所没有选择的一切。 www.bing.com 6. Tokyo Electric Power Company, said the robot will choose a variety of data collected on to the public. 东京电力公司称,机器人采集的各种数据将会择日予以公布。 www.englishtang.com 7. I said that sentence is made solely for you to choose a frame of reference for you to do price comparisons. 我说那句话的目的仅仅是为你选择一个参照物供你做价格的比较。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Many Democrats want him to choose a Hispanic woman, since the court currently has no Hispanics and only one woman. 很多民主党人想要奥巴马选一个拉美裔的女性,因为最高法院的法官中目前还没有拉美裔法官,而女法官也只有一人。 www.ecocn.org 9. At least that seems to be true for the first few values of y that I choose. 最后貌似,对于y取一些比较小的值是成立的。 open.163.com 10. As a woman, a mother and a wife, I hold sacred for some specific values and oaths. I choose this faith to proceed with my life. 作为一个女人、一个母亲和一个妻子,有某些特定的价值观和誓言是我所尊崇的。我选择以这一信念继续我的人生道路。 home.ebigear.com 1. As the resident technology experts in many homes, they often choose what sort of televisions, stereos and computers their parents buy. 作为许多家庭中的民居科技小专家,他们经常决定着父母购买什么款式的电视,立体声和电脑。 www.ecocn.org 2. The meal tray becomes the astronaut's dinner plate and enables him or her to choose from several foods at once, just like a meal at home. 拖盘作为宇航员的用餐盘,使他(她)能够从几种食物当中立刻作出选择,就像在家用餐。 www.bing.com 3. By the time the 117 cardinal electors enter the conclave to choose the next pope, they must be ready to vote. 到这117位枢机主教选举人走入选举会议,选择下一个教皇时,他们必须为投票做好准备。 cn.nytimes.com 4. I gave it to a mother's pet, a little child. It was ignorant, but trusted me, asking me to choose for it. You did not ask me to choose. 我把它给了一位母亲的宠儿了:一个小孩子。他什么也不懂,但他相信我,让我来帮他挑选。而你并没有这么做。 hlxk.ontv.sh.cn 5. This makes it easier for customers to choose between them, and might be thought to act against each individual bank's best interests. 这样,客户就可以更加容易地在它们之间进行选择,同时它似乎也演示着各个独立银行之间最大利益的对立。 club.topsage.com 6. It's not difficult for me to understand a written sentence, but I've no idea how to choose the right word to make such a sentence. 对我来说理解一个句子并不难,但我不知该如何选词造句? www.joyen.net 7. Let those who choose to be lead developers also spend a small bit of their time on another part of the system . 让选择作主要开发者的员工在系统的另一面花费一定的时间。 www.bing.com 8. They internalize it: What's the matter with me? What could I have done differently? Why did they choose that person and not me? 他们内在的:有什么事跟我做什么我能有不同的他们为什么选择这个人,而不是我吗?? www.englishtang.com 9. No matter what career path you choose, I believe you have to love what you do. My own personal experience proves this point. 不管你选择哪一条职业发展之路,我认为你必须热爱你的选择。我的个人经历证明了这一点。 www.kekenet.com 10. He knew Peter Hansen would not be glad to see him, so he told himself to choose his words carefully. 他知道皮特.汉森可能看到他不会很开心,所以他告诫自己说话的时候,小心点。 www.bing.com 1. If may choose, I rather do not know you, is not willing to fall in love oneself you, is not willing to give you the scar! 如果可以选择,我宁可不去认识你,不愿意让自己爱上你,更不愿意给予你伤痕! www.mp3dj8.com 2. Don't think I'll be jealous of any man you choose to marry. I only want you to be happy! 别以为我会嫉妒你选择要嫁的男人,我只想让你快乐! www.chinaedu.com 3. Instead of trying to tackle everything on this list at once, choose a few things that appeal to you, and give them a try. 别想着一下子就做到这个单子上所有的事情,你可以选择一些喜欢的项目去尝试。 www.bing.com 4. He made Rawdon a handsome offer of his hand in the letter whenever the latter should come to England and choose to take it. 他很大方的回信说如果罗登回国以后需要他帮忙的话,他很愿意出力。 5. But the president who nominated her is also pro-choice, and he deserves to be able to choose Cabinet officials who reflect his priorities. 但提名她的总统也主张堕胎合法化,而且他应该能够选择可反映其重点的内阁官员。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. She had known, as soon as the TDE had activated that he was going to leave. That he would choose Cameron. 在时间机器启动的时候她就知道他会离开她,他选择了卡梅隆。 www.wotie8.com 7. You know a lot about administration, why don't you choose to work for a company looking for managers? 你很懂管理,为什么不选择到招聘经理人的公司工作? www.hxen.com 8. Try to understand the relationships between them, and choose the parts you need for your own development scenarios. 您不妨试着理解三者之间的关系,并针对自己的开发场景选择您所需要的部分。 www.ibm.com 9. Products should be at least labeled so consumers can choose whether they want to be part of this experiment. 至少应该在商品上加上标志,消费者才有知情权,决定他们是否愿意加入这类‘实验’。 www.bing.com 10. After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured, just as you choose to look at it. 八十大寿,毕竟非同一般,不管怎么说你又活了十年,或者说熬了十年, e.3edu.net 1. Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have. 除非你想用它来做大事,否则有多少回报或有多大的力量都没有什么意义。 hhbird.com 2. Asked to choose, from all this fleet, the vessel to carry me on a month-long cruise in pursuit of blue whales, I would not have hesitated. 若要我从这里所有的船中挑选一艘来载我出海追寻蓝鲸一个月,我也会毫不犹豫地挑这艘。 bbs.cnnas.com 3. If you choose ICL service to open BANK ACCOUNT, please kindly download this documents before you present physically in the bank. 如果您选择ICL服务开设银行帐号,请在亲身前往银行前下载此文件,并准备好相关文件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. When you finally reach that sense of solid stillness and stay there, you begin to realize that you can choose to give a shape to it or not. 当你最后达到那股固性寂止之感时,你开始意识到,你可以选择给它一种形状,或者不给。 www.liaotuo.org 5. Moreover, a chap got to shouting unendurably: " I do not choose to take your awful airplane any longer, let me get off quickly. " 还有已经受不了的,大叫:“我再也不坐你们的破飞机了,快让我下去。” www.crazyenglish.org 6. It was causing me more stress and anxiety, having so much to choose from, than I thought. 这让我越来越焦虑,压力也越来越大,我有太多可选择的衣服,比我所能想到的都多。 www.bing.com 7. The registry office suggested Velez, who lives near Madrid, should choose a saint's name. But she said she wanted to stay Darling. 因为维勒兹住在马德里,因而注册局建议她选择一个圣徒的名字,但是她表示希望能保持原名。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. One of Zeng's tasks was to choose articles with the potential to go viral and put them at the top of the page. 曾吉莹的工作内容之一便是要挑选出可能会火的文章帖子,并将其置顶。 www.bing.com 9. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit--fruit that will last. 不是你们拣选了我,是我拣选了你们;并且分派你们去结果子。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The JVM can also choose to unload classes if the class has not been used for an extended period of time. 如果类不用于延长的时间,则JVM还可以选择卸载这些类。 www.ibm.com 1. If I choose to let time, I will never regret this choice, let me answer. 如果真的在选择一次,我绝对绝对不会选择让自己受伤的决定。 tieba.baidu.com 2. The opposition candidates face a challenge trying to persuade voters to choose their promises over the president's record. 而反对派候选人遇到的挑战是,试图说服选民为他们的承诺投票,而不要为总统的记录投票。 www.voanews.cn 3. In a sense, the Queen, or Elizabeth Windsor as some choose to call her, is the last symbol of an old ascendancy that has gone forever. 在某种意义上,女王或者可以称呼她伊丽莎白·温莎,是已一去不复返的古老统治时代的最终标记。 www.bing.com 4. In this I with several years of experience, and volunteer work responsibly said - please carefully for volunteers. Choose to be a volunteer. 在此自己本人以数年地志愿工作服务经验,负责任地说——请慎为志愿者喜悦。 down.woyaozikao.com 5. For those of you who choose to fail, this is your right, but you do not have the right to take others or me with you. 你们如果有人选择失败,那是你的权利,可是你没有权利,拖别人一起下水。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Its new guidance says that pregnant women who choose to drink should limit their intake to one or two units, once or twice a week. 它的新的指导意见说,选择饮酒的孕妇应该限制她们的摄入量到一或两个单位,一周一或两次。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 7. Key decision-making factor to choose TNT was that the transportation required special handling, careful packing and enhanced security. 选择TNT的主要因素是,此次运输需要特殊的处理,且小心的包装与高度的防护。 www.104case.com.tw 8. In a couple of articles, I'll spend a good amount of time on JSON, and then you'll be ready to choose between the two on your next app. 我将占用几期文章的篇幅、用大量的时间去探讨JSON,之后您就可以随意选择在下一个应用程序中使用那种技术了。 www.ibm.com 9. Do not choose Digest authentication unless your deployment meets all the requirements for that mode. 不要选择摘要式身份验证,除非部署满足该模式的所有要求。 technet.microsoft.com 10. I don't think it wise for [of] him to choose such a difficult subject. 我认为他选择这样难的学科是不明智的。 www.hxen.com 1. You know, he is an escaped criminal and dare not walk to the place far from his abode. I figured out he would choose the ATM on Bagua Road. 作为一个逃犯,他不敢跑得离住处太远,所以,我断定他肯定会选那个ATM机。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Choose Password, Your password must be at least 8 letters long and must not contain parts of your name or your email address. Passwortwählen*:选择密码,您的密码必须至少为8个字母,密码不得包含您的姓名或电邮。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 3. I hate to have to choose only one, but I believe that the architecture of Singularity is its biggest contribution. 我并不想只选其中之一,但我认为在Singularity中架构最为重要。 www.infoq.com 4. Facing the front of the threshold of Harvard University, she decided to choose their own dreams - Synchronized skating. 面对着眼前哈佛大学的门槛,她毅然选择了自己的梦想——花样溜冰。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。 www.bing.com 6. I must be a complete individual first before I choose who and what to love. Those I love in life are a part of me but do not define me. 我首先是一个完整的人,然后才有我爱的人和事,我爱的人和事是组成我的一部分,但决不是我的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is one of the super works, images and movements are very beautiful, but can only choose a figure vomiting blood recommend! 简直是超强的一款作品了,画面和动作也非常绚丽,可惜只能选择一个人物,吐血推荐! 4455.cc 8. It is to choose an assembly that may take a year or so to write a constitution providing for the election of a new Egyptian president. 选举出的议会或将执政一年,期间制定一部宪法为新的埃及总统大选做准备。 www.ecocn.org 9. Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。 club.topsage.com 10. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 1. Key decision-making factor to choose TNT was that the transportation required special handling, careful packing and enhanced security. 选择TNT的主要因素是,此次运输需要特殊的处理,且小心的包装与高度的防护。 www.104case.com.tw 2. In a couple of articles, I'll spend a good amount of time on JSON, and then you'll be ready to choose between the two on your next app. 我将占用几期文章的篇幅、用大量的时间去探讨JSON,之后您就可以随意选择在下一个应用程序中使用那种技术了。 www.ibm.com 3. Do not choose Digest authentication unless your deployment meets all the requirements for that mode. 不要选择摘要式身份验证,除非部署满足该模式的所有要求。 technet.microsoft.com 4. I don't think it wise for [of] him to choose such a difficult subject. 我认为他选择这样难的学科是不明智的。 www.hxen.com 5. "Jinpingmei Cihua" is the treasure house of words, in the face of this vast ocean of words, we can only choose just a part of it. 《词话》是词汇的宝库,面对这个浩瀚的词汇海洋,我们也只能取其一瓢而已。 www.zidir.com 6. Students might have had to choose between chemistry or physics, or stop after two years of Spanish. 学生不得不在化学和物理中做出选择,或放弃学了两年的西班牙语。 www.bing.com 7. You know, he is an escaped criminal and dare not walk to the place far from his abode. I figured out he would choose the ATM on Bagua Road. 作为一个逃犯,他不敢跑得离住处太远,所以,我断定他肯定会选那个ATM机。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Choose Password, Your password must be at least 8 letters long and must not contain parts of your name or your email address. Passwortwählen*:选择密码,您的密码必须至少为8个字母,密码不得包含您的姓名或电邮。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 9. I hate to have to choose only one, but I believe that the architecture of Singularity is its biggest contribution. 我并不想只选其中之一,但我认为在Singularity中架构最为重要。 www.infoq.com 10. Facing the front of the threshold of Harvard University, she decided to choose their own dreams - Synchronized skating. 面对着眼前哈佛大学的门槛,她毅然选择了自己的梦想——花样溜冰。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I don't think it wise for [of] him to choose such a difficult subject. 我认为他选择这样难的学科是不明智的。 www.hxen.com 2. "Jinpingmei Cihua" is the treasure house of words, in the face of this vast ocean of words, we can only choose just a part of it. 《词话》是词汇的宝库,面对这个浩瀚的词汇海洋,我们也只能取其一瓢而已。 www.zidir.com 3. Students might have had to choose between chemistry or physics, or stop after two years of Spanish. 学生不得不在化学和物理中做出选择,或放弃学了两年的西班牙语。 www.bing.com 4. The Economist, if it had a vote, would choose George W. Bush. 如果《经济学人》手中持有一张选票,它会选择乔治·W·布什。 www.bing.com 5. You know, he is an escaped criminal and dare not walk to the place far from his abode. I figured out he would choose the ATM on Bagua Road. 作为一个逃犯,他不敢跑得离住处太远,所以,我断定他肯定会选那个ATM机。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Choose Password, Your password must be at least 8 letters long and must not contain parts of your name or your email address. Passwortwählen*:选择密码,您的密码必须至少为8个字母,密码不得包含您的姓名或电邮。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 7. I hate to have to choose only one, but I believe that the architecture of Singularity is its biggest contribution. 我并不想只选其中之一,但我认为在Singularity中架构最为重要。 www.infoq.com 8. Facing the front of the threshold of Harvard University, she decided to choose their own dreams - Synchronized skating. 面对着眼前哈佛大学的门槛,她毅然选择了自己的梦想——花样溜冰。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。 www.bing.com 10. I must be a complete individual first before I choose who and what to love. Those I love in life are a part of me but do not define me. 我首先是一个完整的人,然后才有我爱的人和事,我爱的人和事是组成我的一部分,但决不是我的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The Economist, if it had a vote, would choose George W. Bush. 如果《经济学人》手中持有一张选票,它会选择乔治·W·布什。 www.bing.com 2. There's no doubt that the business world can be frustrating, but remember that you can choose your response to your environment. 毫无疑问,商业世界是令人沮丧的,但记住,你可以选择你自己对周围环境的反应。 www.bing.com 3. You know, he is an escaped criminal and dare not walk to the place far from his abode. I figured out he would choose the ATM on Bagua Road. 作为一个逃犯,他不敢跑得离住处太远,所以,我断定他肯定会选那个ATM机。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Choose Password, Your password must be at least 8 letters long and must not contain parts of your name or your email address. Passwortwählen*:选择密码,您的密码必须至少为8个字母,密码不得包含您的姓名或电邮。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 5. I hate to have to choose only one, but I believe that the architecture of Singularity is its biggest contribution. 我并不想只选其中之一,但我认为在Singularity中架构最为重要。 www.infoq.com 6. Facing the front of the threshold of Harvard University, she decided to choose their own dreams - Synchronized skating. 面对着眼前哈佛大学的门槛,她毅然选择了自己的梦想——花样溜冰。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。 www.bing.com 8. I must be a complete individual first before I choose who and what to love. Those I love in life are a part of me but do not define me. 我首先是一个完整的人,然后才有我爱的人和事,我爱的人和事是组成我的一部分,但决不是我的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is one of the super works, images and movements are very beautiful, but can only choose a figure vomiting blood recommend! 简直是超强的一款作品了,画面和动作也非常绚丽,可惜只能选择一个人物,吐血推荐! 4455.cc 10. It is to choose an assembly that may take a year or so to write a constitution providing for the election of a new Egyptian president. 选举出的议会或将执政一年,期间制定一部宪法为新的埃及总统大选做准备。 www.ecocn.org 1. You know, he is an escaped criminal and dare not walk to the place far from his abode. I figured out he would choose the ATM on Bagua Road. 作为一个逃犯,他不敢跑得离住处太远,所以,我断定他肯定会选那个ATM机。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Choose Password, Your password must be at least 8 letters long and must not contain parts of your name or your email address. Passwortwählen*:选择密码,您的密码必须至少为8个字母,密码不得包含您的姓名或电邮。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 3. I hate to have to choose only one, but I believe that the architecture of Singularity is its biggest contribution. 我并不想只选其中之一,但我认为在Singularity中架构最为重要。 www.infoq.com 4. Facing the front of the threshold of Harvard University, she decided to choose their own dreams - Synchronized skating. 面对着眼前哈佛大学的门槛,她毅然选择了自己的梦想——花样溜冰。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。 www.bing.com 6. I must be a complete individual first before I choose who and what to love. Those I love in life are a part of me but do not define me. 我首先是一个完整的人,然后才有我爱的人和事,我爱的人和事是组成我的一部分,但决不是我的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. It is one of the super works, images and movements are very beautiful, but can only choose a figure vomiting blood recommend! 简直是超强的一款作品了,画面和动作也非常绚丽,可惜只能选择一个人物,吐血推荐! 4455.cc 8. It is to choose an assembly that may take a year or so to write a constitution providing for the election of a new Egyptian president. 选举出的议会或将执政一年,期间制定一部宪法为新的埃及总统大选做准备。 www.ecocn.org 9. Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。 club.topsage.com 10. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 1. I hate to have to choose only one, but I believe that the architecture of Singularity is its biggest contribution. 我并不想只选其中之一,但我认为在Singularity中架构最为重要。 www.infoq.com 2. Facing the front of the threshold of Harvard University, she decided to choose their own dreams - Synchronized skating. 面对着眼前哈佛大学的门槛,她毅然选择了自己的梦想——花样溜冰。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。 www.bing.com 4. I must be a complete individual first before I choose who and what to love. Those I love in life are a part of me but do not define me. 我首先是一个完整的人,然后才有我爱的人和事,我爱的人和事是组成我的一部分,但决不是我的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It is one of the super works, images and movements are very beautiful, but can only choose a figure vomiting blood recommend! 简直是超强的一款作品了,画面和动作也非常绚丽,可惜只能选择一个人物,吐血推荐! 4455.cc 6. It is to choose an assembly that may take a year or so to write a constitution providing for the election of a new Egyptian president. 选举出的议会或将执政一年,期间制定一部宪法为新的埃及总统大选做准备。 www.ecocn.org 7. Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。 club.topsage.com 8. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 9. if you stick with every principle, you can do nothing. but life goes on. we have to choose. once you decide, stick with your purpose. 如果你坚持每一个原则,你什么也做不了,但生活还在继续。我们必须选择,一旦你学则,坚持你的目标吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。 www.bing.com 2. I must be a complete individual first before I choose who and what to love. Those I love in life are a part of me but do not define me. 我首先是一个完整的人,然后才有我爱的人和事,我爱的人和事是组成我的一部分,但决不是我的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is one of the super works, images and movements are very beautiful, but can only choose a figure vomiting blood recommend! 简直是超强的一款作品了,画面和动作也非常绚丽,可惜只能选择一个人物,吐血推荐! 4455.cc 4. It is to choose an assembly that may take a year or so to write a constitution providing for the election of a new Egyptian president. 选举出的议会或将执政一年,期间制定一部宪法为新的埃及总统大选做准备。 www.ecocn.org 5. Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。 club.topsage.com 6. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. if you stick with every principle, you can do nothing. but life goes on. we have to choose. once you decide, stick with your purpose. 如果你坚持每一个原则,你什么也做不了,但生活还在继续。我们必须选择,一旦你学则,坚持你的目标吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Both before and after half a lifetime of happiness in the moment, you can choose what kind of men. 这前后半生的幸福就在一刹那,看你选择了怎样的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If you choose not to do this, Outlook allows you to select a time duration for leaving e-mail messages on the server. 如果不想这样做,Outlook允许您选择在服务器上保留电子邮件的时间长度。 office.microsoft.com 1. It is one of the super works, images and movements are very beautiful, but can only choose a figure vomiting blood recommend! 简直是超强的一款作品了,画面和动作也非常绚丽,可惜只能选择一个人物,吐血推荐! 4455.cc 2. It is to choose an assembly that may take a year or so to write a constitution providing for the election of a new Egyptian president. 选举出的议会或将执政一年,期间制定一部宪法为新的埃及总统大选做准备。 www.ecocn.org 3. Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。 club.topsage.com 4. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. if you stick with every principle, you can do nothing. but life goes on. we have to choose. once you decide, stick with your purpose. 如果你坚持每一个原则,你什么也做不了,但生活还在继续。我们必须选择,一旦你学则,坚持你的目标吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Both before and after half a lifetime of happiness in the moment, you can choose what kind of men. 这前后半生的幸福就在一刹那,看你选择了怎样的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If you choose not to do this, Outlook allows you to select a time duration for leaving e-mail messages on the server. 如果不想这样做,Outlook允许您选择在服务器上保留电子邮件的时间长度。 office.microsoft.com 9. Guru Chen used to choose some of his favorite sentences from among his own poems, and then had them carved into seals. 往昔陈上师常从他的诗作中挑出他喜欢的句子,然后请人将之刻成印章。 originalpurity.org 10. Stocks offer some safety. "If I could choose cash, government bonds or stocks, for the long term, I'd take stocks. " Faber said. 股票可能提供一定安全保障。他说:“如果可以从现金、政府债券和股票中选择,从长远来看,我选择持有股票。” www.360doc.com 1. Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。 club.topsage.com 2. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 3. if you stick with every principle, you can do nothing. but life goes on. we have to choose. once you decide, stick with your purpose. 如果你坚持每一个原则,你什么也做不了,但生活还在继续。我们必须选择,一旦你学则,坚持你的目标吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Both before and after half a lifetime of happiness in the moment, you can choose what kind of men. 这前后半生的幸福就在一刹那,看你选择了怎样的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If you choose not to do this, Outlook allows you to select a time duration for leaving e-mail messages on the server. 如果不想这样做,Outlook允许您选择在服务器上保留电子邮件的时间长度。 office.microsoft.com 7. Guru Chen used to choose some of his favorite sentences from among his own poems, and then had them carved into seals. 往昔陈上师常从他的诗作中挑出他喜欢的句子,然后请人将之刻成印章。 originalpurity.org 8. Stocks offer some safety. "If I could choose cash, government bonds or stocks, for the long term, I'd take stocks. " Faber said. 股票可能提供一定安全保障。他说:“如果可以从现金、政府债券和股票中选择,从长远来看,我选择持有股票。” www.360doc.com 9. If you choose to track an error report , the report is associated with your email address and is no longer anonymous . 如果您选择跟踪错误报告,则该报告便与您的电子邮件地址进行关联并且不再是匿名的。 www.bing.com 10. If I were your partner, I can able to be choose to become a American Physical Therapist (or) Chiropractic Doctor (or) Army in U. S. 如果我是你的配偶,我有能力去选择成为一个美国物理治疗师或美国军队的脊椎神经专科医生。 www.chineselovelinks.com 1. if you stick with every principle, you can do nothing. but life goes on. we have to choose. once you decide, stick with your purpose. 如果你坚持每一个原则,你什么也做不了,但生活还在继续。我们必须选择,一旦你学则,坚持你的目标吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Both before and after half a lifetime of happiness in the moment, you can choose what kind of men. 这前后半生的幸福就在一刹那,看你选择了怎样的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. If you choose not to do this, Outlook allows you to select a time duration for leaving e-mail messages on the server. 如果不想这样做,Outlook允许您选择在服务器上保留电子邮件的时间长度。 office.microsoft.com 5. Guru Chen used to choose some of his favorite sentences from among his own poems, and then had them carved into seals. 往昔陈上师常从他的诗作中挑出他喜欢的句子,然后请人将之刻成印章。 originalpurity.org 6. Stocks offer some safety. "If I could choose cash, government bonds or stocks, for the long term, I'd take stocks. " Faber said. 股票可能提供一定安全保障。他说:“如果可以从现金、政府债券和股票中选择,从长远来看,我选择持有股票。” www.360doc.com 7. If you choose to track an error report , the report is associated with your email address and is no longer anonymous . 如果您选择跟踪错误报告,则该报告便与您的电子邮件地址进行关联并且不再是匿名的。 www.bing.com 8. If I were your partner, I can able to be choose to become a American Physical Therapist (or) Chiropractic Doctor (or) Army in U. S. 如果我是你的配偶,我有能力去选择成为一个美国物理治疗师或美国军队的脊椎神经专科医生。 www.chineselovelinks.com 9. Though Japan did not have nuclear weapons, it had the industrial base to develop them if it ever choose to do so. 虽然日本还不曾拥有核武器,但是如果它愿意的话,其现有的工业基础是可以发展核武器的。 bbs.gter.net 10. Memorize a short poem (at least 14 lines long) by Lecture 9. Prove somehow that you know it; you choose the poem and the mode of proof. 在第九课前记住一首短诗(长度至少有14行)。证明你是如何理解该诗的。自选诗及证明模式。 www.myoops.org 1. Choose a time of the day when you know your boss is usually in a good mood. 选择你上司通常心情比较好的时间段。 www.bing.com 2. I must be a complete individual first before I choose who and what to love. Those I love in life are a part of me but do not define me. 我首先是一个完整的人,然后才有我爱的人和事,我爱的人和事是组成我的一部分,但决不是我的定义。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is one of the super works, images and movements are very beautiful, but can only choose a figure vomiting blood recommend! 简直是超强的一款作品了,画面和动作也非常绚丽,可惜只能选择一个人物,吐血推荐! 4455.cc 4. It is to choose an assembly that may take a year or so to write a constitution providing for the election of a new Egyptian president. 选举出的议会或将执政一年,期间制定一部宪法为新的埃及总统大选做准备。 www.ecocn.org 5. Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。 club.topsage.com 6. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. if you stick with every principle, you can do nothing. but life goes on. we have to choose. once you decide, stick with your purpose. 如果你坚持每一个原则,你什么也做不了,但生活还在继续。我们必须选择,一旦你学则,坚持你的目标吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Both before and after half a lifetime of happiness in the moment, you can choose what kind of men. 这前后半生的幸福就在一刹那,看你选择了怎样的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If you choose not to do this, Outlook allows you to select a time duration for leaving e-mail messages on the server. 如果不想这样做,Outlook允许您选择在服务器上保留电子邮件的时间长度。 office.microsoft.com 1. It is one of the super works, images and movements are very beautiful, but can only choose a figure vomiting blood recommend! 简直是超强的一款作品了,画面和动作也非常绚丽,可惜只能选择一个人物,吐血推荐! 4455.cc 2. It is to choose an assembly that may take a year or so to write a constitution providing for the election of a new Egyptian president. 选举出的议会或将执政一年,期间制定一部宪法为新的埃及总统大选做准备。 www.ecocn.org 3. Well, you know our company is going to organize a product presentation and needs to choose a venue. 你知道我们公司将要选择一个地点来举行产品展示会。 club.topsage.com 4. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. if you stick with every principle, you can do nothing. but life goes on. we have to choose. once you decide, stick with your purpose. 如果你坚持每一个原则,你什么也做不了,但生活还在继续。我们必须选择,一旦你学则,坚持你的目标吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Both before and after half a lifetime of happiness in the moment, you can choose what kind of men. 这前后半生的幸福就在一刹那,看你选择了怎样的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If you choose not to do this, Outlook allows you to select a time duration for leaving e-mail messages on the server. 如果不想这样做,Outlook允许您选择在服务器上保留电子邮件的时间长度。 office.microsoft.com 9. Guru Chen used to choose some of his favorite sentences from among his own poems, and then had them carved into seals. 往昔陈上师常从他的诗作中挑出他喜欢的句子,然后请人将之刻成印章。 originalpurity.org 10. Stocks offer some safety. "If I could choose cash, government bonds or stocks, for the long term, I'd take stocks. " Faber said. 股票可能提供一定安全保障。他说:“如果可以从现金、政府债券和股票中选择,从长远来看,我选择持有股票。” www.360doc.com 1. If you select this option, you can then choose how much memory to use for this purpose. 如果选择该选项,则您可以选择用于此目的的内存大小。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 2. if you stick with every principle, you can do nothing. but life goes on. we have to choose. once you decide, stick with your purpose. 如果你坚持每一个原则,你什么也做不了,但生活还在继续。我们必须选择,一旦你学则,坚持你的目标吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. True, there will be many people ready to help you, but you will often have to take the first step in whatever you choose to do. 的确,会有很多人帮助你,但是无论你决定做什么,你常常得自己走出第一步。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Both before and after half a lifetime of happiness in the moment, you can choose what kind of men. 这前后半生的幸福就在一刹那,看你选择了怎样的男人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If you choose not to do this, Outlook allows you to select a time duration for leaving e-mail messages on the server. 如果不想这样做,Outlook允许您选择在服务器上保留电子邮件的时间长度。 office.microsoft.com 6. Guru Chen used to choose some of his favorite sentences from among his own poems, and then had them carved into seals. 往昔陈上师常从他的诗作中挑出他喜欢的句子,然后请人将之刻成印章。 originalpurity.org 7. Stocks offer some safety. "If I could choose cash, government bonds or stocks, for the long term, I'd take stocks. " Faber said. 股票可能提供一定安全保障。他说:“如果可以从现金、政府债券和股票中选择,从长远来看,我选择持有股票。” www.360doc.com 8. If you choose to track an error report , the report is associated with your email address and is no longer anonymous . 如果您选择跟踪错误报告,则该报告便与您的电子邮件地址进行关联并且不再是匿名的。 www.bing.com 9. If I were your partner, I can able to be choose to become a American Physical Therapist (or) Chiropractic Doctor (or) Army in U. S. 如果我是你的配偶,我有能力去选择成为一个美国物理治疗师或美国军队的脊椎神经专科医生。 www.chineselovelinks.com 10. Though Japan did not have nuclear weapons, it had the industrial base to develop them if it ever choose to do so. 虽然日本还不曾拥有核武器,但是如果它愿意的话,其现有的工业基础是可以发展核武器的。 bbs.gter.net 1. If you choose not to do this, Outlook allows you to select a time duration for leaving e-mail messages on the server. 如果不想这样做,Outlook允许您选择在服务器上保留电子邮件的时间长度。 office.microsoft.com 2. Guru Chen used to choose some of his favorite sentences from among his own poems, and then had them carved into seals. 往昔陈上师常从他的诗作中挑出他喜欢的句子,然后请人将之刻成印章。 originalpurity.org 3. Stocks offer some safety. "If I could choose cash, government bonds or stocks, for the long term, I'd take stocks. " Faber said. 股票可能提供一定安全保障。他说:“如果可以从现金、政府债券和股票中选择,从长远来看,我选择持有股票。” www.360doc.com 4. If you choose to track an error report , the report is associated with your email address and is no longer anonymous . 如果您选择跟踪错误报告,则该报告便与您的电子邮件地址进行关联并且不再是匿名的。 www.bing.com 5. If I were your partner, I can able to be choose to become a American Physical Therapist (or) Chiropractic Doctor (or) Army in U. S. 如果我是你的配偶,我有能力去选择成为一个美国物理治疗师或美国军队的脊椎神经专科医生。 www.chineselovelinks.com 6. Though Japan did not have nuclear weapons, it had the industrial base to develop them if it ever choose to do so. 虽然日本还不曾拥有核武器,但是如果它愿意的话,其现有的工业基础是可以发展核武器的。 bbs.gter.net 7. Memorize a short poem (at least 14 lines long) by Lecture 9. Prove somehow that you know it; you choose the poem and the mode of proof. 在第九课前记住一首短诗(长度至少有14行)。证明你是如何理解该诗的。自选诗及证明模式。 www.myoops.org 8. If you wear glasses, it will be very essential for your to choose a pair of quality glasses. 如果你是眼镜族,那么配一副合适的眼镜就很重要; zhidao.baidu.com 9. The "Show images" option allows you to choose if the page should be able to load all images, cached images, or no images. “显示图像”选项允许您选择页面应载入所有图像、载入缓存的图像,还是不载入图像。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It would be much better for her to choose a real one she liked. 她会比较高兴的去选择一辆他喜欢的实实在在的自行车的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. If I were your partner, I can able to be choose to become a American Physical Therapist (or) Chiropractic Doctor (or) Army in U. S. 如果我是你的配偶,我有能力去选择成为一个美国物理治疗师或美国军队的脊椎神经专科医生。 www.chineselovelinks.com 2. Though Japan did not have nuclear weapons, it had the industrial base to develop them if it ever choose to do so. 虽然日本还不曾拥有核武器,但是如果它愿意的话,其现有的工业基础是可以发展核武器的。 bbs.gter.net 3. Memorize a short poem (at least 14 lines long) by Lecture 9. Prove somehow that you know it; you choose the poem and the mode of proof. 在第九课前记住一首短诗(长度至少有14行)。证明你是如何理解该诗的。自选诗及证明模式。 www.myoops.org 4. If you wear glasses, it will be very essential for your to choose a pair of quality glasses. 如果你是眼镜族,那么配一副合适的眼镜就很重要; zhidao.baidu.com 5. The "Show images" option allows you to choose if the page should be able to load all images, cached images, or no images. “显示图像”选项允许您选择页面应载入所有图像、载入缓存的图像,还是不载入图像。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. It would be much better for her to choose a real one she liked. 她会比较高兴的去选择一辆他喜欢的实实在在的自行车的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. However, as time flies, I understand gradually that giving up to choose is just one of those choices. 但是随着时间的流逝,我渐渐明白了,不选择本身也是一种选择。 83926151.qzone.qq.com 8. If I had to choose a single image that, for me, represents Britain today, it would not be a phone box or a postbox. 如果我要选择一个代表了今日英国形象的话,对我来说那将不是一个电话亭或是一个邮筒。 www.bing.com 9. When you select this form of implement mastery, choose a wizard encounter attack power of your level or lower that you don't already know. 当你选择这法器精通形式时,选择一项跟你同级或比你低级的,你所不知道的法师遭遇攻击威能。 www.anetcity.com 10. And then, the relation between the old and the new coordinates is going to be given by linear formulas at least if I choose the same origin. 然后,旧的和新的坐标之间的关系,可以用线性方程表示,至少当我用相同的初始坐标时。 open.163.com 1. It would be much better for her to choose a real one she liked. 她会比较高兴的去选择一辆他喜欢的实实在在的自行车的。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. However, as time flies, I understand gradually that giving up to choose is just one of those choices. 但是随着时间的流逝,我渐渐明白了,不选择本身也是一种选择。 83926151.qzone.qq.com 3. If I had to choose a single image that, for me, represents Britain today, it would not be a phone box or a postbox. 如果我要选择一个代表了今日英国形象的话,对我来说那将不是一个电话亭或是一个邮筒。 www.bing.com 4. When you select this form of implement mastery, choose a wizard encounter attack power of your level or lower that you don't already know. 当你选择这法器精通形式时,选择一项跟你同级或比你低级的,你所不知道的法师遭遇攻击威能。 www.anetcity.com 5. With you as I said, regardless of whether you choose to help us. 正如我说过的,我们会与你们合作,不管你们是否愿意帮助我们。 www.hstc.edu.cn 6. And then, the relation between the old and the new coordinates is going to be given by linear formulas at least if I choose the same origin. 然后,旧的和新的坐标之间的关系,可以用线性方程表示,至少当我用相同的初始坐标时。 open.163.com 7. The width of a finger limits the density of items on screen. If the items are too close, the user will not be able to choose a single one. 界面UI元素之间应有一个手指宽度的间距,如果间距太近,将使用户很难选择。 blog.163.com 8. Is like a bird fell in love with a bird you can catch, and a bird fell in love with a fish can only choose the departure of silence. 就象是一只鸟爱上一只鸟可以去追,而一只鸟爱上一条鱼只能选择默默的离开。 blog.163.com 9. " Rather than " I have to, " say " I choose to " or " I've decided to, " or simply " I'm going to. 不是说:“我不得不”而是“我选择去”或“我已经决定去”或者简单地“我要去”。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The dark ones have been given every opportunity to see sense and choose the path of light and they have refused so. 黑暗人士每每被提供机会看到暗示并选择光的道路,但是他们拒绝了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The width of a finger limits the density of items on screen. If the items are too close, the user will not be able to choose a single one. 界面UI元素之间应有一个手指宽度的间距,如果间距太近,将使用户很难选择。 blog.163.com 2. Is like a bird fell in love with a bird you can catch, and a bird fell in love with a fish can only choose the departure of silence. 就象是一只鸟爱上一只鸟可以去追,而一只鸟爱上一条鱼只能选择默默的离开。 blog.163.com 3. " Rather than " I have to, " say " I choose to " or " I've decided to, " or simply " I'm going to. 不是说:“我不得不”而是“我选择去”或“我已经决定去”或者简单地“我要去”。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The dark ones have been given every opportunity to see sense and choose the path of light and they have refused so. 黑暗人士每每被提供机会看到暗示并选择光的道路,但是他们拒绝了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Choose a good pair of cycling glasses that curve around the face and protect eyes from wind and other elements, without fogging up. 选择骑自行车眼镜的一双好曲线周围的脸并没有雾化起来,保护眼睛从风能和其他元素。 0769bike.com 6. The author maintains that the crux of the matter is how to appropriately choose historical materials available to understand it well. 作者发现其中最主要的关键在于如何对当今留下的史料作恰当的选取与解读而已。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Choose "Shared Tracks" from the main menu to send your own creations to other Line Rider fans, or to retrieve tracks drawn by other fans. 选择“共用路轨”,从主菜单送你自己的创作的路线,给其他在线莱德其它的朋友,或取出轨道牵引其他玩家。 www.wda.com.cn 8. Goodall's patience and persistent desire to understand animals prompted Leakey to choose her for this pioneering study. 古德尔对动物的耐心和持久的关注让利基选择了她参加这项开创性的研究。 forum.sfw.com.cn 9. Swinton became a bankable actress in the wake of that movie, but continued to choose unorthodox and challenging roles. 史温顿也因为这部影片而成为了可以保证票房收入的女演员,但她仍继续接演一些非传统而具挑战性的角色。 www.bing.com 10. In the near future CTTB will choose another suitable location for developing solar energy in an attempt to be self-sufficient. 未来圣城当会再选择适当地点,开发太阳能,尽量达到自给自足。 www.cttbchinese.org |
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