单词 | come back to |
释义 |
第三人称单数:comes back to 现在分词:coming back to 过去式:came back to 例句释义: 回到,返回到,回来到 1. And let this come back to the different trouble spots you know off, LET YOUR HIGHER SELF HELP YOU TO DETERMINE WHERE. . . 让这回来点你知道了不同的麻烦,让你更高的自我帮助您确定在何处… apps.hi.baidu.com 2. As you come back to it, you know where to find your email and you can promptly respond. 当你回去处理电邮时,你知道在哪里找到这些邮件并能快速回复。 www.bing.com 3. You don't know how much lucky I'm felling now that you've come back to me. 伱卟知道此时此刻,峩有多庆幸,你又再度回到峩的身边。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Here's the last little difference I'll say in the next two or three minutes because we'll come back to this also. 接下来的两三分钟里,我最后再讲一些区别,我们之后还会回头再讲的。 open.163.com 5. So far as I know, seldom does Mary come back to see her mother. 就我所知,玛利几乎很难回来看她妈妈。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I haven't been typing for a year. If I start it again it will come back to me . 我一年没打字了,如果我要再打,我马上就会恢复原状的。 www.bing.com 7. We have been waiting for her to come back to see us, but (we have been waiting) in vain. 我们一直在等她回来看望我们,但我们白等了。【高考链接】 wenku.baidu.com 8. And so Benny got to come back to the house. When he walked through the door, we ran over to him and hugged his legs. 就这样,Benny回屋了,他一进门,我们就冲过去抱着他的腿。 www.bing.com 9. Come back to me and then at any rate before we die we ought to be able to say: "We were happy for so very many days! " 请回到我身边吧,不管怎么说,在我们谢世之前,我们应当可以这么说:“我们曾拥有过那么多幸福的日子啊!” www.jukuu.com 10. I also wanna say how much we want Vincent to come back to the program. 我也想说我们非常想让文森特回到校外项目来。 spreadsheets.google.com 1. Well, here's your chance. . . HEHE. . just post it up in here and I'm come back to read all your posts. . . . THANKS~! 现在,你们的机会来了…呵呵..在这里留言给我,我会回来读你们所有的留言的…谢谢~! dict.bioon.com 2. There was also disagreement over the role of Iraqi exiles who have come back to try to help put together a new government. 对于返回伊拉克帮助组成新政府的流亡者所起的作用也有不同的意见。 3. The story tells about how she lands up in a magical land and how she thereafter along with her friends tries to come back to her place. 影片讲述了她是如何来到一片神奇的土地,以及后来如何和她的朋友们回到原来的地方。 www.bing.com 4. "If the money's here there's a chance he might come back to claim it, " a person involved in the case said. 参与此案的一名人士表示:“如果钱在这里,他就可能会回来取。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Earlier, he had been quoted as suggesting Massa was at "serious risk" if he tried to come back to his cockpit too soon. 据说在早些时候,他曾暗示马萨,如果他想很快返回他的驾驶舱内,这对他来说是“及其冒险”的。 ferrari-china.com 6. He told Tifa he would only come back to his hometown once he made it in to SOLDIER. 他告诉蒂法,他只会回到他的故乡,一旦他在战士。虽然他从未。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org 7. We sat there impatiently waiting for her to come back to life. 我们坐那里焦急地等着她苏醒过来。 www.sqabc.net 8. Let me come back to the beginning to end this presentation. 让我会到演讲开始的时候来结束这次演讲。 www.ted.com 9. We could wait for her to come back to see if she wants us to know. 我们可以等她回来看看她是否愿意告诉我们。 sfile.ydy.com 10. Then they say they'll come back to me in a couple of weeks to see if I've changed my mind. 然后他们说他们几个礼拜后回来再看我是否改变主意。 www.bing.com 1. The idea was for her to come back to work the following Monday as if starting her job anew. 该想法是为了让她能在下周一犹如重新开始工作一样重返办公室上班。 www.kekenet.com 2. Let me tell you something: Every one of these careless words is going to come back to haunt you. 让我告诉你一些事:所有这些粗心的话最终会回到耳边。 www.bing.com 3. SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: We finally come back to the front door of the house. Yet there is still much to see at the Biltmore estate. 我们终于回到了家门口。然而,仍然有许多看到在比尔特莫尔庄园。 www.maynet.cn 4. And then with a woman's reasoning, she was sure that her husband had come back to her. 然后女人的逻辑又让她确信自己的丈夫已回到身边。 qnzx.faw.com.cn 5. I tried to do all I could to get him to come back to L. A. But the main thing is, I wanted him to be happy, just being his friend. 我试着做了一切做够做的,让他重回LA,但是最主要的还是,我想让他快乐,我是他的朋友。 www.chinalakers.cn 6. Did not only know if one day her to discover I have her to be able to come back to look for me? 只是不知道如果有一天她发现我的存在她会回来找我吗? zhidao.baidu.com 7. But after attaining Knowledge he will not have to come back to this earth or to any other plane of existence. 但获得了知识以后,他不会被迫回到这个尘世上,或者是去任何存在的地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. This is a child do not know how much hope and so come back to it a cause for rejoicing. 这是小时候不知盼了多少回才等来的一件美事。 enwaimao.cn 9. go and discuss it with him and then come back to you in a day or two, if that's all right. 如果可以的话,我去和他说说,一、两天内在到你这来。 bbs.24en.com 10. and checks out with a strong desire to come back to the same hotel the next time. 和结账时怀有下次再回到同一家酒店中的强烈欲望来说非常重要。 www.yappr.cn 1. His wife said to coax the children, do not go, I come back to you to eat pig. 妻子哄孩子说,你不要去了,我回来杀猪给你吃。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. South Korean officials caution against interpreting Mr. Kim's reported comments as a signal the North is ready to come back to the talks. 韩国官员说,不应急于把报道提及的金正日讲话视为北韩将重返六方会谈的信号。 www.ebigear.com 3. Here is a method that may work for you. If it does, good! If it does not, come back to this in a few weeks for a second (or third) look. 下面介绍一种可能对你起作用的方法。如有效,中!如无效,过几星期再来再第二(或第三)次。 bbs.pep.com.cn 4. See therefore and take note of all the lurking places where he hides, and come back to me with sure information. Then I will go with you. 所以要看准他藏匿的地方,回来据实地告诉我,我就与你们同去。 www.galcc.org 5. Please come back to see the doctor for check-up in two weeks. 请两周后来看医生。 www.tzzxyy.com 6. And I've been away from it for so long now, it kinda feels, it feels strangely good to come back to. It's great. 我离开这里已经很长时间了,所以有点儿感觉…回到这里感觉出奇的好。非常好。 www.yappr.cn 7. "I'd like to come back to Liverpool one day as a coach, and it was great to hear the manager would like me to return, " said Hyypia. “我当然希望自己有朝一日可以作为教练的身份回到这里,能够得到拉法在这方面的承诺我很高兴,”海皮亚说。 engbbs.fans1.com 8. A hundred times she had read over the letter with which the locket had come back to her. 她上百次的读阅那封使小饰盒回到她身边来的信。 www.study-abroad-web.com 9. Those words may come back to haunt Obama as he showed off his own awkward dance moves with a group of Mumbai students on Sunday. 而当周六奥巴马在一群孟买学生面前展示自己舞步的时候,他那笨拙的身姿可能恰好把这句话回敬给了自己。 dongxi.net 10. I decide to call fong, but receive a text message form her as i was dialing. It said that she miss me and ask me to come back to hers. 我决定给方打电话。在号码还没有拨完的时候,我收到了方发来的短信:玫玫,回来吧,我想你。 beautifulthing.blogchina.com 1. All of these can change, if be unsuited to wear, you can come back to free modification with the certificate in a year. 这些都是可以改的,你买回去要是不合适戴,一年内都可以凭单来免费修改指圈。 sophiazq.spaces.live.com 2. Notice I said when the wind is right. We'll come back to that. 请注意,我是说风头好的时候,我们很快会回来讨论这个的。 www.bing.com 3. We'll come back to that in a minute and you'll see what I meant about that but I just want to note that. 我们一会回来再看,你们会明白我的意思,但是我没有写下来。 open.163.com 4. "Only a few guests come back to the hotel shocked, " he said. 他还说,“只有少数客人回到旅馆的时候还惊魂未定。” cn.nytimes.com 5. "I have come back to an exceptional group and now it is up to us to impress the fans with our exploits on the pitch, " he said. “我回到了一支优秀的团队,现在我们会为了我们的球迷,为了更高的目标而奋斗。”他说。 www.laziofly.com 6. Very happy to come back to the tour and I expect to be able to play my best tennis in the next weeks. 回来真的很开心,我希望自己能在接下来几周中,打出我最好的状态。 tieba.baidu.com 7. He gave himself a challenge to come back to the top and that is what I give him a lot of credit for. 他回到英超就是给自己一次挑战,这就是我很信任他的一点。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 8. Moments later, I had come back to life. This was just the beginning of my suffering. 这仅仅是我苦难的开始。 www.bing.com 9. Once you start moving along such a curve, you are required to come back to precisely the point at which you started. 一旦你开始沿着这样的曲线移动,你就需要精确地回到你起始的地方。 www.bing.com 10. Open wide your eyes, and let me see my skies. Someday when you're tired, come back to my side. 睁开你的双眼,让我看到我的天空。如果有一天你累了,那就回来我身边。 english.31931.cn 1. You don't need to be comprehensive; create the tests that come to mind now, then be ready to come back to add more. 你没有必要做到面面俱到。创建那些进入脑海的测试并随时准备在重新回来时加入更多测试。 dongxi.net 2. Put them aside for a while, but always come back to solve them (even if it's only developing a theory for solving them). 可以先把难题放在一边,但以后一定要解决(即使需要研发一套理论来解决)。 www2.w3pop.com 3. Mom had come back to take me home, and I knew Dad would be with her. 妈妈来带我回家,我知道爸爸会和她在一起了。 www.bwbd.info 4. I will come back to you in a couple of years to see whether it has proved to be correct. 几年之后我会回来找你,看看这是否被证实是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Because I've been all over Europe looking for her, but I knew she'd come back to England one day. 因为我已经找遍了整个欧洲,我知道她总有一天会回到英国,所以我每天晚上走街串巷寻找她。 www.chinaedu.com 6. However, the Bank downplayed inflation risks, suggesting that over the medium-term inflation should come back to the target rate. 但是,联储看淡通胀风险,暗示中期通胀势必回落至目标水平。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. When I come back to home , I still hate you and I get know them , one of them would like teach me dancing and the other teach me driving . 当我回到家里,我还是恨你,我让他们知道,其中一人想教我跳舞,另一个要教我开车。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Joey: Eww! Look, I'm asking a favor here. If I do this for her brother, maybe Angela will come back to me. 噢!看,我在求你帮忙呢。如果我为她哥做点什么,也许安吉拉会回到我身边。 www.kekenet.com 9. Wade, who had come back to the door, was an interested but puzzled listener. 这时韦德返回家,站在门口,十分感兴趣而又迷惑不解地听着。 www.jukuu.com 10. If I release that bob from a certain height, then that bob can never come back to a point where the height is any larger. 如果我把它从某一高度释放,它将再也不会回到,高于原先的位置。 open.163.com 1. Come back to me in a little bit and see where we are, " he said. " 过些时候你们来见我的时候,我们再看发展到哪一步了。 www.bing.com 2. There is another less common definition. We call it a day if other stars come back to the same positions. 另一个较鲜为人知的定义,便是以星星返回天空同一位置为一天,称为。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 3. "Of those 40 percent, 67 percent actually go to one of your competitors and don't necessarily come back to your Web site" , he said. “而在那40%的人当中,大概有67%会去到你其中一个竞争对手网站上,而且不会再回来,”他表示。 www.bing.com 4. And I come back to this: at the time I made those decisions, I made those decisions with the information that I had. 然后我得出了这样的结论:当我做那些决定的时候,我是依据我所有的信息做出的决定。 www.ecocn.org 5. He said to his servants, 'Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you. ' 亚伯拉罕对他的仆人说,你们和驴在此等候,我与童子往那里去拜一拜,就回到你们这里来。 www.ebigear.com 6. It was just not possible for two inspectors to rescue that many children, so I told the inspectors to come back to the office. 这只是两个督察救援,很多孩子,所以我告诉督察回来办公室。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 7. If you come back to your office to see who has called, you will see that list immediately. 如果你回到办公室,你想知道谁给你打过电话,就会立即看到一个清单。 wordnet.sparke.cn 8. After we come back to my room, she proceeds to tell one of us about the guy in the dorm she had sex with. 回到我房间后,她又接著告诉我们她和一个宿舍男生做爱的事。 big5.china.com 9. Whenever I look back upon my school days, my heart will throb hard and my childhood will seem to come back to life. 只要一回忆到学生时代的生活,心头便不禁有一种顽皮的跳动,过去的童年,也似乎复活了。 www.59edu.com 10. And I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide. One stage of your journey is over, another begins. 我在最关键的时候回到你们身边。一波才平,一波又起。 www.orimat.com 1. According to people close to Apple, Jobs is preparing to come back to work just as he has promised. 与苹果关系密切的人士说,乔布斯准备照他之前承诺的那样回来上班。 www.bing.com 2. When the children see this, they come back to the garden. The Spring comes back too. 孩子们看到了这一切,又回到了花园里。春天也回来了。 blog.netat.net 3. Hikari tries to convince her to come back to the greenhouse, telling her that everyone must feel bad about it. 光力劝她回去,说道每个人都为此事而感到难过。 tieba.baidu.com 4. "It's a funny sensation to not know if you are going to come back to your home, " noted Taylor. “这是一个有趣的感觉不知道你要回到你的家,”泰勒说。 www.englishtang.com 5. Some time later when I come back to you with exotic experiences and fresh insights, I'm sure you will look at me in a new light. 过些时候,当我带着奇异的经历和新的领悟力满载而归时,我相信你一定会对我刮目相看。 daan.90yizhi.com 6. She says it's as if her husband would come back to life again when the child is born. 她说当孩子出生时,就好像她先生又活过来一样。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 7. If there time, you could come back to the office and well run through any of the details that still havent been finalized. 如果有时间的话,你可以再去一下我们的办公室,我们可以迅速处理一些还没有解决的细节问题。 yy.china-b.com 8. What does that mean? We can never come back to it often enough, even though I think I have hammered it out a little. (第二)那是什麽意思?我们永远无法时常回到它,即使我认为,我已经热烈地讨论它。 springhero.wordpress.com 9. The U. S. diplomats go into a huddle and come back to the undertaker and tell him they still want Obama flown home. 美方外交官凑成一团,商量以后告诉以方工作人员还是打算把他运回去。 site.douban.com 10. No doubt many of the ways we harm our environment come back to haunt us in the form of sickness and death. 毫无疑问很多我们伤害环境的方式反过来都以疾病和死亡的方式萦绕着我们。 www.bing.com 1. I wait for you in here to come back, to wait for you to come back there to look the peach blossom opens! 我在这儿等着你回来,等着你回来看那儿桃花开! blog.sina.com.cn 2. Home, I excitedly said to his mother: "Mom, I do not come back to eat lunch tomorrow. " 回到家,我兴奋地对妈妈说:“妈妈,我明天不回来吃午饭了。” www.dota123.com 3. Me: I don't quite understand. Is there any possibility for me to come back to stay with your family? 我不懂,我到底有没有机会再和你们住在一起? bbs.53kf.com 4. For every little thing that you say or do Give a little bit of love and it'll come back to you. 对于每一件小事,你说什么或做给一点点的爱,它会回来给你。 wenwen.soso.com 5. So, he said. I'll come back to see you some day. 因为,他说:总有一天涐会回来看你。 f.qqgexing.com 6. We are to be that God is also a demon, and with going against the time mighty torrent , let the dead come back to life. 我们即是上帝也是恶魔,并将违背时间的洪流,让死者复苏 wenwen.soso.com 7. Beatrice: Did you think I'd come back to you after what you've done? ! 贝翠丝:在你作了那件事后,你有想过我会跟你回去吗?! forum.gamer.com.tw 8. III. The Philosophy of Mind: the science of the Idea come back to itself out of that otherness. 精神哲学,研究理念由其异在而返回到其自身的科学。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If I sow generosity, it's going to come back to me, and I'm going to reap generosity. 如果我种下慷慨,他将向我返回,我会收获慷慨。 www.bing.com 10. No. . . Remember you pay taxes. . . 33% of your salary needs to come back to the citizen in terms of social security and infrastructure. 不…不要只记得你交了33%的税,你还要知道这些税收会以社保或者社会基础设施的形式返还或造福市民。 www.ltaaa.com 1. and sad memories of his long years in prison did not come back to him often. 过去漫长的监狱生活的悲伤记忆已不常浮现在他眼前了。 www.kekenet.com 2. When you are complete, turn the kundalini down to a comfortable level, open your eyes, and come back to the present. 当你完成后,将昆达里尼降温运转到一个让你舒适的程度,睁开你的眼睛,回到现实中来。 ssoachinese.spaces.live.com 3. And try to make it memorable. You shouldn't write it down, but you may need it again in a few months, when you come back to the website. 而且让你能够记住这个密码。你无需把它写下来,但当你之后再来到这个网站时你可能会用上它。 www.bing.com 4. But I wanted to keep them forever. Maybe by doing this, when they two take flight like the eagle does, they will come back to me someday. 但是我想永远拥有他们,也许切断了丝线,当他们也能像鹰一样自由翱翔之时,他们某一天也将会回到我身边。 tieba.baidu.com 5. It also gives me a chance to keep my fitness up and also carry that on for when I come back to the Galaxy and for the MLS season. 这也让我有机会保持身体状态以便更好的返回到银河队(参加季前赛集训),为MLS下个赛季做准备。 www.milan-milan.com 6. The great idol Diego Maradona had come back to don the blue and gold jersey after 13 years in Europe and a brief stint in Rosario. 伟大的偶像迭戈马拉多纳在闯荡欧洲和简短停留在罗萨里奥13年后,回到了蓝黄军团。 bbs.argstorm.com 7. She said, "Every good deed will come back to you someday, and every bad thing you do will come back to you. " 她说,“你做的每件好事总有一天会带来好报的,你做的每件坏事总有一天也会带来坏报。” dongxi.net 8. Their words, looks and gestures come back to him as he climbs a mountain path or talks to a Hindu pilgrim or Buddhist monk. 当地语言,外观和姿势成为他翻越山路和与僧侣沟通的所必须的做法。 www.bing.com 9. As of the end of February, 9. 5m had come back to the province. Of these, about 5 per cent (or 460, 000 people) had not found jobs. 今年的春节在1月底。到2月底,已有950万返回广东。在这些人中,约有5%(46万)还没有找到工作。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Well. In the last episode that aired I finally got a lady to come back to the Mars Rover lab with me. 是的,已播出的最新的一集里,我终于把一个女的领回火星探测器实验室。 ielts.hjenglish.com 1. I'll try to speak to him soon, we'll try and convince him to come back to his home. 我很快就会试着和他谈一下,我们会说服他重回自己的家园。 www.24kobe.cn 2. Had we really tried to find out the cause of environmental disaster, we would have come back to ourselves, I mean the population. 要是真正的努力去寻找环境灾难的元凶,我们就会回到人类自身,我指的是人口。 www.elanso.com 3. If I do this for her brother, maybe Angela will come back to me. 如果我能为她哥哥做点事或许她会回到我身旁 www.ebigear.com 4. News Corp. executives have made the same statements to Parliament over the years, assertions that have come back to haunt them. 新闻集团高管过去几年来也一直向英国议会这样说,这种断言如今开始回过头来对他们造成困扰。 chinese.wsj.com 5. He decided to come back to the small town because he could be a big man in this small town. 他决定返回小城,因为他能成小城里的大人物。 club.xilu.com 6. High school star. Never quite lived up to your potential. Sooner or later you all come back to the old school. 校园明星,从来都无愧于你的潜质。迟早你会回到曾经的学校。 www.kekenet.com 7. and he had come back to find the house dark and deserted, and no sign of Rat, who was doubtless keeping it up late with his old comrade. 他进屋时,看到屋里黑洞洞的,空无一人,不见河鼠的踪影。河鼠一定是和他的老伙伴呆在一起,迟迟不想回家。 www.bing.com 8. And then you come back to me. And you're focused on me and why I'm such a great guy, and why you want to invest in me. 你专注在我的身上,想为什么我是个很棒的人。为什么你要给我投资。 www.ted.com 9. His vision doubled and he thought he saw Tom and Lucy come back to get him. . . but it wasn't them. 他的视线重影了,他觉得自己看到汤姆和露西回来找到他···但那不是他们。 www.tianya.cn 10. At small forward, you have to go find the ball because you are on the outside, you have to locate the ball and come back to it. 在小前锋的位置上,你必须去找那个球,因为你在外围,需要先确定球的落点再去拿到它。 www.bing.com 1. If I love something, set it free. If it come back to me, it is mine. 我是一个很平凡的人,喜欢能自由自在的生活。 www.easyyuan.com 2. if you don's take care of the matter now, it will certainly come back to haunt you later. 如果你现在不把这件事情处理好,早晚还会是个问题。 home.hjenglish.com 3. Well, it has seemed like more than a smidgen to me. But I'll come back to that. 但对我自己来说,似乎不可是一点点。我往后会再做评释。 yibar.com.cn 4. People are slowly building back, trying to come back to normal life. 人们缓慢的重建,努力恢复到正常的生活。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 5. Your angel will always talk to you about me, and will teach the way for you to come back to me. Even though I will always be next to you. 你的天使会经常对你说起我的,也会教你回到我身边的方法。即使那样我也会一直在你身边的。 monica0118.blogcn.com 6. We are going to come back to it because this is one of the points that I intend to advance before you today. 我们将会回到它,因为这是我今天打算跟你们表达的重点之一。 springhero.wordpress.com 7. And a month and a half later, I come back to Switzerland, and there he's playing with his own version. 一个半月后,我回到瑞士,看到他在玩自己的计算机。 www.ted.com 8. Bankotsu learns Kikyo has been forced to come back to life, on her side Kikyo learns from an old man that Bankotsu came back to life too. 蛮骨得知桔梗被迫回来到人世间,桔梗也从一个老人那获悉蛮骨也是回来了到人世。 tieba.baidu.com 9. At the right moment his the birthday for day did not pay to say that come back to repair something to please. 正好他个日的生日没请客说回来补请的。说好了他出饭钱我出酒钱。 yellowing.blogchina.com 10. Please can you come back to me with your critical dates. 请装于罐头你以你的紧要关头的日期回到我。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I'm going to come back to this perhaps missing link, literature, in a minute. 我很快就会折回来讲解,这个缺失的一环,文学。 open.163.com 2. When you live from this position of share, share, share, you will be amazed by the rewards that come back to be shared with you. 当你开始生活着并分享着时,你将会惊讶的发现自己收获了好多东西。 www.bing.com 3. Hang on to that thought, let it roll around a bit, and we'll come back to it later with specific examples. 请记住这一点,我们先对其稍做论述,稍后我们再用特定的示例回到这一主题。 www.ibm.com 4. Only a small portion of Preakness fans come back to Maryland's tracks during the rest of the year. 只有一小部分球迷的普里克内斯回到马里兰州的曲目,在今年余下时间。 www.maynet.cn 5. Di Canio is resisting offers from England and Australia as he is confident Lotito will come back to him with an offer for next season . 迪卡尼奥拒绝了来自英格兰和澳大利亚的提议,他确信罗蒂托将会回来给他一个下个赛季的报价。 www.bing.com 6. If you decide instead just to pleasure yourself for a little while, don't feel bad; the action will come back to you soon enough. 如果你决定自己动手慰藉自己而不是使用以上建议,也别觉得太低落。很快你会重新卷入这场三人游戏中的。 www.bing.com 7. We must however come back to the "fear" factor that the dark Ones still try to impose upon you. 不管怎样,我们必须回到黑暗者仍然试图强加于你们的“恐惧”因素上。 cqly186.blog.163.com 8. I thought I sounded great but the audience really sat on their hands - I tell you I never want to come back to this lousy place! 我觉得我自己唱得非常好,但是观众们却毫无反应,不鼓掌。我告诉你,我以后再也不要到这个倒霉地方来了! blog.163.com 9. We of course hope you come back to Beijing, but you should go where you think is best for you. 我们固然希望你回到北京,但是终极的决定是你的。 www.sgcrx.com 10. It's possible the company may have specifically asked you not to contact them but to wait for them to come back to you. 公司也有可能会让你不要再联系他们,而是等他们给你答复。 en.yeshj.com 1. In fact, you may want to come back to this article in a few months, as you have gained experience working in different environments. 实际上,或许过几个月从不同的环境中获得经验后,您还想看一看本文,到那时再见。 www-128.ibm.com 2. Given that some of those who have come back to Syria have been arrested, that may hold little appeal. 考虑到某些回到叙利亚的难民已经遭到逮捕,这或许毫无吸引力。 www.ecocn.org 3. If I move this to the side, it will come back to that position. 如果把这个移到边上,它会回到这个位置。 open.163.com 4. Don't worry if Rexx is not installed on your desktop; I'll come back to questions of availability in a moment. 如果您的桌面上未安装Rexx,请不用担心,我稍后还将谈到这些可用性问题。 www.ibm.com 5. that she needed to wake up to come back to reality, that. 她需要醒过来回到现实去…… zhidao.baidu.com 6. I told her to come back to Singapore again next time. At the same time, I told her I love her songs. 我让她下次有机会再来,我说我很喜欢她唱的歌,她说谢谢。 tieba.baidu.com 7. But that "glimmers of hope" phrase could come back to haunt him if the recession turns out to be prolonged. 然而,如果衰退最终依然长时间持续下去的话,“一线希望”一语,倒头来可能会给他带来困扰。 www.bing.com 8. The report said the officer was called 'Dr. Doom' and issued a 2004 memo that said poor underwriting 'will come back to haunt us. ' 报告说,这位负责人被称为“末日博士”,他在2004年签发一份备忘录说,审核不力的问题“将再度困扰我们”。 c.wsj.com 9. everything seems to come back to life in spring. 在春天,万事万物似乎又再度苏醒了。 mysearch.100e.com 10. The Times asked me to come back to the office at midday to file a story for the Web site. 于是,报社的领导让我中午回到办公室,为网站整理出一个故事。 www.dltcedu.org 1. I never met a girl that does the things that you do. Change don't come your way, it will come back to you. Put some clothes on girl! 我从没见过你这样的女孩。改变你的作风吧,变出一个全新的你。再穿些衣服吧,女孩。 www.yappr.cn 2. The man in charge at the factory where he used to work said that John would come back to work there over his dead body. 他以前工作过的工厂负责人说除非他死了,否则,约翰别想再回厂干活。 www.bing.com 3. Her mother, Chen Xiaolan, said they may come back to visit the 'Little Mermaid' again after the World Expo opens on May 1. 岳雨菲的妈妈陈晓兰说,等上海世博会5月1日正式开幕后,她们或许会再来参观小美人鱼雕像。 chinese.wsj.com 4. There are always going to be positives and negatives and I've learnt from both those experiences and come back to United a better person. 但事情总是有好有坏,我学到了不少经验,回到曼联能打得更好。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. Ideally, readers will come to Stanza Web, read the articles, and decide they'd like to come back to see more. 理想情况下,读者会来到StanzaWeb,阅读文章并决定是否会再回来看看。 www.ibm.com 6. All of the other farm animals are waiting to be fed, but the farmer is snoozing away, and the rooster will have to come back to wake him up. 等待喂养所有其他牲口,但是农夫打瞌睡,并且雄鸡将必须回来把他吵醒。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Shi-jiu-ling, let us continue to be friends with it, come back to the original way? 石玖龄,让我们继续做朋友吧,回来到原来那样? wenwen.soso.com 8. I wish that I could believe. That there's a day you'll come back to me. 但是却很希望你能知道能够再回到我身边。 11033.net 9. Not before dark night did the men and women come back to the children, wailing and breadless. 男人和女人直到深夜才回到哭喊着的、没有面包的孩子们身边。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Yes, you can come back to change or return if something is wrong with it within a year. 当然。在一年内质量有问题你可以回来换或退。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. Some southerners educated in Kenya, Uganda and the United States during the civil war have come back to teach. 一些内战期间在肯尼亚、乌干达与美国受过教育的人已经回国担任教师的职务。 www.ecocn.org 2. And if he is smart, he will apply those bandages loose enough so that she will have to come back to be re-taped. 如果他够睿智,他可以把绷带搞松点儿,这样她就得回来再缠一遍了。 dongxi.net 3. Bookmark this article and come back to it the next time you're stuck on a background decision. 收藏本文,当你再次阅读时,你定会被某一个背景设计所迷恋。 www.bing.com 4. As I sit here in the kitchen, I am praying that you will let me come back to you, this time forever. 当我坐在厨房时,我在祈祷,你将来会让我回到你身边,这次回来就不再离开。 blog.163.com 5. Keep an idea book to dump your distractions in, and come back to them a week later. 准备一本本子,把让你分心的事情都记录下来,每周回顾一次。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. That she needed to wake up to come back to reality. 她要被唤醒回到现实中去 www.bing.com 7. On this night it was believed that the spirits of the dead would try to come back to life! 人们认为在当天晚上,亡者的灵魂会重新复活! edu.sina.com.cn 8. If I come back to your web in a couple of years time, will I find you still there? 如果若干年后我回去看你的网,会发现你还在老地方吗? blog.sina.com.cn 9. The cowardly IDA face life heartless discarded pain, can only put all hopes in wait for war finished, inman may come back to my side. 懦弱的艾达面对被生活无情丢弃的痛苦,只能把一切希望寄予在等候战争完毕,英曼可以回到本人的身边。 www.51dazhu.com 10. If I come back to your web in a couple of year's time, will I find you still there? 如果过几年我再回到你“编织的网”,会不会发现你还在那? blog.sina.com.cn 1. will it be possible to come back, to that you who love me so much, and protect me. 它可能再回来吗,你依然深爱着我,守护着我。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. "What I want to do is when I retire, I don't know how, but I want to come back to Arsenal, " he said. 亨利说,“我退役之后要做什么呢,我现在也不知道,但我想回到阿森纳。” bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. The wildlife has been decimated to such a stage that there'll be nothing left for tourists when they come back to the country. 我们的野生动物已遭到严重猎杀,以致游客下次重回我国的时候已经没有什么可看了。 www.bing.com 4. Analysts said the announcement raised questions as to whether Mr. Jobs would come back to lead Apple. 分析家表示这份声明让人们怀疑乔布斯是否还能回来继续领导苹果。 www.bing.com 5. It is something that is so . . . anyway, so absolutely estranging, that cannot believe that if I pass it around it will come back to be! 这是某件相当令人迷惑的事,我们无法相信,假如我让你传阅,结果会不会传得回来!(哄堂大笑!) springhero.wordpress.com 6. This moment will not come back to me again and these pictures are for my own enjoyment. 这一刻不会回来,这些照片是我自娱自乐。 www.tianya.cn 7. Come back to me each year upon her nameday, and your other children shall not want . . . but this tale must never pass your lips again. 在她的每个命名日都来我这里,而你的其他的孩子们将不会想……但是这个故事不会再从你嘴中说出。 www.cndkc.net 8. The warmer temperatures and sun decided to come back to me on a Saturday in March. 温暖的天气和灿烂的阳光,终于在三月的某个星期六,再次拥抱了我。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. They are always aware of the "big picture" reason for their analyses and are able to come back to this high level after doing detailed work. 他们总能意识到其分析的整体原因并且在完成细节工作之后能够回到这样高的层面。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. So we must come back to the question: as an educator in these or any other schools, can you cultivate this diligence? 所以我们必须回到这个问题上:作为这些学校或者其他学校里的一个教育者,你能不能培养这种勤奋? blog.sina.com.cn 1. You'll come back to me for a little love that's true. 你会回到我身边给一点爱这是实话。 haoduo.org 2. Three days later Jeroboam and all the people returned to Rehoboam, as the king had said, "Come back to me in three days. " 耶罗波安和众百姓遵着罗波安王所说“你们第三日再来见我”的那话,第三日他们果然来了。 www.ebigear.com 3. 'If I'm being honest I would love to (come back to Liverpool one day) but it's not really my choice! 诚实的说,我很希望(在某一天回归利物浦),但是那不是我唯一的选择! www.jczqw.com 4. My ideal boyfriend, I am not comfortable in, I take leave to see a doctor, come back to the road, I eat to buy ice cream as a reward. 4我理想的男朋友,会在我不舒服时,请假带我去看医生,回来的路上,买冰淇淋给我吃做为奖励。 hi.baidu.com 5. Perhaps, this scene will come back to you years later when you sit alone at sunset like this. 或许若干年后当你像这样独自坐在黄昏中你会回想起这种场景。 wenku.baidu.com 6. If you do not receive the package it should come back to me if something is wrong with the address. 如果因为地址错误而使你收不到包裹的话它应该会发还给我的。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Thaci, 39, warned against a hostile response from Belgrade. "Anything they do will come back to them like a boomerang, " he said. 现年三十九岁的萨奇对来自贝尔格莱德充满敌意的回应发出了警告,“它们将要采取的任何行动都会自食其果”,他说。 www.bing.com 8. Yesterday, he knows his father only to come back to bed. 昨天他知道父亲回来才睡觉。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Three years has passed, and the moment is coming. In less than two weeks, I will come back to my country. 三年的时光已经过去,这一刻终于到来,不到两周我就要回国了。 limiaomiao27.blog.163.com 10. "Providing the markets are stable, then from September onwards investors will come back to take a look at good plays, " he adds. “如果市场走稳,那么从9月份开始,投资者将会重返市场,来看一出好戏。” www.ftchinese.com 1. If she does not like it, the same delivery-man will come back to pick it up so she can return it, she explains. 如果对所购商品不满意的话,那个送货员会回来取,这样她就可以退货了,她解释说。 www.bing.com 2. Enjoy, and I'll come back to some more technical issues, like data formats, in the next article of this series. 享受使用他人代码的乐趣,在本系列接下来的文章中,我将谈到更多技术问题,例如数据格式。 www.ibm.com 3. It was a nice draw for me because you always like to come back to a former club. 那对我来说是个不错的抽签,因为你总是喜欢回到一个以前的俱乐部。 www.ept-team.com 4. Your eyes close, I die; your eyes open, I come back to live. May be you do not remember me, no matter. 你的双眼一闭,我就死去,你的双眼一开,我便活了,也许你不记得我,没关系。 wenwen.soso.com 5. When love is missing, and when you come back to that moment, it really will be in place obediently waiting for you? 当爱情错过了,当你回头的那一瞬间,它真的还会在原地乖乖的等你吗? blog.163.com 6. I could stop coding and despair, or I could write some code without a test and come back to it later. 我可能暂停编码,陷入困境,或者在没有测试的情形下,编写一些代码,到稍后再编写测试。 www.ibm.com 7. In a big company the money you help the company make doesn't always come back to you. 在大公司供职的时候,你为公司赚的钱并不是尽数归你所有。 www.bing.com 8. There is no news, be that as it may, my hopes of finding my son will never die. I believe someday he will come back to me. 尽管毫无消息,但我决不放弃找到儿子的希望。我相信总有一天他会回到我的身边。 www.hxen.com 9. At noon, Jack and Cheryl come back to their room. Jack hands Cheryl onto the bed and pours a glass of water for her. 中午时分,杰克与谢丽尔回到酒店的房间,杰克把谢丽尔扶上床,给她倒了一杯水。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. If this market fragment is less valuable than everybody involves, so our first goal is to come back to a ubiquitous standard. 如果这一部分市场价值较低,低于所有参与者预期,那么,我们的首要目标是回归到,一个普遍的标准上。 open.163.com 1. After their loss, the couple decided to come back to the UK to try more fertility treatment. 经历了这次失败,这对夫妇决定回英国接受更多的生育治疗。 gb.cri.cn 2. Every time they quarreled, he would go away angrily, but would come back to her afterwards. 每次他们吵架,他生气走开,但最后回头的总是他。 www.ebigear.com 3. Rather than: if I do something I share and people come back to me and I gain value and then I can sell other things. 而不是:如果我分享了自己制作的东西,人们能对我有印象,我就获得了某种价值物,然后就可以销售其他东西了。 www.bing.com 4. The doctor replied, "I see. Take these pills and come back to see me next week" . 医生回答,“我知道了。服用这些药片,下个星期再来找我。” blog.sina.com.cn 5. She remembered now that Rudolph had coaxed him to come back to Whitby a few years ago. 她现在仍记着鲁道夫曾经劝说他回到威特比,那是几年前的事了。 6. One July evening I was giving an almost flawless rendition of "Come Back to Sorrento, " and my parents called me to an open window. 七月的一个傍晚,我正在拉“重回索联托”,拉得几乎完美无缺。父母突然把我叫到窗前。 www.bing.com 7. My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, And I must pause till it come back to me. 我的心现在是跟凯撒一起在他的棺木之内,我必须停顿片刻,等它回到我自己的胸腔里。 benjiawy.ycool.com 8. "People text like they talk, " he says. "And some of the things they say, taken out of context, can come back to haunt them. " “人们用他们说话的方式习惯来发短信”他说,“而其中的一部分短信内容在脱离上下文关联的情况下,会给他们引来麻烦。” www.bing.com 9. If you create these types of abundance for yourself and others, you can expect to have more of them come back to you. 如果你为他人和你自己创造了各种各样的“富有”,那么你可期待更多的“富有”回归于你。 www.bing.com 10. So take this book and use it as a workbook. Come back to it often. 所以,你需要时常带着这本书,就像一本工具书一样,要经常地复习。 wenku.baidu.com 1. However, the vet is not sure wether the vulture would get the chance to come back to nature with such a serious injury. 不过由于伤得太重,兽医不确定这只秃鹰有没有机会重返大自然。 www.ner.gov.tw 2. Additionally, customers can save their created case artwork in a personal database and come back to further edit and create at a later time! 此外,客户可以节省在个人数据库的建立情况艺术品回来,以进一步编辑和创建在稍后的时间! www.dob2c.com 3. And come back to history, I'd like to come back around finally to what does it mean for every person and every institution. 回到历史,我想谈一下,改变对每个人每个组织意味着什么。 open.163.com 4. If I were free, I would come back to visit my mother. Were I free, I would often come back to visit my mother. 要是我有空,要是我有空,我一定常回我有空看母亲。来看母亲。 wenku.baidu.com 5. What about you? Would you give up the big opportunities in the big cities and come back to your hometown to seek for some potential chances? 你会愿意放弃在大城市中的机遇,去家乡寻找一些潜在的机会吗? bbs.kekenet.com 6. The birds come back to life again. The children fly kites with joy. 鸟儿又飞回来了,孩子们在快乐地放着风筝。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Later, you can come back to what you've absorbed, and test yourself, and find you knew something you didn't realize you knew. 之后,你可以回顾你吸收了多少,并测试你自己,然后你会发现对于有些东西你并没有意识到你已经知道了。 www.bing.com 8. A: For your first question, I'll come back to you after consulting with relevant authorities. 答:第一个问题,我会向相关部门了解情况后再答复你。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. Here's a prescription. Take these pills 3 times a day for seven days and come back to see me next week. 吃这个药片,一天三次连续吃七天,下星期你再来。 www.ebigear.com 10. It is added up that the number of students who study abroad every year reaches up to 100, 000, but very few of them come back to China. 据统计我国每年出国留学人员超过10万人,但是学成回国比率非常的低。 www.zidir.com 1. He had come back, to save a citizen's life, and to bear his testimony, at whatever personal hazard, to the truth. 他是为了挽救一个公民的生命回来的,是不计一切个人安危来作证、来维护真理的。 www.enread.com 2. Not a "myasthenia gravis force" until the day she Hanliu extremely hard to work at night have to come back to our cooking, washing clothes. 没有得“重症肌无力力”之前,白天,她不辞劳苦汗流满面地工作,晚上回来还得给我们做饭、洗衣服。 www.hicoo.net 3. When you suddenly 'come back' to the clarity of divided attention, you will see that self-remembering is the key to being more awake. 当你突然「回到」分开注意力的清晰当中,你就会明白记得自己是更加清醒的关键。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Forget not that I shall come back to you. 不要忘了,我会回来。 www.zftrans.com 5. I plan to come back to my country for a while. Will you come with me? 我决定要回国一阵子,要不要跟我来? vip.book.sina.com.cn 6. But after some time Lucy was convinced that her husband had come back to his yard. 但是一段时间过后,露西确信她丈夫又回到了他的小院。 en.eol.cn 7. Scarlett had a thankful thought that Rhett had spent the last several months abroad and had only recently come back to Atlanta . 思嘉觉得值得庆幸的是,瑞德在国外待了好几个月,最近才回到亚特兰大。 www.jukuu.com 8. And Lake Erie has come back to life, in part thanks to a ban on laundry detergents containing phosphates. 伊利湖边重新恢复了生机,部分原因是禁止使用对含有磷酸盐的洗涤剂。 victor2929.blog.163.com 9. The company said it will come back to look at the plan again when market conditions become conducive. 公司称待市场条件有利之时将再行考虑这一计划。 chinese.wsj.com 10. "Reintarnation" (to come back to life as a hillbilly) is the funniest word ever. "Vagina" is a close second. "Upside-downy" is third. (作为为乡巴佬恢复过来)是最有趣的单词。“阴道”是排第二的。“上下颠倒”排第三。 www.bing.com 1. Having lost everything, and no longer wishing to live, she meets the camp doctor and begins to come back to life. 她失去了一切,不再愿意活着,直到她遇到了营地医生,才开始有了生活的希望。 www.1000fr.net 2. You can also move away from a topic, then get fascinated with it again and come back to it. 你也可以离开一个主题,之后若有对此又着了迷,那还可以再回来。 www.bing.com 3. You had to cut off their head, he said, or they would come back to life and bite you. 你必须割断他们的头,否则他们会醒过来咬你一口。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It was in 1888 that she graduated for 3 years from medical university, she made up her mind to come back to motherland. 就在1888年也就是她从医科大学毕业3年之后,她毅然回到祖国。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. I cannot see you now, come back to me in half an hour. 我现在不能见你,半小时后再回来见我。 oral.ebigear.com 6. And I look at the logo -- okay, good. Now I come back to you. Nothing else to look at, right? 我看一眼商标,好,我又转向你,没有其它可看的了,不是么? www.ted.com 7. Follow the Manual Installation Steps and come back to go on with the integration of PHP and Apache. 先完成手工安装步骤后再回来继续将PHP集成入Apache。 ca.php.net 8. Yeah, I grew up in Asia. So I always want to come back to Asia. I prefer Asia to Europe. Here, I feel very much at home. 是的,我是在亚洲长大的。所以我一直就想回到亚洲来,比起欧洲,我更喜欢亚洲,这里就像我的家一样。 ielts.hjenglish.com 9. We'll come back to this issue of what did people believe Jesus was and that's the doctrine of Christology. 我们会再回过头来讲人们认为耶稣是什么,这就是基督论的教义。 open.163.com 10. This is still my career. Whatever the others think about it, it is still my dream. All the braveness and happiness come back to his body. 这仍是我的事业,不管在别人眼里怎样,这仍是我的理想。一切的勇气与欢乐又回到了身体中。 baby61.anyp.cn 1. The young man had come back to England in a fair way of making money. 那年轻人回到英国来有相当把握会赚钱。 www.i21st.cn 2. When you're further along, come back to it--but don't let it slow down your initial learning or add to your cognitive load. 当你更进一步,回来在做即可。不要让这些东西拖慢你一开始的学习或是增加你的认知负担。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It sputtered to a halt one morning in November, but we left it sitting there, hoping it would somehow come back to life. 11月的一个早上它劈啪响着不工作了,但我们就把它一直那放着,希望有朝一日它自己好起来。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Vieira said: "I really wanted to come back to the Premier League and there was big interest from Tottenham. " 维埃拉说:“我真的很想回到英超联赛,热刺对我也有很大的兴趣。” bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. Your life is what your thoughts make it. Watch your words and your actions, for they always come back to you. 你的思想打造你的人生。观察你自己的言行,它们早晚会反酬回你。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. This is the section you will come back to year after year as you plan for the next season. 这一部分是你每年都必须重复练习就像你为下一个季度所做的计划一样。 bbs.bikehome.net 7. Now I've come back to the indies because I got on that treadmill and I couldn't get off for a while. 如今我回到了独立制作去,因为我必须参与那些单调而乏味的工作而且我还不能从中脱身一阵。 www.bing.com 8. After a vacation or break from work, come back to the office energized and eager to get back to your job. 在休假或短暂的休息之后,你就可以精神奕奕的重返你的工作岗位。 www.kekenet.com 9. Come back to your "lemon" when you are able to commit your entire focus on promoting a solution. 当你能够将注意力完全放到实施解决措施上时,再回到你的“柠檬”上来。 www.bing.com 10. You never know who someone might be connected to and rude behavior may come back to bite you. 你不会知道谁和谁关系紧密;你的粗鲁行为会反过来伤害到你。 www.ebigear.com 1. Maybe later on, when she had just woken up some morning, more of the music would come back to her. 也许以后的某个早晨,她醒来时,更多的旋律会回响在她耳边。 www.joyen.net 2. But make a note on your schedule when you will come back to the task and work another 5 minutes with it. 当你打算继续工作五分钟时,就在你的时间表上做个记号。 www.elanso.com 3. The lesson of Lehman Brothers for investors was that it is best to sell first, and come back to fight another day. 对于投资者来说,雷曼兄弟的教训是最好先卖出,改天再回来奋战。 chinese.wsj.com 4. The downsides are obvious. We live with a nagging fear that something we say or do online will come back to haunt us years later. 它的负面影响尤其明显:我们的生活中充满了唠叨和纠结,我们担心自己在网上的一言一行,而这些都将在未来若干年里萦绕我们的心头。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. If possible, schedule an extra day off before you depart and another when you come back to dive back in slowly. 如果可能的话,在你休假前后各多留出一天时间,然后再慢慢地投入到工作当中。 www.kekenet.com 6. I'm very excited to come back to Korea. I'm very happy that I can teach my philosophy and technics today through the clinic. 我非常高兴再次来到韩国,我也非常高兴可以现场教他们我自己的篮球哲学和艺术。 bbs.osport.cn 7. And I wish he didn't come back to play for the Wizards. That shot against Utah was the perfect ending. 我希望他从来没有回过奇才打球,对犹他爵士的那记进球真的是个完美结局。 dongxi.net 8. No matter you hold me or not, your heart has been stolen by her and will never come back to me. 不论你抱我或是不抱我,你被她偷走的心永远也不会再回到我这里了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. This will soon allow the child to realise that even if you do leave them for periods of time during the day, you will come back to them. 这种做法很容易让孩子认识到即使你白天真的离开一段时间也会很快回来的。 www.elanso.com 10. As you share what you have, much more will come back to you. 当你把自己拥有的和别人一起分享时,你会得到的更多。 www.elanso.com |
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