单词 | consign |
释义 | consigned是consign的过去式
第三人称单数:consigns 现在分词:consigning 过去式:consigned v. entrust,commit,hand over,give,relegate 例句释义: 委托,托运,托卖,用作,托付,已发货 1. Whatever the truth of it, handwriting is now consigned, like hand-carried post, to the realm of snails. 不管事实如何,在纸上书写如今就像传统邮递一样,可以赶上龟速了。 www.bing.com 2. Picasso's masterpiece was the heart of a collection consigned by the heirs of Mrs Sidney F. Brody. 毕加索的这副名画是辛迪F·布罗迪夫人的继承人们委托给克里斯蒂拍卖行的收藏品中最珍贵的一件。 www.ecocn.org 3. Those with a passing interest in history recall how the last time the Tories lured them into government the party was consigned to oblivion. 对历史稍感兴趣的人会记得,上一次保守党引诱他们组建联合政府,自由民主党最终被遗忘到九霄云外。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Meantime, the bad bank would act like the Resolution Trust Corporation, which gradually liquidated the assets consigned to it. 与此同时,坏银行如同重组信托公司(RTC)一样逐渐变现委托给它的资产。 www.bing.com 5. A customer would prefer to hold a large amount of consigned inventory, viewing it as a cheap way of buffering against demand uncertainty. 顾客宁愿持有大量的寄售库存品,认为它可作为廉价的方式缓冲对需求不确定。 vmiforum.spaces.live.com 6. Mr Bush, having consigned the mullahs to an "axis of evil" in his first term, refused to let Americans attend. 布什从他的第一任期就把伊朗归入“邪恶轴心”,于是拒绝让美国人参加。 club.topsage.com 7. A car accident consigned him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. 一次车祸使他落得在轮椅上度过余生。 8. Several speakers at the Zermatt Summit believe the time has come for Mr Friedman's theories to be consigned to the dustbin of history. 采尔马特峰会上的数位演讲者认为,将弗里德曼的理论丢入历史垃圾箱的时候到了。 www.ftchinese.com 9. And whose informing voice had consigned me to the hangman. I had walled the monster up within the tomb! 又用叫声把我送到刽子手手中。原来我把它也砌进墙里了。 feed.feedsky.com 10. Chocolate Spreads to Europe Spanish monks, who had been consigned to process the cocoa beans, finally let the secret out. 直到巧克力传到被派遣到欧洲种植可可豆的西班牙僧侣那里后,秘密才逐渐被公开。 www.elanso.com 1. While monsters are often consigned to ancient legend and literary fiction, many are held to be in some sense real. 虽然怪物经常出现在传说和幻想小说中,但是许多生物在某种程度上不排除真实存在的可能。 www.bing.com 2. Four dissidents contacted by the Financial Times said they had been all but consigned to their homes during the Games. 英国《金融时报》联系的4名持不同政见者表示,奥运期间他们一直被迫留在家内。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The painting was consigned to the log pile, judged noxious and unsaleable by my mother, inheritor of a modest art collection. 那幅画被丢进了木材堆里。我那继承了不大不小一批艺术藏品的母亲认为它让人讨厌,也卖不出去。 www.ftchinese.com 4. This collector consigned six important pieces, including a rare pale jade boulder carving with an inscription. 这个藏家委托了6件重要拍品,包括一个罕见的刻铭文白玉籽。 www.ecocn.org 5. all shpg docs to be consigned to the bank. 所有单据需做成银行为收货人 zhidao.baidu.com 6. All consigned components must be inspected for quality by the vendor as they are received. 但供应商必须在收到托运的散装零件时对其进行质量检验。 bbs.hebfanyi.com 7. Article 6. Artifacts or property rights which may be auctioned shall be consigned for auction by the owner or be disposable legally. 第六条拍卖标的应当是委托人所有或者依法可以处分的物品或者财产权利。 www.91fane.com 8. A periodic physical inventory needs to be established to account for all consigned inventories. 定期进行实物盘点需要建立一个以账户为所有寄售库存。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When a love affair ends, the once treasured mementos of lost romance are often consigned to the dustbin or a bonfire. 当一段恋情结束,之前浪漫中弥足珍贵的纪念品通常会丢弃到垃圾箱里或者篝火堆中。 www.bing.com 10. FULL SET OF FREIGHT PREPAID AIRWAY BILL. CONSIGNED TO THE APPLICANT AND NOTIFYING THE APPLICANT. 交付并通知给申请人的全套空运费用预付单据。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. He also bought a large greenish-grey jade dragon seal consigned by a French family that had acquired it in the early 1900s. 他还买下了一枚蟹青色龙形碧玺,是由一个法国家族在20世纪初获得的。 bbs.ecocn.org 2. With modern manufacturing underdeveloped, many young workers with fewer skills and less education are consigned to the informal sector. 因为现代制造业欠发达,很多缺乏经验和学历的年轻工人被迫进入地下产业。 www.bing.com 3. but in bigger scale firms, operation are often consigned to project managers who have the right of sharing residue profit. 而对于规模较大的施工企业,是老板委托给项目经理管理并实行分成合约。 www.fabiao.net 4. It was consigned to oblivion on December 23rd, in an almost unanimous vote of the country's parliament. 这份议案是在12月23日交付议会表决的,几乎毫无疑义的通过了。 www.ecocn.org 5. It has been consigned by Mrs. Wendell Cherry, the widow of the founder of Humana, a health-care company, who bought it in 1998. 胡马纳医药公司创始人的遗孀温德尔?雪莉夫人于1998年购得该画,现在拿出来委托拍卖。 www.ecocn.org 6. Full set of ocean bill of loding in original showing "Freight Prepaid" and consigned to applicant. 正本海运提单一套,注明“运费预付”,并签发给申请人。 wenku.baidu.com 7. But the accord is in precarious shape, and Beijing would applaud if Cancun consigned it to history. 然而,哥本哈根达成的协议并不稳定,如果坎昆能让其成为历史,北京方面将拍手称快。 c.wsj.com 8. The sacred thread and the tuft of hair were consigned to the fire, completing his severance from caste, sex, and society. 婆罗门圣线和杂乱丛生的头发都要交付给火焰,完全地弃绝了种姓,性别和社会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. In a fury, he consigned all his manuscripts to the flames. 盛怒之下,他将所有的手稿都付之一炬。 www.hotdic.com 10. Variation is nowadays usually consigned to subspecies, mostly strongly linked to geographic distribution. 变化现在被通常托运到亚种,多数对地理分布强烈连结。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. If the federal government chooses not to appeal, her finding will stand and the offending policy will be consigned to history. 假如联邦政府不选择上诉,她的裁判就将生效,这个违规政策将成为历史。 www.ecocn.org 2. Once they were inside the EU, it was felt that war, dictatorship and poverty were safely consigned to the past. 给人的感觉是,一旦它们加入欧盟,战争、专政、贫困就安然成为了过去。 www.ftchinese.com 3. ORIGINAL AIRWAY BILL SHOWING GOODS CONSIGNED TO OURSELVES MARKED FREIGHT PREPAID AND NOTIFY US AND THE APPLICANT SHOWING THIS CREDIT NUMBER. 正本空运单显示收货人为开证行,注明运费已付,通知开证人和开证行,并显示本信用证的号码。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Bulldozers consigned the true scale of the disaster to the speculation of future historians. 许多的推土机以真实的灾难程度留给未来历史学家们猜测。 babyclub.women.sohu.com 5. It may mean the country is consigned to stagnation, which only makes an eventual default appear more inevitable. 这有可能意味着这个国家已经把自己托付和了经济停滞,而这最终会导致不可避免的出现违约。 www.putclub.com 6. Whoever ends up owning Barnes & amp; Noble faces a tough task: adapt to the Brave New World, or be consigned to the History section. 不管最后谁接手巴恩斯&诺伯,一个严峻的考验都不可避免:是改头换面适应全新世界,还是守旧循迹停留在历史时代。 www.showxiu.com 7. The buyer may supply consigned components for a product as necessary. 买方可以根据需要为某些产品提供散装零件托运。 bbs.hebfanyi.com 8. The buyer will provide a Quality Control Specification for the consigned component as required. 买方可以根据需要规定散装托运零件的质量控制标准。 bbs.hebfanyi.com 9. Nineteen years ago today, China's ruling Communist Party consigned itself to the history books. Not immediately, of course. 十九年前的今天,中国的共产党将自己托付给了历史书(来书写那段历史)。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Nazi ideology saw non-Aryan races as inferior to Germans and consigned Europe's Slavs and Jews to servitude or extermination. 纳粹主义认为非雅利安人比德国人低劣。认为欧洲的斯拉夫人和犹太人应该被奴役或者被灭绝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Two decades ago most city folk were consigned to dilapidated quarters provided by their state-owned employer. 20年前,绝大多数城市居民住在由国营雇主分配残旧不堪的宿舍。 www.bing.com 2. Banks would achieve a return on their consigned assets only as the bad bank sold them or allowed them to mature. 只有当坏银行卖掉了寄售资产或者允许寄售资产到期,银行才能实现委托资产的相应回报。 www.bing.com 3. FULL SET OF CLEAN ON BOARD MARINE BILLS OF LADING CONSIGNED TO ORDER BLANK EDNORSED MARKED FREIGHT PREPAID AND CLAUSED NOTIFY APPLICANT. 整套已装船海运提单,收货人空白抬头,注明运费已预付,并通知开证人。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 4. His body was consigned to a common grave, but his genius still resounds in concert halls the world over. 他的遗体被安葬在一个普通的墓地里,但他那才华横溢的音乐至今仍在世界各地的音乐厅中回荡。 www.zftrans.com 5. The vendor must provide a Receiving Inspection Report to the buyer within 5 days after receipt of the consigned component. 供应商在收到散装托运零件后,必须在5日内向买方提供一份产品验收报告。 bbs.hebfanyi.com 6. Talk of reform was consigned to excitable fringe meetings at party conferences and the occasional oped article by keen MPs. 改革在党内会议激进派会面中热烈的讨论,热心的议员偶尔也会在专栏中讨论此话题。 club.topsage.com 7. The battery, which has powered our lives for generations, may soon be consigned to the dustbin of history. 曾经为几代人的生活供电的传统电池,很快将会被扔进历史的垃圾桶了。 www.bing.com 8. FULL SET CLEAN ON BOARD OCEAN BILL OF LADING CONSIGNED AND NOTIFY TO APPLICANTS AND MARKED FREIGHT COLLECT. 在有些客户开来的信用证中,提单上一般都有注明要全套清洁海运提单。 link.fobshanghai.com 9. One original and one copy of airway bill, Contract No. and shipping marks and consigned to the Buyer. 注明合同号和唛头的航空运单,原件和副本各一份,交付给买方。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The goods were consigned to you by railway and should have arrived by now. “货物”已由铁路托运,现在应已到达。 wenda.chinabaike.com 1. The pieces are among five bronzes consigned for sale next month by the same collector. 这两件器皿是受托于下月拍卖的五件青铜器中的两件,出自同一收藏家。 www.bing.com 2. Judged unfit for work, they were being consigned to the gas chamber. 他们被认为不适合工作正被送到毒气室处理。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A agreement shall be sign off, if BPVI is consigned to completed other inspection by contractor or client. 检验单位如承担安装单位、使用单位的一些检测工作,需接受当事人的委托另签协议。 www.2ic.cn 4. Party B should do his endeavor to fulfill the transportation consigned by party A within period. 乙方应尽力保证甲方委托之运输在规定时间内完成。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Then in 1991, the resolution was reversed and (to quote another senior American diplomat) consigned "to the dustbin of history" . 然后在1991年,该决议被废除(引述另一名高级美国外交官)并扫进“历史的垃圾堆”。 www.ecocn.org 6. Liase and coordinate with customer on delivery on any consigned materials, fixtures, test program and samples. 协调客户取得客户提供的物料、夹具、测试程序和样本。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Most musical instruments wear out or are consigned to niche markets by design changes. 很多乐器用尽用坏后被抛弃到小众市场做设计上的更改。 www.bing.com 8. The owner consigned the paintings to a dealer for sale. 所有者将画委托商人出售。 wenku.baidu.com 9. The 50 tons Walnut meat have been consigned to you per S. S. "East Wind" . 五十吨核桃仁已由“东风”轮运往你方。 www.hotdic.com 10. Fox hunting should be consigned to the dustbin of history. 猎狐应该被扔进历史的垃圾堆。 www.8875.org 1. Cigarette vending machines could soon be consigned to history. 自动售烟机有可能将很快成为历史。 www.eoezone.com 2. Assist and support routine jobs consigned by Sales Department. 协助并支持销售部门的日常工作; blog.163.com 3. Sentences will be consigned to museums if the emptiness in writing persists. 这些句子将会交托给予博物馆,假如写作的空无持续下去。 www.yododo.com 4. This president memorably consigned Iran (with Iraq and North Korea) to an "axis of evil" in January 2002. 2002年1月,布什震聋发馈地把伊朗(外加伊拉克和朝鲜)定性为“邪恶轴心”。 ecocn.org 5. Therefore virtue is consigned to this country. 故德交归焉。 www.daodejing.com.cn 6. Now the whole system has already consigned a usage, the whole movements are normal. 现在整个系统已经交付客户使用,一切运行正常。 www.fabiao.net 7. The orphan was consigned to her uncle's care. 那孤儿讬给她叔父照料。 hk.dictionary.yahoo.com 8. The captured criminals were consigned to the dungeons. 抓到的罪犯被送进了地牢。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Suggest three reasons why most freight traffic is consigned by road. 举三个例子说明,为什么大多数航空运输会与公路运输联运。 www.faithsky.com 10. Leonid Brezhnev and PW Botha are consigned to the dustbin of history. 勃列日涅夫和博塔都被扔进历史的垃圾堆中。 www.bing.com 1. But as the close of the 111th Congress proved, the 112th is hardly consigned to total gridlock. 不过,作为第111届国会密切证明,112是很难委托总僵局。 www.englishtang.com 2. The captured rebels were consigned to the dungeons. 抓到的叛乱分子被送进了地牢。 www.hjenglish.com 3. The losing royal would end up not only dead, but devoid of name and monument, in other words consigned to oblivion. 失败的王室成员不只是死亡,而且没有了名字和纪念碑,很快被人遗忘而彻底终结。 www.chinaavg.com 4. The goods were consigned to you by railway. 货物由铁路托运给你。 www.slideshare.net 5. the one to whom something, such goods and merchandise , is consigned. 受托人货物或商品等东西被托付给的人 blog.hjenglish.com 6. This is to inform you that we have received ten cases of leather jackets consigned by you. 现特告知你方,我们收到你方运来的十箱皮夹克衫。 hellolily490858009.blog.163.com 7. Instead, we are consigned to a slow, painful climb-out, as are nations such as Japan and Mexico that depend on US demand. 相反,我们不得不接受一个缓慢而痛苦的摆脱衰退的过程,日本和墨西哥等依赖美国需求的国家也将如此。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Should they suffer a loss today they will be consigned to life outside the top flight next season. 如果他们遭受损失今天他们意志是对生活交付了外面最上面的飞行下个季节。 www.fifalife.com 9. Lord Cunliffe's son consigned 25 archaic bronzes to the Bonhams sale. Cunliffe勋爵的儿子将25尊古铜像委托给Bonhams拍卖。 www.ecocn.org 10. He claims that companies based on rigid hierarchy will be consigned to the dustbin of history. 他宣称,以僵化的层级关系为基础的企业将进入历史的垃圾堆。 finance.sina.com.cn 1. Other duty consigned by company. 其它公司分派的工作任务; www.sino-uni.com 2. How can a man like him be consigned a country to? 像他那样的人,又怎么可以委之以天下呢? blog.sina.com.cn 3. We will use the tools of grassroots journalism or be consigned to history. 大家拿起草根阶层的新闻工具吧,否则就会被历史所淘汰。 www.donews.com 4. This work develops an embedded storage management system based on MO for digital camera, which is consigned by Fujitsu Corp. 受日本富士通研究所委托,研制了一套基于MO的数码相机嵌入式存储控制系统。 www.fabiao.net 5. and pick up your consigned luggage. 您必须凭托运单提取托运行李。 dict.ebigear.com 6. The manner of this computation is consigned to Appendix 1. 3. 这种计算方法放在附录1.3中。 7. The name and address of the party outside Hong Kong to which the goods are consigned. 在本港以外收货一方名称及地址。 www.wenkoo.cn 8. The decision to close the factory has consigned 6000 people to the scrap heap . 关闭那家工厂的决定使6000人遭到了遗弃。 9. The cumulative grantings of all the Consigned Loan shall have a monthly statistics. 所有委托贷款累计发放总额按月统计。 ww1.1x1y.com.cn 10. He consigned the boy to the care of the aunt . 他把孩子委托给姑母照管。 www.jukuu.com 1. consignee The one to whom something, such as goods or merchandise, is consigned. 货物或商品等东西被托付给的人 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Two. That one is consigned and I'll take this one with me. I want to take a seat near the window. 两件,那个托运,这个随身。我想要一个靠窗口的座位。 www.bangyous.com 3. Mr. Gall, who died last year, had consigned the collection to the Montclair shop for sale. Gall先生去年逝世,此前将这些收藏委托给蒙特克莱尔商店出售。 www.bing.com 4. The European Union (EU) terminated its anti-circumvention investigation into disposable lighters consigned from Hong Kong on January 30. 欧盟于一九九九年一月三十日终止对从香港付运的一次性充气打火机进行的反回避倾销调查。 www.hotdic.com 5. She thought of the child consigned to the nethermost corner of hell, as its double doom for lack of baptism and lack of legitimacy; 在她的想象里,因为孩子没有受洗和是私生的这两重大罪,所以被打进了地狱中最深的一个角落里; www.hjenglish.com 6. where the personal or property damage is caused to the travelers, the consigned travel service shall undertake the fault liability; 在旅游者人身和财产出现损害时承担过错责任; journal.bisu.edu.cn 7. Meeting affairs are consigned to be undertaken by Shanghai Radio Administration; 会务工作委托上海市无线电管理局承办; www.yuntran.com 8. An Empirical Study of the Impact of Consigned Funds Business upon Banking Industry 基金代销业务对银行业影响的实证研究——南阳个案 www.ilib.cn 9. Analysis on Safety Condition for Consigned Workers and Its Countermeasures 外委施工人员的安全现状分析及对策 scholar.ilib.cn 10. clean air waybills showing freight , consigned to applicant, notifying . . . company 清洁的航空运单上需显示运费,申请人,通知收货……公司 zhidao.baidu.com 1. "He knows that everything he writes is consigned to posterity (oblivion's other, seemingly more benign, face)" (Joyce Carol Oates) “他知道他所写的一切都是给子孙后代的(遗忘的他人的,看上去更和蔼的,脸)”(乔伊丝·卡罗尔·奥茨) zhidao.baidu.com 2. Management and coordination of fine measurement and test consigned by different divisions 管理和协调不同部门的精密测量和测试的委托 job.wuxi.cn 3. Theory Delving and Practice thinking of Consigned Coal Enterprises Management 煤炭企业托管经营的理论探讨及实践思路 service.ilib.cn 4. clean air waybills showing freight preight , consigned to applicant, notifying . . . company 意思是不是情节空运提单,收货人为申请人,通知。。。公司? zhidao.baidu.com 5. Application of Consigned Practice Model in Maritime Practice Teaching 委托实习模式在航海实践教学中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 6. parcel post receipt evidencing goods consigned to. . . and quoting our credit number 以……为收货人并注明本证号码的邮包收据 www.enfang.com 7. consign He consigned his business to his brother's care 他把他的生意委托给他的兄弟照看。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. SHIPPER'S INSTRUCTION IN CASE OF INABLITY TO DELIVER SHIPMENT AS CONSIGNED 在货物不能交收货人时,托运人指示处理方法 wenku.baidu.com 9. Is consigned to carry out pattern evaluation 委托:进行型式评价 www.aqsiq.gov.cn 10. Monitor the status of Vendor consigned stock at customer or distributor site 监控客户或分销地点供应商委托管理库存 www.uppchina.com 1. Study of consigned designated confirmer digital signature based on elliptic curve 一种改进的指定证实人数字签名算法 www.ilib.cn 2. air way bill for goods consigned to. . . quoting our credit number 以……为收货人,注明本证号码的空运货单 www.enfang.com 3. Place or country whence consigned, coded * 货物托运的地点或者国家代码 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Memorandum issued by consigned to 由签署的备忘录寄交 wenku.baidu.com 5. consigned to (name of consignee) 收货人(收货人名称) blog.sina.com.cn |
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