单词 | consider |
释义 | considers是consider的第三人称单数
第三人称单数:considers 现在分词:considering 过去式:considered v. n. consider matter,consider problem,consider application,consider question,consider offer adv. v. carefully consider,probably consider 例句释义: 认为,考虑,留意,估量,想 1. Instead of feeling subdued, Fletcher considers himself fortunate enough to have played in two cup finals already in his career. 他并没有感到不幸,弗莱彻认为他自己能够在职业生涯里参加2个决赛已经足够幸运。 www.biodic.cn 2. It is a modest creed, and yet Pleasant if one considers it, To own that death itself must be, Like all the rest, a mockery. 至少,让我们怀有一个信念,这信念呵,会给人以慰安,那就是:死亡本身也必然象其他的事物,是一场空幻。 www.zftrans.com 3. He also considers it a monument to himself that will mark him in history as one of his country's great benefactors. 他也将把它看作是他自己的纪念碑,标明他是他国家的历史上的大救星之一。 www.jukuu.com 4. The U. S. Comptroller of the Currency Department considers that the network actually refers to a number of banks to provide banking systems. 美国货币监理署认为,网络银行其实是指一些能提供银行业务的系统。 www.bing.com 5. Most of the rebels acquitted themselves nicely, and even though the group was slaughtered, Vargas considers it a moral victory. 多数造反者都表现得不错,尽管这队人马全军覆没,巴尔加斯仍认为在道德上打了场胜仗。 www.douban.com 6. Still, the company faces challenges as the U. S. Food and Drug Administration considers restricting or banning menthol. 此外,由于美国食品与药品管理局考虑限制或禁止薄荷卷烟,罗瑞拉德也面临着挑战。 www.tobaccochina.com 7. All this adds up to what Senator Graham considers a profound change within his party. 所有这些都构成了参议员格雷厄姆认为的党内的一场深刻变革。 www.ecocn.org 8. The head of a station that just began to do pioneering work commonly considers from economic angle, the route that choice 100M shares can. 一般刚开始创业的站长从经济角度来考虑,选择100M共享的线路即可。 itzhe.cn 9. But she still says she considers herself lucky: "In another life I would be a woman again. " 但是她仍然说她认为她很幸运“下辈子我还想做个女人。” www.ecocn.org 10. Since the FDA considers it a non-prescription dietary supplement, it has no drug-like side effects. HGF is safe and non-toxic. 既然美国食品和药物管理局把人类生长因子视为非处方膳食补充剂,它是没有药物副作用的。 blog.china.alibaba.com 1. My plan is to put him on the defensive before he considers how good I've been. 我的计划是在他发现我有多好前采取守势。 www.elanso.com 2. In fact, the default fate of any politician who publicly considers the legalization of marijuana is to be cast into the outer darkness. 事实上,任何政治家若公开承认合法化大麻,那么被排斥将是他注定的命运。 www.bing.com 3. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 若有人自以为虔诚,却不勒住他的舌头,反欺哄自己的心,这人的虔诚是虚的。 new.fuyinchina.com 4. He is stripping out a bacterium, and then refilling it with a synthesised genome to create what he considers to be artificial life. 为了创造一个他所认为的人造生命,他剥离出一个细菌,然后给它注入一组合成基因。 www.bing.com 5. If one considers science to be strictly about the physical world, then mathematics, or at least pure mathematics, is not a science. 如果认为必须严格科学的物质世界,然后数学,或至少纯粹数学,是不是一门科学。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Counterfeiting has a major adverse effect on the economies of the EU and on the number jobs. Business considers it a serious problem. 假冒对欧盟的经济发展与就业机会具有极大的负面影响。企业认为假冒是一个很严重的问题 wenku.baidu.com 7. He considers it a disgrace for a man to fall in hand with his wife. 他认为男人打老婆是一种可耻的行为。 www.hotdic.com 8. In her statement, Andrea Phillips said her husband considers the U. S. military to be the real heroes of his ordeal. 菲利普斯太太在书面声明中说,他的丈夫认为美国军方人员才是整起事件中的英雄。 www.voanews.cn 9. The need to move to a balanced awareness that considers physical needs along with spiritual truths will take several years of your time. 移动到一个平衡意识的需要将花费你们数年的时间——这平衡意识同时考虑物理需求和灵性真相。 www.angozj.com 10. At this point Greene changes tack as he considers Hugh Everett III's Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. 这个时候,Greene考虑到HughEverettIII的《量子力学的多重世界解读》,于是他改变了策略。 kk.dongxi.net 1. Asked if he was drifting towards entrepreneurship from acting, SRK said he considers himself just as an actor. 当问到他通过表演促进商业,他回答说他是一位演员 blog.sina.com.cn 2. However, in his spare time Jeff still continues his activities as a hacker because he considers it a way to expand his knowledge. 不过,工作之余,他仍继续黑客活动,因为他认为这是一种扩展知识的途径。 rrting.com 3. Pastor Jones said he is determined to go ahead because this is a very important message to radical Islam, whom he considers "the enemy. " 琼斯说,他决心做这件事,因为这是对他视为“敌人”的激进伊斯兰发出的一个非常重要的信息。 www.voanews.cn 4. Based on this point of view, this paper mainly considers the "possible modality" and its modal responsibility in the contemporary Chinese. 基于这一“大语气观”范畴,本文主要研究现代汉语的可能情态及其情态责任的具体体现。 www.dictall.com 5. Wu Yu, who always considers himself unique from others, was one of those straight-A students from high school to university. 自认为与众不同的吴宇来自成都,从高中到大学一直都是品学兼优的高材生。 www.1x1y.com.cn 6. It's his way of letting you know he considers you an important client. 这就表示他是多么的看重你。 91job.go1.icpcn.com 7. Being all result that catch, considers is all metaphysics, however the level is different, the depth is just different. 都是捕捉、思考的结果,都是形而上,惟层面不同,深度不同而已。 grandfather-art.com 8. We would not be the only country that considers the interests and future interests of its people. 我们不是为他的人民,只考虑自己的利益和将来的利益唯一的国家,。 www.showxiu.com 9. Matters referred to SCDS by the Chief Executive, or matters which SCDS considers appropriate to its terms of reference. 行政长官交付纪常会考虑的事项,或纪常会认为属本身职权范围以内的事项。 www.info.gov.hk 10. This paper considers the influence of such a pair of receptors in the performance of the living system. 本文讨论了这种成对感受器对生物系统调节品质的影响问题。 www.aas.net.cn 1. THE state of Wisconsin considers itself something of a leader when it comes to workers' rights. 就工人权利而论,威斯康辛州有几分领导者的范儿。 www.ecocn.org 2. Otherwise. ClearCase considers it a new element instead of a new version of an already existing element. 否则,ClearCase会把它当作一个新元素,而不是一个已存在元素的新版本。 www.ibm.com 3. The Free Software Foundation considers it a free license incompatible with the GNU General Public License (GPL). 自由软件基金会认为这是免费的许可不符合GNU通用公共授权(GPL)。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Each country considers the islands to be a part of its own sovereign territory, and both countries' claims go back hundreds of years. 两国均认为该岛是其神圣不可侵犯领土的一部分,都声称可追溯至几百年前。 www.bing.com 5. When God considers you worthy and to let you suffer for him, this should be considered a very honorable privilege and is to rejoice over it. 并不是每一个人都有这样的荣耀可以为他受苦。当神认为你配得为他受苦得时候,你应当把它当成一件很荣耀得殊荣,应该欢喜才是。 www.hcchome.org 6. The Contractor shall submit each month to the Employer a statement showing the amounts to which he considers himself entitled. 承包商应每月向雇主提交一份报表,说明他认为自己有权得到的款额。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Even if one considers something as ostensibly simple as the choice of prime minister, the electorate's intention is not easy to discern. 即使像选总理这种貌似简单的事情,选民的意图也不容易认清。 www.ftchinese.com 8. She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 她想得田地,就买来。用手所得之利,栽种葡萄园。 www.web123abc.com 9. Derga still supports the war in Iraq and considers it the "morally correct thing to do. " He would, however, like to see the country united. Derga仍然支持伊拉克的战争,并且认为这在道德上是正确的事情,然而,他希望看到那个国家团结。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. My teacher considers Apple Daily is nothing but a tabloid providing superficial news. 我的老师认为苹果日报不过是提供肤浅报导的八卦报纸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. For while Bloomberg did not specify whom he considers to be "mind-boggling" , the list of targets is long. 尽管布隆伯格没有明说他认为“令人难以置信”的人是谁,但他针对的人还不少。 www.ftchinese.com 2. (c)an estimate of any other amounts which the Contractor considers will become due to him under the Contract. 承包商认为根据合同规定将应付给他的任何其他款项的估计款额。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He wants to take Japan in a new economic direction, away from what he considers the undesirable parts of American-style capitalism. 他喜爱那个要把日本带进新的经济方向,离开他考虑的没有愿望的美国风格的资本主义的部分。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Jenny considers it a great pleasure to work with Tom. 詹妮认为跟汤姆一起工作很愉快? zhidao.baidu.com 5. The story of course reaches to its worst levels when one considers the fact that my daughter was born and is now being raised in Pretoria! 如果在考虑到我女儿是在南非首都比勒陀利亚出生并被养大的话,那么这个故事就没办法更糟了! www.bing.com 6. But her mother considers the rescue-like her daughter- "nothing short of a miracle. " 她的母亲认为女儿的英勇救援-“完全是奇迹。” www.elanso.com 7. Little girl considers the reason is that she doesn't take bath for her bunny punctually on which the tower papa is angry. 小小觉得是她没有按时乖乖地给兔子洗澡,惹钟塔爷爷生气的结果。 www.tiantianbt.com 8. First of all, starting off the point of view of technology, it considers that the naissance of "Dolly" means the possibility of cloning man. 首先,从技术的角度出发,认为“多莉”的诞生意味着克隆人成为可能,虽然二者存在着一定的距离,但万变不离其宗; www.edu-hb.com 9. How would this have played out in Spain or France or Uruguay or wherever else he considers to be a Latin country? 在西班牙、法国、乌拉圭,或其他任何所谓的拉丁国家,特里的事情会如何上演呢? www.bing.com 10. If it considers an object eligible for destruction, it calls the destructor (if any) and reclaims the memory used to store the object. 如果垃圾回收器认为某个对象符合析构,则调用析构函数(如果有)并回收用来存储此对象的内存。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Jackson considers it unfair to ask Bynum, still developing as a center at 21, to execute a face-up game at power forward on a regular basis. 禅师认为如果让才21岁,并且还在成长中的年轻中锋拜纳姆在常规情况去执行大前锋的位置,对他太不公平了。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We employ a holistic approach that equally considers form, business, culture and lifestyle in the design of every project. 为我们能够在项目前期全方位地分析出每个项目的商业,文化和生活方式。 search.buildhr.com 3. Barbados is a member of the British Commonwealth, and considers Queen Elizabeth II to be its constitutional monarch. 巴巴多斯是英联邦成员,尊奉英国女王伊丽莎白二世为其国家元首(立宪制君主)。 www.bing.com 4. Hegel considers art to be one of the supreme developments of spiritual and absolute knowledge, surpassed only by religion and philosophy. 黑格尔认为,艺术仅次于宗教和哲学,乃是精神性的绝对理念至高无上的发展之一。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Mr Lal is teaching this skill, which he considers "useless" , to none of his children. 拉尔没把这种他认为“无用”的技能教给他的任何一个儿子。 www.ecocn.org 6. While PRC can pretend its 'peaceful rise' for all it wants, no country in Asia, not the least India, considers that statement to be true. 当中国假装“和平崛起”的时候,亚洲没有一个国家,至少印度自己并不相信这是真的。 www.fyjs.cn 7. Doppler diversity considers Doppler spread as a way of diversity, and improves the system performance by enhancing the signal energy. 多普勒分集将多普勒扩展作为一种分集方式,通过增强信号能量来改善系统性能。 www.boshuo.net 8. In a reversal of sorts, Jaeger worked on 'Galaxy Quest', a spoof on Star Trek and considers it one of the best times he's had on a film. Jaeger也参加了《银河访客》(GalaxyQuest)的制作,那简直是对《星际旅行》的恶搞,但很多人都认为那是他电影事业的高峰。 blog.163.com 9. The White House says President Barack Obama still considers Pakistan a strong ally in the fight against extremist forces. 白宫表示,奥巴马总统仍然认为巴基斯坦是打击极端势力的坚强盟友。 www.voanews.com.cn 10. However, not everyone considers such a purchase to be an economic investment. 然而不是每个人都觉得这是符合经济效益的投资。 times.hinet.net 1. The Bahai Faith considers Jesus to be one of many "Manifestations" (or prophets ) of God, with both human and divine stations. 巴哈依教信仰认为耶稣是神的众多“表现(或先知)”之一,既有人性,也有神性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Hamilton considers a moment, and then says, with mock indignation: "It's getting a bit out of hand, actually. " 汉密尔顿思考片刻,假装很气愤的说:“实际上这事有点失控了。” www.bing.com 3. Considers as finished, he plays the fool, to annoy you to scold loudly, oneself do not make that laughs likely. 算了吧,他装傻,惹你大声骂,别把自己弄得像笑话。 www.dota123.com 4. No one considers himself contemptible. I concur with you in a sense, but love of fame is universal. 在某种意义上说我同意您,但爱出名是人皆有之的。 cujiagong.cn 5. A research measure known as the Spiritual Transcendence Scale considers connectedness, universality, and prayer fulfillment. 一种名为精神超脱度的研究手段认为可以总结为联结性,普适性和祷告履行状况。 www.bing.com 6. It also considers how other political systems use science in an effort to put the US approach in comparative perspective. 作为与美国方法的一个比较,课程也将涉及到在其他政治体系下科学的运用。 www.myoops.org 7. The mercurial, hyperactive Mr Sarkozy considers the German chancellor to be impossibly hesitant and legalistic. 反复无常而又极度活跃的萨科奇则认为,德国的总理是那样不可置信的犹疑而且拘泥于法度。 www.ecocn.org 8. This seems to be Apple's approach: it considers Mr Jobs's health a private matter. 这看来正是Apple的思路:乔布斯先生的健康状况是他的私人事务。 www.bing.com 9. Beijing considers Taiwan a renegade province, and has threatened to use force against the island if it tries to declare formal independence. 北京认为台湾是一个叛离的省,并威胁说,如果台湾试图宣布正式独立,北京将对其使用武力。 kantianya.com 10. Even now the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, the body that considers the claims, is in danger of being overwhelmed. 眼下即便是考虑各国划界主张的机构——大陆架界限委员会(CLCS)也陷于手足无措的困境。 www.ecocn.org 1. It is a refined variation of Cause & Effect analysis, that considers all factors instead of trying to decide the most influential factors. 它是一种更进一步的因果分析法,它考虑了所有的因素而不是只找出最具影响的因素。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The Economist considers itself the enemy of privilege, pomposity and predictability. 经济学人将自己视为特权、浮夸和预言家的敌人。 www.bing.com 3. The United States. Considers that any conflicting claims are a matter for resolution by the parties concerned. 美国。考虑任何的有冲突的主张都是各方为解决这个问题作出决议的影响因素。 spaces.msn.com 4. A people's court may handle an appealed case by examining the court records, if it considers the facts clearly ascertained. 人民法院对上诉案件,认为事实清楚的,可以实行书面审理。 chinafanyi.com 5. To help determine data quality requirements for materials, he often considers the percentage of a total product's weight. 为了帮助确定对材料的数据质量要求,他要经常考虑材料在一个产品总重量的百分比。 hi.baidu.com 6. The Pentagon considers such a missile an "anti-access, " weapon, meaning that it could deny others access to certain areas. 五角大楼认为这种导弹是“反介入”的武器,这意味着它可以拒绝其他用户访问某些地区。 club.pchome.net 7. To a thing, make a decision very hard sometimes, do not know should it is good to go to wherefrom considers ability on one hand. 对于一件事,有时很难做决定,不知应该从那一方面去考虑才好。 www.bing.com 8. The American Heart Association considers diabetes one of the six major controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease. 美国心脏协会认为糖尿病是冠心病的六大可控的危险因素之一。 www.bing.com 9. Japan considers its strategy vital for getting China, as well as India, to sign up to a post-Kyoto protocol from 2013. 日本认为,这一战略对于促使中国和印度签署自2013年开始的“后京都议定书”至关重要。 www.ftchinese.com 10. By declaring a unilateral ceasefire, Israel can argue that it is not legitimizing Hamas, which it considers to be a gang of terrorists. 在单方面停火之后,以色列可能仍不承认哈马斯的合法性并继续把它看作一个恐怖组织。 www.bing.com 1. He added that the mining company considers current prices to be 'very attractive. ' 他补充说,力拓认为当前的价格“非常具有吸引力”。 c.wsj.com 2. In Chapter 3, it considers the relationship between the bank, stock market and the economic growth with the empirical data. 第三章,主要运用我国的数据说明银行、股票市场与经济增长的关系。 www.fabiao.net 3. The United States considers Hamas to be a terrorist group and has accused it of starting this latest round of violence. 美国认为哈马斯是一个恐怖组织,并指责哈马斯挑起了最近的暴力冲突。 www.voanews.cn 4. I'd be more concerned about the fact that she considers herself a thief. Who knows what she might be swiping in there right now? 我更在意她认为自己是一个盗贼的事情。谁知道她现在在里面会搜些什么东西? c.wapok.com 5. China considers the composition of its reserves to be a state secret. 中国将其外汇储备的构成视为国家机密。 www.okread.net 6. In the U. S. , the Authors Guild said it considers the practice of publishing book extracts without permission to be infringement. 美国作家协会(AuthorsGuild)说,他们认为未经同意刊载图书节录是侵权行为。 cn.wsj.com 7. Washington considers the Taiwan Strait international waters, but the passage was the first since 2002 by an aircraft carrier. 虽然美国政府认定台湾海峡为国际水域,但这却是2002年以来美军航母首次穿越台湾海峡。 www.ftchinese.com 8. She earns about 20% less than she did in 2002, adjusted for inflation, but considers herself fortunate, and wiser. 她现在的薪水经通胀因素调整后比2002年的薪水低了20%左右,但她认为自己很幸运,也更明智了。 www.tvsou.com 9. No. Team Foundation source control considers that the developer is in the best position to determine whether to override check-in policy. 不可以。TeamFoundation源代码管理认为最好由开发人员来确定是否重写签入策略。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. She considers each one of you as one of Her many children also. 她同样也把你们每个人都看成是她众多孩子中的一个。 www.bing.com 1. The proposed method considers the geometric relationships between a camera and the point pairs instead of an individual point. 该方法考虑点对而不是单个点与相机的几何关系。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. But Pakistan considers Mr Bahadur to be a "good Taliban" , ie, one who has agreed to fight only in Afghanistan, not on Pakistani soil. 但巴基斯坦认为巴哈杜尔是一个“好塔利班”,也就是说,他答应只在阿富汗打仗,而不在巴基斯坦的领土上打。 www.ecocn.org 3. Lightman considers Teller to be on the whole an evil character, in sharp contrast to his sympathetic portrayals of Einstein and Feynman. 莱特曼书中,泰勒基本上是一个坏蛋,与他对爱因斯坦和费曼的赞同形成鲜明对比。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. This paper reviews the usages of the old IP version protocol. It considers some of its successes and its failures. 这份报告回顾了旧有的IP协议版本,并对其优缺点进行了总结。 www.bing.com 5. It considers the large size of its human resources to be another one of its key strengths. 它的广大人力资源被认为是它的另一个强项。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. That the true king, considers the advise of the counsel , but he always listens to his own hear. 一个真正的王者,要留意商议的建言,但他永远会遵从自己的良心。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He told The Washington Post that he considers the records sacred and that he's "a man of honor. " 他告诉华盛顿邮报,他认为那些(关于林肯的)记录是神圣的,而且他也是“一个正直讲信誉的人”。 www.bing.com 8. As a divorced mother of three, she brings the kind of real-life experience that Mr. Obama considers important. 作为一个带着三个孩子的单身母亲,她拥有丰富的生活经历,这些也正是奥巴马总统所看重的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Everybody now considers themselves a creator, and not just a viewer. And what does this add up to? Here is what we see coming. 现在每个人视自己为创造者,不仅仅是观众角色,这些潮流综合起来会变成什麽情形? www.myoops.org 10. Adults are not speak hygiene, on the streets and spitting, also considers the random on the ground "seems a spit it out. " 大人们也是不爱讲卫生,在大街上走着走着想吐痰了,也就随意在地上“叭”的一声吐出。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Anna stares at the computer screen and considers her options. In front of her are two shapes - a flower and a stripy diamond. 安娜(实验猴昵称——译者注)盯着电脑屏幕做选择题,屏幕上有两件物品:宝石和花。 www.bing.com 2. If one considers the space between four pillars as a 'room', then the Long Corridor can be seen as 72 consecutively connected rooms. 如果每四个柱子的空间看作是一间屋,那么整个长廊可以看作是72间屋首尾相连的屋子。 www.beijingguide2008.com 3. China wants the United States to end all arms sales to Taiwan, which it considers a part of its own territory. 中国要美方停止对台军售,中方认为台湾是其领土。 www.xici.net 4. This paper considers the cross docking distribution scheduling problem, with the objective to minimize the total weighted completion times. 提出并研究两台机器环境下的以带权总完工时间为目标函数的越库配送排序问题。 www.dictall.com 5. Hayden considers Ewan Mcgregor to be one of his best friends. 伊文是他其中一个最好的朋友 zhidao.baidu.com 6. China Mobile actively promotes and applies cloud computing and considers it an important strategy for the company's development. 中国移动将云计算确定为公司发展战略的重要方向之一,正积极推广和应用。 passport.zte.com.cn 7. But Li considers it is not always a bad thing for students to live independently in campus. 但李子勋认为学生在学校里独立生活并不一定是件坏事。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Is there anyone who considers from the beginning himself to be weak? 有人一开始就认为自己是很脆弱的人吗? blog.sina.com.cn 9. In other words, Islam considers it as a form of abominable behavior that does not befit a believer or a decent human being. 换句话说,伊斯兰把这种做法看作是极其恶劣的行径,不是一个信徒、或是正派人的所为。 www.2muslim.com 10. "Everyone who brings his dog here considers his dog as a child, " he said. “每个带着爱犬来到这里的人都把狗狗当成自己的孩子,”李经理说道。 dongxi.net 1. Idaho Senator Larry Craig will have to wait as a judge considers his request to withdraw a guilty plea in an airport sex sting. 爱达荷州参议员拉里?克雷格不得不等待法官考虑他撤回在机场性骚扰事件中所认罪责的诉讼请求。 bbs.putclub.com 2. Which takes a set of managed connections and returns the subset that the resource adapter considers to be invalid. 它以一组托管连接为参数,返回资源适配器认为无效的一个子集。 www-128.ibm.com 3. His wife was once half-scared to death by what she considers a demon in the shape of a dog. 那人的老婆曾觉得自己看到一只形似恶狗的魔鬼,被吓个半死。 www.bing.com 4. Mr Heath prefers to do things in secret and make his decisions public only on his own terms and when he considers it is to his advantage. 希思先生喜欢秘密行事,只有当他认为公开对自己有利时,他才按照自己的方式把他的决定公之于众。 www.bing.com 5. Traditional theory considers that the company is the owner of physical capital of the material. 传统公司法理论认为,公司运营的基础是物质资本。 www.fabiao.net 6. But as he considers a second print run, perhaps this designer has bought himself some extra time to reflect on this stuff. 不过当他考虑开始第二轮海报时,也许设计师争取了一些额外的时间从这件事情上反思一下。 www.bing.com 7. Based on the point of communication, this research considers portrait as a graphic sign transferring information. 本研究试著以传播的角度来看待肖像画,将肖像画视为传递讯息的媒介图像符号。 www.cetd.com.tw 8. As the President considers which of NASA's dreams to shatter and which to back, the water issue could be a turning point. 正如主席所想的美国航空航天局的梦想将粉碎,但话又说回来了,水问题可能是一个转折点。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The court considers a financial D. penalty to be an appropriate way of punishing him. 全体审判人员认为对他处以经济罚款很合适。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The invention comprehensively considers the word frequencies of the words and further improves the input speed. 本发明对词语的词频进行了综合考虑,进一步提高了输入速度。 ip.com 1. In a perspective of economic schools, the paper considers that any economic schools should not be kept away from value judgment. 本文基于经济学流派的分析视角,认为任何经济学派别都不可能远离价值判断。 lib.cqvip.com 2. The examples show that this method is easy to operate and considers both representativeness and comprehensiveness . 实例应用表明该方法易于操作,并基本兼顾了所选指标的代表性和全面性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Considers, a smile, a concern can give person's by mind in warmth, and may cause own mood to be also happy along with it, why not? 试想一下,一个微笑,一句关怀都能给人以心灵上的温暖,并且可以使自己的心情也随之愉快起来,何乐而不为呢? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Despite the easing of tensions, Beijing still considers the island part of its territory to be taken back by force if necessary. 但是紧张关系得到缓解的同时,北京方面始终认为台湾是其领土的一部分,必要时候将用武力收回。 www.bing.com 5. The Xinhua News Agency reported that the Chinese side on third-party adopted this approach that considers that this dispute is bad for ". " 新华社报导,中方对三方采取的这一做法表示遗憾,认为此举“不利于”争端的解决。 www.bing.com 6. S. Fearing an increase in gasoline prices, the U. S. government considers imposing a price ceiling equal to the old equilibrium price. 因为担心汽油价格的增长,美国政府考虑制订与之前均衡价格相等的价格高限。 bbs.kaoyan.com 7. A silence passes between them as each considers the consequences if the plan fails. 两人都沉默不语,思索着如果计划失败后每种设想和结果。 www.bing.com 8. Beijing has long wanted Washington to stop selling arms to Taiwan, a self-governing island that China considers part of its territory. 长期以来北京方面都希望美国停止对台军售,台湾是一个拥有自己政府的岛屿,而中国认为贪玩是其领土的一部分。 www.bing.com 9. He considers that. Surely that light could make him very powerful, too, if only he could reach into the sky and seize it. 如果他能够到天上并抓住了闪电的光芒,他也会变得十分强大。 yeworld.sh.chinavnet.com 10. When assessing credit risks, the industry considers both the political security of a country and the predictability of its tax regime. 在评估国家的信用风险时,必须考虑到它的政治安全以及税制的稳定性。 www.bing.com 1. He's a good friend of Steve Nash , the Canadian basketball player whom he considers one of his idols. 他有一个好朋友斯蒂夫。纳什,加拿大国家队的成员,他是阿莱的偶像之一。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. China considers Taiwan to be a rogue province and has threatened to use military force if the island declares independence. 中国认为台湾是有待统一的省份,并威胁如果台湾宣布独立就动用军事力量。 kantianya.com 3. The United States currently has a yearly inflation rate of about three percent. The Federal Reserve considers this within acceptable limits. 现在美国每年有大约3个百分点的通货膨胀率。联邦储认为,这还在可接受的范围之内。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Understanding the Gemini man requires a skill because he considers himself to be different from men belonging to other sun signs. 了解他们需要一定的技巧,因为他总是认为自己和别的星座的人不同。 www.bing.com 5. The Fed already considers inflation below levels most consistent with its 'mandate to promote maximum employment and price stability. 美联储已然认定通膨低于最适合“促进充分就业和物价稳定职责”的水准。 cn.reuters.com 6. The implementation of a concern then considers only the interface projected into the relevant dimension. 一个关注点的实现只要考虑投射到相关维中的接口。 www-128.ibm.com 7. There cannot be one that considers them self to be above another human, plant, animal, insect . 不能认为某个个体自身可以凌驾于其他人,植物,动物,昆虫之上。 angozj.com 8. If this option is not selected, Analysis Services considers hiragana and katakana characters to be equal for sorting purposes. 如果未选中该选项,则就排序而言,AnalysisServices将平假名字符和片假名字符视为相同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Each time reaches an agreement all any considers me for me, in fact arrives is good also considers finally for oneself own. 每一次达到任何协议都认为我对我来说,实际上是很好的到来也终于为自己认为自己的。 wenwen.soso.com 10. She considers electromagnetic levels, thermometer readings, images and other material to be corroborating evidence of the supernatural. 她对电磁场水平,温度计读数,照片,以及其他超自然时间的佐证素材都进行了考量。 dongxi.net 1. In terms of narrative structure, the former depends mainly on the plot, and the latter considers the characters as the center. 从叙事结构看,话本小说主要以情节为结构中心,文言小说主要以人物为结构中心。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. This article also considers that Machiavelli subverted the classical political philosophy through a very subtle way. 本文亦认为,马基雅维里通过极为隐晦的方式颠覆了古典政治哲学。 www.zidir.com 3. However, not every definition of life considers all of these properties to be essential. 尽管如此,并不是所有的生命体都必须具备以上的所有特征。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 4. If no ping is received on a connection during the time-out period, a server instance considers the connection to have timed out. 如果未在超时期限内从此连接上收到ping,则服务器实例认为此连接已超时。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. To calculate the maximum buffer size, DB2 considers all other storage utilization, the operating system, and any other applications. 要计算最大的缓冲区大小,DB2、操作系统以及其它任何应用程序都必须考虑其它所有存储器的利用率。 www.ibm.com 6. Does he really want to turn control of healthcare half the time over to a group that he considers stupid and venal ? 那么,他是不是真的愿意让医疗保障控制权的一半时间转交到那个“愚蠢又唯利是图”的团体的手上呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Because the compiler considers this conversion to be already defined, it does not allow you to redefine it. 由于编译器认为已定义此转换,所以它不允许您重新对其进行定义。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Considers one not to be clear about the market the enterprise, how the product can specialize? 试想一个没有明确市场的企业,产品如何能专业化? zhidao.wangchao.net.cn 9. The organization considers as one of its strengths the publication of impartial and accurate reports. 该组织将出版公正和准确的报告作为它的强项之一。 club.news.sina.com.cn 10. He interrupted his speech at the rally to call Cuba's Fidel Castro, who he considers his mentor. 在集会的演讲中,他中断演讲打电话给他的“导师”——古巴领导人卡斯特罗。 www.suiniyi.com 1. therefore , the author considers that it is of importance to research dividend policies accounting to the companies " professions" . 由此,笔者认为,分行业研究股利政策影响因素南京工业大学硕士学位论文有意义。 www.ichacha.net 2. This article considers that Ji Kang's health preservation includes preserving the body and maintaining mental tranquility. 本文认为嵇康的养生包括养形和养神两个方面。 www.fabiao.net 3. If the supervisor considers you a suitable candidate, our recruiting officer will contact you to arrange interview. 如果部门主管认为您适合所应聘的职位,我们会有专人和您联系面试事宜。 jobs.zhaopin.com 4. "Than Shwe considers himself a king, " said Chan Htun. "He built the pagoda as a display of power and as an attempt to create a legacy. " “丹瑞以为他是一个帝王,”禅吞说,“他通过造塔来显示权力并试图创造遗产。” www.bing.com 5. 'If Google leaves it's going to be something that any foreign company that considers opening up shop here will consider very seriously. ' 如果谷歌离开了,这将成为任何考虑在华开展业务的外国企业认真考虑的一个问题。 c.wsj.com 6. We need to see if the president [Jose Maria] Del Nido considers it, but we cannot really say anything as we are not certain. 我们需要看看俱乐部主席德尔-尼多是否能够考虑这笔转会,现在我们无法谈论些什么,因为我们无法确定任何事。 www.chelsea.net.cn 7. FDA considers the integrity of laboratory testing and documentation records to be of fundamental importance during drug manufacturing. FDA认为在药品生产中实验室检验和文件记录的完整性是基本重要的。 www.100md.com 8. The company is also expected to get the regulatory approval process well under way before it considers making a higher bid. 同样,必和必拓集团在没有提出更高的收购价之前,还需通过相关监管批准程序才行。 www.bing.com 9. How many weapons Russia is willing to dismantle, of course, depends on how many it considers to be in excess of its military needs. 当然,俄罗斯愿意拆除的核武数量,在于其认为有多少核武超出了军事所需。 www.bing.com 10. This next chart considers various price landmarks and their Fibonacci relationships observed in terms of time. 下一个图表考虑各种价格地标及其斐波纳契关系在时间上观察。 bbs.dyhjw.com 1. IBM considers it a triumph. 而IBM则将其视为胜利。 www.bing.com 2. Although he is one of China's most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research. 尽管他是中国最著名的科学家之一,袁隆平仍然认为自己是个农民,因为他在田间耕作进行科学研究 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Considers lightly. The look so is all empty. 淡淡地斟酌,眼神全如此空洞。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. (superstitions): beliefs that are inconsistent with the knows laws of science or what society considers to be true and rational. (迷信):信仰与科学规律的认识还是什么社会认为是真实和理性的不一致。 wenku.baidu.com 5. The 28-year-old is happy to fill the position and considers himself to have developed as a footballer since moving to Anfield. 28岁的库伊特非常高兴能够在右边路称职称责,并认为自转会到安菲尔德,库伊特已经成为一名真正的足球运动员。 www.oranje.cn 6. That would require a change of stance by the United States which still considers Nepal's Maoists a terrorist organization. 这一点要实现,需要美国改变立场,美国目前把尼泊尔的毛派武装认定为恐怖组织。 www.voanews.cn 7. My delegation considers the proposal tabled by the U. S. delegation as not appropriate and might the counter-productive. 我方代表团认为美国代表团所提出的提案不恰当,有可能造成反效果。 www.share888.info 8. The optimizer considers the indexes on the new view, even if it is not directly referenced in the FROM clause of queries. 优化器将考虑新视图的索引,即使查询的FROM子句中没有直接引用它。 technet.microsoft.com 9. In the continuum dielectric theory one considers the interactions between the test particle and its polarization cloud. 在连续统一体里非导电性的理论一考虑在试验粒子和它的极化作用云之间的相互作用。 www.tzhealth.com 10. A development environment considers infrastructure in terms of both hardware and software. 一个开发环境考虑了硬件和软件方面的基础。 www.ibm.com 1. The article tries to put forward some analyzes and considers by combining with the cognitions on network culture on academic. 本人试结合近年来学术界对网络的文化价值的认识,提出一些辨析与思考。 www.fabiao.net 2. Singer considers the hotel to be an eclectic, multi-generational village. 莎莉认为酒店是折中性的,多代聚居的村落。 www.bing.com 3. Today, my dad gave me a twenty minute lecture about responsibility and how lazy he considers me to be. 今天老爸对我进行了20分钟的关于责任的思想教育以及我在他心目中有多懒。 a4z5k4w2i0.blog.sohu.com 4. Mr. Worsley considers the doctrine one "of very great antiquity, and generally received by the Gothic and Celtic Nations. " 沃斯利先生认为这个信条是一个“非常伟大的古代风习,通常被哥特人和凯尔特民族接受。” www.cnufo.com 5. A context-sensitive analysis is an interprocedural analysis that considers the calling context when analyzing the target of a function call. 一个上下文敏感的分析是一个交互过程分析,在分析目标函数的调用时它将考虑调用的信息。 instapedia.com 6. The fourth analyzer considers the overall performance of Dynamic Web services in terms of threads, handles, and processes. 第四个分析器从线程、句柄和流程的角度考虑动态Web服务的总体性能。 www.ibm.com 7. Biden said Sunday that he considers Palin, a newcomer on the national political scene, to be a formidable opponent. 拜登参议员星期天说,他认为尽管佩林是全国政治舞台上的新面孔,但却是一个强大的对手。 www.voanews.cn 8. Instead, Visual Web Developer considers all of the files and folders that are located in a given Web folder as part of the same Web project. VisualWebDeveloper将所有位于给定Web文件夹中的文件和文件夹都视为同一Web项目的一部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Mr. Embrika considers it his religious duty to give even the enemy a proper Islamic burial. 安比卡认为,出于宗教考虑,即便是敌人,也应当给予其恰当的伊斯兰教葬礼。 www.bing.com 10. Although the composition teacher considers these expressions nothing but cliches , they appeal very much to the students. 作文课的老师认为这些话是陈词滥调,可它们对学生却有很大的吸引力。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. This paper considers the coil aeolotropism, and take account of variation of coil radial elastic ratio. 考虑钢卷的各向异性,把钢卷径向弹性模量当作变量处理; www.chemyq.com 2. She loves and considers each one of us as one of Her many children. 她爱我们,并把我们每一个都看成是她众多孩子中的一个。 www.bing.com 3. Japan considers whaling to be a cultural tradition which it says it only undertakes for scientific research. 而日本则认为,捕鲸是他们的一个文化传统,并称被捕捞的鲸鱼仅用于科学研究。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. While his firm was 'gung ho' about stocks at the start of the year, share prices have now risen to around what he considers fair value. 今年年初时他的公司曾经对股市大涨寄于厚望,现在股价已经回升到了他所认为的合理价值附近。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Posner considers in most detail the issue of growing obesity that continues a discussion we have had in this blog and elsewhere. 波斯纳较为详细地关注了愈演愈烈的肥胖问题,延续了我们在本博客和其他地方进行的讨论。 www.bing.com 6. China is cracking down on online mapping that it considers a risk to national security. 中国开始严厉打击在线地图绘制行为,视其为对国家安全的一种威胁。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Before delivering a message, the system first checks a "safe list" of senders that the recipient considers trustworthy. 在传送讯息之前,系统会先检查收件者认为可信任的寄件者「安全名单」。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. One of us considers it doubtful that this Indonesian species actually occurs in China. 我们中的一人考虑这印度尼西亚的种不一定分布于中国。 word.hcbus.com 9. He considers himself to be one of the elite. 他觉得自己是优秀分子之一。 www.bing.com 10. It is not enough for geographical area entities to be clustered if the clustering criterion just considers distance factor. 对于面状地理实体而言,仅考虑距离因素设计聚类准则是不全面的。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Remember, each person considers the project from his or her individual perspective. 请记住,每个人都是从他或她自身的角度出发来考虑这个项目的。 www.bing.com 2. O'Connor considers the long two shot second one of the country's best. 奥康纳认为,长期两杆的第二个全国最好的。 www.igolfyou.cn 3. The court considers that general international law contains no applicable prohibition on declarations of independence. 法院认为,国际法律未包含禁止宣布独立的条款。 show.24en.com 4. The arbitration tribunal may extend this time limit if it considers that there are justified reasons. 仲裁庭认为有正当理由的,可以适当延长此期限。 fanyi.533.com 5. This paper considers a cold standby repairable system consisting of two units with a repairman. 本文研究的对象是含有一个修理工的两不同部件冷储备可修系统。 www.dictall.com 6. China considers any high level talks with the Dalai Lama tantamount to interfering with its internal affairs. 中国认为任何与达赖喇嘛的高层会见都是干涉中国内政。 ept-cn.com 7. This paper considers the problem of scheduling n jobs on m parallel unbounded batch machines to minimize the total weighted completion time. 考虑无界批量机器并行调度中极小化加权完工时间和问题。 www.dictall.com 8. Shuttles back and forth person, assorted all has, certainly does not bring to smile, considers only oneself hurries along. 穿梭其中的人,各色的都有,并不带着笑,只顾自己赶路。 blog.163.com 9. This title details the fortifications of this key strategic location, and considers both their effectiveness and historical importance. 本书还涵盖有详细讲述要塞的战略位置、防御效能的考量及历史价值的章节。 bbs.scu.edu.cn 10. Horace: Yeah. Lily. Lovely Lily. She was exceedingly bright, your mother. Even more impressive when one considers she was Muggle-born. 贺拉斯:是的。莉莉。可爱的莉莉。她极其聪明,你妈妈。更令人印象深刻的是她是麻瓜。 1home.hainan.net 1. Temporality is realized when the work considers the space in its totality, without distinctions between in and out. 时间性是在当作品从空间的整体考虑,而无内外的区分的时候得到实现的。 www.douban.com 2. ABC considers itself to be in the retail gift market, although some consumers purchase the product for themselves. 美国广播公司认为自己是在零售商品市场,但也有一些消费者购买产品的本身。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. This paper considers the reliability and inspection policies for a system with multivariate diagnostic parameters. 研究具有多维诊断参数系统的可靠性和检测策略问题。 www.dictall.com 4. The military alliance says it considers internet terrorism to be a greater threat than a missile strike. 这个军事联盟说,互联网恐怖主义的威胁,比导弹攻击还要严重。 www.zftrans.com 5. Bast also stresses its enterprise culture and considers it as important as the management of new technology and information. 与众不同之处,巴士德新技术公司十分注重企业文化,并把它列为企业三大资产之一。 www.hbeb.com 6. Knight considers any comparison to the '60 team, coached by his mentor, Pete Newell, the ultimate compliment. 奈特认为任何与他的恩师,皮特纽尼尔统帅的60年的美国队的比较,都是对自己最大的恭维。 dongxi.net 7. The top-down approach considers the goal of an application that comprises the enterprise SOA middleware application. 自顶向下方法考虑由企业SOA中间件应用程序组成的应用程序的目标。 www.ibm.com 8. The U. S. nuclear industry considers it more financially sensible to produce fuel with virgin uranium and to store spent uranium. 美国核行业认为使用天然铀生产燃料并将燃烧过的铀储存起来更划算。 c.wsj.com 9. For the year preceding the change, the Commissioner considers it not necessary to recompute the profits. 至于更改结帐日期之前的一年,税务局局长认为无须重新计算。 www.ird.gov.hk 10. Joining the fray is "The Consuming Instinct" by Gad Saad, which considers human behaviour through a lens of biology and natural selection. 迦德?萨阿德所著的《消费的本能》也加入了争论,这本书透过生物学和自然选择的透镜来看待人类行为。 www.ecocn.org 1. They can store your log messages in a text file, binary file, database, or any other format that the vendor considers appropriate. 他们可以把日志信息存储到一个文本文件、二进制文件、数据库中,或者是供应商认为合适的其他格式中。 www-128.ibm.com 2. To her surprise, Whitney said, she got an E-mail back and eventually met the woman, whom she now considers a mentor. 惠特尼说,使她意想不到的是,她收到了电子邮件回信并且最终见到了薛莉博士,如今她把薛莉博士视为自己的导师。 www.hotdic.com 3. He considers the monarchy an equally weighty topic, noting that the Queen is 'the head of state, the head of the armed forces. ' 他认为君主政治是一个具有同样重量级的主题,并且特别指出女王是“国家元首,同时也是武装部队的总司令”。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Today, the designed methods of glassware equipment used widely are the traditional methods. It considers little for environment attributes. 当前玻璃器皿加工设备的设计大多还局限于传统设计,产品开发过程中很少考虑其环境属性和人的劳动强度。 www.chemyq.com 5. The author considers that the contract for giving up the right of action belongs to the act of civil litigation. 本文认为不起诉契约在性质上为诉讼行为。 www.fabiao.net 6. Analysis Services considers the accented and unaccented versions of letters to be identical for sorting purposes. 就排序而言,AnalysisServices将重音字母和非重音字母视为相同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The investment in new flooring, says Cohen, also saves hospitals money, if one considers the costs over the entire life cycle of a produc. 科恩说,从地板的整个使用寿命周期的花费来讲,投资新地板还能为医院省钱。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 8. Everybody now considers themselves a creator, and not just a viewer. 现在每个人都认为自己是个创造者,而不仅仅是一个旁观者。 www.ted.com 9. The second level considers total fleet energy savings at disposal and the total quantity of ASR to be landfilled annually. 第二个层次考虑节能总数在处理和实现总量被掩埋的材料,每年。 www.2shu.net 10. It is also a good example of how Athanasius conflates his opponents' statements with what he considers to be their logical consequences. 这也是一个显示亚他拿修如何以他认为对手的逻辑后果来驳斥对手好例子。 1. He considers there to be plenty of room in the world for the two to grow their economies amicably, without conflict. 他认为,世界具有充足的空间,可容两国友好地发展各自的经济,而不产生冲突。 www.ftchinese.com 2. BASF says it considers its Chinese production base as 'crucial' to its Asian expansion plans through the year 2020. 巴斯夫说,它将中国生产基地视为其2020年前亚洲扩张计划的“关键”。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Every country considers its internal affairs to be its own responsibility. 每个国家都把内政看做是自己的职责。 wenku.baidu.com 4. Temasek is wholly owned by Singapore's Ministry of Finance, and considers its portfolio companies to be 'stakeholders. ' 淡马锡控股为新加坡财政部全资拥有,并将其所投资的公司视为“利益相关者”。 www.bing.com 5. Yet for now, Mr Castro still considers letting foreign firms pay market wages a step too far. That has forced companies to break the law. 然而到现在,劳尔。卡斯特罗仍然认为,允许外企市场工资制这一步太过了。这就迫使外国公司违反法律。 xiaozu.renren.com 6. Ya, each time meets writes Zhou Jidu to have to let oneself think, considers! 亚,每次开会写周其芏不得不让自己思考,认为! wenwen.soso.com 7. No matter how small or humble the home, a British person considers the place where they live to be their own little corner of the world. 不管房子多小或多么寒酸,英国人总是把他们的家看成是世界上属于自己的一个小角落。 www.8875.org 8. The author considers that the adjustment on business management is of most importance among those strategies. 作者认为,在这众多的发展战略中,最重要的就是业务经营方面的调整。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Belgrade, which considers Kosovo as the cradle of Serbian culture and religion, is vehemently opposed to independence for the republic. 贝尔格莱德认为科索沃是塞尔维亚文化和宗教的发源地,强烈反对科索沃独立。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Who considers the power of your anger, and your wrath according to the fear of you? 谁晓得你怒气的权势,谁按著你该受的敬畏晓得你的忿怒呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This, in turn, might ease Australia's nerves when it considers individual deals in light of Australia's national interest. 相应地,这或许能够缓解澳大利亚从国家利益出发考虑每笔交易时的紧张情绪。 www.bing.com 2. Two giant pandas have arrived in Taiwan from China, a gift from Beijing to a self governing island it considers part of Chinese territory. 两只大熊猫从中国抵达台湾,这是一份来自北京的礼物送给这个被认为是中国的一部分领土的自治岛屿。 zhangmoon618.blog.163.com 3. The human-oriented social development considers mankind' s development as the core and advanced objective of economy growth. 以人为核心的社会发展要求以人为中心,把人的发展看作是经济增长的核心和最高目标。 lib.cqvip.com 4. Following thorough consideration of the reasons given, the TMB shall issue any further recommendations it considers appropriate forthwith. 在对提供的理由进行全面审议后,TMB应立刻提出其认为适当的进一步建议。 chinafanyi.com 5. Therefore, this paper presents a study of CO2 miscible flooding mechanism which considers the existence of formation water. 因此,本文提出了考虑地层水存在的CO2混相驱机理研究课题。 lib.swpu.edu.cn 6. These include the owner of Nakahisa, in Roppongi, which Iida-san considers to be one of the three best sushi restaurants in Tokyo. 这些人中包括六本木中久家的老板,饭田先生心目中东京三个最好的寿司店之一。 www.bing.com 7. China considers Taiwan as a breakaway province and does not recognize it as a sovereign nation. 台湾作为一个省,中国不承认它是一个主权国家。。 www.bing.com 8. In Philadelphia, the Albert Einstein Healthcare Network considers itself lucky, according to its chief financial officer, Brian K. Derrick. 在费城,阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦医疗保健组织的首席财政官,布莱恩K德瑞克称其很幸运。 www.ecocn.org 9. China considers grain and oil reserves to be a state secret, the disclosure of which can lead to incarceration. 中国将谷物与石油储备视为国家机密,泄露相关情况可能会导致监禁。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Faced with such a choice, a good analyst considers both options . 面对着这种选择,一个好的系统分析员应考虑两种方案。 www.jukuu.com 1. But it considers areas within the Jerusalem municipality as its territory and thus not subject to the restrictions. 但它认为耶路撒冷自治区为其领土,因此不在约束之内。 bbs.yeeu.org 2. China also agreed as part of its WTO accession to submit to annual compliance reviews, which Beijing considers humiliating. 中国也同意每年回顾是否遵守了规定,中国政府觉得这一做法很耻辱。 www.bing.com 3. Analysis Services considers the uppercase and lowercase letters to be identical for sorting purposes. 就排序而言,AnalysisServices将大写字母和小写字母视为相同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Later, people use it to describe the man who only considers his own aspiration, ignoring the objective situation and others' opinions. 之后,人们就用这个词来形容那些只考虑自己的愿望而忽略客观条件和他人看法的人。 bbs.24en.com 5. InfoPath considers query parameters when deciding whether stored data is appropriate for a given query. InfoPath在决定存储的数据是否适用于给定查询时会考虑查询参数。 office.microsoft.com 6. But I wonder if the person driving to Mexico considers the cost of the entire trip, including his time and wear and tear on the car. 当我想知道的是那个驱车前往墨西哥的人是否考虑了自己在旅途中的花费,这其中包括他的时间以及汽车的损耗。 www.bing.com 7. The "row to binary number" mapping considers each row to be a binary number that represents a pitch. “行到二进制数”的映射将每一行考虑为表示一个音高的二进制数。 www.ibm.com 8. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers some portable air filtration systems to be Class II medical devices. FDA已经将一些便携式空气净化设备列为二级医疗设备。 www.elanso.com 9. This paper considers typical case in the engineering and applies analogous theory to set up testing model performed in a flume. 结合工程实践中的典型情况,应用相似比理论,建立起可在水槽中进行的试验模型。 www.chemyq.com 10. "My sources were telling me that Yakemenko considers me an enemy -- I mean, an enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, " Kashin says. 卡申说,“我的消息来源告诉我,亚克缅科把我当做敌人——我的意思是,敌人,敌人,敌人,敌人。” dongxi.net |
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