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considering 显示所有例句
例句释义: 鉴于,考虑到,就…而言,〈口〉细想起来,就…而论,顾及,考虑到……鉴于 1. That's a necessary step for a massive Bianconeri revival, at least considering the results of this week board of directors meeting. 至少从俱乐部本周的董事大会上可以看出,那是伟大尤文复兴征程中的必要一步。 juveftp.88.vtdns.com 2. But the running interest in Fannie Mae's stock might seem surprising, considering that this company was the Titanic of the mortgage market. 但是考虑到这家公司曾经是房贷市场上的巨无霸,人们对于房利美这支股票的兴趣仍旧令人惊讶。 www.bing.com 3. The outcome of the final did not matter much, considering the drastic progress China made in a sport whose roots are so far away. 中国能在一个弱势项目上取得如此大的进步,最终的结果已经不重要了。 www.bing.com 4. As you can see, that was an extraordinarily fast response, especially when considering that the response was initiated without warning. 如你所闻,这样的反应速度是非常惊人的,特别是考虑到这还是在没有任何预警的情况下。 www.bing.com 5. The SEC also is considering relaxing a strict ban on private companies publicizing share issues, known as the 'general solicitation' ban. SEC还在考虑是否也要放松一项不准非上市公司公开发行股票的严格禁令,也就是不准从事“大范围募资”(generalsolicitation)。 c.wsj.com 6. The family was considering trying to find another home for him anyway, so Walstad decided to keep him as an office pet. 那一家子正在考虑无论如何为它物色一个新主人,因此沃尔斯塔德决定收养这条狗,将其作为办公室的宠物。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. No matter how much sound makes it to our ears it's impressive, considering that the water boat men are less than half an inch long. 无论我们听到的鸣叫是多么的微弱,只要考虑到它们只有半英寸长,我们就不得不说它们是了不起的。 www.bing.com 8. As a guest, I dismissed all this as pathology, but I couldn't help considering his wife with profound curiosity. 作为一个客人,我把他的这种行为当做一种病理表现进行忽略,但是我忍不住带着极大的好奇去想他的妻子。 www.bing.com 9. Considering how little money and time were spent on the quest and how much fun the participants had, it is a remarkable achievement. 想想这搜索所花的经费与时间如此之少,而参与者的乐趣如此之高,成果真谓可圈可点。 www.jukuu.com 10. He said he hopes the government will demonstrate compromise by considering their reform proposals and releasing the arrested activists. 他说,他希望政府也能表现出妥协,考虑他们的改革建议并且释放被捕的活动人士。 www.bing.com 1. Management and workers at Foxconn's Longhua manufacturing complex said the company had been considering a pay rise for several months. 富士康龙华工业园区的管理层和工人们都表示,该公司从数月之前就开始考虑加薪。 www.ftchinese.com 2. A Honda spokeswoman said the company isn't considering increasing exports from Thailand to enhance its competitiveness. 本田公司一位发言人说,公司未考虑增加从泰国的出口以增强竞争力。 www.voa365.com 3. Considering the team's contender status with him on the roster, it will all be worth it. 考虑到湖人队内他的竞争者,这些还是很值得的。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Moreover, if you decide to try solving a performance problem by throwing hardware at it, as is often wise, start by considering more memory. 而且,如果您决定尝试通过添加硬件来解决性能问题,这往往是明智的,那么就从考虑更多内存入手。 www.ibm.com 5. Considering your financial status and my own, I should say that you would feel blessed if I grew large with a child! 考虑到你经济状况和我自己的,我会说你会感到幸福的,若是我和孩子一起长大! blog.sina.com.cn 6. Considering how much hard work we put into our first year, this is something we are unabashedly proud of. 考虑到有多少辛勤工作,我们把我们的头一年,这是值得我们骄傲的自嘲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It is really amazing how far he reached considering the fact that he never used any other transportation beside his bicycle. 让人吃惊的是他去了那么远的地方,而交通工具只有他的自行车。 www.bing.com 8. Lakshmi Mittal is considering entering the takeover battle for Rio Tinto, the mining group, according to people familiar with the matter. 据知情人士称,拉克什米-米塔尔(LakshmiMittal)正考虑参与对矿业集团力拓(RioTinto)的收购战。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The U. S. bank is also considering buying a stake in a Chinese bank as its next step, when China relaxes limits on ownership, he said. 这家美国银行也在考虑下一步,当中国放宽对所有权的限制时,收购中资银行的股份,他说。 www.bing.com 10. I would like to be considered for a part time position, considering my credits and experiences in the company. 基于我在公司中的业绩与经验,我希望您可以考虑一下我作兼职(继续坚守在岗位上)。 www.englishtown.cn 1. He does not seem to be an old man in his eighties, considering his appearance. 看外表他一点也不象一个八十岁的老人。 www.for68.com 2. She also said that they are considering writing a character role for me that I could take on in the coming season starting in a few weeks. 她还告诉我说他们正在考虑为我写一个角色,使我能在下一季中的几个星期的拍摄中演出。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He said the North made the wage demands considering the workers' productivity, and by looking at wage levels in other countries. 金泳卓说,北韩从工人生产力出发,并参考其它国家工资水平,提出加薪要求。 www.tingroom.com 4. There was no candidate better suited to help the Raptors than Barnes, especially considering the huge hole they have at small forward . 没有谁比Barnes更适合猛龙尤其是考虑到他们在小前锋位置上的巨大漏洞。 www.bing.com 5. In a recent interview, Brad said he and Angelina, who have been together six years are considering whether to tie the knot. 在最近一期的采访中,皮特和朱丽也被追问到了结婚的事情,已经“同居”六年的他们至今还没有结婚。 www.hjenglish.com 6. The number is not a surprise at all, considering that the age of college students is usually between 18 and 24. 因为大学生的年龄大都在18至24岁之间,所以这一数字并不令人吃惊。 www.24en.com 7. Considering others to be just the same as yourself helps you to open up your relationships and give them a new and richer meaning. 把别人想象成和你一模一样的人,可以促进你的人际关系,带给它崭新而丰富的意义。 bbs.jcedu.org 8. In January the German government was "not considering" financial aid to help Greece out of its budgetary hole. 一月份,德国政府尚“不考虑”对希腊财务漏洞施以援手。 club.topsage.com 9. At the start of the season, the idea was that of considering Abbiati as the starter, Dida as second goalkeeper and then Storari. 在赛季开始的时候,我是考虑让阿比亚蒂成为主力,迪达作为第二门将,而斯托拉里作为第三门将。 www.milanchina.com 10. Considering that she's been searching for this doll since the moment Ondine was born, a hundred and thirty dollars is not so much to spend. 既然她从翁蒂娜出生那天就开始寻找这么一个娃娃了,130美元的价格也不算离谱了。 www.bing.com 1. 'Treacle, ' said the Dormouse, without considering at all this time. “糖浆。”睡鼠这次毫不犹豫地回答。 www.hjenglish.com 2. I just had not expected him to be so prominent, considering that he is only here as a non-playing member of the squad. 考虑到他根本不用上场踢球,我没想到他会显得这么突出。 f4.com.cn 3. For the United States, it was more a disappointment -- especially considering that the team twice relinquished leads. 而对美国来说,这更多的是失望,特别是考虑到这支队伍两次丢失领先机会。 www.bing.com 4. Considering that this grape was thought to be a loser in the U. S. for decades, we're amazed how far it has come in such a short time. 想想这种葡萄在美国的种植几十年来被认为是个失败例子,我们却惊奇地发现在如此短时间里它能有如此的进步。 cn.wsj.com 5. As it stands, up to 20 cities and states are considering imposing such a levy on soda. 按照现在的情况,多达20个城市和州正在考虑强制实行对碳酸饮料征税。 www.dxy.cn 6. It is not likely that I should, considering what I have been used to. 我已经过惯了那样的生活,根本不可能产生那样的想法。 novel.tingroom.com 7. Considering that this quintile contributes almost 93% of aggregate savings, food inflation will have no impact on it. 考虑到这一阶层贡献了印度总储蓄的93%,食品通胀不会对他们产生任何影响。 dongxi.net 8. There have been reports that Germany is considering buying Greek government bonds through a state-owned bank, as an emergency measure. 有报导说,德国正在考虑通过一家国有银行购买希腊政府债券,以解燃眉之急。 www.voanews.cn 9. Acura has only five models which, considering the model lineup of the other carmakers, is nothing but just a drop in the bucket. 阿库拉只有五年的模式,考虑到模型阵容的其他汽车制造商,是什么,而只是一个杯水车薪。 usa.315che.com 10. considering the question of risk the court was handicapped by a lack of scientific evidence. 在考虑风险问题上,法院因缺乏科学依据而举步维艰。 www.jukuu.com 1. Great teams are always built from the back and I am really surprised they are not trying to do that, considering their Coach is an Italian. 伟大的球队总是从后防线开始建设球队,因此我真的对曼城的背道而驰感到惊讶,特别是考虑到他们的教练是一个意大利人。 www.juvechina.com 2. Several weeks ago Erin and I had a long discussion about adding a politics forum, and she convinced me that it was worth considering. 几周前,我和Erin就加一个政治论坛做了很长时间的讨论,她说服我说,这值得考虑。 www.elanso.com 3. Combine the two factors, considering the role of the train the wind across the docking hardware structure of OCS, has not been reported. 考虑自然风与列车风的耦合作用,计及列车风对该结构的影响,目前尚未见报道。 www.fabiao.net 4. Earlier in the show, Yahoo cofounder Jerry Yang said the company was considering all options, including a possible sale to Ma. 雅虎创始人杨致远早些时候表示,雅虎现在在考虑一切战略选择,其中就包括可能将公司出售给马云。 www.hxen.com 5. Aquilani is an important player just like the others, although a little more considering his age and the role he plays within the club. 尽管更多地考虑了他的年龄和他在球队中所扮演的角色,但阿奎拉尼的重要性同其他球员是一样的。 www.juvefans.com 6. In 2004, when William announced he was considering joining the army, he said he would not expect or accept special treatment. 2004年,威廉王子宣布考虑参军时就说过他不期待也不会接受特殊待遇。 www.rnag.cn 7. Now in Petersburg , after duly considering the Rostovs' position and his own, he decided that the time had come and made his offer. 眼前在彼得堡,他把罗斯托夫家的和他自己的地位加以比照,于是断定,时机到了,就向她求婚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He said he would keep the money in a bank for some time while he is considering what to do with it. 他表示要把钱存入银行,同时考虑该做些什么。 paper.sznews.com 9. That means that the earliest the chamber could begin considering an alternative proposal, if it were inclined to do so, would be next week. 这意味着,如果众议院愿意考虑一项替代这项法案的议案,最早也得从下周开始。 www.bing.com 10. In 2003, she was offered a contract by a top Italian men's soccer club but turned it down, considering it a publicity stunt. 2003年,意大利的一家男子足球俱乐部欲与她签约,但被她拒绝了,她认为他们这么做完全是在作秀。 www.bing.com 1. When you're considering changing the look and feel of the login form, you need to determine exactly what you're trying to accomplish. 当你开始考虑修改登录表单的样式时,你必须先明确你的目标。 www.bing.com 2. That's a bit far for me to travel, considering i've only got a week. i'd prefer something closer to home. 有点远,因为只有一个星期时间,我比较倾向于去比较近的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The IBA statement pointed out that the organisation has always been open about the fact that it was considering the trials. 爱尔兰赌博业者协会的声明指出该组织总是公开其在考虑试点工作的事实。 www.haolawyer.com 4. So it's worth considering an alternative trajectory for the U. S. and China as another meltdown seems to be unfolding. 看起来另一场衰退即将到来,所以有必要为中国和美国另谋发展良策。 www.bing.com 5. At lunch, Zichen told her two co workers that she was considering going to a new place for her vacation. 吃午饭的时候,自晨告诉两位同事,她假期打算去一个新鲜的地方。 9.yeezhe.com 6. Considering how everybody's trying to make the next big thing, it seems unlikely. 考虑到其他所有人都在忙着成就下一件大事,这网站看起来不像是件重大事件。 www.bing.com 7. This extra fatis especially concerning considering the childhood obesity epidemic we arecurrently trying to deal with. 这些多余的脂肪就与我们目前正在尝试处理的儿童超重流行问题息息相关。 www.bing.com 8. People familiar with the matter said that he had in recent months been considering setting up a private equity fund. 知情人士表示,最近几个月,蔡洪平一直在考虑成立一家私人股本基金。 www.ftchinese.com 9. When considering China's structural growth prospects, it is necessary to take account of at least three major challenges to growth. 当考虑中国结构性增长的前景时,至少有三个影响经济增长的挑战不容忽略。 www.bing.com 10. But now that the children are grown, she said, she is considering moving to the island to be with Mr. Fahey. 但是现在孩子都已长大成人了,所以她说她也正考虑搬到岛上和法赫先生住一起。 www.bing.com 1. Considering the amazing past record of its creators, this new watch is surely going to be top notch in terms of style and performance. 考虑到其创造者过去的惊人记录,这块新表无疑会在样式和性能上处于领先地位。 www.elanso.com 2. I have my eye on a couple of jobs myself and while I'm not ready to run this year, I'm seriously considering it as a future opportunity. 我已经为自己留意了几个职位,只是今年我还没有做好竞选的准备,我还是很慎重地把这看做未来的一个机遇。 www.elanso.com 3. Many of the reforms that the bank is considering come from a report released in late March by an independent committee. 银行正在考虑的很多改革措施都来源于一个独立委员会在三月下旬发布的一个报告。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Yea. . . saying they have no chance is a bit ridiculous, considering one of those wins was without TMac and the other was without Yao. 是的,说他们“没有机会”是有点可笑,而且考虑到两场胜利一场没有麦蒂一场没有姚明。 club.sohu.com 5. For the dynamic behaviour of piles, a beam-column element was used for considering the axial force-dependency as well as the volume effect. 对于桩的动力本构行为,则采用了可以考虑体积效应和轴向力影响的梁—柱单元来模拟。 www.cgejournal.com 6. Considering that he is just a child, she was not very strict with him. 考虑到他只是个孩子,她没有太严格要求他。 www.xxku.net 7. After deciding that this job would not clash with her studies and upon considering the high salary, Liu applied. 在考虑这份工作与她的学业不会产生冲突,并且薪水还比较高,她就申请了。 www.xici.net 8. This success is all the more remarkable considering the troubles that regularly seem to engulf the company. 鉴于公司似乎总受定期出现的麻烦的困扰,这个成绩尤显突出。 www.ecocn.org 9. But everyone is fighting it out without considering the enormous economic and political ramification to Thailand as a whole. 混战中的每个人都没有考虑到这将会对泰国整体经济和政治造成严重后果。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. Richard Allan, Facebook's director of public policy in Europe, said he was considering the company's response to the letter. Facebook驻欧洲公共政策主管理查德?艾伦(RichardAllen)表示他正在考虑就此信做出回应。 www.bing.com 1. Investors and analysts appeared to approve of the move, considering the newspaper is a small piece of the company's overall business. 投资者和分析人士看来赞成停刊,他们认为该报只占新闻集团整体业务的一小部分。 c.wsj.com 2. I'd like the option, considering how much I'm paying them. 我喜欢这个选项,考虑到我给他们的不菲工资。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Baines was known to have had an excellent relationship with former boss Paul Jewell and is reportedly considering his future. 众所周知贝恩斯与前任主教练保罗.朱厄尔关系非常好,有报道称贝恩斯正在考虑他的未来。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. Good morning. The United States Senate is now considering my nomination of Judge Sam Alito to be an associate justice on the Supreme Court. 美国参议院正在考虑我对山姆~奥利特的最高法院大法官的提名。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. What did you think about this tournament before this year considering the record you've had here? How much has that view changed now? 考虑到以前在这里的成绩,在今年以前你对这个赛事有什么想法?现在想法有什么改变了吗? www.roger-federer.cn 6. This state of affairs is all the more remarkable considering where we were just a year ago. 想想仅仅一年前的境况,当前形势更是令人称奇。 chinese.wsj.com 7. It is deep green, Green seems to be a full of quiet middle aged, are considering a life philosophy. 它绿得深沉,绿得仿佛是一位满腹经纶的沉静的中年人,正在深思着人生的哲学。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In addition, the report from Nikkei Business Daily said the Bank of Japan is considering additional steps to ease monetary policy. 另外《日本经济新闻》(NikkeiBusinessDaily)还报导称,日本央行正在考虑采取更多措施来放宽货币政策。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Liverpool boss Roy Hodgson was one of the manager's reportedly monitoring the situation, and the Reds were considering a contract offer. 利物浦主帅正是近期被报道关注这一发展的主帅之一,并且红军正在考虑报价。 www.ept-team.com 10. The desert is engulfing our world, but that fellow is still considering how much his imagine can be glorified after the Arbor Day's show. 沙漠正在吞噬我们这个世界,而那个家伙却在考虑这场植树节表演后他的形象是否会更加光辉灿烂一点。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Considering that you helped me get out of my depression, I'll marry you anyway. 念及是你帮我摆脱了抑郁,我还是嫁给你吧。 oral.ebigear.com 2. The collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the result of not considering the last of these factors. Tacoma Narrow. 桥倒塌是由于没有考虑到这个因素中的最后一个。 www.hn1c.com 3. Onlooker: I'm considering that how much money you should pay for me. 旁观者:我在算你要付我多少钱。 word.hcbus.com 4. It sounded as if the Engineering officer had been considering this solution for a while. 听起来好像工程师已经对这个解决方案考虑了很长时间。 technet.microsoft.com 5. Linux is worth considering, especially if it is the only option where existing hardware can be utilized. Linux是值得考虑的,尤其在可以利用现有的硬件的情况下,Linux是唯一的选择。 www.ibm.com 6. Firstly, a set of linearized ODEs are formulated in terms of absolute coordinates without considering any constraint in the system. 首先,不考虑任何约束,采用拉格朗日方法建立以绝对坐标描述的二阶线性常微分方程组; www.fabiao.net 7. Still, considering that most eBook formats are open in nature, it would be nice to have support for a few more formats. 然而考虑到大多数电子书格式本身就是开放的,它真的应该支持更多的格式。 www.bing.com 8. The recovery has lost momentum, the U. S. is up to its neck in debt and the Federal Reserve is considering more stimulus. 经济复苏已经失去动能,美国债务问题也是如鲠在喉,美联储正在考虑进一步刺激措施。 cn.reuters.com 9. The force density method and the Dynamic Relaxation method have been used for the solution of initial prestress considering dead load. 对考虑结构自重的力密度法和动力松弛法进行了理论推导和算例验证。 paper.pet2008.cn 10. The SEC is considering raising that limit, though it's unclear by how much. SEC正在考虑提高这个限制,但提高多少并不清楚。 c.wsj.com 1. Firstly, a set of linearized ODEs are formulated in terms of absolute coordinates without considering any constraint in the system. 首先,不考虑任何约束,采用拉格朗日方法建立以绝对坐标描述的二阶线性常微分方程组; www.fabiao.net 2. Still, considering that most eBook formats are open in nature, it would be nice to have support for a few more formats. 然而考虑到大多数电子书格式本身就是开放的,它真的应该支持更多的格式。 www.bing.com 3. The recovery has lost momentum, the U. S. is up to its neck in debt and the Federal Reserve is considering more stimulus. 经济复苏已经失去动能,美国债务问题也是如鲠在喉,美联储正在考虑进一步刺激措施。 cn.reuters.com 4. The force density method and the Dynamic Relaxation method have been used for the solution of initial prestress considering dead load. 对考虑结构自重的力密度法和动力松弛法进行了理论推导和算例验证。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. The SEC is considering raising that limit, though it's unclear by how much. SEC正在考虑提高这个限制,但提高多少并不清楚。 c.wsj.com 6. I guess that just egged them on, considering how much they focused on screwing with me. 考虑到他们是如何烦扰我的,我猜想正是他的这个举动怂恿了他们。 www.eol.cn 7. I'm surprised you're not prepared to offer some sort of bulk discount considering the size of the order. 我很奇怪为什么不考虑按定单的大小给予折扣。 www.hxen.com 8. To understand where the extra dimension comes from, start by considering one of the gluon strings on the boundary. 为了了解那额外维度从何而来,我们先来看边界上的一条胶子弦。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It might have begun with Armenia, by considering America's plea to open its borders with it. 出于对美国要求开放与亚美尼亚边境的考虑,也许已从亚美尼亚开始了。 www.bing.com 10. None of this is all that surprising considering some of the positive economic news in recent weeks. 考虑到最近几周传出的一些利好经济消息,这些乐观情绪并不令人意外。 www.bing.com 1. Considering Diablo 3 is a fast-paced game, how much lore is the Blizzard team planning to put in? 考虑到Diablo3是一个快流程游戏,Blizzard的团队打算添加多少传说呢? bbs.ngacn.cc 2. J. It's a good time to find a bargain, considering how much casinos are hurting these days. 考虑到如今博彩业遭到重创,这个时候去哪里拣点便宜倒是不错。 bbs.51ielts.com 3. He said the US and other organizations are considering a similar one for the Atlantic. 他指出,美国和其他国家正在酝酿在大西洋成立一个类似的论坛。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We had hoped that you might help us answer that very question, considering your knowledge in symbology and your plans to meet with him. 我们也希望您能用您的符号学专长来为我们解答这个难题,加之你还原打算和他会面。 jamestttka.spaces.live.com 5. It was no secret the U. S. was considering compulsory Iraq service for its diplomatic corps, but the e-mails sparked outrage nevertheless. 美国正在考虑强制性地派外交团队前往伊拉克,这已经不是什么秘密了。但是,这些电子邮件还是引发了一片愤怒。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. Germany said it had suspended passenger flights from Yemen, and was considering expanding a cargo flight ban to other unnamed countries. 德国表示已暂停接收发自也门的客运航班,且在考虑将货运航班禁令扩大到其它一些国家。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. At this point it might be worth considering the relative merits of skipping the pill and simply quaffing one's own urine. 在这点上它值得考虑相对省略药丸优点和简单饮用自己的尿。 hi.baidu.com 8. Ms. McPherson said the OED requires 'evidence of a word's usage over a 10-year period, before considering it for inclusion' in its editions. 麦克弗森说,《牛津英语词典》在考虑收入一个新词汇前,要求该词的使用时间超过十年。 chinese.wsj.com 9. C. It takes one possible cause of a condition to be the actual cause of that condition without considering any other possible causes. 它采用了一个可能的原因用来当做那个状况的真实原因,而没考虑任何其他任何可能的原因。 www.exam8.com 10. "All I know is that Andrea is one out of two or three players which Juve are considering, " said the player's agent, Federico Pastorello. “我所知道的是,安德雷亚是尤文图斯正在考虑的两到三名球员中的一个,”多塞纳的经纪人费德里科。帕斯托雷洛表示。 www.ept-team.com 1. But as you know, we are considering several other applicants and will make our final decision by the end of this month. 但是,你知道,我们现在也在考虑其他几名应聘者。这个月底我们会做最后的决定。 www.english88.com 2. Bush, scrutinized in the memoir by his ex-spokesman McAllen, is considering writing a memoir of his own. 布什,仔细审查其前发言人麦克艾伦的回忆录后,正考虑撰写自己的回忆录。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 3. Carlisle wasn't considering age too intently, as each of these decisions was spur-of-the-moment as well as life-or-death. 对于年龄卡莱尔并没有太多的考量,每一个都是在生死关头争分夺秒所作出的决定。 blog.163.com 4. 'The research councils are still considering the possibility of being exposed to some sort of reputational risk, ' he said. 研究委员会仍然在考虑一些可能产生的信誉风险。 www.bing.com 5. And the senator smiled, as if he rather liked the idea of considering himself a sacrifice to his country. 接着,参议员不禁莞尔一笑,他想到自己是在为国献身,颇有点沾沾自喜的样子。 6. down, and I'm able to use the pump to better estimate how much insulin I need based on the crabs I eat. I am also considering a continuous. 我可以去用泵来估算我吃蟹肉要用多少胰岛素。我同样做持续的血糖检测。 hi.baidu.com 7. Denise: It's amazing that you are so skinny considering how much you eat. 丹尼斯:你吃这么多却又这么皮包骨头,真是不可思议。 www.spph.com.cn 8. The Berkshire board said it was still considering legal action against Sokol to, among other things, recover any trading profits he made. 伯克希尔公司董事会称,他们还在考虑对索科尔采取法律行动,除其他事项之外,要求归还在此事件上获得的所有收益。 www.bing.com 9. Sometimes we make assumptions that someone must be a jerk to act a certain way, when there might be factors we aren't considering. 有时候,我们认定冒犯自己的人本身就是个无赖,但是这只是单纯的猜测,也许有些原因我们没能考虑到。 www.zhuoda.org 10. It's understandable that She veered from her former intention, considering her dilemma. 考虑到她的困境,她改变初衷是可以理解的。 dict.ebigear.com 1. And no wonder, considering its awkwardness and limitations; a new one was one of the features promised for Vista and dropped. 这并不奇怪,考虑到命令行的笨拙与限制;这里有一个例子就是Vista允诺提供后来又放弃的那个命令行。 www.bing.com 2. In 1684 the Qing Dynasty re-annexed Taiwan and renamed the town Fengshan County, considering it a part of Taiwan Prefecture. 在1684年清朝重新吞并台湾并改名县凤山镇,认为它的一部分,台湾府。 q.sohu.com 3. That China's policy makers might be considering such a change isn't out of the question. 中国的决策者并非毫无可能考虑进行这种改变。 c.wsj.com 4. Not considering your limitations, when do you think will be the best time for you to go study abroad? 如果不考虑你目前的家庭或个人条件限制,你觉得最好什么时候能出国留学? www.surveymonkey.com 5. He said the committee set up to discuss the conflict was considering all possible options in favour of a political solution. 他说,为了讨论利比亚冲突而成立的委员会考虑了所有选择,最终决定支持政治解决方案。 www.24en.com 6. As the end of our project drew near, we had to begin considering what might be needed for the next product release. 随着在我们项目结束的临近,我们不得不开始考虑下一个产品发布可能需要什么。 www.ibm.com 7. This may sound weird, considering how gloomy the news has been about the economy, but you seem to be the exception. 这听起来不可思议,看看外面经济如何萧条,但对你来说似乎是例外。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Considering the lack of sense of the driver he is still lucky to have found almost all the money with just 3000 Euros less. 考虑到缺乏意义上的司机,他仍然是幸运的,他们发现几乎所有的钱只有3000欧元以下。 usa.315che.com 9. Not bad at all, considering that the share price on the day before his departure was slightly less than it was when he took the job. 考虑到他离职前公司的股票价格只比他上任时低一点,这个结果完全不那么糟糕。 www.ecocn.org 10. Police arrested the driver of the bus and held him in custody while considering what kind of charges to hold him responsible for, Gago said. Gago表示,警察已经逮捕并扣押了公交车的司机,并在考虑将以何种指控追究其责任。 www.hjenglish.com 1. The same is true of the owl, who always looks as if he were considering some important question. 猫头鹰也是这样:总让人看起来好像猫头鹰老是在考虑很重要的问题的样子。 www.ebigear.com 2. It's actually a pretty useless number considering it never seems to be right, at least for me. 它的其实是一个相当无用的数目,考虑到它似乎永远不会是正确的,至少在我。 distribution.blackmailedslave.com 3. However, that's what I am considering, even i don't know how much i can do. 无论如何,我就是这么想的,尽管我并不知道我到底能做多少。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Now, this exhibition, as I said, 40 young artists done over the course of eight years, and for me it's about considering the implications. 现在,这个展览,正如我所说的,花费了40位青年艺术家8年的时间,对我来说,它是经过深思远虑的。 www.ted.com 5. But it's really strange considering I've never been a surfer until a year ago and I suck at sports. 不过我一年前才开始冲浪,而且我在运动方面很差劲,所以说起来有点奇怪。 dongxi.net 6. Having nothing else to do , she decided to follow the rabbit down the hole . Never considering how she might get out again . 因为没有什么事情做,爱丽丝决定跟着兔子到洞里去看看。而没想过待会儿该怎么出来。 www.bing.com 7. They will play like Lazio on Sunday and, considering how much we suffered in the second half, we will have to be very careful. 他们会用像周末的拉齐奥一样的打法来对付我们,我们必须意识到下半场的比赛会更加困难,我们必须十分小心。 www.milanchina.com 8. It's hardly surprising you're putting on weight, considering how much you're eating. 想想你自己吃了多少东西,你增肥也就不足为奇了。 www.bing.com 9. I know this is not the point of "I cannot finish a movie one day" , I am still confused sometimes of considering what I should do now. 我知道“一天做不了电影”不是重点,我现在有时候也还是会迷茫不知道自己该怎么办。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The company used to deal with Africa only through unsolicited emails but is now considering opening an office in Lagos. 这个家庭企业过去只通过广告电子邮件来和非洲企业打交道,现在这家公司正考虑在拉各斯开设办事处。 www.hxen.com 1. which by the way, I thought was a venture bold enough, considering that I knew not how far it might go, nor what was beyond it. 说起来,这实在是一个大胆的冒险举动,因为我既不知道要爬多远,也不知道里面究竟有什么东西。 www.jukuu.com 2. One of his two deputies, Graeme Wheeler, has reportedly advised him to jump, and other senior staff are considering leaving if he doesn't. 据传作为其两名副手之一的格莱姆·惠勒(GraemeWheeler)已经建议他辞职,而其他高级职员也考虑如果沃氏不辞职他们就离开世行。 www.ecocn.org 3. Considering the quality of the goods offer, we do not feel that the price we quote is at all excessive. 以本公司所提供的货物品质而言,我们并不觉得所报价过高。 www.1stenglish.com 4. Considering the extent of his injury it will be very difficult for him to recover in time for the final in Istanbul. 考虑到他的伤势现状,看来安布是很难及时康复参加伊斯坦布尔的决赛了。 tieba.baidu.com 5. When considering a ranking of the greatest fantasy series of all time, the question of Harry Potter is a thorny one. 当考虑评选史上最伟大的奇幻作品时,《哈利波特》这个问题就有点棘手。 www.bing.com 6. Given the high cost of a wedding, and the prominence of celebrities eloping, this might be an option worth considering. 考虑到婚礼的代价太高,社会名流私奔很扎眼,这可能是值得商榷的一种选择。 dongxi.net 7. Annan said that the UN is considering a development plan for East Timor and is prepared to submit it to member countries for deliberation. 安南说,联合国正在制订东帝汶发展计划,准备提交给各成员国研究。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. It is possible to perform accurate magnetization analysis by considering the magnetic state of an incomplete magnetic region. 能够考虑不完全磁化区域的磁化状态而进行高精度的磁化分析。 ip.com 9. Mr. Dinkins did not reject the borough presidents' proposal out of hand, saying that it was worth considering. 丁勤时先生没有不经考虑立刻拒绝几位区长的建议,他说值得考虑。 www.hotdic.com 10. You mean then that if I were to say I was considering working legally after graduation, you would not give me a visa? 记:您的意思是如果我在申请签证时表示有毕业后会在美国合法工作的考虑,那肯定会被拒签? zzz.fachhochschule-koblenz.qyxxpd.com 1. Considering that nobody was so high within a ten-mile radius, she did not take any notice to the light openings any more. 略微想了一下,方圆十里没有这样的“高材生”,于是便不去管那缝隙了。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. Considering his parents must be very worried, I immediately decided to send him home. 考虑到他的父母一定很担心,我立刻决定送他回家。 www.englishtang.com 3. What a pity. Considering his ability and experience, he might have done better. 太可惜了。就他的能力和经验,本该可以做的更好。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Considering all that Cheney has done to impugn Obama's policies, what was the real reason for that call? 鉴于切尼所做之事都是责难奥巴马的政策,那这电话的真正用意是什么? hi.baidu.com 5. If, after considering all of these issues, you still think you can make a go of the business you have chosen, then you are ready to go. 在考虑完以上各点之后,你仍然认为自己可以去开创选择的事业,那么你就已经准备好创业了。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Andy lies in the dark, studying the chunk of concrete in his hands. Considering the possibilities. Wrestling with hope. 安迪躺在黑暗中,研究手中的混凝土,思考可能,斟酌希望。 bbs.duxiu.com 7. Considering it takes me a week just to commit several Chinese phrases to memory, I had to respect their skills. 想想我自己花了一个星期才记住几个中文词语,我不得不佩服他们的这种能力。 www.bing.com 8. Ford Motor Co. is considering ramping up exports if it can bring labor costs down, people familiar with the matter said. 据知情人士称,福特汽车(FordMotorCo。)也在考虑增加出口,但前提是该公司能降低劳动力成本。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Sixty-one percent of those actively considering an overseas move said crime and antisocial behaviour was the key reason to leave. 其中,61%正积极考虑移民的受访者表示,犯罪和反社会行为的猖獗正是促使他们离开的关键因素。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 10. The England captain has made a remarkable recovery considering most other players would have been ruled out for the rest of the season. 这位英格兰国家队队长的康复过程值得关注,因为按照大部分其他球员的类似情况来讲,他很有可能缺席本赛季剩下的比赛。 bbs.qieerxi.com 1. A warning posted by the bailiffs on the boat reads: "Important: Do not turn on the motors, considering that the propellers are chained. " 一份被当地警方贴在船上的警告标明“注意:不要认为螺旋桨被拴就可以随便发动引擎。” www.bing.com 2. A few of the top clubs are considering setting up stores for their kit, but the league as a whole has no commercial outlet. 有少数俱乐部在考虑开设装备专卖店,而联盟作为一个整体则没有一家商业设施。 www.bing.com 3. This is extremely unlikely, though, considering how much of our lives is devoted to the pursuit of money. 这太不合理了,我们在生活中都是努力追求钱的。 www.bing.com 4. Troxler said the country is now considering creating an agriculture office in North Carolina. 卓思乐说,国家现在正考虑在北卡罗莱那州设立一个农业办公室。 www.tobaccochina.com 5. The first question to ask in considering traditional fishing - legal or illegal - is what is actually meant by the word 'traditional'. 第一个问题要问在考虑传统捕鱼——合法的还是非法的——实际上是指“传统的”这个词。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. This is his way of considering that she fits him like a glove. 这是他的方式来认为,她就像手套一般地适合于他。 www.easemind.com 7. Surprisingly, considering their crooked purpose, the cash desks seem to have operated on an honour system. 令人称奇的是,因其蓄意的企图,“现金台”似乎是在荣誉制度上运行的。 www.ecocn.org 8. While the first priority was to manage the crisis, he said the world must begin considering its longer term lessons. 他表示,尽管当务之急是控制危机,全世界必须开始从更长远的角度考虑这一事故带来的教训。 www.voanews.com.cn 9. Pretty cool, considering how much better your code gets as a result of this small change. 相当酷,考虑一下您的代码因为这个小小的更改变得有多好。 www.ibm.com 10. He attributed that to the value that people place on their time, considering how much time and effort a good travel agent can save. Yesawich将其归因于人们非常珍惜自己的时间,考虑的是一位好的旅行代理商能够为自己节省多少时间和精力。 www.bing.com 1. Mr. Sasaki said the company had been considering whether to take action for some time. 他说,公司此前一直在考虑是否要采取措施。 c.wsj.com 2. As a salaried worker, considering how much my bonus is , I realize how hard it is to quit. 做为一个上班族,想到奖金数目,我才领悟到辞职不干是多么困难。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Any thawing would be notable considering that this year has been one of the worst in memory for inter-Korean relations. 考虑到今年是两国关系史上最坏的时候,因此任何的一个缓和迹象都应该值得关注。 www.ecocn.org 4. It is not possible to give a precise answer, considering the particular nature of these circumstances. 考虑到形势的特殊性,很难给出一个确切的答复。 www.kekenet.com 5. "It's just not convenient for my son's work. And considering the locations, the prices are not all that low, " she said. 她说,“我儿子上班太不方便了,而且考虑到那个地段,房价一点都不低。” www.bing.com 6. Any one of the Contracting States shall have the right to call for a fresh conference with a view to considering possible amendments. 任何一个缔约国都有权就考虑修改本公约事项,请求召开新的会议。 www.jukuu.com 7. Japan's government said it was considering strengthening security for the whaling fleet, but did not elaborate. 日本政府说正在考虑对这艘捕鲸船加强保护,但并没有对此作出详细说明。 www.bing.com 8. ELIZABETH: Stuart. Listen, I need to let you know that we're considering bringing on someone new to work on this deal. 斯图尔特,听着,我需要告诉你我们正考虑让一个新成员加入这件项目。 www.kekenet.com 9. There was one obstacle at home to my running for President: Dale Bumpers was seriously considering it. 在阿肯色州还存在一个影响我参加总统竞选的障碍:戴尔.邦珀斯正在认真考虑参选的问题。 www.bing.com 10. And remember that it's your responsibility to suggest these solutions(or to seek out companies known for considering them). 要记住,你有责任提出这些解决方案(或者寻求以考虑到这些方案而知名的公司)。 www.bing.com 1. UC is considering offering a bachelor's degree over the Internet that would be comparable in quality to its campus program. 加利福尼亚大学正在考虑于互联网上实施学士学位教育,它的学历资质与在校课程等同。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The fire looked like an accident , but the police are still considering the possibility of arson . 这次火灾看上去像一宗意外,但警方仍在考虑纵火的可能性。 wenku.baidu.com 3. Considering the political situation across the Taiwan Strait we are easy to accept this classification. 考量两岸的政治局势,这种分类方式最符合我们的认知。 www.cyut.edu.tw 4. Considering the common usage of caffeine, you might be able to go straight to humans here. 考虑到咖啡因的普通用法,你可能会直接想到人类。 www.bing.com 5. Barcelona are among the clubs reportedly considering a bid for Eboue, but he professes not to be concerned about being used sparingly. 据媒体报道,巴萨和其他俱乐部都在考虑为埃布埃出价,但是他公开声明他并不介意上场次数不多。 dx.arsenal.com.cn 6. Asked whether the U. S. was considering military steps, White House spokesman Jay Carney said: 'I'm not ruling anything out. ' 当被问及美国是否会考虑采取军事行动时,白宫发言人卡尔尼(JayCarney)说,不排除任何可能。 c.wsj.com 7. With a modest cost of living and a well-paid workforce, Katy makes good economic sense for most people considering relocation. 随着生活费用低,一份高薪的工作人口,卡蒂使大多数人民的利益考虑搬迁的经济意义。 space.baidu.com 8. Asked if he was considering his options, with 13th his highest finishing position this year, Barrichello replied: "Not at the moment. " 本赛季最好成绩13位,有人问他会不会退休,他说:现在不会。 www.barrichello.com.cn 9. Thailand's recovery is all the more remarkable considering its political backdrop. 考虑到其政治形势,泰国的经济复苏更是难能可贵。 ielts.hjenglish.com 10. Paying students is like "drinking poison to end thirst" -- trying to solve a problem without considering the effects. 给学生奖金就像“饮鸠止渴”--不考虑后果的去解决问题。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Citigroup is considering a plan in which the US Treasury Department would sell its 34% stake in the bank, The Wall Street Journal said. 据《华尔街日报》报道,花旗集团正研究方案,讨论美国财政部如何出售其持有的34%的股权。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. So the King probably, considering what is going on elsewhere, was trying to block similar events in Jordan. 于是,国王可能,考虑在其他地方正在发生的事情,是在约旦试图阻止类似事件。 www.englishtang.com 3. He was a strong and a feisty old man, considering that life is so hard. 他是一个这么强壮和活跃的老人,生活却是如此之艰难。 besgold.com 4. Paying students is like drinking poison to end thirst. Trying to though of solve the problem without considering the effects. 给学生奖金就像“饮鸩止渴”—试图不考虑后果的去解决问题。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 5. Without considering the urgency of this matter, he gave us a flat refusal, once and for all. 他不考虑这件事的迫切性而断然拒绝了,不留一些余地。 class.htu.cn 6. Furthermore, a elastoplastic stiffness matrix considering the length of the plastic regions of a columns ends is given. 并进而推导出考虑柱端塑性区区段长度影响的柱单元弹塑性刚度矩阵。 www.dictall.com 7. This technique, known as anamorphosis, is highly advanced, and suggests the painter was considering his audience as he painted the cow. 这就是现在所说的失真变形,它是一种高级技巧,也显示出画家在画母牛时考虑到了他的观众。 www.bing.com 8. After considering my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. 鉴于我的乐趣所致我感受到理科或者工科是我未来职业的最好选择。 www.haosc.cn 9. Ministers are considering three options for private sector involvement, set out in a document circulated by the European Commission. 欧洲各国财长正在考虑让私人部门帮助纾困希腊的3种选择,欧盟委员会散发的一份文件阐述了这些选择。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Southwest, for one, seems to be considering adifferent approach after the public relations fiasco following theincident with Mr. Smith. 西南航空在遭遇史密斯导演事件引发的公关危机之后,就身先吏卒考虑另寻出路。 www.bing.com 1. But as you know, we are considering several other applicants and we will make our final decision by the end of this month. 但你知道我们正在考虑几个申请人,我们将在本月底做出决定。 www.hxen.com 2. Australia is considering a law that would block some websites in an effort to prevent the trafficking of child porn, she said. 澳大利亚正在考虑一项法律,将阻止在努力防止儿童色情贩卖一些网站,她说。 www.bing.com 3. "Considering the kind of stuff that goes on in here, I'm relieved HPV was all we caught, " Newmark added. “考虑到这个网站上交易的这些破事,我很欣慰,查出的只是HPV病毒,”纽马克说。 www.bing.com 4. The controversial filmmaker is "seriously considering" turning the devastating storm and its aftermath into a documentary. 这位颇具争议的导演正在“认真考虑”将这次毁灭性的飓风及其后续事件拍摄成一部纪录片。 gb.cri.cn 5. It might've just been a scribble, but considering that it came from one of the most renowned scientists in the world does add some value. 它也许只是随意涂鸦,但考虑到它来自世界上最知名的科学家,其可信度就必然会有一定的增加。 www.bing.com 6. If you're considering AJAX, take a look at Figure 1 , which illustrates the architectural implications of such a move. 如果您要考虑AJAX,请看图1,该图说明了这一步的体系结构含义。 blog.163.com 7. who always looks as if he were considering some important question. 总是显出一副似乎正在思考重要问题的样子 www.hxen.com 8. Therefore, before zipping a Rational Project, you can opt for not considering this folder (if it's not important for your new environment). 因此,在压缩Rational项目之前,您可以选择不考虑该文件夹(如果它对您的新环境不重要的话)。 www.ibm.com 9. Considering how often you're out late, I certainly have a right to get out myself once in a while. 考虑到你常常那么晚回家,我当然有权利偶尔也出去一下。 pdf.sznews.com 10. Now stepping out of the role of the brand's user, and considering all the implications of these insights . . . 现在走出品牌使用者的角色,考虑所有这些消费者洞察的启示 wenku.baidu.com 1. I thought this was an appropriate size, considering the size of the magnets. 我想这是一个适当的规模,考虑到大小的磁铁。 www.tech-domain.com 2. The US secretary of state has said the US is considering imposing additional unilateral sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme. 美国国务卿宣称,针对伊朗核计划,美国正在考虑对伊朗实行额外的单边制裁措施。 www.enread.com 3. Governments hate this sort of anarchy and America's, in particular, is considering regulation (see article). 多国政府对这类秩序混乱的行业恨之入骨,特别是美国政府,其正考虑对这一行业加以规范。 www.ecocn.org 4. Considering the number of hypochondriacs out there, that's probably just as well. 考虑到疑病症的人数众多,也许这样的决定也没啥不好。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 5. But that may be a good thing considering the kind of innovation we had -- attempting to subvert accounting and regulations. 但考虑到我们过去见到的创新(也就是试图推翻会计制度和规定)都是什么样的,那也许是件好事。 wen.org.cn 6. Your upcoming Alice looks like it might be a more adult interpretation, considering she's meant to be 19. . . 考虑到她(女主演)已经19岁,您的即将上映的《爱丽丝》看起来更像是成人版的阐释。 www.showxiu.com 7. Considering they're spending a good chunk of their day sleeping or attending school, that seems like an insane amount of inactivity. 想想他们每天要用大部分时间睡觉上课,剩下的所有时间几乎不运动,实在不可思议。 www.bing.com 8. Well, you know our company is considering launching a global website to attract its potential customers worldwide. 你知道,我们公司正考虑推广一个全球网站来吸引全世界的潜在客户。 club.topsage.com 9. It really took me by surprise when I woke up that day and of course becomes a bigger issue considering it's a week before the Open. 那是我决定参加比赛的前一周,那天,当我醒来的时候真的让我觉得措手不及,也成为了一个大问题。 hi.baidu.com 10. If you're considering the white model, check it out in the store first. 如果你想买白色的,就要先在店里检查清楚。 www.hxen.com 1. The frenzy of Korean pop (aka K-Pop) today might be hard to believe considering the state of the music industry. 考虑到音乐产业的现状,韩国流行音乐(也叫K-pop)的火爆超过我们的预期。 www.bing.com 2. Considering the difficulty in collecting and analyzing oral corpus, the studies in this field are pale before that of reading and writing. 但是,口语语料能以收集和分析,因此口语方面的研究较阅读、写作相对薄弱。 www.boshuo.net 3. Even the public suggestion that it is considering such a move is likely to infuriate Chinese authorities. 它公开表示正在考虑撤出中国这件事本身,也有可能激怒中国当局。 c.wsj.com 4. One key issue is focusing too much on the testing aspect of the process, and considering the whole thing just a testing activity. 一个主要的问题是在整个开发过程中,团队过分侧重于测试的方面,将整件事情理解成只是一个测试活动。 www.infoq.com 5. Before heading down the route of mediation development it is worth considering whether the technology is the best fit for your environment. 在开始进行中介开发前,有必要考虑此技术是否最适合您的环境。 www.ibm.com 6. Considering image space neighborhood information and different contributions of every pixel, we brought in spatially weighted FCM. 考虑到图像空间邻域信息以及各像素点贡献率的不同,引入了基于加权的模糊C均值聚类算法。 www.zidir.com 7. Analysts say the increase in demand looks especially paltry considering that prices at the pump are down more than $1 from a year ago. 分析师们认为,考虑到加油站的价格较上年同期下降了逾1美元,需求的增加就更显得微不足道了。 www.bing.com 8. The company is considering plans to set up its own wind farms in Europe and North America , Koh said . 高说,该公司正考虑在欧洲和北美设立自己的风力发电厂。 www.bing.com 9. Now considering the long-term business relations between us, we are prepared to allow a special discount of 5% for the present order. 关于我们府绸衬衫报价事,兹考虑到你我之间的长期业务关系,对目前这批订货我们准备给你百分之五特别折扣。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. In the first of the Five Ways, Aquinas says the existence of God can be proved by considering the concept of change. 在五种证明的第一种证明中,阿奎那认为通过考虑运动的意义可以证明上帝的存在。 www.bing.com 1. Some economists suggested that the February data might be too distorted to be worth considering alone. 一些经济学家认为,2月份数据可能扭曲得太厉害,不宜孤立解读。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Considering how important a skill it is and how it scares so many people, it is amazing how few schools make it a course requirement. 公众演讲是一种那么重要的能力,但同时又令那么多人害怕,然而令人惊讶的是,将其作为一门必修课的学校少之又少。 gb.cri.cn 3. First, Rijkaard has a good track record at Barcelona, albeit one that's beginning to fade, considering the dearth of silverware last season. 首先,里杰卡尔德在巴萨有着良好的成绩,尽管考虑到上赛季颗粒无收,这种光芒已经开始褪色。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Many international companies are considering closing up in this country and transferring production to low wage economies. 许多跨国公司正考虑结束他们在这个国家的业务,把生产转移到低工资国家或地区。 dfll.fudan.edu.cn 5. Finally, the overhead of considering who owns the system software and what one is or is not entitled to do with it will be lifted. 最后,谁该拥有这个系统软体的顾虑及谁被允许或不允许运用这软体做什麽事的限制都会解除。 www.linux.org.tw 6. Considering that, given the global nature of the shipping industry, seafarers need special protection, and. 认为由于航运业的全球性特点,海员需要特殊保护,并。 www.seaman99.com 7. The deficiency of the dissertation is only considering the A-shares conditions when setting up the list price module. 本文的不足之处在于建立流通权定价模型时仅考虑了对流通A股进行对价支付的情况。 www.juhe8.com 8. Considering your impetuousness and the number of your enemies, a dozen dozen more might be a good idea. 想一想你的坏脾气,还有你仇敌的个数,你该觉着多多益善才对。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Considering these sharks can grow to more than 40 feet long, the surface-level surveying must have been extraordinary. 因为考虑到这群鲸鲨能够长到40英尺长(约12米),启动了特殊的海平面拍摄测量技术。 www.bing.com 10. Finally, the paper will elicit the general equations of motion about six-DOF, considering the relative motion between the two aircraft. 最后,建立的模型中是考虑两个飞行器之间的相对运动,导出通用的六自由度运动方程。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. While on a visit to Beijing, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hinted that she was seriously considering a visit to Pyongyang. 虽然在克林顿访问北京,国务卿希拉里暗示,她是认真考虑访问平壤。 z.tougao98.com 2. In considering the destructive effect of a blast wave, one of its important characteristics is the overpressure. 在研究爆震波的破坏作用时,其中一个重要的特性便是超压力。 www.jukuu.com 3. Whenever you lose your joy in ministry, start by considering if either one of these temptations is the cause. 每当你失去服侍的喜乐,就要查看一下是否是这两个试探人的陷阱在作怪。 www.bing.com 4. A coupling model for both material flow and energy flow is thus developed considering the interaction and correlation between them. 考虑物质流和能量流的相互关联和制约,建立两者的耦合模型。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. This product consumes less energy, is of a better brand, and costs only a third of the price you're considering in buying the other product. 咱这产品有三点好处,它费电少,是更有名品牌的产品,并且在价格方面仅是你原来考虑买下的产品的三分之一。 www.ef.com.cn 6. Considering the work we have done on the US health care system what might be better measures for such comparisons? 考虑到我们为美国医疗护理制度所作的一切,有那些更好的比较标准? www.myoops.org 7. Considering the software's practicability, we design a user-friend interface which is characterized by good interaction and easy to operate. 考虑到软件的实用性,研究了软件接收机界面的可操作性与交互性,提供了友好的人机界面。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. This season Pirlo has not been at his brilliant best though, and there have been rumours that he may be considering leaving. 虽然这个赛季皮尔洛没有在他的最佳状态,而且有谣言说他也许会考虑离开圣西罗。 bbs.chinago.cn 9. We are considering the depth of life with art, trying to perform more humanistic care with the artistic meaning. 我们一直在用艺术思索生活的更深层面,让其在具有艺术性的同时,能更多的体现人性关怀。 yiyefeng.bokee.com 10. New Jersey is gearing up for another run, and is considering a referendum to make online gambling legal in that state for its own residents. 新泽西州也准备奋力一搏,试图通过全民公投使该州居民的赌博合法化。 www.ecocn.org |
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