单词 | certain of |
释义 | 例句释义: 一定,确信,有把握,对……有把握 1. Now that he was on his legs, it was more difficult to make certain of his age. 虽然他已经站了起来,却叫人更捉摸不透他的年令。 jukuu.com 2. The Bianconeri are all but certain of at least one of the two automatic qualifying spots, having recently beaten both Genoa and Napoli. 斑马军团几乎已经确定是晋级的二个名额中的一席,最近他们接连击败热那亚和那不勒斯。 x.tqpub.com 3. Oddly, he remarked, he had never felt "more secure, more certain of myself" , than when he was in the White House, at the top of the tree. 他自己评价道:“奇怪地是,与过去他在权力巅峰——当总统时相比,现在的他,感受到从未有过的安全感和自我肯定。” www.ecocn.org 4. e. g. He seemed a very lively young man, certain of his own abilities and eager to set people by the ears . 看来他是个非常活跃的青年,对自己的能力十分自信,且急于一鸣惊人。 www.for68.com 5. In both America and Australia the public seems to be growing more doubtful even as policymakers feel more certain of the need for action. 在美国和澳大利亚,即使政策制定者们更加确信有必要行动,民众的怀疑似乎加深了。 www.ecocn.org 6. You probably think you know a lot of things about yourself. And it's those things that you're certain of that are holding you back. 你可能认为你很了解你自己,但恰恰又是这些你认为很确信的事儿拖你的后腿 www.bing.com 7. It is usually not possible to be certain of the history of a second-hand child seat. 它通常是不可能的某些历史的一个二手儿童座椅。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The argument bureau of ShunZhi wrote the glorious page in the history book of China's modern history though it had a certain of limits. 顺直谘议局虽有一定的时代局限性,但在中国近代宪政史上书写了辉煌的一页。 www.lw23.com 9. It really does not achieve the goal of the long-term preservation certain of these animal species. 这实际达不到长期保存某些动物物种的目的。 www.kekenet.com 10. Now if there was one thing that the animals were completely certain of, it was that they did not want Jones back. 此刻,如果说动物们只有一件事可以肯定的话,那就是他们不想让琼斯回来。 www.bing.com 1. I was certain of it when the boat slid in to the shore and he jumped out, shouting as he did so. 小船滑上岸以后,这人跳下船来哇哇乱叫,那时我就确信他准是个俄国人。 www.joyen.net 2. After a week spent with the fundamentally decent men and women of this nation, I have never been more certain of that. 在同这个国家优秀的人们度过一个星期后,我从来没有对此如此的确定。 www.bing.com 3. Almost none of the graves had markers, and as the men moved back in time, from row to row, they became less certain of identities. 几乎没有一个坟墓有标记,而当男人们按时回来扫墓时,从一排到一排,越来越搞不清楚坟墓的主人。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And remember, you don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of. 请记住,你不需要一定数量的朋友,只要有一些你可以确定的朋友就够了。 www.bing.com 5. And certain of the chief of Asia, which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring him that he would not adventure himself into the theatre. 还有亚细亚几位首领,是保罗的朋友,打发人来劝他,不要冒险到戏园里去。 www.ebigear.com 6. Ericsson is also planning to ask the German court to halt sales of certain of ZTE's network infrastructure. 爱立信还计划请求德国法庭制止中兴通讯某些网络基础设施的销售。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I don't need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends I can be certain of. 我不需要朋友达到一定数量,我只需要很多我信得过的朋友。 www.bing.com 8. Similarly the principles on which your life is based may be entirely sound, but until you've examined them, you can't be certain of this. 与此相似,作为你的生活基础的那些原则,或许完全是说得过去的;但是,在你细究之前,你对此是拿不准的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Plants are full of natural toxins, so the goal was to find microorganisms in soil capable of breaking down certain of those chemicals. 工厂有充分的天然毒素,因此,目标是要找到微生物在土壤中能分解某些这些化学品。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. She was acknowledged to be quite right, and the two parts being accepted accordingly, she was certain of the proper Frederick. 众人认为她说得很对,两位先生也接受了自己的角色,她为弗雷德里克有了合适的人选而放心了。 novel.tingroom.com 1. Certain of them [the boys] were honest enough to tell the truth. 他们[男孩们]中的某些人很诚实地说出真相。 www3.060s.com 2. Whatever uncertainties the last few weeks may have brought I want you to be certain of this our work together will continue unchanged. 无论过去的几周我们多么不开心,有一点我希望是肯定的,那就是我们一定要坚持不变地在一起继续工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I am still not certain of why I decided to sit down and write a book on this, but I think there are a number of small reasons. 至于为什么要写这方面的书,我现在好像也没办法说得很清楚,不过倒是有几个小理由。 duanple.blog.163.com 4. BACK in the 1980s, marketers could be certain of reaching 90% of American households with an advertisement on prime-time network television. 回顾上世纪八十年代,市场营销人员只需要在电视网黄金时间投放广告便可以确保对美国家庭的送达率达到90%。 www.ecocn.org 5. He is a very lively young man, certain of his own abilities and eager to make a noise in the world. 他是一位非常活泼的年轻人,对自己的能力充满信心而且渴望名扬四海。 wenwen.soso.com 6. With that kind of logic, it's a good thing you're not on the jury. I'm certain of that much. 以那种逻辑,你不在陪审团里真是件好事,这一点我十分肯定。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. To do this, the designer must be certain of the actual path that the return current takes in getting back to the signal source. 要做到这一点,设计者必须掌握电流的实际流向和返回信号源的路径。 www.analogcn.com 8. But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left certain of the poor of the land for vinedressers and for husbandmen. 但护卫长尼布撒拉旦留下些民中最穷的,使他们修理葡萄园,耕种田地。 www.ebigear.com 9. He was too certain of her coming to send for her . 他相信她肯定会来,所以没有打发人去请她。 www.bing.com 10. No one is certain of the implications that will unravel over the next six months. 没有人确信,这些问题会在未来6个月得到解决。 www.ftchinese.com 1. As yet, she cannot even be certain of the degree of her own regard nor of its reasonableness. 迄今为止,她甚至都无法确定自己对他关注的程度是否妥当。 www.douban.com 2. By staying indoors, they might miss out on some great skiing, but they can be certain of avoiding burial in an avalanche. 如只呆在室内,也许他们错过了一些美炒的滑雪过程,但他们能肯定能避免埋葬在雪崩中。 www.showxiu.com 3. The peace of God means being grateful for his past mercies , conscious of his present mercies , and certain of his future mercies . 上帝的平安意味着对祂过去的慈爱感恩,体会祂现在的慈爱,并确信祂未来的慈爱不变。 www.bing.com 4. And certain of them had the charge of the ministering vessels, that they should bring them in and out by tale. 利未人中有管理使用器皿的,按着数目拿出拿入。 www.ebigear.com 5. With increase of it, especially straddle test has a certain of operation risk and difficult, the testing quality is required to developed. 随着深井中途测试不断增多,特别是跨隔支撑测试具有一定施工风险和难度,要求测试质量不断提高。 www.dictall.com 6. When certain of my friends pursued, thinking to have me back, he claps me in the rear to stand their shot. 等到我的朋友们赶来,想把我夺回去,他又把我搁在后边挡他们的箭。 7. Certain of the questions raised by the students in class were not easy to answer. 学生在课堂上提出的某些问题不好回答。 bbs.4lzx.com 8. Event risk is small as the scalper will usually be almost certain of a fill at the chosen exit point even if conditions suddenly change. 即使条件突然改变,交易员通常几乎可以肯定的事先选择好出场点,因为操作风险小。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving and that's you own self ! 宇宙中只有一芥之地是你肯定可以改善的,那就是你自己! blog.sina.com.cn 10. If you want to be certain of seeing a play in London, you have to book your seat in advance. 在伦敦,如果你想确保自己能看上一场戏剧,那么你必须提前订票。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Let sad, as certain of the company, and our helplessness to become Panghuang no one wanted to make things difficult. 就让心酸,当做某段的陪伴,我们的无奈变得旁徨,谁都不想为难。 www.dota123.com 2. Portrait of a Chinese Lady, and Certain of Her Contemporaries. 一位中国女士的画像,并其同时代的一些人 blog.sina.com.cn 3. More pregnant women receive a first-trimester ultrasound exam, the only way to be certain of the fetus' exact age. 更多怀孕妇女要接受三个月一次的超音波检测,唯一办法就是确认胚胎的确切年纪。 blog.yam.com 4. I looked to the left then looked to the right, certain of my own geographic location and stood up unwillingly. 我左看右看,明确了自己的地理位置,极不情愿地站了起来。 www.ebigear.com 5. You'll have to leave soon to make certain of getting there on time. 你得快点出发,好确保准时到达那里。 6. Do not accept deliveries to your room unless previously arranged and you are certain of the source and contents. 不要接受寄送到你房间的东西,除非事先就有安排,并且你肯定这些东西的来源。 www.plas2006.com 7. It is evidently to mobilize certain of these atoms, to unhook them from the wall and put them in swing. 该工作推动了某些原子,将它们从墙上释放并进入运动。 www.douban.com 8. As with anything involving North Korea and its reclusive leader, it's difficult to be certain of the details of the speech. 正如任何与朝鲜及其离群索居的领导人有关的事一样,很难确定讲话的细节。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The origin of Chinese writing can be traced back to ancient China although we are not certain of the date of its invention. 中国语言的起源可以追溯到的远古时代,而我们无法确定它诞生的时间。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Fifth, to use certain of a sense of humor, know when humor, in what occasions how. 第五,要用一定的幽默感,懂得在何时幽默,在什么场合该怎么样做。 www.22826.com 1. Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 当时有几个文士和法利赛人,对耶稣说,夫子,我们愿意你显个神迹给我们看。 www.ebigear.com 2. Journalists must be certain of their evidence, as an accusation of fraud could leave someone's career in ruins. 记者必须对他们的证据非常确定,因为一次科研造假的指控可能毁掉一个人一生从事的事业。 www.scidev.net 3. Dany took a moment to make certain of her directions. 丹妮花了点时间确认了一下她前进的方向。 www.cndkc.net 4. I can be certain of my own thinking the skeptics cannot destroy that. 我能感知到自身关于怀疑论的想法并不会被打垮。 open.163.com 5. He kept the servants in order, understood the car, subscribed to this and not to that, tabooed certain of the girls' acquaintances. 他把仆人们管理得井然有序,对汽车的事一清二楚,赞成这个,不同意那个,禁止妹妹们与某些相识者来往。 novel.tingroom.com 6. They had been summoned by the endangered moon: I was certain of that. 她们是被危难中的月亮召集而来的:我肯定这一点。 www.bing.com 7. "He would have done it, Kad, " Obi-Wan said. "I am certain of it. " “他会做的,卡德,”欧比旺说,“我能肯定。” hi.baidu.com 8. I can't say that I was certain of scoring, but I was really confident and felt I could do it. 我不能说我一定会进球,但是我确实充满信心,感觉到我可以做到。 www.milanchina.com 9. There is only corner the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. 在天地万物间,你所能改进的只有一个角落,那就是你自身。 hhbird.com 10. The experiment is certain of the optimum medium and its fermentation condition of the Polysaccharide fermentation. 实验确定了该菌株多糖发酵的最佳培养基配方及发酵条件。 www.fabiao.net 1. With parents and teachers' great expectation, I'm quite certain of my future and I'm sure I can fly high. 肩负父母及老师们的期望,我对自己的将来很有信心。我相信我会飞得很高。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 2. "The only thing we can be certain of in silver right now is that the roller coaster journey is going to continue for some time, " UBS said. “就白银来说,目前我们可以肯定的是,动荡走势将持续一段时间。”瑞银称。 cn.reuters.com 3. I can't be certain of what time I left the office. 我不能肯定我是什么时候离开办公室的。 www.tingroom.com 4. I'm not certain of the wire diameter that would support this amount of current, please advise of this. 我不清楚电线的直径要多大才能承受得住这么大得电流。请告知。 bbs.cnexp.net 5. To be certain of a place, we started attending the local Anglican church when Robert was about two. 为了确定能被录取,我们在Robert两岁时开始参加当地的国教教会。 www.bing.com 6. He describes this as "gracious uncertainty, " where "we are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. " 他称此为“不确定中的恩典”,“在我们不确定下一步怎样的地方,就是我们信靠神的地方。” www.bing.com 7. They were more likely to be certain of the number of lovers they had had. 她们对性伴侣的数量一般更确定。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. After everything that has gone so wrong, it would be foolish to argue that Mr Bush's plan is certain of success. 所有的一切都错得离谱。这时,认为布什先生的计划必胜无疑的想法是愚蠢的。 www.ecocn.org 9. Nonetheless, he remains certain of one thing: Sharing narratives can be a powerful tool for doctors and patients. 不管怎样,有一点他是确定的:人性化的谈话是医生和病人的一个强大工具。 www.bing.com 10. Both Easterners and Westerners have the same understanding of a certain of body language signals. 无论是西方人还是东方人,对某些身体语言都有同样的理解。 b.qzone.qq.com 1. Kil'jaeden knew that the orc clans were almost ready, but he needed to be certain of their ultimate loyalty. 虽然基尔加丹知道兽人氏族已基本做好了准备,但他还是需要确认兽人对他的绝对忠诚。 z-online.spaces.live.com 2. absolutely certain I'm absolutely certain of that . . . 我对此完全确信 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Stay in a long-term monogamous relationship, one in which you are certain of your partner's fidelity. 维持一夫一妻制的状态,在这段婚姻中,你要肯定对方对你是忠诚的。 www.bing.com 4. So therefore, I can at least be certain of those. 因此,至少那些我是能够确认的。 open.163.com 5. I think that she was not quite so certain of it as I. 我想她不象我对此事那么有把握。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. There is something very encouraging in his having put into form certain of his ideas on the mystery of story-telling. 有一些非常令人鼓舞的,他有投入的形式某些他的思想对之谜故事。 wenwen.soso.com 7. The findings of this text may act certain of reference function to company's effective performance of supply chain management. 论文的研究结果可对我国企业开展有效的供应链管理工作起到一定的参考和借鉴作用。 www.fabiao.net 8. So, it has a certain of realistic meaning to push the research of our new hybrid vehicle. 所以本文的研究成果对推动我国新型混合动力电动汽车的研究具有一定的现实意义。 www.fabiao.net 9. They do not always procure a friend, but are certain of creating many enemies. 他们难得交友,但树敌不少。 10. Certain of my family members have no respect for other members. 某些家庭成员对其他成员不尊重。 my3q.com 1. He was too certain of her love to be deceived by such talk. 他确信她的爱,因而不会被这种谣言所欺骗 wenwen.soso.com 2. Certain of the very shady sections were also quite well stocked with tiny little mountain mosquitos who feasted on our un-protected hides. 某些非常阴暗部分也相当不错摆放着微小山区尽情莫斯基托斯谁对我们的联合国保护皮革。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. When I moved into an empty dormitory for the first time two years ago , I was certain of a few things . 当我搬进一空的宿舍二年前第一次,我确定一些事物。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. Kratos : You will pay for this. . . You. . . Be certain of that. 奎托斯:我敢肯定,你会为此付出代价的。 www.799.com.tw 5. Burglar must firmly grasp the knowledge necessary to maintain a certain of vigilance. 防盗知识也要牢牢掌握,要保持一定的警惕性。 www.dota123.com 6. Remember that even if you don't know everything, you can still be certain of what you expect. 记着,即便你不知道一切,可是你还是能对于期望的东西肯定。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Dogmatism and skepticism are both, in a sense, absolute philosophies; one is certain of knowing, the other of not knowing. 从某种程度上说,教条论和怀疑论都是纯粹的哲学;一个是完全确信世界可以被理解,一个完全确信不可理解。 www.bing.com 8. This could be demonstrated in the classroom and would make students less certain of their individual decisions and forecasts for the future. 这一点可以在课堂上演示,它将令学员不再那么确信他们的个体决策及对未来的预测。 www.ftchinese.com 9. A month later, when I resumed periodic self-examination, I felt the same lump in the same hard-to-reach place. I was certain of it! 一个月以后,当我继续所定期体检时,我感觉在那个地方又发现了相同的硬块,我确定又。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. I can be certain of my own existence. 我能感知到自身的存在。 open.163.com 1. Therefore, unless one is absolutely certain of the diagnosis, a visit to a health care provider experienced in women's health is necessary. 因此,除非是绝对的诊断,对健康护理提供者的妇女的健康是必要的访问一定经验。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 2. QUOTE For once, though, the veteran fought little against it, certain of its intentions if not its methods. 仅此一次,虽然退伍兵仍有少许反抗,却也就算不知道它要干什么也明白它的意图。仍然不明白。 bbs.d3cn.com 3. The standpoints, for training reform of Wuhai municipal primary school Chinese teachers reform, all have certain of reference value. 这些观点,对于乌海市小学语文教师的培训改革,都具有一定的参考价值。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. She is ready to go into battle, "with the poetry we know how to write" , certain of their victory. 她准备去战斗,“用我们会写的诗歌”,一定会胜利。 www.ecocn.org 5. Understanding these differences for exactitude usage of adhesive forms has certain of instruction function. 该分析对正确使用胶接方式具有一定的指导作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that is you own self. 宇宙只有一介之地你肯定可以改善,那就是你自己。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem. 有法利赛人,和几个文士,从耶路撒冷来,到耶稣那里聚集。 www.ebigear.com 8. I want to ask the certain of men and parents, what the hell daughters are in your eyes. 我要向在中国的相当一部份男人和父母们问问,女儿到底算什么? iciba.3gpdj.com 9. So the good news really is to be certain of what has occurred. 因此,好消息是搞清楚发生了什么事情了; www.tennis.com.cn 10. Without changing that supposition I find that I only leave myself certain of the fact that I am somewhat. 在不改变这一假设的前提下,我发现我仅可以肯定一个事实,即我是某种东西。 www.jukuu.com 1. If you're not certain of your users' work habits, choose this category of user activity. 如果您不确定用户的工作习惯,那么可以选择这种用户活动。 www.ibm.com 2. She may have believed as certain of the others believed that he was simple of mind as of heart & harmless. 她和众人都相信他是一个心地淳朴的无辜的人。 www.1x1y.com.cn 3. In the next few years, she accepted some roles in certain of TV series and quitted performance for about 10 years. 在接下来的几年里,她接了一些电视剧的脚色随后便分开影视圈达十年摆布。 www.icanlan.cn 4. For will it application try a box at the SAL examination of actual development establish certain of theories foundation. 为将其应用于SAL检测试剂盒的实际开发奠定了一定的理论基础。 www.fabiao.net 5. but first, we wanted to be certain of our information. 但首先我们要确定消息的可靠性。 www.b2b99.com 6. Or perhaps this sleep pattern makes me more prone to injury. I can't be certain of the cause. 当然也可能是多相睡眠本身造成的,目前我还不是很确定。 www.bing.com 7. Kratos: You will pay for this Zeus, be certain of that. 你将会为此付出代价的,宙斯,我保证。 bbs.a9vg.com 8. American officials are no longer sounding quite as alarmed or as certain of their facts. 美国政府已经不再对他们的提醒那样处之泰然,或者不会对他们陈述的事实那样笃定了。 www.ecocn.org 9. Do not feel absolutely certain of anything. 一、凡事不要抱绝对肯定的态度; www.bing.com 10. Make certain of your position in the firm before you argue with the director. 在你在和经理争辩之前,要首先弄清你在公司里的地位。 wenku.baidu.com 1. The tung planting produced a certain of influence to the economic development and environment of xiang xi. 油桐种植的发展对湘西经济发展和生态环境都产生了一定程度的影响。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Explicit conversions require more typing than implicit conversions, but you can be more certain of the result. 显式转换比隐式转换需要更多键入,但使用户对结果更有把握。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. I can be certain of its new high in 2009, taking the opportunity of Guangzhou Asian Games. 希望通过广州亚运会,将我国的志愿服务提升到一个新的台阶。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Certain of my family members are considered uncooperative. 有些家庭成员被认为是不合作。 my3q.com 5. certain of his works have been edited. 他的某些作品已被校订过了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The wind of winter seems warmer if we are certain of ice-out will come soon. 如果我们确信解冻的时刻即将到来,冬天的风也就好像少了几分寒意。 bbs.wwenglish.org 7. It is recognized for the olfactory qualities of certain of its derivatives. 它也承认他们的某些其衍生物的嗅觉素质。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Do not feel absolut certain of anything. 凡事不要抱绝对肯定的态度; www.baiweisi.com 9. There are times when new considerations pop in and I want to be certain of the decision before committing myself. 这时会突然出现之前没有想到的新的注意事项,我们于是很想在全力做这件是之前确定自己的决定。 www.bing.com 10. Most important and least certain of all would be the impact of an American recession on financial markets. 最重要而又最不确定的是美国衰退对金融市场的影响。 wk.shangdu123.org 1. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 信就是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The mold undergoes a visual inspection to make certain of its quality. 模具通过检查来保证它们的质量。 www.yappr.cn 3. of certain of his rights as a citizen. 被判有罪的罪犯会被暂时剥夺某些公民权。 www.97bg.com 4. You seem pretty certain of that. 你看上去很确信。 www.b2b99.com 5. If the using skills are mastered, the burning of heavy oil can bring a certain of economic benefit. 所以,只有掌握使用技巧,燃烧重油才能带来一定的经济效益。 www.dictall.com 6. A huge percentage of the stuff that I tend to be automatically certain of is, it turns out, totally wrong and deluded. 很大比例的废话,我倾向于可以肯定的是:它被证明是完全错误的或是具有欺骗性的。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. China needs to be certain of having a nuclear second strike. 中国需明确无疑地拥有二次核打击能力。 www.ecocn.org 8. First, the direct procedure of the pertaining to crime judgment exists in the aspects of starting certain of arbitrarily sex and random. 首先,刑事审判监督程序在启动方面存在着一定的任意性和随机性。 www.juhe8.com 9. in order to render an act valid , i must be certain of the approbation or disapprobation of my client. 为了使公证有效,我必须能明白无误地确定我的委托人对某些事是表示同意还是表示反对。 www.ichacha.net 10. Conclusion The Yutian Kechuan capsule has certain of antibacterial effects on staphylococcus aureus. 结论蝓天克喘胶囊对金黄色葡萄球菌有一定抗菌作用。 www.jinriyaoxue.com 1. Mr Polman's answer to delivering growth is "white space" : countries where certain of the group's products are not sold. 波尔曼对于如何实现增长的答案是:“空白领域”——那些该集团某些产品还没有销售到的国家。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But Fu Si especially of nature the poem occupy in it the all the verse certain of comparison. 而弗罗斯特的自然诗在其全部诗歌中占有一定的比例。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. But human resource be inevitable would creation in the usage the process certain of cost, namely manpower cost. 而人力资源必然会在使用过程中产生一定的成本,即人力成本。 fw.t135.com 4. But this is the summer, we stopped panicking. We're more comfortable with our discomfort , more certain of our uncertainties. 不过,就在这个夏季,我们不再惊慌失措。我们对自己的不安更能泰然处之,对世界的变化无常更加确定无疑。 www.qeto.com 5. Then certain of the scribes answering said, Master, thou hast well said. 有几个文士说,夫子,你说得好。 www.ebigear.com 6. But they could not be certain of that. 但他们对此也不能肯定。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Certain of my family members are hostile to other members. 我的家庭中的一些成员对其他成员有敌意。 my3q.com 8. Be certain of; Can we be absolutely certain of this increase? 我们能绝对断定它加速了吗? www.myxxzx.com 9. No, I'm not certain of it. Maybe it'll cloudy. 不,我不能肯定。也可能会天阴。 www.bing.com 10. They found it hardly matters whom you inoculate, unless you are certain of how people are interacting with others. 他们发现你给谁做预防注射都没有效果,除非你能肯定多少人正在与他人进行接触。 www.bing.com 1. The witnesses were each perfectly certain of what they said. 目击者每个人都十分确信他们各自所说的话〔是事实〕。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 2. And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth. 有几个文士心里说,这个人说僭妄的话了。 www.ebigear.com 3. We can't be certain of how long the process will take but there is no doubt that it will happen . . . 我们不能肯定这个过程要多久,但是毫无疑问,这是一定会发生的。 www.elanso.com 4. But nobody can be certain of the outcome. 但是,谁也不确定这就是结局。 www.bing.com 5. I'm quite certain of that. 对那事本人完全能够肯定。 www.ghost123.com 6. And certain of them that stood there said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt? 在那里站着的人,有几个说,你们解驴驹作什么。 www.for68.com 7. We are certain of his honesty and loyalty. 我们毫不犹豫他的诚实和忠诚。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. So certain of your world. Of what's real. 那么肯定你的世界肯定什么是真实 www.tingroom.com 9. You can't be certain (of) what's going to happen. 你也不敢肯定会发生什么事情。 text.k12zy.com 10. I think he did it. I'm certain of it. 反正我想是他干的。我肯定。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts. 这个世界总的问题是傻瓜和狂热者对自己总是很确信可智者总是充满怀疑。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Arrive early at the cinema to make certain of getting a seat. 早点去电影院以便能弄个座位。 www.bing.com 3. I do not make certain of the date of leaving. 我还没弄清楚出发日期。 bbs.eol.cn 4. However, this is a small study and it needs to be expanded before we can be certain of the method's accuracy in predicting Alzheimer's. 但是,这只是一个小型调查,还需要对它加以扩充,然后我们才能够确定用这个方法预测老年痴呆症的准确度。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. The devastation of all they had believed had made them even more certain of their beliefs. 他们的信仰被彻底否定这一事实,反而使他们更加坚定了信仰。 www.bing.com 6. Are certain of your location, have a known destination, and have the ability to get there. 确定自己的方位,知道目的地,有能力达到目的地 www.bing.com 7. But whether we can be certain of holding them depends not on our subjective desires but on concrete conditions. 然而究竟能否确定地保卫不失,不决定于主观的愿望,而决定于具体的条件。 www.jukuu.com 8. All we're certain of is that when Smith is on his game, he's one of the 10 most-exciting presences in the League. 我们所能够肯定的是当约什-史密斯在场上的时候,他绝对是联盟中最让人热血沸腾的十个球员之一。 swjd.5d6d.com 9. Certain of the conditions in the contract are not esaily complied with. 一些协议的情况不容易遵守。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. As Paul taught, it is only when we are willing to admit being wrong that we can be certain of being right with God. 保罗教导我们:只有在愿意承认错误时,我们才能确认自己和上帝有正确的关系。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 1. Have you made certain of the time of the train? 火车开车时间你弄清楚了吗? 2. How can investors be certain of achieving a margin of safety? 投资者怎样才能获得安全边际呢? szjxhy.blog.163.com 3. We went to the theatre early and made certain of getting seats. 我们去戏院很早,以便可弄到座位。 e.3edu.net 4. Please make certain of the date of meeting. 请把开会日期弄清楚。 www.ruiwen.com 5. We ourselves were certain of the facts. 我们自己确信这些事实。 lividict.org 6. You must make certain of the date of the meeting. 你必须把开会的日期弄清楚。 e.3edu.net 7. He is by no means certain of victory yet. Mugabe先生大选的胜利决不是确定的。 www.ecocn.org 8. It is imperative for the recognition about administrative competence to make certain of decisive factors at present in China. 搞清楚我国现阶段行政权力范围的决定因素有哪些,这对于正确认识行政权力范围是十分必要的。 www.dictall.com 9. To some extent, the popularity of some rude expressions has reflected certain of students' bad psychological attitudes. 一些品位和规范度不高的词语的流行反映了部分学生的不良心态。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. If your answer is yes, then you are wrong again. All we can be certain of is that the relative speed between the two trains changed. 如果你回答说是的,那么你就又错了。我们所能够完全肯定的一点只是这两列火车之间的相对速度变了。 www.putclub.com 1. How long do we have to run an experiment before we can be certain of the results? 我们进行多久测试后才能确定得到的结果? www.bing.com 2. and other recreations among certain of the bad boys. 一些坏孩子又打起架来或搞别的小动作。 mysearch.100e.com 3. After you complete the review part, don't to get to go hand or reeasyst any section which you are not certain of. 在完成复习步骤后,不能忘记返回来再读你无把握的地方。 www.ffenglish.com 4. Nobody knows for certain, of course. 当然,没人能把话说死。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Certain of the number you once used. 明明没有忘记你用过的号码。 hi.baidu.com 6. you can't be certain of waht's going to happen. 你不可能断言将来会发生的事。 www.bing.com 7. I am not quite certain of what I have told you. 我不是很确定刚才对你说的话。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 8. People know they can sell Treasurys instantly, and be nearly certain of the price they'll get. 投资者知道他们可以立刻卖出美国国债,并且几乎可以确定他们能得到的价格。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Will you please make certain of the meeting? 请你把开会的日期弄清楚好吗? wenku.baidu.com 10. Nothing is certain, of course. 当然,没有任何事是十拿九稳的。 www.bing.com 1. Four days in Beijing doesn't make me an expert, but I am certain of one thing: there are no global-warming deniers in Beijing. 在北京的四天没有让我成为一个专家,但是我确信一件事:在北京没人否认全球变暖。 www.bing.com 2. Certain of it, that is, until I read that blog post! 我一直这样的肯定,直到我看到了这篇博客。 www.bing.com 3. I think we should start delaying payments on certain of our accounts. That'll give us more cash on hand. 我想,对一些应付账款,我们应该逐渐延些时间。这样,我们的手头的现金还会增加一些。 www.hxen.com 4. Certain of his friends know the secret. 他的某些朋友知道此秘密。 www.douban.com 5. we are certain of going there tomorrow. 我们一定会胜利的。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. He is not certain of what to do. 他拿不准做什么好。 www.ylzxedu.com 7. He is certain of their loyalty. 他对他们的忠心没有疑问 wenku.baidu.com 8. So why make the sacrifice the time and money before you're certain of the end result? 这就是为什麽你肯做出牺牲的时间和金钱,作为最后的决定。 www.hellous.com 9. We are certain of winning the game. 我们确信能赢得比赛。 bbs.enfamily.cn 10. When you are certain of the dates and are making a clear commitment, you can use phrases that reflect this commitment. For example. 当你日期已定而且要做出明确的承诺时,你可以使用那些表明这一承诺的措辞。例如。 www.51ar.net 1. He is certain of passing the exam. 他觉得自己会通过考试。 www.0-100.com 2. Research in Motion agreed last year to include TD in certain of its BlackBerry models for China Mobile subscribers. RIM公司去年同意,为中国移动用户生产一些支持TD标准的黑莓手机。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I think that when you have seen the artwork drawn by artist Hong Chun Zhang you will agree with me. I am certain of it. 我确定当你看到艺术家张红春的作品时,你就会同意我的观点了。 www.bing.com 4. When it comes to prayer, however, there are some things you can be certain of. 然而,谈到祈祷,有几件事情是毫无疑问的。 www.tianzhujiao.org 5. On the other hand, during a period of apparent rest and unconscious work, certain of them are detached from the wall and put in motion. 而另一方面,在表面上休息却是潜意识工作的阶段,某些原子从墙上脱离开来并进入运动。 www.360doc.com 6. What we can be quite certain of, however, is that stock markets around the world are already on sale. 不过,可以肯定的一点是全球股市已经都处于抛压之下了。 www.bing.com 7. Ezekiel (Ezek) 14 Ezek 14: 1 Then came certain of the elders of Israel unto me, and sat before me. 以西结书(结)14结14:1有几个以色列长老到我这里来,坐在我面前。 home.godwithus.cn 8. You can bet your life it is. = I am very certain of something. 我有把握,绝对错不了。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. I am happy with society communion and have a certain of appetency, I enjoy the sale job. 乐于人际交往,具有一定的亲和力,喜欢销售工作。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Is it--is it because you're not certain of continuing to care for me? 是否——这是否是因为你没有把握会继续喜欢我呢? novel.tingroom.com 1. Are you certain of that ? 你对那事有把握吗? www.kekenet.com 2. are you certain of these results? 你确信这结果吗?。 mysubtitle.appspot.com 3. Are you certain of what you say? 你对你说的话有把握吗? res.qzhi.com.cn 4. This letter made me certain of his innocence. 这封信使我相信他是无罪的。 edu.21cn.com 5. Are you certain of his coming? 你确信他回来吗? www.360abc.com 6. Are you certain of a welcome? 你肯定会受欢迎吗? www.edu114.cn 7. She is a confident woman who is certain of her views. 她是一位充满自信的女性,对自己的观点深信不疑。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Two years of large jewelry enterprise work experience let I to sales and customers for psychological have certain of excellence 两年的大型珠宝企业工作经验让我对销售以及探寻顾客心理有了一定的驾驭能力 zhidao.baidu.com 9. and as you see, certain of these poisons might make it appear 你知道,这上面的有些毒药可以让它看上去—— www.kekenet.com 10. Is it? You seemed quite certain of my guilty. Are you admitting that is also in question? 是吗?你似乎对我的控罪相当肯定。你承认这也是有疑问的吗? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Make certain of labour cost, material expenses and equipment cost of quoted price of bidding on the economic aid of foreign project 对外经济援助工程投标报价中人工费、材料设备费的确定 www.ilib.cn 2. Then rose up certain of the elders of the land, and spake to all the assembly of the people, saying, 国中的长老就有几个人起来,对聚会的众民说, www.crazyenglish.org 3. But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts, 有几个文士坐在那里,心里议论说, www.ebigear.com 4. The Historical Certain of Hegel Practical Idealism Producing 黑格尔实践唯心主义产生的历史必然性 www.ilib.cn 5. but only certain of the stronger and better marked currents 但只有若干条较强和较显著的海流被专门命名, www.tingroom.com 6. Firing Method of Small Caliber Ship Gun for Certain of Ammunition 弹药不足条件下小口径舰炮射击方法 www.ilib.cn 7. Certain of the conditions in the contract are not esaily _abided by 合约上的一些条件很难遵守 bbs.ebigear.com 8. a certain of different things 某些不同的事 zhidao.baidu.com |
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