单词 | a spade |
释义 | a spade例句释义: 全部 1. There's a strong scour with the ebb, ' he said, 'and this here passage has been dug out, in a manner of speaking, with a spade. “退潮时这里水冲得急,”他说,“把这里的入口挖了,可以说就像铲子铲似的。” www.eduzhai.net 2. What I appreciate most about him is that he is not afraid to call a spade a spade in any situation. 我最欣赏他的一点是他在任何情况下都直言不讳。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Going to the garage, he fetched a spade and began digging in the garden. He had to finish before she got home. 走到车库里,他找到一把铲子,就开始在花园里挖洞。他得在妈妈回家之前把一切搞定。 page.renren.com 4. This reluctance to call a spade a spade reflects an inability to reckon with changes the US and Europe have to make to avoid a repeat. 西方领导人在这一点上不愿实事求是,这反映出,他们不可能认真思考美欧为避免危机重演而不得不进行的改革。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Stretched naked on a long table lay the body of Henry Armstrong, the head defiled with blood and clay from a blow with a spade. 在一个长桌上,亨利·阿姆斯特朗的赤裸尸身紧绷绷地躺在那里,而头部沾满了血迹和泥土,那显然是遭铁铲击打所致。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. He hurried home to bring a spade, but when he got to the rath again he could not find the spot where he had seen it. 他急忙跑回家去拿锹,但回到寨子以后,他却再也找不到埋藏宝藏的地方了。 www.bing.com 7. On the table to a A spade and a club A magician began regular licensing, phenomena: the magician with a deck of playing cards. 桌面上放一张黑桃A和一张梅花A魔术师开始整齐的发牌,现象:魔术师手拿一副扑克牌。 444mu.com 8. Now on the market it is difficult to see a muddy radish, lotus root, vendors call a spade a spade: " too dirty dishes no one wants. " 现在的市场上很难看到带泥的萝卜、藕了,商贩们直言不讳:“太脏的菜没人稀罕。” blog.sina.com.cn 9. "We call a spade as a spade, " he told me when I visited recently as part of a delegation of American editors and academics. “打开天窗说亮话,”当我最近以委任编辑兼学者和他碰面时和我提到。 fyjs.cn 10. Invetiably, the children help out to lift a brick here or carry a spade there. 孩子难免要帮着搬砖或拿铲子。 cn.reuters.com 1. Things would be better if Japan were now readier to call a slave's spade a spade. 如果日本如今更愿意以开诚布公的态度谈论历史,那么情况将有所好转。 club.topsage.com 2. The girl looked very strong, and she was holding a spade in her hand. 那女孩子长得很壮实,手里撑着一把铁锹。 www.jukuu.com 3. Their tools are a spade, shovel and hoe, and their landlord tills the garden for them in exchange for vegetables later on. 他们的工具就是铁铲、铁锨和锄头。后来,他们的房东为他们替他们做一些耕种的工作,他们以蔬菜作为交换条件。 www.bing.com 4. And instead of the microphone there would have been a spade in my hands. 拿着不是咪高峰,而是一把铁铲了。 www.bing.com 5. of the healthiest ways to gamble is with a spade and a package of garden seeds. 最有益于身心的赌博方式之一,是用一一把铲子和一包花籽来赌个输赢。 www.wwenglish.com 6. Cecily: When I see a spade, I call it a spade . 我看到铲子,就叫它铲子,不拐弯抹角。 love.cocksuckerchamp.com 7. The colonel has again insulted me, by insisting that I should not play a spade, and he shall give me satisfaction for it. 这位上校借口说我打黑桃打错了,又一次来挑衅,我得跟他算算这笔账。 www.jukuu.com 8. He is not afraid to call a spade even when it comes to government. 即使涉及政府问题,他也敢于说实话。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He just called a spade a spade. He gave me his opinion of a smart but withdrawn girl. 他实话实说了,在他眼中,我是一个聪慧但少言寡语的女孩。 www.ebigear.com 10. Does it look a bit like a spade-shaped ancient coin? 是不是有点儿像古代布币的样子啊? www.cctv.com 1. We are taught to call a spade a spade, but we find many adults just don't do that. 人们老是教我们说真话,可我们发现很多成年人却并非如此。 www.lqqm.net 2. On the first day, shouldering a spade and a basket, I followed the villagers to the riverbeds. 第一天,我拿了锄头和土筐跟着村里的人下了河床。 blog.51ielts.com 3. Someone struck through the air with a spade. 有人用铲刀在空中砍下去了。 www.tdict.com 4. Morgan Stanley has worked as an investment banker, Jonathan's commendable call a spade a spade. 作为曾经就职于摩根士丹利的投资银行家,乔纳森的直言不讳难能可贵。 www.hicoo.net 5. Calling a spade a spade and not allowing something negative to enter you and believing it is positive. 直言不讳,不要让负的东西进来并且还相信它是正的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. He never calls a spade a spade. 他从来不把锄头叫锄头。 www.juyy.net 7. We imagine the aggressive , call- a- spade-a- spade, table-pounding hero whose simple, brutal use of words leaves nothing at all . 我们想象一个敢作敢为,直言不讳的拍桌子英雄,他的简单、蛮横的用词丝毫未留下任何含糊不清的事。 www.bing.com 8. 'Let's just call a spade a spade, ' Mr. Gates said. 'A no-fly zone begins with an attack on Libya. ' 盖茨说,实话实说,设置禁飞区首先得对利比亚进行打击。 c.wsj.com 9. At the next stop on the map, your partner finds or is given a spade. 在地图的下一站,对方会找到或被给一把铁锹。 blog.163.com 10. A spade was the crew's best friend during the journey. 在旅行中铁锹成了我们最好的朋友。 www.bing.com 1. Dad uses a spade to dig the garden. 爸爸用铁锹翻花园里的土。 wenku.baidu.com 2. My wife always calls a spade a spade about her work situation. 我妻子对别人谈起她之工作时,总是直言不讳。 wzksw.com 3. He uses a spade to dig the garden. 他用铁锹在花园里挖土。 www.cfl.cqu.edu.cn 4. What should you want with a spade? 你要铁锹做什么? 5. In spring, they two dug pits with a spade then sowed seeds. 在春天,他们两用铁锹挖坑然后播种种子。 www.ebigear.com 6. We dig some pits with a spade before planting the trees. 种树前,我们先用铁锹挖了些坑。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Calling a spade a spade on foreign affairs sometimes seems difficult for diplomats. 外交官对国际事务似乎很难有啥说啥。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. A towel, swimsuits, a bucket and a spade. 带了毛巾,游泳衣,水桶,还有铲子。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Press the soil flat with the back of a spade. 用铁锹背面把土拍平。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. a heart lead allows me to discard a spade . 如果出的是一张红心,我就可以垫出一张黑桃。 www.jukuu.com 1. But the librarian, who believed in calling a spade a spade , rebutted those he stole the books. 管制员却打开天窗说亮话,反驳他其实是想偷书。 www.ttxyy.com 2. He was digging potatoes with a spade. 他正在用铁锹挖马铃薯。 tieba.baidu.com 3. You could call a spade a spade here. 在这里你可以有话直说。 www3.060s.com 4. The best implement for digging a garden is a spade. 在花园里挖土的最好工具是铁锹。 infos.edulife.com.cn 5. You may dig a hole with a spade over there. 你可以用铲在在边撅个坑。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. India needs to realise and call Spade a spade and act on destabikising the China-Pak relations! ! 印度需要认识到和直言不讳,以破坏中巴关系而行动!!! www.santaihu.com 7. No pains, no gains. Call a spade a spade. A penny saved is a penny gained. 不劳无获.实事求是.省一文得一文。 www.tingclass.net 8. He is not a yes-man. He is a man who can call a spade a spade. 他不是一个唯唯诺诺的人,他是一个直言不讳的人。 www.juyy.net 9. Why don't you call a spade a spade? He's a rude, uncaring, selfish man! 你怎么不实话实说呢?他是一个粗鲁,不懂得关心别人、自私的家伙。 www.for68.com 10. They dug a spade, no tools are direct plane with both hands. 他们用铁锹挖,没有工具的则直接用双手刨。 www.englishtang.com 1. Let us call a spade a spade: this is central bank finance of the state. 让我们实话实说吧:这是一种政府通过央行获取资金的体系。 www.ftchinese.com 2. I'd better call a spade a spade, I'm not interested in your design. 直言不讳地说,我对你的设计不感兴趣。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. She came up shouldering a spade. 她扛着铁锹走了过来。 www.ilit.cn 4. I like doing business with Victor because he calls a spade a spade and you know exactly what he wants. 我喜欢同维克托交往,因为他有啥说啥,而且你也能知道他真的要什么。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. But today, teachers have to call a spade a spade: We are the campus of less than U. S. , there are "ugly" things. 可是今天,老师要实话实说:我们的校园里还有美中的不足,还存在着“丑”的东西。 enwaimao.cn 6. I think everyone should call a spade a spade. 我认为每个人都应该有话直说。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Now I hope a spade falls and Teddy makes his flush. 我现在希望泰迪拿到黑桃,凑成同花 blog.sina.com.cn 8. He's smart to ruff a spade AT trick one. 他在打第一墩时用王牌压黑桃,这很聪明。 dict.ebigear.com 9. I agree on calling a spade a spade. 我同意有啥说啥。 test.2u4u.com.cn 10. Let's call a spade a spade. The man is a liar. 我们直说了吧,这个男人是个骗子。 www.hotdic.com 1. Because of his calling a spade a spade, his boss hates him very much. 因为他直言不讳,他的老板非常恨他。 www.juyy.net 2. As for who is the best candidate for the job, I believe in calling a spade a spade. 在谁是这个职位的最佳人选这个问题上,我赞成有啥说啥。 www.joyen.net 3. I like to live here because people here call a spade a spade. 我喜欢住在这儿,因为这儿的人有什么说什么 www.kekenet.com 4. Computer Aided Analysis on Working Process of A Spade Soil Opener 铲式成穴器工作过程的计算机辅助分析 www.ilib.cn 5. you drained my heart, and made a spade, 你把我的心抽干变成一个黑桃 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Outskirts of Paris: Road with Peasant Shouldering a Spade 巴黎市郊:背着锄头的乡下人 vincent.hdcafe.net 7. Research on a Spade Puncher of Punching Planter 新型铲式播种打孔器的研究 www.ilib.cn 8. By God, the old man could handle a spade, 说真的,这老头子使铁铲的巧劲 www.bing.com 9. a pen a map a pet a spade a letter 一支钢笔一张地图一只宠物一把锹一封信 wenku.baidu.com |
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