单词 | asp |
释义 | 例句释义: 小毒蛇,网页 1. It's all too easy to leave yourself vulnerable to these attacks, regardless of which version of ASP. NET you are using. 不管使用的是哪个版本的ASP.NET,您遭受这些攻击的损害都太容易了。 www.cnblogs.com 2. When a new assembly is created for a page as the effect of an update, ASP. NET verifies whether the old assembly can be deleted. 当程序集由于一个页面更新而重新创建时,ASP.NET验证旧的程序集是否可以删除。 www.cnblogs.com 3. With our foot alreadyplantedwithintheASP infrastructure, weest out on behalf of BC to see if their data was at risk to another hosted bank. 利用我们已经在asp基础组织中立足,我们在银行客户(C)表开始,看他们的数据对于其它宿主银行是否有风险。 www.bing.com 4. The system uses ASP programming, beautiful interface, easy to operate. 本系统采用ASP编程,界面美观,操作简单。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. MVP is a valid pattern, and useful in many scenarios, but in WebForms I felt too much friction to consider it a good approach in ASP. NET. MVP本身是一个可行的模式,而且在很多场合下都适用,但在WebForms中,我感觉有太多的问题,我认为在ASP.NET中这不是一个好的方式。 www.infoq.com 6. Represents HTML elements, text, and any other strings in an ASP. NET page that do not require processing on the server. 表示HTML元素、文本和ASP.NET页中不需要在服务器上处理的任何其他字符串。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. ASP dynamic web technology has been used to achieve data interactivity between foreground and background. 利用ASP动态网页编程技术实现前后台的数据交互。 www.fzbysj.com 8. The example assumes an ASP. NET Web page with at least one TextBox control on it, a Label control, and a Button control. 该示例假定ASP.NET网页上至少有一个TextBox控件,还包含一个Label控件和一个Button控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. However, it is possible for an. Exe or ASP. NET Web application built with one version of the runtime to run on any version of the runtime. 但是,使用某个版本的运行库生成的.exe或ASP.NETWeb应用程序可以在任何版本的运行库上运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. From there developers can use it as-is or customize it as if it were any other ASP. NET based project. 以此为基础,开发人员能够直接使用它,也可以像任何其他ASP.NET的项目那样进行定制。 www.infoq.com 1. To understand why these extra steps need to be performed, recall that the URL rewriting engine is at the ASP. NET level. 要理解需要执行这些额外步骤的原因,可以参考前面的内容,即URL重写引擎位于ASP.NET级别上。 archive.cnblogs.com 2. An important aspect of creating ASP. NET Web pages for user input is to be able to check that the information users enter is valid. 为用户输入创建ASP.NET网页的一个重要目的是检查用户输入的信息是否有效。 www.kuenglish.info 3. At this point, the ASP. NET application stops working, because ADSI did not cache the schema correctly. 此时,ASP.NET应用程序停止工作,因为ADSI没有正确缓存该架构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Because of the stateless nature of IIS and ASP. NET, a method decorated with this attribute might be called more than once per test run. 由于IIS和ASP.NET的无状态特性,用此属性修饰的方法在每个测试运行中可以多次调用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Over the years some broadcast ASP stars have become increasingly androgynous in an attempt to capture this segment of the audience. 为了争取这部分的使用者,这些年来有越来越多的外部感官体验明星变成双性人。 www.bing.com 6. Many webmasters have turned a combination of scripts (JSP, ASP, or PHP) and a database to help them cope with an ever-growing site. 许多网站管理员都已转向脚本(JSP、ASP或PHP)和数据库的组合以帮助他们应付不断成长的站点。 www.ibm.com 7. Easy to use, hi-performance pure asp include - multiple files upload script with HTML progress bar indicator, without external components. 这是一个易于使用,具有高度可执行性的纯asp程序,包括了-具有HTML进度条指示器的多文件上传脚本,而不需使用外部的插件。 cosoft.net.cn 8. When hassled by a passing Imperial Type IV probe droid, ASP-704's short temper caused him to swat the little nuisance out of the air. 一个路过的帝国四型探测机器人跟他发生矛盾后,ASP-704气急败坏,把这个讨厌的小东西打到了天涯海角。 www.starwarschina.com 9. This enables you to manage connection strings independently of your ASP. NET code, including encrypting them using Protected Configuration. 这样,就可以独立于ASP.NET代码来管理连接字符串,包括使用ProtectedConfiguration对这些字符串进行加密。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The process for attaching to the ASP. NET worker process is the same as attaching to any other remote process. 附加到ASP.NET辅助进程与附加到任何其他远程进程的过程相同。 www.kuenglish.info 1. The ASP continuous caster used in AISC was all equipped with VAI SMART sector section as well as dynamic soft reduction techniques. 鞍钢ASP铸机均采用奥钢联SMART扇形段并配有动态轻压下技术。 www.chinamet.cn 2. ASP. NET role management is designed to enable you to easily use a number of different role providers for your ASP. NET applications . NET成员资格专为使您可以轻松地将多个不同的成员资格提供程序用于您的ASP。NET应用程序而设计。 www.bing.com 3. The attributes that are necessary to run a unit test as an ASP . NET unit test have been automatically specified . 运行单元测试(作为ASP。NET单元测试)必需的属性均已自动指定。 www.bing.com 4. Even cooler was that we could generate application contexts on the fly from ASP pages that would read the settings from a database. 更酷的是我们可以从ASP页面(需要从数据库中读取配置)中即时生成应用上下文。 www.infoq.com 5. This interface is often an ASP. NET Web application. 该界面通常是某个ASP.NETWeb应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. You can append custom trace information to the trace display in an ASP. NET page or to the trace log. 可以将自定义跟踪信息追加到ASP.NET页中的跟踪显示或追加到跟踪日志。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Exceptions thrown by a Web service method created using ASP. NET are sent back to the client in the form of a SOAP fault. 使用ASP.NET创建的Web服务方法引发的异常以SOAP错误的形式发送回客户端。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. I'm going to use a simple e-commerce store application to help illustrate how the ASP. NET MVC Framework works. 我将用一个简单的网上商店应用程序来演示ASP.netMVC框架的工作原理。 blog.csdn.net 9. There's one real difference, with a few different effects - container elements have been replaced by asp: PlaceHolder controls. 事实上这里只有一个真正的区别,这个区别会带来一些不同的影响:容器元素被asp:PlaceHolder控件代替了。 www.infoq.com 10. ASP. NET session state is designed to enable you to easily store user session data in different sources for your ASP. NET applications. ASP.NET会话状态是为了使您能在不同的源中方便地存储ASP.NET应用程序的用户会话数据而设计的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Now if I were showing you how to use ASP. NET 1. 1, I'd tell you to open a text editor and start typing the XML by hand. 如果我以前向你演示过如何使用ASP.NET1.1的话,那么我会告诉你打开一个文本编辑器并手工敲入XML文本。 www.cnblogs.com 2. By default, login controls integrate with ASP. NET membership and forms authentication to help automate user authentication for a Web site. 默认情况下,登录控件与ASP.NET成员资格和Forms身份验证集成,以帮助实现网站的用户身份验证过程的自动化。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Easy to use, hi-performance ASP file upload component with progress bar indicator. 易于使用,高技术性能的ASP文件上传组件与进度栏的指标。 xtdownload.com 4. ASP. NET allows you to run code during this validation check so that you can write custom logic to check whether the page is valid. ASP.NET允许您在此验证检查期间运行代码,以便可以编写用于检查页是否有效的自定义逻辑。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Cassini is a sample Web server developed by the ASP. NET team that filled this need and allowed you to run ASP pages without IIS. Cassini是由ASP.NET团队开发的一个示例Web服务器,它可以满足这种需要,并允许您在没有IIS的条件下运行ASP页。 cxp.9876.blog.163.com 6. ASP. NET provides a unified Web development model that includes the services necessary for you to build enterprise-class Web applications. ASP.NET提供了一个统一的Web开发模型,其中包括生成企业级Web应用程序所必需的各种服务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. ASP is simple to install , easy to operate , while the advantages of strong second development is the best choice to users . ASP具有安装简单、操作方便、同时可二次开发性强等优点,是使用者最佳的选择。 www.bing.com 8. NET do with a hotel management system, The system mainly deals with the day-to-day hotel operations involving customer information. 用ASP.NET做的酒店管理系统,该系统主要处理酒店日常运营中涉及的客户信息。-ASP。 www.dssz.com 9. The presence of these two parameters causes ASP. NET to run the code under the credentials that are passed to it by IIS. 通过提供这两个参数,可使ASP.NET使用IIS传递给它的凭据运行代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. By default, login controls integrate with ASP. NET membership to help automate user authentication for your Web site. 默认情况下,登录控件与ASP.NET成员资格集成,以帮助使网站的用户身份验证过程自动化。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Use custom server control syntax to declare user controls and custom server controls within the body of an ASP. NET Web page. 使用自定义服务器控件语法声明Web窗体页正文内的用户控件和自定义服务器控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Overall, using a base page class is always a good thing, as I explain in my article, Build Your ASP. NET Pages on a Richer Bedrock. 总体说来,使用基page类始终都不失为一件好事,我在BuildYourASP.NETPagesonaRicherBedrock一文中已经进行了说明。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Unlike other attributes and collections in the pages section, tag remapping has no matching ASP. NET page directive. 与pages节中的其他属性和集合不同,标记重新映射没有匹配的ASP.NET页指令。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The goal of this tutorial was to discuss one approach to performing validation in an ASP. NET MVC application. 这篇指南讨论了如何在ASP.NETMVC应用程序中执行验证的另一种方法。 www.cnblogs.com 5. Who was the driving force behind the creation of ASP and why? What prompted you to get involved in the ASP? 创造ASP推动力量是什么?什么促使你来做这件事的呢?。 www.cnsw.org 6. If you are running earlier versions of ASP. NET on your Web server, make sure that the different versions of ASP. NET do not conflict. 如果您的Web服务器正在运行早期版本的ASP.NET,请确保不同版本的ASP.NET彼此互不冲突。 technet.microsoft.com 7. NET homogeneous application domains constrain code to either full trust or to the named ASP. NET同类应用程序域限制为完全信任或指定的ASP。 technet.microsoft.com 8. The research extended the remote service ability of MIS. It was an application practice of ASP technology. 课题研究拓展了MIS系统的远程服务能力,也是对ASP技术的应用实践。 www.fabiao.net 9. In ASP development, you were supposed to create COM objects and then write a little ASP script to glue it all together. 在ASP开发中,您应该创建COM对象,然后编写少量的ASP脚本将这些COM对象联系起来。 www.ibm.com 10. ASP. NET allows you to define themes, which are a combination of property settings for Web server controls, style sheet rules, and images. 使用ASP.NET可以定义主题,主题是Web服务器控件、样式表规则和图像的属性设置的组合。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Before digging into the ASM details, I'll start off with a look at how generics information is actually encoded into the binary classes. 在钻研ASP细节之前,让我们首先来看看泛型信息编码到二进制类中的实际方式。 www.ibm.com 2. Before ASP. NET can be installed on your computer, it is necessary to have all relevant service packs and security updates installed. 在你的电脑安装asp.ne之前,有必要让所有相关的服务包进行安全更新。 www2.w3pop.com 3. The ASP. NET validation controls do not include a control that automatically checks for a valid date. ASP.NET验证控件不包含自动检查有效日期的控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Zip- Shrinks the primal chaos chain which imitates to count the ASP procedure with the wind zip, ASP. 随风缩仿的太极链统计ASP程序。 sogoodm.com 5. One of the primary places that sensitive information is stored in an ASP. NET application is the Web. Config file. ASP.NET应用程序中存储敏感信息的主要位置之一是Web.config文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The TagPrefixInfo object has no corresponding directive on an ASP. NET page. TagPrefixInfo对象在ASP.NET页上没有对应的指令。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Provides a set of methods to help manage the compilation of an ASP. NET application. 提供一组有助于管理ASP.NET应用程序编译的方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. A thorough study of the specifics of migrating every possible aspect of ASP is beyond the scope of this article. 彻底的学习ASP移植的每个可能方面的细节并不是这篇文章的目的。 www.ibm.com 9. Summary : Use the ASP. NET Cache API in a tiered application design to get the most out of your applications . 在多层应用程序设计中使用ASP。NET缓存API使应用程序发挥最大作用。 www.bing.com 10. The browser performs an HTTP POST method, which in ASP. NET is referred to as a postback. 浏览器执行HTTPPOST方法,该方法在ASP.NET中称为“回发”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. After all of these work been done, the author began the design of the system and database, then adopted the ASP. 在所有前期工作完成之后,开始进行相关系统设计和数据库设计,采用ASP。 www.fabiao.net 2. NET do with the personnel management system, which mainly deals with the company's employee personnel information. 用ASP.NET做的人事管理系统,主要处理公司雇员的人事信息。-ASP。 www.dssz.com 3. You should note that this is an implementation detail that might significantly change in future versions of the ASP. NET framework. 你应该注意到这个执行细节可能会在将来的ASP.NETframework中发生重大变化。 www.cnblogs.com 4. This value specifies a bit pattern that indicates the CPUs that are qualified to run ASP. NET threads. 该值指定一个位模式,它指示满足运行ASP.NET线程的条件的CPU。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The TreeView Node Editor dialog box enables you to add and remove static nodes in an ASP. NET TreeView control. 使用“TreeView节点编辑器”对话框,可以在ASP.NETTreeView控件中添加和移除静态节点。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. ASP works a bit like an Internet search engine. 毒蛇像一个英特网搜寻引擎工作一点。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. You can extend the standard set of ASP. NET configuration settings with XML configuration elements of your own. 您可以用自己的XML配置元素来扩展标准的ASP.NET配置设置集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Log interesting events that do not necessarily relate to errors in an ASP. NET application. 记录感兴趣的事件,这些事件并不一定与ASP.NET应用程序中的错误有关。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. To see the nested master pages in action, you have to create an ASP. NET Web page that uses the child master page. 若要查看运行中的嵌套母版页,必须创建一个使用子级母版页的ASP.NET网页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. ASP. NET caching allows you to use a number of techniques to store page output or application data across HTTP requests and reuse it. ASP.NET缓存允许您使用多种技术跨HTTP请求存储页输出或应用程序数据并对其进行重复使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The Image Web server control allows you to display images on an ASP. NET Web page and manage the images in your own code. ImageWeb服务器控件使您可以在ASP.NET网页上显示图像,并用自己的代码管理这些图像。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. If it finds property settings for the marked control, ASP. NET substitutes the values in the resource file for those in the control. 如果找到已标记控件的属性设置,则ASP.NET会使用资源文件中的值替换控件中的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. This ensures that an ASP. NET Development Server site is started and that you know the URL. 这样可确保ASP.NETDevelopmentServer站点启动,而且您知道URL。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. As long as the httpRuntime setting is disabled, ASP. NET does not create an AppDomain object for your application upon receiving a request. 只要httpRuntime设置是禁用的,ASP.NET在接收请求时,就不会为应用程序创建AppDomain对象。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Background using asp, making the album easy to manage. 后台采用asp,使相册便于管理。 www.3333355555.com 6. Using a SqlDataSource control allows you to access and manipulate data in an ASP. NET page without using ADO. NET classes directly. 使用SqlDataSource控件,可以在ASP.NET页中访问和操作数据,而无需直接使用ADO.NET类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. On ASP. NET applications, connecting Web service endpoints with WSDL binding names and namespaces that do not match generates a warning. 在ASP.NET应用程序上,如果所连接的Web服务终结点具有不匹配的WSDL绑定名称和命名空间,将生成警告。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. However, if you cannot create an application using IIS, you might still be able to use an emulator with the ASP. NET Development Server. 但是,如果无法使用IIS创建应用程序,应该仍能够将ASP.NETDevelopmentServer与仿真程序配合使用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Web applications can supply configuration information, just as ASP. NET and an executable host do. Web应用程序可以提供配置信息,这一点与ASP.NET和可执行文件宿主是相同的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. If this is so, HTML client forms might be more effective in terms of moving data. HTML forms, though, require an ASP-like programming model. ifthisisso,HTML客户端表单可能用移动数据更加有效,尽管HTML表单需要一个类ASP的编程模型。 www.cnblogs.com 1. Self, into the space to support ASP prepared to receive, QQ number and password will be continuously sent! 自编,放入支持ASP收信的空间后,QQ号和密码会不断送来! www.pudn.com 2. The beauty of ASP. NET is that it provides you with a few good tools to raise the security bar to a passable level with a few clicks . NET的好处是提供了一些好的工具,只需少量工作,就可以将安全标准提升到可以接受的级别。 www.bing.com 3. By default, ASP. NET site navigation works with an XML file named Web. Sitemap, which describes the hierarchy of your Web site. 默认情况下,ASP.NET站点导航使用一个名为Web.sitemap的XML文件,该文件描述了您的网站的层次结构。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The layout of a file system Web site is the same as for any other ASP. NET Web site. 文件系统网站的布局与任何其他ASP.NET网站的布局相同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The project actually started with a very simple ASP framework written for internal use back in 1999. 项目实际上开始于一个非常简单的内部使用的ASP框架,其可以回溯到1999年。 www.infoq.com 6. The maximum stack size of a thread is not determined by an individual ISAPI, DLL, or ASP component that is running inside the process. 线程的最大堆栈大小是不由单个ISAPI、DLL或ASP组件进程内运行。 support.microsoft.com 7. Similarly, changing the session time-out for ASP pages does not affect the session time-out for ASP. NET pages. 同样,更改ASP页的会话超时时间不会影响ASP.NET页的会话超时时间。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. In the download for this column, I've provided a few ASP. NET files that you can use to experiment, including one called math. asmx. 在本专栏的下载中,我提供了几个ASP.NET文件以供您试用,其中包括一个名为math.asmx的文件。 cxp.9876.blog.163.com 9. I possess an online betting website programmed in the ASP programming language and I need an upgrade in 2 parts of the website. 我拥有一个网上博彩网站在ASP编程语言编程,我需要一个网站在2部分升级。 www.bing.com 10. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, this is more a preliminary guide than the last word on ASP. NET performance. 正如我在本文前面部分提到的那样,这是一个初步指南,并不是ASP.NET性能的最后定论。 www.cnblogs.com 1. The following table lists namespaces that contain classes and types that are used with client script to call ASP. NET application services. 下表列出命名空间包含用于使用客户端脚本调用ASP.NET应用服务的类和类型。 svn.net.henu.edu.cn 2. ASP. NET enables you to view diagnostic information about a request for an ASP. NET page. ASP.NET使您可以查看有关对ASP.NET页请求的诊断信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Like IIS, during the lifetime of a request the ASP. NET engine fires events signaling its change from one state of processing to another. 与IIS一样,ASP.NET引擎在请求的有效期内将会触发事件,通过发信号来表示其处理过程从一个状态改变为了另一个状态。 archive.cnblogs.com 4. ASP. NET site navigation consists of server controls and classes that enable you to provide a consistent way for users to navigate the site. ASP.NET网站导航包含一系列服务器控件和类,可用于为用户提供一致的网站导航方式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. You specify the name of the ASP. NET file along with an optional query string on the command line. 您在命令行中指定ASP.NET文件的名称以及一个可选的查询字符串。 cxp.9876.blog.163.com 6. Most ASP. NET server controls support only a few events that you can handle in server code. 大多数ASP.NET服务器控件仅支持很少的几个可以在服务器代码中处理的事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Management Landings : admin. asp administrators Username : admin Password : admin very grateful for your support! 管理登陆:admin.asp管理员用户名:admin密码:admin非常感谢大家的支持!!! lwtbb.com 8. Called by an ASP. NET page parser to notify a filter when the parsing of a page is complete. 由ASP.NET页分析器调用,以在完成对页的分析时通知筛选器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. files with an . asp file name extension will continue to be processed by the existing ASP engine. 而具有.asp文件扩展名的文件将继续由现有ASP引擎处理。 technet.microsoft.com 10. The ASPError object is used to display detailed information of any error that occurs in scripts in an ASP page. 该对象用来显示ASP页面脚本执行中出现错误的详细信息。 www.kuenglish.info 1. Specifies whether the session-state SQL database can be a custom database instead of the ASP. NET default database. 指定会话状态SQL数据库是否可以是自定义数据库(而不是ASP.NET默认数据库)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Provides a tutorial on using the Visual Web Developer designer to create a composite control that you can add to any ASP. NET Web page. 提供有关教程,说明如何使用VisualWebDeveloper设计器创建可添加到任何ASP.NET网页中的复合控件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Asp page and efficient code, practicality wide expansion of the heart strong. 高效的asp分页程序代码,实用性广,扩展心强。 www.hxzi.com 4. The ACA for the ASP is proved to be better than FCFS, which can decrease the make span of landing airplanes by 14%. 结果表明,ASP蚁群算法优于FCFS调度方法,可以使着陆队列完成时间减少约14%。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. In many cases, a single ASP file contains both view and control logic (though it is possible to have a control-only ASP). 在许多情况下,一个单独的ASP文件包含视图和控制逻辑(尽管也可能有仅包含控制逻辑的ASP)。 www.ibm.com 6. Page Load In this section, the ASP. NET controls are fully loaded and you write UI manipulation logic or any other logic over here. PageLoad在这部分ASP.NET控件完全被加载且在这里你可以写UI操作逻辑或任何其他逻辑。 archive.cnblogs.com 7. In the process of making low-dose ASP pellets, ASP was unstable and easy to resolve. 制备小剂量阿司匹林素丸的过程中,阿司匹林不稳定、易分解。 www.fabiao.net 8. Similarly, do not use the AssemblyCleanupAttribute or AssemblyInitializeAttribute attributes in the same assembly as an ASP. NET unit test. 同样,请勿在与ASP.NET单元测试相同的程序集中使用AssemblyCleanupAttribute或AssemblyInitializeAttribute属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This example illustrates one of the guidelines explained in the topic, Design Guidelines for XML Web Services Created Using ASP. NET. 此示例阐释了主题使用ASP.NET创建的XMLWeb服务的设计指南中说明的准则之一。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. ASP. NET configures IIS to deny access to any browser that requests access to the Machine. Config or Web. Config files. ASP.NET将IIS配置为拒绝任何浏览器访问Machine.config或Web.config文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Specifies that the configuration file is in a global directory in relation to the current ASP. NET Web application. 指定配置文件位于相对于当前ASP.NETWeb应用程序的全局目录中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Your application will listen for the ASP. NET health events in the form of WMI events, as issued by the operating system. 您的应用程序将以WMI事件(由操作系统发出)形式侦听ASP.NET运行状况事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If you are working with a file-system Web site, Visual Web Developer automatically uses the ASP. NET Development Server to run pages. 如果您正在处理文件系统网站,则VisualWebDeveloper将自动使用ASP.NETDevelopmentServer来运行网页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. To finish off the tour of the ASP. NET HTTP runtime, let's analyze what happens at the file system level when an ASP. NET page is requested. 在完成ASP.NETHTTP运行时之旅前,一起来分析一下当一个ASP.NET页面请求时文件系统发生了什么。 www.cnblogs.com 5. In the first part of this walkthrough, you used ASP. NET implicit localization to have controls display localized text. 在此演练的第一部分,您已通过使用ASP.NET隐式本地化让控件显示本地化的文本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Applied to a WCF service to indicate whether that service can be run in ASP. NET Compatibility Mode. 应用于WCF服务以指示该服务是否可以在ASP.NET兼容模式下运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Options prefixed with Windows are a part of the Microsoft Windows authentication options available to Web services created using ASP. NET. 以Windows为前缀的选项是使用ASP.NET创建的Web服务可用的MicrosoftWindows身份验证选项的一部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. This attribute is no longer used by ASP. NET and is provided for compatibility only. ASP.NET不再使用该属性,提供该属性只是为了兼容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Specifies that the configuration file is in a sub-directory of the current ASP. NET Web application. 指定配置文件位于当前ASP.NETWeb应用程序的子目录中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The techniques are simple enough to learn, and that's really why I wrote the book - to make it easier for others to use TDD in ASP. NET MVC. 这种技术很容易学习,而且也是我写这本书的原因——让其他人更易于在MVC的开发中使用TDD。 www.infoq.com 1. When the service is active, an ASP. NET application can be configured to store any session information into the memory of this process. 当服务激活,可以配置ASP.NET应用将会话信息保存在该进程的内存中。 www.cnblogs.com 2. Provides a step-by-step example for encrypting sections of a configuration file for an ASP. NET application. 提供有关加密ASP.NET应用程序配置文件的节的逐步骤示例。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. ASP. NET uses a security system that lets you restrict access to specific user accounts or the roles to which the user accounts belong. ASP.NET使用一个安全系统,该系统使您可限制对一些特定用户帐户或对这些用户帐户所属的角色的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. All currently active ASP. NET applications run inside of it, each in a separate AppDomain. 所有当前激活的ASP.NET应用程序在里面运行,每一个分布在一个应用程序域中。 www.cnblogs.com 5. When you work with server controls on an ASP. NET Web page, much of the page's logic involves responding to events raised by controls. 当在ASP.NET网页上使用服务器控件时,该页的许多逻辑都与响应由控件引发的事件相关。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. To enable debugging for an ASP. NET Web application, you must configure the application to compile into a debug build. 若要对ASP.NETWeb应用程序启用调试,必须将应用程序配置为编译成调试版本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The goal of this tutorial is to describe one method of performing validation in an ASP. NET MVC application. 本指南主要描述一种在ASP.NETMVC应用程序中执行验证的方法。 www.cnblogs.com 8. Timing ASP Scripts - This article describes a simple function that gets the duration time call of your ASP scripts . 这个项目描述了一个简单的函数,它可以得到你的ASP脚本调用的持续时间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Page Visitor View page source documents, the ASP is to see the HTML code, rather than ASP code. 浏览者查看页面源文件时,看到的是ASP生成的HTML代码,而不是ASP程序代码。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Depending on the needs of your application, you can define which devices should or should not cache individual ASP. NET pages. 根据您应用程序的需要,可以分别定义哪些设备应该或不应缓存各个ASP.NET页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. ASP. NET Web pages allow you to create dynamic content for your Web site. 使用ASP.NET网页可以为网站创建动态内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Consists of the classes that enable you to create XML Web services using ASP. NET and XML Web service clients. 包含使您可以利用ASP.NET和XMLWebservices客户端来创建XMLWebservices的类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The ASP. NET and Visual Web Developer communities offer news, information, support, and tools that help you create Web sites of your own. ASP.NET和VisualWebDeveloper社区提供新闻、信息、支持和工具,可以帮助您创建自己的网站。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. However, access to a URL outside of the application cannot be tested by ASP. NET. 但是,ASP.NET无法测试对应用程序外部URL的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. To help you increase application performance in these situations, ASP. NET provides two caching mechanisms. 为帮助提高应用程序在这些情况下的性能,ASP.NET提供了两种缓存机制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Otherwise I'm likely to think your prior experience was building simple ASP front ends to little Access databases. 否则,我将会认为你先前的工作只是做一些简单的动态服务器主页,前后再链接上微不足道的数据库接口。 www.yuloo.com 7. The assembly file itself must be in the same ASP. NET application directory as the Web. Config file that defines it. 程序集文件必须与定义它的Web.config文件位于相同的ASP.NET应用程序目录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. However, ASP service is never almighty, which needs to be implemented in accordance with the practical situation of enterprise. 然而,ASP服务还需要结合中小企业本身的实际情况,并不是万能的。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 9. If you wrote ASP and Common Gateway Interface ( CGI ) applications to run on earlier versions of IIS , you don't have to rewrite them . 如果编写了在较早版本的IIS上运行的ASP和通用网关接口(CGI)应用程序,则无需重写它们。 www.bing.com 10. The typical way to create a view in ASP. NET MVC is to call an action method that uses the model to prepare the view data. 在ASP.NETMVC中,创建视图最典型的方式是调用一个action方法,它使用模型准备视图数据。 www.cnblogs.com 1. NET authorization and authentication logic runs before the original resource handler is called, ASP. NET授权和身份验证逻辑运行于调用原始资源处理程序之前,但ASP。 technet.microsoft.com 2. It also introduces adopting data bank to deposit message and gives out an example about using ASP 's web pages to call on the data bank. 本文中采用了数据库来存储信息,以一个实例的方式比较详细的给出asp网页访问数据库的方法。 www.showxiu.com 3. This small utility can be used to switch the version of the . NET Framework that any single ASP. NET application is using. 使用这一小型实用工具,可以转换任何单个ASP.NET应用程序所使用的.NET框架的版本。 renxingsong2009.blog.163.com 4. His company wanted to add an ASP. NET interface to the same database used by one of their Windows Forms applications. 他的公司想为一个Windows程序新增一个ASP.NET界面,两个程序使用相同的数据库。 www.bing.com 5. The system chooses the software of development that use is ASP. the system developments adopt idea of construction designing. 系统选用的开发软件是ASP,开发采用结构化设计思想。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. By using the -u switch of the ASP. NET compilation tool, you can compile source code (. Cs, . Vb files, and. Resource files) to a DLL. 通过使用ASP.NET编译工具的-u开关,可以将源代码(.cs、.vb文件和.resource文件)编译为DLL。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The flow of control for ASP. NET forms authentication is shown in the following table. ASP.NETForms身份验证的控制流如下表所示。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. On the Mappings tab, click Add and create a new association for the file name extension that you want IIS to forward to ASP. NET. 在“映射”选项卡上,单击“添加”,然后为希望IIS转发到ASP.NET的文件扩展名创建新的关联。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You set the trust level for an ASP. NET resource with the trust configuration element in a Web. Config or Machine. Config file. 可以在Web.config或Machine.config文件中使用trust配置元素来设置ASP.NET资源的信任级别。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Lists procedures that enable use of the common language runtime compiler debugger for a command-line program or for an ASP. NET program. 列出对命令行程序或ASP.NET程序启用公共语言运行库编译调试器的过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. For file system Web sites, this option allows you to use your local IIS Web server instead of the ASP. NET Development Server. 对于文件系统网站,此选项允许您使用本地IISWeb服务器,但不允许使用ASP.NETDevelopmentServer。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Did he not poison all thy veins once, and wilt thou play upon the hole of the asp, and put thy hand upon the cockatrice's den a second time? 牠已毒害过你一次,你还敢在毒蛇的洞上嬉戏,或再将你的手置于眼镜蛇的穴上吗? www.glorypress.com 3. The content page is a specialized ASP. NET page that contains only the content to be merged with the master page. 内容页是一个专用的ASP.NET页,它仅包含要与母版页合并的内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Known today as "Classic ASP" , it is still shipped with Internet Information Server and is widely available. 时至今日,这种被称为“传统ASP”的语言仍旧随着IIS一同发布,并广泛应用于很多站点中。 www.infoq.com 5. Basically develop a project with ASP language in the company, ever held the position of project manager. 在公司主要用ASP语言开发项目,曾担任项目经理。 itzhe.cn 6. ASP, a faith -based organization, sends teams of volunteers across the Central Appalachia region, to repair homes in poor communities. ASP是一个基于信仰的组织,它派遣志愿者小组到阿巴拉契亚中部地区为贫困社区修理房屋。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In parallel, the U. N. Food and Agriculture Organization (an ASP partner) has started activities in Eritrea and Mozambique. 同时,联合国粮农组织(ASP的合作伙伴)在厄立特里亚和莫桑比克展开了活动。 web.worldbank.org 8. These permissions enable you to run ASP. NET pages for many common scenarios. 使用这些权限可以在许多常见方案中运行ASP.NET页。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. We require an ASP. NET website template to be developed, The basis of which is able to be viewed in the attachments provided as practical. 我们需要一个ASP.NET网站模板要发展,所依据的是能够在以实际提供的附件查看。 www.bing.com 10. Product is guaranteed and SH-ASP exerts ongoing efforts to give consistently superior quality and service to it valued customers. ASP对产品质量的保证是竭诚为尊贵的客户提供始终如一的优良产品和良好的售后服务。 www.hicoo.net 1. Returns a build dependency set for a virtual path if it is located in the ASP. NET cache. 如果虚拟路径位于ASP.NET缓存中,则为虚拟路径返回生成依赖项集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. ASP. NET pages automatically bind page events to methods that have the name Page_event. ASP.NET页自动将页面事件绑定到名为Page_事件的方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If you look closer on our example Web Service. You will see that the ASP. NET has automatically created a WSDL and SOAP request. 如果你再仔细地看看我们的示例网络服务,你会看到ASP.NET已经自动生成了WSDL和SOAP请求。 littlefermat.blog.163.com 4. For security reasons, ASP. NET configures Microsoft IIS to help prevent direct browser access to Web. Config files. 出于安全性原因,ASP.NET将MicrosoftIIS配置为防止浏览器直接访问Web.config文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In Solution Explorer, right-click the name of the Web site, point to Add ASP. NET Folder, and then click App_Code. 在解决方案资源管理器中,右击网站的名称,指向“添加ASP.NET文件夹”,再单击“App_Code”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. When you step out of an XML Web service, the debugger remains attached to the ASP. NET worker process. 跳出一个XMLWebservices后,调试器仍然附加到ASP.NET辅助进程上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You should now be ready to develop your first ASP. NET application! 你现在应该准备开发你的第一个asp.net应用程序了! www2.w3pop.com 8. Manages storage of membership information for an ASP. NET application in Active Directory and Active Directory Application Mode servers. 为ActiveDirectory和ActiveDirectory应用程序模式服务器中的ASP.NET应用程序管理成员资格信息的存储。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Although dressed like a pure AJAX remote call, an AJAX postback looks like a regular postback request to the ASP. NET runtime components. 虽然表面上类似纯AJAX远程调用,但AJAX回发看上去好像是对ASP.NET运行时组件的普通回发请求。 blog.163.com 10. Provides suggestions for techniques for improving the performance of ASP applications that have been ported to ASP . NET. 提供关于改进已转向ASP。NET的ASP应用程序的性能的技术建议。 www.bing.com 1. The disconnected nature of the Web dictates the way an ASP. NET page runs. Web这种断开连接的天性决定了ASP.NET页的运行方式。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Instead, you can configure your ASP. NET application to run in the context of a domain user account. 相反,您可以将ASP.NET应用程序配置为在域用户帐户的上下文中运行。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Tracing information can help you to clarify errors or undesired results as ASP. NET processes a page request. 当ASP.NET处理页请求时,跟踪信息可以帮助您查清错误或不希望得到的结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Combine from realize the technique inquiries into the technique of ASP with the database at set up the application in the teaching's system. 并从实现技术方面探讨了ASP技术和数据库在构建该教学系统中的应用。 blog.tianya.cn 5. New data controls make it possible to display and edit data on an ASP. NET Web page without writing code. 新的数据控件使得无需编写代码即可在ASP.NET网页上显示和编辑数据成为可能。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Access to a URL outside of the application cannot be tested by ASP. NET. ASP.NET无法测试对应用程序外部的URL的访问。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. Contains classes that are necessary for the ASP. NET management console application to interact with the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). 包含ASP.NET管理控制台应用程序与Microsoft管理控制台(MMC)交互所必需的类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The size of the viewstate is an old problem for ASP. NET pages. 视图状态的大小是ASP.NET页面的老问题了。 blog.163.com 9. In the realization of the system, based on database management technology, the SMOS was developed taking advantage of ASP and Dreamweaver. 在系统开发的实现过程中基于数据库管理技术、利用ASP与Dreamweaver相结合开发出学校综合管理系统。 www.bing.com 10. You can use these methods in an ASP. NET application to determine the encoding to use for response characters. 在ASP.NET应用程序中可以使用这些方法来确定用于响应字符的编码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The following code example shows an ASP. NET page with an embedded code block that displays the results of a loop. 下面的代码示例演示包含嵌入式代码块的ASP.NET页,该代码块显示循环结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. This option enables you to make limited changes to the ASP. NET Web pages in the site after you compile them. 使用此选项,可以在编译网站中的ASP.NET网页之后,对它们进行有限的更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. ASP looked like the natural choice for the Web side of the project, but what about the CD? ASP看似自然选择为项目的服务器端,但对于CD会怎么样呢? www.bylw99.cn 4. On each page request, ASP. NET reads the cookie and populates the role information for that user from the cookie. 在每个页面请求中,ASP.NET读取Cookie并根据Cookie填充该用户的角色信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In an ASP. NET application, this property gets and sets the security information for the current HTTP request's user identity. 在ASP.NET应用程序中,此属性获取和设置当前HTTP请求的用户标识的安全信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This article explains the ASP technology and its method of implementation, and compares its characteristics with those of CGI and ISAPI. 本阐述了ASP技术及其实现方法,对ASP技术与网关及服务器扩展模式的不同特点进行了比较。 www.magsci.net 7. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the ASP. NET trace information is appended to the output of each page. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否将ASP.NET跟踪信息追加到每页的输出中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. This page links to help on widely used tasks for creating and programming ASP. NET Web pages using Visual Web Developer. 本页链接的帮助涉及的通用任务是:使用VisualWebDeveloper创建ASP.NET网页并对这些网页进行编程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Gets the percentage of physical memory that can be consumed by an application before ASP. 取得应用程式可以消耗的实体记忆体百分比,超过这个百分比,ASP。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. Classic ASP, as it has come to be known, is difficult to debug and maintain. 大家也开始认识到,传统的ASP难以进行调试和维护。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. This collection is a dictionary containing all the DataBinding objects on an ASP. NET server control. 该集合是一个包含ASP.NET服务器控件上所有DataBinding对象的词典。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. You can create an ASP. NET unit test in two ways: by generating it and by configuring an existing unit test to run as an ASP. NET unit test. 创建ASP.NET单元测试的方法有两种:通过生成;通过配置现有单元测试使其作为ASP.NET单元测试运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The system is selects ASP to take the main development language, ACCESS takes the database. 系统是选用ASP作为主要的开发语言,ACCESS作为数据库。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. ASP. NET supports a data-binding architecture that enables Web server controls to bind to data and present it in a consistent fashion. ASP.NET支持一种数据绑定结构,该结构使Web服务器控件能够绑定到数据,并以一致的方式呈现数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. In IIS releases up to version 6. 0, ASP. NET connected to the Web server as a standalone application framework. 在直到6.0版的IIS版本中,ASP.NET均作为独立的应用程序框架连接到Web服务器。 msdn.microsoft.com 6. To work around this limitation and have rich reflection over JavaScript classes, ASP. NET AJAX requires the names of types to be registered. 为了规避此限制,并使JavaScript类有丰富的反射,ASP.NETAJAX需要将类型名称进行注册。 msdn.microsoft.com 7. Specifies the number of minutes until ASP. NET launches a new worker process to take the place of the current one. 指定分钟数,超过该分钟数ASP.NET将启动新的辅助进程以替代当前辅助进程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Catalog is a custom type that you can define after you delegate the endpoint to an ASP. NET Web application and implement that application. “Catalog”是您将终结点委托给ASP.NETWeb应用程序并实现该应用程序后可以定义的自定义类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. ASP. NET does not verify that the current user is authorized to view the resource delivered by the Transfer method. ASP.NET不验证当前用户是否有权查看由Transfer方法提交的资源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You can add client script to controls on an ASP. NET Web page declaratively, as you would to HTML elements. 可以像对HTML元素那样,以声明方式向ASP.NET网页上的控件添加客户端脚本。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Learn about issues related to the user interface of your ASP. NET applications, including accessibility, localization, and graphics. 了解与ASP.NET应用程序的用户界面相关的问题,包括可访问性、本地化和图形。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Gets or sets the name of the ASP. NET Profile property that the parameter binds to. 获取或设置绑定参数的ASP.NET配置文件属性的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. A workaround to this problem is to have all incoming IIS requests map to the ASP. NET engine. 解决此问题的方法是使所有传入的IIS请求都映射到ASP.NET引擎。 archive.cnblogs.com 4. After initializing the HTTP modules, the ASP. NET engine's next task is to determine what HTTP handler should process the request. 初始化HTTP模块后,ASP.NET引擎的下一项任务是确定应由哪个HTTP处理程序来处理请求。 archive.cnblogs.com 5. Lists procedures that enable debugging for a command-line program or for an ASP. NET program. 列出对命令行程序或ASP.NET程序启用调试的过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The ASP emphasizes prevention measures and education of farmers, households and communities as key components of its projects. ASP很重视预防措施以及对农民、家庭和社区的教育,并将它们作为项目的重要组成部分。 web.worldbank.org 7. The name of the ASP. NET worker process varies by debugging scenario and by version of IIS. ASP.NET辅助进程的名称会根据调试方案和IIS版本的不同而不同。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. For a comparison of each, see ASP. NET State Management Recommendations. 有关每种方式的比较,请参见ASP.NET状态管理建议。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This allows the side-by-side storage of IIS and ASP. NET configuration, using clean and strongly structured XML directives. 因而可以使用干净和强大结构化的XML指令,并排地存储IIS和ASP.NET配置。 msdn.microsoft.com 10. Contains a complete set of reference topics for the. NET Framework, including the class library and ASP. NET syntax. 包含.NETFramework的一组完整的参考主题,包括类库和ASP.NET语法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. In order to send e-mail messages from an ASP. NET Web application, the application must be able to forward the messages to an SMTP server. 若要从ASP.NETWeb应用程序发送电子邮件,应用程序必须能够将邮件转发到SMTP服务器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Specifies that a property is HTML-encoded and persists as the only inner content of the ASP. NET server control. 指定属性是HTML编码的,且作为ASP.NET服务器控件的唯一内部内容保持。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Furthermore, tourism information can be known quickly and tourists can book through the internet by using ASP to establish a Tourism web. 利用ASP技术建立动态网站,实现旅游信息快速发布及接受游客的网上预定。 cyggao.com 4. The next step is to use the shared class in an ASP. NET Web page. 下一步是在ASP.NET网页中使用共享类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Visual Studio cannot implement ASP. NET applications that are set to run using IIS on a local or remote server. VisualStudio无法在本地或远程服务器上实现设置为使用IIS运行的ASP.NET应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. ASP. NET AJAX also does some type checking in debug mode where it makes sense to help developers catch bugs earlier. ASP.NETAJAX还会在调试模式下执行某些类型检查,这对开发人员更早捕获Bug很有帮助。 msdn.microsoft.com 7. This knowledge has a theoretical and practical significance for the understanding of the displacement mechanism of ASP flooding. 这些认识对我们了解三元复合驱的驱油机理具有非常重要的理论和现实意义。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. ASP. NET has better language support, a large set of new controls and XML based components, and better user authentication. NET有更好的语言支持,更为庞大的新控件群以及基于XML的组建,还有更出色的用户鉴定。 www.kuqin.com 9. Gets or sets a value indicating which processors on a multiprocessor server are eligible to run ASP. NET processes. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示多处理器服务器上哪些处理器符合运行ASP.NET进程的条件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. If you make a change to a file in the application, you can recompile the affected file with the ASP. NET compilation tool. 如果对应用程序中的文件进行了更改,则可以使用ASP.NET编译工具预编译受影响的文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Select key performance counters to ensure the reliability and performance of your ASP. NET application. 选择关键性能计数器以确保ASP.NET应用程序的可靠性和性能。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Open connections can be held by an ASP. NET application, a designer such as Visual Studio, or some other program or database client. 打开的连接可能由ASP.NET应用程序、VisualStudio之类设计器或其他某个程序或数据库客户端所保留。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Courses Selecting System is an impotent party of the educational administration system. 高校选课系统是高校教务管理系统的重要组成部分,本文在对ASP。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. To avoid these, he used patch cords, miniature alligator clips, and black tape to wire the inducer to a battery-operated ASP-deck. 为了避免这些,Parker用胶布、夹子和黑色的带子把引导器连接到一台电池驱动的外部感官体验终端上。 www.bing.com 5. This page links to help on widely used information pertaining to creating and managing ASP. NET Web sites. 本页链接的帮助涉及创建和管理ASP.NET网站的常用信息。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. This constraint can result in ASP. NET applications that are inaccessible to your users or have less restrictive security settings. 此约束会导致ASP.NET应用程序无法由用户访问或者具有较少的限制性安全设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The system combines Bluetooth and ASP. NET with the PSTN, Internet, sensors Network to form the core of Intelligent Residential System. 该系统将蓝牙通信技术与有线电话、互联网和传感网络融为一体,组成智能家居系统的核心。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Output caching allows ASP. NET to send a pre-processed copy of a page rather than go through this process for each request. 输出缓存使ASP.NET能够发送该页的预处理副本,而不用为每个请求完成此过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. That said, I think you already can see the next major push for Microsoft and their web strategy (ASP. NET or otherwise). 也就是说,我想你已经可以看到下一次主推微软和其Web战略(ASP.NET或其他)。 www.infoq.com 10. Gets a collection of all cascading style sheet (CSS) properties applied to a specified HTML server control in the ASP. NET file. 获取应用于ASP.NET文件中指定的HTML服务器控件的所有级联样式表(CSS)属性(Property)的集合。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. For an example that demonstrates best practices for reusing a client for multiple requests, see Data Binding in an ASP. NET Client. 有关为多个请求重用客户端的最佳实践的演示示例,请参见DataBindinginanASP.NETClient。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. ASP. NET tracing enables you to follow a page's execution path, display diagnostic information at run time, and debug your application. 使用ASP.NET跟踪,可以遵循某页的执行路径、显示运行时的诊断信息和调试应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. If it is important in your application, you can put the focus on a specific ASP. NET Web server control by using server code. 如果焦点在应用程序中非常重要,则可以使用服务器代码将焦点置于特定的ASP.NETWeb服务器控件上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Provides helper methods used by session-state modules and session-state store providers to manage session information for an ASP. 提供会话状态模块和会话状态存储提供程序使用的帮助器方法,用于管理ASP。 technet.microsoft.com 5. In addition, the ASP. NET ecosystem of control tool vendors has never been stronger. 另外,ASP.NET控件工具供应商生态系统并没有变得更强壮。 www.infoq.com 6. ASP. NET session state is designed to enable you to store user session data in different sources. 使用ASP.NET会话状态可以将用户会话数据存储在不同的源中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The system was developed using ASP with SQL as a background management software. 该系统是利用ASP开发用SQL作为后台的管理软件。 www.docin.com 8. Included pages allow you to display an HTML or ASP page on another page in your Web, allowing you to maintain separate pages. “包含的网页”允许您在网页中显示网站中的其他HTML或ASP页面,您可以分别对其进行维护。 office.microsoft.com 9. Authentication tickets that are issued by the service are created as HTTP cookies and are compatible with ASP. NET forms authentication. 服务发出的身份验证票证作为HTTPCookie进行创建,并与ASP.NETForms身份验证兼容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Net and Access development of the company's simple routines management system. 用asp.net和Access开发的简单的公司作息管理系统。 www.dssz.com 1. This means that it displays data for ASP. NET tests in a separate node for each test run, not merged together under one node. 这表明,对于每个测试运行,ASP.NET测试的数据显示在单独的节点中,而不是合并在一起显示在单个节点下。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. ASP. NET themes are a collection of properties that define the appearance of pages and controls in your Web site. ASP.NET主题是定义网站中页和控件的外观的属性集合。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Modifying the source code of your Web application will cause ASP. NET to recompile source files into assemblies. 修改Web应用程序的源代码将导致ASP.NET把源文件重新编译为程序集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. To create a consistent, easily managed navigation solution for your site, you can use ASP. NET site navigation. 若要为站点创建一致的、容易管理的导航解决方案,可以使用ASP.NET站点导航。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The below image explains how the internal object model looks like for an ASP. NET request. 下图解释了ASP.NET请求的内部对象模型。 archive.cnblogs.com 6. The code above illustrates a limitation in Classic ASP: The code block has to be placed where you want the output to appear. 上面的代码说明了在经典ASP中的一个局限性:代码块必须放置在需要显示的地方。 www.lexueya.com 7. This lets an ASP. NET page that uses the child master page provide the content for the page. 这样,使用子级母版页的ASP.NET页便可以提供页面内容。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Details how SOAP headers can be defined, processed, and manipulated for clients calling XML Web services created using ASP. NET. 详述如何为调用XMLWeb服务(使用ASP.NET创建)的客户端定义、处理和操作SOAP头。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Not all. NET programming languages allow you to create code-behind files for ASP. NET Web pages. 并非所有的.NET编程语言都可用于为ASP.NET网页创建代码隐藏文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. This instructs Visual Studio to specify a fixed port instead of a randomly selected port when it starts the ASP. NET Development Server. 这将指示VisualStudio在启动ASP.NETDevelopmentServer时指定一个固定端口而不是一个随机选择的端口。 msdn2.microsoft.com |
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