单词 | a skin |
释义 | 例句释义: 艾诗可因 1. The initial clinical symptom is often a skin rash, which sometimes makes early diagnosis difficult. 通常该病的初始临床症状是皮疹,而有时凭皮疹难以做出早期诊断。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 2. seems to me a very miserable title, I don't like things of this sort. " And yet my father was not a skin" . 这对我来说是个悲惨的命题,我不喜欢这种类型。并且我父亲还不是一个剥皮者或刽子手。 blog.163.com 3. The extreme scarring on Seal's face and scalp are the result of a skin condition known as discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE). 席尔脸和头皮上极为明显的伤疤是一种名为红斑狼疮的皮肤病的结果。 www.bing.com 4. Slants thin, white, a skin don't and think like a scholar of that kind of wen if I don't like. 偏瘦的,皮肤不要太白,一看就想文若书生的那种我不喜欢。 wenwen.soso.com 5. From the beginning, she had clipped a mouse's ear or prepped a rat for a skin graft as deftly as if she had always worked with animals. 一开始她就能娴熟地剪断老鼠耳朵,或者为植皮准备好老鼠,好像她从来就是与动物打交道的。 www.bing.com 6. I started taking it about a week ago. I had a skin disease that would turn my skin red and my skin would flake off. Now it's almost healed! 我是一周前开始用这个产品的,我有皮肤病,会让皮肤变红,皮肤易剥落,现在几乎全愈了! www.fcp114.com 7. Other researchers said the findings are consistent with other studies on color and point to a skin-color prejudice that goes beyond race. 其他研究人员说,调查结果是一致的其他研究颜色和指向一个肤色偏见超越种族。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. Beta carotene, which has been shown to help every cell in the body stay healthy, also happens to be a skin-targeted nutrient. β胡萝卜素已被发现可以帮助身体里的每个细胞保持健康,而且很巧,它还是针对皮肤的营养物。 www.bing.com 9. A SKIN replacement of the calculator can be very convenient mode input at the keyboard closed, can also use the keyboard to open. 一款可以更换SKIN的计算器,可以在键盘关闭模式非常方便的输入,也可以打开键盘使用。 win2tel.com 10. He said two of them are suffering from a skin disease known as leishmaniasis, which they contracted during captivity. 他说,其中两人在关押期间感染了一种叫“利什曼病”的皮肤病。 www.voanews.cn 1. Jon had given his chief captive the largest cell, a pail to shit in, enough furs to keep him from freezing, and a skin of wine. 琼恩给他最重要的囚犯分配了一间最大的囚房,一个便桶,足以避免让他冻僵的毛皮,甚至还有一皮袋酒。 www.cndkc.net 2. 'Normally a skin injury heals in a week, with our children it often takes a month or more, ' he says. 通常皮肤伤口一周愈合,而我们的小患者需要一个月甚至更久。 news.dxy.cn 3. It could become part of a skin-based interface that effectively turns your body into a touchscreen. 它能成为你皮肤界面的一部分,有效地将你的身体转变成触摸屏。 www.bing.com 4. One day however, someone surely noticed that a skin hanging up for some time near a fire did not decay. 然后有一天,有人发现毛皮晾在靠近火堆的地方一段时间后就不会腐烂。 www.bing.com 5. It is not a garment I cast off this day, but a skin that I tear with my own hands. 这不是今天我脱弃了一件衣裳,乃是我用自己的手撕下了一块自己的皮肤。 wenku.baidu.com 6. GALWAY A skin patch that works like an inkjet printer could put an end to painful injections involving syringes, scientists said. 科学家最近称,一种利用了喷墨式打印机的工作原理皮肤贴片将要使你告别注射器注射带来的疼痛。 news.dxy.cn 7. Save yourself time and money, and go see a skin care specialist to determine what line of skin care products would be best for you. 想要省钱和省时间,那么不妨去请教一下护理专家,看看自己适合哪一种护肤产品。 www.01ielts.com 8. That little bit of metal can conduct electricity and cause a skin burn at the patch site during an MRI scan. 在MRI扫描中,这些微量金属可以导电,并造成皮贴接触部位的烧伤。 news.dxy.cn 9. Do you know, I'd lost five thousand bucks by the time I realized I'd been caught in a skin game? 你可知道,等我意识到我是掉入了圈套,受欺骗的时候,我输了五千美元了。 www.yxtvg.com 10. She returned and put a skin of camel' s milk into a kuerabiche, then filled the rest of the shoulder sack with wild apricots. 她回身在kuerabiche里放了一包骆驼奶,然后又用野杏填满这个肩包。 www.cndkc.net 1. With jCarousel, a skin is a CSS file and a set of images that let you control the visual style of your carousel. 在jCarousel中,skin由一个CSS文件和一组图像组成,用来控制carousel的视觉样式。 www.ibm.com 2. Labial cost off a skin does not use hand tear When you discover the lip is exuvial , do not use hand tear, lest bring, send bleed. 嘴唇蜕皮勿用手撕掉当你发现嘴唇蜕皮时,勿用手撕掉,以免引致流血。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Just fill out a skin card, there will be a consultant to his assistant, you! 只需填写一张皮肤卡,就会有顾问来辅佐你! 99mrw.5d6d.com 4. But Hill needed a skin graft from his left arm to help the wound heal properly. 但是要从Hill的左边手臂上面,移植一块皮肤来帮助伤口愈合。 sunslove.darkbb.com 5. The truth is a personage to whom there has for a very long time been given a skin, hair and even a well to dwell in and to act the imp. 真理是一个大人物,长久以来,它被给予皮肤、头发、甚至是重新装饰,然后表现出他的精神。 springhero.wordpress.com 6. She fell for a tale of a skin infection and a recently eaten biscuit. 她不以为然地认为那只是皮肤感染以及最近吃剩的饼干屑。 www.ecocn.org 7. Read as a three-dimensionally graphic object, the multi-level museum features a skin constructed out of steel sheeting. 它是一个三维的图形目标,多层的形式呈现出一个由钢铁薄板形成的表皮。 www.gcszy.com 8. Historically the most common injury has been a skin injury at the patient return electrode site. 历史上大部分的电外科伤害都是病人回路负极板处的皮肤烧伤 wenku.baidu.com 9. First Lady Laura Bush is doing just fine after having a skin cancer tumor removed from her leg. 第一夫人劳拉。布什在经过了腿部皮肤癌肿瘤切除手术后恢复很好。 bbs.putclub.com 10. First, the robot made a plastic body which it covered with soft plastic, like a skin. Then it used fur to cover the skin. 首先,机器人做了一个塑料躯干,外面包上类似皮肤的软塑料。然后它又用皮毛盖住皮肤。 www.bing.com 1. And I still use the original vision, to look at themselves, a "skin touch" of its own. 而我还是用原来的目光,来审视自己,一个“脱了皮”的自己。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The plates lay a skin pass die block, at least to measure the thickness of the three places and calculates the average value. 不兵印版陡不收在一个裂缝台面上,起码丈量不一处的厚量并筹算陡均值。 www.bing.com 3. A skin forming on the product should be removed. It is forbidden to use hardened product even if it is mixed with water. 如砂浆表面结皮应剔去不用,严禁将已干结的砂浆加水混合后使用; china.eb80.com 4. On examination, she had a skin rash , pretibial oedema and jaundiced sclera; her liver was not enlarged and her spleen was not palpable . 她有皮疹,胫骨前水肿,巩膜黄疸,她的肝脏无肿大,脾脏未触及。 www.bing.com 5. The histological findings of a skin biopsy were consistent with acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis. 皮肤活检组织学检查符合急性泛发性脓疱性皮炎。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I have never had a skin cancer check-up. Actually just out of laziness. I could do this, the health insurances are offering this service. 我从没做过皮肤癌检测,就是因为懒惰,我应该做这个,健保有提供这样的服务。 www.newdaai.tv 7. Displays a skin around the form at design time, provided this option is enabled in the Form Factor Properties Dialog Box (Devices). 如果在“外观设置属性”对话框(设备)中启用了此选项,则在设计时显示窗体的外观。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Careers are part of growth, and you occasionally have to shed one like a skin to grow another that's more accommodating. 职业是成长的一部分,你不得不间或抛弃一份职业,就像脱掉一层皮,再长出更能适应的另一层皮一般。 www.bing.com 9. It suddenly dawned on me last week that I've been cheated by the other three in a skin game. 直到上星期,我才忽然省悟到,我一直在受那三个人的欺骗。 www.oxford.com.cn 10. The present invention relates to a skin aging treatment comprising paeoniflorin as an active ingredient. 本发明涉及一种包含芍药甙作为活性成分的皮肤老化护理品。 ip.com 1. describes and gives sample values for the individual elements , both required and optional , that appear in a skin definition file. 描述外观定义文件中出现的各个元素(必需元素和可选元素)并提供示例值。 www.ichacha.net 2. Exfoliative erythroderma is a skin disorder with complicated etiopathogenesis as well as unknown pathogenesis. 红皮病是病因复杂的一种综合病症,其发病机制尚不清楚。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. when you use a skin during application development , you can better visualize how your application looks on a real device. 在应用程序开发过程中使用外观时,可以更好地看到应用程序在实际设备上的外观效果。 www.ichacha.net 4. A skin conductance response sensor on the left hand was used to detect any flashes of fear-based sweat in response to body threats. 一组在左手上的皮肤电导传感器被用来监测任何一点在身体威胁下基于恐惧的汗水。 www.bing.com 5. A skin is a graphic that surrounds the rectangular form, the viewport, of an application in the Device Emulator or Visual Studio Designer. 外观是一种图形,它环绕设备仿真程序或VisualStudio设计器中应用程序的矩形窗体和视区。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Not a skin of wine. For a skin of wine would make me merry, and foolish. Merely a cup of wine, to warm me. 不是一皮囊的酒,因为一皮囊的酒会让我醉倒,会使我成为一个傻瓜。就只是一小杯酒,让我暖和一下。 www.odyguild.net 7. Only a gentle touch is required to erase a skin imperfection on a photo: moles , warts, pimples, heat-spots, etc. 只是一个温柔触摸是需要抹掉皮肤缺陷对照片:痣,疣,丘疹,热点等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Women who aren't ready for cosmetic injections constantly ask me to recommend a skin cream that really works. 那些不愿意做美容注射的女子经常让我推荐一款有效的面霜。 www.bing.com 9. However, recently we developed a skin editing tool to help developers modify skins and to create new skin groups. 不过,最近我们开发了皮肤编辑工具来帮助开发人员修改皮肤和创建新的皮肤组(skingroup)。 www.ibm.com 10. The clinical diagnosis can be confirmed by examining a sample from a skin lesion under a special type of microscope (darkfield examination). 临床诊断可以通过在一种特殊显微镜下检查皮肤病灶样本(暗视野检查)得到确认。 www.who.int 1. This frog has long webbed toes and a skin flap between its limbs Flying Gecko 6. which allows it to parachute down from tree tops. 这种蛙拥有长长的长有膜的脚趾,四肢之间也有扁平的皮肤悬垂物,这可以让它们从树顶降落至地面。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. This includes a skin, and within the skin, other HTML packaged as skin components that are reused by the skins. 这包括一个皮肤,在这个皮肤内,有打包为皮肤组件的其他HTML,这些组件可以由皮肤重新使用。 www-128.ibm.com 3. In addition, WelcomeLabel can be assigned a skin and be part of a theme without any work on your part. 此外,WelcomeLabel可自行分配外观并成为主题的一部分。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Then I pick a skin color, starting with a warm, slightly yellowish tan, at perhaps 35%, and use the bucket tool to fill the face. 然后我选了一个皮肤的颜色,暖色调的微微发黄的棕褐色,大概35%,然后使用涂料通工具开始填充脸部。 www.5d.cn 5. Acne is a skin condition in which lesions form on the skin. The cause of the lesions is the bl. 痤疮是一种皮肤状况,其中病变形成皮肤。造成病变,是基本法…… www.acne-treatments-web.com 6. But soon those replicating molecules clothed themselves in a skin of fat, a membrane to keep their complex chemistry from diluting away. 但很快,这些复制分子将自己包裹在脂肪层之中,膜结构有助于防止复杂的化学物质被稀释。 www.bing.com 7. Tincture of iodine containing 85% alcohol is still widely used as a skin preparation. 含有85%酒精的碘酊在皮肤消毒中依然被广泛应用。 www.showxiu.com 8. According to the report, she had asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, a skin condition called psoriasis and was 35 weeks pregnant. 根据该报告,她患有哮喘,类风湿关节炎,皮肤银屑病并且怀有35周的身孕。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Your child may also get a skin reaction (where they had the injection), coughs and colds, and sore eyes. 你的孩子也可以有皮肤反应(注射局部)、咳嗽和发冷和眼痛。 www.bing.com 10. Method: A skin incision trocar venipuncture cannula was used to replace vein incision. 方法:采用皮肤切开套管针静脉穿刺置管代替静脉切开。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. which delivers a treatment for Alzheimer's disease through a skin patch instead of an oral capsule. 本品通过透皮帖片对阿尔茨海默病患者进行治疗,替代口服胶囊。 news.dxy.cn 2. The appearance of metastases after local excision of a skin lesion which was not recognized as melanoma indicates a diagnostic error. 转移后的皮肤损伤是不认可的地方作为黑色素瘤切除术的出现表明一个诊断错误。 www.syyxw.com 3. Then, in 2002, the mother of a child with a skin ailment championed its comeback. 然而到了2002年,一位皮肤病孩子的母亲认为这种疾病卷土重来了。 www.bing.com 4. A skin is specific to a particular control; you cannot share skin settings between controls of different types. 外观是特定于特定控件的;不能在不同类型的控件之间共享外观设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. With hybrid embryo technology, a skin cell from a disease-carrying patient is fused with an animal egg to form an early-stage embryo. 使用这种“杂交胚胎”的技术,一个患者的皮肤细胞将和一个动物的卵子熔合从而制造出一个初期的胚胎。 www.bing.com 6. As well, a horse, before feeding off another horse slaughter, total and gets a skin it. 不如好好地喂前一匹,把另一匹宰掉,总还能拿到一张皮吧。 www.liangzichangenglish.com 7. It was when I put the water in that I realized that I'd put a skin on water itself. 但当我将它装了水,我才体会出我为水加了一层外皮。 www.ted.com 8. Several other tests will be performed in the clinic, including a skin test and a chest radiograph. 将在诊所开展若干其它检测,包括皮肤试验和拍胸部X光照片。 www.who.int 9. Persons of Hispanic or Asian parentage share a skin tone range that's smaller than Caucasians as a whole. 西班牙裔或亚裔人来说,肤色区间整体而言小于高加索人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. N; OK. I shall do a skin test to see if you have any sensitivity. Please hold out your right hand. 那好,我先给你做个皮试,看看你有没有反应。请伸出您的右手。 yushunlan.blog.163.com 1. Eye Skin Row Poison Oil Neroli Sandalwood fennel Activate a skin, cancellation toxin, and alleviate the eye department the skin incidence. 活化眼部肌肤,消除毒素,减轻眼部肌肤负担。 www.trevi.com.cn 2. A skin is really just a stack of layers. 皮肤实际上是个层的堆栈。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 3. Gum Trees and Eucalyptus trees have a lighter form of wood and a skin that exfoliates recurrently . 橡胶树和桉树,拥有更轻盈的木材质地和周期性剥落的树皮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Widgets are loaded according to a set of rules defined in a skin spec file. 控件依照外壳规范文件中定义的一组规则加载。 www.ibm.com 5. Jackson blamed a skin disorder, but many assumed he was bleaching himself to appear white. 杰克逊称这是一种皮肤病,但许多人猜测,他是在漂白皮肤,以显得像白人。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The total effect rate was 100% of a skin disease. 80% 临床对于慢性皮炎的总有效率为100%。 www.chemyq.com 7. With a skin care cream can play a positive role in recommending you Ai Fusha compact cream. 用面霜可以起到肯定的护肤作用,引荐你用爱弗莎的紧致面霜。 99mrw.5d6d.com 8. Once a cell enters, say, the valley that leads to becoming a skin cell, it cannot suddenly change course and become a neuron. 一个细胞一旦落入某条峡谷,比如成为皮肤细胞,那么它就不可能突然改变轨迹,而变为神经细胞。 www.bing.com 9. You have to start a skin care system that works for your dog and stick to it. 你必须要进行一套对你的狗狗有效可行的皮肤护理措施并且严格地坚持实施。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Robert was the victim of a skin game. 罗伯特是一场骗局的牺牲品。 bbs.maplesky.net 1. A diagnosis can be made with a skin test, blood test or chest X-ray. 患者通常可通过皮肤测试,血液检查和胸部透视的方式进行确诊。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Artistry essentials is a skin care and makeup line that represents a simplified and uncomplicated approach to beauty. 雅姿营养系列是一套皮肤护理和化妆系列产品,是一种简单易实现的美容方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This paper introduced in detail the design process of a skin evaluation instrument based on digital image processing algorithm. 详细介绍了基于数字图像处理算法的皮肤测试仪的设计过程。 www.dictall.com 4. Unfortunately, Michael had a skin disease named Vitiligo. 不幸的是,迈克尔患有一种名为白癜风的皮肤病。 www.mjjcn.com 5. The invention provides a skin perforating device including a perforating element and use thereof in treatment of acne. 本发明提供了一种具有刺穿元件的皮肤刺穿装置及其在处理痤疮中的应用。 ip.com 6. In this article, a skin-free asymmetric membrane prepared via a wet phase inversion method with dual coagulation bath will be investigated. 本研究是利用双凝聚槽湿式相转换法制备一无致密皮层之基材膜。 www.etop.org.tw 7. with a skin disease infectious disease patients. 带有皮肤病、传染病的患者。 www.bing.com 8. Rugged, tempestuous and pretty dapper in a skin-tight federation uniform, the man was born to lead - and break hearts. 紧身联邦制服衬出他的强壮、粗犷,却又显得相当衣冠楚楚。他是天生的领导者——和偷心贼。 lizzy081000100.diandian.com 9. Besides the main PHP code, a skin can include various CSS files and supporting images or JavaScript. 除了主要的PHP代码之外,一个皮肤可以包含各种CSS文件以及支持的图像或JavaScript。 www.ibm.com 10. During your consultation with a qualified surgeon, you will learn if a skin test is required before receiving your treatment of choice. 在您谘询一个合格的外科医生,您将学习如果皮肤试验之前,需要接受您的治疗选择。 www.hudie.com 1. m going to do a skin test of pennicillin for you. 我要给您做青霉素皮试。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. To avoid the pain of the pluck, smooth a skin-numbing cream over your entire brow and the surrounding area. 为了避免拔眉毛的痛苦,用皮肤霜抹在你的整个额头及周围。 www.tianya.cn 3. Other types of HPV produce body warts-which some derms believe may be a skin-cancer risk factor. 一些皮肤病医生认为,其他种类的人类乳突病毒也可能引发皮肤癌。 www.bing.com 4. just peeling a skin of. . . a lotus smuggled from Shanghai! 不,他只去皮洗净走私的上海莲藕。 dict.bioon.com 5. Really? You seriously think I'm a cop? Cop in a skin-tight red-and-blue suit? 你确定?你以为我是警察?警察穿红蓝紧身衣吗? blog.sina.com.cn 6. I'm going to do a skin test of penicillin for you. 我要给您做青霉素皮试。我要给您做青霉素皮试。 www.8875.org 7. If you're not sure what's triggering your allergic cough, your doctor can give you a skin test or blood test to pinpoint the allergy. 如果你不能确定是什么触发了你的过敏性咳嗽,你的医师可以为你进行皮肤或血液的测试来确定过敏源。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. pound transvestite with a skin condition? 那个体重磅有皮肤问题的异装癖者?。 hi.baidu.com 9. They discovered a skin-specific version of the gene SMARCAD1 influences fingerprint development. 他们发现了SMARCAD1基因的皮肤特异版,这是影响指纹发展的基因。 gb.cri.cn 10. When continues uses these products to create peels a skin again, a tenderer skin must fully suffer devastates . 当继续使用这些产品造成再脱一层皮时,更嫩的皮肤又要饱受摧残。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus (SCLE) is a skin reaction that has been reported secondary to use of a variety of drugs. 亚急性皮肤红斑狼疮(硬化)是一种皮肤反应的报道中学使用各种药物。 www.syyxw.com 2. Optionally, choose a skin, or create a new skin, for your theme. 为主题选择皮肤或者是创建新皮肤(可选步骤)。 www.ibm.com 3. In this example, you use a skin and a style sheet to create a theme. 在本示例中,您将使用外观和样式表创建主题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Melasma is a skin condition characterized by dark patches or blotches on the face. 黄褐斑简介黄褐斑是一种皮肤状况,其特征是面部黑点或斑点。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. Skins in a Dialog-Based Application - This is a very simple example to implement a skin in a dialog-based application. 这个简单的例子演示了在一个基于对话框的应用程序中实现界面皮肤。 www.cosoft.org.cn 6. Athlete's foot is a skin disease caused by a fungus, usually occurring between the toes. 足癣是由真菌引起的皮肤病,主要见于脚趾间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. He was balding and suffered from a skin disease that reduced pigment and left patches of white skin. 他正在秃顶,而且有皮肤病,这种疾病会减少黑色素并且在皮肤上留下白斑。 www.tianyayidu.com 8. To create a skin Create a new text file in your theme subfolder with a. Skin extension. skin扩展名,在主题子文件夹中创建一个新的文本文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The leather belt metal that surround is buckled , the boots that it is a skin increased nifty. 环绕的皮带金属扣,为皮靴增加了一丝俏皮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This will help prevent developing a skin infection and prevent the spread of infections to others. 这有利于帮助阻止皮肤感染的发展,以及阻止皮肤感染传播成其他感染。 www.elanso.com 1. A skin have I, more eyes than one. I can be very nice when I am done. What am I? 我有皮肤,不只一只眼睛,当我完成之后就会很棒,我是什么? bbs.ebigear.com 2. Sun isn't breaking any new ground with the idea of a skin. Sun的皮肤概念并不是什么创新。 www.ibm.com 3. This substance is made from purified bovine collagen; therefore a skin test for allergies is required before collagen injections. 这种物质是由牛胶原蛋白纯化,因此皮肤过敏测试之前,需要注射胶原蛋白。 www.hudie.com 4. The HTML below is a snippet of the code for a skin. 下面的HTML是皮肤代码的片断。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Sheldon: 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? 那个重200磅有皮肤病的变装癖? www.kekenet.com 6. Daughter trunk small measles is scratchy but be caught to defeat a skin by the hand, can you be brothers mouth disease? 女儿躯干小疹子发痒但是被手抓破皮,会是手足口病吗?。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. In case after using the Acne Scar cream for a long period of time one does not get any results then he should consult a skin doctor. 痤疮疤痕的情况后,用了很长的一段时间,奶油一无结果然后他的皮肤,应请教医生。 actuafreearticles.com 8. Underneath the penis are two 'testicles', and the integument of these is a skin that is termed the 'scrotum'. 在阴茎下面是两个睾丸,它们的覆盖物是被称作阴囊的皮肤。 blog.zikao365.com 9. Myth acne treatment, acne is a skin surface effect, only from the outside for disposal. 治疗青春痘误区五、长青春痘是皮肤外表的效果,只须从外表处置。 99mrw.5d6d.com 10. this moist , inflamed skin may attract micro organisms and therefore a skin allergy can lead to bacterial infections. 这潮湿,被激起的皮肤也许吸引微有机体并且因此皮肤过敏可能导致细菌传染。 www.ichacha.net 1. I have a skin disorder that destriys the pigmentation of my skin. It's something that I cannot help. 我得了一种皮肤病,皮肤色素受损,非我所愿、我无能为力。 tieba.baidu.com 2. I'd lost $5000 by the time I realized I was caught in a skin game. 等我意识到他们是在设计圈套诈骗时,我已输了5000美元。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. It's a skin cream for my husband. Someone recommended a traditional cream. 给我丈夫买一种护肤霜。有人向我推荐一种中药护肤霜。 www.com10.cn 4. Is a very nourishing ingredients, such as a skin wash after using a hot water bath, skateboarding, water of. 是一种很滋养的成分,用后像给肌肤洗了一个热水澡,滑滑的,水水的。 99mrw.5d6d.com 5. The act or an instance of submerging , as of a submarine or a skin diver. 潜水的动作或例子;如潜水艇或裸潜者潜水。 dict.veduchina.com 6. Sores may again appear as well as a skin rash. 伤疤可能会再次出现,以及出疹。 linbing.cn 7. The signs include a skin growth that changes in size, color, thickness or texture. 这些征兆包括皮肤瘤的大小、颜色、厚度或质地的变化。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I'm a skin did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy, (did I) anything else you wanna know, just ask me. 我地问我有没有保持黑道或保持优等,(没有我)你还有什么想知道的,只是问我。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Borrowed actually also it doesn't matter, what the problem depends on be being copied is a skin still be stuffing. 其实抄袭也没什么,问题在于抄到的是皮儿还是馅儿。 pjprimer.com 10. 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? 那个体重200磅有皮肤问题的异装癖者? yule.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Some people are allergic to penicillin so everyone needs to have a skin test before using it. 有些人会对青霉素过敏,因此每个人在使用之前都要做皮试。 www.accessbbs.cn 2. Eczema is a skin condition that makes patches of skin become dry red and itchy. 湿疹是一种皮肤病,它使皮肤产生斑点、变得干燥、鲜红和瘙痒。 www.111580.com 3. Jackson had vitiligo, a skin-blotching condition. 杰克逊有白癜风,皮肤上有大面积的范围。 www.bing.com 4. Assign a predefined theme or a skin that defines the display and rendering characteristics at run time for. 控件指定一个预定义主题或一个定义运行时显示及呈现特性的外观。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. A skin contains the templates for the application. 主题包括应用程序的模板。 www.infoq.com 6. A skin condition commonly seen in people with insulin resistance , pre-diabetes or Type 2 diabetes. 黑棘皮病常见于胰岛素抵抗、糖尿病前期、2型糖尿病患者。更详细。 dict.bioon.com 7. Phenethylamine is also a skin irritant and possible sensitizer. 苯乙胺也是皮肤刺激剂与可能的感光剂。 instapedia.com 8. Sometimes I feel like there's a skin on the world, and those of us who were born under it, can see throw it. We just can't get t o throw it. 有时候我觉得世界外有一层外壳,我们所有人都生在这层外壳之下,你能从外壳里看到外面,但是你却出不去。 wenku.baidu.com 9. A front cover (20) has a skin engaging end that includes a lancet opening through which a lancet needle extends. 前盖,其包括皮肤接触端,该皮肤接触端包括刺针的针延伸穿过的刺针开口; ip.com 10. That hoodlum niggerJesse|call up here a skin' for you. 那个流氓黑鬼耶西打电话过来找你呢。 www.engxue.com 1. Erythema ab igne is a skin disorder in which affected skin turns brown. 热激红斑会令皮肤变成红棕色。 www.bing.com 2. Sometimes reddening of the skin is caused by a skin condition. 有时变红的皮肤所造成的皮肤状况。 bt400.1sthotwomen.com 3. To add a user control declaratively to a Web page, a user control, a master page, or a skin file. 以声明方式将用户控件添加到网页、用户控件、母版页或外观文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. A skin pricking device comprises first (12) and second (14) housing parts telescopically coupled together. 一种皮肤穿刺设备包括可伸缩地连接在一起的第一壳体部件(12)和第二壳体部件(14)。 ip.com 5. I need a cup of wine, to wash the taste of Tywin from my mouth. A skin of wine would serve me even better. 我需要一杯葡萄酒,把嘴巴里泰温的残味冲掉。一袋子红酒就更好了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Combination skin is a skin for common prostitutes, 80% of women are mixed skin. 混合性皮肤化妆品使用技巧(24)是妓为常见的一种皮肤,80%的女性都是混合性皮肤。 www.cn-eb.com 7. Before receiving treatment, patients may need to undergo a skin test. 接受治疗前,患者可能需要接受皮肤测试。 www.hudie.com 8. Hitskin is the ideal tool to install a skin easily and for free. Hitskin一个简单快速地安装论坛主题风格的理想工具。 en.hitskin.com 9. Scratching exacerbates a skin rash. 皮疹搔後会恶化。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Without enough A, skin becomes dry, tough, and scaly. 如果没有足够的维生素A,皮肤就会变得枯燥,干硬,松弛。 www.bing.com 1. He had a skin graft on the burnt leg. 他烧伤的腿上移植了皮。 www3.060s.com 2. When using a new oil for the first time, do a skin patch on a small area of skin. 第一次使用新品种精油时,最好在小面积皮肤范围内做皮试。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A skin represents the border rendering around components, such as row containers, column containers, or portlets. 皮肤标识组件周围的边框呈现,此类组件包括行容器、列容器或Portlet等。 www.ibm.com 4. A skin cell segregating control system based on PC(personal computer)is presented in this paper. 报导一种基于PC机远程监控的皮肤细胞分离机控制系统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Always shows full menus even if a skin customizes menus to only show frequently used items. 始终显示整个菜单,即使是皮肤自定义菜单,只显示经常使用的物品。 www.cryenginecn.com 6. Drink your hot chocolate before it gets a skin on it. 趁热喝下巧克力饮料,冷了表面会结皮。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He is afflicted with a skin rash. 皮疹使他痛苦万分。 edu.sina.com.cn 8. My part that protrudes from the gum has a "skin" of enamel. 在我突出于齿龈的部分有一层珐琅“皮”。 9. Paint in a tin forms a skin when the lid is left off. 如不盖上盖子,桶中的油漆表面会形成一层皮。 www.1stenglish.com 10. He had juvenile diabetes, anemia, a skin infection, and so many other complications that Hill can't even recall them all. 它患有小儿糖尿病、贫血症、皮肤感染,以及其他许多连希尔也无法全部回忆起来的并发症。 www.chinaedu.com 1. SLIK uses a skin spec file when changing skins. 在更换外壳时SLIK用到了一个规范文件。 www.ibm.com 2. Wan Shui ethnic group during that time, if the conditions must conduct a skin cleansing and maintenance. 晚睡族群在这段时间里,如果有条件一定要进行一次皮肤清洁和保养。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Sometimes I feel like there's a skin on the world, and those of us who were born under it, can see throw it. We just can't get to throw it. 有时我觉得世界外有一层外壳,我们所有人都在它的里面,你能看到外面,却不能出去。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. How Can a Skin Cell Become a Nerve Cell? 皮肤细胞怎样成为神精细胞? zhidao.baidu.com 5. I was suffering from a skin disease. The medical costs were too expensive and the drug didn't work well. 我得了皮肤病,但医疗费太高,而且用的药并不管用。 www.who.int 6. A. Skin file can contain one or more control skins for one or more control types. 一个.skin文件可以包含一个或多个控件类型的一个或多个控件外观。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. An electric-powered device includes (1) a skin-contactable surface and (2) a body having a water-resistant switch assembly. 一种电动装置包括(1)一可接触皮肤的表面和(2)一本体,该本体具有一防水开关组件。 ip.com 8. After a short delay, the full menu will be displayed if a skin collapses the menu to only show frequently used items. 在短暂的延迟后,将显示完整的菜单,如果皮肤折叠菜单,只显示经常使用的物品。 www.cryenginecn.com 9. In 1995, according to a Chinese broker who works the border, a skin flick sold for $100. 1995年,根据一个中国的代理,谁的作品边境,皮肤片售价为100美元。 www.englishtang.com 10. Aa lava, on the other hand, moves faster and doesn't have time to develop a skin, resulting in a cooler flow with a more angular texture. 另一方面,块状熔岩移动地更快,没有时间形成外皮,这就导致了岩浆较冷却的流动形成了更有棱角的质地。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. So here is one without a skin. 这里是一个没有外壳的。 www.ted.com 2. But Quezon defends witchcraft. Last month he went to a witch because of a skin condition that wouldn't go away. 但是Quezon依然支持巫术。上个月,他去找一个巫师看一种长期无法治愈的皮肤病。 www.bing.com 3. He got a skin cancer. 他得了皮肤癌。 www.tingroom.com 4. 200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes, she is. 一个重200磅有皮肤病的变装癖?是的,没错。 my.pclady.com.cn 5. A skin is a collection of graphics, such as buttons and icons, and instructions used to change Opera's look. 所谓皮肤,就是用于更改Opera外观的一组图像(例如按钮和图标)和指令。 help.opera.com 6. A skin is composed of layers. 皮肤是由样式表组合而成。 translations.launchpad.net 7. A skin condition characterized by the development of recurringboils . 疖病特征为经常出现疖子的一种皮肤状况。 www.bing.com 8. For the past century, a skin test has been the traditional way to identify latent TB. 上个世纪,皮肤测试是鉴别潜伏期肺结核的传统方法。 www.hjenglish.com 9. Its best to recommend a skin doctor before one goes in for Acne Scar Removal. 皮肤科医师建议最好是在为前一痤疮疤痕清除。 actuafreearticles.com 10. A skin has formed on the milk. 牛奶上面结了一层皮。 1. You need to do a skin test first. 你得先做个皮试。 wenku.baidu.com 2. For the past century, a skin test has been thetraditiontraditional way to identify latent TB. 在过去几个世纪,皮肤测试是鉴别潜性肺结核的传统方法。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. I'll do a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity. 我要先给你做个皮肤试验看看你有无过敏。 www.yxtvg.com 4. Accordingly, collagen is not only a "skin-repairing master" , but also the "life bracket" of our body. 因此,胶原蛋白其实不仅仅是“肌肤修复大师”,更是我们身体的“生命支架”哦! www.jalonusa.com 5. I have a skin disorder that destroys the pigmentation of my skin. 我有一种皮肤病变,这摧毁了我皮肤的色素沉着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Something, such as a skin or peel, that has been pared off. 削皮,剥皮,削下物如皮肤或果皮等削下来的东西。 www.godict.com 7. Have a skin test first please. 请先做皮试。 www.bysy.edu.cn 8. Does it have any effects other than being a skin soother? 它除了抚慰肌肤还有其他的作用吗? www.elanso.com 9. Bubble Sheep: Will you cut a skin head? 泡泡羊:你会否剪一个超短发。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 10. Acne is a skin problem that scars not only your skin but also your personal and social life. 粉刺不仅会在你的脸上留下疤痕,而且会影响你的个人以及社会生活。 www.bing.com 1. For example, if you have a skin defined for a Button control, the buttons in your user control are displayed with that skin. 控件定义了一个外观,将会以该外观显示用户控件中的按钮。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Blessed is the man who has a skin of the right thickness. He can work happily in spite of enemies and friends. 反应恰到好处的人是有福的。无论身旁是敌是友,他都能愉快地工作。 3. So you should go to take a skin test first. 那你得去做个皮试。 www.bing.com 4. I'd do you a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity. 我要先给你做个皮肤试验,看看你是否会过敏。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Just last year, I heard about an English family with two little boys, Kyle, six, and Ryan, four, who have a skin condition called XP. 就在去年,我听说一个英国的家庭有两个小男孩,凯尔,6岁和瑞恩,4岁,他们患有一种皮肤病,称作XP。 www.bing.com 6. Whether it be in the warp, or woof; of linen, or of woollen; whether in a skin, or in any thing made of skin; 无论是在经上,在纬上,是麻布的,是羊毛的,是在皮子上,或在皮子作的什么物件上, www.bing.com 7. If the skin files in a theme directory do not contain a skin with the specified 如果主题目录中的外观文件不包含具有指定 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Study of numerical method in time domain on a skin current of ground laying shielded cable excited by electromagnetic pulse 电磁脉冲作用下地面铺设屏蔽电缆蒙皮电流分布的时域计算方法研究 service.ilib.cn 9. A skin wound or puncture produced by an animal's teeth or mouthparts: 被动物牙齿或口器咬伤的皮肤上的伤口: zhidao.baidu.com 10. The skin perforating device comprises: a shell including a skin contact surface and comprising an opening in the skin contact surface; 所述皮肤刺穿装置其包括:具有皮肤接触表面的外壳,所述外壳包括在所述皮肤接触表面中的开口; ip.com 1. The saying that beauty is but skin-deep is but a skin-deep saying. (Herbert Spencer) 美是肤浅的,这种说法本身就是肤浅的。(斯宾塞) bbs.enfamily.cn 2. ALWAYS ON TOP HIDE TOOLTIPS HIDE SPLASH SCREEN ENABLE SYSTEM TRAY MENU SELECT A LANGUAGE SELECT A SKIN RESTORE FACTORY DEFAULTS 总是在顶部隐藏提示隐藏启动画面使系统托盘菜单选择一种语言选择一个皮肤恢复出厂默认值 wenku.baidu.com 3. Repair of mandibular cervical scar by a skin flap with transverse cervical artery 颈横动脉颈段皮支皮瓣修复大面积颌颈瘢痕 www.ilib.cn 4. To add a skin file and a skin to a page theme 将外观文件和外观添加到页主题 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Then, you can copy the control definition from the page to a skin file, and then remove the 然后,可以将控件定义从页复制到外观文件,然后移除 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. A Study and Design of a Skin Wrinkle Measurement System 皮肤皱纹测量系统的研究与设计 www.ilib.cn 7. Repair of facial skin defect with a skin flap of SMAS pedicle 应用SMAS蒂岛状皮瓣修复面部皮肤缺损 www.ilib.cn 8. some of the retired workers developed a skin disease 后来一些退休员工得了皮肤病。 www.ichacha.net 9. " think xi " announces new products series : the plant gene is fair to protect a skin series product “思茜”推出产品系列:植物基因美白护肤系列产品 www.ichacha.net 10. Three and a half minutes, wipe away, can not be too long, otherwise for a skin lesion; 半分钟后用清水洗去,不能太久了,否则对于皮肤损害大; www.xuejiewang.com 1. To save a skin file with an emulator OS image 将外观文件与仿真程序OS映像一起保存 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Development of a skin whitening capsule from Kojic Acid 曲酸皮肤增白胶囊加工工艺的探讨 service.ilib.cn 3. Then, you can copy the control definition from the page to a skin file, but you must remove the 然后,您可以将控件定义从页中复制到外观文件,但必须移除 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. To apply a skin to the Device Emulator 将外观应用于设备仿真程序 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. For example, part of your page theme might include a skin for a 例如,页面主题的一部分可能包括 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. to do a skin test of penicillin 做青霉素皮试 wenku.baidu.com 7. A Skin Detection Method Based on Bayes Decision in YCbCr Color Space YCbCr空间中一种基于贝叶斯判决的肤色检测方法 www.ilib.cn 8. Create a Skin for MP3 Player Zune (Photoshop) 创建MP3播放器Zune的皮肤(Photoshop) www.bing.com 9. they probably used a hair follicle or a skin cell 他们也许是用一根头发或一块皮屑做出来的 www.ichacha.net 10. Its best to recommend a skin doctor before one goes in (read entire article) 皮肤科医师建议最好先搞(阅读通篇) actuafreearticles.com 1. A Skin Cell Segregating Control System Based on PC 基于PC机远程监控的皮肤细胞分离机控制系统 service.ilib.cn 2. a skin graft on the burnt leg (移植在烫伤腿上的皮肤)。 www.hjenglish.com |
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