单词 | at the party | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | at the party
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 在晚会上,在聚会上,在宴会上 1. A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him. 一个年轻的男子缠上我,我摆脱不了他了? wenku.baidu.com 2. Inexplicable grew his attitude to his wife in the presence of so many distinguished guests at the party. 在晚会上当着那么多尊贵客人的面,他对妻子的态度变得令人费解。 www.zzdnyy.com 3. He took notice of her at the party. 他在舞会中注意到她。 dict.hjenglish.com 4. Deng: To be quite frank, I am trying to persuade people to let me retire at the Party's Thirteenth National Congress next year. 邓:坦率地告诉你,我正在说服人们,我明年在党的十三大时就退下来。 www.hotdic.com 5. I told the people who'd slaved away at the party work without glory or recognition how much I appreciated them. 我告诉那些在党内辛勤工作却没有得到荣耀或认可的人们,我非常感激他们。 www.bing.com 6. Thomas said "multiple witnesses and a commercial transaction" indicated one of the charged players was not at the party. 托马斯说,“多重证据和商业交易”显示出被指控的球员不可能出现在聚会上。 www.tianya.cn 7. He attached himself to me at the party and I couldn't get rid of him. 在聚会上他老是缠着我,我简直无法摆脱他。 www.kekenet.com 8. I'm sure I saw you at the party last night, but you were nowhere to be found when I wanted to talk to you. Why did you take French leave? 我肯定昨晚在聚会上看到你的,但后来要找你说话的时候却不见人了。你怎么不辞而别啊? wearehere.bokewu.com 9. At least Marc managed to put in an appearance at the party. 至少,马克想尽办法在派对上露了个面。 blog.onlycollege.com.cn 10. I also challenge you to turn down the bad boy at the party and reverse the growing trend we see in society. 我也会冒昧的让你不再理会派对上的“坏小子”,转变社会中渐长的趋势。 www.bing.com 1. I certainly put my foot in my mouth at the party last night when I asked Mister Brown to say hello to his wife for me. 我昨晚在那个聚会上无意中说错了话。我让布朗先生替我向他的太太问好。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. He seems to be very surprised at seeing me at the party. 他在派对上见到我时显得很惊讶。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. When the prince saw her, he thought she was the most beautiful girl at the party. 王子看到了灰姑娘,他觉得她是整个派对上最漂亮的女孩。 m.anoah.com 4. He made a bit of an ass of himself at the party. 他在宴会上出了点洋相。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Well, I don't know for sure, but there was a guy at the party who's in a few of my classes at uni . 唉,我确实不知道,但是晚会上有一个家伙,他和我的几个大学同学在一起。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The children ate a great many hot dogs at the party. In terms of money, they ate $20 worth. 孩子们在晚会上吃了很多热狗,他们花了20美元。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. The principal's appearance at the party didn't seem to be very welcome. 校长在聚会上露面似乎不是很受欢迎。 www.yuloo.com 8. It's the feeling that everybody's got to be at the party: we're not going to make it unapproachable to anybody. 这只是每个人都来到了派对的感觉:我们不打算让任何人觉得它是不可接近的。 www.bing.com 9. We all went back upstairs to hang out on our balcony, and at one point I looked down to see what was happening at the party. 我们都回到了楼上,在阳台上闲聊。某突然,我低头想看派对怎么样了。 www.bing.com 10. Ever since that incident at the party, Doris has walked past me with her nose in the air and. 自从那次聚会上的事情后,多丽丝每次走过我身边时总是态度倨傲,不愿与我交谈。 www.godict.com 1. I tried not to be a wallflower at the party because I wanted to meet people, but it's so hard for me to talk to people I don't know. 我尝试过不要当舞会上的“壁花”小姐,因为我想结交多一些人,但是对我来说,和不认识的人交谈真是比登天还难。 www.joyen.net 2. Another man at the party said such a trip would be a great idea. And he said he owned the Douglas Motor Works Company. 聚会上的一位男士说这样的旅行是个好主意,他说他有一家道格拉斯摩托公司。 www.lingyuan.ccoo.cn 3. We had so much fun at the party last night. It was really a fly in the ointment that you could not be there. 在昨晚的聚会中,我们都玩得很尽兴,美中不足的是你没能和我们在一起。 www.5iart.net 4. A few days ago, too, two bombs were discovered at the party office premises. They did not go off. 就在几天前,尼共(毛)办公住宅就发现了两敉炸弹,当时还没有爆炸。 www.gjgy.org 5. EXAMPLE: There's a good band at the party tonight, and I'm looking forward to an opportunity to get down and relax with my friends. 今晚的聚会上,来了一支好乐队,我期待有机会和朋友一起跳舞放松。 news.cb.com.cn 6. Condense all that time into a year and we don't arrive at the party until a few minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve. 假如把这些时间浓缩于一年,我们到达新年晚会不过是子夜前几分钟的事。 www.yayan123.com 7. Please notice me in advance if you want me to make a speech at the party . so that I can get prepared for it . 如果你想要我在聚会上演讲请预先通知我好让我有准备。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The detective was trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party. 这个侦探试图查明都有谁参加了聚会。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Clyde kept the ball rolling at the party by dancing with a lamp shade on his head. 克莱德把灯罩加在头上跳舞,以提高舞会的兴致。(意译) jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 10. You looked bored at the party. What was the matter? 在宴会中你看上去很厌烦的样子,是怎么了? edustar.library.nenu.edu.cn:8080 1. At the Party's Eighth National Congress Comrade Mao Zedong emphasized this point in his speech. 在党的第八次全国代表大会上,毛泽东同志讲话中着重讲了这个问题。 www.hotdic.com 2. Members of her party, especially former political prisoners, have expressed apprehension at the party's new strategy toward the military. 她所在党的成员,尤其是那些曾经的政治犯,对该党对军队采取的新策略表示担忧。 cn.nytimes.com 3. The guys I met at the party definitely seemed to have learned a thing or two about being charming. 我在Party上见到的这些家伙,似乎都学到了一两招如何让自己变得有魅力。 www.bing.com 4. John would not come out of his shell and talk to others at the party. 晚会上,约翰不愿从壳里钻出来与其他人说话。 www.bing.com 5. Another case is are looking at the party, the title title is attractive, went in and looked just want to scold, it is pit dad! ! ! ! ! ! 另一种情况是都是标题党,看着标题很吸引人,进去一看只想骂,简直就是坑爹嘛!! www.82g.com.cn 6. His mother asked him to behave politely at the party. 妈妈要求他在聚会时要表现得有礼貌。 tieba.baidu.com 7. You can see he's infatuated by her he was all over her at the party. 你能看出来他被她迷住了--在聚会上他一直向她献殷勤。 www.jukuu.com 8. Eg. Her behavior at the party had not been calculated to please the boss. 她在舞场的那种举止并不是为了取悦于老板。 www.for68.com 9. This could be one of the important issues to be discussed at the party congress next year. 这可能是明年党大会要讨论的其中一个重要议题。 kk.dongxi.net 10. How could you tell people at the party what I said? 你怎么能在那次聚会上把我说的话告诉大家呢? www.putclub.com 1. He might not know anyone at the party. 他可能在晚会上谁也不认识。 www.ebigear.com 2. Henry had the laugh on all of us when his blind date turned out to be the prettiest girl at the party. 当亨利初次约会的对象结果是晚会上最美的姑娘时,轮到亨利来取笑我们大家了。 www.hjenglish.com 3. That was an embarrassing story you told about me at the party. Couldn't you see that my ears were burning? 你在派对上讲的关于我的故事真是太让我难为情了,你没看见我耳朵都红了吗? soohi.com 4. An old friend appeared at the party out of the blue, which made me pleasantly surprised. 在那次晚会上一位老朋友忽然出现,令我惊喜不已。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Your friends will be at the party. You and I can be alone somewhere else. 你的朋友们会参加派对你和我可以单独的待在其他的地方 www.tingclass.net 6. We all thought she was still enjoying herself on the beach. That's why he sudden appearance at the party was a bolt from the blue. 我们都以为她还在海滩上玩乐,所以她在聚会上突然出现使人大感意外。 www.360abc.com 7. John, together with his wife, was at the party. 约翰和他的妻子参加了晚会。 www.kekenet.com 8. They met each other for the first time at the party, but they talked as if they had been old friends. 他们在晚会上刚认识,但他们交谈着好像已经是多年的朋友。 free.dlzj219.zxxk.com 9. John was very rude at the party, and that was not in character because he is usually very polite. 约翰在晚会上非常粗鲁,这和他的性格不符,因为他平时是很懂礼貌的。 www.bing.com 10. She was embarrassed by his exhibitionism at the party. 他在聚会上竭力表现自己使她感到很难堪。 dict.hjenglish.com 1. His ex-wife was trying to give him the slip at the party. 在宴会时,他的前妻设法避开他。 www.powertoronto.com 2. Excepting one of his close friends, they were present at the party. 除了他的一个挚友外,他们都来赴宴了。 www.exam8.com 3. Due to a compromise, delegates from those two states will receive only a half-vote each at the party convention. 根据后来达成的一项妥协方案,这两个州的代表在举行民主党大会时只能拥有一半的投票权。 www.24en.com 4. B. That's Ok. You know many singers and dancers of our school will have a show at the Party. 好。你知道我们学校有很多歌唱家和舞蹈家都要在晚会表演。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Yeah. But things are going on well now, I have friends in a few departments and I really think they liked me at the party. 是啊,但是现在一切都很顺利了。我在几个部门有了些朋友,我觉得他们在聚会上很喜欢我。 bbs.sparke.cn 6. She was agitated by his sudden appearance at the party . 他在聚会上突然出现,使她心烦意乱。 www.bing.com 7. At the party were several of these conceited fellows, who very soon tried to make him uncomfortable. 宴会上就有那么几个趾高气扬的人物,他们迫不及待地想使哥伦布难堪。 www.rrting.com 8. He suddenly became conscious that he was the only man who wasn't wearing a suit at the party. 他突然意识到,他是唯一一个人不穿西装参加了聚会。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. eg. I sort of thought something might happen at the party. 我多少想到了在晚会上会发生些什么事情。 www.bing.com 10. She wears gorgeous clothes at the party only for her boss' attention. 她在晚会上穿着华丽的服装,只为吸引她老板的注意。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Her heart was filled with happiness at the party her students organized in her honor. 在学生们为她举行的聚会上,她沉浸在幸福之中。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. The Tom Ford woman, conversely, would rather be naked than wear a dress any other woman at the party might own. 相反,喜欢汤姆福特品牌的女性,宁愿裸体也不愿像其他女子那样在聚会上穿一身礼服。 dongxi.net 3. She took me to my first play, she stayed up with me and watched the NCAA Final Four - we're at the party, ma! 她带我去参加我的第一出戏剧,她不睡觉陪着我一起看NCAAFinalFour——我们现在就在party中了,妈妈! bbs.translators.com.cn 4. Please remember not to leave your bag at the party. 记得不要把你的包落在晚会上。 www.gz86zhong.net 5. At the party, the students put him on the spot by asking him to sing. 在宴会中,学生们当场请他出来唱歌,真叫他尴尬。 home.hjenglish.com 6. At the Party Congress held soon after he came to power, he deleted harsh words on Taiwan from his keynote speech. 在他掌权不久后,他在党代会上的主题演讲删除了对台湾的严厉言辞。 www.stnn.cc 7. Superdelegates are Democratic Party officials and elected office holders who will be allowed to vote at the party convention. 超级党代表是可以在党全国大会上投票的民主党官员以及民选官员。 www.tingroom.com 8. We told him there'd be lots of single young women at the party, and he rose to the bait. 我们告诉他聚会上会有很多单身女人,他就上套了。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. One day an old man showed up uninvited at the party. He wore rags and was painfully thin. 忽然有一天,一个老翁,穿著脏破,外表瘦弱,像是贫寒之人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. He made a pretence of being happy at the party . 晚会上他假装很高兴。 www.bing.com 1. I'm not drunk but I'm feeling a little tipsy from the beer I drank at the party. I'm afraid I may not pass sobriety test. 我没有喝醉,但是我在晚上喝了点啤酒,所以有点微醉,我怕我没办法通过监测。 www3.060s.com 2. Tom felt like a fish out of water at the party because he knew no one. 汤姆在这一群人中局促不安,因为他一个人也不认识。 jdh96515.blog.163.com 3. Traditionally only one candidate is left by the time the presidential vote takes place at the party conference. 传统上,到了要投票选举总统时的党代表大会上只会留下一名候选人。 www.ecocn.org 4. Things got a little out of hand at the party and three windows were broken. 宴会的局面有点失控,三个窗子被打破了。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. He was all over her at the party. 他在聚会上向她大献殷勤。 6. One need only look at the party's structure to see how communist -- and Leninist -- China's political system remains. 吾等只需看一眼档的组织结构,即可知晓:共产主义和列宁主义如何在天朝之政治系统中存留。 www.bing.com 7. I got to know a girl, Mary by name at the party. 我在晚会上认识了一个名叫玛丽的女孩。 www.ruiwen.com 8. "If he gets that position he will be at the party's centre and able to pick and choose his minions, " says Martin. “如果真能升任该职位,他就站到了劳动党的中央,能够提拔自己的亲信”,马丁说。 www.bing.com 9. How did the children conduct themselves at the party. 孩子们在晚会上表现得怎么样? www.qeto.com 10. The children behaved themselves at the party. I'm proud of them. 孩子们在聚会上举止得体,我为他们而感到骄傲。 www.5ykj.com 1. If you run or shout at the party. You'll have to leave. 如果你在晚会上大叫或跑动,你就得离开。 www.caiabc.com 2. The children gorged themselves at the party. 小孩在宴会上贪婪地吃。 www.hotdic.com 3. She was an uninvited guest at the party. 她是晚会上的不速之客。 dictionnaire.reverso.net 4. So much time was spent on settling procedure that little actual business was finished at the party political meeting. 该政党政治会议在程序安排上花太多时间以致实际事务完成得很少。 weilueyang.blogchina.com 5. We hired a magician to entertain the children at the party. 我们雇了一个魔术师在派对上逗孩子们开心。 infos.edulife.com.cn 6. We are trying to find someone to do some magic at the party. 我们正找人在晚会上玩魔术。 www.sogood.cn 7. The diamond necklace that she wore at the party added to her glamour. 她在晚会戴的那条项链增加了她的魅力 zhidao.baidu.com 8. On subsequent meetings he has reverted to his chilly ways, but as I remember his behaviour at the party I'm inclined to forgive him. 在后来的会议上,他又变回到那冷酷的作风,但因为我还记得他在晚会上的行为,因此我决定原谅他。 www.ftchinese.com 9. She was dressed in her everyday clothes at the party. 在那宴会上,她穿著平常的衣服。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 10. When he saw her at the party , he knew that he found dreamboat . 当他在舞会上看见她时,知道自己已经找到梦中情人了。 www.bing.com 1. Did the children enjoy themselves at the party? 孩子们在晚会上玩得高兴吗? www.hxen.com 2. The children sang songs and played games at the party. 聚会上,孩子们唱歌、玩游戏。 www.wenyang.ik8.com 3. John made out with other girls at the party yesterday. 约翰在昨天晚上的派对上与别的女子过分亲热。 www.kekenet.com 4. (atmosphere; joyful) The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and everyone had a great time. 昨天晚会的气氛非常欢快,每一个人都度过了美好的时光。 www.8875.org 5. I cant believe I said something that stupid at the party. 我简直不能相信我在晚会上竟说了那样的傻话。 www.tingroom.com 6. You've got to check out this guy I ran into at the party last night. 你一定要看看我昨天晚上在派对上碰到的那个男的! www.360abc.com 7. He made a pig of himself at the party. 他在宴会里吃个不停。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 8. Tom circled about the girl at the party, waiting for a chance to talk to her. 汤姆在聚会上围着那位姑娘献殷勤,伺机和她交谈。 9. My friends and I had a party in my house on Christmas Day. Everyone enjoyed themselves at the party. 圣诞节那天,我和朋友们在我家举行了聚会。 www.crazyenglish.org 10. Typical Use: The silk dress she was wearing at the party was almost transparent. 她在宴会中所穿的丝绸洋装,几乎是透明的。 bulo.hujiang.com 1. Patty, the people at the party were all friends of his. 帕蒂,派对上的人都是波斯特家人的朋友。 www.bing.com 2. I got very drunk at the party, and I feel really embarrassed about it. 在聚会时我喝得烂醉,我真的感到不好意思。 www.ahcme.cn 3. The children are going to eat cake at the party. 孩子们在晚会上要吃蛋糕。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. One of the new hires hobnobbing at the party was Harvard MBA Yashih Wu, who was born in California and graduated from Princeton University. 在宴会上正在交谈的那是哈佛工商管理硕士的吴雅石,出生在加利福尼亚毕业于普林斯顿大学。 www.bing.com 5. They say it's not safe for me to stay out that late by myself, and they're afraid some kids may be drinking at the party. 他们说我一个人呆那么晚会不安全,而且他们还担心在聚会上会有孩子喝酒。 bbs.putclub.com 6. She decided to write it down at once and sing it to her friend at the party. 她立即决定把它写下并且在派对上唱这首歌给她朋友听。 wenwen.soso.com 7. In this world, a father throws a giant party for his rebellious son and later pleads with his other, hardworking son to dance at the party. 在这个世界,父亲为叛逆的儿子大设盛宴,之后又请求另一个辛劳工作的儿子到盛宴来跳舞。 xiaozu.renren.com 8. She was the centre of interest at the party. 她是这个聚会上的焦点。 edu.qidongschool.com 9. We were attracted to each other at the party, that was obvious! You're on your own for the night, that's also obvious. . . we're two adults. 我们在聚会上相互吸引,那很明显!那个晚上你在为你自己,那也很明显…我们是两个成年人。 www.baike.com 10. I said that I had had a good time at the party. 我说我在晚会上玩得很开心。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Dougal is invited, but none of the other toys at the party will talk to him so he feels quite dejected. 杜格尔被邀请,但是在聚会上的其它玩具都不和对他交谈,因此他感到十分沮丧。 2. She was the focus of everyone's attention at the party. 她是那次聚会时的焦点。 www.zxkt.com 3. He made the introductions at the party. 他在聚会上介绍大家认识。 hi.baidu.com 4. Miss Green introduced me to her friends at the party. 在舞会上,格林小姐把我介绍给她的朋友。 www.yeworld.net 5. The silk dress she was wearing at the party was almost transparent. 她在宴会上所穿的丝绸服装,几乎是透明的。 cfshenova.blog.163.com 6. There were quite a few good performances at the party last night. 昨晚的晚会有不少好节目。 wenku.baidu.com 7. I realized I'm going to have that weird kid at the party with the dairy-free prune juice cookies. 我意识到当这个与众不同的孩子出现在聚会上时那里将不能有任何的奶制品,也没有果汁曲奇。 www.111580.com 8. Back at the party for Mr. Kwong and Ms. Tse, the hostess was leading guests through a rowdy game involving balloons. 回到邝先生和谢女士的聚会上,餐厅接待员带着宾客嘻嘻闹闹地玩一个气球游戏。 dongxi.net 9. I'm sure lifting weights can also keep you from noshing. As long as you're holding them while you're at the party. 我确信只要你在聚会上举着哑铃,举重一样也能抑制你的吃点心的欲望。 www.yuloo.com 10. The children are not going to eat cake at the party. 孩子们在晚会上不要吃蛋糕。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Shenzhen may offer clues on how the debate on political reform is playing out behind closed doors at the party meeting. 深圳可能对党的秘密会议上是如何处理政治改革的辩论提供有用的线索。 www.bing.com 2. I recalled the comment Lissa made earlier about Sam requiring drunkenness to be welcome at the party. 我回想起丽莎早先议论到萨姆要求宴会欢迎喝醉酒。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Many couples give such a camera to each group of guests at the party after the ceremony. 许多夫妇会在仪式后的宴会上向每组客人赠送一个这样的照相机。 www.showxiu.com 4. She showed up at the party wearing nothing but her birthday suit. 她出现在聚会上的时候什么也没有穿。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. His mother is dressed in white at the party. 他的妈妈在宴会上穿着? wenku.baidu.com 6. I can't believe it! My supervisor wants me to serve him and his favors. He doesn't forget he is the boss, ordering me about at the party. 我简直不能相信!上司竟然要我给他和他的宠儿们倒酒,他在宴会上都没有忘记他是老板,把我支使得团团转。 www.hicoo.net 7. It was Cage's own fault if she felt missed out at the party; she made no effort to be friendly to people. 如果凯奇觉得在聚会上受到冷落那是她自己找的,她没有对别人表示友好过。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. People at the party were embarrassed when Frank got drunk and made an exhibition of himself. 弗兰克喝醉了,出尽洋相,使参加聚会的人很难为情 zhidao.baidu.com 9. We were all quite merry at the party. 我们在聚会上都喝醉了。 www.e-say.com.cn 10. He made new friends at the party. 在这庆祝会他结交了新朋友。 gb.udn.com 1. If I leave home at seven thirty, will I arrive on time at the party? No, you won't. 如果我七点半从家走,我会按时到达晚会现场吗? www.tedachinese.com 2. When Bilbo makes his farewell speech at the party, Dominic Monaghan read the speech for the reaction shots of the hobbits. 比尔博在宴会上做他的告别演说时,拍摄哈比人的反应的镜头时,是多米尼克·莫纳汉在读演讲词。 www.bing.com 3. We invite our advanced students to attend the performance and to help at the party afterwards. 我们请优秀的学生参加表演并在晚会之后帮忙 www.kekenet.com 4. Once at the party, immediately find the host and tell them, Thank you so much for having me. 一旦到达,立即找到邀请你的主人并且告诉他:「Thankyousomuchforhavingme.」 www.24en.com 5. Meeting him at the party was for me a great moment. 在晚会上见到他对我来讲是一个重要时刻。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Nora arrived at the party dressed to kill, causing every head to turn in admiration. 娜拉打扮得花枝招展来参加聚会,她令人刮目相看。 www.godict.com 7. It was insisted that she should sing an English song at the party. 人们要求她在晚会上唱一支英语歌曲。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Guess what! I came across an old friend at the party last night. 想不到吧!昨天我在一个聚会上碰到了一个老朋友。 wdwl.92doc.com 9. Superdelegates are Democratic officeholders and party activists free to support either candidate at the party convention. 所谓的超级代表就是民主党内的在职官员以及一些党内的活动人士,这些人可以在党内大会上随意支持任何一位候选人。 www.voanews.cn 10. Although I left home later than Jane, I arrived at the party ahead of her. 虽然我比珍妮出门晚,但我比她提早到达晚会现场。 www.yhch.cn 1. He did not speak at the party. 他在聚会上没说话。 bbs.jingcai.org 2. He was disappointed to see she wasn't at the party. 看到她没来参加晚会,他感到很失望。 wenwen.soso.com 3. You know, I was okay when you asked me at the party and in the cab, when we got home before and after I brushed my teeth. 你知道的你在派对和车上问我时我没事当我们到家在我刷牙的前后你问我我也没事 www.kekenet.com 4. Don't embarrass me at the party tonight with your off-color jokes. B: Everybody loves my jokes. 别在今天的晚会上说你那些粗俗的笑话让我没面子。B:每个人都喜欢我的笑话。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The dress that Miss Lee was wearing at the party was made of synthetic material. 李小姐在聚会上穿的裙子是复合材料做的。 1home.hainan.net 6. I'm not drunk, but I'm feeling a little high from the beer I drank at the party. 我没醉,只是在聚会上喝了点啤酒,现在觉得有点兴奋。 www.ok.englishia.com.cn 7. At the party after the wedding, the woman throws her flowers over her shoulder. The girl who catches them will be next to get married! 在婚礼后的晚会上,女方将她的花扔过她的肩膀。接到花的女孩将是下一个结婚的! blog.sina.com.cn 8. No one else at the party was shocked at a five-year-old being yellow-carded (several other boys were, too). 在那生日会上,没有其他人对于一个5岁的孩子得到黄牌而感到惊讶[还有其他几名男孩也得到了黄牌]。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Take your cue from me at the party about when it is time to leave. 什么时候该离开聚会,你看我的暗示。 engnet.jiangnan.edu.cn 10. I called her by the wrong name at the party, which embarrassed me a lot. 派队的时候我把她名字给叫错了,这让我很是尴尬。 www.veryen.cn 1. He hopes to bump into some of his old classmates at the party. 他希望能在聚会上碰见几个老同学。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. He was the last person to arrive at the party. 他是最后一个到达晚会的。 www.86ist.cn 3. eg. He started the ball rolling at the party by telling a new joke. 在聚会上,他说了个新笑话使大家开始谈起来。 www.hxen.com 4. Vivian danced with her boyfriend at the party last weekend. 上周末薇薇安在派对中跟他的男友跳舞。 www.carreviews.cn 5. We finally got Frank to come out of his shell and talk to some people at the party. 我们终于使弗兰克不再害羞而且使他在舞会上和别人交谈起来。 www.qfwjy.com 6. Sam didn't say much at the party. But his brother told us quite a few funny stories. 聚会的时候山姆话不多,而他弟弟却给我们讲了好些滑稽的故事。 internationalperson.com 7. It's nice of you to invite me to take part in. I'll arrive at the party on time. 多谢你们邀请我去参加。我会按时达到晚会的。 www.hxen.com 8. Palmer is talking to his supporters at the party when an urgent call comes for him. 帕默正在宴会上与他的支持者们交谈,这时,一个紧急的电话打来找他。 www.bing.com 9. Even if I didn't know anybody at the party, I had a good time. 即使在这次晚会上我谁也不认识,我也要玩的痛快。 bbs.xueasy.com 10. Hillary Clinton could still win the nomination if delegate votes from Michigan and Florida are counted at the party's convention in August. 如果希拉里。克林顿能够在八月份举行的民主党提名大会上获得密歇根州和佛罗里达州的代表的票,那么她还是有可能赢得提名的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. At the party's nominating convention in New York, however, he stole the show with his "dream shall never die" speech. 然而,在纽约的民主党候选人提名大会上,他却以“梦想永不会消亡”的演说抢尽风头。 www.ecocn.org 2. Her surprise at the party showed on her face. 这个聚会出乎她的意料,她的惊讶表现在了脸上。 www.wordreference.com 3. I caught sight of some of the competing currents during a fascinating event at the Party School of the Communist Party of China. 在中共中央党校一次引人入胜的活动中,我窥见了其中一些对立的思潮。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The ladies seemed oblivious of the impending danger and were having a great time at the party. 女士们好象完全没有察觉到即将到来的危险,在晚会上玩得很尽兴。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Did Mary love the party? What did Mary do at the party that she enjoyed most? Why? 玛丽给的她的家庭写了什么?现在她是否愉快?为什么? zhidao.baidu.com 6. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party. 汤姆扫兴了,因为他到达晚会时,大部分客人已走了。 www.5555333.com 7. Did you see that creep eyeing up every woman at the party? 你看见那个讨厌的家伙了吗?他对聚会上的每个女人都垂涎欲滴地打量不停。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The best news, of course, is that British globetrotters could have good reason to be at the party. 最好的消息当然是,我们不列颠群岛的旅行家们有很好的理由赴会。 www.bing.com 9. At the party's headquarters in Guangzhou, the party's 'Sunshine' reading room is the location of the reading club. 在位于广州市的省委办公大楼,“阳光读书厅”就是这个读书俱乐部的活动场所。 c.wsj.com 10. If only you hadn't drunk so much wine at the party last night! You would be feeling better now! 要是你昨晚在宴会上不喝那么多酒就好了。你现在应该感觉好一点。 hzec.baikoo.com 1. I was very embarrassed when I said something unsuitable at the party. 我在宴会上说了一些不合适的话,感到很尴尬。 www.unsv.com 2. The bitter division in Labour produced acrid debate and raucous heckling at the party's hastily convened party conference in Tel Aviv. 在特拉维夫由工党仓促召开的党内大会上,其强硬分支制造了尖刻的辩论以及强烈的质询。 www.ecocn.org 3. The police said that the drinking at the party was frenzied and that was why they came to arrest people. 警察说派对上人们喝酒很疯狂,而且这就是为什么他们来抓人的原因。 www.bing.com 4. It is better to be at peace with your rivals at the party. 在聚会上,你最好同你的对手和睦相处。 www.b2b99.com 5. Only a few students were present at the party. 只有少数学生出现在那个聚会。 www.wcwz.com.cn 6. At the party, bosses often give speeches, colleagues or friends stage performances, and families greet other guests. 在婚宴上,老板常要致辞,同事或朋友会上台表演,家人则答谢其他来宾。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Last weekend, I met a girl at the party given by my friend. And the girl happens to be one of my former schoolmates. 上周末,我在朋友举行的聚会上遇到了一位女孩;那位女孩碰巧是我的一个老同学。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Her eyes spoke to him at the party. 在宴会上她对他眉目传情。 www.fane.cn 9. I was grounded for a month after my parents found out that I smoked pot at the party last night. 我的父母发现我昨天晚上在晚会上抽大麻烟后,他们惩罚我一个月不准出家门。 imqun.com 10. eg. At the party, I felt like a fish out of water in my shabby clothes. 晚会上,我穿着寒酸的衣服感到很不自在。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. Excepting first of his near friends, we were presend at the party. 除了他的一个挚友外,她们都来赴宴了。 www.ffenglish.com 2. He is the only foreigner that I saw at the party. 他是我在晚会上见到的唯一的外国人。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The chili we had at the party had an acrid taste; it was harsh and unpleasant. 我们在聚会时吃的辣椒味太重,而且让人感觉不舒服。 www.21days.cn 4. At the party's other extreme were the Democrats of the South, led by John C. Calhoun of South Carolina. 而另一边则是由南卡罗莱纳州的约翰.C.卡尔豪领导的南方民主党人。 www.bing.com 5. She was propositioned by a stranger at the party. 她在晚会上被一个陌生人调情。 www.hotdic.com 6. Guard against revisionism , particularly the emergence of revisionism at the party Centre. 要警惕出修正主义,特别是要警惕在中央出修正主义。-----毛泽东。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. To her surprise, there wasn't a stodgy storage container in sight at the party. 但令她吃惊的是,聚会上并没有看到乏味的贮藏容器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. You can enjoy a cocktail or two at the party and not completely kill your diet. 你可以在喝上一两杯鸡尾酒的同时又不会毁了你的减肥计划。 www.elanso.com 9. When Theodore Roosevelt ran for president for the Progressive Party in 1912, Jane Addams publicly supported him at the party convention. 1912年时,当罗斯福(TheodoreRoosevelt)代表进步党(ProgressiveParty)角逐总统一职时,珍亚当斯在党部大会上公开表示支持罗斯福。 www.24en.com 10. The victorious candidate will receive the votes from the Democrats Abroad delegates who will be at the party convention next August. 获的候选人将得到民主党海外部代表的选票,这些代表将在明年8月参加民主党大会。 www.ebigear.com 1. The child behaved (himself)badly at the party. 那孩子在聚会上的表现很差。 www.yuloo.com 2. Effie: My aunt was very embarrassed when she was asked to take off her mask at the party. Mary: Why? Effie: She wasn't wearing one. 艾菲:当有人在聚会上让我姑姑摘下假面具时,她非常窘迫。玛丽:为什么?艾菲:她当时并没有带假面具。 kudictionary.appspot.com 3. I got quite a shock seeing her raising hell with them at the party last night. 昨晚看到她在晚会上对他们大吵大闹,我十分吃惊。 www.websaru.com 4. Everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of reasons. 参加聚会的人因种种原因而迟到了。 www.2abc8.com 5. When she was at the party, she wished she were at home. 在晚会上时,她希望她在家里? ymxuhua.w16.dvbbs.net 6. There would be other children at the party. Would they tease Sarah? 聚会中还会有其他的孩子们,他们会不会取笑萨拉? www.dic123.com 7. There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party. 那次宴会上有大量饮料供应。 www.wwenglish.com 8. At the party , people sang and danced with abandon , totally forgetting the troubles in their lives . 聚会上人们尽情地唱歌跳舞,把生活中的烦恼抛到了九霄云外。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He broke the ice at the party by telling a very amusing story. You should take the other side of the coin into account. 在聚会上,他讲了一个很有趣的故事以打破僵局。 www.tcbuu.com 10. I was pleasantly surprised to see an old friend who appeared at the party out of the blue. 在那次晚会上一位老朋友突然出现,令我惊喜不已。 hi.baidu.com 1. She was not at the party yesterday. 昨天她没有参加宴会。 ced.xxjy.cn 2. We'll give funny hats to everyone who arrives at the party, to give them a way to break the ice . 我们要给每个来参加聚会的人一顶小丑帽,这样就能让大家不拘束了。 beckroi.blog.163.com 3. She was wearing a very lovely dress at the party. 她在宴会上穿了一件非常可爱的衣服。 www.24en.com 4. In fact, it's Linda's idea that we can communicate with friends we haven't seen for a while at the party. 事实上,是Linda想出的办法让我们这些好久没有联系的朋友都聚在这个晚会上。 www.linewow.com 5. I didn't tell anyone, but do you know what he did when we ran out of drinks at the party last night? 我没告诉别人,但你知道昨晚我们派对上酒喝完时,他做了什么? www.bing.com 6. His frank statements were really out of place at the party. 他那番坦白话实在不适合在宴会里说。 dict.ebigear.com 7. President Ford won the Republican presidential nomination at the party's convention in Kansas City. 年,福特总统在堪萨斯州市政党大会上嬴得了共和党总统提名。 www.crazyenglish.org 8. The young man's maladroit remarks about the hostess embarrassed everyone at the party. 这年轻人对女主人笨拙的批评让与会者觉得很尴尬。 word.hcbus.com 9. I wish you to have a good time at the party. 我希望你在晚会上玩得愉快! 52english55.xinwen520.net 10. When I arrived at the party, she had already left . 当我抵达宴会地点时,她已经离开了。 blog.163.com 1. If you were Cinderella, what item will you leave at the party to allow the prince to meet you again? 如果你是灰姑娘,你会留下什么以方便王子找到你? bbs.ebigear.com 2. She was made to sing us a song at the party. 在那次聚会上,她被迫给我们唱了首歌。 www.lvzhigui.com 3. The taller, more charismatic of the two friends, out shined the other at the party. 那两个人又高又精神,在舞会上格外出众。 www.crazyenglish.org 4. He addressed himself to a lady at the party. 他在聚会上向一位女搭讪。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. What a pity you can't go to the party. How I wish I could dance with you at the party! 很遗憾你不能去参加晚会了。我多么希望在晚会上能和你一起跳舞啊! wenku.baidu.com 6. At the party in steerage, a foreign-speaking man is speaking with Rose and she says "I'm sorry, I can't understand you. " 在三等舱的宴会上,一个瑞典人用瑞典语和Rose说话,Rose回答他“不好意思,我听不懂你说什么。” www.bing.com 7. I'm third secretary of the Canadian Embassy. My name is Smith. I'm the host at the party this evening. 我是加拿大使馆的三等秘书,我叫史密斯,我是今晚宴会的主办人。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Since I don't know anyone at the party, I might as well not go. 既然舞会里的人我都不认识,我不如不去。 www.allwinworld.net 9. Not surprising, sometimes girls combine swimsuits and beachwear with snow jackets, only to drop the latter when they arrive at the party! 这就不奇怪有时女孩会把泳衣穿在滑雪夹克里面,而在聚会上仅脱掉外套就可以了。 blog.yoka.com 10. Miss Rose, whom you met at the party yesterday, is going to marry Mr. Abbort. 露丝小姐将要和阿伯物先生结婚,你昨天在聚会上见过她的。 www.enun.cn 1. I concocted a new alcoholic drink at the party last night, but I drank too many of them and now my head hurts. 昨晚我在派对上调了一种新酒,不过我喝得太多了,现在我头疼。 brand.hjenglish.com 2. She was dressed in a dark suit at the party. 她在晚会上穿着一身黑色衣服。 test.2u4u.com.cn 3. Before we look at the party only to the neighbor to see. 之前我们看晚会只能到邻居家里去看。 www.gnscl.com 4. Everything at the party spoke of careful planning. 8 It is generally felt that his appointment was a grave mistake. 现在许多人觉得,当时对他的任命是个严重的错误。 www.hjenglish.com 5. I saw Bob at the party, but he gave me the cold shoulder. How could he be like that? 我在派对的时候看到Bob,但他不理我了,怎么会这样? www.bing.com 6. Make sure your manager sees you at the party and also remembers speaking to you. 确保你的老板在聚会时看到你并记得曾同你谈过话。 www.bing.com 7. We all wore masks at the party and no one knew who we were. 在晚会上我们都戴着假面具,谁也认不出我们。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Our marriage began with a casual meeting at the party . 我们的婚姻是在晚会上偶然相遇开始的。 jinquan.51ielts.com 9. Quite incidentally , I got some useful information at the party . 我在聚会上,非常偶然地得到了一些有用的信息。 www.bing.com 10. She is wearing the same dress that she had on at the party last Saturday. 今天她所穿的和上星期六她参加宴会时所穿的是同一件衣服。 1. She recognised an old classmate at the party. 在聚会上她认出了一个老同学。 wenku.baidu.com 2. At the party, I recognised a boy who used to attend my school. 在聚会上,我认出了一个和我一个学校的男孩。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Delegates at the party's nominating convention finally chose Barry Goldwater. 代表们在党内提名大会上最终选择了BarryGoldwater作为候选人。 www.remword.cn 4. Cheryl was the most charming of all the girls at the party. Cheryl是舞会所有女孩中最迷人的。 www.bing.com 5. Don't run or shout at the party. If you do, you'll have to leave. 不要在晚会上跑动或大声喊叫,如果你那样做,你就得离开。 www.hjenglish.com 6. He circulated among the guests at the party. 他在宴会周旋于客人之间。 www.1stenglish.com 7. Lucy put on her miniskirt so as to draw more attention at the party. 露西穿上了她的迷你裙为的是在派对上更引人注目一些。参考答案 www.veryen.org 8. I felt terrible and didn't help myself to any food at the party. 在晚会上,我感觉不舒服,什么也没吃。 www.cnenlearning.com 9. The child behaved badly at the party. 那孩子在聚会上表现很差。 blog.cersp.com 10. Therefore, eat a wholesome breakfast and lunch to avoid overeating at the party. 因此,要吃好早餐和午餐,以免在派对上吃得过多。 edu.5151doc.com 1. He is going to dressing up himself well in order to make a good impression on all guests at the party. 为了给聚会上的所有来宾留下一个好印象,他打算好好打扮自己一下。 www.hjenglish.com 2. It was kind of ironic at the party; the richest 1% of the guests took 42% of the cake. That was kind of interesting. 颇有些讽刺意味的是,参加生日派对的宾客中最富有的1%分掉了生日蛋糕的42%,这似乎有点耐人寻味。 www.bing.com 3. Everyone at the party happily made a contribution to the charity. 每个参加派队的人都很乐意捐款给这个慈善机构。 studioclassroom.net 4. Most of the guests had left when he arrived at the party. 当他到达晚会时,他发现大多数客人已经离开了。 www.59edu.com 5. eg. If you stay home because your ex-husband will be at the party, aren't you just cutting off your nose to spite your face? 若你闷在家里仅是因为你前夫也要参加这个派对,那就是和自己过不去了,难道不是吗? blog.sina.com.cn 6. The food at the party was terrible. Everything was either overcooked or undercooked. 聚会上的食物糟糕透了,不是没煮熟就是煮过头了。 sun.e-say.com.cn 7. There was a large attendance at the party. 参加聚会的人很多。 www3.060s.com 8. You don't want to be the last ones left at the party! 你可不想是派对上最后一个离开的。 www.ke55.com 9. They eventually arrived at the party, but the tension from that moment persisted the whole evening. 他们虽然终于抵达宴会场所,但整晚却都弥漫着紧张的气氛。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Arguments break out between different faction at the party conference. 在党的会议上不同派别之间发生了争论。 www.kekenet.com |
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