单词 | at the height of | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | at the height of
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 在……顶点,在的高峰,在…最鼎盛时期 1. Ur was a very wealthy city, and was at the height of its prominence around the time Abraham lived there. 吾珥是一个非常富裕的城市,而且,在亚伯拉罕的时期更达到显赫的高峰。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Even at the height of his private suffering, the international position of the United States took the precedence over his personal fortunes. 纵然他个人的痛苦到达了顶点,美国的国际地位却仍然处于他个人的祸福之上。 3. But it was just as true slightly less than a millennium ago at the height of the Middle Ages. 但在不到一千年前的中世纪鼎盛时期,情况也是如此。 www.ftchinese.com 4. A year ago, at the height of the financial panic, the world yearned for a profitable and confident financial sector. 一年前金融恐慌最严重的时候,全球渴望金融业盈利并恢复信心。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Almost a year ago at the height of the credit crisis, Bank of America bought troubled rival Merrill Lynch in a rushed deal. 大约一年前,在次贷危机的高峰,美国银行在一笔仓促的交易中收购了陷入困境的竞争对手美林公司。 www.englishtang.com 6. When someone is in a wheelchair his head is at the height of an average person's waist. 当人坐在轮椅上,他的头只能到一个普通人腰的高度。 www.bing.com 7. Last year at the height of its Oscar prowess, I wrote about why Up in the Air would be passed up for an Oscar. 去年在奥斯卡非凡艺术的鼎盛时期,我写了一篇关于为什么影片《在云端》能获得奥斯卡奖项。 wap.insun.com.cn 8. At the height of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union had between them tens of thousands of nuclear warheads. 在冷战高峰期,美国和苏联两国拥有几十万枚核弹头。 www.america.gov 9. At the height of the Cultural Revolution, the poor man was castigated for putting on airs, pretending to be a "local" Chairman Mao. 时值文化大革命的高潮,这个倒霉蛋就因为装腔作势,假装“土”毛主席而被打倒。 www.bing.com 10. He brushes aside criticism in the British press for a commercial he did for Sky, at the height of the phone hacking scandal. 他不理会英国媒体批评他,在电话窃听丑闻正高潮时,为天空电视台拍摄一部广告片。 www.bing.com 1. At the height of his career as a tenured scientist at a major university, Dr. Pausch was stricken with advanced cancer of the pancreas. Pausc是著名大学里的终身教授,达到事业顶峰。他突然确诊胰腺癌晚期。 www.bing.com 2. When he wrote this excellent novel , he was at the height of his powers as a writer . 他写这部优秀小说时,正是他写作能力的全盛时期。 www.bing.com 3. This was like Pavarotti, at the height of his operatic powers, deciding to retire and try his luck at stand-up comedy or NASCAR. 这就像帕瓦罗蒂,在他的歌剧巅峰,决定退休,而试图脱口秀上碰碰运气或者玩玩赛车。 tvboxnow.com 4. A COMMON complaint at the height of the crisis was that too few Wall Street bosses were being forced to fall on their swords. 当深陷于金融危机时,有一种通常的抱怨是很少有华尔街的老板们“引咎自裁”。 www.ecocn.org 5. Mr Savisaar, who in 1990-92 piloted Estonia out of Soviet occupation, is no longer at the height of his powers. 萨维萨尔曾经在1990-1992年苏联占领期间带领人们反抗苏联的入侵,以拯救爱沙尼亚,不过现在他再也回不到他的巅峰时刻了。 www.ecocn.org 6. At the height of his fame, a French journalist filmed him nibbling on a piece of fruit while supposedly midway through his mammoth fast. 当Bamjan名声最大的时候,一个法国记者拍摄到他在斋戒期间吃水果的镜头。 www.bing.com 7. His confession early on in the race could be seen as a preemptive move to avoid the scandal breaking at the height of his campaign. 他在竞选初期的坦白可能会被视作先发制人之举,目的是避免丑闻在竞选进入白热化阶段曝光。 www.englishto.com 8. The group did not launch sexy tech funds at the height of the tech boom, for example, "to take the last dollar out of the market" . 例如,在科技股热潮如日中天的时候,该集团并没有成立吸引眼球的科技股基金“来榨出市场里的最后一美元”。 www.ftchinese.com 9. At the height of the airport blockade, one luxury hotel was rumored to have had just one room occupied. 在封锁机场闹得正厉害的那几天,有传言说一家高级酒店只有一个房间有人住。 cn.reuters.com 10. Until its deluded purchase of Golden West at the height of the mortgage bubble, Wachovia was an excellent franchise. 美联银行一直是一个出色的特许经销商,直到它在抵押贷款泡沫高峰期,受蒙蔽而购买了戈尔登西。 www.ecocn.org 1. At the height of philosophy, analysis of the concept of freedom in the law, aims to enhance its highly theoretical. 站在哲学的高度对马克思法律自由观进行分析探讨,旨在提升其理论高度。 www.fabiao.net 2. Remember, the lowest unemployment rate America has experienced over the last half-century came at the height of the Vietnam War. 要记得,近50年以来美国最低的失业率可是出现在越南战争打得热火朝天的时候。 www.bing.com 3. Laurelynn Martin was at the height of a promising tennis career when she had a routine surgical procedure that went catastrophically wrong. 劳芮琳马丁正处在她网球事业的巅峰时期。有一天,她正在进行常规的身体检查。而这次检查却是一次灾难性的经历。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Soldier Alfred Arthur, 19, sent the card to his sister Ellen, known as Nell, in January 1916 at the height of the Great War. 19岁的士兵阿尔弗雷德·阿瑟在1916年1月世界大战正酣的时刻寄了这张明信片给他的妹妹艾伦,她被昵称为奈儿。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. AT THE height of the banking crisis, restoring financial stability was paramount for the British government. 在金融危机的高峰时期,恢复金融稳定是英国政府最重要的任务。 www.elanso.com 6. Even at the height of U. S. geopolitical dominance and economic strength, American students were never anywhere near the head of the class. 就算是在美国地缘政治和经济最鼎盛时期,美国学子也从没说傲居群雄。 www.bing.com 7. Businesses feel better than they did at the height of the recession, but they are not completely comfortable to stop layoffs. 企业感觉已经比衰退最严重时好转,但如果停止裁员,他们仍不能感到完全舒心.我们需要就业增长,以实现收入增长并支持家庭。 cn.reuters.com 8. At the height of the event, you might spot one to two per minute, and sometimes even more meteors can grace the sky during brief bursts. 在这次流星雨的高峰时期,你可能每分钟就能看到一到两颗,有时甚至更多的流星在空中瞬时燃烧,装点着夜空。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. At the height of his career in the late 1980s, Chase earned around $7 million per film and was a highly visible celebrity. 二十世纪八十年代晚期是他事业的高峰期,那时蔡斯每部电影的片酬大约为7百万美金,他也成为曝光率非常高的明星。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Butjust as they were moving to Bank of America, her boss died of a heart attack --at the height of the financial crisis. 就在她和她的老板准备再次跳槽到美国银行之时,老板却心脏病突发过世——当时正是危机的高潮之时。 www.bing.com 1. In 1966, at the height of a phenomenal international career, a medical condition called "focal dystonia" cost him the use of his right hand. 1966年,在以惊人的事业高度国际化,医疗情况称为“局限性肌张力障碍”花了他的手用他的权利。 www.englishtang.com 2. Scott started the journal on the winter of 1825 when he was at the height of his fame and fortune. 斯科特在1825年冬创办了这本期刊,那时他正处于事业的顶峰。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Back in 2008, at the height of the financial crisis, the courage of politicians prevented international markets from collapsing entirely. 在金融危机最严峻的2008年,政客的勇气阻止了国际市场的彻底崩溃。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Even at the height of the New Deal, government spending never exceeded 20% of total output, far less than during the Obama administration. 即便在罗斯福新政实施的鼎盛时期,政府开支也未超过总产出的20%,远低于奥巴马(Obama)执政时期。 c.wsj.com 5. At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. 在笑的高度,宇宙是丢入万花筒的新可能。 www.hfu.edu.tw 6. Because at the height of our housing bubble, U. S. residential housing accounting for . . . that's right, 6% of GDP. 因为在美国房地产泡沫的巅峰,美国住宅投资在GDP中所占的比例也是6%。没错,中国也到了这种程度。 www.bing.com 7. Cruise was already at the height of his powers, with Pitt and Banderas just starting to rise up through the ranks. 克鲁斯已经处于颠峰时期了,皮德和班德拉斯只是通过这个跳板刚刚红起来。 www.bing.com 8. Two explosions on Moscow Metro system set off by female suicide bombers at the height of rush hour have killed at least 35 people. 莫斯科地铁在客流高峰期发生的两起女性自杀式爆炸袭击已经造成至少35人死亡。 www.englishto.com 9. Some of the riskier borrowing practices that flourished at the height of the bubble have begun to find buyers. 一些在本次经济泡沫达到高潮时流行的高风险债务已开始寻找买家。 c.wsj.com 10. At the height of this struggle I made one of the most important and fortunate appointments of my war administration. 在这场斗争的高潮中,我发出了在我战时任期中最重要,最幸运的任命之一。 1. At the height of the Battle of Bilbringi, Thrawn's faithful Noghri bodyguard Rukh killed the Grand Admiral with an assassin's blade. 在比尔布林吉战役的激烈时刻,索龙忠实的诺格族护卫鲁克用刺客之刃杀死了这位元帅。 starwarsfans.cn 2. At the height of the war, the new authorities sent out text messages to fighters in the field telling them to treat prisoners decently. 在战争转入白热化时,利比亚新权力机关给战场上的反对派分子群发短信,告诉他们不要虐待战俘。 www.ecocn.org 3. At the height of the drawing method is adopted for the center, take center screen the radius of the proper length, in a circle. 在绘图中地极点时采用地办法是以屏幕中间点为圆心,取恰当长度地半径,围成一个圆。 www.chinanvxing.net 4. Though this was at the height of the cold war, the US navy showed little interest in Reid's machine. 虽然当时正值冷战高峰期,美国海军对雷德的机器却一点也不感兴趣。 www.bing.com 5. At the height of the financial crisis, the ECB lowered interest rates aggressively in the face of downside risks to price stability. 在金融危机最严重的时候,欧洲央行在价格稳定面临下行风险之际大幅降息。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The last time it exceeded the civilian rate was at the height of the Vietnam war. 继越南战争期间士兵自杀高峰后,士兵自杀率又一次超过了平民自杀率。 www.bing.com 7. At the height of the most recent Ice Age, about 35, 000 years ago, much of the world's water was locked up in vast continental ice sheets. 在冰河时代晚期的鼎盛时期,大约3万5千年前,世界上很多的水在广袤的大陆冰原被冻结。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. No private investor would have been happy with 5% on preferreds sold to a U. S. bank at the height of the crisis. 没有哪个私人投资者会乐意在经济危机最严重的时候去购买美国一家银行股息率仅有5%的优先股。 www.bing.com 9. Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue Service group manager Doc Holliday said around 100 firefighters were at the scene at the height of the fire. 林肯郡消防和救援服务组经理文件霍利迪说,大约100名消防员在现场的高度,消防。 www.512121.com 10. The explosive growth of structured investment vehicles at the height of the credit boom was also woefully under-reported. 不幸的是,结构性投资工具在信贷繁荣鼎盛时期的爆炸性增长也没有得到充分报道。 www.ftchinese.com 1. King at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years' War, had dictated her measurements and armament. 国王,当时正处在“三十年”战争中军事成就的顶峰时期,曾规定了这艘船的规模和武器装备。 www.hotdic.com 2. At the height of the war, more than a million people were displaced and confined to squalid camps. 战争最激烈的时候,一百多万人流离失所,被困在肮脏的营地。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. He is now at the height of his enthusiasm. Whatever you say will be in vain. 他现在正在兴头儿上,你说什么都没用。 www.hxen.com 4. A matchless symbol of the American auto industry at the height of its power and influence. 在发动机的位置有一个象征着无敌的美国汽车工业标志。 www.elanso.com 5. Indeed, even at the height of the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, US Soldier deaths due to accident usually exceeded those due to enemy fire. 真的,即使是在伊拉克或者阿富汗斯坦战争最激烈的时候,美国士兵由于意外而死的数量也超过了被敌人打死的数量。 www.kle100.cn 6. Additionally, those who were in utero at the height of the epidemic had 20 percent higher disability rates at the age of 61. 另外,在经历了疫情最严重期的胎儿在61岁时的残疾率要高20%。 news.dxy.cn 7. Yet the old embassy was also an effort to project a progressive cultural image abroad, at the height of the cold war. 但旧使馆也是冷战高峰时期,在海外投射美国进步文化形象的一个大橱窗。 bbs.m4.cn 8. At the height of the crisis he promised to relieve the shortage of currency through the Reichsbank's new high-speed printing presses. 在危机最严重的时期,哈芬施泰因承诺通过德国国家银行新的高速印钞机来解决货币短缺问题。 www.ftchinese.com 9. At first glance valuations may not look especially demanding, but at the height of a decade-long boom this can be deceptive. 乍一看,估值水平可能不是特别高,但鉴于长达10年的繁荣正处在巅峰,这种看法可能靠不住。 www.ftchinese.com 10. At the height of their party, the mood suddenly changed when Belshazzar saw the handwriting upon the wall. 在荒宴的最高潮,伯沙撒突然看见墙上有手在写字,气氛为之大变。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Curiously, though, the financial crisis has made some firms more competitive than they were at the height of the boom. 尽管这很让人感到好奇,但金融危机确实使得一些公司相比于他们在自己顶峰时期有着更强的竞争力了。 www.ecocn.org 2. The bank, Icesave, failed in 2008 at the height of the world financial crisis. 冰岛储蓄银行Icesave2008年在世界经济危机最严重时倒闭。 www.hxen.com 3. The brief parade boosted the confidence and fighting spirit of the Soviet people at the height of their battle with the Nazi forces. 简短的阅兵仪式增强了士兵们的信心和苏联人民的斗志,他们与纳粹军队英勇战斗。 iphone.unisk.cn 4. The two countries - with all the talk of warmer relations - are spying on each other as avidly as at the height of the cold war. 尽管两国高唱关系热化,但双方在互相侦察方面的急切程度,不减于冷战高潮时期。 www.ebigear.com 5. Could we record signals at the height of our arousal, then play these back and relive the experience? 我们能不能记录性冲动高潮时的信号,然后再现并重新体验那些感觉? blog.sina.com.cn 6. The rich world's big central banks are gradually unwinding the emergency liquidity facilities they introduced at the height of the crisis. 第一世界各国央行也正逐步放开危机高潮时引入的紧急流动性设施限制。 www.ecolion.cn 7. But the largest single group of fatalities occurred when a ferry carrying more than 800 people capsized Saturday at the height of the storm. 但是,一艘载有800多人的轮渡星期六在台风最严重的时候被风浪掀翻,这是造成死亡人数最多的一起事件。 www.voanews.cn 8. If my time had run out, it would have left me still at the height of my perplexities, I dare say. 即使我艺成满师,我敢说我的心未必能够收敛,一定仍然处于困惑茫然之中。 novel.tingroom.com 9. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who led JSOC at the height of the Iraq war, became the top commander in Afghanistan. 曾担任伊拉克战争JSOC最高将领的麦克克里斯托(StanleyMcChrystal)将军成为驻阿富汗部队的最高指挥官。 chinese.wsj.com 10. At the height of the debt-ceiling uncertainty on Friday, a handful of mortgage real-estate investment trusts suffered a mini flash crash. 在上周五有关债务上限问题的不确定性达到最高潮时,一些按揭房地产投资信托遭遇了一场微型闪电崩盘。 www.cn.wsj.com 1. The rebound of the dollar at the height of last year's financial crisis was one of the few silver linings for policymakers . 美元在去年金融危机最严重时期的反弹,是当时决策者眼中为数不多的一丝希望。 www.bing.com 2. Both have already repaid the emergency Troubled Asset Relief Program loans they received at the height of the financial crisis. 这两家银行都已偿还了问题资产救助计划(TARP)的贷款,这些贷款都是它们在金融危机最严重时借入的。 www.bing.com 3. They accused executives of misleading investors by over-hyping the division's prospects at the height of the technology bubble. 他们被指在科技泡沫高企时炒作自己部门的前景来误导投资者。 www.bing.com 4. At the height of the Cultural Revolution, cross talk was exclusively used as a propaganda tool. 在文化大革命的鼎盛时期,相声被利用为一种政治宣传工具。 www.bing.com 5. at the height of the sars epidemic , the majority of suspected elderly sars patients came from residential homes for frail elders. 在疫症高峰期,大部分怀疑沙士年长病患者均是来自老人院舍的体弱长者。 www.ichacha.net 6. After all, Japan tried and failed to build a yen-trading bloc in Asia at the height of its boom. 毕竟,日本尝试了而且没有了建立日圆-贸易集团在亚洲在它的繁荣最盛的时候。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 7. Failure can come at any time, even when leaders appear to be at the height of their powers. 失败随时会来,就算领袖们看似处于权力鼎盛时期也不例外。 www.ftchinese.com 8. J. P. Morgan estimates macro hedge funds and currency managers hold about a fifth of the exposure they had at the height of the trade. JP摩根(J.P.Morgan)预计,大型对冲基金和外汇经理们目前的融资套利敞口只有当初全盛时期的五分之一左右。 www.bing.com 9. "What's Going On" is an exquisite plea for peace on earth, sung by a man at the height of crisis. 在经济危机最严重的时候,一名男歌手演唱了歌曲《怎么回事》,表达了对世界和平的强烈祈求。 www.bing.com 10. "The animation" greatly will expand employment surface, making the animation industry at the height of the more development. “泛动画”大大将动漫就业面扩大,使得这个行业更加如火如荼的发展。 www.wlsj01.com 1. This could be a problem at the height of tourist seasons as hotels fill with loud, boisterous guests. 在旅游高峰期这就是个问题,因为酒店里满是喧嚣、聒噪的游客。 www.51test.net 2. At the height of the boom, with the price repeatedly setting records, production outside OPEC even fell. 在石油市场最繁荣的时候,油价屡创新高,然而非欧佩克成员国的石油产量甚至不增反减。 www.ecocn.org 3. To put that in context, China's current account surplus in 2007, at the height of the credit boom, was around 11 per cent of GDP. 在此让大家了解一下背景:在信贷热潮处于巅峰时期的2007年,中国经常账户盈余约占GDP的11%。 www.ftchinese.com 4. So at the height of my uncertainty about the walk, a flat above a theatre in a refugee camp became home. 就这样,在我的旅行前途未卜时,难民营中一家剧院楼上的一间套房成了我的家。 www.bing.com 5. Yet it is not necessarily the most indebted companies, or those bought at the height of the boom, that will go bust first. 然而那些过于杠杆经营的公司,或那些(被PE)在最高点买入的公司不一定就是最先破产的。 www.ecocn.org 6. More optimistic market watchers point out that these rates are still well below those at the height of the financial crisis. 更为乐观的市场观察人士指出,这些利率目前仍然远低于2008年金融危机高峰时的水平。 dongxi.net 7. The opposite of capitulation, of course, is investing at the height of a bubble. “投降”的反面当然是继续投资,不管泡沫程度多高。 blog.163.com 8. At the height of the British Empire, one-fourth of the world's people and lands were living under the Union Jack . 在不列颠王国全盛时期,全球有近四分之一的人口与土地是在英国的掌控之下。 dict.wenguo.com 9. Even at the height of all this, the importance of the Indian private sector far exceeded the level in Chinatoday. 即便是在这一切最突出的时期,私营领域在印度经济中的重要性,也远远超过目前的中国。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The ANZUS (Australia, New Zealand, United States) treaty was signed in San Francisco in September 1951, at the height of the Cold War. 美国和澳大利亚以及新西兰之间的协约是1951年9月在旧金山签署的,那时正逢冷战高峰。 www.voanews.com.cn 1. At the height of the boom, she says, normal families couldn't afford a nice place this close to Washington, DC. 在繁荣最盛时,她说,普通家庭是无法负担一套如此接近华盛顿的好房子的。 club.topsage.com 2. In 1482 he was transferred to Florence, where Lorenzo the Magnificent was then at the height of his power. 1482年,萨佛纳罗拉被调任到佛罗伦萨,那里,“高贵的”洛伦佐·美第奇当时正处于他权力的顶峰。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 3. A former investment-bank economist in the City of London, he returned to Ireland at the height of the boom to write and broadcast. 他从前是伦敦投资银行的经济学家,在经济最繁荣的时候返回了爱尔兰,从事于写作和传媒业。 www.ecocn.org 4. At the height of the dispute, Chinese authorities pulled out all the stops to prevent patriotic Chinese from airing their views. 在双方争论的高峰时期,中国官方尽全力防止中国人民表达出他们的观点。 www.bing.com 5. At the height of his power, he ruled over Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Hejaz, and Yemen. 在权力的顶峰期,他统治了埃及、叙利亚、伊拉克、汉志(译者注:在今沙特阿拉伯西部)和也门。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. At the height of his R& B popularity in 1962, he boldly released Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music. 1962年,他的节奏布鲁斯作品大受欢迎,于是他大胆地发行了《乡村和西部音乐中的现代声音》。 www.2r2y.com 7. Brezhnev began brightly enough, with the Soviet Union at the height of its prestige. 勃列日涅夫执政前期非常地辉煌,苏联达到了其威望最高的时刻。 www.bing.com 8. In 2009, at the height of the recession, the company reported 8% earnings growth. 2009年,正值经济最不景气之时,该公司的收入增长率达8%。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Even at the height of its street fighting, the rules of engagement have seldom been violated. 即使是站在街头作战的高度,契约精神也几乎没有受到破坏。 news.verywind.com 10. In any case, some of the financial snake oil peddled at the height of the housing bubble was bad for saving. 无论如何,在房产泡沫高点兜售的某些骗人的金融方式则不利于储蓄。 www.ecocn.org 1. At the height of the fighting, British and American troops were called in to support Iraqi government forces. 在战争最激烈之时,英国和美国军队被要求支持伊拉克政府军队。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. But no one at the height of their career, and especially with Juanes's Latin star-power, has taken the risk. 但是没有人在事业的巅峰,尤其是Juanes作为拉丁巨星的身份来做这种冒险。 www.ecocn.org 3. AT THE HEIGHT of the Qing dynasty, back in the 1700s, China enjoyed a golden age. 回溯到18世纪,站在大清王朝的高度上来看,那时的中国正经历着黄金时代。 www.ecocn.org 4. In 2007, at the height of the boom, total auction sales of post-war and contemporary art exceeded those of Impressionist and modern. 2007年当代艺术品拍卖量达到了战后以来的顶峰,甚至超过了印象派和现代主义的作品。 www.ecocn.org 5. He looked at his watch: It was almost 12: 30. At the height of lunch hour, he needed a flashlight. 看了看他的手表:已是12:30正是吃饭的高峰期,他需要一个闪光灯。 www.bing.com 6. I have heard him talk about complicated scientific books with faultless precision, even at the height of the war. 我曾经听到他谈论科学书籍,竟然没有一点错误,完全精确,即使在战中进行到高潮时代也是如此。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. By April, Japan is at the height of its beauty. 四月份日本的景色是一年当中最好的。 www.e-say.com.cn 8. then at the height of his military success in the 'Thirty Years' War. 当时正处在“三十年战争”的军事鼎盛阶段。 www.rrting.com 9. "Even at the height of the crisis, [that] proved almost too hard to do, " he notes. “即使危机步入高峰,这也被证明是困难重重的。”保尔森指出道。 www.ecocn.org 10. Even at the height of the dotcom boom, people had only the vaguest grasp of Cisco's business. 即使在互联网繁荣的巅峰时期,人们对思科的业务也仅限于最模糊的认知。 www.ecocn.org 1. At the height of the Cold War, the superpowers spared no expense in funding the latest space spectacular. 在冷战高潮期,各个超级大国不惜代价资助最新的空间壮举。 www.bing.com 2. At stake is whether Mr Bernanke overstepped his powers at the height of the financial crisis in December. 关键问题是,伯南克在去年12月金融危机最严重的时期是否曾逾越职权。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Rio needs the cash to pay off debt from acquisitions at the height of the commodities boom. 力拓需要这笔现金来清偿大宗商品鼎盛时期一系列收购所带来的负债。 www.bing.com 4. That process hesitated briefly at the height of the financial crisis before resuming. 这一进程在经济危机最高峰,在经济恢复之前,大致是犹豫不前的。 www.bing.com 5. At the height of the boom, for every dollar banks issued in bonds, they might issue twenty dollars in swaps. 在泡沫时期的高点,针对银行发行的每一美元债券,他们也许会发行20美元的掉期对赌。 www.bing.com 6. At the height of the bubble days, the City was arguably more freewheeling than Wall Street. 在泡沫时代处于高潮之际,伦敦的金融商业区无疑比华尔街更加放任自由。 www.bing.com 7. At the height of his career, Tom was earning more than US$20 million per movie. 在他事业的颠峰期,汤姆每部电影可以赚进两千多万美元。 www.360abc.com 8. At the height of the crisis, the flooded region covered an area the size of England. 据巴基斯坦政府的报告,在高度危机之下,洪水受灾范围覆盖了英格兰大小的一片区域。 www.hbqnb.com 9. With sales and revenues plummeting , no employer wanted to hire workers at the same wage rate prevailing at the height of the boom in 1929 . 随着销售和收入的骤减,再也没有企业愿意为工人支付1929年泡沫横飞时的高额工资了。 www.bing.com 10. At the height of the crisis they and others acted to stimulate their economies and save their banks. 在经济危机最严重的时候,他们与其它国家采取了刺激经济和拯救银行的行动。 www.ecocn.org 1. Berkshire made a $5 billion preferred stock investment in Goldman in September 2008, at the height of the financial crisis. 在2008年9月金融危机的顶峰时期,伯克希尔公司对高盛做出了50亿美元的优先股投资。 www.bing.com 2. At the height of the boom, brokers typically worked from rate sheets provided by lenders. 在次级贷款的高速膨胀期,经纪人通常从贷款人提供的利率表开始工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. At the height of the financial crisis, TCS bagged a large contract to automate the issuance of passports. 在金融危机最严重之时,TCS却将自动签发护照项目这一单大合同收入囊中。 ecocn.org 4. At the height of his career, he was indisputably the biggest star in the world; he has sold more than 750 million albums. 在事业的顶峰,他无疑是全世界最耀眼的明星他曾卖出75亿张专辑。 www.bing.com 5. "I'm not a good singer, " Mr Wang reportedly told a friend at the height of his popularity. "But everybody liked the melody. " 据报道,名噪一时的王益曾告诉一位朋友:“我唱得不是很好,但每个人都喜欢那个旋律。” www.ftchinese.com 6. I was present in person at the height of Meilanfang's art career. He really deserves to be called a master of Beijing Opera. 我躬逢梅兰芳艺术高峰的时代,他真不愧为京剧大师。 www.bing.com 7. What should I do if Voldemort is defeated at the height of his powers by a one-year-old boy? 如果伏地魔在他力量鼎盛的时候被一个一岁的男孩击败,我该怎么办? blog.sina.com.cn 8. Since some were written at the height of the property boom they are well above the prevailing market rate. 由于其中的一些条款是在资产激增时期被写进去的,所以相比于现在市场的普遍水平价格而言,要求就有点高了。 www.ecocn.org 9. The currency has never come under such sustained selling pressure, not even at the height of the 2008 financial crisis. 人民币从未面临这种持续的抛售压力,甚至在2008年金融危机最高峰时也没有。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Mr Lubbers, a former Dutch prime minister, denied the accusation. He quit his UN post in 2005 at the height of the scandal. 曾任荷兰首相的吕贝尔对这一指控予以否认。他在2005年丑闻最沸沸扬扬的时候辞去了联合国的职务。 www.tesoon.com 1. Now Brunel worked at the height of the Industrial Revolution when all of life and our economy was being reinvented. Brunel是在工业革命层面去工作,是当我们所有的生活和经济都发生革新的时候。 www.ted.com 2. He recounted a phone call he received from Egyptian Information Minister Anis Feki at the height of the protests. 抗议活动顶峰时,他收到埃及信息部长AnisFeki打来的电话。 www.bing.com 3. At the height of the Great Depression, 250, 000 teenagers alone were freight-hopping and became hobos . 在高度大萧条后,25万青年人沿着铁路并成为了流浪汉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Movies, television, and music present us with idealized sex scenes or lyrics of people moaning and panting at the height of passion. 电影、电视和音乐(见下音乐和视频)呈献给我们理想化的性场景或者词调,那里人们在白热化的激情中呻吟和喘息。 www.bing.com 5. The four Rio employees were arrested at the height of fraught negotiations over iron ore prices. 这四名力拓员工是在艰难的铁矿石价格谈判最白热化时被捕的。 www.ftchinese.com 6. lending standards remain higher than at the height of the recession. 借贷标准比大萧条时期达到的高点还要高。 www.ecocn.org 7. By comparison, US household consumption climbed to 67 per cent of GDP at the height of Americans' unsustainable spending binge. 相比之下,在美国人不可持续的无节制消费的鼎盛时期,美国家庭消费占GDP的比例曾攀升至67%。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The 52-year old took the helm from Mr Paulson this spring with Goldman at the height of its powers. 去年春天,52岁的他从保尔森手中接过高盛的领导权,当时该公司处于鼎盛时期。 www.ftchinese.com 9. This kind of logic seemed pretty crazy, even at the height of the cold war. 即使是在冷战的鼎盛时期,这种逻辑看起来也相当疯狂。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The official index has not fallen below 50 since February 2009, at the height of the global financial crisis. 自2009年2月全球金融危机最严重时期以来,这一指数一直没有跌破过50%。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Witch bottles, often made from stoneware, were most common in the 1600's, at the height of the witchcraft scares. 女巫瓶子,通常是瓷制的,在1600年间普遍使用,达到了魔法恐吓的高度。 bbs.sjtu.edu.cn 2. The art of paper making reached westwards to Baghdad, Iraq in the 8th century at the height of the Islamic culture. 伊斯兰教文化在8世纪时达到全盛时期,造纸技术在此时向西传到伊拉克的巴格达。 dict.kekenet.com 3. This tranquil scene, photographed in 1966, belies the ongoing regional chaos at the height of U. S. involvement in the Vietnam War. 这幅宁静的画面拍摄于1966年,用于掩饰美国卷入了越南战争后给整个地区带来的前所未有的混乱。 www.huaxia-ng.com 4. Dealers explain the record price by its presentation at auction at the height of the boom, in February 2007. 2007年2月,正处于鼎盛时期的拍卖会上买家们的蜂拥出席可以解释这破纪录价格的产生。 www.ecocn.org 5. The poet was AT the height of his fame when we saw him twenty years ago. 二十年前我们见到那个诗人时,他正处于鼎盛时期。 dict.ebigear.com 6. At the height of his shipping career, he owned about 60 vessels. 在他航运事业的高峰期,他拥有60艘船。 www.cfl.cqu.edu.cn 7. At the same time, you are entering a very important savings period since you likely are at the height of your earning power. 与此同时,由于你很可能正处于赚钱的巅峰状态,这个年龄段也是一个非常重要的攒钱期。 gb.cri.cn 8. Sometimes the patient vomited once or twice at the height of the attack. 有时这病人在发作最厉害时,呕吐1、2次。 www.bing.com 9. That happened to millions of people two years ago at the height of the world food crisis. 两年前最严重的世界粮食危机期间,数以百万人遭遇了这种情况。 www.51voa.com 10. at the height of her career. 在她事业的最高峰 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Happenning to coincide, Yangzhou School is at the height of the development of traditional Chinese linguistics. 不约而同的是,中国传统语言学发展到扬州学派也可谓鼎盛。 www.fabiao.net 2. As recently as September 2008, the stock market cratered at the height of the financial crisis. 2008年9月,股市进入金融危机最严重的时期。 chinese.wsj.com 3. At the height of the crisis, texts were arriving every few seconds. 在救援的最关键时刻,几秒钟就会收到一条短信息。 www.bing.com 4. At the height of the real estate bubble, CMBS deals came whizzing through with debt service levels approaching 120%. 在房地产泡沫最严重时期,商业抵押贷款担保证券交易的债务服务水平曾一度逼近120%。 www.fortunechina.com 5. Junk bond spreads are now exactly where they were at the height of optimism in April 2010. 垃圾债券目前的息差与2010年4月最乐观时期的水平一模一样。 www.ftchinese.com 6. At the height of the financial crisis 18 months ago, the political fallout looked ominous. 18个月前金融危机高峰期间,政治余波看起来不太吉利。 www.ecocn.org 7. America and the Soviet Union negotiated and traded with each other even at the height of the cold war. 甚至在冷战的巅峰时刻美国和苏联人在进行洽谈和贸易来往。 www.bing.com 8. illustrateEnrollment in computer science programs peaked around 2000, at the height of the dotcom frenzy. illustrate在网络疯狂的2000年左右,注册计算机科学课程的人数达到顶峰。 www.ibm.com 9. AT THE height of the cold war, in June 1982, an American early-warning satellite detected a large blast in Siberia. 在冷战的顶峰时期,1982年6月,一颗美国预警卫星探测到西伯利亚的一次大爆炸。 www.ecocn.org 10. Still, even at the height of hysteria, witches in England were rarely burned. 同时,即使是在这项行动的巅峰时期,在英格兰的女巫还是极少有被烧死的。 www.bing.com 1. The answer they gave last year, at the height of the global financial crisis, was confidence, he said. 他说,他们去年在经济危机甚嚣尘上时给出的答案是信心。 c.wsj.com 2. At the height of its power in the 19th century it ruled an empire that spanned the globe. 在19世纪权力达高潮时,它统治的帝国跨越全球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. At the height of the credit boom, the hedge fund industry drove a big expansion for many large private banking institutions. 在信贷繁荣的鼎盛时期,对冲基金业推动了许多私人银行的大幅扩张。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It was first put into service at the height of the Cold War in 1962, and remained in the US arsenal until 1997. 这颗炸弹在1962年冷战高峰时期首次服役。然后被放在美国兵工厂,一直保存到1997年。 www.bing.com 5. Joint Base Balad housed more than 35, 000 US military personnel and contractors at the height of the Iraq conflict. 在伊拉克冲突最激烈时期,巴拉德联合基地驻扎了35,000多名美国士兵和合同工。 www.hxen.com 6. By 1913, at the height of empire, the West controlled almost 60% of the territories, which together generated almost 80% of the wealth. 到1913年帝国的鼎盛时期,西方就控制了世界几乎60%的领土,而产出的财富总和几乎占到了全球的80%。 www.ecocn.org 7. Unemployment was widespread, with 25 percent of the workforce unemployed at the height of the depression in 1933. 失业现象在当时非常普遍,在1933年的“大萧条”高峰,25%的劳动力找不到工作。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 8. In 1930, the Nazis won 18 per cent of the German vote; in 1932, at the height of the Depression, their share had risen to 37 per cent. 1930年,德国纳粹赢得了德国民众18%的选票;1932年,在大萧条高潮时期,这一数字曾升至37%。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Many are still struggling to pay for expensive ships ordered at the height of the industry's 2001-08 boom. 许多船东仍难以支付在2001-08年行业繁荣期最鼎盛时刻订购的昂贵船只。 www.ftchinese.com 10. At the height of them, the bad dreams can even respond, affecting our health. 到达一定程度后,噩梦甚至可以做出反应,影响我们的健康。 www.bing.com 1. In 1950, at the height of the Stalinist terror in Poland, he joined the Communist party. 1950年,正值斯大林恐慌席卷波兰的高峰期,他加入了共产党。 www.ecocn.org 2. At the height of the conflict, he was called a baby-burner. 冲突高潮之时,他被称作“孩子杀手”。 www.ecocn.org 3. The girl blinked at the height of the basketball player. 这女孩对那个篮球运动员的身高感到惊讶。 wenwen.soso.com 4. At the height of the last market boom, in 2001, there were 60m accounts but perhaps fewer than 10m investors. 在上次牛市的高峰期,也就是2001年,有6000万的户头,但可能只有不到1000万的投资者。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In 1928 he was elected governor of New York and in 1932, at the height of America's economic crisis, he was elected president. 1928年他当选为纽约州州长。1932年,在美国经济危机的风口浪尖之时,他临危受命担负起了总统的职责。 www.ecocn.org 6. The inner courtyard will be roofed over at the height of the second story so as to create an enclosed interior space. 庭院内将超过在屋顶的高度,第二个故事,以便创造一个封闭的室内空间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. At the height of the panic in mid-August the Nikkei 225 index fell by 9% in a single week, dipping 16% below its July peak. 在八月中旬的高度恐慌中,日经225指数单周下跌9%,较七月份的顶峰期下跌16%。 www.ecocn.org 8. The warnings remind many people of the nuclear attack drills that were run in US schools at the height of the Cold War. 因为这一警告让很多人想起了在美苏冷战高峰期间在美国学校中进行的预防核攻击的演习。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. BHP later abandoned the bid, at the height of the credit crunch, because of concerns about financing its target's vast debts. 后来在信贷萎缩达到顶点时,由于担心为标的物(指力拓)的巨额债务筹资,必和必拓放弃了竞标。 www.ecocn.org 10. At the height of the storm, I heard someone crying for help. 在暴风雨最狂烈的时候,我听到有人喊救命。 www.bing.com 1. Even at the height of the recent M&A boom, the average takeover premium stood at 22 per cent. 即便在最近并购热的巅峰时期,平均收购溢价也只有22%。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The halving of the dollar value of the Icelandic krona at the height of the crisis pushed inflation as high as 18. 6%. 在危机最严重时冰岛克朗的价值为美元的一半,致使通货膨胀率高达18. www.bing.com 3. That's quadruple the spread in early March, although still much lower than the 3 percent-plus spread at the height of the crisis in 2008. 尽管这仍旧远远低于2008年危机高峰时超过3%的进出差价,但已是三月初差价的四倍。 www.bing.com 4. It's the height of madness to sail at the height of the storm. 在暴风雨最猛烈的时候出航可谓疯狂到了极点。 www.bing.com 5. At the height of the Apollo era, NASA received 4 percent of the federal budget. 在阿波罗计划的黄金时代,美国航天局能获得联邦预算的4%拨款。 www.bing.com 6. At the height of its production, the island's inhabitants numbered around 20, 000. 在煤矿开采的高峰时期,岛上的居民达到20,000人左右。 www.bing.com 7. That is what happened during the first round of quantitative easing, at the height of the financial crisis. 这正是金融危机最严重时期实施第一轮量化宽松期间发生的情况。 c.wsj.com 8. This is the Mexica ruler at the height of his power, a god among gods. 这就是蒙特苏马,处于权力巅峰期的墨西卡的统治者,他是众神之神。 www.ecocn.org 9. Barter trade ran wild in North Korea in the mid-1990s, at the height of the famine. 在上世纪90年代中期饥荒最严重的时期,物物交换贸易在朝鲜非常“猖狂”。 www.bing.com 10. She has been at the height of her career. 她已经到了事业的最高峰。 js.818edu.com 1. Gadhafi last visited Zimbabwe 10 years ago at the height of Mugabe's often violent land-reform program. 卡扎菲上次访问津巴布韦是在10年前,当时正是穆加贝实施带有暴力色彩的土地改革计划的高潮。 www.bing.com 2. At the height of the last bull market in 2000-2001, there were about 60m trading accounts. 在2000年至2001年的上次牛市高点,中国大约有6000万个交易账户。 www.ftchinese.com 3. That is a legacy of the stratospheric valuations attained by Wall Street at the height of the dotcom bubble. 其实,这是华尔街在网络泡沫顶峰期摄取了人们高额的估价所遗留的问题。 www.bing.com 4. Started at the height of the economic boom and built by some 12, 000 laborers, the world's tallest building opened in Dubai. 世界最高建筑“迪拜塔”落成揭幕,这座高楼于经济鼎盛时期动工,约1.2万名工人参与建造。 www.dooland.com 5. At the height of the financial crisis in September, it rose to 6. 9%, more than a percentage point above the central bank's 5. 75%. 在9月金融危机的高点这一利率升至6.9%,比中央银行5.75%的利率高了一个多百分点。 www.ecocn.org 6. At the height of the last stock bubble [in 2000-2001] we saw investors opening 2m accounts a month which is half the current rate. 在上一次股市泡沫的高峰时期(2000至2001年),我们看到投资者开户数以每月200万的数量增长,但也只是目前水平的一半。 www.ftchinese.com 7. At the height of the recent credit-fueled boom, U. S. auto sales reached 17 million units in 2005. 在信贷景气泡沫高峰时,2005年美国汽车销售曾高达1,700万辆。 cn.reuters.com 8. Shot in late afternoon in Wasaga Beach near Georgian Bay, Ontario at the height of Autumn colors in October 2008. 这张照片拍摄于在2008年10月某天下午晚些时候的安大略省华沙加海滩附近的乔治亚湾,当时秋色正在它的顶峰期间。 www.bing.com 9. At the height of the last bull market in 2000-2001, there were around 60m trading accounts. Now there are more than 100m. 在2000年至2001年上一轮牛市的鼎盛时期,大约有6000万个交易账户,而目前这一数字超过了1亿。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The film was created at the height of the Chinese animation industry in the 1960s, and received numerous awards. 该电影创造了上个世纪六十年代中国动画产业的巅峰,获奖无数。 7vchina.com 1. Unemployment rose as high as 3. 8% this year compared with 2. 9% at the height of the boom two years ago. 今年澳门的失业率一度升值3.8%,远高于两年前经济繁荣时期的2. cn.wsj.com 2. They estimate that about sixty to ninety thousand honeybees live in each hive at the height of nectar flow. 他们估计,约六十至90万住在每个蜂房蜜蜂的花蜜流的高度。 www.maynet.cn 3. No wonder that at the height of its expansion in 1997, PDVSA was investing $5. 4 billion, according to Wood Mackenzie, a consultancy. 一个名为Mackenzie的顾问介绍,这就不难理解为何1997年PDVSA在其扩张最迅速的时候投资了54亿美元了。 www.ecocn.org 4. Yesterday's turnover reached $27. 5bn, about half the level it hit at the height of China's stock frenzy in May. 昨日成交量为275亿美元,差不多是中国股市5月高峰时期的一半。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Three-month yields had fallen as low as 2. 97 per cent at the height of the credit worries. 在信贷危机高潮时,三个月期国债收益率一度跌至2.97%的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Joining the job market at the height of the crash, they reported the lowest salaries, earning $113, 000 on average. 在危机高潮时期进入劳动力市场的这些学员薪资水平最低,平均为11.3万美元。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The value of deals worldwide was 16 per cent higher than at the height of the dotcom boom in 2000, according to Dealogic, the data provider. 数据供应商Dealogic称,这一全球并购交易额比2000年互联网热潮的巅峰时期高出16%。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Even at the height of deregulatory fervour in this country in the 1980s, public expenditure never fell below 37% of GDP. 即使在20世界80年代自由经济的热烈的高峰时期,公众的消费总额也从来没有降到GDP的37%一下。 www.bing.com 9. At the height of the fire emergency, the government had reported nearly 40, 000 fires. 做度的时候,政府已报道的突发火灾将近4万起。 www.bing.com 10. At the height of the economic crisis the official employment rate in the formal economy was around 6%, according to some reports. 根据一些报表,在经济危机的高峰时期,在正规经济中的正式的就业率只是6%左右。 www.bing.com 1. At the height of the Cold War, for example, scientific organisations provided a conduit for discussing nuclear weapons control. 例如,在冷战的鼎盛时期,科学组织为讨论核武器控制提供了一个渠道。 www.scidev.net 2. At the height of the housing boom in 2006, non-traditional loans, such as subprime and jumbo mortgages, backed nearly 40% of home sales. 2006年住房泡沫的顶峰期,非传统贷款,比如次级和巨额抵押贷款,支撑着40%的房售。 www.ecocn.org 3. Many countries suffered food shortages as well as high prices at the height of the food crisis last year, and many remain vulnerable. 很多国家受困于粮食短缺和去年粮食危机期间的高价格,另有很多国家仍很脆弱。 web.worldbank.org 4. "Get pregnant as soon as possible" became a mantra at the height of the economic crisis. 这使得“尽快怀孕”成了经济危机高涨时的一个护身符。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. And at the height of our busiest time. 在我们最忙的时候 blog.sina.com.cn 6. That happened to millions of people 2 years ago at the height of the world food crisis. 两年前世界粮食危机处在高峰的时候,那种情况就发生在数百万民众身上。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. At the height of the recession in March 2009, weekly claims peaked at 651, 000. 在2009年3月经济衰退达到顶峰时,美国单周失业人数曾升至65.1万人。 www.bing.com 8. that doesn't melt even at the height of summer. 即使在夏日酷暑中也不会融化 www.kekenet.com 9. Reactor hall is situated at the height of 116, 5 feet. 反应堆大厅位于116,五英尺的高度。 blog.qq.com 10. The Fed only started paying such interest at the height of last year's crisis, so there is no US experience of how this works in practice. 但是,美联储在去年的危机高峰时才开始支付这一利息,因此美国对这一做法的实际效果没有任何经验。 www.ftchinese.com 1. An American study last year revealed how women at the height of their fertility seek out good-looking men. 去年,一份来自美国的研究报告揭示出女人会在排卵期刻意吸引长相英俊的男性的现象。 www.ebigear.com 2. At the height of the financial crisis last year, China gave Russia a $25bn loan in exchange for future oil deliveries. 去年金融危机最严重时,中国向俄罗斯提供了250亿美元贷款,以此换取未来的石油供应。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In 2008, at the height of the gas boom in America, 1, 600 rigs were in operation. 2008年,在美国的天然气开采热潮到达顶峰时,有1600台钻探设备同时运转。 www.ecocn.org 4. My father, at the height of his success, had 50. 我父亲在他的颠峰期有50人。 www.kekenet.com 5. At the height of the technology boom in 2000, Richard Li's PCCW paid $28. 5bn for Hong Kong's then-monopoly telecommunications network. 在2000年科技繁荣的鼎盛时期,李泽楷的电讯盈科(PCCW)以285亿美元收购了香港当时处于垄断地位的电信网络。 www.ftchinese.com 6. At the height of the dotcom boom, every gym TV seemed to be tuned to CNBC, a financial channel; 在网络公司最繁荣的时期,每个体育馆的电视似乎都调到了CNBC,一个金融频道; bbs.ecocn.org 7. Even at the height of the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union had numerous journalists reporting from each other's countries; 即使在冷战对峙最尖锐的时期,美国和苏联也互派大量记者向本国发回新闻报道; dongxi.net 8. The redback was effectively re-pegged to the dollar at the height of the financial crisis; 在金融危机最严重的时期,中国实际上将人民币重新盯住了美元。 www.ftchinese.com 9. There would surely have been more to enjoy had Izzo not died of lung cancer, aged 54 and at the height of his fame, in 2000 本来我们还可以欣赏更多他的作品,但他在2000年54岁的时候死于肺癌,当时他正处于声名的巅峰。 www.hjenglish.com 10. at the height of ancient Egyptian civilization 在古埃及文明的极盛时期 www.kekenet.com 1. At the height of its popularity one in eleven North-Americanadults were on the diet. [17] 在其最盛行期间,北美十一个成人里就有一个实行这种饮食法。 www.bing.com 2. and sometimes I gotta be out at the height of the night 有时候我得是在极黑的夜晚飞行 zhidao.baidu.com 3. at the height of activity 活动达到高潮 www.wwenglish.com |
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