单词 | answer |
释义 | answers是answer的复数
复数:answers 现在分词:answering 过去式:answered v. n. answer question,give answer,answer phone,get answer,answer call adj. n. right answer,correct answer,definite answer,wrong answer,immediate answer 例句释义: 答案,回答,答辩,报复,解答,符合,响应,参考答案,问答,答复 1. As he answers my first question in fluent Spanish, he delves into one bag, extracts a camera and takes a photograph of me. 他用流利的西班牙语回答了我的第一个问题,并从包中拿出相机,为我拍了一张照片。 www.bing.com 2. This section answers, at least in part, this question: "Why is all of this model management and governance necessary? " 本章节回答了或至少部分回到了一个问题:“为什么所有这些模型管理这是必要的?” www.ibm.com 3. Now, we did wonder how much to trust the answers of people responding to survey questions about adultery. 现在我们很想知道我们对于人们对出轨这个问题的调查的答案可信度是多少。 www.bing.com 4. As always, over the next few years, we will find that we did not, in fact, have all of the answers. 在今后的几年,我们常常会发现之前我们所找到的答案并不全面。 www.ibm.com 5. Ask those around you the question of how much money they think they need, and you will probably get two types of answers. 试问一下你周围的人,究竟他们要多少钱才觉得足够?我想你大概会得到两类回应。 www.info.gov.hk 6. She's ten steps ahead of you and will most likely spend the entire date trying to predict the answers to the following questions. 其实她比你想得远多了,整场约会中她都会想得到以下几个问题的答案。 www.hjenglish.com 7. The question of commissar is worth of think about, why is all good Dao in your hands? I have three answers. 政委的问题值得深思,为什么好刀总在他们手里?答案我想有三。 hfsword.com 8. As you consider your answers to these questions, include any Scriptures that speak to you about each of these purposes. 当你思考回答这五个问题时,记下任何说到有关这五个目的的经文。 www.ebigear.com 9. Thanks to this report, we are beginning to see some patterns and beginning to get some answers. 多亏这份报告,我们开始看出一些模式并得到一些答案。 www.who.int 10. Once a man confessed, "The outstanding question I HAs not be able to answers is What does a woman require? " 一位男士曾坦白地说;“唯一我无法回答的大疑难题目是:女士想要的是什么?”今天,许多丈夫和男哥们仍为这同一疑难题目而感到困惑。 www.bing.com 1. Science is all about coming up with smart ways to answer hard questions. But sometimes getting those answers requires expensive machines. 科学就是想出各种聪明的方法来解决难题的,但有时需要有昂贵的机器才能获得那些答案。 www.bing.com 2. Mr Ahmadinejad's remarks and answers drew applause in parts, but much of what he said was met with incredulity. 内贾德的演讲和回答也赢得一些听众的掌声。不过他的大多数话都遭到怀疑。 www.ecocn.org 3. Jesus answers them, "Truly I say to you, as you did it for the least of my brothers, you did it to me (Matthew 25: 40). " 耶稣回答说:“我实在告诉你们:这些事你们既做在我弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是做在我身上了。” www.tjlit.org 4. It was a little obtuse trying to find the answers so I thought, well, that's the quickest way to give information. 为了试图获得解答,虽然这麽做有点愚蠢,我想管它的,最起码这是最快速可以获得相关资讯的方法了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. At present, no one can deliver a clear answer to the question of who answers for police actions in London. 事到如此,已经没有人可以清楚地回答究竟谁要为伦敦的警方负责。 www.bing.com 6. You need these commands either to answer your own questions or to provide answers to the queries of the support professionals. 您需要这些命令来回答您自己的问题,或者为支持人员的询问提供答案。 www.ibm.com 7. Now I try to ask questions, not give answers. This isn't easy for me to do. 现在,我试着多提问,而不是回答。这对我来说并非易事。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The two answers of course, are identical, but how much more simply the energy principle leads to the final result! 当然,两处的答案是相同的,但利用能量原理求得的最后结果简单得多。 9. Apart from offering the word "Coincidence" , it has no credible sounding answers. 除了把问题归结为巧合之外,我们无法给出完美可信的解答。 www.elanso.com 10. "Well, " answers the pirate, "we were boarding a ship when one of the enemy hacked off my hand. " 海盗回答:“我们进攻另一条船时,一个敌人劈下了我的这只手。” www.readfree.net 1. The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think. . . 结果答案的广度和深度却出乎所有人意料之外。看看你是怎么想的…… preferpoker.com 2. "Certainly, what problem? " The father answers " daddy, how much can you earn for an hour? " “当然可以,什么问题?”父亲回答“爸,你一小时可以赚多少钱?” cid-cf2f3168d6f708d8.spaces.live.com 3. "If you're interested in food safety and you want answers quickly, " says Hugh Martin, Pacific's CEO, "this technology is going to be key. " “如果你有兴趣了解食品安全并想知道答案,这会很快,”太平洋的首席执行官马丁休说,“这项技术将是关键。” select.yeeyan.org 4. Click on the links below to read more answers or to chime in with your response. 点击下面的链接阅读更多回复或者留下您的想法。 www.kekenet.com 5. But lawmakers, who repeatedly interrupted Mr. Paulson to ask him to move closer to his microphone, showed little faith in his answers. 不过议员们不太相信鲍尔森的回答。他们反复打断鲍尔森,请他离话筒更近一点儿。 www.bing.com 6. He went on to outline how most accounts had been easy to hack as the group had been able to guess the answers to bad security questions. 他还大概描述了一下大多数账户是如何被轻易入侵的,因为这些人设的密码提示问题太烂,所以他们才能够猜得到。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. It enables people to ask questions, the answers to which are served up from a database provided by other users. 它允许用户提出问题,然后再从数据库中调取其他人提供的答案。 www.ecocn.org 8. Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed; he answers him from his holy heaven with the saving power of his right hand. 现在我知道耶和华救护他的受膏者,必从他的圣天上应允他,用右手的能力救护他。 www.ebigear.com 9. I cannot give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears, but I can listen to you, and together wen can seek answers. 对于人生的难题。困惑和忧虑,我不能给你答案,但我可以做你的倾听者,并与你一起去探寻。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. god , that student is such a know - it - all . he always wants to be a teacher ' s pet . he thinks he knows the answers for everything. 天啊,那个学生太爱吹了。他总是想当老师的宠儿,自以为什么都知道。 www.ichacha.net 1. You'll get answers to your questions (prepare a list), and you might be able to put yourself in front of someone with hiring clout. 从中你将可以获得问题(准备一张自己的问题清单)的答案;拥有招聘上的“关系”人你说不定就能够领先于别人。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent . 一旦他说话时口齿不清了,他会被叫作小婴儿,而当以小大人的口吻回答时,他又会被指无礼。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Funeral was wracked with agony and grief, but what made it one of the transcendent records of the 2000s was that it avoided easy answers. Funeral被疼痛和悲伤所折磨,但使它成为新千年最卓越的唱片之一的,是它避免了简单的答案。 www.bing.com 4. It depends on how the questions and answers are phrased and what conclusions you are trying to draw from your poll. 这取决于问题和应答的措辞,还有您想从投票中得到什么样的结论。 www.ibm.com 5. Getting detailed answers from massive, complicated state-owned Chinese companies to meet the regulators' deadlines is difficult, he said. 他说,要在监管机构规定的时限内从规模庞大、结构复杂的中国国有企业得到详细的答复并不容易。 chinese.wsj.com 6. His mother, too, asked him questions to which she seemed scarcely interested in knowing the answers. 他母亲也是这样,会问他问题,却似乎对答案毫无兴趣。 www.bing.com 7. They may not even realize how much time and money they're wasting, and you cannot be sure that you have all the answers, anyway. 他们甚至没发现他们正在浪费多少时间和金钱,无论如何,您不能确保您得到所有的回答。 www.ibm.com 8. Clearly, my father had not been expecting such plain answers, for he appeared to reflect for a moment before saying. 我父亲无疑没有料到我会这样爽快地回答他,因为他似乎考虑了一会儿,后来他对我说。 www.bing.com 9. Officials warn that people trying to hide facts or give false answers may be fined up to 1, 000 rupees (about $ 22). 印度官员提醒称,试图瞒报或谎报信息者将被处以最多一千卢比(大约22美元)罚款。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The sun has risen, and I ready to go, only to reveal that the final answers. 太阳已经升起,我整装待发,只为了揭开那最后的谜底。 english.31931.cn 1. However, with a little experience you will find the answers will come quite easily as you design and develop more portal applications. 但是,只要有一点经验,就能找到答案,就能很容易地设计并开发出更多的门户网站应用程序。 www.ibm.com 2. It's okay to come in with your questions written down, and to have pencil and paper ready to take notes on the answers. 你不妨把问题写下来,准备好铅笔和纸来记下他们的回答。 www.d-bar.cn 3. Now he could ponder the last question in light of his previous answers and perhaps ascertain the correct response. 现在他可以按照以前寻找答案的方式深思最后一个问题,也许可以找到正确的答案。 min-soul.spaces.live.com 4. I asked them how much the industrial energy consumption counted in the national total. They gave me two conflicting answers. 席间,我特意问了我们中国工业能耗占全国比例的问题。 www.chinadialogue.net 5. "It's OK to acknowledge that this world is changing pretty rapidly and that you as a CMO may not have all the answers. " 他说:“我愿意承认,世界变化很快,作为首席营销官,你可能没有所有答案。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Imagine that the entire world stopped, and for a moment everyone was looking to you for the answers. 请你想象一下:全世界都安静下来,每个人都专注地望着你并等待着你的回答。 www.bing.com 7. But a Christ-centered theology that skirts the question of God raises more questions than it answers. 但是以耶稣为中心,将其人化的神学理论引起的问题远比它能解答的要多得多。 www.bing.com 8. John seems to know all the answers, but I don't think he's as clever as he appears at first. 约翰似乎是个万事通,不过我认为他没有看上去的那样聪明。 www.jukuu.com 9. You don't have to actually wikify either questions or answers, though. The site handles that sort of thing automatically. 但是你不必归类问题或答案,这个网站可以自动完成此项任务。 www.bing.com 10. Well, I've got answers. I have an office down here. It's small and a bit of a mess, but it will serve. 也好,我有你想要的答案,我的办公室就在下面,有点小还有个小厨房,不过足够招待了。 www.dashuye.com 1. I began to understand from their looks and vague answers to my tentative questions that they were suspicious of me, an American. 我从他们的神态及对我的探问的支吾回答中懂得,他们对我这个美国人有所怀疑。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. My guess would be that if you're anything like the people that come to me for life coaching the answers are hardly ever and always. 我的猜测是,如果你是什么样的人来找我的生活教练,答案几乎始终。 www.bing.com 3. If suddenly your computer explodes when you write answers till here? : I must be very amazed, but I will write again from the beginning. 如果当你的答案写到这里的时候,你的电脑突然瘫痪了。你怎么办:我一定会非常吃惊,茫然,但是我会从头开始重新写。 blog.pcicp.com 4. When they did not like the answers, they began to demonstrate outside a local government office. 由于对答复不满,他们开始在一个当地政府部门外进行示威。 www.ftchinese.com 5. There are no easy answers to how much biology and cultural expectations determine who we are as men and women . 很难说生理上和文化环境下的期望在决定男女思维上决定的程度有多大。 www.bing.com 6. Below are some of the answers to that. When you see a guy riding it, you will be able to understand why they enjoy it a lot. 以下是对这个问题的几个解释。当你看见一哥们儿骑着摩托时,你就能明白为什么他们如此乐在其中。 www.bing.com 7. It is better for you not to ask me boring questions like the above one, as well as detailed and satisfactory answers to them, you know. 你最好别问我太多像这种无聊的问题,还有你知道,详细的,让人满意的答案, zhidao.baidu.com 8. It appeared that the strategy (Hamilton and Ryan's) was to be extremely vague and not be very direct with the answers. 看来战略(汉密尔顿和瑞安的)是非常含糊,而不是很直接的答案。 usa.315che.com 9. There was some interesting disagreement in the answers we received. Read on to see what our experts thought about shortcuts. 我们收到的答案中有一些否定回答很有意思。继续阅读,一起来看看我们的专家对于捷径是这么看的。 www.bing.com 10. This poem describes "self loathing" . . . and yet, the words reach out for truth. . . no doubt you are a "seeker" and will find the answers. 这首诗写“自我憎恨”……然而那些诗句读来真切……毫无疑问,你是个求索者,会找到答案的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. " One boy answers, " We found a ten dollar bill and decided to give it to whoever tells the biggest lie. “一个男孩子说:”我们发现了十元钱,决定给那个能说出最大谎言的人。 bbs.24en.com 2. "In the moon thou sent thy love letters to me, " said the night to the sun, "I leave my answers in tears upon the grass. " “在月光中,你松给我的情书,”黑夜对太阳说,“我已将含泪的回答留在青草上” blog.sina.com.cn 3. Being the first to put your hand up and getting answers right is not always cool in British schools. 在英国学校,第一个举手并能正确回答问题并不一定意味着你很酷。 www.bing.com 4. Reality: The consular officer will want to hear your own answers and an honest description of your personal circumstances. 实际情况:领事官员希望听到的是你自己的回答,以及你如实地介绍自己的情况。 www.america.gov 5. The neglected Biblical principle of "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" answers this question with an unexpected challenge. 《圣经》中被忽略的关于牙眼相报的诫条回答了这个问题,并向美国司法提出了未尝预料的挑战。 www.bing.com 6. He took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions. 他偷偷看了一下书的后面,想找出那些问题的答案。 wenwen.soso.com 7. "God laid his hands on the shoulders of children, and the answers to: " You're an angel's name is easy to remember, you called her mother! 上帝把手放在小孩的肩上,答到:“你天使的名字很容易记住,你就叫她妈妈!” blog.sina.com.cn 8. He said that "self interest, specialization and trade" were the correct answers to the question, "How should people best work together? " 他说“自我兴趣、专业化和贸易”才是问题的答案,“人们如何以最佳方式协作?” www.ibm.com 9. She was sitting by her sister at the tea-table; she gave reluctant answers to Boris at her side and did not look at him. 她在茶桌旁坐在姐姐身边,眼睛不望他,不乐意地向挨着她坐下来的鲍里斯回答什么话。 novel.tingroom.com 10. If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. 如果这和数学与科学一样只要知道答案正确与否,那就把答案本给他好了。 wenwen.soso.com 1. He stopped, the simplicity of her answers removing a part of the suspicion of artful duplicity which had originally weighed upon him. 他呆了一呆,因为她这些坦率的回答已经把他当初断定她全用骗术的那种疑心消散一部分了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Ask most parents about when their family experiences and getting out the door in the morning comes in among the top answers. 当问及很多家长他们的家庭有哪些压力时,答案中出现最多的是早晨出门问题。 www.bing.com 3. 'It gets on my nerves, ' she answers. 'Walk with me a bit: just till there. ' “那使我心烦意乱,”她回答道,“和我一起走一段吧,到前面那里。” www.bing.com 4. The point of the exam isn't to see if students get all the answers right. If they do, it's the faculty who failed. 这个考试并不是要看学生是否能得到所有正确的答案,如果他们这样做了,那是评审委员会的失败。 www.bing.com 5. Spiritual beliefs give you the answers to why something is happening and help you realize that you do not always have to be in control. 精神信念会让你明白,某些事情的发生是情有可原的,你不必非要事事都在掌控之中。 www.bing.com 6. So how can you console me with your nonsense? Nothing is left of your answers but falsehood! 你们对答的话中既都错谬,怎麽徒然安慰我呢? new.fuyinchina.com 7. I asked her about her life, and it was as if she rummaged around in a dusty chest to get me the answers. 我曾问过她的生活,那就好像她在翻箱倒柜乱折腾一气似的回答我这个问题。 www.bing.com 8. And that at the age of 11, after years and years of searching for answers, a doctor finally put a name to Wineman's condition. 而在11岁经过多年的探求后,医生终于为温楠的症状定义了名称。 www.kekenet.com 9. A lot of times these answers were wrapped up in a totally haywire drama of fast-paced teens and a downward spiral. 通常情况下,这类问题的答案总会与一些早熟少年、负螺旋等混乱题材的剧情捆绑在一起。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Modern technology, in the form of miniature cameras, smartphones and the internet, means stealing and sharing answers has never been easier. 微型摄像头,智能电话和互联网等高科技手段让抄袭和分享别人的答案变得愈发容易。 www.ecocn.org 1. As soon as she heard it was a shoulder problem she got the diagram and was told what questions to ask and was putting in those answers. 一旦她听到它是她所有的一个肩问题图表而且被告诉什麽询问问并且正在那些答案中放。 sushe5518.bokee.com 2. One of the most effective ways to get good answers is, of course, to ask the right questions. 当然,想得到正确的答案,最有效的办法之一就是提正确的问题。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. I am not fully convinced that this study answers the question of whether high testosterone is protective or detrimental for heart disease. 我不完全相信这项研究回答了高睾酮对心脏疾病有利或不利的问题。 www.51nxtz.com 4. Take a relative or friend with you to ask questions and remind you about the answers. 带上一个亲属或者朋友帮你询问或者提醒你那些回答。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. As you can see, there are no easy answers to the questions of whether, when and how much information to divulge about your illness. 你看,是否告诉、何时告诉、以及关于你的病要告知多少并没有简单的答案。 pro.yeeyan.com 6. There are certainly some political questions that have definite answers, like how much a new government policy will cost. 对于一些政治问题(像新政府的政策会花费多少的成本),确实存在一些确切的答案。 www.bing.com 7. By the way: Douglas gave me his answers in his own words, and I did not edit them. As you can see, his English is also quite good too. 另外:这里的回答是他的英文原文,我没有进行任何的编辑,你可以看得出他的英文很棒! blog.sina.com.cn 8. The children come to the Abbey to see Maria. Sister Margarita answers their bell. 孩子们到修道院找玛丽亚。玛格丽塔修女开门。 q.sohu.com 9. It's about trying to find answers and trying to dabble with the concept of time. 它是试图找到答案,并尝试涉足这一概念的时间。 zifans.net 10. What's the matter with David recently? He hardly ever answers when he's spoken to. 最近戴维怎么啦,跟他讲话他很少搭理人。 www.jukuu.com 1. By the way: Douglas gave me his answers in his own words, and I did not edit them. As you can see, his English is also quite good too. 另外:这里的回答是他的英文原文,我没有进行任何的编辑,你可以看得出他的英文很棒! blog.sina.com.cn 2. The children come to the Abbey to see Maria. Sister Margarita answers their bell. 孩子们到修道院找玛丽亚。玛格丽塔修女开门。 q.sohu.com 3. It's about trying to find answers and trying to dabble with the concept of time. 它是试图找到答案,并尝试涉足这一概念的时间。 zifans.net 4. What's the matter with David recently? He hardly ever answers when he's spoken to. 最近戴维怎么啦,跟他讲话他很少搭理人。 www.jukuu.com 5. 9-10 'YES' answers: People often think of you as an ideal person to be with. You are the perfect colleague! 答9~10个“是”者:人们通常会认为你是个理想的人,你是个完美的同事! iq300.en101.blog.163.com 6. It answers an important question: "How much of our code is being exercised when we test? " 代码覆盖率回答了一个更要的问题:“在测试时,我们的代码有多少被执行到了?” www.infoq.com 7. He told her he had no answers, but he said his prayers were with all Japanese children who were suffering. 教皇告诉她,他也没有答案,但是他为所有遭受痛苦的日本儿童祈祷。 www.hxen.com 8. Hopefully, these answers addressed some of your own frequently asked questions about this support. 我们真诚地希望本文的内容能回答您自己关于这个支持的一些常见问题。 www.ibm.com 9. Every morning, come up with at least two or three answers to each of the following questions, basking in the positive emotions they inspire. 每天早上,至少为下列问题列出二到三个答案,使你沉浸在它们激发出的积极情绪中。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A business rule management system focuses on automating business decisions and answers the question of what business action to take. 业务规则管理系统则关注于自动化业务决策并解决应该采取什么业务行动的问题。 www.ibm.com 1. We would not spend any time trying to convince anybody of anything because if they're not asking, your answers are just irritating. 我们不会花时间试图说服任何相信任何事,因为如果他们没有要求,你的答案会惹恼他们的。 songtaowang.com 2. One evening the telephone bell rings and Mrs Brown answers it. A tired man says, "At what time does your last film begin? " 一天傍晚,布朗女士接了一个电话,一个声音疲惫的男士说:“最后一场电影什么时候开始?” wenwen.soso.com 3. The result was a set of 34m research papers, which he was able to mine in search of his answers. 研究结果是一组34米长的论文,此番寻找答案下的力气足以让他挖出一个矿藏来了。 boboan79.blog.163.com 4. Bob : I know. Now I'm always trying to ask interesting questions. I never feel satisfied if I don't find satisfying answers. 鲍伯:我知道。我一直设法要问有趣的问题。假如我不能找到满意的答案,我绝不感到满足。 5. In this process, the children began slowly to the observation and comparison, and made questions, and try to search for answers. 在这个过程中,孩子们也开始慢慢地学会了观察、比较、提出疑问,大家一起在活动中找寻答案。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If you were to ask 10 people what dreams are made of, you'd probably get 10 different answers. 如果问10个人同一个问题关于什么引起做梦,你可能会得到10种不同的答案。 www.suiniyi.com 7. All over the world, what you often refer to as the working people are waking up to what has been happening around them, and seeking answers. 横跨世界,那些你们通常称之为上班族的人都在觉醒,明白了自己身边发生着什么,并且在寻求着答案。 www.angozj.com 8. Make sure you prepare your stories, too -- you might be able to wing it, but you won't give the best answers if you do. 准备好你的故事-你可以夸张一点,但是如果你这样做了就不会是最优秀的回答了。 www.hjenglish.com 9. She asks me a question, then answers it herself, and after that she explained to me for half an hour why my answer is wrong. 她总是先我问个问题,然后自己给个答案,紧接着还要花半小时跟我解释,我的这个答案到底错在哪儿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Answers: It is no doubt that this city has a promising future. I am sure that we will cooperate happily. 毫无疑问,这个城市将有一个充满希望的未来,我敢肯定我们会合作愉快的。 www.guobininstitute.com 1. The sites are more interactive, with tests that the computer marks and perfect answers so you know what you're aiming for. 这些网站有更多的交互作用,配有测试题、电脑批阅、还有完整的答案,因此你知道你的目标是什么。 www.zftrans.com 2. Asking questions that come from the heart, not the mind and finding answers that resonate with you and your all knowing intuition. 发自内心地去提问,而不是用头脑思维,并找寻那与你和你直觉有共鸣的答案。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Fill us with a humble attitude that seeks understanding, and with trust in you when we do not know answers. 求祢赐我们谦卑求知的态度,并叫我们在找不到答案时仍然信靠祢。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Have the problem that the patience answers the customer, handle the traveler the door rejects goods to tell with hurl. 有耐心解答客户的问题,处理过客户退货和投诉。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. The documentary invites the viewer to meditate on that moment, she added, "without trying to reveal all the answers surrounding it. " 她还说,这部纪录片促使观众去反思这个瞬间,“同时又没有试图去揭示所有疑问的答案。” cn.nytimes.com 6. Score 0-2 points for each of your answers and add up the total. The final score will show what kind of person you might be. 每个答案0-2分,并加出总分。最后得分将显示你是什么样的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Just a push of a dedicated front panel button answers calls, puts callers on hold, on-the-air, or in conference mode. 只需按一下前面板的按钮,就可以接听电话,提取搁置来电,广播模式或会议模式。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 8. One of the best answers is, as some children said, to have no homework at all! 一个最好的答案,像一些孩子们说的,是根本没有作业! wenwen.soso.com 9. The Code is not intended to cover every applicable law, rule or regulation or to provide answers to all questions that may arise. 本准则无意取代任何相关的适用法律、条例、规章,也不可能解决所有可能出现的问题。 wwww.mxms.net 10. He would not accept as authoritative the answers which the adults about him offered in response to his questions. 他不认为周围的那些成年人对他提出的问题给予的回答是绝对可信的。 1. Everything does not happen for a reason. Sometimes all you need is just to stop for a minute. More stupid questions, more stupid answers. 不是每件事发生都能找出原因来。有时候你需要的只是让脑袋停止思考一会儿。问越多愚蠢的问题,就得到越多愚蠢的结论。 www.shangjuyuan.com 2. So why none of us noticed that there had never been such an animal and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers? 我们都未注意到过去从未有这样一个动物,我们怎能期望不正确的答案有好的分数呢? blog.163.com 3. When someone answers the door, smile and introduce yourself; say you are a volunteer and, if it helps, tell where you live. 当有人来开门,微笑并介绍自己;说你是一个自愿者,并且,如果这有帮助的话,告诉他你住哪。 www.bing.com 4. The lawyer was told by the judge not to put words into his client's mouth in an effort to obtain the answers he wanted. 法官告诉律师不要教授他的客户怎样讲话,以努力获取他所要的回答。 www.hotdic.com 5. and Mary is still at the office. Sighing as she answers her final email for the night, she thinks back over the day. 当她回完了晚上的最后一封邮件时,她长吁了一口气,开始回想一天的工作。 www.daherc.com 6. The test gives participants only a fraction of a second to categorize words, not enough to think about their answers. 检测只给参与者们一瞬间来分类词汇,不会给他们足够的时间思考答案。 www.bing.com 7. A man may suddenly find the answers to a problem without working out the details, but a computer can only proceed as ordered. 人们也许能够在没有对事情的详情进行分析的情况下突然找出问题的答案,而电脑却只能按照指令进行工作。 iask.sina.com.cn 8. It was like following my heart, and my heart knew the right questions to ask; my heart knew the answers I needed to unveil to be well again. 就像是追随我心一样,心知道如何回答这些问题,我的心知道如何使事情变得更好。 www.bing.com 9. If you don't do anything with the answers, people will fail to see the point and will stop contributing. 如果你对听众的回答没有任何反应和处理,听众将感到挫败,导致没有兴趣继续回答你的问题。 www.bing.com 10. As she answers some of the questions the plant manager is likely to pose, Carol will likely need to set some emergent identity goals. 她回答了工厂经理很可能会提出的一些问题,因为卡罗尔可能需要设置一些偶发身份目标。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Some few he did not answer truthfully. Some he avoided answering, when my colleagues and I believed he knew the answers. 有些问题我们相信他能够回答,而他回答的的确不够诚实,有些他拒绝回答。 dongxi.net 2. It seems to me such a waste of time to ask superficial questions and expect very serious answers. 对我来说,提出表面化的问题,却希望非常严肃的解答,这是浪费时间。 www.douban.com 3. If you were to ask church members what is the greatest need in their church, you would probably get a lot of different answers. 你若然去询问信徒,他们的教会有甚麽最逼切的需要,你一定得到很多不同的答案。 blog.163.com 4. I think this sometimes makes it sound as if I believe Ihave all the answers. 我认为这有时使它听起来好像我相信我有所有的答案。 www.bing.com 5. The answers are scarcely self-evident, and yet the questions have never been satisfactorily addressed, let alone answered. 答案无法不证自明,这一问题甚至从来没有被令人满意地提出过,更遑论解答。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The strength of science is that it does not claim to have all the answers, science is wise enough to say 'we do not know yet'. 科学的力量在于它不要求一切事物都有答案,科学的明智之处在于它敢于说“我们还不知道”。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. I'm going to ask you some questions and if I don't like your answers, you are going out the window. 我要问你一些问题,要是我不喜欢你的答案,我就把你扔出窗外。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The point of the exam isn't to see if the student gets all the answers right. 开题的关键不是看学生是不是知道正确答案。 www.antpedia.com 9. It was exciting to see Federer challenged, forced to respond to his pursuers and search for answers. 能见到费德勒受到挑战,不得不打起精神来寻求破敌之法令人异常兴奋。 www.elanso.com 10. be humble with your friend. you cannot be who your friend needs if you think you have all the answers. 朋友面前要谦虚,如果你自以为知道所有的答案,你就不是对方需要的朋友。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I'm afraid some of my answers made people sit up a bit. They got quite nervous as to what was coming next. 我的一些回答令人们正襟危坐起来,他们紧张下一刻将发生什么。 www.bing.com 2. And with respect to the question of 'Why do they have to spend that amount of money? ' we would like to continue to seek answers from China. 对于“中国为何需要如此高的军事开支”这一问题,我们希望继续从中国方面寻求答案。 chinese.wsj.com 3. He said the ISI faces many questions that need answers. 他说,三军情报局有许多问题需要回答。 www.hxen.com 4. Does it feel like a huge responsibility to have people expecting you to have all the answers to life's mysteries? 当人们期望你能够回答所有生活的困惑问题时,你是否感到鸭梨很大。 www.bing.com 5. It could take me that long to ask just half my questions, never mind his answers. 那只够提出我一半的问题,更别说他的回答了。 www.bing.com 6. Like I said, I don't have all the answers, and I'm intensely curious about your thoughts. 正如我所言,我并不知晓一切答案,我十分好奇地想知道您的想法。 www.bing.com 7. I think he's going to ignore me, but thenhe answers by holding out his hands. 我觉得他已经开始要忽略我了,但是过了一会他还是用伸出的手回应了我。 www.bing.com 8. But the truth was that the answers to these questions weren't important to me anymore. 但事实上这些问题的答案对我来说已经不重要了。 www.bing.com 9. These forums are a great place to ask questions and get answers from the broad community of WebSphere experts. 这些论坛是提出问题并从广大的WebSphere专家社区获得答案的理想场所。 www.ibm.com 10. Stay away from stock and cliche answers if you want to leave a lasting impression on your interviewer. 如果你想给面试官留下深刻的印象,就要避免那些陈腐,陈词滥调的回答。 www.01ielts.com 1. I thought of many answers for such a question, but I wanted to keep my job. 对于这样一个问题,我琢磨了好多种答复,但我不想丢工作。 www.bing.com 2. Dunn, a petite, frail woman, answers the door with a tiny dog in her arms. 邓恩,一位娇小体弱的女人,为我们开门时,怀里抱着一只小狗。 www.bing.com 3. Dirty Minds will provide two or more adults with hours of laughter as seemingly filthy clues point toward the most innocent of answers. 肮脏的心灵会提供两个或多个小时,笑声似乎脏点线索对成年人最无辜的答案。 www.ttbuy168.com 4. The answers in written form must bear the signature of the captain and that of the vessel physician. 用书面回答时,须经船长签字和船医附签。 www.bing.com 5. While none of these factors alone completely answers the question 'what causes homosexuality? ', they rule out some things. 然而这些因素都不能单独的完全回答“是什么引起同性恋”这个问题。他们排除了一些情况。 www.bing.com 6. Don't forget, these answers will be all that you remember of your visit here. 别忘了,这些回答将是你们对此次拜访的唯一记忆。 ellesime.anetcity.com 7. As he discovers the trouble with asking questions is that the answers are not necessarily what you want to hear. 正如他所发现的,提问带来的麻烦是答案不一定如你所愿。 www.bing.com 8. As you go through this process, some of your answers will be very similar. 在你做这个测试的过程中,一些答案可能会非常相似。 www.hjenglish.com 9. This person must then be curious of the known and unknown and be willing to ask questions until answers begin to come to him. 这样的人一定会对已知的与未知的充满了好奇,而且愿意发问,直至探寻到答案。 news.hexun.com 10. The teachings of the higher dimensions can only be learned from within; all the answers are waiting to be discovered. 高等世界的教理,只有从内边才能明了,一切答案都等待着我们自己去发觉。 sm2000.org 1. And you know , a lot of people try to fudge this question , and give answers like this . 你知道,很多人试图捏造这个问题,并给予这样的答案。 www.bing.com 2. The instructions will also tell you if an can be used more than once, and will remind you to your answers to your Answer Sheet. 答题指导也会告诉你备选项是否要超过一次使用,还会提醒你把答案转填到答题纸上。 datum.studyget.com 3. So, some of the easy answers. That orange sword icon we've seen up until this point? That's the normal attack button. 这样看来答案还是很明显的。到这点之前看到的那些橙色剑状图标?都应该是普通攻击的按钮。 game.ali213.net 4. Other times God answers Grow. This means not now, but as you become mature enough and capable of receiving it, I will give it to you. 有时候神会说:慢下来,意思就是:你能够做这事,但不是以你以为的速度。 hourofpower.org.hk 5. But to understand them, we have to set our answers and our story aside, and to do that, we have to get curious. 可如果不是评判,而是要理解他人,我们就得把信息和故事弃于一旁,如何做到这一点呢,就是要具备好奇心。 www.bing.com 6. Questions that need to be settled by dogma or force, however, are liable to have no answers at all. 然而,需要通过教条和武力来解决的问题可能根本就没有答案。 www.ecocn.org 7. Find information from the text that might be clues to the answers and use these with your background knowledge for possible answers. 从文中找一些可能成为线索的信息,再利用你的背景知识,发现一些可能的答案。 www.hjenglish.com 8. The perceived answers are your direct connection to your ability to be able to source your own information. 感知到的答案是你直接与源头连接取得的你自己的信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Her husband always answers, "All right, dear. How much is it? " 她的丈夫总是回答:“好吧,亲爱的,多少钱?” www.netfm.com.cn 10. Everytime you think of it , note down your answers. . . 你每想到一次就记下你的答案… weiguang2046.blogbus.com 1. All the children used to come back and ask her questions. She always gave the right answers. 所有孩子平时都喜欢去问她问题,她总能给出正确的答案。 hi.baidu.com 2. It is not realistic to expect that you know these answers, or that you can figure them out yourself. 期望自己知道这些答案或者自己来配置是不现实的。 www.ibm.com 3. I dreadfully wanted to ask a question, but I was carrying about as many short answers as my cargo-room would admit of, so I held my peace. 我很想提一个问题,但我正像货仓那样满满地承载着许多答案,所以我保持了我的平和心态。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. About half way through the test i read the next question and realised none of the optional answers were correct : |. 在考试进行到一半的时候,我正读题呢,突然就意识到那道题没一个选项是正确的! www.ltaaa.com 5. Reading back on this makes me a little paranoid that you will interpret my answers as our feeling that locks are broken. 读了这些贴子让我觉得你们还是会把我的回答理解为术士这个职业已经支离破碎。 www.bing.com 6. It would have been difficult to see the right people, get straight answers, and present yourself in the best light. 你不能遇到什么贵人,得不到最直接的答案,也不能展示最好的自己。 www.douban.com 7. Be prepared for awkward, or strange questions. Be ready to calmly answer these with simple short answers. 准备好迎接诡异或者奇怪的问题吧,一定要冷静并且简洁地回答它们。 www.bing.com 8. Keep the key questions above in mind and try to see whether the answers have changed as new information comes to light. 牢记上述的这些问题,并设法弄清随着新的信息出现,这些答案是否发生了变化。 www.scidev.net 9. Teacher: And why are your answers exactly the same as his? Bob : Because Tony has eyes in the back of his head. 老师:那么,为什么你的答案与他的完全一样呢?鲍勃:因为托尼的脑袋后面长了眼睛。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A girlfriend says to him that he seems to get a fair amount of action. "Yes, unfortunately, " he answers. 当某位女友问他是不是背负着沉重的责任时,迈克尔回答说,“很不幸,答案是肯定的。” www.bing.com 1. The answers to these questions are very difficult and lie at the heart of the human experience. 以上问题,答案难寻,却可得之于人生经验中。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The promise of today's passage answers a question that lurks deep in the soul of every witness: Who am I to speak for God? 今天经文中的应许回答了每一个见证人内心深处的问题:「我岂有资格见证神呢?」 xiaozu.renren.com 3. The lion answers, "He makes me run around the forest like an idiot each time he's on ecstasy ! " 狮子回答:“这家伙每次嗑了摇头丸就拉着我像白痴一样在森林里乱跑!” www.hjenglish.com 4. write them down at the top of a sheet of paper, and then write as many answers to each one as you possibly can. 自上而下,将他们写在纸上,然后,尽你可能的回答这些问题,能写多少写多少。 www.bing.com 5. Simply put, a FAQ page or link answers the questions that your clients are most likely to ask. 简单来说,FAQ页面用来解答客户最可能提出的问题。 www.bing.com 6. In his painting titled simply September, Gerhard Richter, possibly the last of the great painters, may have found answers. 德国画家格哈特·里希特可谓是最伟大的画家,他以一幅《九月》,找到了以上问题的答案。标题简单,意义深刻。 www.bing.com 7. by the show's unique answer-and-question format in which players get clues in the form of answers and must answer with a question. 竞猜节目独特的问答方式并没能难倒沃森。这种方式要求玩家从答案中获取线索并且以问题的形式来作答。 www.shanbay.com 8. But it was ultimately unable to assess the likelihood of the various answers that it generated. 它最终也没能评定出自己生成的各种答案的前途。 www.bing.com 9. While Marx and Engels wrote on the subject of women, they did not give any specific answers to the woman question. 当马克思和恩格斯就女性问题发表作品时,他们并没有对这个问题作出任何详细或者准确的回答。 www.elanso.com 10. Don't make them struggle to get answers out of your make sense of your rambling replies. 别让他们绞尽脑汁才能明白你之答案或者理解你散漫之回答。 www.wzksw.com 1. Do not worry about any of the current problems, the answers to all of them are known by us, so they will be but a passing phase. 千万不要担心任何当前的问题,它们的所有答案都被我们知道,它们不过是一个过渡阶段。 dwbbs.qiudao.net 2. During the 3 years of senior school, you are always providing me a lot of constructive answers and perfect encouragement. 高中三年里,你总是给我许多充满建设性的回答和完美的鼓励。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I frankly do not see the kind of answers that would really convince me that that is the case. 我可以坦率地说,我还没有看到有真正能说服我,使我相信情况果真是如此的那种回答。 www.jukuu.com 4. At the end of the volume, Mr. Jobs answers the question "What drove me? " by discussing himself in the past tense. 书至尾声,乔布斯用过去时态,自述回答了这个问题“是什么力量在推动我?” www.bing.com 5. The questions have to be in writing by the middle of this month. There is no real deadline for Iran's answers. 本月中旬,这一系列问题将被记录在案,伊朗的回答尚无最后期限。 www.ecocn.org 6. A special exhibition. None of these investigations has produced convincing answers to the mystery of the. 这些调查都未能令人信服地解答百慕大三角之谜,但其中不乏有趣的理论。 www.best1.cn 7. At the turn of the road a hand waves-she answers by holding high in her arms the child. 在道路的转弯处,妻子们挥挥手——高高抓着孩子们的手作为回应。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. An earlier report from the official Xinhua news agency said the public had been warned not to buy answers. 官方媒体新华社早前的一份报道称之前已有警告公众不要买答案。 www.bing.com 9. Users who have joined the site would be able to login, make their picks for the day and submit their answers to the daily questioner. 谁也加入这个网站将能够登录用户,这一天他们挑选,并提交他们的答案日常提问。 www.bing.com 10. Don't be afraid to exercise some resourcefulness and find the answers to your questions on your own before piping up for yourself. 在管束自己之前,别害怕尝试机智和以自己的方式找问题的答案。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Then the one inside answers, 'Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children are with me in bed. 那人在里面回答说:‘不要搅扰我,门已经关闭,孩子们也同我在床上了,我不能起来给你。’ www.ebigear.com 2. What should the sexiest man of new century be like? Everyone has his own Hamlet and it's hard to unify those answers. 新世纪最性感的男人什么样,各花入各眼,想来很难有统一的答案。 www.elanso.com 3. What if his wife answers and goes into a fight of jealous rage? 如果应门的是他老婆,还大吃飞醋呢? www.chinazhi.net 4. The president and first lady refuse to talk to reporters, to a few field questions and give answers. 总统和总统夫人不愿会见记者,也不愿回答一些问题 blog.hjenglish.com 5. It's putting those two forces to work for you that will provide you with the answers needed for your career or professional life. 将这两种能力运用到工作中去,你才能找到你事业的答案。 www.hjenglish.com 6. In that quiet place you can ask for and receive answers to help you make sense of your loss. 在这过程当中你能寻找得到帮助认识失败的答案。 www.elanso.com 7. You don't need the application questions in front of you to start brainstorming the answers. The truth is you probably already know. 值得注意的是,你并不需要将这些问题摆在面前,接着一通头脑风暴之后给出解答。 www.bing.com 8. Like the rest of his fellow residents of Dauphin County, Mike Pintek had no answers. 但和其他生活在多芬郡的居民一样,麦克·平塔克也没有答案。 www.bing.com 9. I don't pretend to have answers, but the President's Council on Bioethics has thought a bit about aging, as have their critics. 我不会假装获得了答案,不过总统的生命伦理理事会已经在考虑衰老问题,并提出批评。 www.bing.com 10. Take some time to prepare answers to questions about being fired so you know exactly how you are going to answer. 花些时间来准备关于被炒之问题之答案,这样你就能知道你会如何回答这些问题了。 wzksw.com 1. They are slowly learning. They still tend to look up to me for answers. 他们在逐渐学习着,不时会向我请教。 www.for68.com 2. A good test: If you and your manager were both asked what's most important for you to achieve this year, would your answers match? 一个好的测试方法是:询问你自己和你的主管,今年对于你来说达成目标的最重要因素是什么,比对一下看看你们的答案是否相似? www.bing.com 3. One of the answers is the crafting system, allowing you to craft specific items so you don't have to store so many. 一个回答就是造物系统。允许你制作特殊的装备-------这样你就不需要买那么多了。 tiexueddo.blog.163.com 4. Examples: Since our research so far has not produced any answers to this problem, we need to adopt a different approach to it. 因为我们的研究至今还没有得到这一问题的答案,我们需要采取一种不同的方法。 www.scutde.net 5. But then, he didn't have any idea what his real answers would have been, then or now. So it isn't as if he knew himself any better. 不过,无论那时还是此刻,他从不知道自己真正的答案会是什么,所以他也不怎么了解自己。 www.bing.com 6. A tramp knocks on the door of an inn known as St, George and the Dragon, The landlady answers. 一个流浪汉敲打着一家名为---圣乔治与龙的小旅馆。 www.eoezone.com 7. One day it occurred to a certain emperor that if he only knew the answers to three questions, he would never stray in any matter. 一天,一个皇帝有这么一个想法,如果他知道三个问题的答案,从此他将不再迷惑。 www.bing.com 8. One of the oldest question in comedy is, WHY DID THE CHICKEN CROSS THE ROAD? And there continue to be new answers. 这是英语中最古老的笑话之一,为什么小鸡要穿过马路?直到现在还有鲜活的答案源源不断地出现。 ts.hjenglish.com 9. A few days earlier each spring, Munger answers questions alongside Buffett for hours at the Berkshire shareholders meeting in Omaha. 每年春天,芒格都会和巴菲特一起出席在奥马哈举行的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司股东大会。 www.bing.com 10. He offered short answers, maintained his cool, and kept his eyes fixed on McCain when it was his opponent's turn to speak. 他回答简炼,头脑冷静,当轮到麦凯恩发言时,他的眼睛一直盯着对手。 www.bing.com 1. No longer have to travel to take a few road cars to worry, just enter the starting point, end point, it will give you very specific answers. 再不用为出行要坐几路车而烦恼,只要输入起点、终点,它就会给出你很具体的答案。 www.xmdsw.com 2. I hope there are answers to all our questions, but I don't know if I'll even be able to watch it. 我希望会有能解答我们心中所有疑问的答案,可是,我甚至不知道我是否有能力去观看这期节目。 www.bing.com 3. O God, in the midst of suffering we may not see answers, but please help us to see that you are with us. 神啊,面对苦难时,我们或许看不到答案,但求祢帮助我们看见祢与我们同在。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. There are no easy answers when it comes to preventing breast cancer, or any other kind of cancer for that matter. 说到防止乳房癌或类似的其他癌症,没有什么简单的答案。 www.elanso.com 5. By themselves, of course, the numbers prove nothing, but the number of changed answers is striking. 当然,本身而言,这些数字并不能证明什么,但是改答案的数量令人震惊。 www.bing.com 6. I need users to be able to go on and be able to submit questions, each question having 2 answers. 我需要用户能够继续下去,并能提出问题,每个问题的答案有二。 www.bing.com 7. The framework is one in which there are right answers and, if you know those answers, you do well and get to feel smart. 这套框架就是其中存在正确的答案,如果你知道答案,那么你就学得很好并且感觉到自己的聪明。 www.bing.com 8. You could, in fact, say it is the questions that he draws from his experience that are as important as any answers he may come up with. 实际上,你可能会认为从奥巴马自身经验发现的问题和他带来这些问题的答案一样重要。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Often patients begin a health search because their own doctors don't seem to have the right answers. 病人开始搜寻健康信息,通常是因为从他们的医生那里找不到合适的答案。 www.bing.com 10. Those are the some of the answers to that age-old question: What would you do if you weren't doing what you're doing now? 这些都是一个老问题的答案:你会做什麽,如果你不是做你正在做的工作? vc15.cn 1. On the left, "Messykat" is building her reputation by trying to provide the best answers to questions. 在图的左边,“Messykat”通过提供问题的最佳答案建立她的声誉。 www.bing.com 2. Otaining the double Fourier transform answers to the question of transversely isotropic saturated porous half-space. 求解横观各向同性饱和多孔半空间问题的二重傅立叶变换解答。 www.fabiao.net 3. And you call upon the name of your god, and I will call upon the name of the LORD, and the God who answers by fire, he is God. 你们求告你们神的名,我也求告耶和华的名。那降火显应的神,就是神。 galcc.org 4. Love me, then give me answers, my love Ah Ah did not love the time difference, I am waiting for you to pay. 爱我的话给我回答,我的爱丫爱丫没时差,等待是我为你付出的代价。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. But the air received no answers and went back to its lazy circulation. 空气没有传来答案,只是重新回到它懒懒的环流中去了。 www.bing.com 6. Ask yourself a few questions and be as honest and true about your answers as you can be. 现实些。问问自己一些问题,并尽可能坦率诚实的回答。 www.bing.com 7. I did try it a couple of times and improved a little, but often I have to guess or use tricks to eliminate the wrong answers. “我确实尝试了许多次也进步了一点,但我经常会去猜想或者用小技巧来减少错误的发生”。 www.kle100.cn 8. The only wrong answers are the ones that do not reflect the client's true feelings. 唯一错误的回答是没有反应客户感受的回答。 www.ibm.com 9. Those who are searching of the good life do not need more answers, or more time to think things over to reach better conclusions. 追求美好生活的人不需要更多的答案,也不需要更多的时间思考以取得更好的结果。 sun_sky_on_the_road.tianyablog.com 10. Almost forty years ago with my back to the wall and with only three months to live, I was forced to search for the answers to life. 四十多年前我走投无路,只剩下三个月的生命,我被迫去探求生命的答案。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. As long as you are asking questions and listening to the answers you are in control of the conversation and an active participant. 只要你提出问题和倾听回答,你就控制着谈话,也在积极参与。 www.bing.com 2. After getting the answers, I decided to keep my small business running, as long as I could get a good discount. 有了答案之后,我决定继续做我的小小生意,如果我能拿到好的折扣的话。 www.simplykat.com 3. Other answers (it was an open-ended question) ranged widely, with my favorite answer being, "Best for last? " 其它的回答(这项调查允许补充答案)范围也很广,其中我最喜欢的是:“把最好的留在最后。” www.elanso.com 4. He still had many questions to which he could not find satisfactory answers. 他一直有很多问题没有找到令他满意的答案。 www.8875.org 5. The rest of this book will address these issues. Let us preview a few answers. 本书的其余部分将会致力于这些议题。让我们先了解部分答案。 blog.csdn.net 6. The answers are shown in blue text. Some of these problems are similar to those appearing on the quizzes. 解答是以蓝色文字显示的,其中有些问题会很类似小考中的题目。 www.myoops.org 7. Now you might be tempted to answer, attitude, talent, persistence, drive but these answers would be incorrect. 可能你会说,是他们的态度、天赋、毅力和动力,不过这些答案都不正确。 www.justing.com.cn 8. Effective teaching is not to give right answers, but to put forward questions that are thought-provoking. 有效的教学并非在于给出正确的答案,而在于提出引人深思的问题。 www.clzg.cn 9. All questions are multiple choice, so answer every one. Tthere is no penalty for wrong answers, so at least guess at every question. 所有题目都是多选题,因此应该答出每个选项(答错了不倒扣分,因此至少还可以猜答案)。 www.ibm.com 10. The answers to these questions should give you a good sense of the culture of your organization. 这些问题的答案可以让你对企业文化有个好的认识。 www.ebigear.com |
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