单词 | cereal |
释义 | cereals是cereal的复数
复数:cereals 例句释义: 谷物,〈美〉谷类食物,谷类的,谷类食品,榖类食品,粮谷 1. When Peltz pushed her to sell some brands, she did, unloading Veryfine fruit juice and Post cereals. 当佩尔茨催促她卖掉一些诸如Veryfine果汁和Post谷物这类品牌时,她照做了。 www.bing.com 2. The period leading up to the domestication of cereals was one of erratic climate change, as the last ice age ended. 第四纪冰河时代结束,人们开始耕种谷物之前的时期气候变化无常。 www.ecocn.org 3. They say an average Collie eats 164kg of meat and 95kg of cereals a year, giving it a high impact on the planet. 他们说,平均一只牧羊犬每年要吃194公斤肉和95公斤谷类食品,对地球环境产生巨大影响。 www.bing.com 4. Breakfast was a total disaster. For eating there was ONE KIND of sausage (ham. . . ) and ONE KIND of hard cheese, some cereals. 早餐简直就是个灾难。因为在那儿吃饭就只有一种香肠(火腿),只有一种质硬的干酪,一些干谷﹑酸奶和果酱。没有蔬菜和水果,也没有鸡。 www.taskcn.com 5. The rules were designed to avoid overproduction but Brussels is now worried that there will not be enough cereals to meet demand. 制定这些规定是为了防止生产过剩,但欧盟委员会现在担心会出现谷物供应不足。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Most of the commercial in the children advertise foods with a little no nutritional values, such as sugar cereals, soda and fast food meals. 其中大多数是有很少的营养或者根本没有营养价值的儿童广告食品,像甜味谷类,苏打和快餐。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. In other fields like cereals, overseas investors were quickening their pace and spending more money on buying Chinese enterprises, he said. 在其他领域,例如谷类,海外投资者也加快了他们的步伐并且在收购中国企业上加大了投资,他指出。 my.putclub.com 8. Since the 1980s livestock production has far outstripped that of cereals. 80年代以来,畜牧业生产已远远超过谷物。 www.ecocn.org 9. There was also a strong correlation between women eating breakfast cereals and producing sons. 在母亲吃谷物早餐和生男孩之间也有紧密的相互联系。 www.bing.com 10. A study by IFPRI calculates that getting rid of these would reduce world cereals prices by an average of 30%. IFPRI的一份报告中显示,解除这些限制将会使全球谷物价格平均下降30%。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Oily fish is one of the best dietary sources, but vegans can obtain it from fortified breakfast cereals and margarine. 鱼油是最好的饮食来源,但素食者可以从强化早餐谷物和人造奶油中获得。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. However, it is still not satisfactory in terms of sales volume, the per capita use of breakfast cereals less than an ounce. 然而,就销售总量而言仍不尽如人意,人均早餐麦片的使用量还不到一盎司。 baike.china.alibaba.com 3. If you look hard enough, you'll find at least a handful of sugar-free or low-sugar cereals like oatmeal, bran flakes and shredded wheat . 如果你看得够仔细的话,就可以发现市面上有许多无糖或低糖的麦片食品,像燕麦片、麦麸和碎麦片等。 www.showxiu.com 4. Corn and barley prices are also likely to rise, which may in turn push up the cost of beer and breakfast cereals. 玉米和大麦价格可能也会上涨,进而推高啤酒和早餐谷类食品的价格。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Although you were taught otherwise, breads and cereals made from white flour are not good for you. 除非有人教你说白色的食物是健康的,但面粉制成的面包和麦片实在与人无益。 www.ebigear.com 6. By 2050, the FAO thinks, the contribution of cereals will have dropped to 46% and that of meat, dairy and fats will have risen to 29%. 到2050年,FAO认为谷物降低到46%,肉、奶制品和脂肪将上升到29%。 www.bing.com 7. Just as high oil prices help Africa's petroleum economies, so higher prices for beans, cereals, dairy products and meat boost smallholders. 就像高油价带动了非洲石油经济,同样地,大豆、谷物、乳制品和肉类价格的上涨也推动了佃农的发展。 www.ecocn.org 8. Breakfast was fresh and delicious with a great selection of meats, cheese, fruits, pastries, cereals juices and coffee (cappuccino, YUM). 早餐新鲜可口,肉、奶酪、水果、谷类饮料以及咖啡(卡布奇诺,新第纳尔)都有大量的选择。 weike.taskcn.com 9. The food is mainly Mediterranean, based on cereals, vegetables, cheese and fish, with just a little meat. 食物主要为地中海风味,原料有小麦、蔬菜、奶酪和鱼,以及少量的肉。 page.renren.com 10. For additional nutrition, sustagen hospital formula can be added to other foods, used in baking, or sprinkled on breakfast cereals. 为增加额外营养,也可把本产品加入其它食物中,如甜点面包或撒入早餐麦片中食用。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Fruit and vegetables do not begin to approximate the calories contained in cereals from the same amount of land and labor. 水果和蔬菜绝对做不到与来自等量土地、劳力的谷物中所含有的热量(卡)想接近。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Vital staples like potatoes and cereals are no longer getting into the food chain because bio-fuel crops are more profitable for farmers. 各式各样的产品,如马铃薯,麦片,都不再是食物链的范围了,因为原能作物对农人来说更有利益可图。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Our breakfast was included and was a nice variety of breads, cereals, cheese, juice, ham, coffee, etc. 酒店提供早餐,种类很丰富,有面包、麦片、奶酪、果汁、火腿咖啡等等。 weike.taskcn.com 4. Second, eating meat drives up the price of cereals, which leads to starvation and food riots -- as I discuss here. 第二,吃肉抬高了谷物价格,从而导致饥饿和粮食骚乱-正如我在此讨论的。 www.bing.com 5. Researchers analysed nine years of data on phosphorus flows in cereals and legumes worldwide. 科学家分析了全世界谷物和豆类的磷流动的9年的数据。 www.scidev.net 6. An advantage of rice over other cereals is that, in some favored areas, three crops a year are possible , while two crops are very common. 大米比其他谷物有一点优越之处,就是在条件比较好地区,一年可以收三次,而收成两次是很常见的。 www.xkdwyx.com 7. We were given a choice between a classic English breakfast or breakfast cereals with a selection of fruit compotes. 这里准备了两种早餐,一种是传统的英式早餐,另外的就是水果加酸奶麦片。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Breakfast was the usual fare of cereals, yoghurt, boiled eggs, bread, rolls, cold meats, cheese, fruit, tea, coffee and fruit juices. 早餐有谷物、酸奶、煮鸡蛋、面包、面包卷、冷盘、奶酪、水果、茶、咖啡和果汁。 weike.taskcn.com 9. Besides being a condiment on breakfast cereals , are there any other uses for berries ? 除了作为早餐脆片的佐料以外,浆果还有其他用途吗? www.bing.com 10. The two nutrients of any quantity in the endosperm of cereals are starch and protein. 在谷物胚乳中,含量可能变化的两种营养素为淀粉和蛋白质。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Skip white bread and typical children's cereals that have had their fiber stripped away. 不要选择那些去除了纤维的白面包和一般儿童麦片类食物。 www.bing.com 2. Fortified Cereals : ensuring that you get enough folic acid into your diet is a good idea for your overall picture of health. 强化谷物:确保你从食物中摄取了足够的叶酸,这对你的健康有好处。 www.kekenet.com 3. You'll need more than some almonds for your daily dose though, so try cereals, sunflower seeds, turnip greens and wheat germ, too. 每天吃几粒杏仁还不够,你还可以尝试食用谷物、葵花籽、萝卜叶和麦芽。 www.bing.com 4. Wheaties, more than most breakfast cereals, has always striven to break new ground in attention-grabbing advertising. 麦片,不像其他的谷物早餐,一直在广告注意力市场里,为攻陷新的领土而奋斗着。 www.bing.com 5. Most of the popular cereals (in terms of sales) live somewhere in the twenty to thirty five percent sugar range. 大部分受欢迎的谷类食品(从销售的方面来说)含糖量的幅度大概是百分之二十到百分之三十五之间。 www.elanso.com 6. As an agriculture-oriented country, Mozambique exports the traditional products like cashew nuts, cotton, cereals and sisal. 莫桑比克是农业国,腰果、棉花、剑麻是传统出口产品。 www.zsnews.cn 7. The company's GoLean, on the other hand, is one of the best cereals in the supermarket, boasting nearly twice as much fiber as sugar. 从另一方面说,这家公司的GoLean是超市中最好的谷类之一,比其他同类食品含有将近两倍的纤维和糖分。 www.bing.com 8. Without these adjunct cereals , the limiting nutritional factor for yeast in fermentation would be protein. 如果没有这些谷物的补充,发酵过程中酵母菌的限制营养因子或许是蛋白质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. By cereals we mean wheat, oats, barley, and all that. 我们说谷类,指的是小麦、燕麦、大麦之类的东西。 www.tingroom.com 10. Sterols are present in small quantities in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, cereals and legumes. 含植物甾醇的食物数量很少,仅在水果,蔬菜,坚果,种子,谷类及豆类中存在。 www.dxy.cn 1. He said that an egg breakfast, a cup of milk and cereals are essential, while the fast-food nutrition with very unreasonable. 他表示,早餐一个鸡蛋、一杯牛奶和谷类食品是必不可少的,而快餐的营养搭配极不合理。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Eaten alone, or added to yogurt, cereals, or other foods where you want to add a little sweetness. 浆果可以单独吃,如果你想给某些食品比如说酸奶、谷物粥里增加一些甜味,也可以把它们加进去。 www.elanso.com 3. True, cereals do not compare with animal foods for either quantity quality of protein. 的确,谷物无论就蛋白质的数量还是质量而言,都不能与动物性食物相比。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Also, have them set out the next morning's clothes and breakfast cereals and utensils. 同时,也让他们准备好第二天要穿的衣服,早餐和餐具。 www.bing.com 5. If Egypt grew all its own cereals, it would require one-sixth of the water in the Aswan dam reservoir. 如果埃及所有的谷物都由自己种植,所需水量将占阿斯旺(Aswan)大坝水库蓄水量的六分之一。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Maize production has soared five-fold (due mainly to fertilisers) and receipts for crop sales have steadied thanks to a cereals bank. 例外,化肥的使用也促进了玉米的产量呈5倍地增长,农作物的销售收据也因为一家谷物银行的介入而日趋稳定。 www.ecocn.org 7. Only had buffet breakfast - not great, but it was your typical continental style with cold cuts, breads, cereals and yogurt. 只有自助早餐,虽然不是很美味,但是属于典型的欧式餐点,有冷盘,面包,谷物片和酸奶酪。 www.taskcn.com 8. But the cost of bread, cereals and dairy foods stayed the same or even dropped over the seven-year period. 但是面包,谷类,乳制品的价格却维持在原来的水平甚至在这7年中有下降的趋势。 www.bing.com 9. A little be that the five cereals , subsidiary food are vegetable , additional staple food creophagism. 主食是五谷,辅食是蔬菜,外加少量肉食。 wenwen.soso.com 10. method for the determination of paraquat residues in cereals , vegetables for export . uv - spectrophotometric method. 出口粮谷,蔬菜中百草枯残留量检验方法。紫外分光光度法。 www.ichacha.net 1. Grain size is a major determinant of grain yield in cereals and is a target trait for both domestication and artificial breeding. 谷粒大小是决定谷类籽粒产量的重要决定因子。也是作物驯化和人工育种的目标性状。 www.ricedata.cn 2. Red meat and vegetables with high iron content should be introduced early, as well as the use of iron-fortified cereals. 包含铁元素的红肉和蔬菜应在早期使用,包括添加铁剂的谷类。 www.bing.com 3. on breakfast cereals, are there any other uses for berries? 除了作为早餐脆片的作料以外,浆果还有其他用途吗? www.jukuu.com 4. Eat 6 to 11 servings each day (at least 50% of your total calories) from this group, which includes cereals, rice and pasta. 每天从这个食物团体中吃六至十一种这个水平提供的食物(至少50%的您的总热量),其中包括谷物,大米和面食。 www.bing.com 5. To their credit, cereal manufactures have been working to reduce the amount of added sugars in their child-targeted cereals. 麦片公司为了保证他们宣称的健康概念,已经减少了儿童麦片中的糖的添加量。 www.bing.com 6. By 2080, according to government scientists in South Africa, the region can expect to see a 50% drop in crops of all the cereals. 据南非政府科学家称,预计至2080年该地区所有谷类作物产量将下降50%。 www.bing.com 7. Grain markets have had some relief after Russia and Ukraine ended export bans on cereals declared after a drought in 2010. 俄罗斯和乌克兰取消了2010年旱灾后出台的谷物出口禁令后,谷物市场缓了一口气。 www.ftchinese.com 8. CEREALS AND PULSES. DETERMINATION OF THE NITROGEN CONTENT AND CALCULATION OF THE RAW PROTEIN CONTENT. KJELDAHL METHOD. 谷类和豆子.氮含量的测定和生蛋白含量的测定.KJELDAHL法 www.mapeng.net 9. You had better feed on coarse cereals for a time. 你最好吃一段时间杂粮。 www.hotdic.com 10. For this reason, it's important for vegans to consider vitamin supplements, vitamin-enriched cereals and fortified soy products. 因此,严格素食者食用维生素补充、富含维生素的小麦和加维生素B-12的豆制品就尤为重要。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Include whole grains, raw vegetables, slightly cooked vegetables, fruits, fiber enriched cereals, whole wheat pasta, beans, etc. 这包括了全谷物,生菜,轻微烹调的蔬菜,水果,富含纤维的麦片,全麦面,豆类等等。 www.bing.com 2. Pantry items (canned foods, cereals, etc. ) should be stored in a dark place like in a cupboard or pantry. 食物处理品(罐头食品、谷物类等)应该存放在像碗柜或餐具室的较阴暗的地方。 www.bing.com 3. F. , who has had charge of our cereals department for some considerable time will in future sign for the firm. 长期担任我公司粮食部主任的JF先生今后将行使代表我公司签名的权力。 www.kekenet.com 4. The trade-weighted FAO index monitors the monthly change in a basket of 55 commodities, including meat, dairy, cereals, oils and sugar. 粮农组织的贸易加权食品价格指数追踪55种商品的月度价格走势,这些商品包括肉类、奶制品、谷物、食用油和食糖等。 chinese.wsj.com 5. About 80 percent of salt comes from processed or prepared foods -- 35 percent of that in cereals, breads and pastries. 大约80%的盐分来自于加工食品和方便食品——其中35%藏于谷物、面包和糕点之中。 www.bing.com 6. Note: Fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and legumes, and condiments or spices should be made available whenever possible. 注意:新鲜水果和蔬菜,谷类和豆类,以及调味品或香料只要有可能就应提供。 pro.yeeyan.com 7. Usage: milk powder, baby foods, coffee powder, chocolate powder, cereals, coffee, tea, nuts, snacks, ghee, crisps, oats, leaves and others. 用法:奶粉,婴儿食品,咖啡粉,巧克力粉,麦片,咖啡,茶,坚果,小吃,酥油,油炸食品,燕麦,叶等。 zhqj.a1pak.com 8. This can be derived from whole grains, legumes, cereals, green and leafy vegetables, fresh fruits etc. 这可以从整个谷物,豆类,谷类,绿色叶菜类蔬菜,新鲜水果等。 www.yyss021.com 9. Guarana is widely used in breakfast cereals, biscuits, cereal bars, candy, soup, capsules, tablets and other products. 瓜拉纳被广泛应用在早餐麦片,饼干,谷物棒,糖果,汤料,胶囊,片剂等产品中。 www.cntrades.com 10. Sweet pastries are also very popular, as well as breakfast cereals eaten cold and mixed with milk or yoghurt and fruit. 甜馅饼也很受欢迎,以及早餐麦片和混合吃冷牛奶或酸奶和水果。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Many are important parasites of cereals and form a mass of sooty black spores in place of the grain. 这类真菌往往是谷物的寄生菌,在其上产出大量烟熏状的乌黑孢子。 plb.snnu.edu.cn 2. Yuyang District is a traditional agricultural region with wide distribution and complete range of coarse cereals . 榆阳区为传统的农业大区,小杂琅种植分布极为广泛,品种齐全。 sbfeng.com 3. The fibrous root system in cereals comprises primarily adventitious roots (ARs), which play important roles in nutrient and water uptake. 谷类作物的须根系主要由不定根组成,在营养物质和水分吸收中发挥重要作用。 www.ricedata.cn 4. A pyridine derivative, C18H11NO3, occurring especially in cereals, yeast, liver, and fish and serving as a coenzyme in amino acid synthesis. 醇吡啶的衍生物,c18h11no3,尤其齣现于谷类,酵母,肝脏和鳞中,作为氨基酸閤成作用中的辅酶。 ezitong.com 5. Breakfast buffet was very good, with a wide selection of juices, fruit, cold cuts, cereals, pastries and hot buffet. 自助早餐很不错,有果汁,水果,冷盘,谷物,糕点和自助热的广泛选择。 www.taskcn.com 6. As they nourished themselves with cereals, the monkeys lost little by little their hairs and their tail. 随着猴子们以谷物为食,他们渐渐脱掉了身上的毛和尾巴。 instapedia.com 7. cereals - determination of bulk density , called " mass per hectolitre " - reference method. 谷物。容积密度“百升质量”的测定。参照法。 www.ichacha.net 8. Good sources of fiber are fresh fruits and vegetables and breads, cereals, or muffins that have lots of whole grain in them. 水果,蔬菜,面包,麦片或全谷物小松饼是很好的纤维来源。 www.bing.com 9. You may also happen to find it in fortified cereals, but make sure to carefully read the label and find this mention in the instructions. 你也许会发现强化谷物里也蕴含维他命和矿物质元素,但是也要仔细读一下商品说明,看看说明中是否提及。 www.elanso.com 10. The increasing costs of other cereals and sugar were the main factors behind the rise in the index. 其它谷物和食糖价格的持续攀升是这次指数上涨的主要原因。 www.ecocn.org 1. Dried beans and peas, lentils, enriched cereals, whole-grain products, dark leafy green vegetables and dried fruit are good sources of iron. 铁元素的优秀来源包括干豆、豌豆、扁豆、小麦、全麦产品、深色绿叶蔬菜和果脯。 bbs.ebigear.com 2. It is found in meat, dairy products, eggs, fish, shellfish and fortified breakfast cereals, and it also can be taken as a supplement. 食物中的肉类、乳制品、蛋、鱼、贝和加强的早餐麦片中均含有维生素B12,当然也可直接摄入以补充其不足。 news.dxy.cn 3. The lysine limitation also can be overcome by consuming cereals with other foods high in lysine. 离氨酸限制也能被藉由用其他的食物离氨酸的高度消耗谷类食品克服。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Several have become widespread weeds, especially of irrigated crops, and two are sometimes cultivated as minor cereals. 数个已经成为广布的杂草,特别是可灌溉的庄稼的,并且两有时象较小谷类一样栽培的。 www.flora.ac.cn 5. Not to mention the importance of new categories of foods made from milled grains, particularly breakfast cereals. 我们当然还可以提到谷物碾磨后所制成的各种重要的新类型食品,特别是早餐的各种谷物片。 agri-history.ihns.ac.cn 6. The term "cereal" as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph refers to wheat, paddy, corn, miscellaneous cereals and food cereals . 前款所称粮食,是指小麦、稻谷、玉米、杂粮及其成品粮。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. General Mills has announced it will cut back on the amount of sugar in ten of its popular kids cereals. 美国通用磨坊食品公司宣布,要减少十种最受欢迎的儿童谷类早餐里糖的含量。最新调查显示。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "In India, cereals are being increasingly overtaken by fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs and poultry, " Mr Gulati argues. Gulati主张,在印度,谷物的地位正日益为水果、蔬菜、牛奶、鸡蛋以及禽类所取代。 www.ecocn.org 9. The raw cereals, processed products, processing technology and equipment were expounded. 阐述了原粮情况、加工工艺和设备以及加工产品的性能。 www.chemyq.com 10. Cereals: It was found that breakfast with high fiber would make people not feel hungry. 麦片,有人发现,早餐中纤维含量高的话,就不会有饥肠辘辘的感觉。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. The groups in the Basic Four are: milk and milk products, meats and meat alternates, fruits and vegetables, and grains(breads and cereals). 四基础的四类食物是:乳及乳制品、肉及肉的替代品、水果和蔬菜,还有谷物(面包和谷类食物)。 chinafanyi.com 2. Chinese spirits have been distilled mainly from fermented cereals . 中国的白酒主要是从发酵的谷物中蒸馏而来。 tr.hjenglish.com 3. Don't feed your rabbit cookies, crackers, nuts, seeds, breakfast cereals (including oatmeal) or "high fiber" cereals. 不要给你的兔子喂饼干,曲奇,早餐麦片等或其他高纤维谷物。 www.mypethome.com 4. Calcium-enriched and fortified products, including juices, cereals, soy milk, soy yogurt and tofu, are other options. 含有丰富钙质的制品,包括果汁、麦片、豆奶、大豆乳酪以及豆腐,也是不错的选择。 bbs.ebigear.com 5. The electrically detected characteristics of cereals were introduced. 介绍了粮食水分的电测特性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Examination of food composition tables shows that in general, cereals are highest in starch content and lowest in sugars. 查看一些食物成分表便可知道,通常谷类的淀粉含量最高而糖含量最低。 www.ebigear.com 7. Li Hongzhi, however, had to work as a clerk in the cereals and Oil Company. 而李洪志却不得不被安排在一个粮管所当办事员,去做看门的保卫。 www.kaiwind.com 8. Excellent skills and experience in tissue culture and genetic transformation of cereals are essential. 具备良好的谷类组织培养和遗传转化方面的经验和技术。 www.sciencetimes.com.cn 9. Any of various grASses (family Poaceae, or Gramineae), that produce small edible seeds used AS forage crops and AS food cereals. 禾本科(或早熟禾科)一类种子形小的饲料作物和谷物。 dict.ebigear.com 10. It's kind of like a boy from a third-world country walking into a supermarket to find 30 different kinds of cereals. 这就像一个来自第三世界的男孩走进超市,发现光麦片就有三十种。 www.youfind.com.cn 1. We're marketing to your kids too. That's why we put the rainbow-colored cereals and other kiddie catnip at their eye level. 我们也是在向您的孩子销售。这就是我们为什么将彩伞样的颗粒食品和其他的小山羊猫薄荷放在他们眼睛能看到的范围内的原因。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. cereals , oilseeds and pulses . measurement of unit pressure loss in one - dimensional air flow through bulk grain. 谷类。油料籽和豆类。对透过堆积谷物的一维空气流中的单位压力损失的测定。 www.ichacha.net 3. Westerners eat more meat while Chinese eat more vegetables, especially the traditional cereals. 西方人吃更多的肉,而吃更多的蔬菜中,特别是传统的谷物。 q.sohu.com 4. A bowl of bran cereal Eating more cereals and whole grains could reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer, a BMJ study says. 多吃谷物和粗粮可以减少患结肠癌的风险,一份英国医学杂志的研究说。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 5. The prime products are millet , green bean , small red bean , buckwheat and formula porridge of coarse cereals . 主要的产品有小米、绿豆、红小豆、荞麦杂粮以及配方杂粮粥。 sbfeng.com 6. In any case, the supplements, remedies and cereals that claim to strengthen immunity (and thereby protect you from colds) do no such thing. 无论如何,可以增强免疫力(从而免患感冒)的滋补品、药物和麦片根本没有这种效果。 www.bing.com 7. Most processed breads and cereals contain little fiber, the calorie-free component of plant foods that fills you up, not out. 大多数加工过的面包和谷类食品含有极少的纤维,你会被无卡路里元素的植物养料填满,而不是排出这些肥料残留。 www.bing.com 8. Flowing cereals and milled cereal products - Automatic sampling by mechanical means. 流质谷类制品和碾碎的谷类制品.机械法自动取样 www.mapeng.net 9. Women sell cereals and nuts on the main road of the Abobo neighborhood of Abidjan, the capital of Ivory Coast, on Jan. 象牙海湾(科特迪瓦)首都阿比让的阿波波社区,主干道两旁,女人们在售卖着谷物和坚果。摄于1月13日。 www.bing.com 10. As human food, cereals are usually marketed in raw grain form or as ingredients of food products. 作为人类食物,谷物通常以未经处理的形式(有些是通过冷冻或制成罐头),或作为各种食品的组成部分销售; dict.kekenet.com 1. And calcium-fortified foods like orange juice, soy milk, breakfast cereals and tofu are now widely available. 另外,强化添加钙的食物例如橙汁、豆浆、早餐麦片和豆腐现在也都很多。 www.bing.com 2. The price of cereals and the price of calves at the present moment has virtually sounded the death knell of barley beef production. 日前的谷物价格和牛犊价格实际上已经敲响了用大麦生产牛肉的丧钟。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Be sure to get your daily dose by eating a Brazil nut, or tuna sandwich, sunflower seeds, whole grain cereals, or swordfish. 保证每天都有足够的硒摄入量,可以吃巴西坚果,金枪鱼三明治,葵花籽,全麦谷物或者剑鱼。 www.microcard2u.com 4. Mainly engaged in home products, cereals, oil, flour processing, wholesale, retail. 主要从事家副产品、粮油、面粉的加工、批发、零售。 www.tonke.cn 5. wheat with soft starch kernels used in pastry and breakfast cereals. 有柔软淀粉颗粒的小麦,用于做油酥点心和早餐。 www.hotdic.com 6. Fermented milk was mixed with cereals and juice to make a Lactobacillus beverage. 以发酵酸乳为主要原料,复配谷物和果汁制作乳酸菌饮料。 www.bimag.com.cn 7. Cereals include paddy, wheat, maize, millet, Chinese sorghum, etc. , except beans and tubers. 这类作物包括稻谷、小麦、玉米、谷子、高粱和其他谷物,不包括豆类和薯类作物。 www.biodic.cn 8. The fairly advanced economy in the Western Zhou Dynasty resulted in abundant cereals, vegetables and meats. 相当先进的经济体系中的西周导致丰富的谷物,蔬菜和肉类。 q.sohu.com 9. Drying technology plays an important role in the quality control of nutritional engineering cereals. 干燥参数的合理控制对杂粮营养工程米的品质有重要影响。 www.dictall.com 10. powder made of dried milk and malted cereals. 由干牛奶和制麦芽用的谷物做成的粉。 www.hotdic.net 1. Biscuit, cereals, maple syrup , chocolate, soft drinks, fruit jam, nuts, coffee and Icewine. 饼干,麦片,枫叶糖浆,巧克力,饮料,果酱,果仁,咖啡,冰酒等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. CEREALS AND PULSES. SAMPLING OF MILLED PRODUCTS. 农用产品.谷物和豆科植物.碾磨产品的取样 www.mapeng.net 3. Inquiring into Cereals, Oils and Foods Processing Development Questions in "The Tenth Five Years Plan" 关于“十五”粮油食品加工业发展问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. The sugar from beets and cane, generally considered interchangeable, is used in candies, cereals, cakes and numerous other products. 甜菜和甘蔗制造的糖公认可以互换,用在糖果、谷片、糕饼和其他很多产品上。 www.showxiu.com 5. Other sources include fortified margarine, and breakfast cereals. 另外,钙质的来源还包括,强化人造奶油,早餐燕麦片。 www.bing.com 6. BHA is found in butter, meats, cereals, chewing gum, baked goods, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes, and beer. 黄油、肉类、谷类、口香糖、焙烤食品、休闲食品、脱水土豆和啤酒中都能找到它的身影。 www.bing.com 7. The content effects of sugar, salt and honey on the texture of breakfast cereals during extrusion were studied. 本文研究了挤压加工中糖含量、盐含量和蜂蜜含量对谷物早餐质构的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. This added to demand for cereals (a kilo of poultry requires about two kilos of grain, a kilo of beef much more). 这使谷物需求上升(一公斤家禽肉需要两公斤粮食,而一公斤牛肉需要的粮食更多)。 www.ecocn.org 9. Cereals, pulses and derived products. Enumeration of bacteria, yeasts and moulds. 谷物、豆类及其制品.细菌、酵母及霉菌的计数 www.mapeng.net 10. An economically important rust is Puccinia, which infects many crops, notably cereals. 有重要经济价值的锈菌是锈菌属,它们可以感染多种农作物,尤其是谷物。 plb.snnu.edu.cn 1. The china agri-product profit in foreign currency could increase by the coarse cereals. 杂粮可以增加中国农产品出口创汇。 www.chemyq.com 2. The largest increase in these sales has been seen in strained, jarred baby food when compared with cereals and juices. 在整个销售量中,与谷类及果汁类食品相比,销售额增长最快的是去渣、罐装婴儿食品。 www.elanso.com 3. Milk, bread, butter, jam, peanut butter, honey, doughnuts, fried eggs, boiled eggs, or cereals. 牛奶,面包,奶油,果酱,花升酱,蜂蜜,圈饼,荷包蛋,煮蛋,谷类食物。 dict.bioon.com 4. Iron. Iron-rich foods include beef and other meats, beans, lentils, iron-fortified cereals, dark green leafy vegetables and dried fruit. 铁。含铁丰富的食物包括;肉类、大豆、小扁豆、加铁的谷类、深绿色叶的蔬菜、水果干等等。 www.bing.com 5. Applicable for quantitative pouring and packing of Liquid of Cereals , Foodstuffs , Pharmacy and Chemical Industy, etc. 适用于粮油、食品、医药、化工等行业的液体定量灌装。 www.bing.com 6. The upward pressures last month included higher food prices, especially for bread and cereals. 上个月,较高的食品价格,尤其是面包和谷类食品价格,是推动价格上涨压力的因素之一。 www.ecocn.org 7. Starch (corn): Corn is the world's recognized as the "golden crop" , its fat, phosphorus, vitamin B2 content of cereals for the first home. 淀粉(玉米):玉米是世界公认的“黄金作物”,其脂肪、磷元素、维生素B2的含量居谷类食物之首。 sites.google.com 8. Suitable for conveying cereals in bulk or packed in tins, bales or cases in- food industry or cereal industry . 适用于食品工业或粮食部门运输散装、听装、成包成箱的粮食或食品。 www.bing.com 9. Examples: vegetables, fruits , cereals, sugars, and gums. 如:蔬菜、水果、谷物、食糖、香胶等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Suitable for packing cereals, rice, coffee, sugar, powder, medicines, ect. 适用于包装麦片,大米,咖啡粉,白糖,冲剂,药品等。 www.myjidian.com 1. And the dimension of the problem ahead is vast: America and India combined produce about 30% of globally consumed cereals. 将要面临问题的程度是巨大的:美国和印度一起产出约世界30%的谷类消耗。 www.ecocn.org 2. Check the ingredient list of your breads and cereals carefully and make sure the preponderance of the ingredients is whole grain. 仔细检查你的面包和谷类的成分列表的,并确保优势的成分是粗粮。 www.elanso.com 3. They cast doubt on Kraft's ability to fund a takeover, as its acquisition of Danone biscuits and cereals increased its debt burden to $15bn. 他们质疑卡夫公司并购的融资能力,因为卡夫公司在收购了法国达能公司的饼干及麦片业务之后,债务负担已增加到150亿美元。 www.bing.com 4. Laws on food content are common in many countries, requiring manufacturers for instance to add iodine to salt and folic acid in cereals. 很多国家都对食品含量作出了法律规定,如要求厂商增加盐的碘含量和谷物的叶酸含量。 www.bing.com 5. Examples of complex carbohydrate include pasta, rice, breads, breakfast cereals, and some fruits and vegetables. 复杂碳水化合物包括面食,米,面包,谷物早餐,某些水果和蔬菜,等等。 bbs.running8.com 6. Fontana says most of us don't eat nearly enough fruits and vegetables or enough whole-grains, cereals or beans. Fontana称我们大多数人没有食用足够多的水果和蔬菜或足够的全谷类食物或豆类。 news.dxy.cn 7. Jiangsu Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import & Export Group Corp. 江苏省粮油食品进出口集团股份有限公司 www.baike.com 8. The best food sources of vitamin B3 are peanuts, brewer's yeast, fish and meat, and fortified breakfast cereals. 最好的维生素B3食物来源是花生,啤酒酵母,鱼类和肉类,以及强化谷物早餐。 www.bing.com 9. Eating oatmeal, high-fiber cereals, and whole-grain breads cuts the risk of macular degeneration by about 39 percent, shows a recent study. 黄斑部变性最近的研究表明,吃燕麦、高纤维谷物以及全谷面包能减少视网膜黄斑部变性的危险约39%。 zhyue195812.blog.163.com 10. Several countries are abundant in cereals, China and Thailand , for instance. 有些国家,如中国和泰国,盛产谷物。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. In Australia, the vast majority of supermarket cereals are high-sugar, processed crap. 在澳大利亚,超市里绝大多数的谷类食品都是高糖分的经过加工的劣质食品。 www.elanso.com 2. Increased consumption of fruit, vegetables, cereals and pulses is also recommended. 消费量增加水果,蔬菜,谷物和豆类还建议。 uzmart.com 3. Zhejiang Cereals, Oils & Foodstuff Import & Export Co. , Ltd. 浙江省粮油食品进出口股份有限公司 www.foodmate.net 4. A large grocery chain has already pulled more than 1, 000 items, including commonly available breakfast cereals, from its shelves. 一家大型食品杂货连锁店已下架1,000多种商品,包括常见的早餐谷物食品。 www.bing.com 5. Maize, cassava and others vegetables and cereals are grown for local consumption. 而为了满足本地的一些消费,则会种植一些玉米,木薯和其他一些蔬菜和谷类。 www.24en.com 6. Soy lecithin and calcium carbohydrate may be used as quality improvers for cereals extrusion. 大豆磷脂和碳酸钙可作为挤压谷物产品品质改良剂。 www.magsci.net 7. CEREALS AND OIL SEEDS. MOISTURE METERS. SPECIFICATIONS. DESIGN AND USE. 谷物及油料种子.湿度计.规范.设计与使用 www.mapeng.net 8. Cereals sown this spring have been practically wiped out. 今春播下的谷物差不多全毁了。 newssgo.com 9. Cereals, pulses and derived products. Determination of ash. Incineration method at 550 degrees Celsius. 谷物和豆科植物及其制品.灰分的测定.550℃焚化法 www.mapeng.net 10. Almost all the increase in cereals output in 2008 came from rich countries: the harvest in those nations increased 11%. 2008年的谷物产出增长几乎全部来自富有的国家:这些国家的收获增加了11%。 www.ecocn.org 1. Also applies to wheat flour, rice, cereals, sesame flour, milk powder, a large package of quantitative. 还适用于面粉、米粉、麦片、芝麻粉、牛奶粉等定量大包装。 www.sqiye.com 2. You can also do OK buying things like cereals or nuts out of the bulk bins. 盛在硕大储藏箱里那些散卖的麦片和坚果也是不错的选择。 news.koolearn.com 3. They withstand dry weather better than the other cereals because the plants tend to remain dormant during a dry, hot period. 高粱比其它谷类作物更耐干旱,因为高粱植株在炎热干燥时期往往会进入休眠, www.jukuu.com 4. Many people have far too little fibre in their diets, but there's more to a healthy colon than bran breakfast cereals. 很多的饮食纤维含量非常少,但有更多人用麸谷类做早餐,然而他们的肠道非常健康。 www.erah.net 5. Yogurt with tofu, vegetables, cereals, food, play better results. 酸奶搭配豆腐,蔬菜,谷类食品食用,会更好地发挥效果。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Exports: edible oils, fuels and energy, cereals, feed, motor vehicles. 出口:食用油,燃料能源。谷物,种子,汽车。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Breakfast was marvellous - an enormous selection of cheeses, cold meats and fish, cereals, breads, fruit salads, and more. 早餐令人出乎意料,我们可以在奶酪、冷鱼肉、谷类食物、面包、水果沙拉等之间选择。 weike.taskcn.com 8. The major sources of carbohydrates in commercial dog foods are cereals, legumes, and other plant foodstuffs. 销售的狗粮中,主要的糖份来源于谷类、豆类及其他植物类食品。 www.0717ad.com 9. The major sources of carbohydrates in commercial cat foods are cereals, legumes, and other plant foodstuffs. 在市面所卖的猫粮中,碳水化合物的三大来源是谷类,豆类和其他的植物粮食。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. have "named and shamed" offenders by highlighting surprisingly high salt levels in cereals and other foods. 所进行的许多研究,曝光麦片及其他一些食品的含盐量高得惊人,“点名批评”了相关的违规生产商。 www.bing.com 1. People usually pack cereals in bags, canned goods in cartons and hardware in wooden cases. 人们通常用袋子包装谷类,用纸盒包装罐头,用木箱装五金。 woshao.com 2. The European Union has suspended its "set-aside" rules that bar farmers from planting cereals on 10 per cent of their land. 欧盟(EU)已经暂停“休耕补助”(set-aside)规定:即禁止农民在其10%的土地上种植谷物。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Not only does the extra sugar harm your diet, those cereals also tend to be less filling. 额外的糖不仅会损害您的饮食,这些谷物也往往较难消化。 www.bing.com 4. Cereals and cereal products. Determination of total fat content. 谷物和谷物制品.总脂类物质含量的测定 www.mapeng.net 5. These shifts in land use reduce the supply of cereals available for human consumption. 土地用途的这些转变,减少了可供人类消费的谷物的供应。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Cereals. Check of the calibration of moisture meters. 谷物.用湿度计进行分级检验 www.mapeng.net 7. They maintain they are making their cereals more nutritious along with reducing their advertising to children. 他们坚持说他们正努力生产更营养的麦片,同时减少针对儿童的广告。 www.foodmate.net 8. Carbohydrate, found in colorful fruits, yogurts, breads, cereals and more, is the prime source of energy. 碳水化合物在各种水果、酸奶酪、面包、谷类中很多,是能量的主要来源。 www.xmswim.cn 9. Rice, wheat, barley, maize (corn), millet and sorghum are of cereals. 大米,小麦,大麦,玉米,小米以及高粱均系谷物类。 chinafanyi.com 10. The latest rise is expected to lead to higher food prices, affecting bread, breakfast cereals, pizzas and pasta. 预计最近价格的上涨将导致食品价格走高,受影响的食品包括面包、早餐麦片、比萨饼和意大利通心粉等。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. This means no sugar in your coffee, on your cereals, or eating that candy bar! 咖啡和麦片要做到无糖,糖果更是不能吃。 www.bing.com 2. Larger hotels have a wide selection of hot and cold breakfast items such scrambled eggs, cereals, cheese and and breads . 大饭店的早餐供应都提供了很多热菜或凉菜的选择,比如煎蛋,麦片,奶酪和面包。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Avoid foods that will make you thirsty. Choose salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals, and canned goods with high liquid content. 不要选择那些让你容易口渴之食品。选择无盐饼干、全麦麦片和富含流质之罐装食品。 wzksw.com 4. Most people do not eat enough of foods such as bread, pasta, rice, other cereals and potatoes. 大多数人并不太吃面包,面食,米饭,其他谷类和土豆等。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Cereals are especially deficient in the essential amino acid lysine. 谷物特别缺乏必需氨基酸——赖氨酸。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corp. 和中国粮油食品进出口(集团)有限公司。 home.donews.com 7. Flaxseeds and flaxseed oils are available in many stores; you can also find bread and cereals containing flaxseed. 这两样都能在商店中买到;面包和谷类食物都包含有亚麻籽成分。 www.bing.com 8. There is a wide range of breakfast cereals to suit all tastes and lower salt options are available. 市场上有各种各样的早餐麦片,可以适合各种口味,而且还有低盐早餐麦片可供选择。 www.bing.com 9. Eating some high-fiber whole grain cereals can seem like munching on cardboard. 吃高纤维全麦谷物看起来好像在大吃纸板一样无味。 www.bing.com 10. Undercapitalism, we are deprived of the power to decide whether we want to produce more hospitals or more breakfast cereals. 在资本主义下,我们没有权利去决定我们是否需要建立更多的医院或生产更多的食物。 www.bing.com 1. Storage of cereals and pulses. Part 1 : general considerations for the keeping of cereals. 谷类和豆类的贮存.第1部分:谷类保存的一般考虑 www.mapeng.net 2. The starch in potatoes, cereals, and baked goods digests very rapidly. 在马铃薯,谷类食品中的淀粉,而且非常快速地烘焙了货物文摘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Choose a diet with plenty of breads, cereals, rice, and pasta. 选择一份有大量面包,谷类植物,米饭和面类的食物。 www.my3q.com 4. Exactly. Well, we looked at 27 cereals that were marketed heavily to children on The Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. . . 是这样。好的,我们调查了在卡通电视网和镍币影院向儿童重点营销的27种麦片… dictsearch.appspot.com 5. For a tasty and healthy start to the day, base your breakfast on starchy foods such as bread or breakfast cereals. 为了开始美味与健康的一天,你的早餐要吃淀粉类的食物,如面包或谷类早餐。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. You can supplement both diets with a little eggs and milk along with whole grain cereals such as raw oats. 你可以用一些蛋类、牛奶以及谷类如未加工的燕麦来补充它们的饮食。 ebook.tianya.cn 7. Barring unforeseeable droughts or floods, both the wheat and cereals harvests in 2009 will set records. 排除不可预见的干旱或洪水,小麦和谷物的收成都将在2009年创下记录。 www.ecocn.org 8. Urgent water flow sand after thick, Fierce wind cereals before chaff. 急水流沙粗在后,狂风吹谷秕在前 wenku.baidu.com 9. Sources of thiamine include dried peas and beans and whole-grain cereals. 维生素B1的来源包括干豌豆、豆类和整粒谷类食品。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. Vitamin D is added to cow's milk, some brands of soy and rice milk (be sure to check the label), and some cereals and margarines. 牛奶、某些豆类和米浆(注意查看标识)以及一些谷物和人造黄油都会添加一定的维生素D。 bbs.ebigear.com 1. The cereals available included rice, corn, millet and beans. 提供的谷物包括稻米,玉米,小米和豆类。 q.sohu.com 2. In grocery stores, there are no less than 50 different breakfast cereals competing for space in your shopping cart. 在食品杂货店里,会有至少50种不同的谷物在竞争您购物车中的一席之地。 www.hjenglish.com 3. They're not grabbing Egg McMuffins either; they're sitting down to fruit and whole-grain cereals and breads. 他们并不是匆匆抓个荷包蛋汉堡当早餐,而是坐下来享受水果、全麦麦片以及面包。 www.bing.com 4. Some bakery goods and breakfast cereals have far more sodium than you'd expect. 一些烘培食品和早餐麦片的食盐含量比你预想的要多。 www.bing.com 5. The China National Cereals Group invested and purchased private Mengniu Dairy, the largest-ever deal in the Chinese food industry. 中国国家粮油集团投资并收购了私企蒙牛乳业,这是中国食品行业迄今为止最大的交易了。 www.bing.com 6. Tools and Techniques for Harvesting Cereals. 收割谷物的工具和技术。 agri-history.ihns.ac.cn 7. Dried cereals and fruits and non-salted nuts are good sources of nutrition. 干麦片、水果和无盐干果是很好之营养源。 wzksw.com 8. High in fruit and vegetables, the diet also uses beans, breads and cereals. 健康饮食指多食用水果和蔬菜,同时,也要摄取大豆、面包和谷类食品。 english.rednet.cn 9. Fujian Provincial Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs I&E Corp. 福建省粮油食品进出口集团公司 www.foodmate.net 10. Cereals and milled products. Determination of ash. Incineration method at 900 degrees C. 谷物和谷物制品.灰分的测定.900℃焚化法 www.mapeng.net 1. Russian imports of cereals as animal feed, until the spring grazing begins. 俄罗斯进口谷物作为牲畜饲料,直到春季放牧开始。 www.englishtang.com 2. The kelloggs company has over 50 percent of the market share for breakfast cereals. 克洛格公司在早餐粥市场上占有超过50%以上的份额。 come.6to23.com 3. Canada has also produced various types of fresh produce rich, such as meat (beef the best in Canada), cereals, dairy products. 加拿大还富产各种新颖农产物、如肉类(加拿大的牛肉最棒)、谷物、奶成品等。 www.bbslyc.cn 4. Part of the reason is that breakfast cereals include a mysterious ingredient called thiamine. 其部分原因在于,现代人早餐中的谷类食品含有一种名为硫胺(thiamine)的神秘成分。 www.bing.com 5. The structure of agriculture produce and the farmer income could be improved through development of produce on coarse cereals. 发展杂粮生产可以改善农业生产结构和农民收入。 www.chemyq.com 6. This company is a joint-stock enterprise with the function of processing and selling grain, mainly coarse cereals such as green bean. 本公司是集粮食加工、销售于一体的股份制企业,以经营绿豆等杂粮为主。 exp.ccpit.org 7. The island grows cereals, vines, melons and pumpkins. 岛上生长着谷物,藤类植物,甜瓜和南瓜。 www.nciku.cn 8. Eat more vitamin B and amino acids in foods such as cereals, fish, green vegetables, eggs, etc. , for out of depression, there are benefits. 多吃些富含维生素B和氨基酸的食物,如谷类、鱼类、绿色蔬菜、蛋类等,对于摆脱抑郁症也有裨益。 www.106jsw.com 9. Most pigeons will eat cereals, but very few are doomed to create history. 大部分鸽子只会吃谷物,极个别却注定要创造历史。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Whole-grain cereals, nuts, and beans are blame-free, if not calorie-free. 如果不含热量,谷物杂粮,坚果和豆类食品可以放心食用。 www.suiniyi.com 1. 'So eat more fruit, veg, fish and unrefined cereals and less meat and dairy. 所以多吃水果、蔬菜、鱼类和非精制的谷物,少吃肉和奶制品。 select.yeeyan.org 2. In the case of cotton, traditionally China's second most important crop (after cereals), harvests almost tripled between 1978 and 1984. 棉花是中国第二重要的传统作物(排在谷类植物之后),1978-1984年间的产量几乎增长了一倍。 3. bran: The outer layers of the grain of cereals such as wheat, removed during the process of milling and used as a source of dietary fiber. 糠:麦子等谷类植物种子的外壳,在加工过程中脱去,用作食物纤维的来源。 www.jukuu.com 4. The maker of Oreo cookies, Philadelphia cream cheese and Post cereals is the leader in four- fifths of its markets in America . 奥里奥饼干的制造者费城奶油干酪和波斯特谷物食品是他美国市场五分之四的领导者,但是在欧洲和亚洲的表现就非常微弱。 www.bing.com 5. Many breakfast cereals are also now fortified. 现在许多早餐谷片也都添加。 www.bing.com 6. The China Nnational Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation, hereinafter called the Sellers, agree to sell and Messers. 中国粮油食品进出口公司,以下称之为卖方,同意出售及相关。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. a senior scientist at the cereals unit of France's National Institute of Agronomic Research, in an accompanying perspective article. 法国国家农业研究所谷物组的高级科学家CatherineFeuillet在同期发表的一篇观点文章中指出,该研究是“遗传学和植物生物学的一个里程碑”。 www.scidev.net 8. that occurs in sugar beets and cotton seeds and certain cereals. 甜菜、棉籽和一些谷物中的三糖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Private label sales have also hurt sales of branded cereals. 私人玉米花的售卖同样损害到了Cornpop的生意。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Americans eat corn directly as a vegetable and in cereals and other foods. 美国人把玉米当蔬菜,粮食以及其他的玉米食物直接食用。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Mr Peltz is likely to push for more changes at Kraft, such as the sale of Post cereals or Maxwell House coffee. Peltz可能继续推进卡夫的改变,例如伯斯特谷物或者麦克思威尔咖啡的销售。 www.ecocn.org 2. Yellow Maize for Starch Extraction and Pop Corn Roasting Industry In Addition To Other Cereals . 采购产品谷类食品之外烘烤工业的淀粉抽出和取出玉黍蜀的黄色玉蜀黍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. a simple protein found in the seeds of cereals. 谷物种子中的简单蛋白质。 qq163s.cn 4. Buckwheat is a highly nutritional value of cereals. 荞麦是一种极具营养价值的谷类食物。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The most important commodities were cereals (wheat, barley, durrah), oranges, sesame seeds, olive oil, and soap. 最为重要的商品是谷物(小麦,大卖,durrah),桔子,芝麻种子,橄榄油和肥皂。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The resulting barrier films are suitable for the preparation of packaging for dry foods such as crackers and breakfast cereals. 所得阻隔膜适用于制备干食品,如脆饼和谷物早餐的包装。 www.hgpf114.com 7. Zhejiang Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs I&E Corp. 浙江省粮油食品进出口公司 www.foodmate.net 8. Cereals provide almost half (47 percent) of the dietary protein worldwide, and they could make a greater contribution. 谷物在世界范围内提供了几乎一半(47%)的膳食蛋白质,而且还可能有更大的贡献。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The role of carbohydrates is that these sugars are the main source of cereals, tubers and fruit. 碳水化合物的作用是,这些糖是谷物,薯类和水果的主要来源。 www.qiyeku.com 10. Enriched breads, cereals and other grain products also contain it. 强化维生素面包、谷类和其他谷物产品,也含有叶酸。 www.dxy.cn 1. China's staple food is cereals, north to face, rice and other rice, wheat, processed foods, and the South for the rice. 中国的主食是谷物,北方为面、饭等大米、小麦加工出的食物,而南方为米饭。 dict.wanyuwang.com 2. Mainly made from corns, brewed with other cereals, whisky usually contain 40%-45% alcohol. 以玉米为主要原料,加入其他谷物制成,酒精含量40%-45%.。 i.cn.yahoo.com 3. processing and sales of cereals and oils and food stuffs. 粮油及食品加工、销售。 www.sourcing.org.cn 4. germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground. 谷物胚芽,整粒、滚压、制片或磨碎的。 www.china-customs.com 5. means while adjusting the prices of cereals and oils. 这次粮油调价,坚决制止搭车涨价和变相涨价。 dict.ebigear.com 6. when the " goddess of cereals " come soon begins harvesting the wheat harvest , the music is that the cheers everywhere. 当“谷物女神”走到即将开镰收割的麦田时,鼓乐齐鸣,欢声四起。 www.ichacha.net 7. Test sieves for cereals - AMENDMENT 1 : additional sizes. 检验用谷物选筛.修改件1:附加规格 www.mapeng.net 8. There is good foreground of development for the coarse cereals in world. 杂粮在国内外有很好发展前景。 www.chemyq.com 9. fruit juice, cereals & toast with tea or coffee. 果汁,麦片和烤面包用茶或咖啡。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Choose foods high in fiber that are enriched such as whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits, and vegetables. 挑选富含纤维的食物,例如:全谷类面包,谷类,面团,米饭,水果和蔬菜。 www.bing.com |
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