单词 | a troop of |
释义 | 例句释义: 一群,许多 1. He came out with a troop of followers. 他带着一大群随从走出来。 www.7en.cn 2. A troop of monkeys all in court dress appeared to serve her. A charming little dog did duty as her page. 一队穿着宫廷服装的猴子服侍她,一只迷人的小狗当她的随从。 www.dreamkidland.cn 3. I left mother to enlist in a troop of Shenyang military region at age of 18. Mother saw me off in station, she had cried. 我于十八岁时离别母亲到沈阳军区某部服兵役,母亲到火车站送我,她哭了。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Inching closer to the city, Vorenus, Pullo and their cavalry come upon a troop of Pompey's new recruits, blocking the road to Rome. 沃伦诺斯、普罗和他们的骑兵缓慢的向罗马移动,在路上碰到了一队庞培新招募的士兵。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. One day when Ali Baba was in the forest, he saw a troop of men on horseback coming toward him. 有一天阿里巴巴在森林里的时候,他看到一群人骑着马过来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. But a troop of Fascist cavalry soon appears and Jordan, barely conscious, waits patiently for its officer to come within range. 然而,一队法西斯骑兵很快出现在眼前,乔丹强使自己保持清醒,耐心地等待着那支队伍的军官走入他的射程范围之内。 www.jukuu.com 7. But suddenly a troop of soldiers with crimson banners appeared to oppose them. 但是突然,一群士兵用红色横幅出现反对他们。 sdmz.5d6d.com 8. But that might be possible here now: Someone could habituate a troop of drills to humans and start a long-term study. 猴群对人类一点都不害怕,观察者可以进行长期研究。 ng.trends.com.cn 9. As a representation of literature of the Huh in Qinghai in recent years, A Troop of Birds brings a fresh and vivid aesthetic style. 在近年来的青海回族文学创作中,《鸦儿鸦儿一溜儿》给读者带来了一种鲜明而清新的审美风格。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his of his best soldiers. 作为回报,沙皇送了他一支最好的军队。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. They were a troop of our Uhlans returning in disorder from the attack. 这是我们的枪骑兵,他们溃不成军,从进攻中败退下来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. 作为回报,沙皇送给他一队自己最好的士兵。 wenku.baidu.com 3. the door opened and in come a troop of children in all sorts of fancy dresses. 门开了,在走过了部队中的儿童的各种花式连衣裙。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The door opened and in came a troop of children in all sorts of fancy dresses. 门一开,走进一群穿着各式各样奇装异服的孩子。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. A troop of school children went into the museum. 一大群学生走进了博物馆。 files.eduu.com 6. You bring a troop of horse to seek a woman who stole your purse? 你带领一队人马就为了找一个偷你钱袋的女人?。 www.engxue.com 7. The caster summons a troop of winged monkeys and sends them away to fetch a commander from a distant land. 施法者召唤出一群飞猴,送它们去远处的领地来带回一个当地的将领。 dominions.eastgame.org 8. A troop of strange children ran at heels, hooting after him, and pointing at his gray beard. 一群陌生的孩子跟在他后面奔跑,朝他喊叫,指着他的花白胡子。 9. A troop of boys were playing at the edge of a pond. 一群男孩子正在池塘边玩儿。 www.funshare.com.cn 10. An hour into the journey, we spot a troop of baboons preening each other on a hillock. 火车开了一个小时,我们看见山丘上有一群狒狒在互相梳理皮毛。 www.bing.com 1. A troop of children rushed in and chased each other noisily. 一群小孩冲进来,喧闹地彼此追逐。 jkchen.blog.hexun.com 2. Focusing attention has been compared to controlling a troop of wild monkeys. 做到专心致志就好比去控制一支由野生猴子组成的军队那样难。 www.bing.com 3. The old man was surrounded by a troop of children. 老人被一群孩子围住了。 wenku.baidu.com 4. A troop of children gathered around the teacher. 一群孩童聚集在老师四周。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. A troop of elephants was moving toward the lake. 一群大象正向湖边走去。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. In greed and excitement, a troop of monkeys chase after the moon and its shadow in the woods. 只见群猴狂奔,贪婪地追逐月亮。月影在林中时隐时现跑得更欢。 www.hkac.org.hk 7. A troop of boys are playing basketball on the playground. 一群男孩正在操场上打篮球。 www.hxen.com 8. "Why, there's a troop of negroes besieging the balloon! " “看,一群黑人把气球包围起来了!” 9. Look! A troop of ants are moving in a line! 看!一大群蚂蚁正排队迁移。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. A troop of yuan-ti purebloods posing a human mercenaries move into an area. 一群纯血统的蛇人假扮人类雇佣军进入一个区域。 www.odyguild.net 1. Canada now has a troop of 2800 residing in Afghanistan while their Congress had voted to withdraw by 2011. 加拿大在阿富汗有大约2800名驻军,但是议会投票通过2011年撤军(撤出军队)。 bbs.putclub.com 2. A troop of lions is attacking an antelope. 一群狮子正在攻击一只羚羊。 www.english312.com 3. Sometimes a troop of damsels glad. 时而一群少女嬉戏。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. A troop of little girls had gone hopping and singing. 一群小女孩一边玩独脚跳,一边唱歌。 www.kuenglish.info 5. He is surrounded by a troop of friends. 他被一群朋友围住了。 wenku.baidu.com 6. A troop of visitors arrived. 一群来访者抵达。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. There is a troop of monkeys in the woods. 林子中有一群猴子。 www.ebigear.com 8. Strengthen train of administration occupation ability, set up a troop of civil servants with high stuff 加强行业职业能力培养建立一支高素质的国家公务员队伍 www.ilib.cn 9. On Building Professionally and Expertly a Troop of Instructors in Colleges 高校辅导员队伍的职业化、专家化建设 10. To Construct a Troop of High - Quality Railway Police of State Security 建设高素质的铁路公安国保队伍 www.ilib.cn 1. Building a Troop of Leading Cadres With High Quality Actively 努力建设高素质的领导干部队伍 www.ilib.cn 2. a troop of his best soldiers 他最好的一队士兵 wenku.baidu.com 3. Established a troop of key-bone EE teachers 建立一支环境教育的骨干教师队伍 www.ggee.net 4. a troop of students on a field trip; 一群郊游的学生; www.bing.com 5. a troop of dem onstrants , swarm 网络英语资源一群游行者 wenku.baidu.com 6. a troop of dem onstrants 一群游行者 blog.hjenglish.com 7. a troop of welcom ers 一群欢迎者 blog.hjenglish.com |
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