单词 | aptly named | ||
释义 | aptly named
例句释义: 巧妙命名的 1. This pattern is aptly named, as it calls for the use of a specialized object solely to create other objects, much like a real-world factory. 此模式的命名非常恰当,因为它需单独使用专用的对象来创建其他对象,与实际的工厂非常类似。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Aptly named Hannibal earned infamy for beating his model wife to a pulp in a suite at the posh Claridge's hotel in London. 卡扎菲的五儿子汉尼拔因在伦敦克拉里奇酒店的豪华套房里暴打他的模特妻子赢得恶名。 www.bing.com 3. The pungent smell of the aptly named local treat wafted around the corner, along the narrow alleyway and straight up my nostrils. 被称为当地特色的臭豆腐的刺鼻味道这时正飘过街角、顺着那条狭窄的胡同直接飘进我的鼻子。 english.rednet.cn 4. Mr Parsons was once a banker, since he ran the aptly named Dime for a while, but it hardly stacks up against Citi. 帕森斯曾经是一位银行家,因为他曾经管理过名字很贴切的Dime银行一段时间,但它很难与花旗相提并论。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Eric's aptly named "Eric Sink On The Business Of Software" is one of the books on my startup reading list. 他命名为《埃里克库谈软件》的书是我认为在初期我们应读的书之一。 www.elanso.com 6. If you refer back to Figure 2, you'll see that FileClient. java has three buttons, of which one of them is aptly named Discover Devices. 如果回头看图2,可以看到FileClient.java有三个按钮,其中一个按钮的名称是DiscoverDevices。 www.ibm.com 7. Dr. Elena Bodnar won the Ig Nobel Public Health prize in 2009 for her invention aptly named, the "Emergency Bra. " 艾莲娜·博德纳博士因其发明了取名为“防毒面具胸罩”的胸罩而获得2009年搞笑诺贝尔公共健康奖。 www.bing.com 8. Start at the aptly named Revolving Restaurant, also known as the Swivel Restaurant, on the 47th floor. 首先来到47楼的“旋转餐厅”(RevolvingRestaurant,也叫SwivelRestaurant)。 chinese.wsj.com 9. A computer program, aptly named Creepy, demonstrates how easily the location data in photos can be surfaced and plotted on maps. 一个叫作Creepy的电脑程序宣称可以非常简单地找到照片的方位信息,并将其显示在地图上。 www.bing.com 10. This refers to a pathway in all cells whereby a protein aptly named ubiquitin binds to cellular proteins and marks them for degradation. 这提到一个在所有细胞中都存在的路径,一个被命名为泛素的蛋白结合细胞蛋白并使它们降解。 news.dxy.cn 1. Now, mankind is experiencing the dawn of a new, virtual environment aptly named "cyberspace. " 现在,人类正在迎接一个全新的虚拟环境——被恰切地称为“网络空间”——到来的曙光。 www.bing.com 2. George's Society, is making plans for a wedding-themed gala next spring aboard the aptly named Princess yacht. 在纽约,一个英国慈善组织,圣乔治协会,正在计划明年春天在公主号游轮上举办一个婚礼庆典。 www.bing.com 3. This is a crucial issue since China is now responsible for 97% of sales of these aptly named rare commodities. 这是个关键问题,因为在这些稀土资源的销量中,中国目前占97%。 c.wsj.com 4. Early Portuguese mariners who wrecked on its aptly named Skeleton Coast dubbed its hinterland "the sands of hell" . 早期的葡萄牙海员在名符其实的“骷髅海岸”翻了船,把这里的内陆称作“地狱的沙漠”。 www.bing.com 5. This millipede shoots cyanide from its mouth. It is a spiny and toxic millipede aptly named for its bright pink color. 这种多刺带毒的千足虫会从嘴巴中射出氰化物,得名于其亮丽的粉色。 www.elanso.com 6. The product of phpize is a script -- aptly named configure -- that configures the rest of the build process. phpize的产品是一个脚本——名为配置——它对余下的构建过程进行配置。 www.ibm.com 7. Oink: Try the aptly-named Oink to reduce the memory usage of your Rails application. Oink:尝试恰当命名的Oink以减少Rails应用程序的内存使用。 www.ibm.com 8. A fearsome leviathan lurking the waters of Naboo, the sando aqua monster is aptly named for its prodigious size and monstrous appetite. 沙度水怪是潜行于那卜水中的可怕巨大怪兽,牠的名字适切的显示了牠庞大的体型和惊人的胃口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The runtime queries the Permission class about its implication reasoning logic by calling a method, aptly named implies. 运行时通过调用一个恰当地取名为implies的方法来查询Permission类的隐含推断逻辑。 www.ibm.com 10. This aptly named tool is essentially a patch to the kernel code that lets hackers access kernel memory and data structures. 这个恰如其名的工具实质上是内核代码的补丁,它允许高手访问内核内存和数据结构。 www-128.ibm.com 1. I'm going to keep things simple and utilize the sequential strategy, aptly named SequentialShardAccessStrategy. 为了使问题简单,我将使用序列策略,名称为SequentialShardAccessStrategy。 www.ibm.com 2. The Dead Zone is aptly named due to the low levels of oxygen, causing no aquatic life to survive in this area. 死区之所以得名概因其含氧量低,造成该地区水生生物无法生存。 www.bing.com 3. Though charming and colorful, this aptly named fish's displays are meant as a warning. 虽然它色彩丰富并且令人陶醉,它巧妙的名称正是一种警示的意思! www.bing.com 4. In fact, he offers descriptions of how restaurants and food makers manipulate ingredients to reach the aptly named "bliss point. " 事实上,他描述了餐厅和食品制造商是如何操纵各种配料而达到所谓的“极乐点”。 www.bing.com 5. The aptly named Preferences class provides the basic framework for working with preferences. 命名很恰当的Preferences类提供操作首选项的基本框架。 www.ibm.com 6. The result of the build is a new binary, aptly named squirrelsh. 构建的结果是得到一个新的二进制文件,名为squirrelsh。 www.ibm.com 7. The method for subscribing is aptly named "subscribe" and requires two parameters, both arrays. 订阅的方法适当地称为“订阅”,并要求有两个数组参数。 www.ibm.com 8. and Marina City---the aptly named "corn on the cob" building that was featured on the album cover of Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot . 玛丽娜城-------这座被人们恰如其分地叫做“玉米大楼”的建筑曾上过威尔科乐队的专辑《北方佬客栈的狐步舞》的封面。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Few mountains anywhere in the world are more aptly named than the Great Smokies. 大烟山,在世间任何地方,命名比它更加贴切者实属凤毛麟角。 www.sinovision.net 10. IPreviewHandler This brings me to the core interface a preview handler must support, which is aptly named IPreviewHandler. IPreviewHandler将我带入预览处理程序必须支持的核心接口,其合适的名称是IPreviewHandler。 msdn.microsoft.com 1. The breathtaking green valley below was aptly named Beautiful Valley. 下面那令人赞叹的翠绿色山谷的名字取得很贴切,叫美丽山谷。 www.hxen.com 2. Letter spacing in CSS is achieved with the aptly named letter-spacing property. 在CSS中,字母间空隙是通过letter-spacing属性来实现的。 dongxi.net 3. Which Cylon sabotages the Galactica's water supply in the aptly named "Water" ? 在“水”一集中,哪个塞昂破坏了卡拉狄加的水供给? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In this directory, you'll see a file aptly named Triathlon. groovy. 在该目录中,您将发现一个文件被命名为Triathlon.groovy。 www.ibm.com 5. The Internet has come to the rescue, with the aptly named YouTube proxy. 互联网可以进行补救,用Youtube.proxy就行了。 www.bing.com 6. SQLite also includes a command-line utility aptly named sqlite3 that manages SQLite databases. SQLite还包括一种用于管理SQLite数据库的、名为sqlite3的命令行实用工具。 www.ibm.com 7. Tourists career down a mountainous sand dune in the aptly named Valley of the Moon region of Chile's Atacama Desert. 观光者顺着治理的阿卡塔玛沙漠里的叫月亮谷的地方顺沙丘而下。 www.cnnas.com 8. The support class for the lookup task is aptly named PrintServiceLookup. 支持查找任务的类被恰如其分地命名为PrintServiceLookup。 www.ibm.com 9. For an example, I'll use PMD's aptly named ExcessiveMethodLength rule for finding long methods. 例如,我将使用PMD的经过恰当命名的ExcessiveMethodLength规则来发现长方法。 www.ibm.com 10. The book, aptly named 2008- God's final witness broke all records for books. 这本书,取巧名字为2008-上帝的最后见证人,打破了所有书籍的记录。 www.bing.com 1. By May 1610 the two ships, aptly named the Patience and the Deliverance, were ready. 1610年5月,这两艘船,耐心号和解救号,准备好了。 www.bing.com 2. You script the Twitter stream by creating a script aptly named lintweet. 通过创建一个命名为lintweet的脚本,可以将Twitter流编写成脚本。 www.ibm.com 3. There is also a class for displaying a list of bikes, aptly named CommandLineView, which depends on the RentABike type. 还有一个命名为CommandLineView的用于显示自行车列表的类,该类依赖于RentABike类型。 www.ibm.com 4. You can configure mysqld to log slow queries in the aptly named slow query log. 您可以配置mysqld将这些慢速查询记录到适当命名的慢速查询日志中。 www.ibm.com 5. A harvest moon, so aptly named. 收获之月,多美妙的名字啊。 bbs.plu.cn 6. To the east, the aptly-named Peak 6231 has a summit 6, 231 meters (20, 443 feet) above sea level. 在它的东面,有着恰当名字的6231山峰海拔6231米(20,443英尺)。 www.bing.com 7. The aptly named Admitulator, by Golan Levin, helps faculty sort things out 这个设备被戈兰-莱文很形象的称为Admitulator,用来帮助教职工做出整理分类。 www.bing.com |
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