单词 | a prelude to | ||
释义 | a prelude to
例句释义: 的前奏 1. That would be a prelude to 'long-term operation of a space station, ' he said. 王文宝说,这是建立长期空间站的前奏; www.acsf.cn 2. Perhaps the Sayadaw's instruction was a prelude to analysis of nama-rupa which he would deal with in his later sermons. 也许明昆长老的教导只是一个前奏,他可能会在后面的开示中分析名色。 www.hdjy.org 3. The slowdown was worse than economists expected but is likely to be viewed by the Federal Reserve as a prelude to a gradual recovery. 这种经济放缓程度要低于经济学家的预期,但美联储(FederalReserve)可能将其视为经济逐渐复苏的前奏。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Between April and June businesses sharply increased the number of hours worked by employees, which is often a prelude to hiring new workers. 在4月到6月期间,各企业都大大增加了员工的工作时间,这通常是招收新员工的一个征兆。 www.bing.com 5. Their gathering serves as a prelude to the two-day spring meeting of the IMF and World Bank, which begins the next day. 这次会议是第二天召开的为期两天的国际货币基金组织和世界银行的春季会议的序幕。 www.ecocn.org 6. Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif calls it "a prelude to a revolution" . He made it to the rally by defying an order for his house arrest. 反对党领导人那瓦兹。谢里夫称之为“一场革命的开端”,他公然反抗对他的软禁命令而发起这场集会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. That means that this good-bye is both a good-bye for the past ten thousand years and a prelude to what will come. 这意味着这“再见”不但是对过去上万年的再见,也是对未来来开序幕。 hi.baidu.com 8. But all of that is only a prelude to what truly matters as a developer: writing code and building solutions. 但是它们对开发人员而言只不过是序幕而已:编写代码和构建解决方案。 www.ibm.com 9. As a prelude to these contestable claims, Mr Dawkins examines the interesting question of why religion is so widespread. 作为这些有争议之论点的铺垫,道金分析了为何宗教得以广泛流传这样一个有趣的问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It does not appear that he means by this an acceptance of original sin so much as a prelude to major change or revolution. But to what? 这似乎并不意味着他像在重大变革或者革命的前奏那样把这当作原罪来接受,不过,那是什么前奏呢? wen.org.cn 1. All of these arrangements were a prelude to the ball, the hostess' ultimate prize. 所有这些安排都是这次舞会的序曲,舞会才是女主人的最终目的。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Leaders are now busy lowering expectations, saying that this summit will be a prelude to a "Copenhagen II" in 2010. 领导人们现在纷纷忙于降低人们的期望,称这次峰会只是2010年“哥本哈根第二次会议”的前奏。 www.ecocn.org 3. This was widely seen as a prelude to the sale of the mobile business to reduce the company's huge debts. 大多数人认为,这是公司将移动业务卖出的前兆——此举旨在减轻公司债务。 www.ecocn.org 4. This one could be a prelude to the anger and disillusionment that is only beginning to swell. 这可能就是刚刚开始膨胀的愤怒和醒悟的前奏。 www.bing.com 5. Late last month, Misuzu asked other leading auditors to take on its remaining clients as a prelude to its liquidation. 就在上个月美铃公司要求其他审计巨头接受其目前所有客户群,这一行为成为其财务清算的序曲。 www.ecocn.org 6. Cutting conscription back to six months may be a prelude to dispensing with it altogether. 将兵役削减到半年可能成为彻底免除强制征兵制的前奏。 www.ecocn.org 7. party, which served as a prelude to celebrations to mark the Children's Day. 作为儿童节庆祝活动的序幕,饭店邀请孤儿们在店内的一个公园参加“分享阳光”晚会。 rrting.com 8. The only other species known to do it as a prelude to mating is the white- fronted parrot. 除我们之外,我们知道的以此为前戏的唯一一种生物是白顶亚马逊鹦鹉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This period of unrest is only a prelude to all the beautiful energy of the Fourth Dimension. 这个动汤的时期是一个对第四度空间的所有的美丽的能量的前奏曲。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. That was only a prelude to a two-week sojourn that historian John Lewis Gaddis would characterize as "a surreal extravaganza. " 这只是历史学家约翰刘易斯加迪斯两周内短暂被誉为“一个超现实主义的狂妄家伙”的前奏。 www.bing.com 1. It is for this reason that we must regard civil-service reform in its present stages as but a prelude to a fuller administrative reform. 正是根据这种理由,我们必须把现阶段的文官制度改革看作只不过是为达到更完善的行政改革的一部序曲。 yingyucihui.scientrans.com 2. Sharp dismisses the notion that the wartime control transfer is a prelude to the United States withdrawing from South Korea. 夏普否认了外界所说的华盛顿将战时作战指挥权移交是要从韩国撤军的开端。 www.ebigear.com 3. The aim is to get North Korea to give up its nuclear programmes as a prelude to normalising relations on the Korean peninsula. 其目标是使朝鲜放弃其核计划,以此作为朝鲜半岛实现关系正常化的前奏。 www.ecocn.org 4. Boodles, the upmarket jeweller, is opening its first outlet in Asia, in what could be a prelude to further expansion in the region. 高端珠宝商Boodles将在亚洲开设首家分店,此举可能是该公司在亚洲地区进一步扩张的序曲。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I hadn't noticed the five men performing at the side of the stage as a prelude to the show. 我一直没有注意过坐在舞台旁边演奏开场曲的五位男子。 www.bing.com 6. Study are a prelude to the keyboard matrix, the process from the hands of a master, user-friendly. 基于AVR的四个独立键盘程序。是学习矩阵键盘的前奏,本程序出自高手之手,通俗易懂。 www.lwtbb.com 7. But on July 3, 2008, this criminal act was just a prelude to heroism. 但是,2008年7月3日这一天,这个犯罪的行为却恰好成了英雄行为的序曲。 www.bing.com 8. Men tend to think of kissing as a prelude to copulation, Fisher said. 费舍尔说,男性倾向于将接吻视为做爱的前奏。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. A pleasant chat could warm up the atmosphere and become a prelude to romance if you take your time and let a conversation linger. 美妙的谈话温暖了空气,如果花点儿时间让这段对话深入,会变成浪漫的起点。 www.douban.com 10. The first section serves as a prelude to the research: first a brief review of the history of Bible study as literature is presented. 第一部分为研究的绪论:首先对作为文学的《圣经》研究进行简短的回顾,接着略述一下空间批评的理论。 www.boshuo.net 1. Rice's visit is being viewed as a prelude to the US president George W. Bush's foreign policy towards Asia during his second term. 意思是赖斯访华被认为是美国总统乔治布什在第二任期的亚洲外交政策的前奏。 spaces.msn.com 2. The German invasion of Poland was a prelude to World War II. 德国入侵波兰是第二次世界大战的序幕。 dict.ebigear.com 3. The restructuring is a prelude to the introduction of 3G mobile services, although it remains unclear when they would be launched. 重组是推出3G移动服务的前奏,虽然尚不清楚3G服务将于何时推出。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It is, as BAE says, "a prelude to the next generation of fighting capacity. " 正如BAE公司所言,这是彰显下一代作战能力的序幕。 www.ecocn.org 5. The criticisms were sometimes even a prelude to formal investigations by the regulatory authorities. 批评有时候甚至是监管机关正式调查的前奏。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. King Abdullah was in Washington April 21 in a prelude to these scheduled meetings and urged Obama to push for Palestinian statehood. 阿卜杜拉二世在一系列有关会谈即将举行前已于4月21日访问华盛顿,并希望奥巴马总统力促巴勒斯坦建国。 www.america.gov 7. Perhaps, as with Egypt's theatrical street fights, the mood of suspicion and recrimination will prove a prelude to lasting reconciliation. 也许伴随着埃及大街上装腔作势的争斗,怀疑与各方势力的相互指责将会成为长久和平前最后的回忆。 www.ecocn.org 8. The talks are seen as a prelude to a summit conference scheduled for July. 这次会谈被看作是计划于7月召开的八国集团峰会的一次预备会。 www.zftrans.com 9. We've seen both A Prelude to a Kiss and A Kiss Before Dying. 我们都看过《风月俏佳人》和《吻别》。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Officers faking arrests as a prelude to stealing illegal drugs and money from drug suppliers . 安排虚假逮捕行动,藉以偷取违禁药物供应者的违禁药物和金钱。 www.bing.com 1. It serves as a prelude to the second article, which profiles the clinical application of fetal pulse oximetry. 它是一个前奏,第二条,它的临床应用概况胎儿脉搏血氧仪。 www.syyxw.com 2. Misaligned exchange rates are more often than not a prelude to trade friction. 汇率失调往往是贸易摩擦的前奏。 www.ftchinese.com 3. These gifts are a " prelude" to the more expensive gifts that will be given at the wedding. 这些礼品只是一个“序曲”,在婚礼上新娘将收到更贵重的礼品。 www.jukuu.com 4. Our pickets were driven in As a prelude to the main enemy attack. 我们的前哨被迫撤回,预示着敌人主力的进攻即将开始。 dict.ebigear.com 5. The world is being remoulded now and upset will be caused, but so must it be as a prelude to the rebalancing. 世界正在重新被改造,这将会导致沮丧,然而它必须要这样,作为一个重新平衡的序曲。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. The host organized a dinner in Elsinore on the 22nd as a prelude to the two-day ASEM summit in Copenhagen. 主办单位二十二日在艾尔辛诺举行晚宴,为在哥本哈根召开的为期两天亚欧会议高峰会拉开序幕。 www.jukuu.com 7. The fighting in the streets may be a prelude to more serious trouble. 街头殴斗可能是一个更严重事端的前奏。 www.powerdict.com 8. Stuart Butler of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank, sums up Mr Obama's plan this way: "It's a prelude to going for broke. " 保守派智库---美国传统基金会的斯图亚特?巴特勒,一位保守派智囊,这样总结了奥巴马的计划:“这是大爆发的前奏。” www.ecocn.org 9. Being bored at work is painful; being bored as a prelude to being fired is torture. 工作无聊很痛苦;无聊是被解雇的前奏则是种折磨。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A prelude to a piece of great work. 一件伟大作品的序言。 spaces.msn.com 1. As a prelude to doing to here used as a preposition, so we put noun, and doing after it. to这里是个介词,所以后面用名词,或者动名词。 pop.pcpop.com 2. The 3G era of mobile Internet opened a prelude to mobile data services will drive the prosperity of the industry chain. 而3G时代拉开了移动互联网的序幕,将以移动数据业务带动产业链的繁荣。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The resolution was a prelude to more drastic actions. 这次决议只是更激烈的步骤的前奏。 www.hxen.com 4. The discussions were a prelude to the treaty. 这些讨论是签订该条约的前奏。 www.hxen.com 5. This fundamental realignment of wealth is a prelude to first contact. 这是一个基本的财富均衡的调整,是第一次接触的前奏。 hi.baidu.com 6. A: I heard there will be a prelude to this evening's concert. 我听说这个晚间音乐会有一个序幕。 www.51dh.net 7. NASA hopes to build a permanent manned base on the moon's surface as a prelude to subsequent exploration missions to Mars. 美国宇航局希望在月球表面建立永久性载人基地,作为随后进行的火星探测任务的前奏。 www.kekenet.com 8. Finally, after a prelude to the natural music reproduction, loud and clear in the magnificent atmosphere and the end. 最后,乐曲的前奏经过自然再现,在雄壮而嘹亮的气氛中结束。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies' defeat. 自由国家共同努力推动民主是我们的敌人走向失败的前奏。 www.ebigear.com 10. One partner may see this as a prelude to marriage. 一方可能觉得这是婚姻的前奏。 www.ecocn.org 1. Han's family in Jinguo Cheng-long course is a prelude to the establishment of South Korea. 韩氏家族在晋国成长的历程,是韩国建立的前奏。 www.fabiao.net 2. These activities were merely a prelude to Knox's most important action in the Caribbean area, his intervention in Nicaragua. 这些活动仅仅是诺克斯在加勒比地区最重要行动--干涉尼加拉瓜的序幕。 www.kuenglish.info 3. This will occur in any case after the shift, so is a prelude to life after the shift. 这些情况会在极移之后的任何时刻发生,是极移后生活的序曲。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Love is but a prelude to life. 爱情仅仅是生活的序曲。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. sons and daughters of China opened a prelude to invasion. 虎门销烟揭开了中华儿女反侵略的序幕。 www.bing.com 6. You should break this habit as a prelude to losing weight. 你必须摒弃这个坏习惯作为你开始减肥的序幕。 www.bing.com 7. The restructuring is a prelude to the award of three 3G licences. 此项重组是颁发3张3G牌照的前奏。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Designing them with components too important to fail is a prelude to disaster, as we know. 我们知道,用过于重要而不能失败的部件进行设计,是灾难发生的前奏。 www.ftchinese.com 9. They can nourish the body, but also a form of harvest festival, opened a prelude to the Spring Festival. 他们可以滋养身体,而且是丰年祭的形式,揭开了序幕春节。 www.qiyeku.com 10. You will see the first SpaceX demonstration flights, a prelude to operational missions, in 2010. 到2010年,你就会看到SpaceX公司首个[货运飞船]试飞,这[将开启上述]运营任务的序幕。 www.ecocn.org 1. Like all brilliant beginning, this is not only a prelude to an evolution, but also the end of another evolutionary and vertex. 像所有辉煌的开端一样,这不仅是一次进化的序幕,而且是另一次进化的终结和顶点。 jztu.5d6d.com 2. Last year a Beijing team grew dog bladder tissue on a mouse's back, a prelude to generating human tissue. 去年,北京的一个研究小组在老鼠背部培养出了狗的膀胱组织,这正是培养出人体组织的前奏。 www.jukuu.com 3. We should know that a prelude to storm, the sky is dark. 要知道暴风雨来的前奏,天是黑暗的。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Is this a prelude to War ? 这是一个战争前奏? www.bing.com 5. a prelude to serious trouble 麻烦事的前奏 www.veryen.org 6. We wrote a prelude To our own fairy tale 我们为我们自己的童话故事写了序幕 zhidao.baidu.com |
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