单词 | approval process | ||||||||||||||
释义 | approval process
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 审批流程,审批手续,批准流程 1. This, he said, would allow them to "act boldly and expeditiously without having to go through a lengthy or even painful approval process. " 这将会使他们大胆快速地采取措施,而不用经历一个啰嗦的甚至是费力的批准过程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. 'We need help to get some of those barriers moved or at least streamlined so the approval process moves faster, ' he said. 他说,我们需要有人帮忙移除部分障碍,至少是进行简化,以便审批流程进行得更快。 chinese.wsj.com 3. White says the approval process that follows will take several months, and it could take up to a year for new names to become active. 怀特先生表示,随后的审批过程将需要数月时间,同时新通用顶级域名的激活可能需要长达一年时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organisational Partners and shall not be implemented. 本文件并没有受到任何审批程序由3GPP合作伙伴和组织不得实施。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Some might argue that this app makes the approval process look like a good idea. 一些人或许开始主张说这个时候AppStore审核过程看起来很赞。 www.bing.com 6. Establish a unified and objective credit approval process; work out a reasonable and effective credit evaluation method and policy. 建立统一客观的信用审批流程,制订合理有效的信用评估方法和信用政策。 www.lietou.com 7. The approval process might be altered at any step without changing the business semantics of the process. 批准过程可以在任一步被修改而不改变这一过程的业务语义。 www.infoq.com 8. Representative permissions enough, to this end agreed to purchase the examination and approval process. 代表权限足够同意采购,到此结束整个审批流程。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Mr Kim also found a curious side effect of the drug-approval process. 金教授也发现了一个有关药品审批的奇怪的副效应。 www.ecocn.org 10. The company is also expected to get the regulatory approval process well under way before it considers making a higher bid. 同样,必和必拓集团在没有提出更高的收购价之前,还需通过相关监管批准程序才行。 www.bing.com 1. Find out in advance how the approval process works at your customer's company. 预先弄明白您客户公司的审批流程是如何运作的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It implements governance processes controlling the promotion of artifacts to assets and the approval process associated with that. 它实现了控制构件到资产的升级的治理流程和与之关联的批准流程。 www.ibm.com 3. Some of the FDA announcements at issue involved delays in the approval process due to the drugs' safety or efficacy tests. 涉案的部分FDA公告涉及审核过程因药物的安全测试或疗效测试而推迟的情况。 c.wsj.com 4. To this end, local governments are increasingly seeking to ensure the administrative and operational efficiency of the approval process. 为此,各地方政府一直非常注重确保审批过程的行政和运作效率。 web.worldbank.org 5. American Electric Power (AEP) built a transmission line from West Virginia to Virginia in two years. The approval process had taken 14. 美国电力公司(AEP)用两年时间建设了一条从西弗吉尼亚到弗吉尼亚的输电线,但是审批过程却花费了14年。 www.ecocn.org 6. Until 2007, companies that wanted to issue bonds had to go through a lengthy approval process run by the NDRC. 2007年之前,想要发行债券的公司必须经过发改委冗长的审批过程。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The FDA unexpectedly told the companies in November 2007 that they needed to do further testing, holding up the approval process. FDA在2007年11月出人意料地告诉这三家公司还需要进一步测试,延迟了审核流程。 c.wsj.com 8. 'So we are still in the middle of the approval process, ' he said. 杨毅说,所以我们仍在审批过程中。 bbs.51ielts.com 9. How can I change Group Approval to align it with the approval process of the company? 如何更改中文电子审批流程以使其与公司的审批过程相结合? office.microsoft.com 10. Manage the error formulation, review and approval process for budgeting within the hotel. 管理酒店预算的审核和批准程序。 www.job592.com 1. The Cross Function Team is responsible for implementation of production part approval process and preparation of the required information. 横向协调项目组负责新品生产件批准过程的实施和所需资料的准备。 www.wiseivr.com 2. It is also planning to build a new plant in Chongqing, where it is still in the middle of a lengthy regulatory approval process. 它还计划在重庆建一座新厂,但正处于漫长的监管审批过程之中。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Ensure that a well-controlled management approval process is in place to authorize any adjustment to inventory balances in the system. 保证经由控制有素的相应管理核准程序,授权调整系统存货余额。 bbs.esnai.com 4. Workflows can be defined to take the documents through a simple and linear approval process that is built into Lotus Quickr. 可以定义工作流,让文档通过一个简单、线性的、内置于LotusQuickr中的审批流程。 www.ibm.com 5. Each work item then has its own state and possible approval process, as shown in Figure 3. 每一个项目都会有其自己的状态以及可能的准许进程,如图3所示。 www.ibm.com 6. In the worst case, the review would add another layer to what is already a very complex bureaucratic approval process. 而从最糟的方面讲,这将使本已相当复杂的政府批准程序更加了一层。 cn.wsj.com 7. Simple workflow allows you to implement a draft approval process. 简单的工作流使您可以实现草案审批流程。 www.ibm.com 8. Be responsible for the submitting and approval process of the technical drawings and documentations for products. 负责产品技术图纸、文件的送审和认可过程。 ship.baidajob.com 9. Control of credit risk the most feasible approach is to establish a standardized strategy for the loan approval process. 控制贷款风险最可行的办法是建立一套标准化的贷款审批流程策略。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The specification approval process is described in the next chapter. 具体的批准进程我们将在下一章叙述。 www.86oo.com 1. during the initial review and approval process , organizations may do a thorough job of considering potential value. 在最初的审阅和批准过程中,组织可能会做一项考虑到潜在价值的全面工作。 www.ichacha.net 2. Many American cities have already been seeking Chinese solar power factory investments, which could speed the permit approval process. 很多美国城市已在寻求中国太阳能工厂的投资,这可以加快许可的批准进程。 www.bing.com 3. The hypothesis proved correct: the higher the firm's reputation, the more likely that its drugs would speed through the approval process. 这个假说被证明是正确的:一家公司的名声越高,它制造的药品将能更快获得批准。 www.ecocn.org 4. Publish -- Add new services through an approval process so they are available and managed on an enterprise-wide scale. 发布——通过审批流程添加新服务,以便新服务在企业范围内可用并得到管理。 www.ibm.com 5. For approval process, please bid, and provide your full details of the method in which leads will be generated. 审批过程中,请报价,并提供线索将在其中产生方法的全部细节。 www.bing.com 6. Prepare and deliver presentations to management regarding NPI and BD, manage progress tollgate review and approval process. 负责向管理部门准备及阐述关于NPI及BD的相关报告,负责项目进展中的审核及批准工作。 jobs.zhaopin.com 7. With the addition of the new approval process, the administrator can now approve or reject a name change reversion. 通过添加新的审批过程,管理员现在可以批准或拒绝名称更改回复。 www-128.ibm.com 8. It is not due to the complex approval process of government, but few projects are declared to relevant departments. “异常”不是由于政府多头管理带来的审批程序繁杂,主要是企业缺乏积极态度,申报的项目少。 auto.sohu.com 9. Dyeing order follow up: daily communication with dyeing mill for submission, color approval process, bulk order delivery. 染色订单跟进。与染厂联系跟进样板交期,批色,跟进大货交期。 www.8aza.com 10. A company called Astrogenetix has started the approval process for putting their salmonella vaccine through the clinical trial wringer. Astrogenetix公司为开始把他们的沙门氏菌(salmonella)疫苗进行临床试验的报批程序忐忑不安。 www.bing.com 1. In many ways, this approval process is similar to how open-source communities vote on whether to release a new version of their code. 就很多方面而言,此审批过程类似于开源社区如何表决是否发行新的代码版本。 www.ibm.com 2. Standardizing the production part approval process, to ensure that meet customer requirements. 规范公司生产件批准程序,确保满足顾客的要求。 bbs.cnqr.org 3. Lately, the FDA's new drug approval process has seemed to adopt stricter, more safety-conscious measures. 近来,FDA的新药审批过程中似乎采取了更严格、更具安全意识的措施。 news.dxy.cn 4. Control capital expenditures and other operating expense, ensure proper approval process in accordance with Company Approval Matrix. 控制公司的资本开支以及其他运营费用,确保资产审批过程严格按照公司审批流程完成。 www.lietou.com 5. In the most recent communication below it list's the corporate directors that are involved with the approval process. 在最近的一个沟通的下面列出的公司董事涉及审批程序。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The approval process is going to fall apart actually. 药品的批准过程将会瓦解。 www.ted.com 7. The activity graph for the loan approval process is shown in Figure 2. 图2显示了贷款批准流程的活动图。 www.ibm.com 8. This section introduces a subset of the UML profile through an example that defines a simple loan approval process. 这部分通过一个例子介绍了UML配置文件子集,该例子定义了一个简单本的贷款批准流程。 www.ibm.com 9. Coordinate the contract approval process in accordance with Client policies and procedures. 按照业主的政策和程序协调合同批准程序。 www.lietou.com 10. For approval process, please bid, and provide your method in which leads will be generated. You don't need to go. 审批过程中,请报价,并提供您的方法,从而导致将生成。你并不需要去。 www.bing.com 1. To enforce an approval process for publishing data to a live production system. 希望对发布到生产系统的数据强制执行批准过程。 www.ibm.com 2. The change in the approval process does mean that it will take longer for new drugs to reach the market. 批准过程的改变意味着新药上市将花费更长时间。 news.dxy.cn 3. When you ship or receive supplies, products or parts within or outside China, the "paperwork" and approval process takes longer. 当你办理国内或国际发运或接收物资、产品或零件时,“文书工作”和批复过程会比较长。 www.bing.com 4. This month, after an arduous approval process, surgeons are testing tissue-engineered cardiac blood vessels in the first U. S. patients. 本月份经过一场激烈的申辩过程,美国历史上的第一例心血管组织工程手术得以实施。 news.dxy.cn 5. The FDA requires clinical trials for the riskiest devices through its pre-market approval process. 食品及药物管理局要求风险最大的医疗设备在通过市场审批手续之前进行临床试验。 www.ecocn.org 6. Each sale, however, still requires a potentially lengthy regulatory approval process. 不过,每次发行仍需经过一个可能相当漫长的监管批准过程。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Review the information of customer, provide quoting and audit the contract, finish the approval process of signing contract. 审查客户资料,提供报价、合同评审,完成合同签订的审批流程。 www.job592.com 8. The Fabric engine uses the new values immediately to select and invoke an endpoint after going through an approval process. 当完成贷款批准流程后,Fabric引擎将立刻使用新的值选择并调用终端。 www.ibm.com 9. Once the artwork is complete, it moves through a review and approval process that can involve multiple groups. 美术作品完成后,将通过一个涉及多个小组的审查和审批流程。 www.ibm.com 10. in the "anti-monopoly law" to build anti-monopoly with the exception of the application of the approval process. 在《反垄断法》中构建反垄断适用除外的审批程序。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. However, you cannot categorize documents by the status of approval process in RSS reader. 不过,在RSS阅读器中不能按审批流程的状态为文档分类。 office.microsoft.com 2. And it still isn't entirely clear why a Google Voice app is at best in iPhone approval process limbo. 而且现在仍然不清楚为什么一个Google语音的小程序在iPhone里始终处在等待许可的状态。 www.bing.com 3. There's no lengthy, arbitrary and anti-competitive approval process like there is in iTunes. That's really important. 也没有iTunes里面的那些冗长、专断、反竞争的审批流程。 www.bing.com 4. The As-Is loan approval process for this section contains many of the process flaws found in the process improvement patterns section. 此部分的原有贷款审核流程包含流程改进模式部分中介绍的许多流程缺陷。 www.ibm.com 5. One reason: The approval process to begin construction can take years to wind through China's bureaucracy. 一个原因:批准进程需要经过中国官僚机构,而等到批准后再建设那将花费数年时间。 www.bing.com 6. We urge countries that have yet to approve the 2008 quota reform to complete the approval process as quickly as possible. 我们敦促尚未批准2008年份额改革的国家尽快完成批准程序。 c.wsj.com 7. They've even got an iPhone application that's awaiting the approval process for quick access from anywhere. 他们现在甚至已经有了一款iPhone应用程序正在批准审核过程中,它可以让你在任何地方快速存取文件。 www.bing.com 8. Artists say the censorship board's approval process often seems random and inconsistent. 有艺术家表示,审查委员会的审批程序常常任意变来变去。 dongxi.net 9. Drive product transfer FAI approval process with relevant Quality Groups. 与质量部门一起推动新产品转移的FAI认证; old.xmrc.com.cn 10. A user without proper permission and account cannot participate in the approval process. 没有正确权限和帐户的用户无法参与审批过程。 office.microsoft.com 1. Release testing and data reporting to support quality control plan and parts approval process as fast as to fulfil company goals. 发放测试及信息报告,以协助质量控制计划和零件批准过程能尽快通过并达到公司目标。 www.boleme.cn 2. All these features are successfully demonstrated in the approval process management of foreign investment. 在外商投资审批服务过程中的应用也显示了它的特点。 www.fabiao.net 3. The FDA considers these products new drugs and thus they must undergo the FDA's drug approval process. FDA认为这些产品属于新药,因此必须经过FDA的药品审批(才可销售)。 news.dxy.cn 4. What is the approval process for such applications (timing, reasons for rejection, appeal process, etc. )? 这类程序的审批过程是怎样的(时机,拒绝的原因,认可的过程,等等)? www.bing.com 5. After capturing the time, we step through an automated approval process. 在得到时间之后,我们进入一个自动化的许可进程。 www.ibm.com 6. The second key requirement is to make the document submission or approval process as lightweight as possible. 第二个关键的要求是使得文档提交或批准流程尽可能简洁。 www.ibm.com 7. Assist in the credit approval process to ensure that credit is granted only to credit worthy organizations. 协助信贷批准程序保证信贷只批准给信誉度高的组织。 www.gao8dou.com 8. However, it is not uncommon for the application review and approval process to exceed the 45 day time period. 但是,它不适合申请审查和批准程序,以超过45天的时间内罕见。 www.360doc.com 9. The first is the approval process, you can set approval to conserve resources and image transmission. 第一位是在信用卡的审批流程,可以集中审批节省资源,通过影像传输。 www.bing.com 10. That's right - there's no approval process whatsoever and all apps will be added to the store within one week. 没错,这里没有审核批准程序,所有的应用都会在一周之内添加到应用商店中。 www.bing.com 1. The order approval process is shown in Figure 5. 图5显示了订单审批过程。 www.ibm.com 2. At present, , and the fuel tax has entered the approval process will be the introduction in due course. 目前,燃油税已经进入审批程序,将在适当时机开征。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Annex 2 renew "Production Part Approval Process" and "changed document register table" . 附件2修改后的《产品质量先期策划控制程序》和《文件更改登记表》; www.zftrans.com 4. The government's approval process requires background checks on possible reincarnations and their families. 政府对转世问题的审批流程包括对候选人及其家人背景的调查。 www.bing.com 5. Requirements for first parts approval process. 首件承认程序要求。 lqh3143.blog.bokee.net 6. Understanding of laws on contracts and approval process. 理解有关合同及审批程序的法律及规定。 career.gdlng.com 7. You can use a workflow to manage the approval process when major versions are checked in. 签入主要版本时,可以使用工作流管理审批过程。 office.microsoft.com 8. CIVL should involve all stewards who will be working at an event in the approval process for the Local Regulations. CIVL应邀集将于活动项目中工作之所有筹办人,参与地方性法规的审核程序。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. They didn't buy Andrew any gifts themselves and instituted an 'approval process' for toys given by relatives. 他们自己没有给安德鲁买任何礼物,而且对亲戚们送的礼物也启动了“审核程序”。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Figure 3 illustrates how the loan approval process will run. 图3阐述了贷款批准流程将如何运行。 www.ibm.com 1. Take the example of an approval process. 举一个批准过程的实例。 www.ibm.com 2. Through cooperation with Trial Net and at very little cost we designed an electronic approval process for all accounts payable . 通过与审判网的合作,我们花了很少费用就设计了一个适用于所有应付款的电子审批程序。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Q: My organization went through the approval process of supporting the. NET Framework 2. 0 In production. 问:我们已通过了在业务生产中支持.NETFramework2.0的审批过程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Does factory have a documented supplier selection and approval process? 工厂是否有供应商选择和批准过程文件?。 chengbing2001.blog.163.com 5. There is no approval process in place. 再也没有批准流程。 www.infoq.com 6. Researchers evaluated the FDA premarket approval process for 78 high-risk devices, such as pacemakers, stents and implanted defibrillators. 而研究人员对78种高风险设备在上市前所接受的审批程序进行了评估,这些高风险设备包括心脏起搏器、血管内支架、植入式心脏复律除颤器等。 www.bing.com 7. A shortened approval process of 10 working days (previously it was 30 working days). 审批时间缩短至10个工作日(原来为30个工作日)。 www.bing.com 8. How would the FDA approval process work? FDA批准流程是如何工作的? www.dxy.cn 9. There are more or less some business processes in E-government system, such as document approval process and licence apply process. 电子政务系统中,或多或少都会存在一定的业务流程,比如公文的审批流程、证件的申请流程等等。 www.fabiao.net 10. Researchers evaluated the FDA pre-market approval process for 78 high-risk devices, such as pacemakers, stents and implanted defibrillators. 研究人员评估了78件高危设备在FDA(美国食品与药品监管局)的上市前审批过程,包括心脏起搏器、血管内支架和植入式心脏除颤器。 item.feedsky.com 1. Annex1 organizing the technicians to learn "training and certification of results sheets" of "Production Part Approval Process" . 附件1有关技术人员学习《产品质量先期策划控制程序》的《培训实施及验证效果记录表》; www.zftrans.com 2. We already know that their reactors are on the short list for this new pre-approval process. 我们已经知道他们(设计)的核反应堆正在这些新的通过预审短名单中。 eineksy.blog.sohu.com 3. The approval process is much shorter for locally-denominated funds and they can often invest in a wider array of industrial sectors. 在中国设立人民币私募基金的审批程序要短得多,而且这类基金可投资的行业往往也更广泛。 chinese.wsj.com 4. This week the government froze the approval process. 本周政府冻结了批准进程。 www.ecocn.org 5. Government officials in Germany and China, for example, are reassessing their countries' approval process for new nuclear projects. 例如德国和中国的政府官员都在重新评估本国新建核电项目的审批手续。 www.fortunechina.com 6. For example, a bank loan approval process might require an experienced loan specialist to evaluate borderline loan applications. 例如,银行贷款批准流程可能需要资深贷款专家对可疑贷款申请进行评估。 www.ibm.com 7. So let's look at this approval process more closely. 因此,让我们更加近距离地观察这个审批过程。 www.bing.com 8. On the other hand, any changes occurring during the approval process require the administrator's manual control as applicable. 另一方面,在审批期间发生的所有更改需要管理员进行适当的手动控制。 office.microsoft.com 9. But even as a courtesy, the exchange of more information that is part of the approval process can mean greater potential reuse later. 但是,即使只是走个形式,在批准过程中也会交换更多的信息,这会增加重用的可能性。 www.ibm.com 10. capable of making construction plan, familiar with approval process and project acceptance criteria; 精通施工方案审定流程及工程验收标准,二级建造师; jobs.zhaopin.com 1. Familiar with the application and approval process of Normal Taxpayer Status, tax treatment and reporting, annual auditing etc; 熟悉一般纳税人认定手续及流程,税务处理,纳税申报,工商年检等工作; www.jobe23.com 2. responsible for office equipment, office supplies and other property declarations assessment and approval process; 负责办公设备、办公用品及其它财产的申报审批工作; zhidao.baidu.com 3. Following all government approval process in the whole construction process; 负责在整个建造过程;下面所有政府审批程序。 www.jobui.com 4. Support global quality on supplier approval & part approval process; 协助总部的供应商批准和零件批准流程方面的工作; jobs.zhaopin.com 5. High level of understanding for the power project approval process especially in local error area; 对电力项目审批流程(尤其是当地的)有深度的了解; www.gao8dou.com 6. It violates legal procedures in the registration approval process; 违反法定程序作出准予注册登记许可决定的; rondeng.blog.163.com 7. Low efficiency in requisition & approval process 申请和审批过程效率低下,周期冗长 wenku.baidu.com 8. Re-engineering of Approval Process for Land and Building Developments 重组土地及建筑发展项目的批核程序 www.landsd.gov.hk 9. Type Approval Process for Systems, Devices and Components 系统、设备和零部件的型式认证程序 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Architecture review and approval process 体系结构的评审及批准流程 www-128.ibm.com 1. Project review and approval process shortened 项目审批时间缩短 www.common-talk.com 2. Order Core and Cavity Steel-After Customer Approval Process 客户同意购订型芯和型腔 www.3d88.cn 3. Order Mold Base-After Customer Approval Process 客户同意购订模胚 wenku.baidu.com 4. Research and Implementation of Computerized Approval Process Based on PDM 基于PDM的飞机设计电子审批流程的研究和实现 ilib.com.cn 5. Write up design approval process; 设计确认流程; www.hxrc.com.cn 6. To use an IT system to optimize approval process 运用一个IT系统来优化审批流程 wenku.baidu.com 7. New Veterinary Drug Approval Process of USA 美国新兽药审批程序 ilib.cn |
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