单词 | appropriate |
释义 | appropriated是appropriate的过去式
过去式:appropriated 现在分词:appropriating 第三人称单数:appropriates adj. n. appropriate use,appropriate way,appropriate structure,appropriate form,appropriate place 例句释义: 挪用,拨款,〈正式〉非法占有,剽窃,合适的,拨专款后来,被划拨,适当地挪用 1. It had, however unconvincingly, appropriated the reform discourse of the opposition and shifted to a subtler, neo-authoritarian mode. 然而勉强有挪用反对派的改革话语,放入到一个微妙的新威权模式里。 www.xueshe8.com 2. He has funded the war entirely out of the general $600 billion appropriated to the Defense Department. 他已经从分配给国防部6000亿的普通资金中,拨款给这场战争了。 kk.dongxi.net 3. Please do forward to us to the address below a few sets of your products catalog as well as the appropriated samples for test reference. 请给我们按照下面地址寄送一些产品目录和适合的样品测试。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 4. Later , when he led his naked warriors down to the destruction of the Germen plantation, he was wiser, and he appropriated all the liquors . 后来,他变得聪明起来,在率领赤身勇士捣毁德国种植园时,他把酒全部占为己有。 www.bing.com 5. Its inventions are simply to be appropriated by clever engineers like Fuller and used to save the human race. 工业发明只能由像Fuller这般的聪明的工程师加以利用,用来挽救人类。 www.bing.com 6. Conclusion: It suggests that sertraline might be recommended as an appropriated drug in the treatment of aged depression. 结论:舍曲林是值得推荐的治疗老年抑郁症的较理想的药物。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The aggregate operating fund appropriated by a currency brokerage company to its branches shall not exceed 50% of its registered capital. 货币经纪公司拨付各分公司的营运资金总计不得超过其注册资本金的50%。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Ian Fleming appropriated its slogan as the title of one of his James Bond novels, "Diamonds Are Forever. " 伊安弗莱明将其标语用为一本詹姆斯邦德小说的标题,“钻石恒久远”。 dongxi.net 9. He appropriated a great deal of the company's money. 他侵吞了公司的大笔资金。 jpkc.sdau.edu.cn 10. In short, Dan's appropriated the Internet's core funding process to try to solve for one of the most obstinate problems in health. 简言之,Dan现在处于一个互联网核心幕资过程,以试图解决健康界中最顽固的问题之一。 news.cnblogs.com 1. KS: In the drawings, we see that a number of the visual elements have been appropriated from recognisable photographs or images. 在素描作品中,我们看到大量视觉元素从可辨认的照片或形象中被剥离出来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Hardly wearable, the jeans seen here should be considered much more a re-appropriated piece of art than fashion. 这里所见的这些牛仔裤与其说是时尚,还不如说是片段艺术的重利用,根本就没什么可穿性。 www.elanso.com 3. In 1952, the playwright George Axelrod appropriated the term for a Broadway play about a husband's desire to stray. 1952年,剧作家乔治?阿克塞尔罗德(GeorgeAxelrod)把这个词用在了一出百老汇戏剧中,这部戏讲的是丈夫出轨的故事。 www.bing.com 4. The income of a government from all sources appropriated for the payment of the public expenses. 从各种来源的政府收入拨给支付公共支出的费用 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Just as he has been appropriated, so he appropriated ideas from everyone else. 他的文章被广泛引用,而他也会援引别人的想法。 www.ecocn.org 6. The Ministries of the State Council energetically appropriated relief materials and funds which have effectively solved many problems. 国家各部委积极调拨救灾物资和资金,解决了许多实际困难。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. So we think that to fix the system, to reduce backlogs and improve technology. There needs to be a appropriated monies for this. 所以我们认为需要修复系统,减少复杂流程,提高技术水平,这些都需要适当的费用来构成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The president is simply using money appropriated to the Pentagon for general purposes to conduct the current air campaign. 奥巴马只是直接挪用了五角大楼多用途的军事费用去执行利比亚空中打击军事行动。 www.bing.com 9. The relatives of the dead were very angry when they discovered that heR executor had appropriated the Rolls Royce to himself. 当死者的亲属发现她的遗嘱执行者已将“劳斯莱斯”名贵轿车据为己有时,都非常愤怒。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Once singed as law, another battle will ensue to have money appropriated to start the construction projects. 法案一经签字即构成法律,之后将会围绕项目建设的拨款数额展开另一场争辩。 www.21food.cn 1. Often, images are appropriated and digitally altered, the underlying theme being the relationship between representation and reality. 他使用的影像通常是从别处挪用,然后再加以数码处理,主题着意探讨艺术再现与真实存在之间的关系。 www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk 2. Thus, rather than the date of Christmas being appropriated from pagans by Christians , the opposite is held to have occurred. 因此,如果说圣诞节的日期是异教的日子被基督徒所使用,相反的观点也注定会发生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Outlays for social insurance agencies shall be listed into budget and appropriated from government finance . 第二十七条社会保险经办机构所需经费列入预算,由财政拨付。 www.bing.com 4. Samba was to be appropriated, transformed and used by the government. 桑巴被政府挪用,转换并善加利用。 www.kekenet.com 5. When a "Credit Approval Date" was needed but unavailable, users appropriated an unused address line field. 例如,当需要“信用批准日期”却没有这个字段时,用户就使用了一个未使用的地址行字段。 www.ibm.com 6. The United States has not appropriated any funds for major reconstruction since 2005. 自2005年以来,美国尚未为任何重大重建项目拨款。 www.america.gov 7. Now, you could select one appropriated company to fulfill your task. 现在你要在两间公司之间先择一间来完成你的任务。 bbs.shunderen.com 8. Contingent reserve Retained earnings appropriated in anticipation of possible future losses or expenses. 意外事项准备金,应急准备金作为准备金的留存盈利,用以应付未来可能发生的损失或费用。 www.chinacitywater.org 9. The advance payment for appropriated land shall also be managed as required above. 划拨土地的预付款也按照上述要求管理。 en.pkulaw.cn 10. Funds appropriated for the imperial navy were siphoned off to make Yi-He-Yuan an increasingly luxurious private park. 原本用以北洋舰队的资金被抽调用来把颐和园打造成为一个日益奢华的私人园林。 www.jxtvu.com.cn 1. Of the money appropriated to transport, 83% has now been allocated. 交通方面已经落实83%的划拨资金。 www.ecocn.org 2. Congress appropriated money to complete three new frigates and to build additional ships, and authorized the raising of a provisional army. 国会拨款建造了三艘新的护卫舰以及一些附属船只,并批准组建一支临时的军队。 www.bing.com 3. In a brilliant linguistic coup, Prof Sargent and colleagues appropriated the term "rational expectations" for their answer. 萨金特教授及其同事将“理性预期”这种说法作为他们的答案,可谓是聪明地玩了一把语言艺术。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But technology is increasingly moving in the other direction, too, as consumer products are appropriated for military use. 不过,由于现在消费类产品适用于军事用途,技术也正越来越多地沿着另外一个方向转移。 club.topsage.com 5. The governor was found to have appropriated government money. 该州长被查出挪用了公款。 www.93576.com 6. Please see below for on the instructions you will need follow to get winning sum appropriated on your name. 你需要按如下说明填写依你的名义赢得一定金额。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The city government committee appropriated many funds for maintaining the ancient architecture and other historic spots. 市政委员会花了不少钱来维修那座古城和其它古迹。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. The cashier was under suspicion of having appropriated some of the firm's money. 那个出纳员有挪用公司款项的嫌疑。 www.hotdic.com 9. Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. 反对党的一些政策已被政府照搬照用。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Much of Central Asia was appropriated by the tsars only in the nineteenth century. 中亚细亚的大部分地区只是到了十九世纪才被沙皇所吞并。 1. The prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller . 预言者恰当的为修理螺旋桨拨专款。 www.hjenglish.com 2. The answer is that they appropriated much of the wealth of a collapsing superpower. 答案是他们侵吞了一个崩溃的超级大国的大量财富。 www.ebigear.com 3. As a result the L-shaped walls appropriated the plot's geometry while roofs opened northward to provide plenty of indirect lighting. 最终一个L形的墙壁与场地的几何形式相融合,屋顶向着北侧张开,以间接地获得光照。 www.julemei.com 4. The manager was found to have appropriated store money. 那位经理曾经挪用店里的钱。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. If so, the appropriated WebEvent Objects are created and executed in the same manner as the event described above. 如果有,在和上面提到的主event一样方式的适当的WebEvent对象会被建立和执行。 it.china-b.com 6. Congress appropriated money for the increase of the navy. 国会拨款为扩增海军之用。 www.hotdic.com 7. In the United States, at the urging of President Obama, Pershing said, Congress appropriated $1. 3 billion for climate finance in 2010. 潘兴说,在美国,由于奥巴马总统的敦促,国会在2010年为气候融资拨款13亿美元。 www.america.gov 8. Parliament appropriated two million pounds for flood control. 国会拨款两百万英镑作为防治水灾之用。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Congress appropriated only $83 million for reentry in fiscal year 2011, or less than $120 per released prisoner. 国会在2011财年拨给重返社会项目的预算只有8300万美元,也就是说每个出狱者不到120美元。 meirixiaochao.blog.163.com 10. But Lebanon, which claims that Israel has appropriated a traditionally Lebanese dish, struck back with a 4, 532-pound hummus plate in 2009. 但黎巴嫩宣称以色列盗用了一个传统黎巴嫩菜式,2009年以4532磅的鹰嘴豆泥反击以色列。 dongxi.net 1. Congress had already appropriated $10. 5 billion in emergency assistance. 国会已经拨款105亿美元用于紧急救援。 www.america.gov 2. Five million dollars has been appropriated for research into the disease. 已拨款五百万元用于这种疾病的研究。 wenwen.soso.com 3. She hasn't appropriated any motifs or themes, or forms of Aboriginal art at all. 她根本就没有盗用任何土著艺术的主旨和主题。 hopeyang1129.blog.163.com 4. And we've appropriated more than $10 billion to help people achieve that dream. 并且我们合适了超过帮助的$10十亿人民实现那个梦想。 cid-90189a65842aa71c.spaces.live.com 5. Five thousand dollars has been appropriated for the new school buildings. 已拨款五千元为建设新校舍之用 www.hjenglish.com 6. Before the doctors appropriated it, the caduceus was worn by people who wanted the gift of eloquence and eternal youth. 在医生们将节杖“据为己有”之前,佩戴节杖的人们是想得到神灵赋予的辩才和永恒的青春。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Five thousand dollars has been appropriated for the investment. 已拨款5000元作为投资费用。 www.yuloo.com 8. Congress has appropriated money for building the highway. 国会已拨下专款建那条公路。 edu.sparke.cn 9. 000 dollars have been appropriated for the new school building. (已拨款)1万美元为建新校舍之用。 www.yuloo.com 10. Funds are also appropriated from general tax revenues. 基金也从一般税收拨款。 translate.google.com 1. Lee appropriated my unread newspaper and never returned it. 李擅自拿走我尚未阅读的报纸并从不归还 www.putclub.com 2. Rather, the logos were appropriated in order to highlight the artist's complex response towards China's extraordinary historical changes. 相反地,这些商标的意义是强调王广义对中国重大巨变的复杂情结。 www.christies.com 3. The government has appropriated a large sum of money for building hospitals. 政府为建造医院拨出一大笔款项。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Congress funded the first $5 billion for 18 months, with the remaining money appropriated only after careful review. 美国国会在头18个月提供了首期50亿美元资金,其他资金在经过认真审核后才得到调拨。 www.america.gov 5. A sum has been appropriated for the new buildings in the local schools. 已拨出一笔款项作为建筑当地学校新校舍之用。 www.hotdic.com 6. Following the Communist victory in 1949, Beijing's courtyard homes were appropriated and resettled by the government. 随着新中国的建立,北京的四合院都被改建了,由政府进行统一安置。 www.bing.com 7. With water in the river fully appropriated for urban areas and agriculture, many wonder how long it will be until the Platte runs dry. 由于河水完全供城市地区和农业使用,许多人想知道,还有多长时间普拉特会流干。 www.bing.com 8. MBA is a major investment, a lot of facts to prove: It can lead to higher salaries, more likely to be appropriated . MBA主要是一个投资,有很多事实可证明:它可以导致高薪水的工作,更容易被提拨。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The term has been appropriated to mean security and encryption products that make impossible claims, such as unbreakable codes. 用此词表示那些不可能做到(如不会破译的代码)的安全和加密产品非常适合。 www.kancaimi.cn 10. The government has appropriated some funds for education. 政府拨出了一些款项用作教育基金。 www.kekenet.com 1. (c) The prohibition against lobbying with appropriated funds (18 U. S. C. 1913). (c)针对游说拨款资金的禁令(《美国法典》第18编第1913节)。 www.bing.com 2. I am like to experience the course in the work, and to get clear about whether I am appropriated to such HR work. 我想通过切身体验工作过程,来搞清楚我是否合适做人力资源的工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is this very mainstream political repertoire that newer movements have appropriated. 那些新党派所利用的恰恰是这样的主流政治节目单。 www.bing.com 4. His own defence, that other parties had appropriated Meretz's peace agenda, is only partly true; 他对其他党派盗用梅雷兹的和平时刻表的防卫,仅是部分的正确; www.ecocn.org 5. However, they stressed that the bill only authorised the expenditure and the money would still need to be appropriated each year. 30 不过,基金负责人强调,该法案只对支出进行了授权,而实际金额仍需逐年拨出。 www.bing.com 6. the land proceeds required to be turned in from the lease of housing on the appropriated land; 出租划拨土地上的房屋应当上缴的土地收益; en.pkulaw.cn 7. Appropriation: something appropriated, especially public funds set aside for a specific purpose 拨款,尤指拨作特殊目的的公共基金 blog.diandian.net 8. In this case all numbers of the society need to possess appropriated information literacy. 信息化的社会要求所有的社会成员都要具备相应的信息素养。 www.fabiao.net 9. Knuckle Threads for Steel Sheet Pieces up to 0. 5 mm Thickness and Appropriated Couplings; Dimensions, Tolerances 厚度0.5mm以下钢板零件及其旋紧附件用圆螺纹.尺寸.公差 www.mapeng.net 10. collateral so appropriated shall be the amount of the margin, together with any 所以应适当担保的金额,连同任何边缘 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Something arranged, issued, or appropriated to a particular service or occasion: 为特定场合和服务而安排、发行或设置的事物: zhidao.baidu.com 2. Among which, the funds distributed for local use shall be appropriated to the local financial departments once for all or by time; 其中,分配地方使用部分的资金,根据年度项目资金计划一次或分次拨付到地方财政部门; dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Managing teams, e. g. recruiting and developing appropriated staff and managing staff continuity; 管理团队,如招聘和发展合适的员工以及管理员工的连续性; blog.sina.com.cn 4. Suspension of the implementation of project or recovery of funds appropriated; 暂停项目执行或追回已拨付资金; www.bing.com 5. Unconditionally appropriated to the contract 无条件地划拨于合同项下 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The appropriated cell number in an internal bioartificial liver 内置生物人工肝细胞培养量的研究 scholar.ilib.cn 7. The state department has already appropriated funds for 按照国务院那个抚恤金啊 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Appropriated funds of governmental units 行政单位拨入经费 hotlantrans.com 9. Surplus appropriated for redemption fund 偿债公积金 www.pkuyy.com 10. Cumulative earnings on appropriated loan fund 拨入放款基金积余 www.readfree.net 1. Voice of America - funds appropriated 美国之音——经费拨定 www.bing.com |
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