单词 | an open question |
释义 | 例句释义: 容许讨论的问题,未解决的问题,尚未解决的问题,未决问题 1. Nonetheless, the extent to which politicians and regulators trying to reform finance can trust financial economists is an open question. 然而,试图进行金融改革的政治家和监管者可以信任金融经济学家到何种程度是一个众所周知的问题。 bbs.yeeu.org 2. How much sea level could rise this century with increasing temperatures is an open question. 随着温度持续攀升,海平面将会上升多少是个公开的问题。 www.bing.com 3. How much of that will migrate 340 miles north and into the pockets of ordinary people such as Ochkhuu is an open question. 不过,究竟这些资金中有多少能穿越340英里的距离,进入像奥奇古这样平常百姓的腰包里,还是一个问题。 www.bing.com 4. The existence of such a route was an open question, but its potential economic significance was beyond dispute. 这样的水路是否存在还是个疑问,但它的潜在经济意义却是毋庸置疑的。 kk.dongxi.net 5. How much appetite the government will have for enforcing the single-dog rule is an open question. 政府到底有多大的欲望会执行这一规定仍不得而知。 chinese.wsj.com 6. How much any of this matters, however, is an open question. 然而,这些影响到底有多大仍是个未解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 7. How much the megagrant winners can boost Russian science remains an open question, however. 但是,巨资获得者在多大程度上能够推动俄罗斯的科学仍然是一个开放的问题。 www.chinapubmed.net 8. How much government debt is too much is an open question because tolerance for public debt is highly dependent on prevailing perception. 多少政府债务就算过多,目前仍然是一个悬而未决的问题,因为对公共债务的容忍度主要取决于主流看法。 www.ftchinese.com 9. So here's my attempt to make the question both a bit more precise, and a question that's an open question. 这就是我试图使问题不仅更严谨而且是一个开放的问题。 www.bing.com 10. How much good all of this will do is an open question. 这些措施将会带来多少成效仍有待回答。 www.ftchinese.com 1. How much of it will survive its passage through Congress remains an open question. 其中有多少能够顺利通过美国国会的审查,这仍然是一个有待回答的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But just how the bones sense this flow of fluid has been an open question, at least until now. 但至于骨骼是怎样感知液体的流动,时至今日还争论不休。 www.ecocn.org 3. Moore famously claims that the question of whether something is good isalways an 'open' question. 于是,摩尔做出了一个著名的论断——某物是不是好东西,这是个“开放性”问题。 www.bing.com 4. Whether it proves to be a profitable way of conquering the mobile search business is an open question. 然而,在称霸移动搜索业务的这一战中,这个做法是否有利可取,就还是个未知数了。 www.bing.com 5. Just what effect parenting might have on the brains of fathers has remained an open question, however. 然而,父亲养育子女会对自己的大脑会产生什么样的影响还是个未知数。 www.ecocn.org 6. What is happening to all this data . . . is still largely an open question. 到底怎麽处理这些数据了……很大程度上仍属未知。 cn.reuters.com 7. He and other scientists acknowledge that no technology is foolproof and that the long-term effects of GM crops remain an open question. 他和其他科学家同时承认,没有一种技术是十分安全的,转基因作物的长期效果还是一个可以探讨的问题。 www.bing.com 8. Whether our modern methods of execution are any more humane might be an open question. 我们现代的死刑方式是否更加人性化可能仍尚无定论。 www.bing.com 9. Whether the White House could have got more from an already shell-shocked Congress remains an open question. 白宫是否还能够从已成惊弓之鸟的国会手里再掏出更多的银子?这将始终是一个值得讨论的问题。 url.cn 10. Indeed, under the terms of a shambling peace process, the basic shape of the Nepali state is an open question. 目前,根据和平进程的相关协议,关于尼泊尔国家的基本政治形态是一个公开探讨的问题。 www.ecocn.org 1. Whether the Greek people will also be calmed is still an open question. 但希腊人是否会平静下来,仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。 www.bing.com 2. It's an open question at this point whether Guyana can stick to this strategy. 现在的问题是圭亚那是否会一直坚持这个策略。 www.bing.com 3. That's definitely going to happen, but whether China can field globally competitive auto brands is still an open question. 但中国是否能拥有具备全球竞争力的汽车品牌仍是个疑问。 www.ebigear.com 4. Competition is fierce between the two rivals, and who will win is still completely an open question. 两个对手之间的竞争非常激烈,谁能获胜还完全是个未知数。 www.fortunechina.com 5. It's an open question: is there such a thing as a "cold constitution" ? 这是一个尚未解决的问题:有某种像是“感冒体质”这类东西吗? www.bing.com 6. Whether Thompson ultimately makes it to the office those two held is an open question. 汤普森最终能否像克林顿和里根一样入主白宫是一个未知数。 www.hjenglish.com 7. But whether Mr Critz's success can be repeated in his own or similar districts in November remains an open question. 但是克里茨的胜利能否在本地区或其他类似地区重演仍是一个未知数。 www.ecocn.org 8. That's an open question, but I would guess what is probably meant is that he was more honorable than the other Israelites at the time. 这个问题没有确切答案,我想,可能指他比当时所有的以色列人都尊贵。 www.51zanmei.net 9. Whether the bureaucrats can channel the public largesse efficiently is an open question . 各国政府能否有效引导环保事业是一个未决定的问题。 www.bing.com 10. It is an open question whether the consequences would be for the better or the worse. 后果是更好还是更糟,这是一个开放式问题。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. "There's an open question of who are the other companies. " “公开的疑问是其他的公司到底是谁” www.bing.com 2. Despite many years of vocabulary development, the choice of technology remains an open question. 尽管经过了多年的辞汇表开发,技术的选择仍然是一个公开的问题。 www-128.ibm.com 3. But the specific biological connection between a mother's holiday-influenced emotional state and labor is still an open question. 但是对于左右准妈妈们情绪的节日影响与分娩之间的联系还有待研究。 www.bing.com 4. Whether that freedom helps persuade Groupon to agree to a sale is still an open question. 但是这种自由能否让Groupon同意这笔收购还始终是个未决的问题。 www.bing.com 5. It remains an open question if peanut butter or products with peanut paste would be likely candidates for the technique. 花生酱或含有花生糊的产品是否可能应用这种技术杀菌,这仍然是一个未解决的问题。 www.bing.com 6. However, a method for a proper array orientation and beamformer look direction sequence selection remains an open question. 然而,一种用于完美阵列取向和波束形成器观察方向顺序选择的方法仍然是一个公开的问题。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Whether the reintroduction of capital punis. ment would reduce the number of armed robberies is. an open question. 对于是否重新采用极刑能减少武装抢劫案,这是个有争议的问题。 dict.ebigear.com 8. It's an open question whether the academic culture of the humanities will get on board in a significant way. 人文学科的学术文化是否能有足够的参与度仍有待考察。 www.bing.com 9. Whether any of this will ever be implemented in Web browsers that normal people use remains an open question. 将会在普通Web浏览器中实现哪种技术仍然是一个未知问题。 www.ibm.com 10. What he might say to them about their collapse is an open question. 他对他们所说的有关他们的经济危机的内容是个公开问题。 www.bing.com 1. The future of Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the last two independent investment banks, is now an open question. 对于高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)这两家华尔街仅存的独立投行,它们的未来如今是一个未决的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Gibbs indicated it was still an open question whether the Obama administration would cite China. 吉布斯表示,奥巴马政府是否会将中国定为(汇率操纵国),还没有决定。 www.bing.com 3. How admittedly uncertain models should influence international climate policy is an open question. 研究模型会在多大程度上影响国际气候政策,这是个悬而未决的问题。 www.bing.com 4. If co-movement does prove to be a reliable early warning signal, it's an open question how to make use of it. Fuhrer认为,如果真正想证明股票的联动性是股市崩盘前可靠预警信号,那么现在讨论问题是如何应用它。 www.bing.com 5. Whether Yahoo! has any leverage at all in this dispute, however, is an open question. 然而对于这次纠纷雅虎到底有没有任何解决的手段仍是个悬念。 www.ecocn.org 6. Whether the Republican electorate is clamoring for Mr. Huntsman is an open question. 共和党选民是否热切期盼洪博培参选,还是一个悬而未决的问题。 chinese.wsj.com 7. While loved by consulting firms, whether it results in improved organisational performance is an open question. 尽管咨询公司喜爱这些刊物,但它们是否带来了组织绩效的改善,则仍是一个有待回答的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Whether or not flexible exchange rates lead to too much inflation is an open question. 变动汇率是否会导致过多的通货膨胀,这是一个尚未解决的问题。 www.jukuu.com 9. Fine for the students, then. But how the country's top universities survive is still an open question. 对学生来说是不错,但是对英国顶尖大学来说,如何生存仍是个悬而未决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 10. The passion they have is worth applauding, but whether other young people follow their path is still an open question. 他们的热情值得称赞,但是其他年轻人是否会走他们的路仍然是一个有争论的问题。 www.hxen.com 1. Whether she manages to maintain popularity and extend her husband's legacy by launching a presidential run next year is an open question. 但她能否维持受欢迎程度、明年继续参选总统以继承丈夫的遗志,则仍是未决的问题。 chinese.wsj.com 2. It is an open question whether enough people will contribute their data to generate the momentum of Wikipedia, but Mr Hillis is optimistic. 摆在面前的问题是会不会有足够的人贡献数据资料来创建维基百科数据库,希利斯对此表示乐观。 www.ecocn.org 3. It remains an open question whether NATO can or should mount another such mission out of area. 现在还很难说北约是否还能在其他地区发起一场等量的军事任务。 www.ecocn.org 4. But because so little research has been done, it's an open question: Should exercise be a part of drug abuse treatment programs? 但由于这方面的研究实在太少,这就成了一个悬而未决的问题:锻炼应该成为治疗药物滥用计划的一部分么? www.bing.com 5. Whether the world can engineer that kind of orderly rebalancing is an open question. 世界是否能够策划出那种有序再平衡还未可知。 www.bing.com 6. has any leverage at all in this dispute, however, is an open question. 雅虎在这场争论中是否有话语权是个疑问。 www.bing.com 7. Whether all of this will help France regain its nuclear leadership is an open question. 所有这些措施能否帮法国夺回核领域的领先地位,还是一个未知数。 chinese.wsj.com 8. So it is an open question whether luxury entitlement is becoming increasingly common among today's affluent children. 如今在富裕家庭的孩子当中,对奢侈品的向往是否变得越来越普遍了呢,这个问题也不得而知。 chinese.wsj.com 9. But the veracity of information about the causes and consequences of the accidents is an open question. 但意外的原因和后果的信息的真实性是一个悬而未决的问题。 www.douban.com 10. It remains an open question what lessonsfrom Denmark, a nation of six million people, can be transferred to the UnitedStates. 美国能从丹麦这个拥有六百万人口的国家学到什么经验还很难说。 www.bing.com 1. The causality between atmospheric circulation and thermohaline circulation (THC) is an open question in the field of air-sea interaction. 大气环流与热盐环流(THC)变化之间的因果关系,是海气相互作用研究领域的一个悬而未决的问题。 www.hyxb.org.cn 2. Whether this applies to people who exaggerated their earnings in applying for loans is an open question. 这是否适用于那些申请贷款时夸大收入的人,目前还需要讨论。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It thus remains an open question whether the hapless Mr Papandreou can knit the country to pull together to share pain. 因此,倒霉的帕潘德里欧能否让全国团结起来,齐心协力分担痛苦,仍是一个问题。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Whether the Federal Reserve's decision to keep rates on hold into 2013 will make banks any more comfortable lending is an open question. 美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)将现行利率维持到2013年的决定是否能让银行业更乐于放贷仍然是一个没有答案的问题。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Big music acts are still bringing in good money, but it is an open question whether the iPod generation will support so many of them. 大型的音乐演出依然可以带来巨大的利润,但iPod一代是否仍将支持它们,这成为一个有待解决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 6. It's an open question, though, whether regulators will prevent large banks from controlling the clearinghouses. 监管者是否同意大型银行继续控制票据交易所,是很有争议的问题。 www.bing.com 7. An open question remains whether these white dwarf mergers are the primary catalyst for Type 1a supernovae in spiral galaxies. 剩下的开放问题是,在旋涡星系中,这些并合的白矮星是否就是Ia型超新星的主要催化剂。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Whether this toxicity is related to the psychosis seen in some long-term methamphetamine abusers is still an open question. 关于这种毒性是否导致了长期服用者的精神病症状,还是未知数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It's still an open question for thorough discussion to the quantitative analysis of mixture's Raman spectroscopy. 多组分物质拉曼光谱的定量分析是一个有待深入研究的课题。 www.opticsjournal.net 10. Whether his playing has significantly developed is an open question. 他的演奏水平是否有显著提高仍是个问题。 www.bing.com 1. It is an open question how early this understanding emerges, and there is some intriguing experimental work exploring this. 关于这种理解是在何时出现的,此问题尚有待解决,有一些有趣的实验来探究这一问题。 www.bing.com 2. It is an open question whether any behavior based on fear of eternal punishment can be regarded as ethical or should be regarded? 一个有待解决的问题是:基于是害怕无休止的惩罚而产生的行为是被视作有道德的呢,还是应该被视作懦弱的? spaces.msn.com 3. Whether the IPO price was too high, or investors are now being unduly cautious, remains an open question. 这是因为首次公开募股的价格过高还是投资者现在过于谨慎?对这个问题现在依然没有答案。 www.bing.com 4. Whether or not she will return to active service when she recovers remains an open question. 目前她康复后是否能复职仍是一个有待回答的问题。 www.fzfanyi.com 5. It's an open question whether Europe can muster the goodwill, and the willpower, to come together in the way Trichet believes is required. 欧洲是否能够按照特里谢期望的方式,将诚意与意志力集合起来,是一个公开的问题。 www.bing.com 6. Whether it will work for Amazon is an open question, but the odds may be against it. 但它是否能在亚马逊公司身上奏效,目前还是一个未知数,但可以预见的是,可能性不大。 www.fortunechina.com 7. And though advertisers love the Internet, to what extent they can capitalize on these transformations remains an open question. 然而,虽然营销者们喜爱因特网,他们在这种转变之中能投入多少资金,尚无定论。 www.elanso.com 8. What other functions abundant heterochromatin may perform are still an open question. 至于大量的异染色质还有什么作用仍然是一个问题。 s1521.degree-distance.com 9. Whether investors have overreacted to strained finances of some European countries remains an open question. 投资者对部分欧洲国家财政紧张的问题是否反应过度还无法确定。 chinese.wsj.com 10. What remains an open question is just how these debts will not be paid. 剩下的一个问题不过是,通过什么方式不偿还这些债务? www.ftchinese.com 1. Whether these cells could actually help repair a damaged heart remains an open question, however. 然而,这些神奇细胞是否可以修复受损的心脏依旧是一个大问号。 www.bing.com 2. It's still an open question how willing men will be to shouldering more of the burden of contraception. 男人到底是否愿意来承担避孕这个问题仍悬而未决。 www.bing.com 3. Effective monetary leadership in the new environment remains, for now, an open question. 新环境中的有效货币政策领导力目前仍是一个问题。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Whether owners of multiple dogs in Shanghai can expect to face the wrath of the law remains an open question. 在上海拥有多条狗的市民是否会面临该法规的惩罚仍是未知数。 c.wsj.com 5. But whether LMB's culture can be copied remains an open question. 但LMB文化是否能够复制还是个有待解决的问题。 www.bing.com 6. It's still an open question as to whether this reform effort will just be a pointless source of greenhouse gas emissions. 这项议案最终是否变成了与金融毫不相干的温室气体排放法,这一问题还尚无定论。 www.bing.com 7. Thus, it's still an "open question" whether more nerve cell activity actually caused memory improvements, McGaugh said. 因此,无论更多的神经细胞活动事实上真的导致了猴子(记忆)的改善与否,这仍是一个“有待解决的问题。”McGaugh说道。 www.bing.com 8. Where that exploration will lead is an open question. 这种探索的方向是一个未决的问题。 www.bing.com 9. Whether more money will be forthcoming is an open question. 是否会有更多经费尚未确定。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. For now it is an open question whether other proteins have an equally hard time evolving backward. 其他蛋白是不是也有这样类似的逆转进化困难呢?这已经是一个开放性的问题了。 www.bing.com 1. But whether this new, larger grouping can actually prove effective is still very much an open question. 不过,这个扩容后的新集团能否证明自己的有效性,目前仍需打上一个大大的问号。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The effect climate change will have on weather and crops remains an open question. homage n. 气候变化对天气和农作物的影响仍无定论。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. But considering how vague the legislation that established the DNI is Negroponte's ability to actually do that is an open question. 但是,鉴于有关设立国家情报局长一职的立法含糊不清,所以内氏实际的操控能力便悬而未决。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. Whether Gliese 581g is an actual planet remains an open question. Gliese581g是否确实是一颗行星依然是个谜。 www.bing.com 5. Since we last question is an open question. 由于我们问题最后是个开放性问题。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The enforcement date over Apple's new rules remain an open question. 苹果新规的执行日期仍存有争议。 chinese.wsj.com 7. Whether competition by land will lead to co-operation or conflict remains an open question. 领土的竞争将导致合作还是冲突仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。 www.bing.com 8. How they got going so fast is an open question. 他们是怎样达到这么快的速度仍是一个待解决的问题。 www.bing.com 9. Whether that's for better or worse remains an open question. 此事究竟是好是坏还是一个问号。 chinese.wsj.com 10. An open question to readers in China and the rest of the world, then: are you trying to do this? How? 在中国以及世界上的其他地方,一个面向读者的开放性问题是:你在努力这样做吗? www.chinadialogue.net 1. These rights are, in short, priceless, and it is an open question whether they can be transferred. 总的来说这些特权是无价的,而这些权利能否随着公司一起被转让也是个悬而未决的问题。 www.ecocn.org 2. "How long one can keep those gains is an open question, " Jones says. “但这种良好态势能够保持多长时间是一个有待研究的问题,”琼斯说。 www.bing.com 3. An open question is how far the new wave will go. 一个公开的问题是这波新浪潮将会持续多长的时间。 www.hbvhbv.com 4. e. g. It is an open question to solve. 这个问题有待于公开讨论解决。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. This is still an open question. 这仍然是一个尚未解决的问题。 www.powerdict.com 6. That's still an open question. 这仍然是个未解决的问题。 www.bing.com 7. How many people will lose their jobs is an open question. 有多少人将要失业,这一问题尚无定论。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. On an Open Question of LF - Subgroup 关于LF-子群的一个公开问题 www.ilib.cn |
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