单词 | a scarf | ||||||||
释义 | a scarf
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 围巾,一条围巾,丝巾 1. All of a sudden, I do not know who opened a scarf of the iceberg, the sun exposed red faces. 忽然,不知谁掀开了纱巾的一角,太阳露出了红彤彤的脸蛋。 www.tradeask.com 2. An Ultra has no face, most of the time a hood is covering his head, a scarf covering his mouth. 没有面容,通常他把连帽衫的帽子扣在头上,用围巾围住脸; blog.sina.com.cn 3. Sister gave me some good recommendations, she said "You can send her a birthday greeting card, or send her a scarf, a pair of sunglasses. " 姐姐给我了一些好的建议,她说“你可以送她一张生日贺卡,或者送她一条围巾,一副墨镜”。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. At this point the color of coffee, like cappuccino monks church coat in dark brown, covered by a scarf, like coffee, hence the name. 此时咖啡的颜色,就象卡布奇诺教会的修士在深褐色的外衣上覆上一条头巾一样,咖啡因此得名。 www.sozhishi.com 5. She had to wear a scarf under the sun visor because some of her hair was visible. 她穿在阳光下遮阳围巾,因为她的头发有些可见。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. "We see the end of Gaddafi, " he said, wrapping a scarf around his head. 他说,“我们看到了卡扎菲结束,”环绕周围头上的围巾。 www.englishtang.com 7. Another major Hindu god, Lord Shiva, is usually depicted with a cobra wrapped like a scarf around his neck. 而印度教的另一主神湿婆神(LordShiva)的画像中总有一条眼镜蛇像围巾一样缠绕着他的脖子。 www.bing.com 8. In the daytime he balanced his hair on his head like a basket, protected by a scarf. 白天的时候,陈文海把头发盘在头上,用头巾包起来,看上去像顶著个篮子。 big5.cri.cn 9. If it dips below 0, add another top, another bottom, a pair of glove liners or an extra pair of mittens, and wrap a scarf around your mouth. 如果低于0度华氏温度,再多穿一层。加层手套内衬或是再戴副连指手套,或是围条头巾。 www.kekenet.com 10. Now it was Walter on the screen, dear Walter with a deep stubble on his face and a scarf wrapped around his neck . 现在银幕上是华尔特,亲爱的华尔特脸上的胡子很长,脖子上围着条围巾。 www.ebigear.com 1. He's finished a scarf and socks, and is working on a sweater for his wife. 他已经织完了一条围巾和一双袜子,现在正在为他的妻子织一件毛衣。 c.wsj.com 2. Ibrahim Rugova, the head of the shadow government, was a soft-spoken man with a penchant for wearing a scarf around his neck. 傀儡政府的领导人鲁戈瓦说起话来声音柔和,特别喜欢在项上戴一条围巾。 www.bing.com 3. The next day I buy a scarf and sleep with it wrapped tightly around my head. 第二天,我买了围巾,这样在睡觉时包住我的头,就不怕那些可恶的噪音了! www.bing.com 4. French official wearing a scarf came up to the right side of the file of prisoners, and read aloud the sentence in Russian and in French. 一个佩绶带的法国官员走近一排犯人的右手边,用俄语和法语宣读判辞。 novel.tingroom.com 5. Why don't you get her a scarf for her birthday? 你为什么不给她买条围巾作生日礼物呢? zhidao.baidu.com 6. GUANGZHOU: An 11-year-old student hung himself to death with a scarf out of fear of being scolded for skipping school. 广州消息:一位年仅11岁的学生由于害怕逃学被骂而用一条围巾吊死。 www.suiniyi.com 7. The woman with a scarf on her head is from the Middle East. 头上戴着头巾的那位妇女来自中东。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Nepal ShaLi fabric is qualitative, gauze qualitative, linen material and wool, can be bought production fashion or cropped to a scarf. 尼泊尔沙丽布料有棉质、纱质、麻料和毛料,可以买来制作时装或裁成围巾。 en.cnxianzai.com 9. and simply convert what I had done into a scarf for Justin! 而把已经钩好的部份改版成宝宝围巾! tw.myblog.yahoo.com 10. Why must I be kept forever muffled up in a scarf and padded boots? 他们为什么一定要我围围巾,穿棉袄呢? novel.tingroom.com 1. Spring, summer for dating an umbrella to date repellent, autumn, winter with a lip balm for a scarf. 春天约会备把雨伞,夏天约会准备驱蚊剂,秋天带支润唇膏,冬天备一条围巾。 www.tiantianbt.com 2. Use your hand or a clean cloth, paper towels, a scarf, or any fabric you can grab, and push down on the wound until the bleeding stops. 用你的手或干净的布、纸巾、围巾或在你旁边能抓住的任何布料,按住伤口,直到流血止住。 www.bing.com 3. First of all, the main part can be cut and sewn into a scarf. 首先呢,将裁下主体部份,拷边缝成一条丝巾。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Go outside to make a snowman, use carrots, sticks, snow, hat, buttons and a scarf to make a snowman. 出去堆雪人,用胡萝卜、棍子、雪、帽子、纽扣和一条围巾来做一个雪人。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. A fashion show saw girls invited to wear Muslim headscarves, or not: one teenager wore half a scarf to symbolise indecision. 在一个时装表演中,女孩们戴着穆斯林头巾出场;此外,一个十几岁的女孩半戴着头巾,以示其犹豫不决。 ecocn.org 6. Why don't you get her a scarf to spend with her. 你为什么不给她买条围巾呢? wenku.baidu.com 7. Some women teachers wear a niqab, concealing their face, in the street; in school, only their hair is covered with a scarf. 有些女老师上街戴著只露出两眼的面纱,上课则戴著遮盖全部头发的头巾。 www.bing.com 8. She has a scarf made of a triangular piece of blue silk. 她有一条用三角形蓝绸子做的围巾。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Rachel: You know honey, there is a thin line between love and hate, and it turns out that line. Is a scarf! 爱与恨只有一线之隔,何况这条线还是一条漂亮的围巾呢? blog.sina.com.cn 10. One thousand dollars for such a scarf is too much for me. 这样的一块头巾要一千美元,对于我来说实在是太昂贵了。 souenglish.com 1. Tommy's vest gets old. So he makes a scarf out of it and sings in the men's chorus. 汤米的背心旧了。于是他用它做了条围巾,戴了去了男声合唱团。 www.cssxblog.net 2. His wife, meanwhile, donned a scarf. 其间,他的妻子戴着头巾。 www.ecocn.org 3. How about a scarf , a pair of gloves, a pair of running shoes? 好不好换成一条丝巾,一副手套,一双跑步鞋呢? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. She had a scarf tied over her head. 她的头上裹了条头巾。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Some of the students stand up and was joking, and some lazy lazy, and some hand does not wear a scarf. 站起来的同学有的在说笑,有的懒懒洋洋,有的手里拿着领巾根本没有戴上。 enwaimao.cn 6. Yeah, so I think it's not bad. It's not bad a scarf. You know, it's a good product. 是是,但我觉得这也不错。这条围巾还是不错的。你知道,这是一个不错的产品。 7. She wore a scarf to protect her hair from the wind. 她披着头巾,以免头发被风吹乱。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. But I think (thought) it's a scarf. It's a gift from your husband to you. My company is to. . . 但是我以为这条围巾是你丈夫送你的礼物。我我我的公司是…… 9. Why don't you get a hat and a scarf for freezing cold weather? 天气这么冷,你怎么不买帽子和围巾呢? www.kekenet.com 10. You should wear a warm coat and a hat. You should wear a scarf. You should stay inside. You should keep warm. You should go home. 你应该穿件厚大衣,戴顶帽子。你应该围上围巾。你应该在里面呆着。你应该注意保温。你该回家去。 www.bjenglish.com.cn 1. They might like a scarf, stole, evening bag, purse, jade earrings or bracelets. 他们可能喜欢围巾、披肩、晚宴用的手提包、钱包或玉耳环、手镯。 zhongpingrong3.blog.163.com 2. I make a scarf out of it. 我做了一条围巾在它外面。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Go grab a scarf out of your closet (silk if you have it) and put it on her. 从壁橱里拿一条围巾(最好是丝的)然后给她戴眼睛上。 paoxue.com 4. It is a proven fact, I said, that one does not get a cold because one is not wearing a scarf. 我说,一个人不会因为不戴围巾就感冒,这是得到证明的事实。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If you're running in cold weather, try breathing through a scarf or neck warmer. 如果你在寒冷的天气下跑步,试着通过围巾呼吸或者时脖子保暖装备。 www.bing.com 6. a scarf was tied round her head but the rebellious curl had escaped and hung damply over her left eye. 她用围巾包住了头,但几根卷发还是溜了出来,湿湿地挂在她的左眼上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Why not buy a scarf for her? 你为什么不给她买一条围巾呢。 wenwen.soso.com 8. She has a heater under her desk, wearing a sweater, and there is a scarf on her shoulder. 桌子底下开着取暖器,穿着毛衣,肩膀上还有一条围巾。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. When it's really cold, wear a face mask or a scarf over your mouth to warm the air you breathe and protect your face. 很冷的时候,戴一个面罩或者围巾遮住嘴,可以给你呼吸的空气保点温,同时也可以保护你的脸。 www.bing.com 10. A scarf is always tied around his waist. 腰部经常缠绕着一条围巾。 chinaufo.com 1. A large piece of cloth worn as a decorative article; a scarf. 方巾:一种用来作为装饰品的一大块布;围巾习惯用语。 www.planta.cn 2. The first people who spoke kindly to me and became my friends were an African girl, and an Iraqi girl who was wearing a scarf. 第一次亲切与我说话是的一个是非洲女孩与一个戴着围巾的伊拉克女孩。 www.xaislam.com 3. She had a scarf knotted around her neck. 她把绕在脖子上的围巾打了个结。 www.szteacher.net 4. In accordance with religious states that women must wear black robes and go out, wear a scarf, and must be accompanied by male family. 按照宗教规定,妇女外出必须穿黑袍、戴头巾,同时要有家中男性陪同。 www.englishtang.com 5. Peach flower paper is taken as a scarf which is tied around a hairdressing client's neck through buckles and self-adhesive paper. 围兜采用桃花纸作围巾,通过搭扣及不干胶粘纸围系于理发者的颈部。 ip.com 6. Five pieces of coal, a carrot, and a scarf are lying on the lawn. 五块煤,一个胡萝卜,一条围巾在草地上。 shop.qidian.com 7. He adds a scarf and a hat. He adds an orange for the nose. 他给雪人加了一个围巾和一个帽子,又给雪人添了一个桔子当鼻子。 www.hjenglish.com 8. Where are your scarves, cause I need to look for a scarf. Oh, where? 你们的围巾在哪?因为我得挑一条围巾。噢,哪儿? 9. It sometimes wears its clothes, sometimes a scarf and sometimes plays football on the grass. 它时而穿上衣服,时而戴上围巾,时而在草地上玩足球。 www.nhxzj.com 10. She covered her head with a scarf. 她用头巾包着头。 www.zje.net.cn 1. Pat covered her head with a scarf. 帕特用头巾包住头部。 tr.bab.la 2. How about getting her a scarf? 买条围巾送给她怎么样? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Look for a scarf and gloves set so they're guaranteed to match. 可以购买配套的围巾和手套,这样看上去搭配更加协调。 www.kekenet.com 4. German girl's hair style for short hair or a scarf over hair, perm more than half of the women were married. 德国少女的发式多为短发或披肩发,烫发的妇女大半都是已婚者。 www.7781.org 5. She had a scarf around her neck. 她脖子上围著围巾 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The shop girl takes out a scarf . 女店员又拿出一条围巾。 dict.veduchina.com 7. A superb football game to get stuck into. Grab a beer, put on a scarf, and cheer your team on all the way to the top! 超级足球比赛,以卡住成。品尝啤酒,戴上围巾,和你的球队加油的所有方式顶端! free-games-chinese.wullix.com 8. If they fall in love, the woman might give the man a scarf woven by her as a gift. 如果他们相爱的话,女子就可能给男子一条她亲手织的围巾作为礼物。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. She wore a scarf to add a splash of pink to her outfit. 她围着一条围巾,给外套增加了一点粉红色。 www.nciku.com 10. People said their attention to details like a scarf, pin or skinny tie "took their looks beyond basic. " 《人物》杂志称,他们对于围巾、胸针以及窄领带等细节的关注让他们“看起来与众不同”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. Then, wear a scarf, neck gaiter, or bandanna around your neck, mouth, and nose. 再戴一条围巾,围脖或者丝巾遮住你的脖子、嘴和鼻子。 www.bing.com 2. Yes, but specifically a scarf and definitely not a snood. 是的,但是绝对只要围巾,绝对不要围脖。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. a scarf worn around the neck. 一种围在脖子上的围巾。 fanyi.kancaimi.cn 4. Would you help me choose a scarf to go with this dress? 请你帮我选一条搭配这套洋装的围巾好吗? www.bing.com 5. Why not get her a scarf? 为什么不给她买条围巾呢? zhidao.baidu.com 6. She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她匆忙地把围巾披在肩上。 www.chinabaike.com 7. I fetch our coats, andtie a scarf around Grandma's hair to stop it from getting messed up by thewind. 我拿上了我们的外套,给奶奶头上围上了一条围巾,那样风就不会把她的头发吹乱了。 www.bing.com 8. At the store, you don't think about the $20 price tag or about how rarely you actually wear a scarf. 在商店里的时候,你不会去想,皮带上吊着一个20美元的价签,也不会去想,自己戴围巾的次数是多么地稀少。 c.wsj.com 9. Red mittens and a scarf. 红色的手套和一条围巾。 www.lsgz.net 10. a scarf over her shoulders. 她把披巾随手往肩上一披。 www.shanbay.com 1. It's very cold outside, so you'd better wrap a scarf round your neck. 翻译外面很冷,你最好系条围巾再出去。 en.eol.cn 2. One evening at the station, I had my yarn and needles out and was working on a scarf. 一天晚上在站上,我拿出了线和针开始织一件围巾。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Yet, people were still advised to take precautions such as wearing a scarf when they go outside, and less outdoor activities. 气象部门仍然建议大家采取预防措施。外出时要戴围巾,尽量减少户外活动。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. She sometimes carries a scarf that can help her create an additional variation. 有时候,她会随身带一条围巾,可以帮她营造一种不同的风情。 www.e-say.com.cn 5. I embroidered my initials on a scarf. 我在围巾上绣上我姓名的起首字母。 dict.hjenglish.com 6. Ah, a scarf wrapping your head . . . 哦,拿头巾包着头… www.hellomandarin.com 7. wrapped my head in a scarf. 用头巾裹住我的头 www.neworiental.org 8. I have knitted many a gray strand into many a scarf. Which, by the way, I consider a nice touch. 顺便说下,我在许多围巾上编制过灰色的线串,摸上去很不错。 www.bing.com 9. I see. How about a scarf? A scarf is a good idea. 我明白了。围巾怎么样呢?买围巾该是个好主意了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Maria bought herself a scarf. 玛丽亚给自己买了一条围巾。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Wrap it in a scarf. 用围巾包一下。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. A scarf was wrapped around his neck. 他的脖子上围着一条围巾。 jpkc.hnfnu.edu.cn 3. She wrapped a scarf around her neck. 她把一条围巾围在脖子上。 www.bing.com 4. Why not. . . ? Why not buy a scarf? 为什么不买条围巾呢? 5. a scarf that covers a knight's helmet. 遮在骑士钢盔上的头巾。 www.hotdic.com 6. What makes you say I would wear a scarf? 你怎么就觉得我会戴围巾呢 www.kekenet.com 7. Why don't you get a scarf? 你为什么不带条围巾呢? wenwen.soso.com 8. She made her son a scarf. 她为她的儿子做了一条领巾。 www.ebigear.com 9. A scarf , a scarf . I need a scarf . 围巾,围巾,我需要一条围巾。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. If you're cold, why don't you wear a scarf? 冷的话,为什么不围一条围巾? www.xici.net 1. Medal winners receive a scarf with the overall design, so they can see where their medal fits. 奖牌得主都将收到一条带有完整设计的围巾,因此他们能看到他们的奖牌的所在位置。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Great, I guess I make you a scarf. 那很好我想我可以为你做一条头巾 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Sophie is confused, and more so when she finds a scarf with Hilde's name on it. 索菲是混淆,更所以,当她发现围巾与希尔德名字的。 lwdx123.com 4. He wears a scarf today. 他今天带了一条围巾。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Cathy wants to buy a scarf to protect herself from the dust storm. 凯茜想买一条围巾,以抵挡沙尘暴。 www.bing.com 6. Why don't you buy a scarf ? 你为什么不买条围巾呢? wenku.baidu.com 7. I will buy a scarf for my mother. 我将要给我的妈妈买一条围巾。 wenwen.soso.com 8. She has a scarf around her neck. 她脖子上围了一条围巾。 www.ejiaoxue.com 9. Perhaps a bag or a scarf. 也许一隻包或者一条围巾。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn 10. I will buy my mother a scarf. 如果我有足够的钱,我要给妈妈买一条围巾。 wenku.baidu.com 1. I( did)present a scarf to Mary. 我的确送给了玛丽一条丝巾。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 2. She put on a scarf before she went out. 她出门前带上了围巾。 wenku.baidu.com 3. But I like a pair of socks, a scarf, and two books among those gifts which I have recieved. 但是在这些礼物之间我最爱不释手的是一双袜子,一天围巾和两本书。 wenwen.soso.com 4. e. g. This is a scarf designed by Doir. 这是由迪奥设计的围巾。 www.for68.com 5. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. 我有一条围巾,一件外套所以我不冷。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. yes. I bought a scarf yesterday. It's really nice and warm. Have a look. 是啊.我昨天买了条新围巾,又好看又暖和.你来看看。 talk.oralpractice.com 7. Gretel received a scarf and a pair of gloves from mother and father 格莱托收到父母亲给她的围巾和手套, www.kekenet.com 8. Have you ever seen me wear a scarf? 你见过我带围巾吗? blog.sina.com.cn 9. to knit a scarf for her sweetheart 替她的情人织围巾 www.hxen.com 10. "Miss Golightly. . . Floated round in their arms light as a scarf" (Truman Capote) “葛莱特利小姐…轻如丝巾般在他们的臂弯间飘然转过”(杜鲁门·卡波特) www.fane.cn 1. wait , mia . a princess should not run for a scarf 等等,米娅一个公主不能追着围巾跑 www.ichacha.net 2. Why don't you buy a scarf for your mother? It's too boring 你为什么不给你妈妈买条围巾呢?那太单调了! zhidao.baidu.com 3. Muffle one's throat with a scarf 用围巾围住脖子 cb.kingsoft.com 4. a scarf with a heart motif; 印有心形图案的围巾; www.jukuu.com 5. A Scarf for a Warm Winter 圈出一弧暖冬 www.amazon.cn 6. a scarf shop in Lijiang Old Town 丽江的一家围巾店 blog.sina.com.cn 7. buy a scarf for me 给我买了条围巾 blog.sina.com.cn |
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