单词 | as a rule of thumb |
释义 | 例句释义: 一窍不通的,一般来说,根据经验,大概来说,粗略来说 1. Injection density is often used as a rule of thumb to estimate the difficulty of curing resonant combustion. 时常把喷射密度作为一个经验法则来估计解决共振燃烧问题时的困难。 dict.veduchina.com 2. As a rule of thumb, a country needs enough foreign exchange to cover three months' imports or to settle its short-term foreign debt. 一般来讲,国家需要足够外汇来满足3个月的进口货币需求,或是用于偿还短期外债。 hi.baidu.com 3. As a rule of thumb, you can increase the size of the buffer pools as long as you get a corresponding increase of the bufferpool hit ratio. 首要原则是,只要能够获取一个对应的缓冲池命中率增加,就可以增加缓冲池的大小。 www.ibm.com 4. As a rule of thumb, I recommend partial rendering as the best approach for building a rock-solid first AJAX version of a site. 根据实际经验,我认为部分呈现是构建坚如磐石的网站首个AJAX版本的最佳方式。 blog.163.com 5. As a rule of thumb, all arrowheads should face toward the right, and no arrows should cross in an AOA network diagram. 在AOA网路图中,依据拇指原则,所有的箭头方向都应该朝向右边,而且各个箭头不能互相跨越。 el.mdu.edu.tw 6. As a rule of thumb, children should see a dentist once a year. 依照经验法则,儿童应该一年看一次牙医。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. As a rule of thumb good trend lines should touch at least three previous highs or lows. The. 实际经验证明,一条可信的市场动向曲线应当至少三次遇到先前的岑岭点或低谷点。一。 hrbfw.com 8. As a rule of thumb, try to book at least 21 days in advance if you want to travel domestically. 按经验,国内旅行最好提前21天订票,国际旅行则最好提前两三个月订票。 www.360doc.com 9. As a rule of thumb, if you find yourself wrapping more than three disparate chunks of code in a category, consider making it an expando. 一般说来,如果您发现自己在一个category中包装超过3个根本不同的代码块时,考虑使用expando。 www.ibm.com 10. Hence, as a rule of thumb, you may consider setting the number of page cleaners equal to the number of CPUs on the database server. 因此,根据经验法则,您可以考虑将页面清洗器的数目设置为数据库服务器上CPU的数目。 www.ibm.com 1. As a rule of thumb: If you create a recurring appointment, the start-date should be the first occurrence of the series. 经验之谈:如果建立一个重复发生约会,那么开始的第一天应该是这个系列的第一天。 www.bing.com 2. As a rule of thumb, it takes a two-percentage point increase in GDP to reduce the unemployment rate by one percentage point. 一般来说,要减少一个百分点的失业率就要使GDP增长两个百分点。 www.bing.com 3. As a rule of thumb, wherever there is "system invocation logic embedded in the BPEL implementation" we expect the divergence to be high. 从纯实践经验的角度看,我们认为,凡是“在BPEL实现中嵌入了系统调用逻辑”时,上述二者的差异都会非常明显。 www.infoq.com 4. As a rule of thumb, aperture webs should be no less than the stencil thickness to curtail bridging defects. 为了减少连锡孔网应不少于钢网厚度。 www.globrand.com 5. You can probably take it as a rule of thumb from now on that if people don't think you're weird, you're living badly. 从现在开始,可以用一个简单粗暴的原则:如果别人不认为你古怪,那么你的日子就糟糕了。 www.bing.com 6. As a rule of thumb, no user input data is secure, until proven otherwise, and every parameter from the user is potentially manipulated . 经验告诉我们,在未证明之前,没有一条用户输入的数据是安全的,并且来自于用户的每个参数都有可能被操纵。 www.bing.com 7. As a rule of thumb, for every magnitude you drop down, there are roughly ten times more earthquakes, to a certain extent. 从经验上看,在一定程度上,地震每减少一级,发生次数就会增加十倍还多。 bbs.artron.net 8. As a rule of thumb , the vineyards around Stellenbosch are the best . 一般来讲,斯泰伦博斯周边的葡萄园最好。 www.bing.com 9. As a rule of thumb, turning points in the economy are signaled by three consecutive monthly LEI changes in the same direction. 连续三个月LEI指数朝同一个方向变化是经济转折点的重要信号。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. As a rule of thumb, do not exceed 100 words of explanation (combined). 第一准则就是,解释文字(总共)不要超过100字。 www.bing.com 1. As a rule of thumb, we only create a cinemagraph from subject matter that would also make a good still photo. 作为经验法则(Ruleofthumb),只有这些静止的图片本省也是佳作的时候,我们才会创作Cinemagraph。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. As a rule of thumb, concludes the report, countries that suffer large-scale violence lose almost 1% in poverty reduction each year. 这份报告总结道,根据经验判断,受大规模暴力之苦的国家,其脱贫率每年会减少近一个百分点。 www.ecocn.org 3. Don't give away share options too early. As a rule of thumb, cash is sufficient reward for knowledge and skill. 不要过早地分配股票利益,作为一个准则,现金是对知识和技能的一个最重要的奖励。 club.topsage.com 4. As a rule of thumb, a country should have enough reserves to cover its short-term foreign debt. 根据经验来看,一个国家起码应该有足够的储备以支付他的短期国际债务。 www.ecocn.org 5. As a rule of thumb, wider ad formats tend to outperform their taller counterparts. 作为一般规则,较宽的广告格式通常比较高者效果更好。 hi.baidu.com 6. As a rule of thumb, severe pathology and risky behaviors - such as lethally suicidal conditions - may not be appropriate for online work. 凭经验而言,严重的病理及危险的行为(如致命的自杀情况)不适合在线治疗; bbs.xlzx.com 7. As a rule of thumb, for each event the process handles, there is one corresponding operation in the interface file. 作为一个主要规则,对于流程处理的每个事件,在接口文件中都有对应的操作。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Men, as a rule of thumb, should always keep their nails clipped. 男人一般来说都应该保持指甲处于修剪过的状态。 www.bing.com 9. As a rule of thumb for OLTP applications, use DMS tablespaces with multiple devices. 作为OLTP应用程序的经验法则,可在多个设备上使用DMS表空间。 www.ibm.com 10. As a rule of thumb, floating-point is about 2x slower than integer on Android devices. 根据经验,在Android设备上浮点型要比整型慢两倍。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. As a rule of thumb, a careful cull of the 10% of lowest performers can make a firm leaner by removing fat without damaging muscle. 作为一个经验法则,仔细挑选出低效率的的10%坚定进行的精简,消除多余脂肪而不损坏肌肉组织。 www.ecocn.org 2. This basic chemical knowledge, which was applied in most cases as a rule of thumb, was nevertheless dependent on previous experiment. 人们在大多数情况下只是粗糙地运用这些基本化学知识,但这些基本知识的确是来自于前人的实验。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. As a rule of thumb, anything that is "leading edge" and in its first version falls into this category. 根据经验法则,处于“前沿”的第一代产品都属于这一类。 www.ftchinese.com 4. As a rule of thumb, avoid companies with leverage ratios above 5, which is the average of S&P 500 Index ($INX) stocks, and lower is better. 凭经验来看,要避开比率高于5的公司,这是500种标准普尔指数股票的平均值,然后越低越好。 www.bing.com 5. As a rule of thumb, a link with a BER between 0 and 0. 1% is workable. 根据经验,之间是可行的根据经验,链路的误码率在0和0.1%之间是可行的。之间是可行的。 wenku.baidu.com 6. If a new strategy works, then it will be adopted and further routinized as a rule of thumb. 如果新办法行得通,以后就会沿用而成为经验法则。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. As a rule of thumb, economists reckon that a family withonechild needs30%more income a childless couple to maintainthesame living standard. 根据经验,经济学家推测,有一个孩子的家庭要维持与没有孩子的夫妻同样的生活水准,需要30%的额外收入。 www.bing.com 8. As a rule of thumb, when I see a projection, I add one year to delivery time and multiply by 0. 1. 作为首要的规则,每当我看到一个规划,我会在规划实现时间上的每一年间隔,就对其规划的结果乘以0. sdzcw.blog.163.com 9. As a rule of thumb, you should rename your items, i you like to continue synchronize with this server again later. 按照经验来说,如果你希望以后还要和这个服务端进行同步的话,你应该更改条目的名字。 www.bing.com |
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