单词 | As above |
释义 | 例句释义: 如上,同上,如上所述,如同上面所叙述或列举的 1. Again, as above, you must take account of the fact that staff using your solutions may not be very familiar with IT. 再一次,如上方,你一定考虑使用你的解决职员不可能对资讯科技感到很熟悉的事实。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. For the middle omni light use the same settings as above for both Contrast and Soften Diff. Edge but make it a pure white. 对于中间的泛光灯,使用和上面一样的对比度和柔和漫射边缘,但是颜色是纯白。 www.cgbegin.com 3. A cactus. properties file edited as above is ready to import and is provided for you in the download file. 将cactus.properties文件编辑成上面这样就可以导入了,下载文件中就提供了这样一个文件。 www.ibm.com 4. Winter came, and the plant was covered with snow, but the snow glittered over it as if it had sunshine beneath as well as above. 冬天来了;雪把植物盖住了。不过雪层上发出光,好像有太阳从底下照上来似的。 www.ebigear.com 5. In fact, it's very easy to be seen as "above average" if you know what women are looking for, and you know how to deliver. 实际上,如果你知道女人们在寻找什么,而且知道如何去表达它,想看起来“平均以上”非常容易。 www.cnpua.info 6. AIX currently provides some PAM service modules, these provides at least one of module type described as above. AIX目前提供了一些PAM服务模块,至少提供了上述这些模块类型中的一种。 www.ibm.com 7. It was to take all the things that are known as front of house and back of house and redefine them as above house and below house . 其中需要的就是把我们知道的房子的前部和后部换成上部和下部。 www.bing.com 8. The powerful magic of Alchemical Consciousness can be summed up with the truth of "As above so Below, As the Inner, So the Outer" . 这个意识炼金术的强大魔法,可以用“在下如在上,在外如在内”这个真理作为总结。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Maybe, but must depend on state of that time. As above saying for avoid to get some trouble, People don't dare to help them easily. 也许。但必须根据当时的情形而定。就如上面所说的,为避免惹祸上身,人们不会轻易去帮助他们。 bbs.5i5i.cn 10. And indeed if we were to measure just a or b we would get the same result as above. 而且事实上如果我们只对a或b中的一个进行测量,我们就会得到和上面一样的结果。 www.ibm.com 1. An editor at Newsweek described him as "above the country, above the world; he's sort of God. " 新闻周刊的编辑把他描述为“超越国家,超越世界,神的化身”。 www.bing.com 2. This incoming wave of sound can vibrate all that stuff apart, thus leaving just the spirit, as above. 这即将来临的声波可以让所有的原料分开,这样只留下灵性。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Proposed next steps: Similar as above, a written confirmation from the tax bureau on the land use right exemption would be desirable. 建议下步措施:同上条一样,税务局出具的免征土地使用税的书面证明必不可少。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. For the left leg, do as above, but stand with your right side facing the wall, and put your left leg behind your right. 对于左腿也是如上所示,只是让你右侧身体对着墙,左腿放在右腿后面。 www.bing.com 5. You will then be ready to calculate its overall availability, as above. 然后您将准备计算它的整体可用性,如上所述。 www.ibm.com 6. The candidates who own qualities of these two positions as above are preferred to be chosen. 同时具备上述两项岗位要求的综合素质侯选人将获得优先入选。 www.hzsusa.com 7. The code for creating items in this category is fundamentally the same as above, with a few minor differences. 在这个类别中创建项的代码与上面出现过的代码基本相同,只有少许区别。 www.ibm.com 8. Same as above, but with a flatted fifth (or raised fourth), for a spacey, impressionistic group of notes. 与上面的预置相同,但输入是降半音的第五大调(或升半音的第四大调),以获得更大的给人印象深刻的音符组。 xingxiu.oicp.net 9. These results as above can be used for identification and further application of P. edulis. 结论:紫果西番莲生药学特征明显,可为其鉴别及进一步的开发利用提供参考。 www.bing.com 10. If exposure occurs to a mucous membrane, irrigate the area for several minutes with normal saline or water and report the exposure as above. 如果暴露发生于粘膜,用生理盐水或水冲洗暴露部位数分钟,报告暴露的方法同上。 www.icchina.org.cn 1. Sours may be served (as above) over ice or strained straight up into a cocktail glass. 酸可以加冰(如上)也可直接滤入冰过的鸡尾酒玻璃杯。 www.chinalegends.com 2. Normally, employee can only travel after being approved by Supervisor or Manager as above per requirement. 正常情况下,员工应按上述要求,在得到主管或经理批准后方可出差。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 3. Dance class: Same as above, but much more personal to meet girls, since there is an instructor talking to all of you. 舞蹈课:和上面一样,但是能更加私人地认识MM,因为有辅导员与你们大家谈话。 pua.xartdesign.com 4. To register a notification listener in the server process, you could use a servlet and perform the same general steps as above. 为了在服务器进程中注册一个通知侦听器,您可以使用servlet,然后执行与上面一样的通用步骤。 www.ibm.com 5. As above, and the target cannot make opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn. 同上,及到你下回结束前目标不能进行[[机会攻击]]。 www.anetcity.com 6. Any subsequent properties expressed below that will not apply to the event as above, but to the newly introduced subject instead. 而后续定义的任何属性将应用新引入的主题,而不是上面的事件。 www.infoq.com 7. As above, there was a working tram stopping over the rail. 同上,线路上还停著一辆工作用的台车。 citycat.theweb.tw 8. As above, the only way to find out whether a work was properly copyrighted and renewed is to search the Copyright Office records. 如上所说,要查明一部作品是否受到著作权保护以及是否续注册的唯一办法是查询版权办公室的记录。 dict.ebigear.com 9. From now on, put everything in your inbox, and at least once a day, process it in the same way as above. 从现在起,一切东西都放在收件箱,每天至少一次用如上相同方法清理。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 10. Complete protection for the grinder includes three parts of protection as above. 对砂轮机的防护需要包括以上三个部分。 wenku.baidu.com 1. if you do as above , i believe that you can be more healthier and less ill, jut keep on doing that for ourselves. 如果你照上面的做,我相信你会更健康,更少地生病,就坚持做,为我们自己。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. subdivide multi fractal - as above , but new vertices are randomly displaced within a user - defined range. 不规则多次细分-与上一样,但它是在用户定制的范围内随机置换细分。 www.ichacha.net 3. During outdoor activities, they should be protected from high UV exposure as above, and babies should always remain in the shade. 在室外活动期间,应如上保护他们避免高紫外线暴露,并且婴儿应始终留在阴凉处。 www.who.int 4. As above. Cutting or shaving any hair on your body does not affect it growth. Repeat until nauseam. 如上段所述。修剪或刮除身上的任何毛发都不会影响其生长。可重复去做,直到厌倦为止。 www.kekenet.com 5. Perhaps you see yourself as above this futility, but it's all we've got and all we've ever had. 也许你自视不庸人自扰,但这是我们现在和曾经所拥有的一切。 www.bing.com 6. for this is really declaring him to be the same negativity as above. 因为这无异于说,上帝仍然只是同样的否定性。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The Obama Non Bow Same as above, only with your fingers crossed (cf King Abdullah). 奥巴马式不鞠躬:同上,但十指要与对方相扣。(参见:阿卜杜拉国王) www.englishto.com 8. Form 2 - Same as above, except with a blue, light-blue, and green dress with white symbols on it under a long purple cape. 第一形态——绿色的眼睛与长发,头戴白帽,蓝色披风下身着紫色长裙。 zh.touhouwiki.net 9. The patients of control group received oral Chinese materia medica only, the medicine and method as above. 对照组对三型患者单纯采用口服中药治疗,用药及方法同上。 www.fabiao.net 10. Among many plants having characters as above, Multi-temperature zone measurement&control system is a common type. 在众多具有以上特性的对象中,多温区温控系统无疑是一种较为典型的此类对象。 www.fabiao.net 1. D. adjustment process parameters to match the light coating and putting it in: same as above. 调整工艺参数,使其同上光涂料适性匹配。 www.bing.com 2. What you can do to instantly be seen as "ABOVE average" and, most importantly, ATTRACTIVE. 你怎样才能立刻脱颖而出,并且具有吸引力。 qudashan.com 3. Again, same answer as above. Learn about everything. Don't narrow your ideas or ability down to one field. 跟之前的答案一样了,学习所有东西,不用把自己的思想和能力限制在一个领域。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. As above, Kansei Engineering is a multi-disciplinary, involving a wide range of areas. 如上所述,感性工学是一门综合学科,涉及的领域广泛,是多学科的交叉和整合。 www.boshuo.net 5. Note: If multiple additional format values are used, they must be in the same order as above. 注意:如果使用附加格式值,那么它必须与上述顺序相同。 blog.chinaunix.net 6. Issue the crtmqm command in the same form as above on the system where the Q Apply program runs. 在QApply程序所运行的系统上以与上面相同的形式发出crtmqm命令。 www.ibm.com 7. As above, all asynchronous invocations are made using the async with callback invocation style, never asynchronous deferred response. 如上所述,所有异步调用都是使用asyncwithcallback调用样式进行的,而不使用异步延迟响应。 www.ibm.com 8. check the blade grinds as above . daggers are often challenging in this regard. 如同上面折叠刀介绍的方法检查刃口打磨。短剑在刃磨方面比较有挑战性。 www.ichacha.net 9. Certainly, the common acid corrosion-resistant sheets can also be drilled, and the principle is the same as above. 当然,也可以在普通耐酸腐蚀的薄板进行打眼,原理同上。 ip.com 10. Leaf venation not as above, smaller veins randomly reticulate, fine, not protruding on abaxial surface. 叶脉不如上,随机网状的小脉,细,不突出在背面。 www.flora.ac.cn 1. To calculate where this larger square begins and ends we have to use the rule "as above so below" . 要计算在这个大广场的开始和结束,我们必须要以上述规则“,使下面的”。 bbs.88158.cn 2. This figure results from merging average self-reported happiness, as above, with life expectancy. 这个数据来源于,将上述的自我幸福感和预期寿命平均值合并。 www.bing.com 3. periodontitis with stress group, the periodontitis model was induced as above, and the rats were treated with stress. 牙周炎 应激组:按上法复制牙周炎模型,并予以应激刺激。 www.cjpp.net:8080 4. To sort by function, create your query as above, but zero out, via boost, the keyword clause, as in q=name: Minneapolis^0 AND _val_: . 如果要根据函数进行排序,需要像上面一样创建查询,但在关键字子句后面添加0,如q=name:Minneapolis^0AND_val_:…所示。 www.ibm.com 5. The Danshensu derivative with a stable structure as above is obtained by combining Danshensu analogue and nitryl. 本发明采用丹参素类似物与硝基结合,获得如上结构稳定的丹参素衍生物。 ip.com 6. To determine if the machine is over stressed, use the same principles as above. 要确定计算机是否超负荷运行,请使用上述原则。 www.ibm.com 7. Measurement same as above. The minimum insulation thickness is recorded. 测量方法同上,记录最小的绝缘厚度 wenku.baidu.com 8. Need prices as above, could be regular business if the price is correct. 订价如上。若价格适当会定期购买。 chengyang.aaaoe.com 9. As above, the more specific you can be, the better. 如上所述,你的问题越具体越好。 www.bing.com 10. As above, and the target gains a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Charisma modifier. 同上,及目标在这伤害骰上获得等同你的魅力调整的加值。 www.anetcity.com 1. One can even work on large schemes but the proportions must be as above. 我们甚至可以在大型的工作计划的比例,但必须如上。 cartoon.chinadaily.com.cn 2. As above, the line numbers in this code are not part of the code itself. 同上,代码中的行号也不是代码本身的一部分。 www.ibm.com 3. Meanwhile, pencil every new word and remember them by heart. As for how you can keep remembering them, it is the same way as above. 同时,要把遇到的生词用铅笔做记号,然后,一一记住,保持记忆的方法同上。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The Gram positive coccus and the cephalosporin class drug resistance reaches as high as above 80% to the Penicillin class. 革兰阳性球菌对青霉素类和头孢菌素类的耐药性高达80%以上。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. The structural formula of the derivative is as above. 衍生物的结构式为如上。 ip.com 6. Floral collectors-same target as above, but with higher standards of quality. 花卉收藏家,同时上述的目标,但具有较高的质量标准。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. The full namespace URI simply becomes part of the tagname when SXML is generated as above. 当像上面这样生成SXML时,完整的命名空间URI变成了标签名的一部分。 www.ibm.com 8. Our company will explore the high-end customers mainly and would like to recruit jobs as above. 公司主要拓展市场的中、高端客户,特此向社会公开招募职位。 www.lietou.com 9. But in Chinese mind, a dinner prepared as above for guests is the minimum requirement. 但在中国人眼里,以这种规格的晚餐招待宾客,只是一种起码的标准。 www.putclub.com 10. Complete the same steps as above, but this time select the Balance attribute. 完成和上面相同的步骤,但是这次选择Balance属性。 www.ibm.com 1. The steps to generate a MQ JMS binding import are similar to the JMS binding part as above. 生成一个MQJMS绑定导入的步骤和上面所述的JMS绑定部分很类似。 www.ibm.com 2. EH InvTrans: unknown, probably controls the same as above, just for the inventory graphics. 不明,大概是和上面控制的一样,只是背包理的图形。 webbbs.gamer.com.tw 3. The BUYER declares to maintain the exact destination of use as above indicated. 这是1)买方保持准确的目的地使用如上表示。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. As above but with added obstacles e. g. car bonnets, hedges, garden fences, walls etc. 除上述规定,加上障碍,比如汽车外壳、树篱、花园的栅栏、墙壁等等。 word.hcbus.com 5. Based on the facts as above we could provide theoretical foundation for promoting and controlling agriculture job of parthenocarpy. 以期为农业上单性结实的促控工作提供一定的理论基础。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. It is also possible to obtain the same data as above and write it directly to a log file. 也可以如上获得相同的数据,并将其直接写入日志文件。 www.ibm.com 7. As above, mediation for service exposure exists only in the service bus. 与前面一样,用于服务公开的中介只存在于服务总线中。 www.ibm.com 8. Pros: As above but you have the added bonus of perhaps a more professional approach or more diverse skill set. 优点:如上但你必须增加奖金也许更专业的办法或更为多样技能的人才。 www.baidubo.org 9. Lesson: As above, don't leave your mobile number with taipans unless you are single and live alone. 教训:如上所述,不要将你的电话号码留给大班,除非你是单身及一个人住。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Note: Suggest classifying them as above ways when storing documents, which is convenient to search and play . 备注:在使用文件及资料存储时,建议都如此进行分类,这样方便资料查找及播放文件。 www.wendang365.cn 1. Update 2: Here's a video from Foundry Architect (same guy as above), with Wi-Fi off, that illustrates the same issue. 更新2:FoundryArchitect(上面那个视频的作者)又上传了新的视频,视频显示关闭Wi-Fi也会产生同样的问题。 www.bing.com 2. The inventive oleic amide surfactant has the structural formula as above. 本发明油酸酰胺表面活性剂的结构式如上。 ip.com 3. First, the argument of the unmoved mover, as above. 第一,是不受动的始动者的论证正如上述。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Same as above. Free exercise against multiple attacks (5 attackers), Tanninzu-take, Tanto tori , Taichi tori , Jo tori and Kumi Jo. 同上,对多人(五个攻击者)攻击之自由技、多人挂、短刀取、刀取、杖取及组杖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Follow steps as above the case of k=2~8 are tested with the Smirnov test. 按照上述步骤的情况下金=2~8进行测试,与斯米尔诺夫测试。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. The inventive dicarboxyl capric amide surfactant has the structural formula as above. 本发明提供的二羧基癸酸酰胺表面活性剂的结构式如上。 ip.com 7. definition of other parameters is the same as above. 其余参数的定义同前。 www.fane.cn 8. The hostname and port are specified in the same format as above. 主机名和端口的指定格式与前面的相同。 www.ibm.com 9. According as above failure mode, a series of numerical analysis is accomplished based on finite element program ANSYS. 确认了冰盖的破坏机理和主导破坏模式之后,基于通用有限元程序ANSYS开展了数值模拟研究。 www.fabiao.net 10. In lower computer, it can control the temperature, flux, press, and batch, rotate speed, and pump starts and stops in the kettles as above. 在下位机中,能够实现对以上各个釜中温度控制、流量控制、压力控制、批量控制、转速控制、泵的启停控制等各种物理量的控制; www.fabiao.net 1. According as above failure mode, a series of numerical analysis is accomplished based on finite element program ANSYS. 确认了冰盖的破坏机理和主导破坏模式之后,基于通用有限元程序ANSYS开展了数值模拟研究。 www.fabiao.net 2. Seek the most appropriate care and inform us as soon as possible, or call the emergency contact number as above. 请寻求最合适的照料方式并和我们联系,或拨打以上的紧急联系电话。 www.ibwya.net 3. In lower computer, it can control the temperature, flux, press, and batch, rotate speed, and pump starts and stops in the kettles as above. 在下位机中,能够实现对以上各个釜中温度控制、流量控制、压力控制、批量控制、转速控制、泵的启停控制等各种物理量的控制; www.fabiao.net 4. Same as above except it is resistant to formulation of sigma phase. 以上述相同,但是还具有抗δ相成份的性能。 z.tougao98.com 5. There is a problem with decoding the stream with the current output as above. 不过,要对上述生成的数据流解码还存在着一个问题。 www.blog.edu.cn 6. PART 2 wil be a push for sales and mass downloads in October. We will do this much the same way as above. 第二部分是推动十月中的专辑销售量以及大量的付费下载。我们通过与上述基本相同的方法来达成这个目标。 www.mjjcn.com 7. It is out of space in the shared segment 0xd (as above). 共享段0xd中的空间不足(如上所述)。 www.ibm.com 8. Not all JIT compilers generate the code as above. 不是所有的JIT编译器都生成如上代码。 www.ibm.com 9. The format of the options will be same as above. 这些选项的格式应该与上述的相同。 www.ibm.com 10. As above. They can also be paid by you for looking at your site. 同样,他们也可通过看您的网页而得到奖赏。 cashramspam.com 1. As above. They can also be paid by you for looking at your site. 同样,他们也可通过看您的网页而得到奖赏。 cashramspam.com 2. Turn off "Stopwatch" . Same as above, will refresh every 1 second. 在秒表设置中关掉“秒表”,同上面一样,会每秒都刷新显示。 dict.ebigear.com 3. This bag weighs the same 250 g as above, and has had the same 300 g of down put in it. 这袋重量相同的250克以上,并有相同的300克下降付诸表决,在它。 www.chinaoutdoor.cn 4. One double-sided original sheet will be counted as two pages, so the copy result will be exactly the same as above in 1 - 2 mode. 如果原稿为双面纸,则将算作两页,那么,复印结果与上述1-2模式一样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. It has been explained as above. 这件事已在上面解释过了。 wenku.baidu.com 6. cover with 2 more sheets of plastic wrap, overlapping as above. 覆盖更多2层的塑料包装纸,重叠像上面 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Measurment same as above. The minimum jacket thinkness is rocorded. 测量方法同上,记录最小的护套厚度。 wenku.baidu.com 8. LIL-: Loaded to the same point as above. LIL-:加载到与上面相同的阶段。 www.ibm.com 9. Treat as above for first degree burns for 15 to 30 min- utes, preferably using sterile water. 按照一度灼伤的处理方式处理约15~30分钟,最好使用经过消毒的水。 pro.yeeyan.com 10. This is doing the same as above, but blending into the walk animation and setting the speed to 1 (walking speed). 这两行代码跟上面一样,但是混合的方式得到走的动画并且设置速度为1(走路的速度)。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Treat as above for first degree burns for 15 to 30 min- utes, preferably using sterile water. 按照一度灼伤的处理方式处理约15~30分钟,最好使用经过消毒的水。 pro.yeeyan.com 2. This is doing the same as above, but blending into the walk animation and setting the speed to 1 (walking speed). 这两行代码跟上面一样,但是混合的方式得到走的动画并且设置速度为1(走路的速度)。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Being good with kids. Same as above. 善待孩子。同上。 www.bing.com 4. in order to reduce the tax burden of enterprises' income tax by use preferential policy as above. 以充分利用盈亏互抵减少应纳税所得额的优惠政策,使兼并企业所得税税负减轻。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. black, size , same as above. 黑色的,尺码如上 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Same as above, but reversed. 和上面一样,只不过反过来。 www.bing.com 7. Enter each in the same manner as above. 请按照上述的相同方式输入数据。 www.ibm.com 8. Form 3 - Same as above, except with six purple wings. 第三形态——翅膀转为六只紫色翅膀,其它与第二形态相同。 zh.touhouwiki.net 9. Phoxim was the strongest to 4 kinds of mycelium, each concentration all reached as high as above 55 %. 辛硫磷对4种菌丝抑制作用最强,各浓度抑制率均高达55%以上。 www.fabiao.net 10. The workflow is thus modified as above and the orders will react as we want to. 工作流按以上的方式修改后,订单处理就可以按照您需要的流程进行。 wiki.shine-it.net 1. Perform the same step as above for Variable2. 如上所述,对变量2执行相同的操作。 www.ibm.com 2. The workflow is thus modified as above and the orders will react as we want to. 工作流按以上的方式修改后,订单处理就可以按照您需要的流程进行。 wiki.shine-it.net 3. Follow the rule as above. 照上面的规则做。 www.ebigear.com 4. eg. Address me as above. 请按上面的地址写信给我。 www.7en.cn 5. We can map requests from logical to logical, logical to physical (as above) or from one address space to another. 我们可以如下方式来映射请求:逻辑到逻辑、逻辑到物理(如上所述)以及一个地址空间到另一个地址空间。 www.infoq.com 6. More students (71%) than ever before rated their academic abilities as "above average" or in "the highest 10%. " Î与以往相比,有更多的学生(71%)认为自己的学术能力“高于平均水平”或是“位居最强的前10%内” www.bing.com 7. You have heard the saying many times, "As above, so below, " and this is an important truth to remember. 你听说过很多次的说法,“如上所述,所以以下”,这是一个重要的真理记住。 yushenduihua.5d6d.com 8. Stipules yellow and white, 1. 5-2. 5 cm; leaf blade glabrous, base not as above; figs axillary on normal leafy shoots. 托叶黄和白色,1.5-2.5厘米;叶片无毛,基于不如上;榕果腋生在正常的叶状枝。 www.flora.ac.cn 9. Once again, we can ignore v and g, for the same reasons as above. 我们根据上一段里的原因,又一次忽略v和g。 www.bing.com 10. As above two reasons , I have not invited them to invest in my project. 由于以上两点我未邀请它,此项目的具体情况他们不是很清楚。 www.chillions.com.cn 1. Once again, we can ignore v and g, for the same reasons as above. 我们根据上一段里的原因,又一次忽略v和g。 www.bing.com 2. As above two reasons , I have not invited them to invest in my project. 由于以上两点我未邀请它,此项目的具体情况他们不是很清楚。 www.chillions.com.cn 3. To change the default filter dialog box from picklist to type in, follow the same steps as above using the following system. xml entry. 要将默认的过滤器对话框从picklist改为typein,使用以下system.xml条目遵从与上面相同的步骤。 www.ibm.com 4. If more than one suffix is used, they are given in the same order as above. 如果所用后缀不止一个,它们的次序与上面相同。 www.skf.com 5. Same as above. 这点与上面一样。 dongxi.net 6. Protection of the image (as above at the 1 20 dilution) will be complete in 2-4 minutes. 对照片进行保护性调色(使用1 20及以上的配比)将在2~4分钟内完成。 forum.xitek.com 7. It is "as above, so below" the mind that is assisting. 它是“上面什么样,下面就什么样”是正在帮助的头脑。 scienceyi.5d6d.com 8. Threaded Email - Same as above, G1 had it 2 years ago. Threaded电子邮件-同上,早在2年前的G1就有。 www.bing.com 9. The secret to all of this is that he always sees the people's interests as above everything else. 所有这一切的秘诀就是他视人民的利益高于一切。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Same thing as above, distance to the x-axis, because that is what we care about. 同上所述,到x轴的距离,那是我们想要求的。 open.163.com 1. Same thing as above, distance to the x-axis, because that is what we care about. 同上所述,到x轴的距离,那是我们想要求的。 open.163.com 2. When you open the message, you will see the same warning as above, but any attachment not affected by the update will be available to you. 在打开邮件时,您将看到与上面相同的消息,但所有不受更新程序影响的附件是可用的。 www.microsoft.com 3. Do you have a disability as described as above? 你是否有以上所描述的身体残障? www.britishcouncil.org 4. Borders and friezes, of paper, treated as above, whether or not in rolls, suitable for wall or ceiling decoration; 适于装饰墙壁或天花板用的经上述加工的纸边及纸条,不论是否成卷; www.china-customs.com 5. Type the word "page" and a space, then insert the page number as above. (38) 键入单词“页”和一个空格,然后再插入如上页码。 ooo.pingju.org 6. Situation apparently turning favorable buyer wily to compromise upon your ASsurance AS above 形势变化明显有利,买主可能会同意你方所提的上述保证。 dict.ebigear.com 7. The same query as above can also be expressed in an XQuery context 同样的查询也可以在XQuery上下文中表示 www.ibm.com 8. Environment management EHS engineer Initially The same as above 环保管理人员资格EHS工程师发生时 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Pressure vessel Pressure vessel operator The same as above The same as above 压力容器操作工同上 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The classpath issues are the same as above: I need to make sure I include the 类路径的问题与上面相同:我需要确保包含了 www-128.ibm.com 1. The classpath issues are the same as above: I need to make sure I include the 类路径的问题与上面相同:我需要确保包含了 www-128.ibm.com 2. Well, a sequence composed with alphabet is as easy as above 那么,压缩为一行包括同样简单 monkey.to.md 3. The CFormView template is the same WinForms UserControl as above except it is hosted inside of a CFormView模板与以上模板是相同的WinForms用户控件,唯一的区别是它在 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Same as above but with grey coloured lanyard and black printing 与上述版本相同除了本版本是使用灰色印刷机套索和黑色印花。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. More important, it is bad enough that a particular group of road users should regard themselves as above the law; 更重要的是,假如某个特定的马路使用群体认为自己可以凌驾于法律之上,那可是件非常糟糕的事儿。 yy.china-b.com 6. HELP ME. PLEASE. MAKE ME INNER BOXES AS ABOVE SIZE NO 请帮我,把内箱改成以上所说的尺寸、 wenwen.soso.com 7. On the same command prompt as above, issue 在上面相同的命令提示中,执行以下命令 www.ibm.com 8. Address of invoice same as above 发票邮寄地址同上 www.leanchina.org 9. After you have prepared your team's solution packet as above, mail it to 在准备好以上要求的邮包后,将它寄到 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Proceed as above to annotate 做完上述步骤后就可以注解了 bmp.hust.edu.cn 1. Proceed as above to annotate 做完上述步骤后就可以注解了 bmp.hust.edu.cn 2. This is the same test as above with one slight variation 这是一个和上面相同的测试,只是有一点点不同 blog.csdn.net 3. Using the same example as above, create a file 以上文中的范例为例,建立一个 debian.fr 4. 4 - Give it an Title (suggest the same as above) 为新菜单添加标题(建议于上面的名称相同)。 www.bing.com 5. Mailing address in China (if not as above) 是否缔约国在中国境内通讯地址(如非上述地址) wenku.baidu.com 6. As above, the annotation client determines the data source type, 同上,注释客户端确定数据源类型, www-128.ibm.com |
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