单词 | artisan |
释义 |
复数:artisans n. craftsperson,artist,artificer,skilled worker 例句释义: 工匠,手艺人,技工,艺匠,手工业工人 1. An artisan was fastening Mother Hucheloup's big straw hat on his head with a string, "for fear of sun-stroke, " as he said. 一个工人用细绳把于什鲁大妈的大草帽拴在头上,他说:“免得中暑。” www.ebigear.com 2. As Barnsley, his teacher, once put it, a rural artisan simply had to do his best. 正如他的导师班士利有一回说的,乡村艺术家只是应该要克尽职守; venation.bdchost.org 3. No way, artisan secretly sent his wife to see YuHao wife, take her, JinChai gave her to ask the reason YuHao fu-gong temple shaking. 不行,工匠秘密派遣他的妻子看到浩的妻子,带她,金钗给她问原因浩福宫发抖。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Paul Artisan, P. I. is a new version of an old breed -- a righter of wrongs, someone driven to get to the bottom of things. 私家侦探,是个老式类型人物——一个纠正错误行为的人——的新版本,一个被驱使着要弄清事情最终真相的人。 www.sfileydy.com 5. All of it appeared to be handmade, probably by a 17th century artisan. 这里的一切似乎都是手工制作的,很可能出自一位17世纪工匠之手。 www.ebigear.com 6. He appeared to be an artisan of some sort, and carried a tin pot of red paint in his hand. 他似乎是某种工匠之类的人,手里提着一铁罐红色的油漆。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Upon arrival they would be sold out to an artisan, gentleman or farmer according to his or her abilities. 到达后他们根据能力的不同被卖给手工业者、绅士或者农民。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The old tradition of class division gave the scholar highest rank, the farmer next, the artisan next, and the merchant at the bottom. 在传统的社会等级划分中,文人学者处在最高层,其次是农民,再次是工匠,商人处在最底层。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He was a man of lofty stature, half peasant, half artisan . 他是一个身材高大,半农半工模样的人。 tr.bab.la 10. Baked in small batches rather than on a vast assembly line, artisan bread differs from prepackaged supermarket loaves in a number of ways. 不同与流水线生产的预先包装的超市面包,它是小批量制作并烘烤的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I called a few of the ones that were around. If I open an artisan consignment shop , are you up for it? 于是我给其中一些人打电话,问如果我开一个技工委托代销店,你能供货吗? www.elanso.com 2. The effect is temporary, but continues for as long as the Artisan works at it. 虽然作用是暂时的,但只要艺人还在这么干,影响就不消失。 www.ellesime.net 3. He refers to himself as ashokunin, literally an "artisan, " but more accurately someone who commits the entirety of himself to his work. 小野次郎说,他将自己比作shokunin,意思是“工艺家”,更准确地说是全心投入工作的人。 www.bing.com 4. Recalling the talented woodworker, the finest tools are useless without the creative application of a trained and talented artisan. 回到前面的木工身上,如果没有天赋和相关的培训,最好的工具也没有用处。 www.ibm.com 5. The hotel was built in 1993 by a salt artisan who saw a mint in the number of tourists looking for places to stay while visiting the flats . 该酒店建于1993年,一个盐工匠中在很多盐滩观光的游客找住处中看到了商机。 www.bing.com 6. Tradesperson, artisan, labourer, truck driver, construction, factory, domestic worker . . . 贸易专员,技工,劳工,火车司机,建筑工地,工厂,家政服务人员…… genders.sysu.edu.cn 7. These independent artisan-artists made their pieces out of metal, but he hammered and riveted while she moulded. 两位独立的艺术家都采用金属材质,但是丈夫敲打铆接,而妻子惯用浇铸。 www.ecocn.org 8. The artisan was smug in his knowledge, flaunting it, secretly smirking every time he saw this information appearing in plain sight. 工匠因其知识而自鸣得意,炫耀,当他每次看到这个信息就摆在大家眼皮底下时都会偷偷地傻笑。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. Small firms and traditional artisan skills would be central to Italy's future, just as they had been in the past. 小公司和传统手工艺人的技巧将会一如既往地主导意大利的未来。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. It was surrounded by clearly delineated areas for agricultural, artisan and industrial production. 古城的四周是清晰可见的农业,手工业和工业区。 dict.veduchina.com 1. An artisan lights a kerosene stove beside idols of Hindu elephant god Ganesh, the deity of prosperity, in a workshop in Mumbai. 在孟买的车间里,一名工匠在象征繁荣的印度象神甘尼许旁点亮煤油灯。 qing.weibo.com 2. Over the years a successful artisan can accumulate a truly astounding quantity of equipment and supplies. 一个成甫的手艺人经过几年的积累可以攒下惊人数量的工具。 yulerenwu.com 3. Every man is the artisan of his own fortune. 每个人都是制造其自身命运的工匠。 www.hjenglish.com 4. At Mast Brothers Chocolate, an artisan chocolate-maker with one small factory in Brooklyn, N. Y. , the beans are roasted on site. Mast兄弟巧克力公司是生产巧克力的专业厂家,在纽约的布鲁克林设有一个小工厂,该公司采购的可可豆就在这里进行加工。 www.bing.com 5. PROF. : And how do they fit together with an artisan violin-maker in a tuxedo? 怎么会把它们和一个穿燕尾服的制造小提琴的工匠联系在一起? www.ktwr.net 6. The skilled artisan will understand that the drawings, described below, are for illustration purposes only. 本领域技术人员明白附图和下述描述只是为了说明的目的。 www.pat365.com 7. The scribe was a common artisan who was not thought deserving of comfort, let alone swank. 抄写员是普通的手艺人,世人并不认为他们有资格享用舒适的用具,更别说讲究排场了。 www.ftchinese.com 8. "Chamdo artisan group" formation is relevant with inheritance of the Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism in Chamdo. “昌都工匠群”的形成与藏传佛教噶玛噶举派在昌都的传承有关。 www.fabiao.net 9. Like Italy's artisan cobblers, bag makers and weavers, violin-makers are feeling the pressure of counterfeits and cheap imports from Asia. 就像义大利许多工匠、皮包匠和编织工一样,小提琴匠正感受到来自亚洲的仿冒品和低价进口压力。 mailftp.lihpao.com 10. Many of the most ambitious artisan German and Austrian winemakers try to make their best wines using ambient yeasts only. 德国和奥地利许多最具雄心的酿酒师试图只使用环境酵母来酿造出他们最好的葡萄酒。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Before was precisely 1500 artisan's wisdom, above the sheer precipice, created this kind of inconceivable great construction. 恰是1500年前的工匠的聪慧,在绝壁峭壁之上,发明出了如许一个难以想象的巨大建筑。 www.591aimei.com 2. Straight from Italy come Will Leather Goods' purple and putty colored artisan belts that'll make his waistline bulge with color. 源于意大利威尔皮革制品的紫色和浅褐色手工皮带会让他的腰身部分因为色彩而凸显出来。 dongxi.net 3. the master artisan may have signed them, but they were communal products. 虽只有主要创作人在艺术品上签名,但它们仍是集体产物。 www.sciencenet.cn 4. Now we have 2 senior engineers, 5 artisan and a staff of 60. With the help of the proficient, we got abundant technical and experience. 在国内外专家的指导下,技术力量雄厚,拥有初级工程师2名,技术师5名,员工60名。 www.bing.com 5. clever home cottage small bowl of brown sugar, homemade, artisan professional division title. 巧家小碗红糖作坊式生产,土法制作,匠人有专业分工称谓。 cn.mygos.net 6. Two pounds of delicious artisan bacon delivered to your door each month. 每个月将有两磅美味的特色熏肉配送到你家门口。 www.hxen.com 7. If she has a hole in a cashmere sweater, she often looks for an artisan who can reweave it. 如果她的一件开司米毛衣上有个洞,她通常会找手工师傅把洞补起来。 www.kekenet.com 8. Typically, we find that artisan guitars or master luthier guitars are signed and dated. 一般我们知道著名制琴师的作品都有自己的签名和日期。 word.hcbus.com 9. Eateries now offer crepes, wood-fired artisan bagels and north-west fusion cuisine. 现在餐馆提供法式薄饼、百吉饼和西北部的融合式料理等食物。 www.ecocn.org 10. At 9th Level the Artisan acquires a second patron , who may also grant boons . The Artisan gains 6 Influence Points over him or her . 第9级,艺人可以有第二个主顾,他供养可以提供利益。艺人在他身上同样获得6点影响力。 www.bing.com 1. Dough is kneaded and then molded into little cute animals by this folk artisan. 民间艺人搓捏为一个个可爱的小动物。 www.nciku.cn 2. He received a gift of food from Chanda, an artisan of the neighbouring town. 他收到了来自Chanda的食品礼物,是一个邻近小镇的工匠送来的。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The tools available today allow someone with limited skills to become an artisan. 今天可用的工具,让有限的能力的人成为一个工匠。 www.cfli.cn 4. Tradition, artisan methods, and the deepest care in what they do is what defines Fruita Blanch. 传统的方法,工匠,和最深切的关心他们所做的事是什么定义地图漂白。 www.gtn9.com 5. the 33 year old San Francisco artisan will also custom make baubles incorporating tiny photos of loved ones. 这个33岁的旧金山的巧手艺人,还会为顾客定做嵌有心爱之人小照片的饰品。 dict.veduchina.com 6. An artisan hoping to do fine work must first sharpen his tools. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。要做好工作,先要使工具锋利。 my.chinese.cn 7. The University of Vermont offers classes in cheese-making through the Vermont Institute for Artisan Cheese. 佛蒙特大学在佛蒙特奶酪工匠学院开设了奶酪制作课程。 www.zftrans.com 8. Three chieftans of mountain all buy and sell original fresh breeze or the artisan come from. 原清风山三个头领都是买卖或手艺人出身。 www.tianya.cn 9. An artisan paints an earthen lamp at a workshop before Diwali in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata October 6, 2009. 一个工匠描绘了土灯在排灯节之前在东部的加尔各答2009年10月6日印度城市讲习班。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. In addition, he's loaned money to and taken an equity stake in a local artisan cheese maker, the Port Townsend Creamery. 他还贷款给当地一个工艺奶酪制造商,并从中收取股权报酬。 www.24en.com 1. Class Features All of the following are Class features of the Artisan. 职业特征以下是艺人的职业特征。 www.ellesime.net 2. The vase made by the artisan is wonderful. 那个手艺人做的花瓶棒极了。 www.longre.com 3. The artisan crafted a complicated tool. 这名匠人设计了一套复杂的工具。 www.nciku.cn 4. The Artisan gains 3 Influence Points for his or her patrons (or a total of 9 Influence Points over each patron). 艺人在他的主顾身上得到 3影响力点(或者说,总共每个主顾9点影响力)。 www.ellesime.net 5. He is an artisan in leatherwork. 他是个皮匠。 www.longre.com 6. Before the industrial revolution, when people wanted to buy something it was usually custom-made for them by a local artisan. 在工业革命之前,当人们需要买些东西时,通常由当地的手工艺者为他们定制。 www.xici.net 7. Artisan bread is exactly what its name suggests: bread that is crafted, rather than mass produced. 手工面包,正如其名称暗示:这是手工制作的面包,而不是大规模生产的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. YubaNet - Artisan chefs have started home-curing products such as smoked salmon, pancetta, bread and butter pickles, and peach jelly. 技工厨师已经开始在家固化产品,如烟熏三文鱼,木瓜,面包,黄油和咸菜,桃果冻。 word.hcbus.com 9. Is she an artisan or an artist? 她是一位工匠还是一个艺术家? www.ted.com 10. Mychel is a 7th Level Artisan, with a Charisma of 14 (Cha Modifier 2). 马歇尔是个7级艺人,魅力14( 2调整值)。 ellesime.anetcity.com 1. You still have a long way to go to become a master artisan. 要想成为一个熟练的手工艺人你还有很长的路要走。 oral.ebigear.com 2. Jerry: Well, what does he do? Is he an artisan, a craftsman, a labourer of some sort? 杰瑞:那他是干啥的?艺术家、手艺人,还是民工? blog.niwota.com 3. if he is the Artisan who, in a divine way, brings our soul to its perfection, we must let him work; 如果他是一个工匠,要以圣洁的方式使我们的灵魂达到完美,我们必须让他做工; home.tianzhujiao.org 4. Housing Department Estate Artisan Grade Association 房屋署屋技工职系协会 www.zftrans.com 5. Chinese clever artisan competitive products museum 中国巧匠精品博物馆 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Tea for Two - L'Artisan - 两个人的茶 wenwen.soso.com 7. you have shown me the work of the real artificer - artisan 你已经让我看见了真正的艺术大师的作品。 www.ichacha.net |
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