单词 | carry around | ||||
释义 | carry around
例句释义: 随身携带,随身带来带去 1. 55 And they ran about that whole region and began to carry around on mats those who were ill to any place where they heard that He was. 可六55就跑遍那一带地方,听见他在何处,便将有病的人,用褥子抬到那里。 edu.china.com 2. To enable your application to run efficiently, you do not want it to carry around excessive data - data that your application does not need. 为使应用程序高效运行,您不希望它携带多余数据——应用程序不需要的数据。 www.ibm.com 3. It may well appeal to people for whom the iPad is too large to carry around, yet want some of the tablet experience coupled with a phone. 对于那些嫌iPad个头太大携带不便,但又希望体验一把“平板 手机”乐趣的人来说,Streak可能很具吸引力。 chinese.wsj.com 4. It's refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas. 瓶装水凉爽提神、不含卡路里、易于携带,比有些自来水好喝又比含糖的苏打水健康得多。 www.elanso.com 5. Grapes are relatively easy to carry around assuming the day is not too hot. 天气不大热的时候,葡萄相对来说更易于携带。 www.elanso.com 6. "I would be lying if I said that, you know, those aren't some weighty questions that I carry around on my shoulders every day, " he said. 他说:“如果我说,我每天面临的这些问题都没什么大不了的,那大家也不会相信。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Furthermore, if asked to carry around weights of up to 15 stone, she'll take it in her stride. 此外,如果你请她搬动重达15英石(约95.25公斤)的重物,她能泰然自若地搬起来。 www.bing.com 8. For accompanied luggage, they probably are. But accompanied luggage is only a fraction of what aircraft carry around. 对于随身行李,他们大概能被视为经过了严格的检查,但这仅是空运货物的一小部分。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It was nearly eight years ago that I was among the very first people in New York City to carry around the first-generation iPod. 差不多八年前,我是纽约城里第一批带着首代iPod乱逛的人之一。 www.bing.com 10. PDAbs puts your workout in your hand, replacing the notebooks and clipboards you used to carry around with you. PDAbs将锻炼放在您的手上,取代了您过去随身携带的笔记本和写字板。 www.acrocat.com 1. What feelings would no longer be true for you to carry around? 有什么你所执着感觉你会觉得不再真实存在呢? blog.sina.com.cn 2. The concerns and worries that you usually carry around with you, are set aside and love abounds that touches the hearts of so many of you. 把那些你们经常携带的“担心”和“忧虑”情绪放置一边,让丰富的“爱”触及你们所有人的心灵。 xiangguangchuan.blog.163.com 3. The red handkerchief you carry around all the time, who gave it to you and what meaning has it to you? 红色手帕你一直带在身边,这是谁送你的,对你有什么涵义吗? bbs.8da.com 4. In this case, the Ares I-X took a ride on one of two crawlers built to carry around the Saturn V rockets that sent astronauts to the moon. 这一次,战神一号X型乘坐的“战车”就是那时的两辆履带车之一,当年它运送的土星V火箭把宇航员送上了月球。 www.bing.com 5. The next day a tired sweaty Niuran would carry around a little mountain of supplies while our hands were empty. 第二天,背着小山一样多东西的牛然满脸汗水,而我们却两手空空。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. Ore is a heavy material, far too heavy for a single person to carry around, so you will have to rent or buy a wagon. 矿石是重型材料,一个人是很难拉着到处跑的,因此您就要去租用或者购买一只骡子。 bbs.52pk.com 7. the form of soft capsule can separate the content from the external aerobic environment and is convenient to take and carry around. 加工成软胶囊与外界有氧环境隔开,并且方便服用和携带。 ip.com 8. sometimes when i ' m in meetings all day , i carry around my laptop to keep up one - mail and phone messages , and to take notes. 有时我整天开会,我都随身带着笔记型计算机,随时收取电子信函和电话留言,还有做笔记。 www.ichacha.net 9. And items such as these were also a form of currency, because they were valuable and easy to carry around. 由于这些物品价值高昂且便于携带,因此也属于货币形式的一种。 www.chinaedu.com 10. You would be wise to carry around a notebook so you can write down the thoughts as they suddenly appear in your head. . . 你应该明白随身带一个记事本以至于可以写下写下你的想法当他们突然出现在你脑海中。 bbs.hxen.com 1. Calendars to carry around. Calendars that show a whole month or one day at a time. 有可以随身携带的,有一页显示一个月或一天的。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Annie: I don't think you're allowed to sue someone because you have to carry around an umbrella. 安妮:我可不觉得你可以起诉别人,就因为你得带着把大伞。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It is easy to carry around and is similarly shaped to the long sword although its use is obviously applied differently. 人们很容易随身携带,也同样是形的长剑虽然其使用显然是适用不同。 www.tiantianbt.com 4. The iPad weighs less, the battery lasts longer, it's easier to carry around, and there's an emotional appeal to it. ipad重量更轻,电力更持久,容易携带,而且有一种情感吸引着你。 www.bing.com 5. These sunglasses cleverly let you can take pictures of anything you see without having to carry around a separate camera . 这种太阳镜,使你不随身携带照相机就可智能地拍摄任何东西。 www.elanso.com 6. I don't know much about Mr. Fang, but the abilities you returned students carry around with you are inexhaustible assets. 方先生呢,我不大知道,不过你们留学的人,随身本事就是用不完的财产。 tr.bab.la 7. In PRISON a guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you. At WORK you carry around a security card and unlock and open all doors yourself . 卫兵为你打开和锁上所有的门,在工厂里,你得佩带安全卡,自己开关所有的门。 www.bing.com 8. Feather Linux is small enough to fit on a compact flash card also, which is an even more compact way to carry around a Linux distribution. FeatherLinux小得可以放置在一个闪存卡(compactflashcard)中,这是携带Linux的发行版本的一种更简洁方式。 www.ibm.com 9. Busy people can buy small calendars to carry around to help them organize and plan their life. 忙碌的人会买本小的便于携带的日历,来帮助他们组织和安排生活。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. If you are a laptop user, you have to carry around the microphone if one is not built into your laptop. 如果您使用的是笔记本电脑,并且笔记本电脑中没有内置麦克风,那么还必须随身携带麦克风。 www.ibm.com 1. For supermarkets, Motorola makes a handheld scanner that customers carry around; it lets them ring up and bag groceries as they go. 摩托罗拉公司为超级市场制作了一个手持式扫描设备,顾客可以携带;他们可以帮助顾客结账,并在离开超市之前装袋。 www.bing.com 2. I've found all sorts of little things I'd much rather photograph than note down on paper and carry around. 我发现我宁愿拍下许多各种各样的小东西带它们在身边而不愿记下它们放着。 www.elanso.com 3. Now, if I purchase something, I think long and hard about it because anything I buy I will have to physically carry around. 现在,如果我买什么东西,我会想很久并且艰难的做出决定因为我买的任何东西都是在增加我的负担。 www.24en.com 4. I had wanted to play the drums but I already can play an instrument that you can't carry around (the piano) so I chose the clarinet! 本来我也很想学架子鼓,可是我已经学了一个没法随身带的乐器(钢琴)所以我就准备学黑管! landaishu.zhongwenlink.com 5. It was a terrible thing to carry around, this resentment. 带着这种感情是一种恐怖的事情,这种憎恨。 www.bing.com 6. All of the items in bold are extra junk to carry around that could be easily retrieved from the source tables. 所有粗体的项目都是可以很容易地从源表中检索出的多余垃圾。 www.ibm.com 7. I ve found your electronic version of the timetable very useful and much easier to carry around than the book. 我发现你们的客用航班时间表的电子版本比它的手册本更有帮助性和易于携带。 goldenware.com 8. The recipient of daily death threats, the civil rights leader clearly had good reason to carry around a gun to defend himself. 这位民权领袖人物每天都面临死亡的威胁,绝对有理由携带枪支来自卫。 www.bing.com 9. They also encourage people to think of music as something they access, rather than something they collect and carry around with them. 云服务同时也引导人们将音乐视为可以随时访问的东西,而不是收集起来背在身上到处跑的东西。 www.bing.com 10. Suddenly, the rich content on the Internet is readily reachable without having to carry around a bulky laptop. 忽然之间,不需要使用笨拙的笔记本电脑就可以访问到互联网上的丰富内容。 www.ibm.com 1. And services like Google Wallet may mean you never have to carry around plastic again. 而且谷歌钱包等服务也意味着你也许再也不必带信用卡出门了。 www.bing.com 2. I see the huge amount of guilt you carry around because of it, you have punished yourself more than I ever could. 我明白你为此承受了多大的罪恶感,你的自我惩罚,比我的还要多得多。 blog.66wz.com 3. Savvy locals carry around a small spoon to scoop the flesh, but I was not savvy so I bit directly into mine. 精明的当地人随身携带一个小勺子挖著吃,但我直接啃著吃。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We are also big believers in a machine that you carry around in your pocket that connects through digital wireless . 我们也在一部你在你的连接过数传无线电的口袋中的附近携带的机器中是大的相信人。 www.bing.com 5. Because we don't want a library of heavy books to carry around all the time, nor the bulk. 因为我们不想随时都带着一箱又重又占空间的图书。 www.bing.com 6. No Wallet. Rich guys carry money clips and the poor just carry around crinkled dollar bills. 不带钱包。有钱人用钱夹,穷人则揣着几张皱巴巴的纸币。 www.tingroom.com 7. But it's 25% heavier, which makes it less comfortable to carry around in a pocket. 但是它的重量要多出25%,因此放在口袋里不够舒服。 c.wsj.com 8. If you carry around an iPhone or Blackberry or other mobile device, shut it off. 如果你随身带了iphone手机,“黑草莓”或者其他移动设备,请关掉它们。 www.elanso.com 9. Even though women may ache for love, they carry around an inner evaluator who asks, can I count on this man? 即便女人渴望爱情,她们会自己问自己:我能指望这个男人吗? www.yuloo.com 10. If you carry around an i Phone or Blackberry or other mobile device, shut it off. 如果你随身携带着iphone或者黑莓手机或者其它移动设备,关闭它。 www.bing.com 1. But if you have much of it, metal money is hard to carry around. 但是你有太多时,金属货币不方便带在身上。 www.chinaedu.com 2. Chicago women carry around a few extra pounds for the winter. 芝加哥的女人到了冬天就发胖。 page.renren.com 3. At the time, the people on the streets would carry around swords and hunting slaves basically means their own lives are at risk everyday. 那个时代,人们可能上街都带着刀,推奴无疑每天在拿他们的命冒险。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Don't invent rules . A huge proportion of those " oughts " and "shoulds" that you carry around are most likely needless. 大部分那些你所遵循的“应该如何如何”之类的规矩几乎都是没有必要的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Will we, in future, just carry around a sheet-screen that can be a newspaper, a keyboard, a television? 在未来,我们是否能够携带一张纸一样的屏幕,它可以是报纸,键盘,或者是电视。 www.bing.com 6. I know Londoners who carry around a London A-Z guidebook to help them navigate! 据我所知每个伦敦人都有一个a-z的地名小册子来告诉他们怎么在这里驾驶! it.bab.la 7. This is obviously a portable system that you carry around, so we wonder how powerful it needs to be. 显然,这是一个手持可携带的系统,所以才会好奇到底它有多强大。 www.bing.com 8. The advantage of using these is that they are handy to carry around make it easy for the person to show. 利用这些优势是,他们很方便,携带起来很容易让人显示。 club.metrofans.sh.cn 9. We have a rule of thumb: "Never carry around any more cash than you can afford to have stolen. " 我们的经验之谈是:“随身带钱要适量,丢了也不会太心疼。” www.hxen.com 10. Don't we already have to carry around enough cards? 而我们所要携带的证卡难道还不够多么? www.bing.com 1. Chuck Pretto couldn't figure out how to carry around his new iPad. So he decided to wear it. 布莱托(ChuckPretto)想不出应该如何随身携带他新买的iPad,于是决定把它穿在身上。 chinese.wsj.com 2. No one wants to carry around extra pounds, but few people know how to slum down effectively. 没有人会想带着这些多余的脂肪,但是很少有人知道如何有效的变瘦。 wenwen.soso.com 3. But unlike the Kindle, the Nook is in color, and it's much easier to carry around than the iPad because of its smaller size. 但不同的是点燃,努克的颜色,它的更容易携带,因为它比小规模iPad的周围。 www.englishtang.com 4. It can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during traveling and traffic jams. 它可以对折,可以随身携带,在旅行和交通堵塞时格外实用。 www.tingclass.net 5. So here is your first assignment: Go find or buy a notebook that you can carry around with you. 第一个任务:找一个或者买一个可以随身携带的笔记本。 aimelevin.blogbus.com 6. I never carry around my birth certificate. Why would I? 我从来不随身携带我的出生证,为什么要带呢? blog.sina.com.cn 7. A picture of them I carry around in my head is both of them on the couch with my mom's feet in my dad's lap. 我总能想到他们的那个画面,两个人都坐在沙发上,我妈的脚放在我爸的膝盖上。 www.bing.com 8. But it still feels very light to carry around, at 3. 12 pounds with the standard battery and DVD drive. 尽管如此,加上电池和DVD驱动也只有3.12英镑的X300随身携带感觉还是很轻便。 www.bing.com 9. The researchers say it is the first step to one day doing away with the need to carry around a phone or a computer. 研究人员说这是实现未来无需随身携带手机和电脑的第一步。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 10. Carry around a small knife in your hand and follow somebody. . . Rogue, you'll get arrested by police! 手里拿着一把小刀,跟着某人……,盗贼,警察来抓你了! www.wownei.com 1. We have to work on JVMs that don't have invokedynamic, so we carry around a lot of cruft and overhead to make dynamic dispatch work well. 我们必须工作在没有invokedynamic的JVM上,因此必须做很多额外的事情来保证动态派发能正常工作。 www.infoq.com 2. Even though women may ache for love, them carry around an inner evaluator who asks, Can I count on the man? 即使女士们在遭受感情的折磨无所不能自拔时,她们也会在内心问本人:“我能够指望那个男孩吗?” www.bing.com 3. But what they share is the idea that what you are is separable from this physical thing you carry around. 但是他们所分享的是这样的观念你是不同于你持有的身体的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Because it was inconvenient to carry around a large number of heavy iron coins, the government started printing paper receipts. 因为携带大量沉重的铁币出行不方便,政府开始印制纸质收据。 www.docin.com 5. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 身上常带著耶稣的死,使耶稣的生也显明在我们身上。 new.fuyinchina.com 6. I started Kindergarten this year. I carry around a picture of us in my Blue's Clues Lunch Box. 今年我开始上幼儿园了。我把和你一起照的一张照片放在我的午饭盒子里。 michelleliu31.blogcn.com 7. One day my kids will be too big to carry around in tote bags. 总有一天,我的孩子们将会长大,不能老待在手提包里被拎来拎去。 www.bing.com 8. In some countries it is a common habit to carry around more than one phone. 在一些国家,人们普遍习惯携带一部以上的电话。 duolan2003.blog.163.com 9. AT WORK. . . you must carry around a security card and open all the doors for yourself. 在工作中…你必须带着磁卡在身上,自己打开所有的门。 www.showxiu.com 10. Some 140m containers now carry around half of the world's exports by value (see chart). 大约1.4亿集装箱(已修改)如今所承运货物的价值占世界总出口值的一半(见图)。 www.ecocn.org 1. In fact, researchers learned that members of the HSP60, HSP70 and HSP90 families all regularly carry around peptides generated within cells. 事实上,研究人员已知HSP60、HSP70和HSP90等家族的成员都经常携带著细胞内产生的胜肽。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 2. These tests carry around a one per cent risk of miscarriage and may lead to fetal injury. 这些试验造成流产及胎儿受伤的风险为1%左右。 www.bing.com 3. Book so it's not too heavy to carry around in your bag. 这是本很薄的书,所以放在你的包里并不重。 www.hstc.edu.cn 4. You can also carry around an iPod and constantly listen to English sentences. 你可以随身携带一个然后随时持续地听英语句子。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In some places, people carry around objects to ward off evil or bring good luck. 在一些地方,人们会随身携带一些饰品给自己辟邪或招来好运。 www.putclub.com 6. At work you must carry around a security card and unlock and open all doors yourself. 你必须带上安全卡,自己打开所有的门。 bbs.liyueer.com 7. Memory is the diary we carry around. 回忆就是我们随身携带的日记。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Many people carry around deeply ingrained beliefs anchored to undesirable events from the past. 很多人都有一些与以往不愉快经历相关的观念,且根深蒂固。 www.kle100.cn 9. This is easy to carry around and preferred by students and business people to meet their assignments and other necessary tasks. 这是便于携带和周围的同学和商界人士首选满足其任务和其他必要的任务。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I need a computer which I can carry around. 我需要一台可以带著到处走的电脑。 tw.classf0001.urlifelinks.com 1. This is the DMP or the Dual Music Player, which is the smallest CD player that you can carry around when you travel. 这是数字媒体播放器或者两用音乐播放器,这是最小的CD播放器,你可以在旅行时随身携带。 www.elanso.com 2. Carry around "mouth toys" such as candy, gum, straws and carrot sticks. 随身带些可以应付嘴的小玩意,比如糖果,口香糖,吸管以及胡萝卜条。 www.bing.com 3. Mobile phones are more popular now because they are easty to carry around. 现在手机越来越普及了,因为它容易携带。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. I have an ideas book i carry around with me and make sure i write the idea down or do a little sketch. 我有一个随身携带的灵感本子,这样随时迸发出来的创意或是草图都会确保被“纪录在案”。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. As a result, we carry around negative energy as we seethe over what we are missing in our relationships. 结果,我们携带了消极的能量,同事对于关系中缺乏的东西热血沸腾。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Do you carry around a lot of cash? 你是不是随身携带大量现金? www.bing.com 7. I love that iTunes now has tv shows that you can buy and download. It saves me from having to carry around dvd's 我喜欢现在的iTunes,它可以购买及下载电视节目。这省得我去哪都必须随身带着 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Monica's hair is so tall because she uses it to carry around her lunch 莫妮卡头发很高因为她用它们来带着午餐。 www.bing.com 9. We have learned to celebrate, even revere, the wireless gadgets we carry around and the inventors who bring them to us; 我们开始去庆祝,甚至尊崇我们身边的移动设备和它们的发明者; www.bing.com 10. Chunks of memory carry around with them size information fields both before and after the chunk. This allows for two important capabilities 内存块在它的前面和后边都携带他们的大小信息字段。 www.bing.com 1. Because it was inconvenient to carry around a large number of heavy iron coins, 因为携带大数量的、沉重的铁币很不方便, www.jukuu.com 2. i know plenty of women who carry around collapsible broomsticks 我知道很多女人都带着可折叠的扫帚 www.ichacha.net 3. AT WORK. . . you must carry around a security card and unlock and open all the doors yourself 在工厂里…你必须携带安全卡开锁,自己打开所有的门。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Use of Carry-around Gas Chromatograph PGC in detection of Natural Gas Pipe Network 浅谈便携式气相色谱分析仪PGC在天然气管网检查方面的使用 www.ilib.cn 5. until now you can carry around a cell phone, 现在你们的手机能随身携带 dongxi.net 6. i carry around a picture of us 我把我们的照片带去学校 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Carry around a pen and paper 随身携带纸笔 bbs.ebigear.com |
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