单词 | carried forward |
释义 | 例句释义: 结转,推进,转下页,接后,过次页,转入次页 1. The old creations of yours are unable to be carried forward, so consequently there is much to do by way of transmutation. 你们的【旧创造】是无法再带着前进的,所以也因此通过演变的方式依旧还有许多需要去做。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The allocated amount is effective within the year, the balance of the year cannot be carried forward to the next . 额度当年有效,年终各分所(部门)未用完的额度不能结转下年使用。 www.unsv.com 3. Now, he said, it was in the best interest of the board that its mission "be carried forward under new leadership" . 他说,为了银行的利益,理事会现在的使命就是在新的领导下推动继续向前发展。 www.2muslim.com 4. The yearly import quantity upon ratification shall be valid within the current year, which shall not be carried forward to the next year. 核定的年度进口量当年有效,不能结转下年使用。 fj.chinalawinfo.com 5. Based on our analysis, the Company should be start paying EIT in 2004 since all tax losses carried forward were used up in that year. 椐我们分析,该企业应自2004年起交纳企业所得税,因为那一年转入的失税指标已经用完。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. The Delegation said that it would reiterate that paragraph 2 was an important element of this and wished it carried forward. 印度代表团重申,第2段是一个重要部分,希望能够取得进展。 www.wipo.int 7. Can you just move your arm, straight up? All the way up. That's it. -Adduction. The arm is carried forward across the front of the chest. 你能向上伸直手臂吗?一直向上。就是这样。-外展。手臂向前跨越胸部前方。 www.yappr.cn 8. Once ascended you will have moved well beyond the lower energies, and none will be able to be carried forward. 一旦提升了,你将已经是完全的超越这些较低的振动,并且永不会再阻隔你们。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is advisable that eco-environmental construction would be carried forward as a whole and its aims be gradually attained. 从整体上推进生态环境建设并逐步达到目标是适宜的。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Much like a bowling pin that wobbles back and forth yet does not fall, a penguin 's body is carried forward by kinetic energy. 企鹅的身体非常类似一个来回摇摆却不会倒下的保龄球瓶,被动能带动向前。 www.jukuu.com 1. The result of the first bit trial is carried forward to the next most significant bit, Cm-1 which is then set and tested in a similar way. 第一位试验的结果被结转到下一个最高有效位Cm-1,然后使其以类似的方式置位和测试。 www.pat365.com 2. Hollow gels, referred to as "lensing, " occur when vapor is trapped in the melt and carried forward to the die. 空心凝胶,也称作“透镜”凝胶,当熔体携裹蒸汽并带到口模时,会出现这种凝胶。 plas2006.com 3. Therefore, the awareness level is the form of the plastic arts skills level, "Image" we have inherited and carried forward modeling. 因此,无论是造型艺术的意识层面还是形式技巧层面,“意象”造型都值得我们继承并发扬光大。 www.fabiao.net 4. Seventh chapter with carried forward the question to Jianchuan Bai national woodcarving inheriting to carry on the preliminary discussion. 第七章对剑川白族木雕的继承与发扬问题进行了初步的探讨。 www.fabiao.net 5. If you select multiple source tables, the relationships between the tables are automatically carried forward to the destination database. 如果选择多个源表,这些表之间的关系将自动带到目标数据库中。 office.microsoft.com 6. Therefore the karma carried forward to be experienced and expressed in this life as the present day ancestor related to all of the others. 因此业力被向前携带,在这个生命内表达,作为现代祖先与所有的他人发生联系。 www.chinaufo.com 7. The task makes sure we confirm what we have and determine which assets, including services, can be carried forward to the next stage. 此任务确保我们确认拥有什么资产(包括服务)并确定哪些资产可以进入下一个阶段。 www.ibm.com 8. The traditional virtue of Chinese people of respecting the old and maintaining a harmonious family relationship should be carried forward. 应发扬尊老爱老的传统美德,保持良好和谐的家庭关系。 lib.cqvip.com 9. Was able to be carried forward and develop. 几乎都在中国的近代史上也得到了传承和发展。 news.cctv.com 10. Among the legacies bequeathed by Yung Hong and "the Boy Students" , the spirit of tolerance is energetically carried forward. 容闳和“留美幼童”留下的遗产,当前最值得大力弘扬的是包容精神。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. First, we carried forward implementation of the major macro-control decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee. 一是推动中央宏观调控重大决策部署的贯彻落实。 www.hxen.com 2. With the single economic development, the form of singles studio has been carried forward. 随着单身经济的发展,单身公寓这一住宅形式得到了发扬光大。 www.71155.com 3. If this amount is exceeded in any year, however, the excess can be carried forward and be offset against a shortfall in subsequent years. 不过,如果某年超过了这个数字,超出部分可以移到以后年度以抵消当年捐赠的不足。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The state of the full-text catalog before the database was detached is carried forward to the new location. 在分离数据库之前,全文目录会被移到新的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. and the amount set aside and carried forward shall be equal to fifty percent (50%) of the premiums retained for the current year. 提取和结转的数额,应当相当于当年自留保险费的百分之五十。 naati.com.cn 6. Jose of the entries this year, participating in digital form has a majority, which is carried forward in the performance of its advantages. 今年荷赛的参赛作品中,以数字方式参赛的也已过半数,这是其优势发扬光大的表现。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. His illustrious son, Hakeem Abdul Hameed, carried forward the philosophy and objectives of Hamdard in independent India. 他的杰出的儿子,哈吉姆阿卜杜勒哈米德,发扬理念和目标hamdard在独立的印度。 xz8.2000y.net 8. This fine traditional virtue deserves to be carried forward. 这项传统美德值得继续发扬下去。 news.cctv.com 9. A check in the box indicates the file will be carried forward to the next revision. 一检查,在方块表示该文件将被结转到下一版本。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The major and minor version numbers of an assembly are carried forward to the type library. 组件的主要和次要版本号码会被转送到型别程式库。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Balance of interest deduction 30, 000 cannot be transferred to husband, nor carried forward to next year. 利息馀额30,000不可转给配偶,也不可结转入下一个年度。 www.ird.gov.hk 2. Invoice security, is responsible for vetting orders, invoices, time Invoice and carried forward. 防伪开票,负责审核订单,发货单,及时开票并结转。 www.cntuw.com 3. The casualty can be carried forward, sideways or lowered onto a stretcher. 可以抬着伤员向前和侧向移动或向下放置在担架上。 pro.yeeyan.com 4. That money will be carried forward, those funds will be available for the right player at the right time. 这笔钱会带下去,这些资金会在最佳时机留给最适当的球员。 www.thefa.cn 5. Western classical brilliant civilization comes from ancient Greece, but it is carried forward by Roman. 西方古典灿烂的文明源于古希腊,而发扬光大于古罗马。 www.fabiao.net 6. Checkboxes will appear if files have not yet been included (carried forward) into the next Revision. 复选框会出现如果文件还没有被列入下一版次(结转)。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Traditional etiquette is carried forward to build the harmonious interpersonal relation. 弘扬传统礼仪风貌,创造和谐人际关系; www.chemyq.com 8. He carried forward Kant's distinguish between appearance and thing-in-itself, and defined thing-in-itself as will. 他继承了康德关于现象和自在之物的区分,并将自在之物确定为意志。 www.boshuo.net 9. The cause of the Party and people will be carried forward . 党和人民的事业后继有人 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Nanshan Worsted Fabrics presents the dignity of quality which will be carried forward in future development. 南山呢绒呢绒呈现出一脉传承的品质与尊贵! blog.sina.com.cn 1. After the death of the store's founder, his sons carried forward the business. 这家商店的创建人去世以后,他的儿子们继续经营。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. It initiated from the French soldiers during Vietnam War, and became popular in England in 2002. Finally, David Berry carried forward it. 它最初由越战中的法国士兵们发起,2002年在英国开始盛行,后来大卫·贝利把它发扬光大。 wenku.baidu.com 3. This choice, this path, this spirit and this model should be carried forward in a better way. 这项选择,这条道路,这种精神,这个模式,理应得到更好地延续和传承。 www.ebigear.com 4. Attachments are added while running a test, and are carried forward into the test log. 在运行测试的时候就会增加一些附件,它们会被携带到测试日志中。 www.ibm.com 5. Carried forward to guide the hotel, so the volume of influence. 指导酒店的发扬光大,这样对于销量的影响力。 www.brandcis.com 6. Remaining undistributed profit carried forward to next year. 剩余的未分配利润结转到下一年度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Only China is worthy of precious soul, only that he carried forward, China's only real progress in. 唯有民魂是值得宝贵的,唯有他发扬起来,中国才有真进步。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. So the problems have been carried forward. ' 这样,问题就一届一届的传下去了。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The tradition of seduction carried forward into modern times. 如此这般春风红杏的传统被一直带进了现代。 dongxi.net 10. Most Beta 2 projects can be carried forward to the final release version. 向前大多数Beta2项目可执行到最终发行版本。 support.microsoft.com 1. In modern China, the virtue of being honest and trustworthy has been carried forward. 在当代中国,诚实守信的美德也得到了发扬光大。 www.hwjyw.com 2. Wu Mi is the leading person of Xueheng School. Throughout his life he adhered and carried forward the spirit of traditional morality. 吴宓是学衡派的领军人物,贯穿吴宓一生文化思想的是他对传统伦理精神的坚守与弘扬。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. In imperial times, the critical tradition was carried forward by such scholars as Huang Zongxi. 在帝王时代,黄宗羲等学者秉承批评传统。 blog.ce.cn 4. Traditional culture and ethics is carried forward in Korea, which is fully reflected in Korean dramas. 韩剧充分体现了韩国对传统道德文化的弘扬,其中包括儒家伦理教育、国民精神教育和爱国主义教育等。 www.dictall.com 5. "Higher, faster, stronger" Olympic spirit of the athletes in China who has been carried forward. “更高、更快、更强”这一奥林匹克肉体在本人国体育健儿的身上得到发扬光大。 www.qlol.net 6. It is carried forward to offset capital gains in your other holdings two, three or ten years hence. 它用于补偿你。三年或十年间其它股票的资本收益。 tr.bab.la 7. Facing China's WTO Entry, It Must Be Actively Carried forward the Innovation of Mode of Thinking 面对入世必须积极推进思维方式的创新 www.ilib.cn 8. Balance retained and carried forward to the next year; 留存并结转下年余额; www.powerdict.com 9. National Spirit Must Be Greatly Carried Forward and Cultivated 必须弘扬和培育民族精神 ilib.cn 10. How Does the Service Spirit of Library Come into Being and is Carried forward 论图书馆服务精神的塑造与弘扬 www.ilib.cn 1. urban history and culture should be inherited and carried forward; 应继承和发扬优秀的城市历史文化传统; www.fabiao.net 2. Project Carried Forward From Construction to Capital Asserts 加强已完工程及时结转为固定资产的工作 www.ilib.cn 3. Loss carried forward to the next term 结转下期损失 www.sinobay.com 4. trials of comprehensive rural reform were carried forward 农村综合改革试点继续推进。 www.ichacha.net 5. fourthly, the good meeting style of uniting theory with practice is carried forward; 四是发扬了理论联系实际的好的会风; www.ceps.com.tw 6. The Chinese Law Road "Carried Forward by the Government" and Its Existing Problems in Practice 试论中国的“政府推进型”法治道路及其实践中存在的问题 scholar.ilib.cn 7. His works not only carried forward the traditions of former masters, 那他的作品不光继承了前人的传统, www.hellomandarin.com 8. OFKA Values for Balance Carried Forward 需结转的余额值 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Not only because it has carried forward traditional techniques, 它不仅继承了传统工艺的特点, news.cctv.com |
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