单词 | animal products |
释义 | 例句释义: 动物的产品,畜产品,动物制品,动物产品 1. Modern, manufactured days can be costly. Natural dyes form plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. 现代的人造染料会比较贵,而从动、植物提取的天然染料在远古时期就已被使用了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. 现代的人造染料价格昂贵,而从植物和动物身上提炼出的自然染料从古时候起就开始使用了。 voa.hjenglish.com 3. Protect the natural and cultural heritage of your destinations- Do not purchase illegal plants or animal products under any circumstances. 的自然和文化遗产保护您的目的地,不要购买在任何情况下,非法植物或动物产品。 bbs.gounahaozi.org 4. " strict vegetarians " a basis for the definition of the use of animals or animal products produced by the exclusion of any food. “严格的素食主义者”一词的定义的基础可能是对使用动物或动物制品制作的任何食物的排除。 www.bing.com 5. Each resource has its own purpose; animal products (strings, leather and others) are used for tents, water for life at the castle, etc. 每个资源都有自己的目的;畜产品(弦乐、皮革等)用于帐篷生命之水在城堡等。 bbs.jlsd.net 6. Chinese barriers to agricultural goods, fishing and animal products are among the biggest obstacles to a comprehensive agreement. 中国对农产品、水产品和畜产品设置的贸易壁垒,是达成一项全面协议的最大障碍之一。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times. 植物和动物生产的自然染料从古代就开始使用了。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. In a previous study, Steinman found that women who consume animal products, specifically dairy, were five times more likely to have twins. 斯汀曼在此前的一个研究中发现,常食用畜产品尤其是奶制品的女性生双胞胎的几率比不食用这些食品的女性大五倍。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Both he and his wife are strict vegans, eating no animal products whatsoever. 他和妻子两个人都是忠实的素食主义者,从来不吃动物类食品。 www.i21st.cn 10. Some of these special nutrients that are required by the cat are found normally in animal products but not in plants. 部分猫所需求的这种特别营养主要在动物性食品而非植物中找到。 dongxi.net 1. Throughout the South, there was a substantial output of hay8 and animal products and of Indian corn, wheat, and other grains. 在整个南方地区,干草、动物制品、印第安玉米、小麦与其他谷类作物的产量很高。 www.zftrans.com 2. They also contain antibiotic residue - more than meat or any other domestic animal products. 其中残留的抗菌素,也远远多于肉类和其他家禽制品。 www.bing.com 3. What they don't tell you: It's true that animal products tend to have much higher carbon footprint than food produced from plants. 他们没告诉你的第三件事:动物食品比植物食品有更高的碳足迹。 www.bing.com 4. A substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products. 所以,只有在全球实行一场饮食变革,减少畜产品的消耗,人类才有可能降低这些冲击。 www.bing.com 5. Enzymes are harvested from fermentations, or from plant or animal products. about 3000 have been at least partially described. 酶是从发酵,或者从动植物产品得到的。至少可以部分表达的酶大约有3000种。 www.tdict.com 6. and animal products to be marketed or transported shall be attached with quarantine certificates and marks. 经营和运输的动物产品,应当附有检疫证明、检疫标志。 www.bing.com 7. A vegan diet is a form of vegetarian diet which excludes all animal products, including dairy products, eggs and honey. 严守素食主义是其中一种,这些人不吃所有动物制成的产品,包括乳制品、鸡蛋和蜂蜜。奶素食主义者食用奶制品,但是不吃鸡蛋。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. There have already been countless studies proving that animal products are the cause of almost all chronic diseases. 早已有无数研究证明动物性食物是造成几乎所有慢性疾病的原因。 www.chinadialogue.net 9. Terry Towels, Fabrics, Handlooms , Curtains, Handkerchiefs, Pet Animal Products, Handwoven Textiles, Transfer Printing, Quilts. 采购产品泰瑞手巾,织物,手摇纺织机,窗帘,手帕,宠物动物产品,手织艺纺织品,转移印刷,棉被。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Official veterinarians of the animal health supervision institutions shall perform specific quarantine on animals and animal products. 动物卫生监督机构的官方兽医具体实施动物、动物产品检疫。 www.bing.com 1. He made the transition to less meat and more fish, then eventually knocked out dairy and other animal products entirely. 他做出的调整是少吃肉多吃鱼,渐渐地也把乳制品和动物食品都淘汰掉了。 www.bing.com 2. failing to have the animals and animal products quarantined before transporting them to regions free from specified animal diseases. 未经检疫,向无规定动物疫病区输入动物、动物产品的。 www.bing.com 3. Animal products can be sold or transported on the strength of the quarantine certificate and the inspection mark. 动物产品凭检疫证明、验讫标志出售和运输。 www.24en.com 4. Animal products tend to be higher in saturated fat (and therefore calories) than most plant products. 动物食品中的饱和脂肪(也就是卡路里)比起大多植物类食物高。 www.bing.com 5. You think it's funny that you will wear animal products? 你难道不认为穿动物制品很可笑吗? blog.cersp.com 6. Free from artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, preservatives, animal products, dairy, lactose and yeast. 无人工色素、防腐剂、甜味剂,香味,非奶制品、乳糖和酵母。 www.wujinggou.com 7. These products contain no yeast, wheat, soy, gluten, salt, sugar, dairy, animal products, binders, fillers or artificial ingredients. 不含转基因,酵母,小麦,大豆,面筋,盐,糖,奶制品,动物产品,粘合剂,填料和人工配料。 www.freemerce.com 8. Homepage: to have large images of dog & cat. Visitor clicks on image for type of animal products they are interested in. 主页:有狗与猫的大图像。访问者点击的动物产品类型,他们所感兴趣的图像。 www.bing.com 9. We don't eat animal products for sufficient nutrition, we eat them to have an odd form of malnutrition, and it's killing us. 我们并不需要动物制品来获得足够的营养,我们过多食用它们只会变得营养不良,并且减少我们的寿命。 www.ted.com 10. Brain Fuel contains no: yeast, salt, sugar, gluten, dairy, starch, soy, animal products, artificial preservatives or coloring. 脑活素不含:酵母、食盐、糖、麸质、奶油、淀粉、豆类、动物产品、人工防腐剂、色素。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Get organic and natural animal products as much as you can. 尽可能地多食用有机天然畜禽产品。 www.bing.com 2. I recommend setting the animal products aside and keeping vegetable oils to a minimum for just three weeks or so. 我建议先杜绝动物产品,将植物油控制在最低限度,维持三个星期左右。 www.bing.com 3. GEnErally, plant and animal products arE biodEgradablE, whErEas minEral substancEs (E. g. , mEtals, glass, plastics) arE not. 一般而言,植物和动物产品是可以降解的,而矿物(例如金属、玻璃、塑料)则否。 dict.ebigear.com 4. (Any of the ingredients are derived from animal products glycerin from palm oil). 公司所生产和销售的牙膏成分中(包括甘油)均为非动物制品。 www.chemoem.com 5. The herdsmen still use traditional production models and their basic income still comes from the primary processing of animal products. 牧民们仍然采用着靠天养畜的传统生产模式,基本的经济来源仍然还局限在畜产品的粗加工。 ccag.com.cn 6. It plays an active role in protecting the food safety to use RFID system to supervise and manage animal products? production and processing. 利用RFID系统对猪肉等动物产品的生产、加工环节进行监督管理与控制,可以对保障食品安全起到非常积极的作用。 www.net2816.com 7. He adds that without effective veterinary staff, countries cannot guarantee the safety of animal products intended for export. 他补充道,如果没有有效的兽医人员,国家就不能保证旨在出口的动物产品的安全。 web.worldbank.org 8. Like iron, zinc is not as easily absorbed from plant sources as it is from animal products. 与铁类似,相比动物制品中的锌,植物制品中的并不容易被吸收。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. Saturated fat mostly comes from animal products, although some plant foods like coconut, cacao (cocoa), and palm oil contain it, too. 饱和脂肪多来自动物制品,虽然一些植物食品,例如椰子,可可,棕榈油也含有它。 www.bing.com 10. Animal products only contain trace amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients because animals eat plants (sea or land). 动物产品只含有微量的维生素,矿物质和营养素,因为动物吃植物(海洋或陆地)。 www.bing.com 1. Others become vegans and will not eat any animal products at all. 另外一些人成为纯素食者,根本不吃动物制品。 www.rrting.com 2. He believes diets would be healthier if we ate more whole grains, beans, fruits and vegetables and far fewer animal products. 他相信,如果食用更多的全谷类食品、豆类、水果及蔬菜、更少动物产品,我们的饮食将会更健康。 news.dxy.cn 3. Lower-fat animal products are less dangerous, as toxins and chemicals are accumulated and concentrated in fatty tissue. 低脂肪的动物产品危险性较低,因为毒素和化学品主要积累和集中在脂肪组织中。 www.bing.com 4. Countermeasures for animal products: a review of effectiveness and potential usefulness after an accident. 动物产品的对抗措施:事故后效果和潜在效果评论…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。 5. If you want to stop using the animal products which cause the most suffering, you might want to consider eliminating dairy and eggs first. 如果你不想再用那些给动物带来极大折磨的动物类产品,你不妨想一想先从停止使用奶制品和蛋类开始。 www.bing.com 6. Choosing organic animal products is unyieldingly important, especially for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. 因此,选择有机畜产品特别重要,尤其是儿童、孕妇和乳母。 www.bing.com 7. Tina: But calling "eggs" "stolen nonhuman animal products" is just silly to me. 但我认为那种把“鸡蛋”称作“非人类的动物产品”的说法却是比较荒谬。 www.sy.ccoo.cn 8. Eat vegetables, nuts, fruits, animal products that YOU ENJOY. 吃你喜欢的蔬菜、坚果、水果和畜禽产品。 www.bing.com 9. Efforts to prevent transmission in endemic regions should focus on thoroughly cooking all animal products (blood, meat) before eating. 在疾病流行地区,预防传播的工作重点应是在食用所有动物产品(血、肉)之前彻底煮熟。 www.who.int 10. To ensure food safety, Slovakia has temporarily stopped imports of eggs and animal products from Germany. 为确保食品安全,斯洛伐克已临时停止从德国进口鸡蛋和畜产品。 www.englishtang.com 1. Vegans avoid eating any animal products. They don't eat any meat products, milk, cheese, eggs, honey, or gelatin. 绝对素食主义者不吃任何畜产品,不吃肉制品,牛奶,乳酪,蛋类,蜂蜜,或者是动物胶。 www.bing.com 2. We do not use animal products anymore. 我们不再食用动物制品。 www.bing.com 3. I consume no animal products whatsoever, and much of the food I eat is organic. 我不吃任何动物脂肪和肉类,大多数食品都是有机食物。 www.bing.com 4. First, based on the animal husbandry industrialization, energetically develop the animal products processing. 第一,立足畜牧业产业化经营,大力发展农畜产品加工业; www.fabiao.net 5. This vitamin is found almost exclusively in animal products, including milk, eggs and cheese. 这种维生素在几乎只存在于动物制品中,如牛奶、鸡蛋和奶酪。 www.bing.com 6. Hyenas eat a great variety of animal products, vegetation and, according to campers , even aluminum pots and pans. 鬣狗食物种类繁多,动物产品,植物,并根据营,连铝壶和质地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Animal products are the major sources of dietary saturated fat. 畜禽产品的主要来源的膳食饱和脂肪。 uzmart.com 8. If you replace (usually fatty) meat and other animal products with fruits and veggies and whole grains and legumes, you'll get healthier. 如果你用谷类豆类或蔬菜,水果等代替比较肥腻的肉类及其它动物制品,你会更显健康。 www.bing.com 9. With these efforts, in August, 2004, EU announced to release the prohibition of exporting animal products except bird meat from China to EU. 经过各方的共同努力,2004年8月欧盟宣布解除我国除禽肉外动物源性产品出口禁令。 www.juhe8.com 10. These are one of the few animal products that are low in toxins and high in quality fats that balance blood sugar. 这是含低毒素,富含优质脂肪,能平衡血糖的少数动物产品之一。 www.bing.com 1. One whose diet includes fruits, seeds, and nuts but no vegetables, grains, or animal products. 果食主义者一个主食只包括水果、果实和干果而没有蔬菜、谷物或动物产品的人 zhidao.baidu.com 2. This section administers the import and export of live animals and genetic material and some animal products and by-products. 该部门负责管理进出口动物活体、基因材料、某些动物产品和副产品。 www.ccag.com.cn 3. For many years the leading fixatives were the animal products ambergris, civet, musk and castoreum. 多年来,用的较多的固定剂是动物制品龙涎香、香猫香、麝香、以及河狸香。 www.jukuu.com 4. During four main fasting periods, monks refuse to eat meat, and on some occasions fish, animal products, oil, and wine. 在四个主要的斋戒时间,修道士不能进食肉类,有些场合不能吃鱼、动物制品、油和酒。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. The nests are considered a delicacy in China and are one of the most expensive animal products consumed by humans. 在中国,燕窝被视为美食,是人们所享用的动物消耗品中最高贵的食物之一。 www.bing.com 6. Animal products are incredibly difficult for our bodies to digest. Especially dairy, which is meant for calves, not grown humans. 肉制品对我们的身体来说是很难消化的,特别是奶制品,那更是给长不高的矮子吃的,我们并不需要。 www.bing.com 7. Especial the wide and wide using for microorganism assay in animal products. 尤其是在动物产品的微生物检验中的应用越米越广泛。 www.fabiao.net 8. Strict vegetarians, who avoid meat, and vegans, who avoid all animal products, are also at risk of B12 deficiency. 严格的素食主义者不吃肉,绝对素食者禁食所有畜产品,这些人也有B12缺乏的危险。 news.dxy.cn 9. As carnivorous animals, cats derive most of their protein from meat, fish, and other animal products. 作为食肉动物,猫主要从肉类、鱼类和其它动物性食品中获取所需的蛋白质。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. hiding, transferring or robbing the animals or animal products which are isolated, sealed up or disposed of according to law; or. 藏匿、转移、盗掘已被依法隔离、封存、处理的动物和动物产品的; www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile , the fast growing cost including folder will make the feeding cost climb and cause the rise of the price of animal products . 同时,饲料等生产成本上涨过快,将拉动养殖成本攀升,传导带动畜产品价格上涨。 www.suiniyi.com 2. As for the export of animal products, 57 veterinary health certificates were issued. 在动物产品出口方面,本署共签发57份兽医衞生证明书。 www.fehd.gov.hk 3. Woolen many problems : because of the velvet colored cotton than white cotton velvet short, with the result that more animal products. 毛绒多的问题:因彩色棉的棉绒比白色棉的棉绒短,所以造成产品毛绒较多。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 4. There has been rapid global expansion of production and consumption of animal products which is expected to continue to grow. 全球畜牧产品的生产和消费一直持续快速扩张并有望继续保持发展势头。 www.fao.org 5. Many vegans choose not to wear clothes containing animal products, such as leather, wool, or silk, or wear makeup tested on animals. 许多绝对素食主义者还不穿任何动物产品生产的衣服,比如说皮革类,毛织品,丝织品或者不使用任何从动物上提取物质制成的化妆品。 www.bing.com 6. The same team had earlier shown that people who eat more meat and other animal products had higher alanine levels. 这个研究小组在先前报告食入较多的肉类和动物食品的人丙氨酸含量会较高。 ucbbs.org 7. Plant-based foods provide fiber, while animal products don't. 植物性食物能提供纤维,而动物产品不能。 www.bing.com 8. For the first time, phytoestrogen values were assigned to animal products. 植物雌激素值首次被归到动物产品中。 news.dxy.cn 9. In the case of animal products, such as meat and dairy, animals are given only organic feed. 在动物产品,比如肉类和奶制品的生产过程中,牲畜必须通过有机的方式进行喂养。 www.bing.com 10. Meat and other animal products are both resource- and energy-intensive. 肉类和其他一些动物产品都是资源、能源密集型的。 www.bing.com 1. Eating too much red meat and animal products, such as butter, can also be bad for the health. 过多食用红肉和动物产品,如黄油,也对健康不利。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. This is found in saturatedfats of animal products. Palm oil and coconut oil, used in packagedfood like donuts, also contain this acid. 该物质存在于动物制品的饱和脂肪中,甜甜圈等包装制品中的棕榈油、椰子油中也含有该物质。 www.bing.com 3. and animal products and by-products. 动物产品和副产品。 www.cahec.cn 4. While many find it most effective to drop all animal products at once, others find that a gradual approach is best for their family. 很多人发现马上放下所有的动物产品最有效,另外一些人感到,对他们的家人来说,还是循序渐进最好。 www.bing.com 5. There is the lacto -ovo vegetarian which means they don't eat meat but do eat eggs and other animal products like milk, yogurt, and butter. 奶蛋素食主义者是指他们不吃肉但是吃蛋或其他像牛奶,酸奶和黄油制成的食品。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. High amounts of saturated fats are found in animal products such as beef, milk, cheese, lunch meat, butter and bacon . 在包括牛肉,牛奶,奶酪,午餐肉,奶油和咸肉的很多动物制品都发现了大量的饱和脂肪。 www.hjenglish.com 7. By that time, demand for animal products could double, led by growing economies like China and India. 到那时,中国和印度这样的发展中国家对动物制品的需求可能翻番。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. We don't need animal products, and we certainly don't need white bread or Coke. 我们并不需要动物制品,而且我们完全不需要白面包或可乐。 www.ted.com 9. So even though a meat-free world sounds good on paper, it is likely that a utopian future will still have some animal products in it. 因此,一个纯素食主义世界,听起来非常美妙,很可能只是一个乌托邦式的想法,仍然需要有一些动物产品在里面。 www.bing.com 10. You're killing yourself with the false beliefs you have aboutthe nutritional importance of animal products. 你正在用那些你拥有的对于动物产品的营养重要性的错误信念来伤害你自己。 www.bing.com 1. We want to buy Agriculture and By-Product Agents, Active Carbon, Animal Products. 我们要采购农业和副产物代理商,活性碳,动物产品。 www.easytrade.com 2. Creatine is a protein that is found in animal products and it assists muscle building and repair. 肌肉素是一种来自于动物体内的蛋白质,有助于肌肉塑造及其修复。 www.bing.com 3. Consumption of meat and other animal products has al - so been linked to heart disease, diabetes and some kinds of cancer. 无数研究发现,吃素的人平均比肉食主义者要瘦,吃肉和其他动物产品也会引起心脏病、糖尿病和某几种癌症。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Animal products, for example gelatin, are used as an excipient in some vaccines. 某些疫苗使用动物制品(例如明胶)作为赋形剂。 www.who.int 5. Speeding up to develop organic animal husbandry to enhance competitive power of animal products in national market 加快发展有机畜牧业增强畜产品的国际市场竞争力 ilib.cn 6. Strengthening the Construction of Animal Product Standardization for Enhancement of the International Competitive Power of Animal Products 加强农畜产品标准化建设提高农畜产品国际竞争力 www.ilib.cn 7. To Improve All-round Quality of Animal Products and to Carry out the Goal of a Historic Turn in Animal Husbandry 全面提升我国畜产品质量实现畜牧业历史性转折 service.ilib.cn 8. Developing Green Animal Products is Only Way to Realize Sustainable Animal Husbandry Industry in Reclamation Region 发展绿色畜产品是垦区实现可持续畜牧业的必由之路 ilib.cn 9. Management System on food Safety of the Main Export Countries of Our Animal Products 我国畜产品主要出口国的质量安全管理体系 www.ilib.cn 10. Circular of the State Council Concerning the Quarantine Control System for Animal Products Leaving China for Trade Purpose 国务院关于贸易性动物产品出境检疫管理体制的通知 blog.globalimporter.net 1. Impact of Green Barrier on China Animal Products International Trade and Its Countermeasures 绿色壁垒对中国畜产品国际贸易的影啊及对策 www.ilib.cn 2. The Establishment of Reaction Condition for Detecting Clenbuterol in Animal Products by Immune-electrochemistry Sensor 检测动物性食品中克伦特罗残留的免疫电化学传感器反应体系的确定 www.ilib.cn 3. Green Domestic Animal Products and the Methods and Countermeasures of Its Productive Technique 绿色畜禽产品及其生产技术措施与对策 ilib.cn 4. Animal feeding stuffs, animal products, and faeces or urine - Determination of gross calorific value - Bomb calorimeter method 饲料、动物产品和粪便或尿液.总热值测定.弹式热量计法 www.mapeng.net 5. performing repeated quarantine for animals or animal products which are attached with quarantine certificates and marks; 对附有检疫证明、检疫标志的动物、动物产品重复检疫的; www.bing.com 6. Some measures should be taking to ensure the animal products quality facing the "green barrier" after Chinese WTO entry 面对“绿色壁垒”,中国畜产品卫生质量必须选择进取性的应对战略 ilib.cn 7. Problems on animal products'safety in Guangdong province and the countermeasure to it 广东畜产品安全面临的问题与对策 www.ilib.cn 8. Strategies of Present Situation and Development Guizhou Animal - products Processing 贵州畜产品加工现状与发展对策 ilib.cn 9. Problems and the Solutions in Quarantine Approval Procedure for Introduction of Breeding Animals and Animal Products from Other Places 异地引进种用动物及产品检疫审批工作中存在的问题及对策 scholar.ilib.cn 10. On Inspection and Quarantine Management of Vehicles Carrying Animals and Animal Products on Roads into Big Cities like Shanghai 试论入市道口装载动物及产品车辆的检查及检疫管理 www.ilib.cn 1. Evaluating uncertainty in determination of clopidol residue in animal products by gas chromatography 气相色谱法测定动物产品中二氯二甲吡啶酚兽药残留量的不确定度评估 www.ilib.cn 2. Establishment of Modern Identification and Traceability System for Animals and Animal Products 建立现代动物及动物产品标识与可追溯体系 service.ilib.cn 3. On Ways of Conducting Supervision and Inspection over Railway Transportation of Animals and Animal Products 浅谈搞好铁路运输动物及其产品监督检验工作的几点做法 www.ilib.cn 4. Equipment for deep processing of farm produce and animal products and integrated utilization of resources 农、畜产品深加工及资源综合利用设备 www.fy100.com 5. Causes to Escape Quarantine Inspection in Domestic Air Transportation of Animals and Animal Products 国内航空运输动物及其产品逃避检疫行为的类型及成因 www.ilib.cn 6. Preliminary Discussion on the Measures of Reserving Animals and Animal Products for Inspection 动物、动物产品留验措施的初探 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on the Quality Safety of Animal Products: Theoretical Analysis and Countermeasures 畜产食品质量安全:理论分析与对策思考 service.ilib.cn 8. Optimization of PCR detection of ingredients from bovine, sheep and goat in animal products and feeding stuffs 动物产品及饲料中牛源和羊源性成分PCR检测方法的优化 service.ilib.cn 9. Consideration for perfectly monitoring currency of animal and animal products 关于建立并完善动物和动物产品流通领域综合监管制度的思考 ilib.cn 10. Principal problems and suggestions on green animal products development 绿色畜产品发展存在的主要问题及其建议 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis of main influencing factor of feed security and animal products healthful security 影响饲料安全及畜产品卫生安全主要因素分析 ilib.cn 2. Measures to Promote the Production of Anti-pollution, Natural and Organic Animal Products 促进无公害和绿色有机畜产品开发的措施 ilib.cn 3. Strategies for Production of Contamination-free Animal Products 无公害畜产品生产的策略 ilib.cn 4. Analysis and Suggestion on Criteria-adopting about Chinese Animal Products 我国畜禽产品采标分析及建议 www.ilib.cn 5. The Present Situations and Countermeasures of Animal Products in five provinces and municipalities in the Northwest of China 西北五省区畜产品的现状分析与对策 www.ilib.cn 6. Consumption structure and behaviors of rural and urban residents on animal products 城乡居民畜产品消费结构与消费行为 www.ilib.cn 7. Management System of Quality and Safety of Animal Products in Germany and Its Reference for Us 德国畜产品质量安全管理体系及其借鉴 ilib.cn 8. Critical Control Points in Production of Contaminant-Free Animal Products 无公害畜产品的生产及关键点控制 ilib.cn 9. Analysis of Consumers'Behavior about Animal Products Quality Safety 畜产食品质量安全的消费者行为分析 www.ilib.cn 10. A Brief Discussion on Traffic in Animal Products with Diseases in Relation to Criminal Offence 贩卖病害动物产品与犯罪刍议 www.ilib.cn 1. Strengthen the Standardization of Animal Husbandry and Improving the Quality Safety Level of Animal Products 加强畜禽业标准化建设,提高畜禽产品质量安全水平 ilib.cn 2. Development Trend and Effect on International Trade of Animal Products of Epidemic Disease 疫病对动物产品国际贸易的影响与发展趋势 3. Nutritional factors and their regulation in the quality and safety of animal products 影响畜产品质量与安全的营养因素及其调控技术 ilib.cn 4. Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal Products and Their Harmfulness 动物产品的兽药残留及其危害性 www.ilib.cn 5. The Discussion about the Antibiotic and the Productive Patterns of the Safe Animal Products 抗生素与安全畜产品生产模式的探讨 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Investigative analysis of brand images for animal products of Henan Province 河南畜产品品牌形象的调研分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Analyse about the Market Competition of Agricultural and Animal Products after Joining WTO 加入WTO后内蒙古自治区主要农畜产品的市场竞争力分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Talks in Disinfection of Vehicles Carrying Animals and Animal Products 简谈对动物及其产品运输车辆的消毒 www.ilib.cn 9. foodstuffs and animal products for export subject tohygiene and quarantine inspection; 应实施卫生检验和检疫的出口食品、动物产品; www.lawyee.com 10. Development of multiplex PCR detection method for bovine, sheep and goat derived material in animal products 动物产品中牛、羊源性成分多重PCR检测方法的建立 www.ilib.cn 1. The Export of China Animal Products is Facing Challenge and Strategy after China Entering into WTO 入世后我国动物性食品出口面临挑战及对策 www.ilib.cn 2. Essentials on Harm and Control Step of Animal Medicine Remain at Animal -Products 动物性产品中兽药残留的危害及控制措施概述 www.ilib.cn 3. Bile; glands and other animal products used in the perparation of pharmaceutical products 胆汁;配药用腺体及其他动物产品 4. Intensive regulation to ensure the safety and quality of animal products 多管齐下环环监控确保畜产品质量安全 www.ilib.cn 5. On Immunosensor for Detection of Diethylstilbestrol Residue in Animal Products 检测动物性产品中己烯雌酚残留的免疫传感器 service.ilib.cn 6. Relationship between feed safety and animal products safety and the advices 饲料安全与畜产品安全关系及建议 ilib.cn 7. defection methods of salmonella for animal and animal products 动物和动物产品沙门氏菌检测方法 www.ichacha.net 8. Status and countermeasure on food safety of animal feed and animal products 动物饲料与畜产品的食用安全:现状与对策 ilib.cn 9. Improvement of fatty acid composition in food from animal products 改良动物性食品中脂肪酸组成 service.ilib.cn 10. The feed factors of threatening animal products safetyand its countermeasure 威胁畜产品安全的饲料因素及其对策 ilib.cn 1. On the Causes, Harms and Control Measures of Drug Residues in Animal Products 药物残留产生的原因、危害及控制措施 www.ilib.cn 2. Presence in country or zone affects trade in live animals and animal products 发生国或地区将影响到活动物和动物产品贸易 www.ccag.com.cn 3. Review on the Traceable Management of Animal Products Safety 畜产品安全的可追溯管理 service.ilib.cn 4. Development Tendency of Animal Products in Tianjin 天津市动物生物制品的研究趋向 service.ilib.cn 5. Animal Slaughter, Meat and Animal Products Hygiene Act; 屠宰、肉类和肉制品卫生法; www.sinobay.com 6. Rapid Detection of Salmonella by PCR in Domestic Animal Products 畜产品中沙门氏菌的快速检测 www.ilib.cn 7. Problems in Animal Products Quality and Safety and the Counter Measures 畜产品质量安全问题及对策 ilib.cn 8. The Feed Stuff-Products Quality and Animal -Products Safety 饲料产品质量与畜产品质量安全 ilib.cn 9. The Problem Existing in the safety and Quality Standard System Of China Animal Products and Relevant Advice 我国畜产品安全与质量标准体系存在的问题与建议 ilib.cn 10. On Preservating Application of Propolis in Animal Products and Aquatic Products 蜂胶在畜产和水产防腐保鲜上的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Create Hard a New Situation in Safety Work of Feeds and Animal Products 努力开创饲料和畜产品安全工作新局面 ilib.cn 2. Biosensor technique and it's applied prospect at determining residues of drugs in animal products 生物传感器技术及其在检测动物性产品中药物残留的应用前景 service.ilib.cn 3. Table 7 The lowest requirement of each crop and animal products 表7各种农畜产品的社会最低需要量 www.eduzhai.net 4. The Detection Methods of Antimicro Veterinary Drug Residues in Animal Products 畜禽产品中抗菌药物残留检测方法进展 www.ilib.cn 5. Vegans don't eat meat, dairy products or eggs - in short, no animal products, 肉、奶制品或鸡蛋都不能吃,简而言之,凡是跟动物沾边的食物一律不吃。 www.360abc.com 6. Present situation and suggestion of the monitoring and controlling work of drug residue in animal products in China 我国动物性食品中兽药残留监控工作的现状和建议 www.ilib.cn 7. Semi-processed or processed plant or animal products 半成品或成品植物或动物产品 www.ecocert.cn 8. J13 Handling, transport, storage and protection of animal products J13畜产品的处理、运输、储存和保护 www.fao.org 9. Animal Products (Dairy Industry Fees and Charges) Regulations 2007 动物产品(乳制品加工业的费用及收费)条例2007 www.foodmate.net 10. Harm of Residual Drugs in Animal Products and the Strategies of Control 畜产品药物残留的危害及控制策略 www.ilib.cn 1. Wholesale of other farming and animal products 其他农畜产品批发 www.allmyinfo.com 2. Acceptable Meats and animal products 可以吃的肉类和畜禽制品 www.bing.com 3. quarantine of export animal products 出口动物产品检疫 wenku.baidu.com 4. Animal Products (Fees, Charges and Levies) Regulations 2007 动物产品(费用、收费和征税)条例2007 www.foodmate.net 5. Animal Products(Definition of Primary Processor)Notice 2000 动物产品(初级加工者的定义)通告2000 www.foodmate.net 6. Methods for DNA extraction in animal products 动物产品的DNA提取方法 www.ilib.cn 7. Wholesale of farming and animal products 农畜产品批发 www.allmyinfo.com 8. Marketing Risk of Animal Products amd Its Control 畜产品市场营销风险及其控制 www.ichacha.net 9. Control of Drug Residues in Animal Products 动物性产品中药物残留的控制 www.ilib.cn 10. View on production of green animal products 论绿色畜禽产品生产 www.ilib.cn 1. Ingredients of feed and the safety of animal products 饲料组分与畜产品安全 ilib.cn 2. EU lightens ban on Chinese animal products 欧盟放宽对中国动物性产品的进口限制 www.delchn.cec.eu.int 3. The storage of seeds and farm and animal products 种子和农牧产品的储藏 www.dic123.com 4. Commerce of feeds and animal products 饲料与畜产品营销学 sky.zjfc.edu.cn 5. produce animal products useful to man 生产对人类有用的畜产品 bbs.translators.com.cn 6. Live Animals and Animal Products 活动物、动物产品 www.cq.cei.gov.cn 7. Suggestions on how to strengthen China's construction on quality safety system of animal products 关于加强我国畜产品质量安全体系建设的对策建议 ilib.cn 8. Current Status, Problem and Countermeasure of the Animal Products Safety in China 我国畜产品质量安全现状、问题及对策 ilib.cn 9. Current situation and Countermeasures of Antibiotic Residues in Animal Products in China 我国动物性产品中抗生素残留问题的现状及对策 www.ilib.cn 10. Relation of the Supervision of Animal Products and the Development of Animal Husbandry Economy 畜产品安全监管与畜牧经济健康发展 ilib.cn 1. Significance and Suggestion to Develop the Processing Industry of Animal Products in China 发展我国畜产品加工业的意义和建议 ilib.cn 2. Putting the markets for veterinary drugs and feeds in order to ensure the safety of animal products 规范兽药饲料市场秩序确保畜禽产品质量安全 ilib.cn 3. The Disputes of Foreign Animal Products and Meat Import-export Countermeasure in China 国外畜禽产品的诸多风波和我国肉类进出口的对策 www.ilib.cn 4. Call for Green Animal Products in 21th Century 21世纪呼唤绿色畜产品 ilib.cn 5. The Present Status and Prospects of Exportation and Importation of Animals and Animal Products in China 我国进出口动物及其产品的现状与展望 service.ilib.cn 6. Animal Products Safety and the Development of Unpolluted Animal Husbandry 畜产品安全与绿色畜牧业发展 ilib.cn 7. Significant issue on science and technology of animal products processing in our country 我国畜产品加工业的重大科技问题 www.ilib.cn |
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