单词 | app |
释义 |
复数:apps n. application 例句释义: 应用程序,应用程式,手机应用程式 1. They also provide a great way for customers to stay up to date on the changing content of an app without having to log in repeatedly. 它也是客户无需一次次地登录就能获得一个应用的内容的最新变化的绝妙方法。 www.bing.com 2. Think of this as a hobbyist's test project, and if you come up with a killer app for it, you might just be able to make a profit anyway. 可以把这看作是爱好者的一个测试项目,如果您为它编出一个极棒的应用程序,那么无论如何您完全能够从中受益。 www.ibm.com 3. The app would be very simple, it would have controls allowing the user to select the voice and speed, pitch, and variance of that voice. 这个应用程序将非常简单,它会控制,允许用户选择的声音和速度,音高,那声音和方差。 www.bing.com 4. "This is focused on the app team" at a business, which often has no insight into hardware performance, he said. 他说,这是在解决应用开发团队不能随时监测硬件活动的这一问题。 bcont.cuc.edu.cn 5. Earlier this week, though, we reported on what appeared to be the very first - an update to an app called Metro Paris Subway. 但是,我们本周报道了一个叫做“巴黎地铁”(MetroParisSubway)的软件,似乎这是第一款iPhoneAR软件。 www.bing.com 6. You'll notice right away on a Touch 2 app when you start your app how much faster it starts up and renders to screen. 在Touch2应用中,当用户启动app并在屏幕上呈现时,马上就能注意到超快的速度。 www.infoq.com 7. If you are working on an app, and these jobs are not being filled, find someone who has these skills to do so or give it a try yourself. 如果你正从事应用程序的工作,这些工作也确实缺人,找到有这些技巧并这么做的人,或自己尝试一下。 www.bing.com 8. Internet gambling's explosive growth has made it the Web's killer app. Now critics are trying to pull the plug. 爆炸性增长的因特网赌博使它成为网络上的杀手程序,而现在严厉的指责正试图终结它的生命。 www.ywhc.net 9. In our tests, the app worked just as advertised, though it took a while for the desktop tool to index all of our photos. 在我们的测试中,这款应用工作正常,不过桌面应用程序索引图片花了一些时间。 www.bing.com 10. I won't admit how much time I have wasted tracking the circumference of my thighs on a spreadsheet, or my caloric intake on the LoseIt app. 我不想承认我花了多少时间去记录我的腿围,或者在LoseIt应用程序上记录我的卡路里摄取量。 www.bing.com 1. The app is pre-installed and sits at the bottom of the Fire's main screen (users can get rid of it if they want). 这个应用程序是预先安装的并且就安置在Fire的主屏幕的底端(用户如果不想要也可以把它删了)。 www.bing.com 2. "You can't replace the human imagination, " he said. "There's no app for that. " 他说:“没有什么能替代人的想像力。没有应用软件可以做到这一点。” www.bing.com 3. The app, which costs 99 cents, applies a live filter over the camera, allowing you to see what you get before taking the photo. 这款价格为99美分的应用软件在相机上使用了即时滤镜,因此你能在拍照之前就看到效果。 c.wsj.com 4. IT staff will also be able to revoke access to an enterprise-issued app if the employee is no longer qualified to use it. 如果雇员不再具有使用资格,IT人员也可以取消其访问企业发行的应用程序的资格。 bcont.cuc.edu.cn 5. If this is possible, the infrastructure team can place in the app. policy file the default permissions for all applications on that node. 如果不可能这样做,基础设施团队可以在app.policy文件中设置该节点上所有应用程序的缺省权限集。 www.ibm.com 6. Parents have sent him video testimonials from around the world, saying how much they love the app. 世界各地的家长给他发来答谢视频,表达自己对这个应用软件的喜爱。 www.bing.com 7. One goal for any web application is for any of its app server to be able to handle any request. 所有Web应用程序都有一个共同的目标,它的每台应用服务器都能处理任意请求。 www.infoq.com 8. I take it out for a run around the National Mall and as I go, the app's friendly female voice tells me I need to speed up. 当我带着它围绕国家广场跑的时候,应用程序里友善的女声告诉我需要加速。“5分钟内加速到黄色区域。”语音提示我。 www.bing.com 9. Annoyingly, there was also, for a while, an app that enabled you to find train times while out and about. 但偶尔也有烦人的时候,有一个让你日常外出的时候查看火车时刻的软件。 www.bing.com 10. Apple blocked the Google Voice app from the App Store, and using Google Voice on the iPhone is a bit of a mess. Apple从它的应用程序商店中阻止了Google语音应用程序,并且,在iPhone上使用Google语音有点乱糟糟的。 www.bing.com 1. As I said above, Air Sharing tends to be the app I use the most for this kind of thing (after Dropbox, discussed below). 正如我前面所说,空气共享应用程序往往是我使用了这种事情大部分(升降梭箱后,下面讨论)。 www.acpp.com.cn 2. The flip side is also true: Music sales have always been a side business for Apple, and that's even more true now in the app economy. 反之亦然:音乐销售一直都不是苹果公司的主业,在应用程序大行其道的今天,这种情况尤其明显。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Right now, the only mobile device it's available on is the iPad, with an iPhone app promised by the end of the year. 现在它支持的移动设备只有iPad,在年底预计会发布一款支持iPhone的应用。 www.bing.com 4. As an added bonus, the app provides point-to-point directions and a look at street-view images to make finding the hotel that much easier. 另外,这个程序还提供点对点方向以及街景图片,能让用户更轻松地找到酒店位置。 www.bing.com 5. With one click, I downloaded this app to my phone; if I already had the suggested app, I could launch it right from here. 只要点击一下,我就将这个应用软件下载到了我的手机上;如果我已经有了建议的应用软件,我可以直接从这里启动它。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Once that occurs, you can think of your application as any other app, asynchronous or not. 除此以外,可以将您的应用程序看作其他应用程序一样,无论是否异步。 www.ibm.com 7. It streams live broadcast TV content to a wide range of devices in and around the home via a similarly branded app. 它还通过近似品牌的应用向家庭内外的各种设备输出直播电视内容。 dongxi.net 8. I really would like to see the ability to save searches into a list of favorite topics implemented in a future version of this app. 我真的想要看到能够反映搜索保存到一个喜欢的主题列不中,希望在将来的版本中可以实现。 www.bing.com 9. But they are very explicit and would certainly seem to at least make this app questionable, if not out-and-out against the T&Cs. 如果不是彻头彻尾的反对T&Cs,他们都非常明确和肯定,至少这个应用有问题。 www.bing.com 10. In a couple of articles, I'll spend a good amount of time on JSON, and then you'll be ready to choose between the two on your next app. 我将占用几期文章的篇幅、用大量的时间去探讨JSON,之后您就可以随意选择在下一个应用程序中使用那种技术了。 www.ibm.com 1. Can't wait for Android to be released and mature a bit so the Android Market provides some "real" competition to the App Store. Sort of. 不能等着Android发布和完善,Android市场提供了应用商店真正的竞争。 www.bing.com 2. For a large number of these companies, posting an application in an app store is also often the only mobile distribution strategy. 对很多公司来说,把软件发布到软件商店里是唯一的发行渠道。 www.bing.com 3. One customer, a few developers, and a smallish app is all you need. 一位客户,几个开发人员和一个小小的应用程序就是您需要的全部。 www.ibm.com 4. It's a fast and slick app, although the icon is so hideous you'll probably want to keep it out of your main dock. 这个应用程序快速而灵活,但它的图标却可怕得叫人不想把它放在主页面上。大抵是用了便宜的承包商吧。 www.bing.com 5. Earlier this year, research group comScore said the game had been installed by one-third of Apple app users. 今年早些时候,研究组织comScore说这个游戏有三分之一是苹果用户安装使用的。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Color, with its big funding and smart team, should have had better intuition about helping people understand and find value from its app. 以其雄厚的资金及精英团队,应该具有更好的直觉,帮助人们理解其应用,并发现其价值。 www.bing.com 7. Get out of that work meeting by using an app to program your Android phone to send yourself a fake text or a bogus phone call. 通过编程可以使你的安卓手机发一条短信给自己,或者打入一个假冒电话,令你借口离开会场。 dongxi.net 8. He said Apple's App Store failed to identify the malicious program, which made it past the security vetting process. 他表示,苹果应用程序商店AppStore未能识别此恶意程序,从而使其通过安全审核过程。 cn.reuters.com 9. Amazon would not disclose numbers, but a spokesperson told Fortune that its Cloud Reader had the best first week of any Kindle app to date. 虽然亚马逊并未透露相关数据,但一位发言人在接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)采访时称,云阅读是迄今为止在发布首周表现最好的Kindle应用程序。 www.fortunechina.com 10. In other words, you have to start the app and hope that your town has at least a few active GasBuddy contributors to help you out. 换句话说,你只能打开软件并同时希望同一区域至少还有其他一些在线的GasBuddy用户能够给你提供帮助。 www.bing.com 1. If it was not licensed, the app would be told not to run. 如果未被授权,应用会被告知“不要运行”。 www.bing.com 2. The platform has previously experienced a slow down in app growth back in January, as shown in the chart above and below. AppHub这一平台早在一月也面临过一次应用程序数量增长上的缓速期(可以再两张图上看出)。 forums.phontol.com 3. For one thing, the app attrition rate is often a factor in calculating store sizes. 一方面,软件流失率通常作为估计应用商店规模的一个因素。 www.bing.com 4. Bonus: the app remembers the user, so next time you load it, NOAA Radar will be ready to display radar for your location. 意外惊喜是:这个应用程式还会记住用户,所以当你下一次登录它的时候,NOAA雷达就会准备好显示你所在位置的雷达。 www.bing.com 5. At this point, he believes that will beat their next big project out the door: an Android version of the app. 他相信这会推出它们的第二轮大项目:Android版本的移动应用。 www.bing.com 6. Some, like the Financial Times, pulled out of the App Store and went with a Web app instead. 还有些出版商,如《金融时报》(FinancialTimes),则干脆撤出了苹果的应用商店,推出了自己的网页应用。 www.bing.com 7. She selects what bag size she wants, then the app asks her to enter when and where she'd like the product delivered. 她选择了她想要的大小后,程序问希望何时何地能收到产品。 www.bing.com 8. If you're wondering how much your kids' education might cost you, download the App for FREE and start planning for it now! 您孩子的理想教育需要几多储蓄?马上下载程式,一起为您孩子的理想未来开展计划! www.appappapps.com 9. The factory classes that come with app servers like WebSphere do not always put you in the root of the namespace. 像WebSphere这样的应用服务器所带的工厂类并不总是把您放到名称空间的根上。 www-128.ibm.com 10. 'We watch what apps you download, how frequently you use them, how much time you spend on them, how deep into the app you go, ' she says. 她说,我们观察你下载的应用程式,使用它们的频率,花多少时间,有多么投入。 chinese.wsj.com 1. This will introduce a delay in the process of selling an app, and Amazon says it will be up to a week. 这个过程会拖延一个应用程序的发布,Amazon说这大概需要一周的时间。 www.infoq.com 2. If you've got to convince visitors to sign up for your killer app, giving away FREE accounts surely can't hurt. 如果你已吸引访问者注册了你的终极程序,送给他们免费的账户而不要心疼。 www.cgfinal.com 3. Sure, app updates are usually free (so far), but who wants to go through the hassle of waiting for a "fix" to an app you just purchased? 当然,很多应用目前为止都是免费的,但谁又想自找麻烦,等待一个补丁来解救你刚买的应用呢? www.bing.com 4. I believe you were about to ask me to choose a cocktail. Fortunately, thanks to computer-savvy alcoholics, there's an app for that. 相信你马上就要让我点一种鸡尾酒了。幸好,拜嗜酒的电脑通们所赐,正好有开发这应用。 gb.cri.cn 5. For clarity, our intent is not to be prescriptive in terms of what constitutes good app design. 不过,我们并不规定什么是优秀的应用程序设计。 www.infoq.com 6. If you do build something cool please let me know and I'll be sure to check it out on the App Store. 如果您确实构建了比较酷的应用程序,请告诉我,我会帮助您将它提交到AppStore。 www.ibm.com 7. Battery life is one reason you might want to optimize your app even if it already seems to run "fast enough" . 电池的使用时间是你优化AP时应该考虑的,即使你的AP看上去运行的够快。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Our idea of a good app, for a medical application like this, is one that really serves the purpose to help diabetics. 我们所定义的一个有用的程序,一个有效的医疗方面的应用程序,是能够帮助糖尿病人的。 open.163.com 9. And if you know of an app you'd like included in the next roundup, please tweet it to @cameron_chapman. 而如果你知道某个应用程序可以包括在下一合集里,请将它推到 www.bing.com 10. According to the site's About page, Martin writes that "it's now gone from 'easy' to 'tricky' to avoid getting your app rejected by Apple. " 在该网站的About页面上,Martin写道:“现在,想要让你的应用程序不被Apple拒掉已经从‘容易’变得‘棘手’了”。 www.bing.com 1. So it's very important we tender that before you as you take up the market with your application or app Other questions? 因此,在你们开始使用应用程序之前,我们就处理掉这些问题是很重要的,还有问题吗? open.163.com 2. It also works with its hardware and carrier partners to push security patches when a malicious app does make it into the Android Market. 谷歌还与硬件厂商和运营商积极合作,一旦确定安卓市场(AndroidMarket)出现恶意软件,他们将及时发布安全补丁。 www.fortunechina.com 3. CalDAV is supported by Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar beta and others, making it a now potentially fully-synchronized Calendar app. CalDAV得到了Google日程,Yahoo日程测试版和以及其它的日程的支持,有望成为一个支持全面同步的日程软件。 www.bing.com 4. If I had an iPad, I'd get this app in a snap, and I'm not even much of a baseball fan. 如果我有iPad我会立马去下这款应用,尽管我自己并非一个棒球迷。 www.bing.com 5. Feel free to drop me a link to an app that makes this sort of thing enjoyable, but I don't believe such a thing exists. 自如地给我一个线索让这个事情更加有趣,但我认为这样的事不存在。 www.elanso.com 6. With the iPad and its App Store, he began to transform all media, from publishing to journalism to television and movies. 通过iPad和应用商店,乔布斯开始改变所有的媒体,从出版、新闻到电视、电影。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In a follow-up Tweet, he said he expected the app to be approved within a week. 在后来的推中,他又说他希望该应用程序能在一周内通过审核。 www.bing.com 8. However, neither it nor any of the others allow you to use their app to actually do reporting like this. 它们中没有一款应用程序可以让你使用它们的程序来像这样来实际做新闻报道。 www.bing.com 9. However, set the value to True if your unit test must run in a separate application domain, such as if it uses an app. Config file. 但是,如果单元测试必须在单独的应用程序域中运行(例如,如果它使用app.config文件),则可以将该值设置为“True”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The tag is nicely tucked out of the way but always visible from the corner of your eye, reminding you that this tasty app is free. 标签被优雅的卷起,但还是毫无悬念的出现在你眼角,提醒你这些优秀应用是免费的。 www.bing.com 1. The problem is so bad that the ACLU recently created their own Facebook Quiz to demonstrate how much information an app has access to. 这个问题很严重,以至于最近ACLU进来创建了他们自己的Facebook测试来验证究竟可以泄漏多少信息。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. That's a way of doing business, that if you think about it, computes much better than getting tens of millions in funding for an iPhone app. 这是一个做生意的方式,如果你仔细想想,通过计算得到的资金远远超过使用一个iPhone应用程序上得到的千万中方法更多。 dongxi.net 3. The introduction of the Skype iPhone app last week showed how much demand there is for integrated communication. 上周发布的iPhone版Skype软件说明人们对综合交流的巨大需求。 www.bing.com 4. Ammonium polyphosphate(APP) and expandable graphite(EG) have been used to improve flame retardancy of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)(EVA). 对聚磷酸铵(APP)和膨胀石墨(EG)协同阻燃乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚物(EVA)及其阻燃机理进行了研究。 www.dictall.com 5. He said the price of the app would be greatly offset by energy cost savings. 他说,应用程序的价格将被节省的能源成本大大抵消。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 6. this moves pieces of IT away from individual app owners and into a centralized architecture group. . . 转变把一部分IT内容从单个应用中移走,放入到一个集中化的架构组中…… www.infoq.com 7. We think StopTweet is a genuinely useful app, and we recommend that you give it a shot and let us know how it works for you. 我们认为StopTweet确实是很有用的应用程序,并建议读者截图,让我们知道它的效果如何。 www.bing.com 8. Google App Engine makes it easy to build an application that runs reliably, even under heavy load and with large amounts of data. 谷歌应用程序引擎更容易建立一个应用程序,运行可靠,即使在重负载和大量的数据。 www.huomo.cn 9. Since the company is doing all the hard work of app building and promotion, it makes sense that they plan on taking a cut. 既然公司承担了应用制作和推广这些棘手的工作,那么公司从中抽取一些利润也是合情合理的。 www.bing.com 10. With an iPad, a stylus and a good notetaking app, I should be able to leave paper behind. 拥有一个iPad,一支手写笔和一个好的记事的app,按理说我应该可以不再需要纸张。 dongxi.net 1. So what does all of that tell us about the App Store ecosystem and how developers will fare in and out of it? 那么,这一切关于应用商店体系的事例究竟告诉了我们什么呢?开发商又该如何面对呢? space.cnblogs.com 2. Apple's App Store for the iPhone and iPod touch has set the bar high: The company recently announced it had exceeded a billion downloads. 苹果的应用程序商店已经将门槛提得很高:该公司最近宣布超过十亿的下载量。 www.bing.com 3. The company also provides an iPhone app, as well as a number of blog widgets that are not directly related to its core business. 目前公司也提供了一款iPhone应用,以及其他许多与其核心业务不搭边的博客小挂件(link)。 www.bing.com 4. We'd also have to see how easy-to-use and well-designed the app is versus the paper form. 我们还必需了解和纸质表格相比应用程序是否容易使用并且设计合理。 www.bing.com 5. The App is aimed at an elderly audience so needs to be easy to use with little instruction. 应用程序是在一个旨在使老人观众需要易于使用的小指令。 www.bing.com 6. The app uses the outward facing camera on a smartphone to help a pedestrian look both ways (or at least one way). 这项应用采用智能手机自带的外置摄像头帮助行人观察其左右两侧的路况(至少是一边)。 www.bing.com 7. Apple said the new Mac App Store, similar to the one for its portable devices, will launch within the next three months. 苹果说,新的Mac应用商店与手持设备的应用商店相似,将于未来三个月内推出。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Also, one book I downloaded on the Nook app had the first few pages missing and another turned out to be a different book from its title. 我在Nook程序上下载的一本书缺失了前几页,另外一本的内容与标题不一致。 chinese.wsj.com 9. When re submitting your revised binary, please ensure that your Application Rating is consistent with the content and nature of your app. 当重新修改二进制,请确保您的应用程序是一致的内容和性质上的应用。 www.cocoachina.com 10. Thanks to a bit of sloppy code, it also could have let hackers access the banking information for 118, 000 customers who downloaded the app. 但其中一些写的“稀松”的代码,使得118000个该软件用户的银行信息直接暴露给了黑客们。 www.bing.com 1. Continuing Google's recent trend of oddly askew naming, there seems to be a new social photo app called Pool Party due to hit imminently. 作为Google最近稀奇古怪的命名趋势的延续,一项叫做泳池派对(PoolParty)的新型社交照片应用服务即将亮相。 dongxi.net 2. Apple would not tell me how much money it makes from its App Store. 苹果可不会告诉我在AppStore上他们赚到了多少。 www.bing.com 3. In the end, it was hard to tell whether I was really getting apps that were a good fit for me or just a random bunch of new app suggestions. 说来说去,我还是弄不清楚,我收集的种种程序究竟是真的适合我的需要,还是从各种新程序推荐当中随机选取的一个组合。 chinese.wsj.com 4. I've always been just a little baffled at the whole concept of app-phone cases. 一直以来,关于橡胶手机套的整个主意总令我有些困惑不解。 www.bing.com 5. Also, with the new iPad app and its gorgeous new interface, RTM is definitely worth another look if you haven't checked it out in a while. 对于新的iPadRTM应用程序来说,它有着绚丽的接口。如果你还没有立即下载它,RTM是值得你下载一用的。 www.bing.com 6. The App Inventor is an easy to use application, as shown in Figure 7. AppInventor是很容易使用的应用程序,如图7所示。 www.ibm.com 7. On iPhone what each individual app will share about you is often quite tough to discern. 用IPhone,你很难辨别哥哥独立的应用将会共享你的什么信息。 www.bing.com 8. Sports Illustrated's app is another interesting one, emphasizing it's photography, with big and easy-to-navigate elements. 运动商品图示应用是另一个有趣的例子,它注重了图像效果,应用了大的容易导向的因素。 www.bing.com 9. It's a simple app with its own easy to use keyboard that lets you type and save memos for later. 这是一个有自己的易于使用的键盘,让您键入并保存后备忘录简单的应用程序。 www.opda.net.cn 10. the app shows you your driver's name, his rating by past passengers (out of five stars) and photos of him and his car. 该应用就会显示车主姓名,以往乘客给他的评分(最高为五星)以及车主及汽车的照片 www.ecocn.org 1. Her home-made app, developed for her twins, has become a surprise overnight success with tens of thousands of downloads. 她为了她的双胞胎开发的程序,令人惊讶地一夜之间成千上万的下载。 www.bing.com 2. For one of my clients we will need to create a straightforward utility app that needs to be able to do voice (over) recording and adjusting. 对于我的客户之一,我们需要创建一个简单实用的应用程序,需要能够做语音(以上)的记录和调整。 www.bing.com 3. Although the program's code itself is stable, the parts of it that make it a portable app are not what you expect. 尽管程序代码本身是稳定的,不过那些使它成为便携程序的部分并不是你想要的。 myspace.cnblogs.com 4. Conversely, when a technology lacks a killer app, it tends to be very telling. 而反过来说,如果一个领域没有这么一个杀手应用,那么这个领域就有些问题了。 www.showxiu.com 5. As you can probably see by this point, Gaelyk makes building lightweight Web applications on Google App Engine a breeze. 至此,您或许可以发现Gaelyk使得在GoogleAppEngine上创建轻量级Web应用程序轻而易举。 www.ibm.com 6. There are quite a few mobile office apps in the App Store, but today we're going to be taking a look at Documents To Go Premium . 有相当多的应用程序商店在移动办公应用程序,但是今天我们将要采取看看文件要前往保费。 www.acpp.com.cn 7. We visited Foursquare HQ yesterday evening, just a few hours before the company flipped the switch on its new iPhone app. 昨天傍晚,我们参观了四方公司总部,恰好是在他们关掉新的iPhone应用程序的几个小时前。 www.bing.com 8. Once you've created the rescue disc, it's relatively easy to have Kaspersky's app scan the hard drives and clean the system. 一旦救援盘创建完成,你就就可以轻松的使用卡巴斯基的工具来扫描硬盘、清理系统了。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. This app allows you to touch pictures of animals, vehicles, instruments and insects to hear the noise they make. 它可以让你触碰屏幕上的动物图形,汽车,乐器,昆虫,然后听到他们发出的各种声音。 www.bing.com 10. So far, none of these contenders has gained any significant traction with consumers or app developers. 到目前为止,还没有一个竞争者能够像iPad一样对消费者和应用软件开发商形成如此显著的影响。 chinese.wsj.com 1. moment for me. But it was all too late. Despite that, I still go ahead and add the button inside the app with an update. 虽然已经错过了最好的时机,但是我还是在下次更新的时候加上了这个按钮。 www.cocoachina.com 2. For an app with as much information as the New York Times', users are bound to have their favorite sections. 像NewYorkTimes’这样提供如此之多信息的应用软件,用户一定有自己最喜欢的版块。 www.bing.com 3. Remember the Milk has been a staple to-do list web app for many years now and has been known to be one of the best and even most reliable. RemembertheMilk软件已经是享誉多年的日志web应用网站,也一直是最可靠、最好用的此类应用服务之一。 www.bing.com 4. While the industry continues to search for the next " killer app , " semiconductor demand has continued to remain strong. 当工业继续寻找下一个“杀手级应用”,半导体需求则继续扩大。 www.showxiu.com 5. Stratos does have ways that you can take a sub-tenant app and turn it into a multi-tenant app, but it's not completely coding-free. Stratos的确有办法让你可以把子租户应用变成多租户应用,但是这种方法并不是完全无需编码的。 www.infoq.com 6. Once installed from the Chrome Web store an easy-to-launch app icon is put into your 'app panel', easily accessible from the 'new tab' page. 从Chrome网上商店点击安装完后,一个应用程序快捷启动按钮将会被安放在你的“应用程序面板”上,可以便捷地从“新标签”页面中点击。 www.bing.com 7. The app also acts as a podcast manager, allowing you to subscribe to audio feeds and download new content over the air. 这个程序也扮演着Podcast管理软件的角色,你可以通过它订阅音频feed,然后直接将你需要的音频无线下载到你的手机。 www.bing.com 8. He said: 'Our focus is making sure that users have control over what apps they install, and notice of what information the app accesses'. 他说:“我们的重点是确保用户能够控制安装什么程序,并了解程序登入需要什么信息。” www.allwinworld.net 9. One of the biggest reasons benefits of a carrier-linked app marketplace would be carrier billing. 发布与运营商关联的应用程序市场的最大好处在于运营商的营收。 www.bing.com 10. Consider creating an iPhone app for your nonprofit, or even just offer a link to a simplified mobile-friendly version of your website. 可以考虑为您的博客建立一个iPhone应用,或者只是在页面上加一个移动友好版本的链接。 dongxi.net 1. Unfortunately a tablet is not a phone and therefore has no "phone state" . Thus the app may likely fail on the tablet. 不幸的是,平板电脑并不是手机,因此也没有什么“通话状态”,因此这款应用很可能无法在平板电脑上使用。 www.fortunechina.com 2. Simplenote allows you to take as many plain text notes as you want and then can sync them to the cloud via their web app. 它可以让你记录大量的文本笔记并把笔记同步到“云”端。 www.bing.com 3. The app has also made me something of a sommelier of sounds. 这个应用程序也有我调酒师的声音。 www.bing.com 4. Another app, called 'SoldierEyes, ' turns a smartphone into a sort of battlefield navigation device. 另外一款叫做“士兵之眼”(SoldierEyes)的应用把智能手机变成了一种战场导航仪。 c.wsj.com 5. While you're going through the grocery store, just click off the items as you buy them. The app keeps track of everything. 来到商店,买一个,删一个。这款应用帮你打点好一切事情。 www.bing.com 6. Points are an essential part of any Funware Loop, and a great starting point for "gameifying" your site or app. 积分是趣味件环的一个基本组成部分,积分是“游戏化”你的网站或应用程序的一个绝佳的起点。 sinaurl.cn 7. This app allows you to take a picture of whatever you are looking at and instantly receive info about it on your Android phone. 这一应用允许你在拍下任何所见的图片时,马上可以在你的Android手机上收到相关信息。 www.bing.com 8. thus nobody can use your phone without knowing valid password. More user friendly and easy to use security app. 因此,没有人可以使用您的手机,不知道有效的密码。更多的用户友好,易于使用的安全应用程序。 www.nokiacn.net 9. It is possible that the police may try to subvert the app by feeding it false information. 很可能警察会试图给提供假信息来破坏该程序。 www.ecocn.org 10. Query is finally ready for production, and APP is ready to break out. 查询最终为生产做好了准备,APP则为突破做好了准备。 www.ibm.com 1. InfoQ: The mobile app for the enterprise market seems to be taking off as well, what are some the key differences with the consumer market? InfoQ:面向企业的移动应用看起来已经开始发力,这种应用和面向普通消费者的应用有何本质上的不同? www.infoq.com 2. But if that was the case, then why, by its own estimate, did only a handful of app developers fall foul of its rules? 但若真的如此,那为何据它自己的估计,总共只有屈指可数的几个应用开发商违反它的规定? www.ftchinese.com 3. But it hasn't slowed him down; he doesn't give it much thought when he checks in a few times a day to his Facebook app and plays games. 但是这并没有让他疏远网络,当他一天登陆几次Facebook时,当他玩游戏时,他就顾不了那么多了。 www.bing.com 4. In practice, however, APP clients are likely to see a variety of authentication mechanisms. 但实际上,APP客户机很可能遇到各种形式的身份验证机制。 www.ibm.com 5. Enterprises must be able to use more than one type of authentication depending on the level of risk associated with an app. 企业必须能够使用一种以上的认证,具体要看和应用相关的威胁的级别。 www.infoq.com 6. He could have died, but he ultimately survived with the help of an iPhone first-aid app that taught him to treat his wounds. 本来他很可能没命,但他却在iPhone里一款野外急救软件的指导下自行处理伤口,最终幸免于难。 www.bing.com 7. Sadly, the Reuters app turned out to be one of the weakest applications in this group. 非常遗憾的是,路透社的这款应用是这些机构推出的应用中最差的一款。 www.bing.com 8. "As far as we know, there is no indication that this app is in the Android Market, " Lookout said in a blog post. Lookout在博客帖子里说:“据我们所知,还没有证据断定电子市场上有这种应用程序。” www.bing.com 9. Any regular semi-technical user of your site should be able to navigate 90% of your app based off memory of the URL structure. 任何一个定期访问你的网站的半技术化的用户都应该能够基于内存中的URL结构来浏览你的应用的90%部分。 www.bing.com 10. location that you want it to be resting and with the app in activity. 位置,你希望它是休息和与应用程序中的活动。 bbs.uc.cn 1. I find it a little coincidental that Google updates the Google Maps app right before a big press event. 我觉得谷歌刚好在一个大的新闻发布会之前发布此次谷歌地图的更新不会完全是因为巧合。 www.bing.com 2. Because of this elegant design, it is possible to call HttpRuntime directly within your own app. 由于有了这样合理的设计,您就可以直接在自己的应用程序中调用HttpRuntime。 cxp.9876.blog.163.com 3. That being said, with a little work, it could be a great app for a ton of music. 必须地说,稍稍努力以一点,这款应用应该可以成为一个非常不错的应用。 www.bing.com 4. APP is nothing less than a RESTful, scalable, extensible, secure system for publishing content to HTTP servers. APP只不过是一个用于将内容发布到HTTP服务器的具有RESTf风格的、可伸缩的、可扩展的安全系统。 www.ibm.com 5. It made its debut a year ago with a TV app built in, and it continues to gain new TV apps. 一年前iPad首次上市时就内置了电视应用软件,而且还不断地有新的电视应用软件出现。 c.wsj.com 6. The system is designed as a two-tier system with an app tier running the J2EE application and a load-balancer tier. 这个系统设计成两层的系统,运行J2EE应用程序的应用程序层和负载平衡器层。 www.ibm.com 7. To put it another way, QA testers are on a mission to break an app by doing horrible things to it. 换句话说,QA测试人员的任务就是通过在应用程序上做一些可怕的事情来破坏它。 www.infoq.com 8. timesheet should be able to be saved and submitted. App should check that reported hours vs. hours per week match. 时间表应该可以被保存并提交。应用程序应该检查报告的时间,每周比赛主场迎战小时。 www.bing.com 9. If you install an app on your desktop, you can easily grab it for your laptop as well. 如果用户在自己的台式机上安装了某个软件,之后用户可以很轻松的在自己的笔记本上一下搞定(youcaneasilygrabitforyourlaptopaswell)。 www.bing.com 10. Courier is another perfect fit for the App Store, with a very "Mac-like" look and a streamlined, stylish interface. Courier是另一个AppStore的完美作品,拥有“很Mac”的外观以及简单,极具个性的界面。 www.bing.com 1. Yelp says that 2 million unique users searched on a mobile Yelp app last month, performing 27% of the total searches the company saw. Yelp称上月Yelp应用上的独立访客数为200万,占公司所有搜索次数的27%。 www.bing.com 2. Once basic facts are established, the APP expects to move to the deployment phase on a broader scale, he said. 他说,一旦基本事实得到确定,该合作计划将进入在更广范围内使用的阶段。 www.america.gov 3. Some of that info is sent over the internet to Color's servers moments after the app is opened, not just when pictures are taken. 打开应用软件后,部分信息立刻就通过互联网上传到Color的服务器,而不只是等到拍摄照片时才会上传。 www.bing.com 4. Now, Sina Weibo's iPhone app has a new English interface enabling non-Chinese readers to see what some of the hype is about. 现在,新浪微博iPhone应用程序新增了英文界面,让非中文用户也能对这一炙手可热的平台有所了解。 c.wsj.com 5. The trick is to understand your app well, and buy or write some tools that let you see what your app is really doing. 技巧是充分理解你的应用程序,并购买或编写一些工具,这些工具是你能了解应用程序到底在干什么。 blog.163.com 6. "If all of these app stores are populated with all of the same apps that's kind of a waste for developers, isn't it? " “要是所有商店畅销的应用程序都是一样的话,这对开发者来说,就是浪费心血了。” www.bing.com 7. At least this time around, we have the added wisdom of seeing how the smartphone app ecosystem has built up. 至少现在时机已经到了,对如何构建智能手机应用生态系统,我们已经积累了很多经验。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Machine. Config is always read-only, while app. Exe. Config is restricted by security considerations to read-only for most applications. Machine.config始终是只读的,而出于安全考虑,app.exe.config对于大多数应用程序也限制为只读。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The Twitter app let me write my own tweets, but I couldn't retweet or direct-message other users. Twitter的应用程序允许我撰写自己的微博,但我不能回复微博或直接向其他用户发送信息。 c.wsj.com 10. For example, it occasionally seems to process your utterance but then types nothing at all, just as the Dragon app does. (比如,有时候,它看起来像是在处理你说的话,但是什么字也打不出来,这种情况跟“声龙软件”相同)。 www.bing.com 1. I can create a Zero app to sit in front of my enterprise app that transforms a set of enterprise services into a set of nimble Web services. 我可以创建一个Zero应用,使其位于我的企业应用之前,该企业应用负责将企业服务集合转换为轻巧的Web服务集合。 www.infoq.com 2. If you've read this far, then you're ready to start building your first App Engine for Java application. 如果您已经阅读了前面的内容,那么已经准备好开始构建第一个AppEngineforJava应用程序。 www.ibm.com 3. HTML5 app development is only little more then changing how you think about webpages. HTML5应用程序开发只不过是改变了你看待网页的方式罢了。 www.bing.com 4. Tawkon has continued to plug-ahead, releasing a Blackberry app (download here). An Android version is in development. Tawkon还推出了一款黑莓软件(下载地址),并且正在开发Android版软件。 www.36kr.com 5. And here's where your app really is like your competition, in all forms of media: it's easy to get lost in the details. 这正是您的应用程序与所有媒体形式的竞争对手真正相似的地方:很容易在细节中迷失方向。 www.ibm.com 6. So it's promising to see the recognition in the App Store that this is an important market. 因此在应用程序商店里把它们标示出来大有可为,因为这是一个重要的市场。 www.bing.com 7. As you can see, I've created a parameter dubbed id and set it to the key of the saved ticket instance, which Google App Engine generated. 如您所见,我已经创建了一个名称为id的参数,并将它设置为已保存罚单(由GoogleAppEngine生成)实例的键。 www.ibm.com 8. Some might argue that this app makes the approval process look like a good idea. 一些人或许开始主张说这个时候AppStore审核过程看起来很赞。 www.bing.com 9. The name and price of a given app you've chosen moves to the top of the screen. 而已选应用的名称,价格则被置于屏幕顶端。 dongxi.net 10. Still, I found the interface easy to navigate and the playback quality very good, though the app only works over Wi-Fi. 但我还是觉得它的界面很容易操作,回放质量也很不错,不过这款应用软件只能通过Wi-Fi运行。 chinese.wsj.com 1. There may be some small changes that also need to be made and the client may want some other changes made to the app when he reviews it. 可能有一些还需要与该客户可能需要向应用程序时,他评论了一些其他修改小的变化。 www.bing.com 2. He got a few laughs as the Apple genius scrambled to download the app all over again. 人群中一阵笑声。苹果工程师们不得不迅速跑过去把软件重新下载了一遍。 www.bing.com 3. Roeding said the app taps into the passionate mindset of those who want to do good but can't always afford to make donations. Rodeing说该应用程序满足了那些有热情去做些好事但又支付不起常态捐赠的人的需求。 www.bing.com 4. The best promotional tool is a great product. Word will get out if you've got an app that people find really useful. 最佳推广工具是一个伟大的产品。全世界会发现你拥有一个确实有用的应用 www.bing.com 5. More people are carrying cellphones with high-quality cameras, and the app makes it easy to share those photos and tag them with location. 很多人的手机带有高性能照相机,应用程序使分享照片变得十分简单。 www.bing.com 6. The app is still active; it pulls in posts, videos and photos from various social networks, displaying them in an interactive grid. 这个应用程序依然很活跃。它将与电影相关的评论,视频和图片上传到更多的社交网络,在交互的网络中展现他们。 www.bing.com 7. Just enter your local fees and amount used to calculate the total due. All the info is stored in the app for later use. 只要输入您的地方性规费和使用量来计算总到期。所有的信息都存储在应用程序供以后使用。 www.ch933.com 8. But we're hearing from other sources that Google might be working with Paypal on a more universal app-payment solution anyhow. 不过我们从其他的来源听说谷歌(Google)可能会与Paypal合作,提供更加广泛通用的应用程序付费方式。 www.bing.com 9. If you want different "screens" on an iPhone app, you create new views, and have a view controller push them into the front. 如果想在iPhone应用程序中显示不同的界面,你要创建新的视图,并用视图控制器把其“推”到前端。 www.infoq.com 10. Facebook says users will be offered the option to set privacy controls as they sign up to each social app. Facebook声称他们会在用户注册每个社交应用软件时提供是否进行隐私设置的选项。 www.bing.com 1. The stock tracker can now display relevant news stories right in the app, as well as new details like the highs and lows for the day. 股票跟踪软件可以在右侧显示相关新闻,还能显示的股票当日跌涨情况。增加录制语音备忘软件。 www.bing.com 2. ExpanderView is a primitive items control that can be used for expanding and collapsing items (like the threaded views in the Mail app). ExpanderView是一个基础列表项控件,可以用来展开和收起列表项(就像邮件应用里的帖子视图)。 www.infoq.com 3. Now, whenever I get a chance, I fire up my Newsgator app and start checking out some of my favorite blogs and news sites. 现在,只要一抓住机会,我就会运行Newsgator,开始查阅我最喜欢的博客和新网站的更新。 news.cnblogs.com 4. If the system setting for allowing unknown app sources is not toggled, users will have to do that before proceeding. 如果系统设置中没有允许未知来源的应用程序的话,用户还必须先允许该选项。 www.bing.com 5. One piece of malware disguised as an Android calendar app sent SMS messages to a premium-rate number without users' knowledge. 其中一个恶意软件会伪装成安卓的年历表应用,然后会私自发送SMS短信给提供付费服务的号码,而用户自己却全然不知。 www.ecolion.cn 6. I think a great port of this app would be for use in the "Best of" awards that many city's now conduct. 这个应用程序一个最大的争议之处就是哪些项目应该被记录到数据库中,也就是说哪些行为会被用户们授予“最好的”评价。 www.school51.com 7. A new Facebook app is coming out that will remind users exactly what they were doing a year ago from that day. Facebook上有一个新的应用可以告诉你一年前的今天你在干什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Apple's lawyers asked him to stop using iPod in the name of his app because it's an Apple trademark. 苹果公司的律师写信给John,让他停止在软件名称中使用iPod,因为这是苹果的商标。 www.bing.com 9. Besides the fact that (as it states it in its name) this app is free there are no annoying and irritating registrations or fees to pay. 就像名字中表名的那样这个程序是免费的,没有烦人的让人受不了的注册,也不用支付购买费用。 www.bing.com 10. I never warmed up to the Amazon Kindle e-reader, but I'm a big fan of the Kindle mobile app. 我从来没有热衷亚马逊的Kindle电子阅读器,但我是Kindle移动应用程序的粉丝。 www.bing.com 1. Perhaps, but it will be hard to see how Google can resist following Facebook's lead if the network's social-app initiative pays off. 如果Facebook的社交应用软件获得了预期效果的话,或许我们将很难看到谷歌怎样避免对于Facebook的跟风。 www.bing.com 2. Her unit is 'jailbroken, ' which allows her to download applications from Apple's App Store. 她那台iPhone是破解版,可以从苹果的AppStore下载应用软件。 smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 3. Whether you opt for a physical date book or calendar or go for an online app, take advantage of the ready-made tools available. 无论你是用笔记本,日历还是在线应用程序,好好利用现成可用的工具。 www.bing.com 4. This app allows you to make a very special personalized framed picture, save in your album or send to your loved one by email. 这个应用可让你制作非常特别的个性化镜框图片,既可保存在相册里,也可通过email发送给你心爱的人。 www.bing.com 5. If you do a good job I would definitely be open to working with you again on future trivia apps and possible updates to this app. 如果你做一个好工作,我一定会开放与您的应用程序和对未来琐事本软件可能再次更新。 www.bing.com 6. If you pull down the notification bar, it will display the current ASU as well as the high and low since the app was started. 如果你向下拉提示条,它将会展示当前时刻的ASU和应用启动后ASU的最高和最低值。 www.bing.com 7. The app will also show geographical information courtesy of the Google Maps Layers feature the company introduced earlier this year. 这个系统也提供免费地理信息服务,即谷歌公司早年引进的谷歌地图板层特征。 www.elanso.com 8. Other projects include training for job interviews and a virtual-therapy app to help treat stress and phobias. 其他的项目还有工作面试培训和一个帮助治疗压力和恐惧症的虚拟治疗应用。 www.ecocn.org 9. Lauren Rosenberg is suing Google after being hit by a car, claiming that her BlackBerry app did not provide a similar warning. 劳伦·罗森伯格在被汽车撞了以后,起诉谷歌,声称她的黑莓上的谷歌地图应用程序没有提供类似的警告。 dongxi.net 10. Note, that this app is only a reader, the books, like for example the Wikipedia, need to be downloaded separately. 请注意,这个程序只有一个读者,图书,例如像维基百科,需要单独下载。 www.nokiabbs.com 1. Must be able to ensure work will be capable of submission to the Apple App Store. 必须能够确保工作能够将提交给苹果应用程序商店。 www.bing.com 2. Just before Thanksgiving, the company released an updated version of its retail app, which you can fire up when you enter an Apple Store. 就在感恩节前,该公司刚公布了一款升级版的零售应用程序。顾客只要一踏入苹果公司的专营店,这一程序便会自动开启。 www.bing.com 3. You get a customized layout that looks and feels more like an iPad app than a traditional website. 呈现给你的是一种定制的布局,感觉更像iPad应用,而不是一个传统的网站。 www.bing.com 4. Microsoft Excel's Web app will allow co-authoring and you can use the same Excel formulas you know from the desktop version. MicroSoft的Excel网络服务允许您使用在桌面程序中早已熟知的公式。 www.bing.com 5. The app now offers extensive support for offline reading, making it one of the easiest ways to catch up with the news on a plane. 目前这款应用软件支持离线阅读,对于在飞机上浏览新闻来说,这是最便捷的方法之一。 www.bing.com 6. Prior to the launch Apple opened up its App Store on which can be found add-on applications for the phone. 在发售之前,苹果就揭开了其在线软件店,在上面能找到很多为iphone编写的扩展软件。 www.bing.com 7. Advertising is at the bottom of the screen, as in the BBC App. 广告是在屏幕的底部,在英国广播公司应用。 www.bing.com 8. You know, working on this science for many years, I kept wondering, "What will be its first killer app? " 从事这些科学工作很多年后我开始思考第一个令人震惊的应用程序是什么? www.ted.com 9. When you leave the app, it remembers what you had open, so you return you dont have to search all over again. 当你关闭这个应用的时候,它会自动记录你所打开的东西,这样你就可以从新打开没必要重新打开。 www.bing.com 10. A Facebook mobile app as a thin client onto this will not be as easy or as powerful for users as a real mobile social network. 并且具有薄客户端性质的Facebook移动应用也将不如一个真正的移动社交网络那样简单易用和强大。 kk.dongxi.net 1. But the notion that an app can create users and data and then can be transferred into a database, and shared and monetized in that way. 那就是应用程序可以带来用户和数据,这些都可以形成一个数据库,为大家所共享,从而成为一种盈利的方式。 open.163.com 2. Developers will now also be able to sell in game accessories and subscriptions through Apple's App Store. 开发者还可以通过苹果软件商店销售游戏辅助程序和订阅服务。 www.bing.com 3. We are not app developers and therefore we need quality exporter to do this project and on-going medication of this project in the long-run. 我们不是应用程序开发,因此我们需要优质出口商做这个项目和正在进行中的这一长期项目的药物。 www.bing.com 4. What are the best practices and gotchas the network admins and developers should keep in mind when looking for a web app firewall solution? 在寻求Web应用防火墙方案时的最佳实践是什么?网络管理员与开发者需要牢记哪些内容? www.infoq.com 5. And many mobile devices can display Office files for reading using built-in, free apps; iOS's Preview app is the most capable of these. 同时许多移动设备能够使用嵌入式的免费程序去显示Office文件,iOS的预展程序是这些程序中的佼佼者。 www.bing.com 6. We are also currently planning an upgrade to the main website so the app would have to be in line with this also. 我们也正计划升级到主网站,以使应用程序必须符合本也。 www.bing.com 7. There also seems to be a big push for the Android app to be improved quickly. 也似乎是一股巨大的推力使Google 在Android上得到快速的改善。 dongxi.net 8. I found it easy to locate shows using the big, descriptive icons the app provides. 我发现,有了Peel软件提供的那些又大又形象的图示,找节目变成了一件轻而易举的事情。 chinese.wsj.com 9. BNO isn't the only news app that uses the new push notification, but it does appear to be the most prolific. BNO并不是唯一一个使用推送式通知的新闻应用程序,但它无疑是最高产的一个。 www.bing.com 10. If you don't know, TextExpander Touch is an app that allows you to program short snippets of text as ways to expand to anything you want. 如果你不知道,TextExpanderTouch是一个应用程序,允许你把一些片段文本组织成你想要的东西。 www.bing.com 1. Steve Jobs said when he opened the App Store that it was designed to merely break even -- and he probably meant it. 史蒂夫乔布斯说,开设AppStore的目的仅仅是想保持收支平衡-他有可能真的是这样想的。 www.bing.com 2. As you saw in the previous article, Google App Engine is more of a platform for developing Java Web applications. 正如在前一篇文章中看到的,GoogleAppEngine更像是用于开发JavaWeb应用程序的平台。 www.ibm.com 3. The app is already written, I just need you to design the screens to make it look nice before uploading to Apple Store. 这个应用程序已经写的,我只需要你设计的屏幕,使它看起来前上传到苹果商店好。 www.bing.com 4. The purchase would have been a significant boost for APP, which now has logging concessions over about 287, 000 hectares of forest. 此次收购将对APP形成有力推动,该公司目前拥有28.7万公顷林地的采伐许可权。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Follow the instructions on the page for your phone to add the bookmark as a shortcut on your app launcher. 按照页面上的指示在你手机上添加一个书签作为你的应用快速启动栏中的快捷方式。 www.bing.com 6. The demo app demonstrated this point by clearing the object model, then reloading it from the database. 示例程序将通过从对象模型中删除一个对象,再从数据库从新加载来解释这一点。 www.cnblogs.com 7. You need to register your application on GAE before you deploy, as you need its name in app. yaml (as shown in Part 1). 您需要在部署前在GAE中注册应用程序,因为在app.yaml中需要它的名称(如第1部分中所示)。 www.ibm.com 8. Likewise, if there's a particular part of the app that you can't manage yourself, you could outsource that. 同样,如果在你的应用程序app开发过程中,你有一个单独的部分做不成,你也最好外包出去。 www.bing.com 9. However, BB App World comes nowhere close to the Apple appstore, and Android may quickly pull ahead as well. 然而与苹果的appstore相比,黑莓的应用程序世界还差得远,而且Adroid也有可能会很快的迎头赶上。 www.bing.com 10. Since email was the first killer app for the web, it's used for everything. 因为email是第一个杀手级互联网应用,它被用在各种地方,但我们现在已经拥有更好的方式实现信息的传递。 news.cnblogs.com 1. The Compass app works with the built-in digital compass to tell you which direction your i Phone is facing. 罗盘应用程序适用于内置的数字罗盘,告诉你哪个方向,你的iPhone是面对的问题。 www.acpp.com.cn 2. Someone who wants to not only develop an app but ready to continue developing the app based on the need of the business. 有人谁想要开发一个应用程序,不仅愿意继续发展,但对业务的需要的应用程序。 www.bing.com 3. You can choose to skip this manual to start using the app right away (it's easy to go back later if you need to). 你可以选择跳过这个手册,开始使用应用程序马上(很容易回去以后如果需要)。 www.acpp.com.cn 4. Passengers in certain hub cities will be able to use the app as a boarding pass -- a feature already available on their mobile site. 一些特定中心城市的旅客可以使用这个iPhone应用程序作为登机牌——这是在他们的移动网站上已经推出的特色服务。 www.bing.com 5. Almost all the big social enterprise players will have some sort of "app store" offering. 几乎所有大型社交型企业都将采用“应用商店”模式。 www.bing.com 6. The company's app aggregates users' photos by location, using factors like GPS as well as sound and light detection. 该公司的应用可以利用GPS以及声音或者光线检测等因素,根据地点将用户的照片聚集起来。 www.bing.com 7. Describe any content in the app and how the content was created - i. e. original work, copy of public domain, or other (please specify). 描述应用程序中的任何内容以及如何创建的内容-即原来的工作,公共领域的副本,或其他(请注明)。 www.bing.com 8. For the purpose of this example, we re going to assume you re working with an EJB app that includes a business delegate. 对于本示例,我们将假定您正在处理一个包括业务委派的EJB应用程序。 www-128.ibm.com 9. After installing the Social Flowers Facebook app, the sender chooses a recipient from his friends list, then chooses the flowers and pays. 在安装SocialFlowersFacebook应用程序后,发件人从他的好友列表中选择一个收件人,之后要做的只是选花,还有付钱。 www.elanso.com 10. The app let's you indulge in this image -- you pull strings out of a central sun and flick planets around to pluck the strings. 程序让你沉迷在这样一个画面——你从中心的太阳向外拉直线,避开周围其他的环绕太阳的星球,好把直线画出来。 www.bing.com 1. For every feature that makes it into your app, ask yourself: Is there a way this can be added that won't require as much software? 对于融入你的应用程序的每个特性,问自己:是否有一个不增加软件代码量,就实现这个的方法? www.bing.com 2. The client should be able to download the magazines such as one issue per month inside the app. (like the TIME magazine). 客户端应该可以下载,如每一个月内的应用问题的杂志。(如时代杂志)。 www.bing.com 3. How do your users communicate with you and your app? 您的用户如何与您和您的应用程序通信? www.ibm.com 4. A Microsoft Visual Studio dialog box is displayed to ask about placing the new class in the App_Code folder. 出现一个“MicrosoftVisualStudio”对话框,询问是否要在App_Code文件夹中放置新类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Last month, a new chess game called Chinese chess came out in Appple's App Store. 上个月,一个叫中国象棋的新型游戏出现在了苹果应用程序商店。 www.bing.com 6. The requirement outlined in your ad in. . . for a general manager assistant app ear to mesh almost exactly with my own. 我本人的条件与你们刊登在……上的招聘广告中的所要求的总经理助理的条件完全吻合。 wenku.baidu.com 7. He claimed that the app showed that she was in Manhattan, not where she claimed she was. 该男子说这个软件显示说她妻子在曼哈顿,显然不是之前所说的东村的朋友家。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. App server details the current status of the container, including threading information and a listing of all the Java system properties. Appserver给出了容器的当前状态,包括threading信息以及所有Java系统属性的列表。 www.ibm.com 9. The only way an app can hide itself is to neglect to put an icon in the launcher. 应用程序唯一可以隐藏自己的方式是忽略将其图标放置于启动器中的行为。 www.bing.com 10. Executives said the app-store model degrades the quality of games and isn't sustainable. 高管们指责苹果商店模式会降低游戏的质量,并且不是可持续的。 www.bing.com |
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