单词 | ceramic tile |
释义 | 例句释义: 瓷砖,陶瓷砖,磁砖,陶瓷面砖 1. Just a week ago, the European commission has just announced on imports from China's ceramic tile anti-dumping investigation. 就在一周前,欧盟委员会刚刚宣布对从中国进口的瓷砖发起反倾销调查。 hi.baidu.com 2. I'm calling to let you know about our new line of ceramic tile. 我打电话来是问您推荐我们的新瓷砖。 www.kekenet.com 3. But this kind goes all out stick very pair of originality, captious to ceramic tile design, the price also does not poor. 但这种拼贴对创意、对瓷砖图案都十分挑剔,价格也不菲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. These two separate approaches under score the strategic nature of the north Amerciam market for the Italian ceramic tile industry. 依赖进口和本地化生产的两个独立的策略显示了今天意大利瓷砖在美国市场的地位。 www.jieju.com 5. Amount of ceramic tile of the computation that press a plan uses ceramic tile gross plus place of cipher out of normal construction loss. 按图计算瓷砖数量再加上正常施工损耗算出所用瓷砖总量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The ground of the kitchen is flag, enchased a few custom-built blue beautiful ceramic tile to make decoration among them. 厨房的地面是石板的,其中镶嵌了几块定做的蓝花瓷砖做装饰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Bo changes a brick: this is a kind of high temperature of the porcelain tiles, ceramic tile is all the most hard one. 玻化砖:这是一种高温烧制的瓷质砖,是所有瓷砖中最硬的一种。有时抛光砖被刮出划痕时,玻化砖仍然安然无恙… www.hfbeier.com 8. Heavy sigh. So stretching it shall be for the human ceramic tile. The piece of chalk with hair on top. 所以我不得不沉重地叹口气说,拉伸运动本来就应该是为那些像贴了瓷砖一样生硬,像头顶长毛的粉笔一样脆弱的人准备的。 www.elanso.com 9. and the corner-cutting quality of the ceramic tile is good, and no broken ceramic tile is produced, thus reducing user cost. 瓷砖切角质量好,无破损瓷砖产生,降低用户成本; ip.com 10. The invention particularly relates to a distribution method for a ceramic tile. 本发明特指一种陶瓷砖的布料方法。 ip.com 1. Brief content: Ceramic tile adhesive: Also calls to paste the law dry, is one kind of new paving supplementary material. 简要内容:瓷砖黏着剂:也叫干贴法,是一种新型的铺装辅料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Note besmear brushs process to ensure the integrity of the coating, ceramic tile juncture, besmear to be especially careful when. 注意涂刷过程中要保证涂层的完整,瓷砖接缝处,涂刷时要特别仔细; zhidao.baidu.com 3. At present the full of beautiful things in eyes of ceramic tile breed on market, so much that make a person dazzling. 目前市面上的瓷砖品种琳琅满目,多得让人眼花缭乱。 www.hicoo.net 4. The ceramic tile in the bottom of my shower has come loose. 淋浴器下面的瓷砖开始松动了。 www.bing.com 5. The kitchen boasts complimentary counter tops, eat in island, walk in pantry, ceramic tile flooring and stainless steel appliances. 厨房全地砖设计,带有一个宽敞的餐台,台面整洁,并带有步入式橱柜。 6. The RDZ consists of a reduced diameter tube section mating to a specially-shaped ceramic tile. RDZ包含了一个与异形瓷砖搭配的直径方向缩减的管道截面。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Up to 0. 08%, ceramic tile water absorption limit, completely stopping all dirty penetration. 达至瓷砖0.08%的吸水率极限,彻底杜绝一切强污渗透。 www.china-china.biz 8. Italian ceramic tile is available in a vast range of colors, sizes, formats, surface treatments and designs. 意大利瓷砖在颜色,规格,样式,表面处理以及设计方面可以说是一应俱全,品种多样。 www.ccisn.com.cn 9. Accordingly, stick the integral hutch ark of the face with ceramic tile, commonner in the Western-style kitchen in villatic residence. 因此,以瓷砖贴面的整体厨柜,较常见于别墅住宅中的西式厨房里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Binding Mortar: thermal insulation binding mortar, ceramic tile binding mortar, joint mixture, etc. 粘结砂浆:保温隔热粘接,瓷砖粘接,填缝剂等; znsite2.myce.net.cn 1. The quantity of toothpaste, can be in smeary actual condition to decide according to ceramic tile juncture. 牙膏的量,可以根据瓷砖接缝处油污的实际情况来决定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. High adhesive strength: Improve the adhesive strength of cement, prevent ceramic tile from detaching and air-cavity. 粘接强度高:提高水泥的粘接强度、防止瓷砖产生脱落、空鼓。 www.metalnews.cn 3. Corners When you have a square corner, the ceramic tile must fill the corner, all the way out to the inside of the steel casing. 当你有一个正方形的角落,瓷砖的拐角处,必须填满所有的出路的内侧钢套管。 www.kb120.com 4. From the look of ceramic tile on the floor, the building housing built in the near future, but has now been razed to the ground. 从地上露出的瓷砖来看,这栋房屋建成不久,但现在已被夷为平地。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Laying floor tiles, ceramic tile, marble, puzzle red brick wall, kitchen, health and transformation. 铺贴地砖、瓷砖、大理石,砌红砖墙,厨、卫改造。欢迎各界人士来电咨询洽谈,联系人,史先生。 good2.com 6. This was a popular design with Ottoman textile artists and eventually found its way into other media such as ceramic-tile decoration. 这种设计在奥斯曼帝国时期颇为流行,后来被用于装饰性瓷砖等其他艺术形式。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 7. A complex style is an entire ceramic tile with colorful lettering and numbering. 一个复杂的样式是一个完整的用彩色瓷砖字样及编号。 corrugatedroofing.info 8. The adornment material inside toilet, should use ceramic tile, plastic wall paper and marble commonly . 卫生间内的装饰材料,一般应采用瓷砖、塑料墙纸和大理石。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It applies to cookers, wash pot, work table, floor, ceramic tile, range hood, stainless steel cookers and enamel, etc. 适用于煮食炉具、洗手盆、工作台、瓷砖、地板、抽油烟机、抽气扇、不锈钢厨具、陶瓷及搪瓷等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. High quality glazed ceramic tile was prepared by using flyash as a main material and other silicate materials as auxiliaries. 以粉煤灰为主要原料,以其它硅酸盐原料做辅助料,试制出性能优良的陶瓷釉面砖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. in wet cement base and dry based on a variety of materials directly construction; Waterproof and bonding ceramic tile once completed. 可在潮湿水泥基层和干燥的多种材质的基础上直接施工;防水与粘结瓷砖一次完成。 www.zhongsou.net 2. General habit adds ceramic tile of the white on the shop between Wei Yu white is flat-roofed the world that makes a whiteness. 一般习惯把卫浴间铺上白色瓷砖加上白色平顶成为一个雪白的世界。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In interior design, the ceramic tile can affect the atmosphere in optic way directly. 在于室内设计中,磁砖更能直接影响视觉感官的氛围。 ir.lib.ukn.edu.tw:8080 4. When installing flooring, avoid cheap laminate, and ceramic tile with red clay backgrounds. 装地板的时候,别用便宜的层压材料和红土背景的瓷砖。 www.elanso.com 5. Ceramic tile wall first with the factory production of impervious waterproof agent spraying, brushing and then the FDA can Zhuanfeng. 瓷砖外墙先用本厂生产的抗渗防水剂喷涂,然后用本品涂刷砖缝即可。 www.100ye.com 6. Ceramic tile chose cream-colored, light color has bulgy effect, won't appear depressive and constraint. 瓷砖选用了米色,浅色有膨胀的效果,不会显得压抑局促。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The edges and corners that uses ceramic tile delimits each other blow, observe whether surface layer of ceramic tile glaze has scratch. 用瓷砖的棱角互相划刮,观察瓷砖釉面表层是否有刮痕。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. If join siliceous zirconium excessive, the radioactivity of ceramic tile can exceed bid. 假如加入的硅酸锆过量,瓷砖的放射性就会超标。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Is a company specializing in ceramic tile production and sales of fixed-point enterprise. 是一家专业生产销售墙地砖的定点企业。 www.b2easy.com 10. The measure that knock fragment can adopt when buying will check the immanent quality of ceramic tile. 购买时可以通过敲击碎片的办法来检查瓷砖的内在质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In the wholesale retail sales the upscale ceramic tile, Ma Ti is the China Ceramics fashion first brand. 批发零售中高档瓷砖,玛缇是中国陶瓷时尚第一品牌。 www.huochepi.com 2. Above must immerse 2 hours in clear water before ceramic tile is stickup, with bricks body not effervescent to allow, take out air stand-by. 瓷砖粘贴前必须在清水中浸泡2小时以上,以砖体不冒泡为准,取出晾干待用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The ceramic tile with the forcing on the combing cementing agent, the ceramic tile position may adjust in 15 minute about time. 将瓷砖用力压在梳理后的粘结剂上,瓷砖的位置在15分钟左右的时间内可以调整。 www.showxiu.com 4. Ceramic tile to wait outside waterproof, not changing the original base color. 瓷砖等外墙面防水,不改变原基底颜色。 www.bm2088.com 5. ceramic tile is divided into: according to process the glazed pottery, brick, polishing brick, bo changes a brick, ceramic jin brick. 瓷砖按工艺分为:釉面砖、通体砖、抛光砖、玻化砖、陶瓷锦砖。 www.hfbeier.com 6. yueyang xin chen building material ltd . ( yxbml ) is a firm that specializes in ceramic tile for wall and floor. 岳阳兴辰建材有限公司是从事建筑陶瓷(墙、地转)生产的专业厂商。 www.ichacha.net 7. Suitable for accurate wet - cutting of hard and brittle materials such as ceramic tile enameled porcelain , glass , marble , granite , etc. 适用于切割全瓷瓷砖、上釉陶瓷、玻璃、高档大理石、高档花岗石等对精度要求较高的硬脆材料。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. May supply the building large-scale ceramic tile mural for decorative or ornamental purpos and so on practical ceramics and the art pottery. 可供建筑装饰用的大型瓷砖壁画等实用陶瓷和艺术陶瓷。 www.huochepi.com 9. What calls the chromatism of ceramic tile? 什么叫瓷砖的色差? dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This work allows to confirm the possibility to use RHA as silica precursor for the development of glazes for ceramic tile. 这项工作可以确认的可能性,使用易制毒化学瓦壳灰为硅陶瓷釉料的发展。 wenku.baidu.com 1. CERAMIC: Aluminium oxide, ceramic tile material, magnesium oxide, talcum and so on. 陶瓷:氧化铝、瓷砖材料、氧化镁、滑石等。 www.cnpowder.com.cn 2. Discern ceramic tile stand or fall has a few simple methods, baconian rising is 8 words: Knock, 2 measure, 3 blow, 4 look. 辨别瓷砖好坏有一些简单的方法,归纳起来就是8个字:一敲、二测、三刮、四看。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Patchwork recreates images as mosaics such as light pegs, ASCII art, ceramic tile, and cross-stitch. 补缀品再创造作为镶嵌画例如浅钉,ASCII艺术,瓷砖,和穿过针脚的图像。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. square brick is used at pave square and viatic contented ceramic tile. 广场砖用于铺砌广场及道路的陶瓷砖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Bo changes brick Bo to change a brick is complete ceramic tile actually. 玻化砖玻化砖其实就是全瓷砖。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. it is suitable for polishing all kinds of granite; ceramic tile and microlite. 本产品适用于各种花岗岩,瓷砖和微晶石的抛光。 www.imediaconnection.com.cn 7. This company all ceramic tile ceramic can hair freight less-than-one carload to Hong Kong and other place. 本公司所有瓷砖陶瓷可以发货运零担到香港和其他所地。 gaishi5.cn.alibaba.com 8. Household environment such as ceramic tile of wear, if you like it, you must not miss. 瓷砖等家居环境中穿,如果你喜欢就千万不要错过。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. waterproof outer walls of the old and new paint, ceramic tile mosaic impermeability plugging, interior paint and coatings maintenance; 新旧外墙做防水涂料,瓷砖马赛克抗渗堵漏,内墙油漆涂料维修; www.good2.com 10. Research on an environmental protection ceramic tile of high water permeability 高透水性环保陶瓷砖的研究开发 service.ilib.cn 1. Method for the realization of a ceramic tile, glazed or enamelled 施釉陶瓷砖的制造方法 lib.jci.jx.cn 2. Construction and Demolition - Ceramic Tile, Terrazzo and Marble Work - Safety Requirements 修建和拆除的瓷砖、水磨石和大理石作业时的安全要求 www.isres.com 3. Construction Technology of Fluorocarbon Paint to Renovation of Existing Ceramic Tile External Wall Facing 用氟碳漆改造原瓷砖外墙面的施工技术 www.ilib.cn 4. construction, decoration and other industries: floor, marble, granite, ceramic tile surface gloss measurement; 建筑、装饰等行业:地板、大理石、花岗石、瓷砖表面光泽度测量; china.eb80.com 5. Feasibility Analysis of the Outer Wall Heat Preservation and Plastering Ceramic Tile 外墙外保温粘贴瓷砖的可行性分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Load bearing, bonded, waterproof membranes for thin-set ceramic tile and dimension stone installations 薄状瓷砖和规格石料安装中的载面、粘接、防水层 www.mapeng.net 7. Technology Application of Innovation on Ceramic Tile Outer-wall Surface with Fluorocarbon Coating 氟碳漆改造原瓷砖外墙面技术应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Natural zeolite antiseptic agent and its application in ceramic tile 天然沸石抗菌剂及其在瓷砖中应用的研究 service.ilib.cn 9. Standard Test Method for Relative Resistance to Wear of Unglazed Ceramic Tile by the Taber Abraser 用泰伯磨损机测定未上釉瓷砖的相对耐磨力的试验方法 forum.unionfacade.com 10. Machine and a process for sizing and squaring slabs of materials such as a glass, stone and marble, ceramic tile and the like 玻璃、炻器、大理石、陶瓷砖及类似的板状、片状材料的加压和机器 www.ccisn.com.cn 1. Standard Test Method for Determining Visible Abrasion Resistance of Glazed Ceramic Tile 测定上釉瓷砖表观耐磨损性的标准试验方法 www.fsqtsc.com 2. Researching and Application of Polymer Emulsion Mending Ceramic Tile Facing for Leakage 聚合物乳液胶修补瓷砖贴面渗漏水的研究应用 service.ilib.cn 3. Standard Test Method for Relative Resistance to Deep Abrasive Wear of Unglazed Ceramic Tile by Rotating Disc 使用转盘的无釉陶瓷砖相对深层耐磨性的标准试验方法 www.mapeng.net 4. Analysis of application performance of binder for mortar ceramic tile modified with polymer 聚合物改性砂浆瓷砖粘结剂的应用性能分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Manage all ceramic tile sales, distribution and customer support nationally 在全国范围内管理所有的瓷砖销售和客户支持 jingzhou.classad.china.com 6. Improvement of Controlling Circuit for Ceramic Tile Polishing Machine 瓷质砖抛光机电气控制电路的改进 www.ilib.cn 7. Stress analysis and experimental study on flexible ceramic tile cementing agent 柔性瓷砖粘结剂的应力分析与试验研究 service.ilib.cn 8. Standard Test Method for Electrical Resistance of Conductive Ceramic Tile 导电瓷砖电阻的标准试验方法 www.fsqtsc.com 9. Evaluating Cleaning Performance of Ceramic Tile Cleaners 陶磁面砖清洁器的清洗性能评估 www.isres.com 10. Quality Control of EPS Exterior thermal Insulation Complex Wall with Ceramic Tile Face 瓷砖饰面EPS外保温复合墙体的质量控制 service.ilib.cn 1. The new material and new technical conglutination of the ceramic tile 瓷砖粘接的新材料、新工艺 www.ilib.cn 2. in the ceramic tile sculpture on the figure, landscape painting a vivid image of clear and accurate; 在瓷瓦上雕刻人物画、风景画生动形象,清晰准确; detail.china.alibaba.com 3. Specifications for the installation of ceramic tile 瓷砖铺设的规范 www.mapeng.net 4. Self-attaching tile of a fired ceramic tile body 烧结瓷砖坯体自粘附面砖 lib.jci.jx.cn 5. Standard Test Method for Resistance of Ceramic Tile to Chemical Substances 瓷砖耐化学物质腐蚀的标准试验方法 www.ichacha.net 6. Review and Forecast of American Ceramic Tile Industry 美国瓷砖工业市场回顾与预测 service.ilib.cn 7. Structural support frame for ceramic tile corner seats and service trays 陶瓷砖座部和托盘的结构支撑框架 www.ccisn.com.cn 8. Standard Test Method for Thermal Shock Resistance of Glazed Ceramic Tile 釉面瓷砖抗热冲击能力的试验方法 forum.unionfacade.com 9. Standard Test Method for Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic Tile 从上釉瓷砖提取铅和镉的试验方法 forum.unionfacade.com 10. Research on Sanitarian and Antibacteria Ceramic Tile 保健抗菌陶瓷瓷质砖的研制 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on Sanitarian and Antibacteria Ceramic Tile 保健抗菌陶瓷瓷质砖的研制 www.ilib.cn 2. Maintenance of automatic hydraulic press for ceramic tile 自动液压压砖机的保养 ilib.cn 3. Test Method for Measuring the Resistance of Ceramic Tile to Freeze-Thaw Cycling 测定瓷砖耐冻熔变化的试验方法 www.isres.com 4. Development of the Cluster Embedding in the Global Value Chain--The study of the global ceramic tile cluster 嵌入全球价值链的地方产业集群发展--地方建筑陶瓷产业集群研究 scholar.ilib.cn 5. The causation and prevention of ceramic tile falling off outside wall 影响外墙面砖脱落的因素及预防措施 www.ilib.cn 6. Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Ceramic Tile to Portland Cement 瓷砖和硅酸盐水泥粘着强度 www.soudoc.com 7. Composition and method for setting and grouting ceramic tile 瓷砖组成及其铺设方法 lib.jci.jx.cn 8. Case assembly with tungsten carbide inserts for ceramic tile die 带碳化钨插件可用于瓷砖生产模具的盒式装配 lib.jci.jx.cn 9. Ceramic tile adhesive water resistant compositions based on copolymers emulsions 利用共聚物乳浊液制备的防水瓷砖粘结物组成 lib.jci.jx.cn 10. Method and apparatus for fast firing glazed ceramic tile trim pieces 施釉瓷砖坯体的速烧方法及设备 lib.jci.jx.cn 1. "Five Space Brick" Development of Half Polishing Metallic Luster Glaze Ceramic Tile “五度空间石”金属光泽釉半抛瓷质砖的研制 www.ilib.cn 2. Laminated ceramic tile panel and process for producing same 层状瓷砖板及其制造方法 lib.jci.jx.cn 3. Testing method for bond strength of ceramic tile to portland cement 瓷砖对普通水泥的粘结强度测定法 www.ybqi.gov.cn 4. Testing method for shock resistance of glazed ceramic tile 陶瓷砖耐急冷急热性试验方法 www.ybqi.gov.cn 5. Ceramic tile armor with enhanced joint and edge protection 增强接缝和边缘保护的陶瓷砖盔甲 www.ccisn.com.cn 6. standard test method for breaking strength of ceramic tile 瓷砖抗断强度的标准试验方法 www.ichacha.net 7. Method of decorating and redecorating a ceramic tile surface 陶瓷面砖的装饰与再装饰方法 www.ccisn.com.cn 8. Study on the leakage of ceramic tile wall and preventive measures 瓷砖外墙墙体渗漏的原因与防治 www.ilib.cn 9. Influence of ELOTEX re dispersing size powder on properties of ceramic tile binding mortar ELOTEX可再分散胶粉对瓷砖粘结砂浆性能的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. Modern Management of Batch Formula of Ceramic Tile Body and Glaze 陶瓷墙地砖坯釉料配方的科学管理 www.ilib.cn 1. Current Development of Pelleting technology for Ceramic Tile 瓷质砖造粒技术 service.ilib.cn 2. Ceramic tile expansion engine housing 可膨胀发动机外壳瓷砖 lib.jci.jx.cn 3. Development of Nanon Bacterial Resistance Ceramic Tile 纳米抗菌陶瓷墙地砖的研制 www.ilib.cn 4. Straight edge apparatus for laying ceramic tile 铺置瓷砖用直边装置 lib.jci.jx.cn 5. Tile board for constructing ceramic tile sheets 用于制造陶瓷砖片的砖板 lib.jci.jx.cn 6. Test Method for Bond Strength of Ceramic Tile to Portland Cement 瓷砖和硅酸盐水泥粘着强度的试验方法 www.mapeng.net 7. A New Technology for Ceramic Tile Die with Isostatic Pressing 等静压瓷砖模具新工艺 www.ilib.cn 8. The present and development and development of grain dry preparation in ceramic tile industry 陶瓷墙地砖干法制粉工艺技术现状及发展 www.ilib.cn 9. Wafer test and burn-in platform using ceramic tile supports 使用陶瓷砖支撑的薄片测试和内烧平台 www.ccisn.com.cn 10. The Application of PLC in the Automatical Hydraulic Punching Machine of Ceramic Tile PLC在全自动液压压砖机中的应用 ilib.cn 1. Method and apparatus for removing ceramic tile 瓷砖撤除方法和装置 lib.jci.jx.cn 2. Outdoor insulation system of outer-wall decorated by ceramic tile 以瓷砖为饰面层的外墙外保温体系 www.ilib.cn 3. Design of Computer System to Detect Ceramic Tile Error 检测陶瓷墙地砖误差的计算机系统的设计 service.ilib.cn 4. Development of Repair Coatings for Ceramic Tile Outer- wall Surface 用于瓷砖类外墙表面翻新体系涂料的开发 www.ilib.cn 5. Test Method for Measuring Warpage of Ceramic Tile 测量瓷砖挠曲度的试验方法 www.ichacha.net 6. The causes and solution to sides defects of ceramic tile 关于仿古砖崩边、崩角缺陷的分析及解决方法 service.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on the defects of semi-product of ceramic tile 瓷质砖半成品缺陷分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Apparatus for cutting ceramic tile 瓷砖切割设备 lib.jci.jx.cn 9. Ceramic Tile Motif Cutting Machine 瓷砖切割机器 vip.globalimporter.net 10. The Opinion and Suggestion to Ceramic Tile Test 对陶瓷砖检测的一点见解和建议 www.ilib.cn 1. High Precision Ceramic Tile Quality Control System Based on Computer Vision 基于计算机视觉的高精度瓷砖质检系统 www.ilib.cn 2. Ceramic tile produced from sludge slag 采用废泥浆矿砂制造的瓷砖 lib.jci.jx.cn 3. Defect Inspection of Ceramic Tile Surface Based on BP Neural Network and Region Growing 基于神经区域生长瓷砖表面缺陷检测 www.ilib.cn 4. Ceramic tile spacing gauge and tile holder 陶瓷间隙处理及固定器 lib.jci.jx.cn 5. Extruded trim system for ceramic tile wall 陶瓷墙地砖的挤压修坯系统 www.ccisn.com.cn 6. Method of fabricating ceramic tile 瓷砖制造方法 lib.jci.jx.cn 7. Inlay ceramic tile on GRC partition board GRC隔墙板上镶贴瓷砖的施工方法 www.ilib.cn 8. The World Ceramic Tile Manufacturers 世界瓷砖联合会 www.0591house.com 9. ceramic mosaic tile ceramic tile 陶瓷锦砖,马赛克, wenku.baidu.com 10. Research for the On-Line Thickness Detection of Ceramic Tile Based on CCD 基于CCD的瓷砖厚度在线检测研究 service.ilib.cn 1. Stove with ceramic tile inserts 瓷砖镶嵌炉 lib.jci.jx.cn 2. Ceramic tile unit for a floor or a wall 陶瓷墙地砖生产设备 lib.jci.jx.cn 3. Ceramic tile and glaze for use thereon 瓷砖及其用釉 lib.jci.jx.cn 4. Firing Process of Ceramic Tile in Roller Kiln 砖坯在辊道窑中的烧成变化探讨 www.ilib.cn 5. How to Control Ceramic Tile Radioactivity 建陶企业如何控制产品的放射性 www.ilib.cn 6. Change in Organization of Ceramic Tile Enterprise in China 我国陶瓷墙地砖企业组成的新变化 www.ilib.cn 7. The Study on the Automatic Image Registration Based on the Borders of Ceramic Tile for Defects Detection 基于边界特征配准的墙地砖缺陷检测研究 www.wanfangdata.com.cn 8. Kind and Use of Back Pattern of Ceramic Tile 陶瓷墙地砖底纹种类及作用 www.ilib.cn 9. Hole cutter for hard materials such as ceramic tile 瓷砖等硬质材料的孔洞切割器 lib.jci.jx.cn 10. The development of diopside ceramic tile 透辉石瓷质砖的研制 service.ilib.cn 1. ANFACER - Brazilian Association of Ceramic Tile Manufacturers 日前,巴西瓷砖制造商协会 www.ccsiw.com 2. Association of Ceramic Tile Manufacturers of 西班牙瓷砖制造商协会 www.ccpit.info |
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