单词 | Anglo |
释义 |
复数:Anglos 例句释义: 欧裔白人,盎格鲁,盎格鲁人,英国的 1. The countries which did not experience the long boom in prices seen in the Anglo-Saxon world are now apparently avoiding the bust. 有些国家现在很明显躲过了这次经济萧条,他们没有经历过在盎格鲁-撒克逊世界里所见到的长期价格上涨。 www.bing.com 2. Lazarus Zim, a previous boss of Anglo American South Africa, left in 2006 to set up a BEE investment firm after just a year in the job. 上一任英美能源公司南非区负责人LazarusZim在工作一年后于2006年辞职去建立了BEE投资公司。 www.ecocn.org 3. But once the Anglo-French divide is transcended, the question of what defines the Commonwealth becomes still harder. 但一旦超越了英法分歧,英联邦就更难界定了。 www.ecocn.org 4. Today, the French media are asking why "England is burning" , just as the Anglo-Saxon press posed the question of Paris six years ago. 今天,法国媒体在问为什么“英国在燃烧”,正如英国媒体在6年前对巴黎提出同样的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 5. I never cease to be amazed how her coalition managed to frame this complex financial crisis purely in terms of Anglo-Saxon greed. 她的联合政府如何能够做到将这场复杂金融危机完全归咎于盎格鲁-撒克逊人的贪婪,这一点总是令我惊叹不已。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I was raised in northern California in a predominantly white, Anglo-Saxon suburb with a complicated sense of my own identity. 我在北加利福尼亚州的一个以昂格鲁撒克逊白人为主的社区长大,对我自己的身份认同有着复杂的感觉。 www.america.gov 7. As decade - long Anglo-Saxon consumption peters out, a secular bear market is possible. 如果美国人消费从近十年来的水平开始下降的话,一个长期的熊市也是可能的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. For the time being, though, almost everyone seems to have it in for the Anglo-Saxons. 不过,当前几乎所有人似乎都对盎格鲁-撒克逊人怀恨在心。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I used to worked with a lot of Anglo influences because before I started listening to salsa , it was all about rock in my house. 我过去受美国白人音乐的影响较大。在我开始听萨尔萨之前,我的房子里充满了摇滚。 dict.wenguo.com 10. The concept of criminal behavior in Anglo-American Criminal Law is different from that of continental legal system. 英美刑法中犯罪行为的概念具有不同于大陆法系刑法中犯罪行为概念的特色。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The Anglo-Australian company earlier announced that four male staff had been detained in Shanghai but said the reason remained unclear. 这家英澳合资公司早些时候宣布,4名男性员工在上海被拘留,但同时表示他们被拘留的原因仍然“未明”。 www.tryjohn.com 2. Such a trick has been used to boost Anglo's capital before. 这样的伎俩曾用来提高盎格鲁银行的资本额。 www.ecocn.org 3. Or, to put it another way and teach the Chinese authorities a good bit of teenage Anglo-American insouciance: good luck with that. 或者,换一种方式说,也教中国当局一句十几岁的英裔美国人中的流行语:祝你好运(goodluckwiththat)。 dongxi.net 4. Who would have predicted at my birth or at his death what a severe blow to me would be the demise of this estimable Anglo-Indian! 当我诞生时,谁能料到,那位尊敬的英裔印度人死后,竟会留给我如此巨大的折磨! www.bing.com 5. But such downturns are more severe in countries with the Anglo-Saxon sort of financial system, because their lending is more procyclical. 不过对于那些拥有英美式金融体系的国家来说,这种下滑会更加严重,因为他们的信贷行为更加具有顺周期的性质。 www.ecocn.org 6. Although Alfred encouraged reading and writing in Anglo-Saxon as well as in Latin, most works continued to be written in Latin. 尽管阿尔弗雷德提倡人们不仅用拉丁文,也用盎格鲁?撒克逊语读书、写作,但大多数著作仍然是用拉丁文书写。 club.topsage.com 7. The ministry would seek information from Anglo chief executive Cynthia Carroll at a previously scheduled meeting on Thursday, he said. 他表示,矿产部计划周四与英美资源集团召开会议,届时将从其执行长CynthiaCarroll处了解更多信息。 cn.reuters.com 8. Even Spain, with its new Anglo-Saxon business culture, tried to stop a German utility from taking over a Spanish power company. 甚至西班牙在新盎格鲁萨克森商业文化影响下,也阻止德国公用事业公司插手西班牙电力企业。 www.ecocn.org 9. As the son of an Anglo mother and a Hispanic father, however, he knew all along that the task was not always possible. 然而,他母亲是盎格鲁血统,父亲是拉美裔,他早就知道这种分法不总是切实可行的。 www.hotdic.com 10. Although some parts of his analysis may appear too mercantilist to the Anglo-Saxon reader, his main thesis is all too convincing. 虽然他的部分分析可能对盎格鲁-撒克逊读者来说显得重商主义色彩太浓,但他的主要论点非常具有说服力。 www.ftchinese.com 1. France's Nicolas Sarkozy was the only one who insisted last week that the crisis spelt the demise of "Anglo-Saxon capitalism" . 法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)是上周唯一坚称此次危机表明“盎格鲁-撒克逊式资本主义”灭亡的人。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But the fact that the Anglo-Australian miner is weighing a bid at all suggests it has emerged from its post-Alcan funk. 但力拓毕竟是在考虑竞购,这个事实表明,这家英澳矿商已经从收购加拿大铝业(Alcan)后的恐慌情绪中复元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It may have been a collection of Anglo-Saxon heirlooms buried at a later time. 它还有可能只是普通的盎格鲁撒时代的家族宝藏埋藏地而已。 www.bing.com 4. In the financial world, our lousy "Anglo-Saxon" system of supervision and regulation had in practice meant no regulation at all, he said. 在金融领域,糟糕的“盎格鲁-撒克逊”(Anglo-Saxon)监管体系实际上就是指根本没监管。 www.ftchinese.com 5. However, an Anglo American company official said the $4bn was the likely total investment in the project. 然而,英美资源集团的一位管理人士表示,40亿美元可能就是该项目的总投资额。 www.ftchinese.com 6. We do not know how to close the gap in reading, science and math between Anglo and Asian students and black and Hispanic students. 我们不知道如何缩小英美和亚洲学生,黑人和拉美裔学生在阅读,科学和数学方面的差距。 www.bing.com 7. But in most industries the underlying logic of the Anglo-Saxon model is no more or less obvious today than it was two years ago. 但如今大多行业中英美模式的潜在逻辑并不比两年前有多少变化。 club.topsage.com 8. For, despite his qualities, Tintin has never been a big hit in the Anglo-Saxon world. 因为虽然制作精美,丁丁从来没有成为过英语世界中的大热门。 www.ecocn.org 9. The long years of being lectured about their inadequacies by the Anglo-Saxons were over. 被盎格鲁撒克逊人训斥得一无是处的漫长岁月终于一去不复返了。 www.bing.com 10. I grew up in a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) household, and my wife grew up in a Cuban household. 我出生在安格鲁撒克逊的白人清教徒家庭,而我太太出生在一个古巴家庭。 www.bing.com 1. Anglo-Saxon poets wrote things about war, exile, the sea with its hardship and its fascination, ruined cities and minstrel life. 盎格鲁-萨克森诗歌描写了关于战争、流放、大海的艰难和魔力、衰败的城市和吟游诗人的生活。 zasmarquess.blog.163.com 2. There was a "perception of the conversion event as a spiritual battle, " writes Karen Jolly, an authority on Anglo-Saxon popular religion. 这被看做是“精神上的圣战”KarenJolly如此写道,他是研究盎格鲁撒克逊时代流行宗教的权威。 www.bing.com 3. The "sandwich economy" between China and Japan is looking limp around the edges, thanks mainly to its oddly Anglo-Saxon appetite for debt. 这个夹在中国和日本之间的“三明治经济体”看上去有些摇摇欲坠,这主要是由于它对债券那种古怪的“盎格鲁-撒克逊式”兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 4. If one more person tells me at a dinner party that it's our own "Anglo Saxon fault" for living on credit, I shall scream. 如果还有人胆敢在晚宴上告诉我是我们自己的“盎格鲁撒克逊式错误”造成了我们生活在贷款之上,我一定会冲他吼。 www.bing.com 5. My understanding of the general rule in the Anglo-American tradition is that there is no legal duty to rescue the child. 在我所理解的英美法系的普遍规则中,旅行者没有法律上的义务去救那个小孩。 blog.163.com 6. This process is called voir dire, an Anglo-French term meaning "to speak the truth. " 这个程序被称作“voirdire”,一个英用法语词汇,意思是“说出事实真相。” blog.163.com 7. The Rio deal would give Chinalco as much as an 18% stake in the Anglo-Australian miner as well as direct stakes in a number of its mines. 根据交易条款,中铝公司将获得力拓至多18%的股权,并直接入股力拓的数个矿业资产。 www.bing.com 8. Anglo American said the plan was to build a "clean coal to chemicals" project. 英美资源集团表示,计划建设一个“从洁净煤到化工产品”的项目。 dict.bioon.com 9. The word loot itself is an Anglo-Indian word with a root in the Hindi word "lut" . LOOT这个单词本身是英印语,其中包含了北印度语的词根“lut”。 www.bing.com 10. and Pringle, exaggerating the disaster, goes so far as to say that the Anglo-Dutch army was reduced to thirty-four thousand men. 这些事实都是西博恩报导的,普林格尔甚至说英荷联军只剩下三万四千人。 www.chinabaike.com 1. If Xstrata can find the money for a premium, shareholders are likely to force Anglo's management into talks. 如果斯特拉塔能找到地价所需资金,那么股东们可能会强迫英美资源集团商讨其经营。 www.bing.com 2. But all that the widow of the high Anglo-Indian official said to me was: "Come along, Ruby, have a cup of tea. " 但是,这位高级英裔印度官员的寡妇,对我说的只是:“来吧,鲁比,喝一杯茶吧。” www.bing.com 3. France itself was unreliable and needed in turn to be checked by an Anglo-Austrian alliance at times. 法国本身也是靠不住的,还反而时常需要英奥联盟加以钳制。 4. But Tuesday, the Anglo-Dutch company would commit to that growth only for the next three years, declining to forecast beyond then. 不过,该公司周二只表示未来3年将实现上述增幅,拒绝对更长时期的增长前景发表预测。 www.bing.com 5. However, Mick Davis, chief executive of Xstrata, indicated that his company continued to eye Anglo. 不过,斯特拉塔首席执行官米克?戴维斯(MickDavis)暗示,公司仍将关注英美资源集团。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Anglo American feminist criticism is no longer concerned with the literary productions of a supposedly separate and "other" female culture. 英美女性主义批评不再牵涉到那个据信是分离的、作为“他者”的女性文化所创作出来的文学作品。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Vale, Brazil's biggest mining group, was forced to admit yesterday it was in talks over a takeover of its Anglo-Swiss rival Xstrata. 巴西最大矿业集团淡水河谷(Vale)昨日被迫承认,该公司正在就收购英-瑞竞争对手斯特拉塔公司(Xstrata)展开谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Much of the rest of his tale concerns Sean Fitzpatrick's disastrous mortgage bank, Anglo Irish. 他的其余大部分篇章都在关注肖恩?菲茨帕特里克的灾难性抵押贷款银行——盎格鲁爱尔兰银行。 bbs.ecocn.org 9. ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE'S chronicles of the Anglo-Saxon world did not stop with America. 亚历克西斯?德?托克维尔的盎格鲁-撒克逊世界探险记并没有停驻在美国。 www.ecocn.org 10. The medieval city lost tens of thousands of citizens and nearly every building to heavy Anglo-American bombing near the end of World War II. 这个中世纪的城市在二战后期遭受的英美联合轰炸中失去了成千上万的市民和几乎所有的建筑。 bbs.shangdu.com 1. In preaching reform and openly admiring the Anglo-American system, he seems to embrace liberalisation and more competition. 他一方面大讲改革之道,公开赞赏盎格鲁-美利坚模式,他看起来欢迎自由化和更多的竞争。 www.ecocn.org 2. Top Anglo shareholders rejected Xstrata's call for "a merger of equals, " betting that initial proposal was just an opening play. 英美资源大股东们拒绝了Xstrata提出的“对等合并”提议,认为最初的提议只是一个开场。 cn.reuters.com 3. The much-touted miracle of Anglo-Saxon capitalism turned out to be a mirage. 吹嘘过度的盎格鲁撒克逊人的资本主义的奇迹最终成为一场海市蜃楼。 www.24en.com 4. So how did the portrait come to be in the hands of a leading Anglo-Irish family, and how did it go unnoticed? 肖像画是怎样会落到这个重要的英格兰-和爱尔兰的家人的手里以及它是怎样会被人们所忽视的呢? www.bing.com 5. Expert witness system is countries of Anglo-American law system is an important part of the system. 专家证人制度是英美法系国家证据制度的重要组成部分。 wenda.tianya.cn 6. The best American newspapers are certainly superior to their Anglo-Australian counterparts in terms of depth and seriousness. 在报导的深度和严肃性上,美国最好的报纸当然要比英澳地区的同类出色。 www.ecocn.org 7. Anglo American, the mining group, has gone against its conservative image in its choice of a new chief executive, announced yesterday. 在选择新首席执行官时,英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)一反其保守形象。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Anticipatory breach in British and American law is different, although it is called as "Anglo-American law's anticipatory breach" . 虽然统称为英美法系的预期违约,但是英国法和美国法中的预期违约规则是不完全相同的。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. Executives of the Anglo-Dutch oil company Shell have been defending their Nigerian operations at a parliamentary hearing in the Netherlands. 英荷皇家壳牌公司在荷兰议会听证会上为他们在尼日利亚的业务作出辩护。 www.voanews.cn 10. The sale marks a further scaling-down of the Oppenheimer family's links with Anglo American, the company Ernest Oppenheimer founded in 1917. 英美资源集团由欧内斯特?奥本海默(ErnestOppenheimer)在1917年创建,此次出售交易标志着奥本海默家族在该集团的持股规模进一步缩减。 www.ftchinese.com 1. And just as few traces of the less permanent Anglo-Saxon structures remain today, the same goes for Old English. 就像盎格鲁-撒克逊风格的老房子都已经无影无踪了一样,古英语也所剩无几。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 2. In the countries of Anglo-American law system, being in the broadest sense of the expert witness or act as general witness. 在英美法系国家,鉴定人被作为广义上的证人或充当一般证人来看待。 wenda.tianya.cn 3. It was only after 1204 that Dover found itself in the front line of Anglo-French rivalry. 1204年以后,多佛才成为英法对抗的前沿。 www.bing.com 4. William replaced the witan , the council of the Anglo-Saxon kings, with the Grand Council of his new tenants-in-chief. 威廉用由他之土地承租人组成之大议会取代了安各鲁撒克逊国王之顾问团-贤人会议。 www.wzksw.com 5. If the British could choose their leader from a host of recent Anglo-American greats, they would pick Bill Clinton before Tony Blair. 如果让英国人从众多的英美伟人中选出他们的领袖,克林顿的排名要比布莱尔靠前。 www.ecocn.org 6. "I wouldn't say that our legal system . . . is any worse than the Anglo-American system, " he said. “我不会说我们的法律制度……是比欧美系统更槽糕。”他说。 bbs.m4.cn 7. The only Scottish - based boats which request the permits are Anglo- Spanish vessels administered from Ayr and Ullapool. 苏格兰唯一申请许可的船只是艾尔和阿勒浦管理的盎格鲁-西班牙舰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. International competitions began with Anglo-French matches around 1900, leading to archery's appearance in the Olympic Games of that year. 国际射箭比赛于1900年前后在英法之间展开,并最终于同年进入奥运会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. However, the reform of New Public Management developed in the state of Anglo-Saxon system, America, England, Australia and New Zealand. 但是,新公共管理理论或者称之为新公共管理改革基本上都发生在英、美、澳、新西兰等盎格鲁-撒克逊体系的国家。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. "We deliberately did not introduce an Anglo-Saxon model. " “我们有意没有引入盎格鲁撒克逊模式。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Rhodes believed that the Anglo-Saxons were the finest of all races, and the British empire was God's instrument to maximise their influence. 罗兹认为,盎格鲁撒克逊人是所有种族中最优秀的,大不列颠帝国是上帝用来实现最大范围布道的工具。 www.ecocn.org 2. Furthermore, Anglo looks to be in a weaker position than many of its competitors in the industry. 此外,与业内许多竞争对手相比,英美资源集团似乎处于更为弱势的地位。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Moreover, his London trip was not the first time that Mr Sarkozy has tried to seduce the French with an Anglo-Saxon foray. 而且,萨尔科奇用这种英国式的突访,即伦敦之行来取悦法国国内绝非首次。 www.ecocn.org 4. By 1623, the Anglo-Dutch reached a tacit understanding: Dutch East India monopoly Islands, the British monopoly of the Indian subcontinent. 到了1623年,英荷才达成默契:荷兰垄断东印度群岛,英国垄断印度次大陆。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 5. If they had an outfit of Anglo-Saxon nerves, they would be as wretched as we frequently suppose them to be. 如果他们具有盎格鲁—撒克逊人的神经系统,那么,他们就会像通常设想的那样痛苦。 chen.bokerb.com 6. However it portrays its plans, the Swiss miner evidently smells Anglo's blood and is crawling like a leopard towards it. 无论斯特拉塔以何种方式描述自己的计划,它显然已经闻到了英美资源集团的血腥味,并且正像一头美洲豹一样慢慢爬近。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Nevertheless, as a member of the Anglo-Irish ruling class, Swift received the best education Ireland could offer. 然而,作为一个成员的盎格鲁爱尔兰统治阶级,斯威夫特得到最好的教育爱尔兰可以提供。 lwdx123.com 8. They would be directly exposed to the enlightening refulgence of our Anglo-Saxon attitudes. 他们会直接暴露于我们盎格鲁撒克逊观念的启迪光辉之中。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Not so long ago, Berlin depicted the financial crisis as an Anglo-Saxon problem. 就在不久前,德国政府还将金融危机描述为英美两国问题。 www.ftchinese.com 10. At this period, after his long fast, the toad has a very spiritual look, like a strict Anglo-Catholic towards the end of Lent. 这个阶段的蟾蜍,在经历了他漫长的禁食期之后,形态上具有相当程度的宗教色彩,恰似一位行将完成四旬斋的虔诚的国教教徒。 www.bing.com 1. Aluminum Corp of China suspended its shares yesterday amid expectations of a deal with Rio Tinto, the Anglo-Australian miner. 因预期与英澳矿业公司力拓(RioTinto)达成一桩交易,中国铝业集团公司(AluminumCorpofChina)股票昨停牌。 www.ftchinese.com 2. His grandfather had fought against the British during the Anglo-Boer war. 在盎格鲁---布尔人战争中,他的祖父抗击英国人。 www.ecocn.org 3. In 1860, the Anglo-French Allied Forces invaded Beijing and set fire to many of the buildings within the garden. 在1860年,英法盟军侵略北京并纵火烧毁了很多院内的建筑物。 www.beijingguide2008.com 4. Immigration and a common Anglo-Saxon heritage tie them culturally to North America and the United Kingdom. 作为移民国家和共同的盎格鲁-撒克逊文化继承者,他们在文化上亲近北美和英国。 www.bing.com 5. Anglo Saxons were known locally as "Americans. " The hierarchy of nationalities was expressed in a way peculiar to the region. 盎格鲁撒克逊人被当地人把它称为“美国人”。层次的民族是一个地区特有的方式表达。 www.bing.com 6. Some of this fuss reflects the culture shock in countries suddenly facing the full rigours of Anglo-American capitalism. 英美资本主义的严格苛刻突然袭来,接受国家由此而受到文化冲击,部分慌乱是其反映。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. De Beers has pushed back its results to February 20, to be announced alongside those of its parent, Anglo American. 戴比尔斯将业绩报告的发布时间推迟至2月20日,与母公司英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)同时发布。 www.ftchinese.com 8. "All the Indians wanted to be Anglo-Indian, " said Malcolm Booth, an 83-year-old officer of the All India Anglo-Indian Association. “所有的印度人都想成为安格鲁印第安人”,83岁的全安格鲁印第安协会会长MalcolmBooth如是说。 www.ecocn.org 9. In reality, the balkanization project in Sudan has been going on since the end of British colonial rule in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. 事实上,从英国在埃及苏丹的殖民统治结束后,分割苏丹的计划就形成了。 www.mwjx.com 10. The highlight of the trip should be the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, a liberal theologian much beloved of Anglo-Catholics. 此行的重头戏应该是红衣主教约翰·亨利·纽曼的宣福礼,此人为备受英国国教天主教派所喜爱的19世纪自由神学家。 www.ecocn.org 1. The highlight of the trip should be the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman, a liberal theologian much beloved of Anglo-Catholics. 此行的重头戏应该是红衣主教约翰·亨利·纽曼的宣福礼,此人为备受英国国教天主教派所喜爱的19世纪自由神学家。 www.ecocn.org 2. After all, during the previous decade, they had to move in the Anglo-Saxon direction, introducing economic reforms to gain competitiveness. 毕竟在过去的十年里,社会市场经济国家不得不朝着盎格鲁-撒克逊模式努力,引入经济改革以获得竞争力。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Most people agree that the word "Easter" comes from the Anglo-Saxon4 Goddess Eastre, a symbol of Spring. 多数人认为“复活节”一词源于盎格鲁撒克逊人所信奉的女神EASTRE,她是春天的象征。 edu.sina.com.cn 4. By and large, however, Anglo-Saxon poetry is categorised by the manuscripts in which it survives, rather than its date of composition. 总的来说,但是,盎格鲁撒克逊人的诗歌是分类的手稿,其中生存,而不是它的日期组成。 q.sohu.com 5. The Berlin Airlift was a brilliant demonstration of Anglo-American power, peacefully employed for democratic ends. 柏林空运(BerlinAirlift)辉煌展现了为民主目标而和平动用的英美威力。 www.america.gov 6. A historical region of western England on the Welsh border. It was part of the kingdom of Mercia during Anglo-Saxon times. 什罗普郡英格兰西部一历史地区,与威尔士接壤,在盎格鲁-撒克逊时代是麦西亚王国的一部分。 www.hotdic.com 7. Anglo-French relations have thawed considerably since the dispute over farming quotas. 在有关农业配额的争端之后,英法关系已大大缓和了。 test.2u4u.com.cn 8. Anglo Irish and Irish Nationwide would no longer take deposits, and their remaining assets would run off under direct state ownership. 两大银行将不再吸收存款,而它们的剩余资产将成为国有资产。 www.bing.com 9. Officials point to the presence of Nato forces in neighbouring Afghanistan as a launchpad for Anglo-American interference. 伊朗官员称北约驻扎在其邻国阿富汗的军队是英美对伊朗进行骚扰的跳板。 www.bing.com 10. For those farther down the ladder, French companies are hierarchical, holding no truck with Anglo-Saxon notions of "empowerment" . 对于处在公司底层的员工来说,法国公司是分等级的,但不同于盎格鲁撒克逊人所谓的“授权”。 www.ecocn.org 1. For those farther down the ladder, French companies are hierarchical, holding no truck with Anglo-Saxon notions of "empowerment" . 对于处在公司底层的员工来说,法国公司是分等级的,但不同于盎格鲁撒克逊人所谓的“授权”。 www.ecocn.org 2. Next, Mr Davis proposed a merger with Anglo American, once ranked as one of the titans of the industry. 之后,Davis提出了并购一度位于工业巨头之一的英美资源集团。 www.ecocn.org 3. Nobody seemed to think that Anglo Irish might be insolvent. Even so, the guarantee need not have been quite so broad. 当时,没有人会想到英爱银行会走向破产,不过就算如此,银行担保也没有必要涉及过多。 www.ecocn.org 4. Third, other Irish banks are thought to be big holders of Anglo Irish Bank senior bonds, so they would suffer further losses. 第三,由于其他爱尔兰银行被认为是盎格鲁爱尔兰银行高等级债券的主要持有人,他们会因此遭受进一步的损失。 www.ecocn.org 5. It was precisely this type of thinking that led to Anglo-German naval rivalry, a key factor in unleashing World War I. 正是这种想法导致英德展开海军竞赛,而这正是第一次世界大战爆发的重要原因。 www.bing.com 6. One of the enduring mysteries of Anglo- French history may finally have been solved by scientists - thanks to some pairs of trousers. 英法历史上最大的谜团之一,可能已经被科学家们给解开了—这全都得感谢好几条裤子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Hebrew Law, as the source of western legal civilization and Anglo-American law system, takes on a very high researching value. 希伯来法是西方法律文明和英美法的源头之一,具有很高的研究价值。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. For the latter group of Anglo-Saxon countries, the currency rate deviations from PPP are at all-time extremes. 对后一个英语国家的组织而言,汇率对购买力平价的偏离达到了历史峰值。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Anglo-Saxons worshipped Eastre, a goddess of Spring and fertility, whose sacred animal was the hare. 盎格鲁—萨克逊人崇拜代表春天和掌控生育的女神伊斯特,而她的神物正是兔子。 www.en400.com:8080 10. Foreigners would depart by the planeload, especially the Anglo-American crowd that dominated politics and business during British rule. 外国人将会被飞机送走,特别是在英国统治时期在政治和商业上占据主导的美国人。 www.bing.com 1. Foreigners would depart by the planeload, especially the Anglo-American crowd that dominated politics and business during British rule. 外国人将会被飞机送走,特别是在英国统治时期在政治和商业上占据主导的美国人。 www.bing.com 2. The show began with an Anglo-French rout: Costume design went to the British team behind "Elizabeth: The Golden Age. " 颁奖礼是由英法联军拉开序幕的:最佳服装设计给了《伊丽莎白:黄金时代》的英国团队。 www.hjenglish.com 3. In other words, Anglo-Saxons were able to save their cake and eat it. 换句话来说,盎格鲁撒克逊人能够省下他们的蛋糕并享用它们。 blog.ecocn.org 4. Investors remain concerned, however, given that the final cost of dealing with Anglo Irish is unclear. 但由于处置盎格鲁爱尔兰银行的最终成本尚不确定,投资者仍旧心存顾虑。 c.wsj.com 5. But Anglo Irish Bank recently reported figures that showed deposits had fallen over the first half of the year. 但盎格鲁爱尔兰银行最近报告的数据显示存款数额已在上半年下降。 c.wsj.com 6. London has benefited from being perceived as an outcrop of "Anglo-Saxon" capitalism within the more dirigisteEuropean Union. 伦敦已经从中受益,作为在更具统治地位的欧盟内盎格鲁-撒克逊资本的一块露出的岩石。 club.topsage.com 7. The aim, according to one booklet, was "to fill Australia's empty spaces with young people of white, essentially Anglo-Saxon stock" . 据一本小册子记载,该计划的目的是“用年轻的白人(基本上就是盎格鲁-撒克逊人)来填补澳大利亚广袤的空间”。 dongxi.net 8. The Irish government recently dared to force holders of subordinated debt of Anglo Irish Bank, its worst lender, to take a haircut. 爱尔兰政府最近终于鼓起了勇气,要求情况最为恶劣的盎格鲁爱尔兰银行(AngloIrishBank)的次级债务持有人接受损失。 njlyce.com 9. Mark Moody-Stuart, Anglo American chairman, said at a mining conference in Beijing yesterday that the new project could be launched in 2009. 英美资源集团董事长司徒慕德(MarkMoody-Stuart)昨日在北京参加一个采矿业大会时表示,新项目可能将于2009年启动。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Hearsay Evidence is the one of the most controversial evidence types in Anglo-American Evidence Law System. 传闻证据是英美证据法中最赋有争议的证据类型之一。 www.13191.com 1. If you want to hear what English's Anglo - Saxon parent sounded like 1400 years ago, listen to Grendel in this movie. 如果你想听听1400年前盎格尔撒克逊英语,那就享受贝奥武夫这部电影吧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Almost four weeks later, the Anglo-Australians are still holding out for more. 将近4周之后,这两家英澳矿商仍在坚持更高的价格。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Fighting with a lance and an axe betrays their Anglo- Saxon and Norman heritage. 用骑枪和斧战斗来自于他们的盎格鲁-萨克森和诺曼传统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. that Anglo-French relations only feature in his mind when the annual summit comes along. 它给人们的印象是只有一年一度的最高级会议快要开会时才想起法英关系来。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The Anglo-Saxons represented the greatest hindrance to the establishment of the New Order. 盎格鲁撒克逊人是极力阻挠建立“新秩序”的代表。 6. I feel sure that, in time, Anglo American's board will want to examine comprehensively the merits of this transaction for its shareholders. 我坚信,英美资源集团董事会迟早会希望全面了解这一交易能为其股东带来的利益。 cn.reuters.com 7. He agrees that the crisis "represents the crash of the Anglo-American model" . But he is not keen on heavy regulation. 他同样认为这场经济危机“标志着盎格鲁-美利坚模式的破产”,但仍然对严格的监管制度情有独钟。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. English idioms, as cultural loads, derive from Anglo- American social life, religious belief, literary allusions and foreign languages. 英语习语作为语言文化的载体,大量来源于英美社会生活、宗教信仰、文学典故和外来习语。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Lack of capital in Anglo-Saxon economies and massive foreign exchange reserves in the developing world are two sides of the same coin. 美国经济的缺乏资金和发展中世界大规模的外汇储备是一枚硬币的两面。 www.bing.com 10. It is, in short, one of the canonical "Anglo-Saxon" economies. 简言之,英国是一个标准的“盎格鲁撒克逊”经济体。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I do not think there is any Anglo-Saxon country where the interests of teachers would have roused the same degree of public feeling. 我想在盎格鲁撒克逊人的国家里,不会因为教师的利益而引起如此巨大的社会反响。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Xstrata, the Anglo-Swiss metals group, has been widely rumoured as a rival bidder for Falconbridge and already owns 19. 9 per cent of it. 英国-瑞士金属集团斯特拉塔(Xstrata)被盛传为竞购鹰桥的对手,并已拥有其19.9%的股份。 kc.51test.net 3. Vale, Brazil's mining giant, recently picked up a clutch of assets from Rio Tinto, its debt-laden Anglo-Australian rival. 巴西矿业巨擘Vale最近拿下了澳大利亚力拓公司的一部分资产。总部设在英国的力拓公司是Vale的对手,如今已负债累累。 www.ecocn.org 4. Generally speaking, money-lending is the main profession of medieval Anglo-Jewry. Many Jewish women are discovered to attend it. 中世纪英国犹太人从事的主要职业是借贷业,而其中出现了不少犹太妇女借贷者。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. A full scale mock up of the Anglo-French supersonic passenger jet is prepared in Filton, England, for presentation to customer airlines. 英格兰菲尔顿的一架英法超音速客机的仿真样机,这是为了向航空公司这样的客户介绍产品而准备的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Britain cares about its military prowess, as the brouhaha over this week's Anglo-French defence accord suggests (see article). 英国一直在乎自己的军事实力,从本周纷纷扰扰的《英法防卫协定》会议就能看出。 www.ecocn.org 7. All men and women, rich and poor, white or colored, Anglo-Saxon or Latino, are to have the equal protection of equal laws. 所有男人、女人、富人、穷人、白人、有色人、盎格鲁萨克逊人或拉丁人,都享有平等法律的平等保护。 www.america.gov 8. Advocated Anglo-American alliance, English nation to unite to stop the Soviet Union's "aggression. " 主张英、美结成同盟,英语民族联合起来,制止苏联的“侵略”。 wenwen.soso.com 9. "I will to my lord be true and faithful, and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns . " - Anglo Saxon Oath of Fealty. “我将真诚待奉我的领主,爱他所爱的,恶他所恶的。”-盎格鲁-撒克逊效忠誓词。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The British Society for Anglo- Chinese Understanding: f. 1965; Chair. - Jim Pennington. 英中了解协会:1965年成立;主席-吉奥.彭宁顿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The trust is the guardian angel of the Anglo-Saxon, accompanying him everywhere, impassively, from the cradle to the grave. 信托是盎格鲁撒克逊人的守护天使,冷漠地、无所不在地陪伴着他们,从摇篮到坟墓。 bbs.diandian.net 2. Insecurity haunts British practitioners of the Anglo-American relationship. 英美关系中的英方人士被危险所缠住。 www.ecocn.org 3. He lived by the Anglo-Protestant principles he cherished: hard work, honesty, fair play, courage, loyalty and patriotism. 他抱有英国新教徒的准则并一生都以此行事:努力工作,诚实,公正,勇敢,忠诚和爱国。 www.bing.com 4. according to the actual effect , there is no actual difference between the continental law system and anglo - american " s" . 从实际效果考察,大陆法系的代表说与英美法系的代理说并无实际的不同。 www.ichacha.net 5. Specialists believe that the mat was stolen by the Anglo-French force that invaded China in the 1900s, and later sold to the pearl broker. 专家们认为是1900年英法联军侵略中国的时候被偷的,后来他们卖给了珍珠商。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Politicians in France, Germany and elsewhere announced the death of the "ultra-liberal" Anglo-Saxon economic model. 法国、德国以及其他国家的政客纷纷宣称盎格鲁—撒克逊“极端自由主义”经济模式的灭亡。 www.ecocn.org 7. They even brought the stories back to the English descendants of the Anglo-Saxons who had been the historic Arthur's enemies. 他们甚至带来的故事回到了盎格鲁撒克逊人的历史一直是谁亚瑟的敌人英国后裔。 www.en400.com:8080 8. Not long ago Rio Tinto, another Anglo-Australian giant, reported record profits for the first half of the year. 不久前,另一家英澳联合采矿企业力拓公司也公布了本年度上半年的利润报告。 www.putclub.com 9. Chinalco spokesman called it an economically rational decision to prevent the dilution of its ownership in the Anglo-Australian miner. 中铝一名发言人称,从公司经济利益来看,这是一个合理举动,能避免中铝在这家英澳矿业集团的股权比例遭到稀释。 www.ftchinese.com 10. "Listen, this is a special approach in Anglo-Saxon countries, " he said. “听着,这是盎格鲁-撒克逊国家的特色,”他说。 www.bing.com 1. "If I had all these billions I would do this: buy 15 per cent of Anglo-American and get a seat on the board. " “如果我有这些钱,我会这么做:购买英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)15%的股权,并在董事会中谋得一个席位。” www.ftchinese.com 2. The aftermath of the crisis could widen the gap by reinforcing continental mistrust of free-wheeling Anglo-Saxon finance. 危机余殃会增强欧洲大陆对自由放任的安格鲁撒克逊式金融发展模式的不信任感,从而扩大上述差距。 www.ecocn.org 3. Anglo American alone produces on land as much copper as the likely output of 100 massive-sulphide mines. 英美公司仅仅在陆地上生产的铜可能相当于100个块状硫化物矿。 www.ecocn.org 4. Due to their young age these fanatical snipers were later given the nickname 'suicide boys' by the Anglo- American troops. 由于这些狂热狙击手们的年龄一般很小,他们很快在盟军中赢得了“自杀男孩”的称号。 www.langmanzg.com 5. The construction of US-Anglo "special relationship" constitutes a decisive factor of the origins of the Cold War. 美英“特殊关系”的构建在无形之中构成了有形冷战起源的决定性因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Some Anglo Marshalltown residents lumped Hispanic newcomers into one category: Mexican "illegal alien. " 马歇尔敦的一些白人将拉美裔移民统统归为一类:墨西哥非法移民。 www.america.gov 7. Our clan is extending soon with a lovely Chinese lady marrying my anglo -Canadian nephew. 我们的氏族很快延伸与与我的英裔加拿大人侄子结婚的一个可爱的中国夫人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Imagism was a movement in early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery, and clear, sharp language. 意象是一种运动,20世纪早期的英美诗歌的青睐精度的图像,并清晰,语言。 q.sohu.com 9. Business people to speak and communicate thinking, especially anglo-americans business thinking and daily life thinking is different. 商务人士的说话语气和交流思维,特别是英美人士的商务思维和日常生活中的思维是不同的。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. BHP Billiton, an Anglo-Australian company that is the world's largest mining firm, is trying to do the biggest deal yet. 英澳公司比和必托,是世界上最大的矿产公司,正试图进行一个至今最大的交易。 www.ecocn.org 1. In spite of a love-hate relationship with Anglo, Pretoria still views it as a national champion. 尽管南非政府对它是爱恨交加,但仍把该公司视为一家全国冠军企业。 www.ftchinese.com 2. When this language arrived, English moved away from Danish and Anglo-Saxon and passed from Old English into Middle English. 由于这种语言的到来,英语与先前的丹麦语和盎格鲁?撒克逊语渐离渐远,并从古英语过渡到中世纪英语。 club.topsage.com 3. Another decade was lost in the 1960s: this one as a result of General Charles de Gaulle's mistrust of the "Anglo-Saxons" . 上世纪60年代,英国又失去了一个关键的十年。这一次是由于法国戴高乐将军(GeneralCharlesdeGaulle)不信任“盎格鲁撒克逊人”所致。 www.ftchinese.com 4. With the Norman conquest of England, beginning in 1111 the Anglo-Saxon language rapidly diminished as a written literary language. 与诺曼征服英格兰,在1111年开始的盎格鲁撒克逊人的语言迅速减弱,书面文学语言。 q.sohu.com 5. "Opencast mines were affected, " mostly at Kriel, though they are set up to handle heavy downpours, Anglo said. 在克里尔大部分地区,“露天煤矿也受到影响,”英美资源公司称,尽管他们已经建立了应对暴雨的措施。 www.bing.com 6. DONALD KENNON: "It was a tradition in Anglo-American culture to swear oaths on a Bible. " 唐纳德.凯诺:“宣誓就职时使用圣经是盎格鲁—美国人文化的一个传统。” www.bing.com 7. Anglo-American law system and continental law system the first difference is no statute. 英美法系和大陆法系最先的差别是有无成文法。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Nowadays the Spanish government mutters darkly about a conspiracy involving the "Anglo-Saxon media" . 现如今,西班牙政府很是恼火,指责“盎格鲁-撒克逊(Anglo-Saxon)媒体”策动谋反。 www.bing.com 9. Room of One's Own also investigates the issue of androgyny and is considered a classic in Anglo-feminist literary theory. 《自己的房间》也探讨雌雄同体的概念,被视为是女性主义文学理论的经典。 jjnhgtw.blog.163.com 10. The Anglo-Australian miner, however, warns that markets could remain volatile as governments start to end their stimulus programs. 但是必和必拓矿业公司同时警告说,随着各国政府开始对经济刺激计划进行收尾,市场仍然可能出现动荡。 www.kekenet.com 1. Mr Cameron and Mr Sarkozy are determined to use next month's summit to give new momentum to Anglo-French defence relations. 卡梅伦与萨科齐决意利用下个月的高峰会议为英法防务合作注入新的动力。 www.ecocn.org 2. Much of the dud stuff comes from Anglo Irish Bank, a rogue lender that the government now plans to break up. 许多累赘来自于ANGLOIRISH银行,一个政府计划重组的大肆放贷者。 www.ecocn.org 3. Representatives from Anglo-American had what they called "spirited sessions" debating the problem with ANC leaders behind closed doors. 英美矿业公司的代表们与非国大领袖进行了秘密会晤,就此问题多次举行所谓“生气勃勃”的讨论。 www.jukuu.com 4. Bannockburn was the site, in 1314, of Scotland's biggest victory in centuries of Anglo-Scottish warfare. 盎格鲁人与苏克兰人的战争耗时数百年之久。1314年,苏格兰正是在班诺本赢得了最大的一次胜利。 www.ecocn.org 5. Anglo-American forces under General H. Alexander deliver crippling blows to German General-Field Marshal Kesselring's troops. 亚历山大将军指挥的英美联军对德军凯瑟林元帅的部队发动了致命一击。 www.tekcn.net 6. There has even been the odd nod from Davos, the church of Anglo-Saxon capitalism, to the possible merits of more interventionist policies. 就连达沃斯这个盎格鲁-撒克逊式资本主义的教堂,也对更具干预主义色彩的政策的可能优点,表示了难得的认可。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A further consequence of this lax monetary policy was big trade deficits in the Anglo-Saxon countries. 这个宽松的货币政策引发的进一步的结果将是盎格鲁-萨克逊国家严重的贸易逆差。 www.ecocn.org 8. According to the critics, reforms were urgently needed to bring the management of these companies in line with Anglo-American practice. 批评人士指出,韩国亟需对这些公司进行改革,让它们的管理与英美接轨。 www.ftchinese.com 9. in seven countries for hegemony, the Anglo-two people of the Kingdom of the political and cultural impact of expanding. 在七国争雄之中,盎格鲁人的两个王国在政治上、文化上的影响日益扩大。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Anglo-American democracy is based on the United Kingdom's parliamentary model or the separation of powers of the American political system. 英美式的民主基于英国的议会制模式或美国的权力分立政治体制。 www.america.gov 1. BP issues statement thanking England goalkeeper Robert Green for selflessly doing his bit to repair strained Anglo-US relations. 英国石油公司发表声明,鸣谢英格兰门将格林为缓和英美紧张关系所做出的无私奉献。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The principle of strict liability in Anglo-American law belongs to an nearly equals to the category of no fault liability. 英美法系的严格责任原则属于无过错责任原则的范畴,基本上等同于无过错责任原则。 lib.nwnu.edu.cn 3. The resemblance to the Anglo-American system, plus Bologna's emphasis on graduate employability, are big grievances. 博洛尼亚与英美系统的相似度,再加上其强调毕业生的受雇就业能力,都让人大为不满。 www.ecocn.org 4. the Indo-European parent language. English was first spoken by the Anglo-Saxons who invaded England in the fifth century. 英语最初是在公元五世纪入侵英格兰的盎格鲁--萨克逊人使用的。 english.31931.cn 5. After they conquered some Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the 9th century, they met the stubborn resistance of Alfred the Great, the king of Wessex. 他们征服了几个盎格鲁-撒克逊人的王国后,遇到了威塞克斯国王阿尔弗雷德大王的顽强抵抗。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. Analysts speculated that mining rivals Vale, of Brazil, and the Anglo-Australian company Rio Tinto could consider counteroffers. 分析师猜测矿业竞争对手巴西的淡水河谷(Vale)和英澳矿业巨头力拓(RioTinto)可能考虑提出竞争性收购要约。 chinese.wsj.com 7. in most countries of continental law and anglo - american law systems , the act of forcible seizure is classified into robbery or theft. 英美法系和大陆法系均把抢夺行为并入了盗窃罪和抢劫罪。 www.ichacha.net 8. Modem times is a very important historical period to Anglo-Ameican relations which gradually changed from rivalry to compromise. 近代是英美关系发展变迁的重要历史时期,在一个多世纪的时间里英美由战争、冲突逐步走向了接近与和解。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. Nor did it tame the wild beasts of Anglo-Saxon capitalism, as the French and Germans wanted it to. 他也没有如法德所期望的那样,驯服狂野的盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义。 www.ecocn.org 10. published in 2004, Samuel Huntington, a Harvard University professor, argued that Mexicans threatened Anglo-Protestant traditions. 里,哈佛大学教授塞缪尔.亨廷顿坚持认为,墨西哥人威胁到了盎格鲁清教传统。 www.ecocn.org 1. Instead, Rio chose a rights issue and iron-ore joint venture with Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton Ltd. to pay down its debt. 但力拓最后选择通过股票配售以及与英国-澳大利亚矿业巨头必和必拓(BHPBilliton)组建铁矿石合资企业的方式,来筹资偿还其巨额债务。 www.bing.com 2. At present, many schools adopted the Anglo-American literature class, "Literary History choose" model. 目前许多学校的英美文学课采用“文学史 选读”的模式。 wenwen.soso.com 3. He is undoubtedly correct to insist that the colonies were part of an Anglo-American empire. 在坚持殖民地是盎格鲁—美利坚帝国的一部分这一点上,他无疑是正确的。 www.ceruo.com 4. Instead, he blames another less well-known agreement, signed in the same month: the Anglo-Polish agreement between Britain and Warsaw. 相反,他指责了同月英国和华沙政府《英波协议》的签署,相比而言,这份协议不大为人所知。 www.bing.com 5. In mid-March the four iron ore salesmen from the Anglo-Australian mining giant finally proceeded to trial after eight months' detention. 3月中旬,在经过8个月的拘留之后,英澳矿业巨头的四名铁矿石销售人员终于进入庭审阶段。 www.ftchinese.com 6. If Anglo's current attempts at restructuring founder, its shareholders may welcome renewed interest from Xstrata. 如果英美资源集团目前要调整创建者,那么它的股东可能会欢迎从斯特拉塔重新恢复的利息。 www.ecocn.org 7. Underneath lie two differing conceptions of globalisation that make an Anglo-Indian partnership less likely. 其中潜藏的对于全球化的不同见解,将降低英印合作的可能性。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In Anglo-Saxon, Easter or Eostre is goddess of the dawn, corresponding to Ishtar, Astarte, Astoreth and Isis. 在盎格鲁——萨克逊,复活节或者春季女神是黎明女神,相应于伊施塔、阿施塔特、阿托里斯和伊希斯。 www.chinaufo.com 9. The extremes of wealth in "Anglo-Saxon" America and Britain had reached levels not seen since the 1920s. 在“盎格鲁撒克逊”的美国和英国,财富最多的已达到了二十世纪20年代以来前所未见的水平。 www.ecocn.org 10. Anglo American illustrates the dangers of geographical concentration. AngloAmerican公司给我们诠释了地理集中论的危险。 www.putclub.com 1. Once the British left India, Anglo-Indian died a natural death. 英国人一经离去,盎格鲁-印度语便自然消亡。 www.ecocn.org 2. Jonathan Swift was an Anglo-Irish writer that lived a couple of centuries ago (1667-1745). 乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667-1745)是生活在几个世纪以前的英爱作家。 www.59edu.com 3. Anglo-American theory instructs Westerners that economics is by nature a 'positive sum game' from which all can emerge as winners. 英美理论告诉西方人,经济本质上是所有参与者都可以是赢家的“正和游戏”。 jwc.ysu.edu.cn 4. And how about his generalisations about stuffy, puritanical Anglo-Saxons? 那么,对古板拘谨的盎格鲁-撒克逊人,他的概括又如何呢? www.bing.com 5. She received her Ph. D. in Comparative Literature at U of Wisconsin-Madison for Anglo-American, French and Chinese Literature. 于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校比较文学系获英美、法国和中国文学博士学位。 www.chinesescifi.org 6. Then it introduces the punitive damages of Anglo-American Legal System, and puts forward some lawmaking suggestion. 介绍了英美法系国家的相关规定,提出完善我国惩罚性赔偿数额的几点立法建议。 www.dictall.com 7. China is locked in tense talks with the two Anglo-Australian companies over annual contract prices for iron ore. 在铁矿石年度合同价格上,中国与上述两家英澳公司陷入了紧张的谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Talk in continental Europe of an "Anglo-Saxon" conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest. 欧洲大陆中关于贪婪投机者的“盎格鲁-撒克逊”阴谋论之说也并不可靠。 club.topsage.com 9. Anglo-Australian bosses are in the habit of expressing their various biases through their newspapers and TV channels. 英澳媒体的老板习惯于通过报刊和电视频道表达他们的各类偏见。 www.ecocn.org 10. The Centre Courbet, a think-tank financed by Saint Gobain, regularly produces pamphlets critical of the "Anglo-Saxon" market model. 圣戈班资助的智库库尔贝中心经常推出小册子批评“盎格鲁-撒克逊”的市场模式。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Anglo-Saxons were German tribes who invaded Britain beginning in the fifth century from their home along the northwest coast of Germany. 盎格鲁撒克逊人在第五世纪,从他们的家乡沿德国西北海岸入侵英国,他们是德国日耳曼部落。 www.zhuoyuebbs.com 2. Codexis, an American start-up backed by Royal Dutch Shell, an Anglo-Dutch oil giant, pulled off a stockmarket flotation in April. 克迪科思是由英荷石油巨头——荷兰皇家壳牌支持的美国新公司,它在四月份已经顺利完成股市浮选。 www.ecocn.org 3. He maintains that Anglo-Saxon commentators are excessively pessimistic about Spain's prospects. 他坚持认为英美的评论员们对于西班牙的前景过于悲观。 dongxi.net 4. Sure enough the Oxford English Dictionary traces mess back to Anglo-Norman and Old French before that. 果真,《牛津英语词典》将mess一词的来源追溯至盎格鲁-诺曼语和之前的古法语。 www.bing.com 5. Mr Lindbeck suggests that, where it does have economic strengths, they are of an essentially Anglo -American, market variety. 林德贝克指出,如果有经济实力,那本质上都是英美式的市场多样化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The Anglo-Saxon distress will doubtless prompt Schadenfreude across the English Channel. 盎格鲁撒克逊人的不幸无疑通过英国频道激起了一片幸灾乐祸。 www.ecocn.org 7. Originating from Anglo-American law, anticipatory breach has been adopted by treaties, conventions and the continental law system. 预期违约制度起源于英美法系,现已被国际公约、国际惯例和一些大陆法系国家所接受。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. Should I attend your school, I would like to resume my studies of Anglo-Saxon poetry, with special attention to its folk elements. 如果我进入你的学校,我想要重新开始我的盎格鲁撒克逊人诗的研究,藉由对它的人们元素的特别注意。 www.bing.com 9. The Anglo-Saxon economies will experience a huge downturn as they unwind the bubble. 因为放松了对泡沫的抑止,美国经济将经历一个巨大的衰退。 www.bing.com 10. One Anglo-Saxon size does not fit all, and nor does one Japanese, German or Indian one either. 盎格鲁-撒克逊模式并不能放之四海而皆准,而日本、德国或印度模式同样也做不到。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But he added that an agreement at the mine level between the Chinese and Anglo American's Brazilian iron ore project was plausible. 但他补充称,中国和英美资源集团就巴西铁矿石项目达成矿厂层面的协议似乎合情合理。 cn.reuters.com 2. For months, Boone trekked through forests in the Appalachian Mountains, where few Anglo-Americans had ever been. 有好几个月,布恩一个人跋涉在几乎没有其他英裔美人走过的阿帕拉契山脉(AppalachianMountains)森林里。 www.24en.com 3. New Mexico was, and still is today, a cultural mix of Mexico, Spain, Native America, and the Anglo explorers from Europe's northern half. 新墨西哥洲从古到今,一直保持着墨西哥、西班牙、印第安及从欧洲北部过来的英国拓荒者的混合文化。 eol.njnu.edu.cn 4. Early on he spotted a chance to use the anti-capitalist mood against the "Anglo-Saxons" , and sought an ally. 他很早以前就在寻找机会利用反资本主义的情绪来反对“安格鲁撒克逊人”,并寻找一个同盟国。 www.ecocn.org 5. The agreement was shaped by Anglo-American dialogue, with occasional mediation from France and Canada. 协议框架通过英美对话来达成,偶尔由法国和加拿大参与斡旋。 www.bing.com 6. The recent decade has witnessed the growing concern on Chinese translations of Anglo-American film titles. 电影片名的汉译是最近十年来比较让人关注的学术热点。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Nowadays, Anglo-American countries play very important roles and wade in many affairs in many regions. 在当今国际舞台上,美英两国扮演着极其重要的角色,插手许多地区事务。 www.fabiao.net 8. In the morning the Anglo-Indian widow sent for me to breakfast. 第二天早上这位英裔印度官员的寡妇请我去吃早饭。 www.bing.com 9. Anglo - Saxon poet whose extant works are Juliana, Elene, The Ascension, and The Fates of the Apostles. 基涅武甫盎格鲁-撒克逊诗人,其现存作品有朱丽安娜,埃琳娜,耶稣升天和使徒们的命运 dict.ebigear.com 10. And some readers will doubtless criticise my less than historically or ethnically precise use of the term Anglo-Saxon. 一些读者无疑会批评我对盎格鲁-撒克逊这个词的使用有欠历史或人种学的精确。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Both represent the Anglo-American tradition, this being a matter of culture, not of ancestry. 鉴于两人代表的都是英美传统,这成为了一个文化问题,而非血统问题。 www.ftchinese.com 2. People familiar with the bid process said there were a number of interested parties in the data room, one of which was Anglo American. 知情人士表示,有几家意向方正在研究数据,其中之一是英美资源。 www.ftchinese.com 3. His heart just to save this bloom of youth, in my opinion, he saved the proud Anglo-American jury system. 他内心的正义挽救了这个花季的少年,在我看来他也挽救了英美引以为豪的陪审团制度。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. The stimulus must take place mainly in Asia and Europe to allow the Anglo-Saxon economies to decrease trade deficits. 经济刺激措施必须主要为亚洲和欧洲所采取,以使美国经济减少贸易赤字。 www.bing.com 5. Anglo-Dutch War : As provided in the Treaty of Westminster, Netherlands cedes New Netherlands to England. 英荷战争:荷兰将新尼德兰割让与英格兰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Third, the Anglo-American countries, religious and cultural festivals. 其三,英美国家的宗教和节日文化。 news.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The early Anglo-Saxons converted to Christianity. 早期盎格鲁-撒克逊人改信基督教。 www.hjenglish.com 8. In the fifties, the Anglo-French-Israeli attack on Egypt and the American landings in the Lebanon. 五十年代,英-法-以色列对埃及发起攻击,美国人登陆黎巴嫩。 www.bing.com 9. His views will probably not prevail, but Anglo is investing heavily in Latin America and elsewhere, just in case. 这种说法可能并不权威,但英美资源还是把大量资金投向了拉美和其他地方,以做到有备无患。 www.ecocn.org 10. The original buildings on this site were burned down by the Anglo-French allied forces in 1860. 在这个地点上的原建筑被烧毁,被英法联军于1860年。 www.268r.com 1. Beowulf is considered as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. 贝奥武甫被认为是盎格鲁-撒克逊的民族史诗。 resource.sne.snnu.edu.cn 2. Theories about judging causation in continental and Anglo-American law system are useful to China. 大陆法系和英美法系国家关于认定因果关系的理论对于我国具有重要的借鉴意义。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. It was from the union of Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo- Saxons that the English people and English language were born. 正是由于诺曼征服者与被击败的盎格鲁—撒克逊人的结合,英国人和英语诞生了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. And one result is a clutch of acts, many of them from New York, that are internationalizing rock's Anglo-American vernacular. 结果之一是一批大都来自纽约的乐团,正将摇滚乐的英美风格国际化。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Mr Quatremer warned that the IMF was infused with "Anglo-Saxon mores" and that France could not afford a scandal. Quatremer先生告诫说IMF充满了“盎格鲁-萨克逊式清规戒律”,而法国则无力承担一场丑闻。 www.ecocn.org 6. And it allowed Mr Sarkozy to claim back home that he had chalked up a blow against Anglo-Saxon capitalism. 它也让萨科齐回国后可以宣称,自己对盎格鲁撒克逊式的资本主义予以了一次打击。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The deal should leave Anglo in full control of the Minas-Rio iron ore project, and holding 70 per cent of the Amapa project in Brazil. 此笔交易应能使英美资源集团完全控制Minas-Rio铁矿石项目,并持有巴西Amapa项目70%的股权。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The United States belongs to the countries of Anglo-American law system (also called the Marine law) ? 美国属于英美法系国家(又称为海洋法系)? wenku.baidu.com 9. A decade ago many management gurus regarded this breed as inferior to Anglo-Saxon equity capitalism. 10年前,许多管理学大师视这类企业低于盎格鲁—萨克逊式的私有资产。 www.ecocn.org 10. Anglo-American Strategy and differences in Europe. 英美在欧洲的战略和分歧 bbs.ebigear.com |
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