单词 | celebrate |
释义 | celebrating是celebrate的现在分词
第三人称单数:celebrates 现在分词:celebrating 过去式:celebrated v. n. celebrate birthday,celebrate day,celebrate anniversary,celebrate victory,celebrate holiday 例句释义: 歌颂,举行,庆祝,公布,祝贺,欢庆节日,庆贺 1. Clara is celebrating Christmas with her family and friends. One of her Christmas presents is a little device to open nuts -- a nutcracker. 克莱拉与她的家人和朋友一起庆祝圣诞节,她的一个圣诞礼物是一个夹胡桃的夹子,叫胡桃夹。 www.bing.com 2. After the war, the victory thank the oracle for celebrating the victory, the defeated seek the oracle to ask the way of restoring strength. 战后,胜利方为庆祝胜利而答谢神谕,战败方为恢复实力而求问神谕。 www.fabiao.net 3. It might be celebrating 120 years of Communist Party rule. It may not exist at all. 中国可能将庆祝共产党120年的英明领导,也可能不复存在。 blogs.cn.reuters.com 4. Perhaps some people grow out of the thrill of opening presents and celebrating the passing of another year, but I never have. 也许有些人对于打开礼物以及庆祝又一年的过去已经不再兴奋了,但我从来不会。 www.bing.com 5. I was thrilled that we were celebrating a year of her life but saddened at how hard this year had been. 我很激动,因为我们要为她降生一周年庆祝,同时也为这一年里的艰辛而感到伤心。 newztf.blog.163.com 6. The Sichuan quake has jolted China just as it was meant to be celebrating its Olympic triumph. 就在中国应当欢庆奥运胜利之时,四川大地震撼动了中国。 www.ftchinese.com 7. "If I were her, " he said of Ms. Drew, "I would not be celebrating over the Thanksgiving weekend. " “假如我是她(德鲁女士),这个感恩节周末可没什么值得庆祝的。”阿克曼说。 www.bing.com 8. At work the next day, resume the demeanour of an England fan, whether celebrating victory or heroic failure in a penalty shoot-out. 第二天上班时,再重新披上英格兰队球迷的伪装,庆祝胜利或是点球大战中的壮烈失败。 www.ftchinese.com 9. All day? When you could have been celebrating? I must have passed a dozen feasts and parties on my way here. 整天?你应该去庆祝才是。我今天来的时候一路上不知道有多少派对和大餐呢。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Two months later Birmingham were celebrating automatic promotion and McLeish had delivered what was asked of him. 两个月后伯明翰人开始庆祝他们的直接升级,而McLeish也实现了他的承诺。 www.bing.com 1. "Monster High is all about celebrating your imperfections and accepting the imperfections of others, " she tells NBC News. “怪物高中表达的就是尊重自己的不完美,和接纳他人的不完美。”她对NBC新闻说。 www.bing.com 2. Growing up in London her parents continued the tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year. 在她于伦敦长大的过程中,其父母仍保持着过中国新年的传统。 learning.sohu.com 3. Even if it's someone you think of as "just a friend, " you'll still have fun going out and celebrating. 就算你认为某人”只是朋友“,你们出去玩、庆祝也会带来乐趣。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Writing this account of my life, I got very close to my truth. And thisis something worth celebrating. 写下我的生活,我会更加靠近真实的自己,这是值得庆贺的事。 www.bing.com 5. Extreme privation did not prevent tens of thousands of defiant supporters in Gaza this week from celebrating Hamas's founding. 极端的穷困并没有阻止好几万反叛支持者本周在加沙庆祝哈马斯的建立。 www.ecocn.org 6. On Friday, events celebrating the party's anniversary took place in schools, offices and shopping centers across the nation. 上周五,建党90周年庆祝活动在全国范围内展开。 www.ebigear.com 7. If celebrating triple-digit birthdays sounds appealing, scientists may be able to determine if you're likely to live that long. (美国有线电视新闻网)——如果庆祝百岁生日听上去如此诱人,科学家们也许能够判定你是否有长命百岁的可能性。 www.bing.com 8. After celebrating at home with her family, Mendoza will spend her year-long reign traveling the world to speak out on humanitarian issues. 门多萨与家人庆祝胜利后将会踏上一年的环球之旅,进行人道主义宣传。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. There was some shadow of an attempt of this kind in the mode of celebrating the day on which the political year of the colony commenced. 在殖民地开始其政治年度的这一天庆祝活动中,还有这种意图的影子。 www.hjenglish.com 10. She said it's great to see London celebrating other people's cultures. 这位女士说,看到伦敦庆祝其他民族的文化,真让人开心。 www.bbc.co.uk 1. People were celebrating at ground zero and in Times Square, cheering as if the ball had dropped on New Year's. 人们正在坍塌点和时代广场上庆祝,就好像庆祝新年的球体落下一般。 www.bing.com 2. With the doctor's assistance, both al-Nubi and his mother were awakened and soon were celebrating with guests. 在医生帮助下,努比和母亲都醒了过来,没一会儿就与宾客共同庆祝起来。 www.kekenet.com 3. But as you're celebrating, don't forget that you're also a son, and it's good for you to honor your father or father figure. 当你们在庆祝父亲节的时候,别望了您也是为人子,最好也向您的父亲或长辈表达你的孝心。 www.bing.com 4. If this woman has to carry water on her head for miles and miles and miles, you cannot be celebrating that. 如有这个女人要用头顶着水行走几十甚至上百英里,你不能为这事感到庆幸。 www.ted.com 5. After the parade, he and his wife, a native Beijinger, plan to continue celebrating at a dinner party with Chinese and foreign friends. 阅兵式结束后,他和他的妻子,原生北京人,计划在晚宴继续与中外朋友庆祝。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. While Jackie was in Beijing this past week, he took time out to record a song for a musical show celebrating China's 100 Years of Cinema. 大哥上周在北京抽空为一场庆祝中国电影一百年的音乐盛典录制了一首歌曲。 www.bing.com 7. It was a week-long festival celebrating the renewal of the city and its continued prosperity. 它是一个长达一个星期的庆典,为的是欢庆城市的万象更新和欣欣向荣之貌。 www.joyen.net 8. The general expected that the enemy force would still be celebrating the hoilday. 一般认为敌和悦仍然会庆祝。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. "Writing this account of my life, I got very close to my truth. And this is something worth celebrating, " he wrote. 在书写我的生活时,我找到了真实的自己,这是值得庆祝的一件事。 cn.reuters.com 10. Sixty years of the extraordinary achievements of the motherland is worth celebrating! Worthy of our common blessing! 祖国六十年的成就非凡值得庆贺!值得我们共同的祝福! www.soudoc.com 1. Once he had scored that goal, once he was celebrating, there was a sort of relief there for him. 就在他破门那一刻,就在他庆祝那一刻,他终于有某种解脱的感觉。 q.sohu.com 2. In terms of foreign policy, America's allies, especially in Europe, would also be unwise to start celebrating, for two reasons. 说到外交政策,美国的各个同盟国(尤其在欧洲)都会愚蠢的庆祝开了。原因有两个。 www.ecocn.org 3. By contrast, in Lahore on Sunday, I was caught up in a huge crowd of Islamists celebrating noisily the death of the hated liberal. 这个星期天,我甚至在拉合尔看到伊斯兰教徒庆祝着他们所憎恨的自由党人之死。 www.bing.com 4. Christian Vieri is celebrating his return to training with Atalanta and next week could play his first game in a year . 克里斯蒂安维耶里正在庆祝他重新回到亚特兰大的训练场上,下个星期他将能参加他今年的第一场比赛。 www.bing.com 5. A schoolboy entrepreneur is celebrating becoming a millionaire - at the age of just 16, the Sun of London reported. 据英国《太阳报》报道,该国一名年仅16岁的男孩,尚未走出校门,就已成为身家百万的少年企业家。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. When compiling an alphabetical series of stamps celebrating famous British landmarks, the letter X was always going to be a problem. 在按字母顺序整理印有英国著名地标的邮票时,总会在字母X上卡住。 www.bing.com 7. adidas have acquired some of the finest names around to produce a collection celebrating the AZX running sneakers. 阿迪达斯已取得了一些最优秀的姓名周围产生收集庆祝azx运行的运动鞋。 www.yoho.cn 8. The British Airways Flying with Confidence course is celebrating 25 years of helping nervous flyers take to the skies worry-free. 英航的“信心课程”迎来了25周年纪念日。该课程帮助恐飞人士消除升空恐惧。 bbs.feeyo.com 9. Twitter, celebrating its fifth anniversary, is now one of the signature social platforms of our day, drawing 200 million users. Twitter庆祝着它的5周年,现在它已成为当今最大的社交平台之一,旗下有2亿多用户。 www.bing.com 10. Meanwhile, cicadas just bored out of the earth, are chanting too, celebrating their death, the end of a cycle of life. 在这个时期,刚刚出土的蝉也在高歌,它们的死亡之歌,庆祝著生命循环的终点接近了。 www.douban.com 1. And I remember thinking, the world has never been more united in celebrating humanity. 我记得自己当时想,在人类的庆典中,世界呈现出了空前的团结一致。 cn.wsj.com 2. By then a man might be expected to have made his mark in the world, rather than be celebrating his coming-of-age. 四十岁的人可能已在世上有所建树,而不是才庆祝成年。 www.bing.com 3. We will be celebrating in ways that you and I cannot even imagine. 我们在一起欢庆,以一种你和我都无法想像的方式。 www.bing.com 4. "All those who made jokes or were celebrating will have nothing to laugh about this time out, " he proclaimed. 他声明:“所有嘲笑和庆祝的人这次将无法欢笑。” bbs.aibo123.com 5. He then announced that he, too, would be celebrating a birthday in few days and asked for a kiss in return. 然后他说不几天他也要庆祝自己的生日,并要求她还他一个吻。 www.ihome99.com 6. VISITORS to London's Globe Theatre can be forgiven for thinking they are celebrating all that was great in Elizabethan England. 伦敦全球剧院的来访者认为,凡是伊丽莎白一世时代的精华他们都流连惊叹,不会有人和他们的想法较真。 www.ecocn.org 7. "Foreigners know how much these things should cost, but domestic customers have just started celebrating Christmas and they have no idea. " “外国人对这些东西应当要花多少钱相当了解,但国内客户刚开始庆祝圣诞,他们没有概念。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Celebrating his fifth anniversary this week as Liverpool boss, the Spaniard knows his position has never been stronger. 本周利物浦主教练将庆祝执教红军五周年,西班牙人知道他的位子从未像今天这样牢固。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 9. Grandpa was celebrating his 100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how healthy he looked. 爷爷过一百岁生日,大家都祝贺他,说他看起来很健康。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. These words were just for celebrating my coming birthday, and take this chance to have a look back at my twenties youth wore away unawares. 胡言乱语一通只是想为自己庆祝一下即将到来的生日,也顺便怀念一下在不知不觉中虚度的这二十几年青春! www.hikersblog.com 1. A Pledge Grandpa was celebrating his 100th birthday, and everyone was complimenting him on how well he looked. 誓约爷爷过一百岁生日,大家都祝贺他,说他看上去很健康。 www.8875.org 2. The British brand behind the famous Phantom says it's producing a line of limited-edition cars celebrating the upcoming year of the dragon. 劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)提前迎接中国新年。这个出产著名的幻影(Phantom)汽车的英国品牌宣布正在生产一批限量版汽车以庆祝即将到来的龙年。 chinese.wsj.com 3. I knew you were celebrating but I had no idea you'd go this far. How did you get Disney to do that? 我知道你庆祝,但我不知道你走这么远。你是如何开始迪斯尼这样做? wenwen.soso.com 4. The Blue House street crowds celebrating Park Geun-Hye' victory, appeared to be predominantly in middle-aged than older. 人群聚集在街头庆祝朴槿惠的胜利,似乎主要是中年人占多数。 www.kekenet.com 5. Yolanda has been celebrating her victory, but Claudina, as proof of her evil nature, is about to lunge at her from behind. “约兰达”已经在庆祝她的胜利了,但是“科洛迪娜”,好像要证明她邪恶的本性,正准备从背后偷袭她。 dict.kekenet.com 6. Fireworks, parties, and excitement are just a few words that cross our minds when we talk about celebrating the New Year. 烟火,派对和兴奋之情都是讲到庆祝新年时,所会想到的字眼。 www.360abc.com 7. Before we start celebrating, however, we have to ask the obvious question. 然而在开始欢呼之前,我们不得不提出那个明摆着的问题。 www.bing.com 8. As you probably saw from the photo, we had a great time celebrating my win on Saturday night. 就像你可能在照片中看到的,我们在星期六的晚上有一个很美妙的时间来庆祝我的胜利。 www.tennisace.cn 9. On the eighteenth, Hillary, Chelsea, and I were in New York City for a big party celebrating my fiftieth birthday at Radio City Music Hall. 18日,我、希拉里、切尔西在纽约市的城市电台音乐厅参加盛大晚会,庆祝我的50岁生日。 www.bing.com 10. When one thinks of one's home and people, one tends to recall the time spent together celebrating a joyous festival. 当一个人在异国他乡遇到自己民族传统节日的时候,是一定会比平时更加想念家乡、想念亲人的。 www.360doc.com 1. I've seen venture capital firms change their mind at the last minute--even after shaking hands and celebrating a negotiated set of terms. 我见过有些风险投资公司甚至在握过手并庆祝达成的条款之后,在最后一刻改变了主意。 www.bing.com 2. British chocolate manufacturer Cadbury's are celebrating one hundred years of producing their popular chocolate bar . 英国巧克力生产商吉百利公司正在欢庆其颇受欢迎的巧克力棒的百年华诞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This year, the United States and China are celebrating 30 years of ever-growing and ever-improving diplomatic relations. 今年美中两国共同庆祝建交30年来不断增长和不断完善的外交关系。 www.putclub.com 4. Today, my friends and I were celebrating Spring Break by going out to a club. 今天,我的朋友和我去泡吧庆祝春假来临。 www.tianyayidu.com 5. So I'll probably be going to bed soon after the New Year starts instead of celebrating all night. 所以我很可能在新年刚到时就上床睡觉,而不是狂欢整晚。 bbs.putclub.com 6. Why is it that people who has no business with him are also busy celebrating his birthday? 为什么不管与耶稣有没有关系的人都忙着给他庆祝生日呢? lookingat.passingsights.com 7. Our company will soon be celebrating the 25th anniversary and has decided to spend a sum of money on something that will benefit the staff. 我们公司不久将会庆祝25周年纪念并决定花钱给员工发一些福利。 www.examw.com 8. It is played with eight legs, said heavy body, two large claws to dance dance to, as if celebrating a victory. 它用八条腿称起笨重的身子,两只大螯舞来舞去,仿佛在庆祝胜利。 www.tradeask.com 9. Perhaps one of the greatest gift giving challenges facing a parent is what to get for a baby celebrating a first birthday. 为一岁的宝贝挑选生日礼物可能是令父母最为头疼的一件事情。 www.elanso.com 10. Former presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt is celebrating with her family, after being freed from more than six years in captivity. 贝当古曾经是哥伦比亚总统候选人,在被关押六年多后,她现在正在和家人一起庆祝团聚。 www.ebigear.com 1. Festivals celebrating such skills, and featuring plenty of food and drink, are held at high altitude summer pasture grounds known as jailoo. 民俗节将在名为jailoo的高纬度夏季牧场开展马上技巧、特色食物和美酒这类节日庆祝活动。 www.bing.com 2. Children are very happy as though they were celebrating a festival. 孩子们高兴得好像过节一样。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The newly married couple was busy celebrating their wedding reception, when Coker arrived at the door with some unusual gifts. 当这对新婚夫妇正忙于婚宴的招待时,寇可带着一群反叛少女来了。 www.bing.com 4. TO my thinking, celebrating Spring Festival on the Internet is only a kind of compensation to the traditional celebration. 我认为,互联网上庆祝春节只是一种对传统庆祝活动的代偿。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. ON THE face of it the world's big and publicly quoted oil companies should be celebrating some pleasing results this week. 从表面看,世界上大的及上市石油公司这周应该庆祝他们的骄人成果。 www.bing.com 6. Tzu Chi is celebrating its 20th year in the United States, we review some of its charity and medical missions through out the years there. 美国慈济欢度20周年,我们带大家看看美国的慈善与医疗志业。 www.newdaai.tv 7. A year after Beslan, exactly on the anniversary, Moscow was celebrating its birthday. 别斯兰事件一年后,就在事件周年当日,莫斯科正在庆生。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 8. They have visited several countries round the world to see people celebrating their special days. 他们出游参观了全世界的几个国家,观看人们如何庆祝他们的特别的日子。 www.landong.com 9. I have my dream, my own dream! I announce it now to the world, hope everyone can cheers with me for celebrating its new. 我有了我自己的目标,我自己的梦!我向世界宣布,希望知道的人可以和我一样庆祝它的诞生。 gxiang87.love.blog.163.com 10. "None of us felt like celebrating, " said Micheline Michel, whose home is a shanty of bed sheets opposite the ruins of the National Palace. 米舍利娜米歇尔(MichelineMichel)说:“没有人想庆祝。”她的家是用床单简易搭建而成,正好位于国家宫殿废墟的对面。 ecocn.org 1. National Day is up. Students are beginning to prepare for celebrating National Day. 国庆节快到了。同学们以开始为庆祝国庆节做准备工作。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Thank you for inviting me here today. It is truly an honor to be here, and I congratulate you on celebrating your 70th anniversary. 感谢你们今天邀请我来这里。非常荣幸来到这里,并祝贺你们70周年校庆。 bbs.e5zj.com 3. I knew you were celebrating but I had no idea you'd go this far. 我知道你在庆祝,但我不知道你会去那么远的地方。你是怎么让迪士尼那样做的? wenwen.soso.com 4. To not partake of the nation, and is a big family celebrating the victory and jihad is possible. 分一杯羹到不一定,而为大和民族的有一次圣战的胜利而举家欢庆倒是有可能。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Instead, he had to go with his backup plan of staying at home and celebrating with friends, which is not a bad last resort. 他不得不选择备用计划,留在家里与朋友庆祝节日,这也不是一个差的最后选择。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. With the ups and downs, we have the mother of the motherland 60 years of age, this day, to celebrate the nation are celebrating the holiday. 伴随着风风雨雨,我们的母亲祖国已经60周岁了,这一天,举国上下都在欢度庆祝这一节日。 wenwen.soso.com 7. This competition is about celebrating all the best parts of women - their presence , personality and looks . ‘英国小姐’选美赛就是在展现女性身上最美好的东西——个性、外表和才智。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Emiliano Insua is celebrating today after receiving his first call-up to the Argentina national team. 艾米利亚诺-因苏阿为今天而庆祝,他首次接到阿根廷国家队的招呼。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 9. Now people use small fireworks to help celebrating weddings and birthdays. France also has a great fireworks tradition. 现在人们用小型烟火帮助庆祝婚礼和生日。法国也有许多放烟花的传统。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It's a gross generalization, but all those things added up to my celebrating the Sacred Feminine. 这只是泛泛而谈,但这些原因促使我去赞美神圣女性。 www.bing.com 1. You'll be missing out on celebrating with dear friends and family and some may be miffed that you didn't include them. 你会错过和你的朋友、家人一起庆祝,一些人也许会迁怒于你没邀请他们。 dongxi.net 2. The American Red Cross, the nation's premier emergency response organization, is celebrating 130 years of service. 美国红十字会,全国首屈一指的应急响应组织,是庆祝130年的服务。 www.englishtang.com 3. but no one knew of the sweet visions she had beheld, or how gloriously she and her grandmother were celebrating their New Year's festival. 然而却没有人知道,她曾看到过多么美妙的东西,她曾多么快乐地跟祖母在一起欢度新年佳节! www.thankedu.com 4. PPD is a leading global contract research organization, celebrating 25 years of providing discovery and development services. PPD是一家领先的全球性合同研究组织,从事研发服务已达25年。 www.labbase.net 5. Harbin's well-known festival celebrating snow and ice attracts hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world. 著名的哈尔滨冰雪狂欢节吸引了来自世界各地游客数十万人。 gb.cri.cn 6. Afghan farmers have another big harvest this year, but officials at the United Nations and around the world are not celebrating. 阿富汗农民今年再次大丰收,但联合国和世界各地的官员们都没有庆祝。 www.hxen.com 7. For Liverpool fans, celebrating their club's first European Cup for 21 years, the game was one for the ages. 对那些庆祝21年来首座冠军杯的利物浦球迷来说,这将是一场历久弥新的经典大战。 www.bing.com 8. And to all the Christian families who are celebrating the Resurrection, Michelle and I wish you a blessed and joyful Easter. 对所有正在欢庆基督复活的基督徒家庭,米切尔和我祝福大家复活节幸福快乐。 www.kekenet.com 9. Rather than celebrating the war's end, this military parade represented Russia's readiness for a new fight. 与其说阅兵是在庆祝战争的结束,不如说它反映出俄国已准备好踏上新的征程。 www.ecocn.org 10. Here we are in London, celebrating 25 years of the London Parade. This is the 25 years, the silver gold anniversary. 您现在看到的是我们在伦敦,欢庆新年大游行25周年“银色”纪念日。 www.xhstv.com 1. It is not hard to see the reasons for celebrating the end of the line for has-been leaders. 对昔日领导人的末日进行庆祝的原因并不难理解。 www.bing.com 2. The wig men, as they're known, pay for their wives in pigs and save the dress-up for a ritual dance celebrating clan pride. 胡利人,正如他们为人所知的,用猪来支付他们的妻子,而把这个打扮留到歌颂种族骄傲的仪式舞蹈上。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 3. The expression "fireworks" gets its meaning from the fireworks that people shoot into the sky when they are celebrating a great event. Fireworks这个词语的来源于人们在庆祝某件大事时,向空中放的烟花。 www.unsv.com 4. On or near the 26th you could be celebrating a victory or making moves intended to increase your wealth and happiness. 在26号左右,你可能会庆祝自己取得的胜利,或为拓展财富和幸福攻城拔寨。 www.douban.com 5. A cricket chirped in a crack, as though celebrating a victory over all the world. 一只蟋蟀,好像庆祝它战胜了所有的人,在墙缝里唧唧地叫。 novel.tingroom.com 6. Campaigners against the new road were celebrating on Thursday night, believing that Mr Medvedev's intervention amounted to a solid victory. 星期四晚上,反对新路团体正在庆祝,因为深信梅德韦杰夫的介入就等于是绝对的胜利。 www.ecocn.org 7. And far from celebrating those who attain higher levels of realization, great women practitioners have often been overlooked and forgotten. 伟大的女性修行者经常遭忽略且遗忘,并未因成就较高了悟而受到庆贺。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Thousands of Christian pilgrims from around the world are celebrating the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. 来自世界各地成千上万的天主教朝圣者会聚伯利恒庆祝耶稣的诞生。 www.enread.com 9. These doodles have now become regular occurrence on the search engines' page, celebrating events all over the world. 这些涂鸦现在已经成为谷歌网页经常出现的东西,用以庆祝世界各地的节日或事件。 www.bing.com 10. Many are celebrating our LORD's first coming this day; let us turn our thoughts to the promise of His second coming. 世人都庆祝圣诞节,记念耶稣第一次来到人间,让我们把注意力转向祂第二次的再来吧! www.glorypress.com 1. With a big and red lantern hanging at the door, it presents a festival scene for celebrating the New Year. 大红灯笼垂吊在院子门口,看起来一派过年的景象。 tr.bab.la 2. The last game I played for him was at Goodison Park against Everton, we had won the League and everyone was celebrating. 我为他踢的最后一场比赛是在古迪逊公园对阵埃弗顿,我们赢得了冠军,每个人都在庆祝。 www.outwuxi.com 3. I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month. 我期待着这个星期晚些时候在白宫主持举办欢庆莱麦丹斋月的晚宴,并祝愿大家斋月吉祥。 www.en84.com 4. European settlers known as the Pilgrims were celebrating their autumn harvest after a winter of struggle. 在经过一个冬天的奋斗之后,被称为清教徒的欧洲殖民者正在庆祝他们的秋收。 www.ebigear.com 5. Be on the lookout for troops celebrating, staging publicity stunts, and performing charitable acts all in the name of fun and good will. 百姓应四处留意部队以好玩及善心为出发点所参与的各项庆祝及慈善活动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. it is with great honor and pleasure that i stand here with you in celebrating this moment. 今天十分荣幸和你们站在一起,共同庆祝这一时刻。 www.ok06.com 7. Visitor, said, "Our whole family is celebrating the new year here. We feel very lucky to see the beautiful scenery. " 游客表示:“我们全家人在这里庆祝新年。看到这种美景我们感到非常幸运。” www.hxen.com 8. "There was a big noise but at first we thought it could be people celebrating, " he said. “一声巨响,开始我们以为可能是人们在庆祝。” www.bing.com 9. The rest of you, I know, have other reasons for celebrating, religious or not. 你们中的另一部分人,我理解,是为了别的原因在庆祝着,当然也许是因为宗教,也或许不是。 www.bing.com 10. America's lawmakers are celebrating Independence Day by taking a few days off. 为了庆祝美国独立纪念日,美国的国会议员休息了数天。 www.bing.com 1. Hikkaduwa was celebrating Christmas with all the trimmings. Disco music mingled with laughter, fire crackers burst intermittently. 当时,Hikkaduwa正在妆饰一新地欢度圣诞,迪斯科乐声与笑声交融,爆竹声不时响起。 web.worldbank.org 2. The informant said he saw the assailants bragging and celebrating. 他还说,他看见杀我丈夫的人在吹嘘庆祝。 www.bing.com 3. And after "trick or treating" is over, the celebrating is in, a third of adults will attend parties. 给儿童派发了糖果之后,庆祝活动尚未结束,有三分之一的成年人会去参加晚会。 www.examda.com 4. But few Americans are celebrating; indeed, most believe that the economy is still in recession. 但没有几个美国人正在为此庆祝;事实上,大多数人认为经济仍处于衰退之中。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Next week we will be celebrating the sort-of birthday of the sort-of internet. 下周我们将庆祝所谓因特网的所谓诞辰日。 www.bing.com 6. A North Korean, with a bouquet of artificial flowers, joins the ceremony celebrating the departure of the cruise ship. 一个朝鲜人拿着一束鲜花参加游轮的出航意识。 www.bing.com 7. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating black history. 其他诸如加拿大、英国这样的国家,也效仿美国指定一个月开展类似的庆祝活动。 www.bing.com 8. On International Women's Day, I invite you to join me in celebrating women worldwide. 在国际妇女节之际,我邀请你们与我一起在全世界赞颂妇女。 www.who.int 9. The poetry she includes and the quotes she cites are somehow especially appropriate around this time of celebrating the Easter mysteries. 她在书中所引用的诗和名言在这复活节之际竟很应景。 www.bing.com 10. It's exactly a year since we moved. It's an anniversary worth celebrating. 我们搬家已经整整一年了,是个值得庆祝的周年纪念日。 www.hjenglish.com 1. He was a figure of the Harlem Renaissance, an artistic and intellectual movement celebrating black identity. 哈莱姆复兴是一场为确立黑人身份而发起的艺术和文化运动,而他正是其中的一位重要人物。 www.bing.com 2. Deep down you want to be out there celebrating. They were the better team this year and congratulations to them. 从内心来讲,你当然希望在外面庆祝的那个是你自己,但他们今年表现的更好,祝贺他们。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. It is a great honor to be able to join you in celebrating. . . 能跟各位一起庆祝……真是我的一大荣幸。 chinafanyi.com 4. I remember as a young boy on one of my birthdays, my grandfather questioned and denigrated this custom of celebrating birthdays. 我记得我还是一个小孩的时候,在我一次生日那天,我的祖父询问了庆祝生日的传统,并且诋毁它。 www.bing.com 5. Good evening, Gen. Xiao, it's a great honor and pleasure to be celebrating your army anniversary together with so many Chinese friends. 晚上好,肖将军,我很高兴以及非常荣幸能和这么多的中国朋友们一起庆祝你们的建军节。 www.bing.com 6. I'm celebrating, too, she replied, clinking glasses with him. “我也是。”女士回答说。他们互相碰杯。 chinafanyi.com 7. The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) will be celebrating its 40th anniversary at the time of the meeting in Paris. 欧洲肝脏研究联合会将在巴黎的会议间庆祝它的40周年期。 www.ganbaobao.net 8. Each year celebrating New Year's you always have to go through so much hard work. 每年过春节你都那么辛苦。 www.jukuu.com 9. Infrared photography , one of the most fascinating photographic techniques, is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. 红外摄影堪称最美妙的摄影技术之一,今年它将迎来百年诞辰。 www.bing.com 10. Of the twenty-two students in my class in Milan on March 15th, only one said that she would be celebrating. 3月15日那天,我在米兰大学班里的22位学生里,只有一位说她会庆祝建国150周年。 www.bing.com 1. With China celebrating the new year, central bank officials had to break into their holiday to consider changing rates. 在中国庆祝春节之际,中国央行官员不得不中断自己的假期,考虑调整利率。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Casas Bahia, the country's largest retailer, is celebrating the opening there of its first ever store in a favela (pictured above). 巴西最大的家电零售商CasasBahia,正在那举行其贫民窟首家店铺的开业庆典(见上图)。 club.topsage.com 3. What, exactly, are the huge crowds gathered around the country celebrating? 这么大一群人聚集在一起是在庆祝什么? www.bing.com 4. It is now celebrating a partial victory (Apple has agreed to open up its distribution market). 现在,该组织正在为他们的部分胜利而庆祝,因为苹果公司同意开放它的分销市场。 www.ecocn.org 5. Saxophonist Dave Koz is celebrating the 20th anniversary of his recording debut by doing what he does best, making music. 萨克斯演奏家戴夫考兹庆祝什么是他最擅长做音乐,20周年,他首次做记录。 www.englishtang.com 6. But that isn't something worth celebrating, at least not for Chinese mayors. 可惜这并不值得庆祝,至少对于中国的市长们是如此。 www.bing.com 7. At the official rallies celebrating the taking of the American hostages, American and Israeli flags were burned as usual. 在庆祝挟持美国人质30周年之际,烧美国和以色列的国旗已然是传统了。 www.ecocn.org 8. We're halfway through the week, and it's time to let your hair down and start celebrating for the weekend. 这周已经过去一半了,是时候放松一下,开始过周末了。 www.bing.com 9. Easter was borrowed from the Pagan Festival celebrating the rebirth of the sun. 复活节是借用了异教徒节庆祝太阳的复活。 www.putclub.com 10. Today, Elias and his wife Elian are celebrating theirs. 今天,Elias和他的妻子Elian正在为他们的孩子举行庆祝活动。 www.kekenet.com 1. People from three states spent the night at the jail, including some lawyers and a couple celebrating their first anniversary. 共有来自三个州的猎奇者们入住了该监狱,其中包括几位律师和一对为庆祝结婚一周年而来的夫妇。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. I had so much fun celebrating Sping Festival in Beijin in 2007. The best part was setting off fireworks with my classmates. 我2007年在北京过年的时候,过的最开心的事就是我与同学在学校旁边放烟火。 www.bing.com 3. Advocates, while celebrating the news, said they would press the president for even more pro-immigration action. 移民活动人士尽管庆祝这个消息,但是同时表示,将继续向奥巴马总统施压,让他采取更加亲移民的行动。 www.hxen.com 4. Since the World Wide Web was invented two decades ago, we have been celebrating these benefits -- and rightly so. 万维网被发明已经有10年之久,我们理所当然应该庆祝它的出现——这非常正确。 www.bing.com 5. Some of the departments have a tradition of celebrating with a bottle of champagne whenever a student or faculty member finishes a thesis. 加州理工研究风气鼎盛,某些系有这麽一个可爱的传统,系上师生每出一篇论文,就开一瓶香槟庆祝。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Each post is a simple path to experiencing something wonderful: maybe seeing life from a different perspective, or celebrating its beauty. 每封邮件都是体验奇妙生活的便捷之道:抑或从不同的角度品味生活,抑或欢庆生活本身的美好。 www.bing.com 7. An updated MG TF roadster could also make an appearance this year as a way of celebrating the 85th anniversary of the MG brand. 更新孚金融跑车还可以出现今年作为一种庆祝创刊85周年镁品牌。 usa.315che.com 8. With much of the country celebrating Thanksgiving, the U. S. markets are closed this day. 今天,美国大部分地区都在庆祝感恩节,因此金融市场今天休市。 www.kekenet.com 9. But what exactly are we celebrating on our birthday and why is it a good idea to celebrate? 但在生日那天,我们究竟在庆祝什么?为什么庆祝生日是个好主意呢? www.bing.com 10. As a matter of fact, the custom of celebrating St. Valentine's Day can be traced to those festivals, called Lupercalia . 事实上,圣瓦伦丁节的庆祝活动还要追溯到古罗马的“牧神节”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Interestingly, it seems that Huntsman should have been celebrating his nomination as ambassador to China in. . . well, China. 有趣的是,洪博培本来应该在中国庆祝他被提名担任美国驻华大使的。 www.bing.com 2. For now, investors still aren't celebrating even major wins by the company. 目前,投资者甚至对该公司取得的重大进展都不买账。 cn.wsj.com 3. If you're planning on celebrating the New Year with a few cocktails tonight, you may want to skip your run tomorrow. Why? 如果你晚上要喝点鸡尾酒来庆祝新年的话,那就把跑步的计划放到明天吧。 www.bing.com 4. The ranking, being released Monday, came as the city was still celebrating Friday's World Series victory at the new Busch Stadium. 周一这个排名公布的时候,圣路易斯还在庆祝在新棒球场举办的比赛。 www.crazyenglish.org 5. I'm in such a good mood that I feel like celebrating. 我心情好得很,我想庆祝一番。 www.pearlwater.gov.cn 6. Now, with many African countries celebrating 50 years of independence, that need is even more pronounced. 如今,在许多非洲国家庆祝独立50周年之际,这种需求就更为明显。 www.ftchinese.com 7. This is the only choice I had: I could either carry him as a bag of rocks or I could live a life celebrating him. 这是我唯一的选择:或者让他成为我心灵的沉重负担,或者用我的生命来纪念他。 www.bing.com 8. Celebrating Hongkong Return Motherland, Promoting Jingjiu Prosperity, Talking about Remote Sensing Application. 庆香港回归,促京九繁荣,话遥感应用。 chinafanyi.com 9. At the beginning of celebrating New Year is the world's countries and regions in general practices. 庆贺新年伊始是世界各国各地区的普遍习俗。 wenda.tianya.cn 10. Apple Computer (AAPL), now celebrating 30 years of innovation, has revolutionized the way we use computers and listen to music. 成立已30周年的苹果电脑公司,变革了我们使用电脑与听音乐的方式。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. April Fools Day has now developed into an international festival of fun, with different nationalities celebrating the day in a special ways. 现如今,愚人节已经演变成国际性的娱乐节日,不同的国家用不同的方式庆祝它。 blog.163.com 2. Has anyone in the western power circle listened to the appeal of thousands of athletes to keep Olympics purely a celebrating sport event? 西方权力圈子里面的人听取了广大运动员们关于还原奥运的体育盛事本质的呼吁了吗? bbs.cqzg.cn 3. The god of wine and of an orgiastic religion celebrating the power and fertility of nature. 酒神,常举行棕教仪式庆祝大自然地权力和丰产。罗马。 www.china56tong.com 4. Various celebrating activities have been held with the line of Chinese traditional festivals. 以中国传统节日为主线,举办各种庆祝活动。 www.confuciusinstitute.net 5. In 2010, the Israel Philatelic Service issued a stamp sheet celebrating 50 years of ASIFA (Association Internationale du Film d'Animation). 2010年,以色列发行邮票集邮服务表庆祝50ASIFA年(德国际协会杜电影动画)。 www.51tests.cn 6. Today , let us walk into the wonderful stage of yuan cheng foreign language school and enjoy the art performance "celebrating New year" . 今天,让我们迈开坚毅的步伐踏上源外“庆元旦,迎新年”文艺汇演精彩的舞台。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Her inner male counterpart wrote the book on celebrating the body beautiful. 她内心对应的那个男性意向对展现外在美很在行。 www.putclub.com 8. The children are celebrating the Spring Festival. 那些孩子正庆祝春节。 www.hxen.com 9. We cultivate a diverse corporate culture across the 100 countries where we operate, celebrating and rewarding teamwork and inclusiveness. 我们在开展业务的100多个国家营造多元化的企业文化,颂扬和奖励团队合作和包容。 campus.51job.com 10. a. We are celebrating our mother's 65th birthday with a party and it would great if you and your husband could join us. 我们会开一个晚宴来庆祝我们母亲的65岁生日,如果你和你的丈夫能一起一起参与那就真好了。 www.onmynet.com 1. Schools are not for celebrating, they are for teaching, and they should be able to say so . 学校不是赞美的地方,而是教学的地方,它们也应该这么说。 www.showxiu.com 2. A while ago a Vampire was celebrating its jubilee in my tavern - their three hundredth resurrection on the battlefield! 刚才一个吸血鬼在我酒馆庆祝他的周年,第三百次在战场复活! games.sina.com.cn 3. AB, The performances of yuan cheng foreign language school of celebrating the new year is over , , thank you! See you next year. AB合、------学校“庆元旦,迎新年”文艺演出到此结束!我们明年再相会! blog.sina.com.cn 4. The devotee is celebrating the pilgrimage holiday of Sukkot with a visit to Mount Gerizim, sacred to Samaritans. 这位信徒是在庆祝住棚节的朝圣之旅,并前往撒玛利亚人的圣地基利心山(MountGerizim)。 www.bing.com 5. We were celebrating our anniversary and my husband emailed the hotel to request a quiet room and to our delight they upgraded us. 为了庆祝我们的周年纪念日我老公用电子邮件向这家酒店表明我们需要一个安静的房间而实际上情况让我们更加满意。 weike.taskcn.com 6. Found coal in pennsylvania. You can understand why we're proud to be Celebrating our family's anniversary this weekend. 在宾夕法尼亚发现了煤矿。现在你明白为什么每年我们都会无比荣耀地,在这个周末庆祝家族纪念日了吧。 www.bing.com 7. "Chile, " they shout, celebrating the news that the rescue tunnel has finally broken through to the trapped miners. 他们大声喊着“智利”,庆贺救援隧道最终抵达被困矿工的消息。 www.ebigear.com 8. Yahoo celebrates a decade online Yahoo, one of the net's most iconic companies, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this week. 作为最具特色的互联网企业之一,雅虎本周迎来了它的10周岁生日。 www.boleon.com.cn 9. The men were celebrating the birthday of one of their girlfriends. 当天,他在庆祝他女朋友的生日。 www.bing.com 10. However, Mr Obama and congressional Democrats have been celebrating the bill's Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. 但是,奥巴马和美国国会中的民主党人们一直高调庆祝的,却是按照法案将成立的一家消费者金融保护局。 www.ftchinese.com 1. We recognize the efforts and achievements of our people - rewarding and celebrating accomplishment. 我们认可员工的努力和成绩--奖励和表扬成就。 chinafanyi.com 2. But we're not celebrating end of violence, but the exercise of it. 但是我们不是在庆祝暴力的终结,而是暴力的进行。 www.bing.com 3. Chinese New Year is according to the lunar calendar . Chinese have been celebrating New Years in this fashion for thousands of years. 春节是根据农历而定的。中国人庆祝这个节日的习俗已经延续几千年了。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Wednesday is the Independence Day in the United States, celebrating this country's birth as an independent nation 231 years ago. 星期叁是美国独立日,庆祝231年前美国作为独立国家的诞生。 www.ept-cn.com 5. The annual Mermaid Parade sees thousands of people, in home-made floats and costumes, celebrating the creatures and myths of the sea. 每年的美人鱼游行队伍参与者数以千计,人们自制各式彩车,穿着各种装扮服饰,纪念大海的传说和神话中的奇物异兽。 www.ecocn.org 6. His child is always looking forward to celebrating Easter, when he can dress up as a lovely rabbit. 他的孩子十分盼望庆祝复活节,那时他就可以把自己打扮成一只可爱的小兔子。 www.jxenglish.com 7. Meanwhile, Mexicans are celebrating the holiday with a traditional pageant. 同时,墨西哥人也用传统的盛装游行来庆祝这个节日。 www.hxen.com 8. Clerk: We just got in a beautiful set of stamps celebrating aboriginal culture. 行员︰我们刚推出一套庆祝原住民文化的漂亮邮票。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This year, Somalia is celebrating three years of being polio-free, with no cases of wild poliovirus in Somalia since 25 March 2007. 自2007年3月25日以来,索马里就没有发生野生脊髓灰质炎病毒病例。今年,索马里在举行三年没有脊灰的庆祝活动。 www.who.int 10. In celebrating the self, Whitman gives emphasis to the physical dimension of the self and openly and joyously celebrates sexuality. 在歌颂自我的同时,惠特曼强调自我的物理存在和性爱。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Last night Burberry presented its largest-ever event, celebrating the opening of its new Sparkle flagship in Beijing. 为了庆祝北京耀莱新天地(Sparkle)旗舰店的开幕,昨晚巴宝莉上演了其有史以来规模最大的服装秀。 dongxi.net 2. Veteran's Day is an American holiday, celebrating the service of American military veterans. 退伍军人日是美国的节日,庆祝服务的美国退伍军人。 www.en400.com:8080 3. Today people around the globe are celebrating World Consumers' Rights Day. 今天,全世界人民都在庆祝消费者权益日。 lunwen.cnkjz.com 4. Rick DeMeyer, 28, said last Wednesday as he was celebrating his birthday at G-Daddy BBC he could understand Milwaukee's ranking. 上周三,在G-DaddyBBC酒吧庆祝28岁生日的里克·德梅尔说,他可以理解密尔沃基为什么名列第一。 gb.cri.cn 5. Everyone, young and old, rich and poor, looks forward to celebrating the noisiest, most joyous and longest festival of the year. 每个人,年轻的和年老的,有钱的和没钱的,期待着在今年庆祝最热闹,最喜庆,最长的节日。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Pretty soon though, it was Barton and Robbie Fowler who were jubilantly celebrating following City's unexpected equaliser. 不久,巴顿和福勒就开始喜气洋洋的庆祝曼城的扳平入球了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But Democrats counter that the growth the Republicans are celebrating comes from natural Democratic constituencies. 但民主党人提出反对意见,认为共和党所乐观的增长的人口其实来自于民主党的支持群体。 www.ecocn.org 8. Google is celebrating its 11th birthday today with another example of its famous Google 'doodles' - a special logo on its search front page. 谷歌今天再一次用其著名的‘涂鸦’方式庆贺它11周岁生日--一个在搜索主页上的特别设计的标志。 www.bing.com 9. A world of peace and solidarity can only be accomplished by acknowledging and celebrating our diversity. 只有承认和颂扬我们的多样性,才能实现一个和平与团结的世界。 www.ebigear.com 10. The French midfield ace was celebrating winning the Premiership with the rest of the players. 当时,这位法国中场得分手正在跟大家一起庆祝联赛夺冠。 www.arsenalcn.com 1. Maybe he's right. Why aren't you celebrating with him? 也许他是对的,你为什麽没跟他一道庆祝呢? www.bing.com 2. In Celebrating Introversion, author Tonia Collins informs readers and dispels myths about introverted personalities. 在庆祝内向,作家托尼亚柯林斯告诉读者和内向的性格有关驱散神话。 www.ccebook.net 3. They tend to be extravagant, excessive and hyperactive in their chosen method of celebrating. 他们选择最奢华、极致、激动的庆祝方式来庆祝新年。 www.bing.com 4. The starting of festival celebrating public art is the public artistic development produces " the nascent state " . 节庆公共艺术的兴起,是公共艺术发展产生的“新生态”。 www.fabiao.net 5. The opposition says it won just over half the popular vote and supporters have been now celebrating. Will Grant reports from Caracas. 反对派称,他们已经赢得了超过一半的选票,支持者现在正在欢呼庆祝。 www.tingclass.com 6. By the time you read this, I'll be sat in a field with my partner and son, Krishan, celebrating his third birthday in Cornwall. 当你读篇文章的时候,我可能已经跟我儿子,也是我的搭挡,坐在康沃尔的田里庆祝他三岁生日了。 www.bing.com 7. Savvy Chinese produced cartoons with alien invaders destroying the buildings and T-shirts went on sale celebrating the blaze. 精明的中国人制作了外星入侵者摧毁大楼的漫画,并出售为这场大火喝彩的T恤衫。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Celebrating Easter Mass in Rome, Pope Benedict denounced what he called "savage terrorist attacks" in Nigeria. 教宗本笃十六世在罗马复活节庆祝弥撒上谴责在尼日利亚发生他称之为“凶残的恐怖袭击”。 www.bing.com 9. China is chasing gold in Beijing and celebrating like it's the arrival of a great new era. 中国在北京追逐金牌,庆祝伟大新时期的到来。 www.stnn.cc 10. In recent decades, games celebrating the Winter Olympics and paralympics have become major events associated with the Olympic movement. 近几十年来,冬奥会和残奥会成为了奥运会中的两大运动盛会。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. An Israeli Arab girl looks out from a bus at a rally celebrating the resignation of Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak in Nazareth, Israel. 拿撒勒,在一场庆祝埃及总统密巴拉克辞职集会上,一名以色列阿拉伯女孩从车窗向外看望,以色列。 feedproxy.google.com 2. Lalumia has "never believed for a second that people ever stopped celebrating at home" . 拉鲁米亚“从来不相信,人们曾经停止在家里庆祝圣诞”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Our global strength comes from celebrating local differences whilst understanding that some things should be kept the same. 我们全球性的优势源于在保持一致的同时也乐于接受地方差异。 forum.yidaba.com 4. Holidays can be festive occasions, but you may generate a large amount of waste when celebrating and having parties. 在不同的节日或庆典,我们都会参与各种庆祝活动或举行派对,但过程中可能会制造大量垃圾。 www.gov.hk 5. Her husband asked Ggong to sing for celebrating his wife's special day. 听众的先生请求孔刘为太太唱歌庆祝属于太太的特别日。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Much of the temple was decorated with beautiful marble statues and friezes celebrating Athena and the glories of Athens. 神庙用精美的大理石雕像,檐壁和中楣装饰赞美雅典娜和雅典的荣耀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Spring is coming and we've been celebrating with a variety of activities. We decorated our classroom with trees, leaves, and flowers. 春天来了,我们一直在用各种活动来庆祝。我们用树、树叶和花朵来装饰教室。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 8. China is also hosting the Olympic games in August and celebrating 30 years of "reform and opening" in December. 而且中国要在8月举办奥运,在12月庆祝“改革开放”三十周年。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Tibetans around the world are celebrating the 75th birthday of the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet. 世界各地的藏人庆祝流亡的西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛75岁生日。 kantianya.com 10. Rivals that had grown used to living in the Japanese firm's shadow are quietly celebrating. 曾在日本汽车公司阴影下成长的劲敌们正暗自庆贺。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Gay rights activists are celebrating the Iowa Supreme Court's decision to strike down the state's ban on same-sex marriage. 爱荷华州高级法院决定推翻该州禁止同性结婚的禁令,同性婚姻权利支持者们正为此庆祝。 bbs.putclub.com 2. The duke and duchess spent more than an hour at BBC Scotland, which is celebrating 60 years of television broadcasting. 公爵和夫人在BBC苏格兰之声待了一个多小时庆祝广播电视60周年庆。 www.hjenglish.com 3. For Chinese viewers, they have proved riveting, turning traditional matchmaking on its head and celebrating instant celebrity. 而对中国观众而言,它们却极具吸引力,颠覆了传统相亲模式,还能让人一夜成名。 www.ttxyy.com 4. GBBN Architects is a firm celebrating over 50 years of professional success, with four offices worldwide. GBBN建筑事务所是一个超过50年专业建筑设计公司,共有4个分部遍布全球。 search.buildhr.com 5. In early times, wearing flowers was a traditional way of celebrating Father's Day. 一开始,庆祝父亲节的传统方式是佩戴鲜花。 www.elanso.com 6. How do Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival Spring Festival is a time for celebrating with family and friends. 若何做止您群众庆贺秋节秋节是取家人战伴侣庆贺地时候。 cz1989.com 7. The roof tilts upward and away from the courtyard, its jagged edges celebrating the peaks of the Teton Range beyond. 屋顶倾斜向上,远离院子,它的锯齿形状的边缘似乎在向远方的蒂顿山脉的欢呼、致敬。 www.archiant.com 8. Had the tragedy not occurred, many kids in Sichuan would've been celebrating International Children's Day along our side today. 如果没有这场悲剧,很多四川的孩子今天本来是应该能够和我们一起庆祝六一儿童节的。 cblog.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Cumulative little happiness, and drops Prestige truth, the celebrating this day, let us together memories! 累积点点幸福,珍藏滴滴真情,在这个欢庆的日子里,让我们一同心醉吧! www.chinavalue.net 10. I'll take that as a compliment. And how about celebrating by tasting Nostradamus ' famous aphrodisiac potion? 我会把这当作是恭维。我们品尝有名的诺查丹玛斯家的春药来庆祝吧? dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The weeks at Google are also celebrating the anniversary, having created a free online version of the game on their Google doodle. 在谷歌的爱好者也庆祝周年之际,他们在创造了谷歌涂鸦的游戏一个免费的在线版本。 www.360doc.com 2. It found that 75% of women would give up celebrating Valentine's Day altogether 'in exchange for greater financial piece of mind. 这份调查发现75%的女性会完全放弃庆祝情人节,以换取财务上更大的发言权。 blog.china.alibaba.com 3. You shouldn't be celebrating your birthday for crying out loud, that's like celebrating when you were thrown in prison. 你们不应用大哭来纪念生日,那更像纪念被投入监狱。 open.163.com 4. Harley-Davidson is celebrating its 105th anniversary with the opening of a museum in Milwaukee, Wis. on Saturday. 哈雷戴维森摩托车迎来了105周年的纪念庆典,同时,在美国威斯康星州的密尔沃基建立的哈雷博物馆于周六开幕。 www.i21st.cn 5. Carol: That's not very romantic. We're supposed to be celebrating our wedding anniversary! 真不浪漫。我们应该要庆祝我们的结婚纪念日啊! www.ipobar.com 6. But Jason Orange, Howard Donald, Mark Owen and songwriter Gary Barlow were yesterday celebrating of their unlikely comeback. 而昨晚,贾森·奥林奇、霍华德·唐纳德、马克·欧文以及歌曲创作者盖瑞·巴洛用获奖庆祝了他们出人意料的回归。 www.bing.com 7. One wall of the rink, in this city south of Seoul, was draped with a large banner celebrating Ms. Kim. 在位于首尔市南部的这个溜冰场的墙上,挂着祝贺Kim的横幅。 www.bing.com 8. And because of this plan, stories like the one we're celebrating here in Columbus will soon take place all across this nation. 因为这个计划,像我们在哥伦布这里庆祝的一样的故事很快会在全国看到。 www.yappr.cn 9. Celebrating the spiritual and cultural life of Canada's South Asian community. 宣传加拿大南亚裔社区的精神文化生活。 group.m.mtime.com 10. Should Bynum remain healthy through the coming year and playoffs, Lakers fans will probably be celebrating a three-peat in June. 假如拜纳姆在新赛季季后赛中保持健康的话,湖人球迷大概将在六月份庆祝球队三连冠。 www.zoomkobe.cn |
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