单词 | at its height |
释义 | 例句释义: 正在绝顶,正起劲,处于最盛时期,正盛,在最高点 1. It was the dressing-room, laid out with all the articles of toilet, in which the dead woman's extravagance seemed to be seen at its height. 那是间化妆室,放着所有梳妆用品,从这点看来这已死女人的奢侈已经到了极顶。 ebook.tianya.cn 2. I remember when MySpace was at its height of popularity it was referred to as a "relationship killer. " 我记得当初MySpace受欢迎程度极高的时候,被称为“关系杀手”。 www.bing.com 3. He made the G-Man brand so popular that, at its height, it was harder to become an FBI agent than to be accepted into an Ivy League college. 他把美国联邦调查局探员塑造成了一个流行品牌,在巅峰时期,想当一名联邦调查局探员比进一所常青藤院校还要难。 www.bing.com 4. The fact that tax arbitrage was at its height during boom times also raises the question of just how real were banking profits. 税收套利活动在景气时期达到巅峰,这一事实也提出了一个问题:银行业的利润到底有多少水分? www.ftchinese.com 5. At its height the bond between eastern Europe and America was based, like the best marriages, on a mixture of emotion and mutual support. 在它鼎盛时期,东欧与美国如一场美满的婚姻一样,在情感和互相支持交织的基础上产生了这种结合。 www.ecocn.org 6. IN EARLY 2000, just as the dotcom bubble was at its height, two books appeared that argued the stockmarket was overvalued. 2000年初,正当网络泡沫处于高峰的时候,已经有两本书指出股市被高估。 www.ecocn.org 7. He was some fifty years of age, and his popularity was at its height. 他年纪五十上下,声望也达到了顶点。 8. He told me to wait until the oblivion librari myself storm was at its height before shaving the cat. 他告诉我等到暴风达到怎样达到告诉高潮时剃光一只猫身上的毛。 www.cto360.com 9. In the 1990s, when the candle-holding for the rainforest was at its height, over 16m hectares a year was lost. 在二十世纪九十年代,当为保护雨林而进行的烛光守夜处于高峰时,每年有超过一千六百万公顷的森林被砍伐。 www.bing.com 10. During the 1950s and 1960s, when belief in psychological behaviourism was at its height, aversion therapy was used to "cure" homosexuals. 在二十世纪五六十年代,行为主义心理学正值鼎盛时期,厌恶疗法曾经被用来对同性恋进行“治疗”。 www.bing.com 1. At its height the Swedish Empire included parts of present day Norway, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Germany, and Poland. 在全盛时期,瑞典帝国囊括了部分今天的挪威、芬兰、俄罗斯、爱沙尼亚、拉托维亚、德国以及波兰。 www.bing.com 2. During the Clinton years, US military power was at its height and the country was experiencing its strongest ever business expansion. 在克林顿任内,美国军事实力处于鼎盛时期,而且正在经历有史以来最强劲的商业扩张。 www.ftchinese.com 3. At its height, General Motors (GM) was bigger than any other car company in world. 在鼎盛时期,GeneralMotors(GM)是世界上最大的公司。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. It's especially pleasing to be going in a World Cup year, when the interest in football will be at its height. 特别这还是世界杯年,公众对足球会更有热情。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 5. The Great Depression was at its height and Grandpa had six children. 大萧条到达了最严重时期,而爷爷有六个孩子要抚养。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. At the time the telecoms bubble was at its height. 当时电信业的泡沫正处于极度膨胀时期。 7. was at its height, however, the black participants performed much better. 但是当奥巴马热位于最高峰之时,黑人参与者的表现有了大幅进步。 www.shanbay.com 8. Sensitivity to allergies is at its height now, so hayfever sufferers will have a fit of sneezes on high-pollen nights. 人们对过敏的反应最为敏感,所以枯草热的患者会在花香四溢的夜晚狂打一连串喷嚏。 www.bing.com 9. At its height, Koguryo territory stretched all the way from central Manchuria (north-east China) to south of present-day Seoul. 在其全盛时期,版图一度北括满洲中部(今中国东北),南越今日之首尔。 www.ecocn.org 10. This was before the steam locomotive, and canal building was at its height. 这是在蒸汽机之前,运河建造正处于顶峰。这意味着当 blog.sina.com.cn 1. At its height, the floodwaters could be seen from space, with the Indus spreading more than 20 miles wide at some parts. 在卫星的高度上,洪水可以从空间上观测到,在印度河的某些部分,其宽度扩展到20多公里。 www.bing.com 2. The burst bubble has exposed more than Spain's addiction to construction, which at its height accounted for 13% of jobs. 泡沫的破灭暴露的不仅仅是西班牙对建筑业的痴迷。在其鼎盛时期,建筑业的用工比例是13%。 www.ecocn.org 3. In fact, political criticism was at its height during this period. 事实上,在这个阶段的政治批评达到了高潮。 dongxi.net 4. Sorrow is the amulet of whoever sorrow-stricken. Joy at its height is the grave of whoever overjoyed. 悲哀是悲哀者的护身符,欢乐是欢乐者的坟墓。 www.sinovision.net 5. Last autumn, when the financial crisis was at its height, policy makers pushed some banks to buy weaker ones to head off failures. 去年秋天,在决策者推波助澜下,几间银行买下了营运状况不善的同业,以阻止破产风潮扩散。 www.bing.com 6. At its height, most of the media camped outside the transmission factory were from local outlets. 罢工发展到白热化阶段后,驻扎在变速器工厂外的大多数媒体为本土媒体。 www.ftchinese.com 7. He concedes that, particularly in the 1990s, management gurudom was at its height. 布莱雷承认,特别是在上世纪90年代,大师级管理书籍处于鼎盛时期。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The rise of Soft-Switch, which at its height could connect more than 50 different systems. 软交换兴起,在高峰期可以连接超过50个不同的系统。 dongxi.net 9. Four times as many as the Model T at its height. 是T型车鼎盛时期产量的四倍 www.kekenet.com 10. Summer was at its height. 高,高度;绝对高度。 www.godict.com 1. The diet involved no calorie counting and at its height was particularly popular with men. 阿金饮食从不考虑饮食所含热量的计算,而且在其流行高峰时尤其受到男士们的追捧。 www.bing.com 2. The tide was at its height. 潮水涨到最高点了。 www.chinabaike.com 3. Overall around 4000 people were involved in the protest at its height. 在高潮期总共有4000人参与了活动。 www.bing.com 4. At its height Barack Obama's campaign (@barackobama) employed 100 staff working on social media such as Twitter. 在巴拉克·奥巴马(@barackobama)竞选的高峰时期,他的团队就雇佣了100个工作人员作业于像推特一样社交传媒。 www.bing.com 5. But the fashion for hybrids is at its height in developing countries. 但在发展中国家,混合型公司的流行正处于顶峰。 www.ecocn.org |
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