单词 | a taste | ||||||||
释义 | a taste
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 简介,暗香乱,系动词后跟形容词 1. Obie: I never had a taste for this sort of thing, but I must admit, I'm deeply enjoying the suit. 虽然是新鲜的尝试,但是我得承认,我喜欢这套钢衣。 word.hcbus.com 2. however, this was just a taste, or down payment, of the ultimate fulfillment. 然而,这只是终极应验的预尝或预付款。 www.51zanmei.net 3. But he got a taste over spring break of what may be in store when he does head back to his small Minnesota hometown. 但他在春季短假中已经试过了,知道什么可能在他的明尼苏达家乡小城里等着他。 www.bing.com 4. Kind of. But I'm going to do work gaining experience in a few different organizations and to get a taste of different careers I might like. 有点。但是我准备在多个不同的部门积累工作经历,尝试我可能会喜欢的不同职业。 wy.xiaoxue123.com 5. His dreams had always been Houdiniesque: they were the dreams of a pupa struggling in its blind cocoon, mad for a taste of light and air. 他的那些妄想始终是霍迪尼式的:那些不切实际的梦想就如同虫蛹在茧中奋力挣扎,狂热地渴望体验阳光和空气一般。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. We wanted him to go up and get a taste for what it is like at a top club like Liverpool then come back and get his head down again. 我们希望他能够去像利物浦这样的顶级联赛球队里亲身感受一下,回来的时候能够对自己保持清醒的认识。 www.soccerbar.cn 7. For a time the news delighted labour MPs and trade union stalwarts: the city, at last, ws getting a taste of its own nasty medicine. 这条消息使工党的议员们和工会的忠贞分子高兴了好一阵:伦敦商业区终于快要得到同样苦涩的报应。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. With all the press coverage, that could give Japan, [color=#ff0000]a year hence, a taste of its own Easter story. 经过媒体广泛的报道,这可以让日本在今后的一年中体验一次自己的“复活节”。 www.ecocn.org 9. Give it a taste. -Give it a taste? -And you're ready to go. 尝一尝。-尝一尝?-你已经准备好喝了。 www.yappr.cn 10. All this, can be classified as a sentence: a taste of happiness on your own taste. 凡此种种,皆可归为一句:幸福的滋味靠自己品味。 guizhou.guopei.teacher.com.cn 1. Following the breakfast back to Taiyuan, Shanxi vinegar on his way to visit museums, a taste of Shanxi vinegar. 早餐后返太原,途中参观山西陈醋博物馆,品尝山西老陈醋。 hi.baidu.com 2. These nightly gatherings are just a taste of what is to come as the Ganges embarks on the next stage of her epic journey to the sea. 每晚的集会只是对未来的体验,而恒河继续着其奔向大海的壮丽旅程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. And she took such a taste for this solitary rambling that she often contrived to remain out from breakfast till tea. 她是那样地喜欢自己游荡,经常在吃完早饭到喝茶这段时间想法在外面留连。 4. Mouth after eating the flesh, it felt there was a taste, at this time, you can brown do not forget to come out of seeds! 用嘴把果肉吃完,就感觉有一股酒味,这时,你可千万别忘记把棕色的籽吐出来呀! www.tradeask.com 5. A taste for chilies has no deep meaning, no evolutionary value. It's just a taste for chilies. 喜爱辣椒并没有什么深层含义,也无进化价值,喜爱就是喜爱。 www.bing.com 6. once they got a taste of that kind of fulfillment that work can give you, there was no going back. 一旦她们体味到工作带来的满足感就再也不会回头了 www.kekenet.com 7. Rolling blackouts already in place in and around Tokyo may just be a taste of the ripple effects still to come. 已经在东京和附近地区实施的轮流断电也许只是让日本先感受一下即将到来的连锁反应。 chinese.wsj.com 8. A third experiment was described to participants as a taste test: their task was to decide how much hot sauce to give to other tasters. 在被称为“味觉测试”的第三次的试验中,参加者的任务是决定给其他品尝者吃多少辣酱。 career.51youcai.com 9. My boyfriend always arrives late. Last night I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine by keeping him waiting for half an hour. 我的男朋友总是迟到。昨晚,我决定以牙还牙治他一下,让他也等半个小时。 www.kekenet.com 10. Cantonese cuisine with a taste Potaninia Run, do not eat greasy, etc. , is added a variety of nutrients the body of the flavor of food. 具有色香味美、口感绵润、多食不腻等特点,是补充体内多种营养成份的风味食品。 www.elycn.com 1. Yes, she was a beautiful horse. He would fix the loose shoe, brush her, and give her a taste of sugar now and then. 是的,这是一匹漂亮的马。他要固定一下那个松了的蹄铁,给她刷刷毛,偶尔给她一点糖吃。 www.bing.com 2. But to give a taste of what one might be like, we assembled a few students for a seminar-style discussion. 但是,为了让品味人们可能会喜欢,我们组装了一个研讨会式的讨论几个学生。 bbs.5i5i.cn 3. I had such a taste of gentle living at the lady's house that I was not so easy in my old quarters as I used to be. 我在那位贵妇人家里学会了享受舒适的生活,回到旧地方,就不象从前那样安心。 www.jukuu.com 4. Although such a taste in the mouth to maintain only a short span of a few seconds to a syrup, into my stomach. 虽然这样的美味只能在嘴中维持短短几秒钟就变成糖浆,进入我的肚子里。 www.bing.com 5. And being in the west--the most sensitive area in terms of the enemy--has given me a taste of war conditions. 而且在西部地区——对敌人来说最敏感的地区——让我真正体验到了战争环境。 www.gjgy.org 6. 17 and asked her to have much sorrow, especially a taste in the heart. (it is) with? 问君能有几多愁,别是一番滋味在心头。(这究竟是不是原配啊?) sns.sparke.cn 7. But Madhusudan relented and let me off with just a taste of his pride-reducing power. 但是马都苏丹大发慈悲,只用他一点儿贬损骄傲的能量,就把我放过了。 www.bing.com 8. It's a pity to leave Beijing without a taste of Beijing roast duck for it is a famous dish with local flavor. 到北京不吃烤鸭真遗憾,烤鸭是北京的名菜,别有风味。 wenku.baidu.com 9. Tonight was just a taste. I'm going to take you apart, piece by piece, mission by mission. 今晚只是小试牛刀,我会一点一点地把你撕成碎片,一招接一招。 www.kekenet.com 10. Jackie: Just a taste of some of the many, many things there are to say about the weather. . . always a nice, safe topic! 我感觉说到天气就有很多可以说的……这是个安全又不错的话题! www.remword.cn 1. I tell you, not one of those men who were invited will get a taste of my banquet. 我告诉你们,先前所请的人没有一个得尝我的筵席。 www.ebigear.com 2. you let me know a person's feeling of love is all you gave me a taste of love. 你让俄知道爱一个人的感觉和给了俄所有爱的滋味。 blog.163.com 3. This article has been just a primer to provide a taste of how easy list manipulation is in list-oriented languages like Scheme. 本文只是一个入门级读物,旨在让您体验了在Scheme等面向列表的语言中列表处理是何等简单。 www.ibm.com 4. She took a taste of her drink and then leaned back comfortably with her cigarette. 她品了一口饮料,然后适意地靠在后面,嘴里叼着烟卷儿。 blog.163.com 5. Called Britain's Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher was a woman with high standards, a short temper and a taste for whiskey. 被誉为英国“铁娘子”的玛格丽特·撒切尔,是个标准高,性子急,喜欢喝威士忌的女人。 www.bing.com 6. After graduating she was eager to get a taste of adulthood and decided to wait before starting college. 中学毕业后,她渴望一尝成人的滋味,决定推迟读大学的计划。 www.joyen.net 7. On Thursday, he gave a taste of what's to come, announcing plans to eliminate 192 independent government agencies. 周四,卡梅伦宣布取消英国192个独立政府部门,而此举只是机构精简计划的冰山一角。 c.wsj.com 8. It was from Han Jia that I learned Jinzhou barbecues are very delicious. So I decided to come here to have a taste. 我是听韩佳说锦州的烧烤特别好吃,所以我决定自己一定要来尝尝。 club.pojaa.com 9. Every spring the Amazon dolphins get to leave the confines of their river channel for a taste of their former habitat. 每年春天,亚马逊河豚离开所属河道的范围,到从前的栖地去晃一晃。 www.bing.com 10. His last task was to make cheeses, cherry flavor and chestnut flavor. After several days'hard work, the chemist decided to have a taste. 他最后的课题是制造奶酪,樱桃味的和栗子味的。在几天辛苦工作之后,化学家决定尝一尝。 www.ebigear.com 1. If CSR Corporation, the Chinese company that built the train, has its way, the US will get a taste of the technology in the next decade. 如果建造该列车的中国南车股份有限公司(CSRCorporation)能够得偿所愿,美国便有望在未来十年体验到这一技术。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Do you know a taste of missing, as if you drink a mug of ice water and then spend a long time to melt into hottish tear. 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. And he gave me a taste of the joys and vanities of ownership. Watching someone drop a couple coins into my machine. 这让我尝到了拥有一个小商业的快乐和虚荣。每每看到有人往我的机器里投入几个硬币,这种感觉便油然而生。 www.bing.com 4. Let me have a taste of the soup to see if it is nice. 让我尝一尝汤,看味道好不好。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Thousands entered the war, got just a taste of it, and then stepped out. 数以千计的人投入战场,在仅仅初识战争的残酷之后,马上抽身而出。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. My first thought was that once users get a taste of Linux, why would they ever boot into Windows? 我首先浮现上来的一个想法是,一旦用户尝试过Linux的后,为什么他们还总是启动进入Windows呢? www.bing.com 7. For a taste of the Mediterranean you won't go wrong with a meal at Pilu. This eatery at Freshwater won Australia's best Italian restaurant. 要是你想一尝地中海美食的风味,皮鲁一定错不了,这家位于淡水附近的小餐馆里有全澳洲最佳意大利菜。 www.elanso.com 8. But they should not allow their new-found appreciation of big companies to degenerate into a taste for picking national champions. 但他们也不能因为新发现大公司的优点,就把这种欣赏恶化为挑选国家冠军。 www.bing.com 9. Skim: Reading through the rough, a taste of content to this effect, to help understand, to read in preparation. 略读:通过整体粗读,领略内容大意,帮助理解,为细读作准备。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. To help keep the calories down but still get a taste of the fat your body craves, try reducing the portion size of the foods you eat. 要想使热量保持在低水平的同时还能获得你的身体渴望的脂肪的味道,那就试着减少你食用的食物的份量吧。 newztf.blog.163.com 1. The West may toast birthdays and weddings with Champagne, but China still hasn't found a taste for the bubbly, a new study finds. 一项新的研究发现,尽管西方人会在生日和婚礼庆典上用香槟敬酒,但中国人对这种冒着气泡的酒精饮料仍然不太感冒。 www.putclub.com 2. A taste of sugar stars, is happy to be two people to fight for it! Do not you challenge Ferrari my motorcycle! 两颗糖一种味,幸福是要两个人去争取的!别拿你的法拉利挑战我的摩托车! zhidao.baidu.com 3. Although he grew up in the country, he's always had a taste for the bright lights. 尽管他是在农村长大的,他始终对城市的五光十色情有独钟。 www.dqeyy.com 4. Magic put it bluntly, is a kind of entertainment, easy to see, in order to Enjoy a taste of. 魔术说穿了就是一种娱乐,轻松看,才能享受个中趣味。 www.365magic.com 5. Here, some basic skills to help you pick up your glass with confidence the next time a sommelier pours you a taste. 一旦你掌握了以下这些基本的技巧,下一次碰上斟酒服务生让你尝酒的时候,你就可以信心十足地端起酒杯了。 chinese.wsj.com 6. You've heard Shangainese is a taste all its own, but maybe a fine Szechuan is in order. 你听说过沪菜风味独特,但也许川菜也很不错。 www.tianya.cn 7. She had the quickest fancy, a gift like her brother's, for the tune of words. Like him, she had a taste for the theatre. 她具有她哥哥那样的天赋,对文字的音乐旋律表现出敏捷超群的想象力,并同样钟情于剧院的演出。 www.zftrans.com 8. I am pleased to have such a taste of American culture to the United States life. 我很高兴有这样一个到美国领略美国文化生活的机会。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 9. But last week's China-driven action could be a taste of things to come if liquidity was the primary catalyst. 但如果流动性才是最重要的催化剂,则上周市场因中国方面消息而产生的变动可能会是一系列反应的开端。 c.wsj.com 10. The hotel itself was a haunting ground for surrealist painters and writers and it still has a bohemian soul and a taste for fine things . 酒店曾经是超现实主义画家和作家们聚会的场所,有着向往自由的灵魂和对美好事物的热爱。 www.bing.com 1. This is what I call "give him a taste of his own medicine" . 这就是我所说的“以其人之道还治其人之身”。 www.hxen.com 2. He wants to help learners get a taste of the interest and enjoyment learning a foreign language can bring. 他希望能够帮助人们真正体验到学习外语的趣味和快乐。 baike.baidu.com 3. For investors with a taste for luxury, Ferragamo might be the more discerning choice. 对于喜好奢侈品的投资者来说,菲拉格慕可能是一个更加明智的选择。 c.wsj.com 4. enriched fluid, the rats did seem to develop a taste for it and kept drinking it, even after the vitamins were switched to the clear water. 当维他命浓缩液中加入香料时,老鼠似乎渐渐习惯了这种口味;即使后来维生素被换成清水,它们也继续饮用。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Filter and search the available work positions within the Swedish Armed Forces, and get a taste of the work environment for each position. 过滤器和搜索在瑞典武装部队提供工作岗位,并获得每个职位的工作环境的味道。 movingshop.org 6. If you would like to try a taste of your own shadow, let me offer a recipe I use when I teach my graduate students. 如果你愿意尝试隐性自我的滋味,让我来介绍一种我用来教授给我的研究生们的方法。 www.bing.com 7. Rys got a taste of action when he was assigned to escort Jedi Master Yoda on a diplomatic mission to the coral moon of Rugosa. 在护送绝地大师尤达去珊瑚卫星鲁戈萨执行外交任务的行动中,里斯尝到了战斗的滋味。 starwarsfans.cn 8. The recent vandalism of the home of Sir Fred Goodwin, a failed banker and symbol of greedy incompetence, may be a taste of things to come. 最近一次对弗雷德?古德温(FredGoodwin)爵士(一个失败的银行家,贪婪无能的标志)家的破坏也许就预示着即将发生的一切。 www.ecocn.org 9. She's here for a taste of her home country: the fried plantains, the grilled pork sausages. 她来这儿是为了寻找她祖国的味道:煎芭蕉,还有烤猪肉香肠。 www.elanso.com 10. That and numerous other methods were employed to give us a sense of opportunity, and give us a taste of the rich lifestyle. 这和许多其他的手段都给我们一种机遇感,让我们体验富裕的生活方式。 www.elanso.com 1. A lot of people said, he is a taste of the woman is like a product to the finest wine, and memorable. 很多人说,结识一位有味道的女人就像是品到上等的红酒,回味无穷。 www.9999jiu.com 2. Unless he made them 30 feet tall. With a taste for human blood. 除非他要他们身高三十英尺以上,而且喜欢人血的味道。 www.bing.com 3. Papyrus is a communication device that's able to give you a taste of the genuine monument design from hundreds of years ago. Papyrus是一个能给你带来一种根据百年前的真实设计出来的神奇体验的设备。 www.bing.com 4. Tea is a very good man, just like a cup of good tea, fragrance, fragrance, a taste, Sheng Jin throat, lip Fresh Gear. 茶叶是个非常出色的男人,就像一杯上好的香茗,馥郁、芬芳,浅尝一口,生津润喉,唇齿留香。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. For two years she ran his small business making clothes for the C&A department store and got a "taste for money" . 她有两年时间是在经营一家小型的制衣企业,为C&A百货公司提供产品,并尝到了“赚钱的滋味”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Just a taste of life everywhere, you need to have a taste and flavor of our heart. 生活里处处恰有味道,就需要我们有一颗品味味道的心。 blog.wtojob.com 7. An elimination game of bricks, rules similar to the number of fish Agni Kennedy, a taste of a Christmas game, DEMO version. 一个消砖块的游戏,规则类似数字鱼的烈火英豪,有圣诞的味道的一款游戏,DEMO版。 www.fishjava.com 8. For a taste of interesting west coast boutiques, walk along the pedestrian-only Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica. 喜欢有趣的西海岸精品店的话,到圣塔莫尼卡(SantaMonica)的第三街步行街逛逛。 cn.reuters.com 9. You want a taste of how it feels to be a black man in this country? 你想感觉一下黑人在这个国家的感觉? www.bing.com 10. A night out will give you a taste of that better than any guided tour. 夜晚出去走上一圈将让你体会到比任何有导游的旅程更美妙的滋味。 www.voa365.com 1. This might interpret out of context, to have a look after the half, but otherwise a taste. 在此,不妨断章取义的来看看后半截,却另有一番滋味。 www.bing.com 2. Waiter: We thought you needed to get a taste of your own medicine. Tastes bad doesn't it? But we all feel a lot better for it. 服务员:我们认为你需要自尝苦果,是不是很难受呢?但我们觉得很好。 www.examda.com 3. One shortcut that I use when starting up a new venture is what I call a 'taste test. ' 我在开始一个新的事业时用到的捷径被我称为“尝试”。 www.bing.com 4. Unfortunately I can't make all the tasty stuff be completely healthy for you. But I can show you how to develop a taste for healthy food. 很不幸的就是我无法将所有好吃的健康事物都做给你吃,但是我可以告诉你如何培养自己对健康事物的好胃口。 www.bing.com 5. At such a beautiful place , don't you think we should also have a taste of the seaside life . 到了这么漂亮的地方,咱们是不是也应该好好地体验一下海滨生活呀。 www.bing.com 6. Here are a variety of red wines for you to choose. You can have a taste then make your decision then. Here is the wine menu. 我们有很多种红酒可以供您选择。您可以先尝一下再做决定。这是酒单。 www.bing.com 7. Chinese from many different parts of the world come here for a taste of their old traditions. 从世界各地来的中国人寻找他们古老的传统。 www.bing.com 8. From my early years I had a taste for acting, and firmly believed that I had a special aptitude for it. 从我很小的时候,我就喜欢表演并且坚决地相信我有表演的才能。 www.bing.com 9. The core modules taken during the first year aim to give students a solid foundation in Mathematics and a taste of Finance. 第一年的主要课程是为了给学生一个扎实的数学基础,以及对金融财务的初步接触。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Through the angle of deja vu lane, having an antique flavour brick house and a taste of the hometown! 走过似曾相识的巷角,古色古香的砖瓦房前纷飞着一丝故乡的味道! www.bing.com 1. Grandfather's words are sobering sense of wind, with a glass of tea, a taste of the hearts of the people! 外祖父的话让风儿有醍醐灌顶之感,同是一杯茶,个中滋味自在人心! www.bing.com 2. The history of the 04 Olympic team, it would be quite a taste of the Memorial tournament. 对于已经成为历史的04国奥队来说,这将是一场颇有味道的纪念赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Take a small bite of a green, hard, unripened pear ( just to get a taste, you don't want that stomachache). 咬一小口又青又硬、未成熟的梨(只是为了尝尝味道,不会让你胃疼)。 tieba.baidu.com 4. But when China invited Mr. Li to tour the mainland this week, the Communist Party got a taste of its rival's pungent democracy. 但是中国何时邀请了先生。李这星期游览大陆,共产党得到了它的对手苦痛的民主政治的味道。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Real serving girls were always teasing the pot boys, flirting with the cooks, wheedling a taste of this, a bite of that. 她们大大的错了,真正的女仆会一直对侍酒们嘲笑个不停,和厨师们调情,骗这个吃那个。 www.cndkc.net 6. Love a person, there was only a taste of their own taste may be bitter, perhaps sad, perhaps with pleasure, may be happy. 爱一个人,有种只有自己才得尝的滋味,也许是苦涩,也许是哀愁,也许是欣然,也许是快乐。 www.goto020.cn 7. Overflows with both honey and gall . It gives you a taste of sweetness , and then heaps bitterness before you to satiety . 爱情充满了蜂蜜与胆汁。它让你尝到甜蜜,在你饱足之前又使你满口苦涩。 www.bing.com 8. I seed coffee, I harvest magic, it has flavor and heart, The outcome is fantastic, With a taste of art. 我种植咖啡,我收获奇迹,它风味芬芳、心灵美丽,它用充满艺术的趣味,给与慷慨的回报。 www.spr.cc 9. If someone is unsure about a wine choice, help him. That might mean sending someone else to the table or offering a taste or two. 如果有客人还在犹豫喝哪种酒,帮帮他,给点建议。也许,这会引来另一个客人的到来,或者只是品尝一两口。 www.91fane.com 10. That your girlfriend, sef, don't forget that a beautiful woman is like delicious soup. Everyone wants to get a taste of it. 别忘了,漂亮的女人就像好喝的汤水,个个都想尝一口。 www.bing.com 1. It could be a taste of the future for job interviews and the beginning of the end for curmudgeonly work colleagues. 这可能是未来工作面试的体验,同时也可能是脾气古怪的同事不复存在的时代拉开了序幕。 www.ebigear.com 2. I'll give a simple example here, to give you a taste of what I'm talking about. 这里我将举一个简单的例子,让您体会一下我正在讲什么。 www.ibm.com 3. Just a taste. . . of what awaits you. 这只是,一点小小的教训。 gamequote.appspot.com 4. She can give you a taste of a blended chocolate that contains cacao from around the world. 她可以让你品尝含有全世界的混合巧克力。 word.hcbus.com 5. Scope of today's discussion: a sample of case study, just a taste! 今天讨论的范畴:只是一个案例分析的样板。 elib.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn:8080 6. The love affair is a chimera market veteran, I got a taste of what types of lifestyles. 望月是风月场中的老手,让我领略了什么叫做万种风情。 bbs.renyu.net 7. Precocious youngsters with a taste for laboratorynotebooks spend years building experiments to compete for college scholarships. 对实验室笔记本有着兴趣的早熟青少年们花了几年进行实验来拼取大学奖学金。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. He also got a taste of stardom when he was greeted by a crowd of excited well wishers. 当他被拥挤的兴奋人群包围时,他尝到了当明星的感觉。 www.biodic.cn 9. A nemesis can be useful: without the Joker, Batman is a rich nutcase with a taste for spandex. 有个劲敌可能是有益的:如果没有小丑(Joker),蝙蝠侠(Batman)只是个有钱、喜欢穿氨纶紧身衣的疯子。 www.ftchinese.com 10. It's the east-coast turn to get a taste of bad wintry blast that had been hitting middle west. 在中西部地区一直遭受恶劣的寒风侵袭之后,现在又轮到东部海岸地区来品尝它的滋味了。 www.bing.com 1. guangdong is famous for its various snacks, if you want , i can take you to have a taste. 广东以各种小吃闻名,如果你愿意的话,我可以带你去尝下! wenwen.soso.com 2. It appeared that she had a taste for music. 她似乎很喜欢音乐。 www.9twl.cn 3. Paul: It looks like Wei gave the Vomit King a taste of his own medicine. 保罗:看来小薇给了呕吐王以其人之道还治其人之身的教训。 tj.yuloo.com 4. Business was good from the outset, as local diners and curious foreign diplomats crammed in for a taste of the new China. 生意从一开始就很好,因为当地食客和好奇的外国外交人员为了品尝“新中国的味道”而蜂拥至此。 www.bing.com 5. With the last update we gave a taste of some of the fabulous materials supplied by Paola Harris. 在最后一次更新中、透过保拉?哈里斯、我们给出了一些难以置信的素材。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The aims of the subject therefore are both to inform students about economic history and to give them a taste of applied economic research. 因此,本课程之目标除在于教授经济学历史,亦使学生尝试研究应用经济学。 www.myoops.org 7. I hope this article gives you a taste of what we in the database development teams here at IBM have been up to. 我希望本文能让您了解一下我们这些IBM数据库开发小组的成员所完成的工作。 www.ibm.com 8. Far from telling us anything about doodling, it tells us the French have a babyish approach to work and a taste for arty whimsy. 它讲的不是涂鸦,而是告诉我们法国人工作方法幼稚,假装喜欢艺术。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Finally, they were offered a bowl of M&Ms -- presumably for a taste test that would follow. 最后,他们得到了一碗M&小姐--推测上为一个会跟随的味道测试。 www.bing.com 10. This might mean developing a taste for raw fish or hot spices, but in the long run it will be cheaper and easier (and maybe even healthier)! 这可能意味着要培养对生鱼和热香料的品味,但从长远来看他将会变得更便宜和简单(甚至可能更加健康)! www.bing.com 1. Although I come from the land of amazing techno, I didn't fully develop a taste for it until I moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. 虽然我来自于一个非常先进的电音之地,但我从来没有对这方面产生过兴趣,直到我搬到了旧金山海湾地区。 www.greeningthebeige.org 2. Picasso returned to a taste for bright colors and vitality in his paintings. 毕加索重拾自由与个人在色彩上的品味,还有那旺盛的精力。 magazine.99ys.com 3. Relentless devotion wreaks havoc on The Count's burdened soul, yet we're free to behold a taste of fantasy far from wicked isolation. 不懈的献身对计数的负担的灵魂遭成破坏,我们是自由注视幻想口味离邪恶的隔离很远的地方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Economists still share a taste for the Greek alphabet: they like to provide formal, algebraic accounts of the behaviour they explain. 经济学家们仍旧对共同使用希腊数字保有兴趣,对他们所解释的形为他们喜欢提供正式的代数学的报告。 club.topsage.com 5. Give the enemy a taste of our shells. 让敌人尝尝我们炮弹的味道。 tr.hjenglish.com 6. Whentheir territory increased, which happened under Carmagnola, the Venetians had a taste of this mistake. 当他们的领土扩大后,在卡尔马尼奥拉身上,威尼斯人尝到了这个错误的味道。 www.bing.com 7. The tutorial winds down with a taste of some advanced JSF programming: create an object-level validation framework using a phase listener. 本教程要尝试一些高级JSF编程:使用一个阶段监听器创建一个对象级的检验框架。 www.ibm.com 8. You've given me a taste for life. I wanna be happy. Sleep in a bed, have roots. 你让我尝到了生活的滋味。我想要快乐。睡在床上,有自己的根。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I love 'em and leave 'em, she said. I do it to give men a taste of their own medicine. 我爱他们,然后离开他们,她说,我这样对男人是以其人之道,还治其人之身。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. After more than two hours in the chocolate, does he still have a taste for it? "Not so much anymore, " Garcia said. 在身陷巧克力两个多小时之后,加西亚还有胃口吃巧克力麽?他说:“再不要像这样多了!” big5.cri.cn 1. But as he was starting to get a taste of family life, it ended again. 但当他开始品尝家庭生活的时候,它又结束了。 www.dltcedu.org 2. Whiz until shiny and smooth then have a taste and adjust with a bit more salt, chilli or lime juice if needed. 打碎,直到酱料光滑鲜亮为止,尝味,根据需要加入盐,辣椒粉,或是青柠汁。 blog.163.com 3. A taste for cheerleading has been reinforced by the rise of a multi-million-dollar management-theory industry. 随着价值数百万美元的管理理论行业兴起,这种“企业拉拉队”更是得到加强。 www.bing.com 4. But how does it stand up in a taste test? 不过,这种鸡蛋的味道经不经得起考验呢? c.wsj.com 5. Negroes gave to America jazz and a taste for gaudy clothes , while Indians contributed smoking and the crew -cut . 黑人给美国带来了爵士音乐和大红大绿的衣服,印第安人提供了吸烟和平头发式。 www.bing.com 6. See autumn cloud, I finally got a taste of " artistic conception, more like floating smoke and passing clouds" to " rich clouds" . 看秋云,我终于领略了“过眼烟云”意境,更悟出了“富贵如浮云”的真谛。 www.bing.com 7. At the Central Perk coffee shop in Beijing, you can get a taste of the United States. 在北京的中央公园咖啡馆,你可以领略美国风情。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Chilean dictator combined ruthless repression with a taste for free markets and monetarism. 这个智利的独裁者把残酷的镇压与自由市场和货币主义的尝试结合到一起。 club.topsage.com 9. Beijing's part of the Athens 2004 Closing Ceremony was seen across the world, giving us a taste of what is to come. 在2004年雅典奥运会闭幕式上,北京的出色表演已经为世界瞩目并让我们开始期待北京奥运会更多的精彩表现。 www.bjd.com.cn 10. Wired has an excellent interview with La France, for a taste of the book's fascination. 为了先体验本书的迷人之处,《有线》杂志与拉弗朗斯进行了访谈。 dongxi.net 1. I'll conclude this article with a working example that should give you a taste of how App Engine for Java persistence works. 我将使用一个可行的示例来结束本文,您将体验AppEngineforJava持久性是如何工作的。 www.ibm.com 2. A taste of the political furore likely to accompany the bonus season comes today from a key Washington powerbroker. 在奖金季节到来之时,华盛顿一位主要的政治掮客可能在今日发动一轮政治风波。 www.ftchinese.com 3. And now catastrophic fires sweeping Russia give a taste of what climate change may bring to that bread basket. 目前肆虐俄罗斯的灾难性大火让人们多少了解到气候变化可能对产粮区带来的严重后果。 www.neworiental.org 4. But he admits that Rhapsody's free trial is exactly that: a taste of the product with certain restrictions -- in this case, a time limit. 但他承认,Rhapsody的免费试用实际上就是用户在一定的限制下(这里就是时间限制)可以体验该产品。 www.fortunechina.com 5. I'm a coyote and I got a taste for your lovin' 我是只山狗我知道你的味道亲爱的 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Jack: So let me give you a taste of this 1997 Rapel Valley Cuvee Alexandre Merlot. 杰克:接下来,让我给你尝尝这款一九九七的拉贝谷亚历山大窖藏梅洛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Better plumbing, a taste for innovation, and a mission to civilise immigrants all played a part. 更好的探索,创新的尝试,一系列使移民更文明的任务都在起着作用。 www.ecocn.org 8. On offer: shrimp dumplings and oyster cakes for a taste of China, fresh sugarcane juice that's the rage in street markets in Vietnam. 卖的东西包括:华人口味的虾饺与蚵仔煎,越南市集上广受欢迎的现榨甘蔗汁。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. What is scary is that the current frothiness of emerging markets, centred on China, may be only a taste of what is to come. 令人害怕的是,当前新兴市场,尤其是中国的产生泡沫的趋向可能只是将来会发生的事情的先兆。 www.bing.com 10. I am sort of getting a taste for this war business, how about you? 我开始对这场战斗有点感觉了,你怎么样? tieba.baidu.com 1. Plus, the worldwide explosion in the popularity of sushi means that even people who never liked fish before have developed a taste for it. 此外,寿司在世界范围越来越普及,连那些以前不喜欢吃鱼的人也跃跃欲试。 www.bing.com 2. Once you have had a taste of what Canada has to offer , you will understand whyCanadians are so proud of this great land . 只要领略过加拿大,便会了解为什么加拿大人会对这片伟大土地如此自豪。来过一次,您定会流连忘返。 www.bing.com 3. A pioneer of shareholder activism in Britain, Prudential has been given a taste of its own medicine. 作为英国股东行动主义的先锋,保诚已尝到了自良的苦药。 www.ecocn.org 4. "I came here for a taste of the past, but it is gone, " says Chang Ming, who owns his own wastewater treatment firm. “我到这里来品尝过去,但它已不复存在了”,说话的是常鸣(音),他拥有属于自己的废水处理工厂。 www.bing.com 5. Mosquitofish, freshwater fish with a taste for mosquito larvae, are highly social. 食蚊鱼是淡水鱼,以蚊子幼虫为食,高度的群体化。 www.bing.com 6. Often eccentric, Mr Jobs developed obsessive dietary habits in his early 20s, along with a taste for Bob Dylan, LSD and Zen. 乔布斯行为怪诞,在其二十岁出头的年纪就养成了强迫性的饮食习惯,同时还迷恋鲍勃迪伦、致幻剂以及禅宗。 www.ecocn.org 7. One, a taste for military adventurism on its "eastern front" against giant India, which has undermined security, not enhanced it. 第一,在“东部战线”上热衷于军事冒险主义抵抗印度大国,这不但没有加强,反倒破坏了巴基斯坦的安全保障。 www.ecocn.org 8. After leaving Baiyun Airport Ms. Melvin got a taste of the soul of Cantonese life at China Hotel: Dim Sum. 离开白云机场后,梅芬在中国大酒店亲身体验广州生活的“精髓”——喝早茶。 www.lifeofguangzhou.com 9. To get a taste of real life in Yangon, join the soccer-mad crowds during a weekend match. 要体会仰光的真实生活,不妨在周末的足球比赛中加入疯狂的球迷队伍。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Our students are given more than a taste of England's historical and cultural heritage, adding to the richness of their time with us . 我们的学生能学到更多的英国历史和文化遗产,还有富裕的时间与我们在一起。 www.19lou.com 1. Steven: But I don't even understand a single work of his. Does that mean I don't have a taste for art? 但是,他的一部作品我都不懂。这是不是说明我没有艺术品味? www.linewow.com 2. Yet her off stage, it was fortunate a taste of the masses surrounded entries, for its production secrets. 王女士还没走下舞台,就被有幸尝到了参赛作品的群众围住,讨教其制作秘诀。 www.zgchef.com 3. It must be admitted that only when we get a taste of its abuse will we feel the full meaning of cloning. 必须承认,只有当我们尝到克隆被滥用的恶果之后,我们才会彻底明白其价值所在。 www.hxen.com 4. Mt. Lingyun, a fairy land to research Chinese geomantic culture and religion culture and get a taste of aerial farming. 凌云山,探索研究中国风水文化,宗教文化和体验川北农耕文化的灵山宝地。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. As one of Hollywood's most famous actress, her elegant temperament and are known for wearing a taste. 身为好莱坞最著名的女星之一,她以高雅的气质与有品味的穿着著称。 wenwen.soso.com 6. The pulp adds a hint of color and perhaps flavor: Females sometimes take a taste during the male's display. 这果肉加上颜色的暗示也许是情味:雌鸟有时候接受品味当这只雄鸟的炫耀的时候。 forum.home.news.cn 7. Opened the door I found that visitors are our neighbors - who have a taste of Russian perfume of terror model. 开门后我发现来访者是我们的邻居——一位身上有着恐怖香水味道的俄罗斯模特。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Investors have certainly acquired more of a taste for commodities over the past few years. 毫无疑问,在过去几年里,投资者对商品投资的兴趣日益浓厚。 www.ecocn.org 9. For a taste of Wikipedia's future look, either log in on the site or check out our screenshot below of the 3 millionth article. 如果你想知道Wikipedia未来的模样如何,那么请登录网站或查看下文中第300万篇文章的截图。 www.bing.com 10. So now where should listeners go to get a taste of these technologies, IBM or otherwise, do you think? 那么您认为听众可以从哪里尝试这些技术,IBM或其他位置? www.ibm.com 1. How about giving a party this evening to celebrate the harvest and inviting you Daddy to have a taste of our-harvested peanuts? 今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们的新花生,如何? wenku.baidu.com 2. Beautiful to behold - LORELEY, the bottle seal for those with a taste for fine wine and culture. LORELEY瓶塞对于任何一个善于品味美酒以及包含在其中的文化的人来说都是一个不错的选择。 www.tianya.cn 3. A cigar store in the Miami neighborhood of Little Havana gives Cubans in the U. S. a taste of home. 在迈阿密小哈瓦那附近的一个雪茄店给古巴人在美国的家的味道。 www.maynet.cn 4. A summer job developing railway signalling systems had given him a taste for working in the real world. 通过一个开发铁路信号系统的暑期工作,Ted初尝了为现实世界工作的滋味。 www.bing.com 5. With a taste of modernity, they can seem much like the rest of us. 怀着现代性的味觉,他们可能好象很象其余的我们中。 www.ecocn.org 6. We have embarked on a taste test tour of your favorite supermarket foods. 我们已经进行了一次你最喜欢的超市食物试吃之旅。 www.bing.com 7. Yet the shy country boy also harboured a vindictive streak and a taste for revenge. 但是,在这个害羞的农村娃的内心还藏有极强的报复心理。 www.ecocn.org 8. Lapine has a taste "for the avant-garde and for visually oriented theater in particular. " 詹姆斯对前卫而富于视觉效果的戏剧作品有着特别的品味。 www.bing.com 9. This time, I finally a taste of the "infinite beauty in the Xianfeng" feeling. 这下,我终于领略到了“无限风光在险峰”的感觉。 www.tradeask.com 10. From pure poverty to middle class and a taste of wealth, he has experienced it all. 从贫穷走到中产阶级,他一路体验到财富的积累。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. After waiting my instauration, I ambition make you also have a taste manipulation like this! 等我恢复之后,我就会让你也尝一尝这样的待遇! cnxp.tk 2. Highly recommended to lovers of statuesque business women with a taste for kink. 强烈建议用一种味道雕像般扭结企业家爱好者。 www.freehai.com 3. The ensuing protests, many hard fought, won the demonstrators control of Tahrir Square and, ultimately, a taste of political freedom. 接下来便举行了抗议活动,其间虽然历尽艰辛,但毕竟示威者控制了解放广场并最终尝到了政治自由的滋味。 c.wsj.com 4. The milky beverage, with a low alcohol content, is served neat or with a taste of honey or fruit. 这种乳白色的饮料酒精含量不高,不掺水喝或加蜂蜜或水果口味都可以。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. a taste for littleness in terms of aesthetic orientation. 在审美取向上,是以小为美的“人形”趣味。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Come visit the forum on idug. org, and here's a taste of an early discussion (posts edited for length and clarity). 请访问idug.org上的论坛,体验一下早期的讨论(长度和清晰度方面都做了编辑的一些帖子)。 www.ibm.com 7. Just a taste? A drop, perhaps? 只尝一下?要不只吃一滴? blog.sina.com.cn 8. It's good the England players got a taste of the excitement gripping the country before they left for World Cup 2010 in South Africa. 全体英格兰队员在前往2010年南非世界杯之前,就已经兴奋过了,这点很棒! www.bing.com 9. For a taste of your whiskey, I'll give you some advice. 给我尝一口你的威士忌,我就给你一些建议。 laodai.c8c8.com.cn 10. FOR a taste of the old South, you can attend a civil war battle re-enactment. 要体验传统南部的风貌,你可以参加一次内战中的战役重现。 www.ecocn.org 1. A few hours of work seems a small price to pay for a taste of liberty. 以几个小时的劳动来换取一点自由应该是很小的代价。 club.topsage.com 2. One day, suspecting that a certain Private Sharpe was toting a liquor-laden canteen, he asked for a taste of the man's "water" . 有一天,他怀疑二等兵夏普所携水壶盛的是酒,就叫夏普把「水」拿给他喝。 forum.bomoo.com 3. Are you in? You get little pieces that she looked like a taste like this? 是你吗?你有一点,她像这样看上去有种感觉? www.kekenet.com 4. "Expats like a taste of home, " explains Mr Wei, the restaurant's chief executive. “老外喜欢家乡风味,”身为Cheers首席执行官的JeffWei解释道。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In other words, there's just so much new (and good) in JAXP 1. 1 that I couldn't wait to give you a taste of what's coming. 换句话说,JAXP1.1中的新东西(也是好东西)实在太多,我迫不及待地要让您感受一下它们。 www.ibm.com 6. LINA 'S has become a brand in fashion, particularly for the women, and symbolizes a taste of life: freshness and health. 如今LINA’S已成为高品质生活的代名词,它意味着:源自巴黎、健康饮食与时尚生活。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Their young players got a taste of how hard teams play, and how physically the Jazz play, in the playoffs. 年轻球员初尝比赛之苦,吃够了爵士肌肉棒子的厉害,那才是他们季后赛狰狞面目。 laiba.tianya.cn 8. This supplement is great since it contains no artificial colors, great nutrition and a taste that my son enjoys. 这款维生素不含任何人工色素呢,非常好的天然产品,我的儿子非常喜欢。 www.woka123.cn 9. Encouraged by her first coach, Ezio Triccoli, the young Italian quickly developed a taste for the sport, and specialised in the foil. 在她的第一任教练的支持和鼓励下,特里利尼很快就喜欢上了这项运动,并且开始从事花剑的专门训练。 www.bing.com 10. etc. This growing phenomenon gives city slickers a taste of rural life while helping farmers diversify their revenue stream. 渐兴盛的旅游形式在帮助农民增加收入的同时也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。 www.3tedu.com 1. You now have a taste of what is possible with OCAP and the tools you need to create whatever you wish. 现在,您对OCAP的作用和实现您的想法所需的工具已有所了解。 www.ibm.com 2. Do we want to know about the feelings of a middle-class woman with a taste for vice? 我们难道要知道一个自甘堕落的中产阶级女人的各种感情吗? 3. A woman only needs to sense a taste of trouble and her mind begins to embellish. 一个女人一旦品尝了麻烦的滋味,她的思想就丰富起来。 www.bing.com 4. This is just a taste of the available Wave gadgets. 这只是对可用的Wave小工具略加阐述。 www.bing.com 5. But apart from local rice wine and beer, a taste for fine wine is building slowly, and both customers and investors are answering the call. 而目前,除了本土的粮食酒类和啤酒外,对高品质红酒的鉴赏正在慢慢形成,这里的消费者和投资者们正在做出共同的应答。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. There was a taste in court circles for romantic verse. 宫廷社交圈内流行浪漫韵诗。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The groupies, floozies, and gold-diggers who swarm pro athletes will do anything to get a taste. 游走于职业运动员之中的追星族、妓女和吊金龟婿的人会不择手段来让他们就范。 www.bing.com 8. The first Green chancellor will no doubt have a taste for paradox. 第一届的绿党党首无疑将对矛盾的事情青睐有加。 www.ecocn.org 9. or readers may want a taste of a book that they subsequently buy in hard copy. 或是阅读爱好者们会事先在网上尝试一下他们想买的书籍。 www.ecocn.org 10. The City of Dali is a traveler's Dream: a taste of old China in an idyllic setting. But is it destined to be ruined by tourism? 大理是每一个旅行者的梦想:那里有着古老中国田园牧歌式的韵味。但是它注定要被旅游业破坏吗? www.bing.com 1. Just to give you a taste of some of the difficulties that can arise, we'll discuss a few prominent ones and some potential solutions. 为了让您初步体会可能产生的某些困难,我们将讨论几个突出的困难以及一些可能的解决方案。 www.ibm.com 2. They included a taste for the Machiavellian in the exercise of power that undermined the DPJ 's formal governance. 这包括他以马基雅维利式的权谋策略运作权力,这影响到民主党的正式统治; www.bing.com 3. Please take a taste of your own medicine! 请尝尝你自己的药吧! www.iselong.com 4. As an economic boom propels more people in India into the ranks of the wealthy, they are acquiring a taste for the good life. 印度经济的欣欣向荣,使很多人挤进了富裕阶层,也有了优质生活的品味。 www.voanews.cn 5. Like Cinderella, however, most of them can experience a taste of the "good life" within a limited time. 然而像灰姑娘一样,她们中的大多数只在很有限的一段时间内品尝到所谓的“幸福生活”。 www.bing.com 6. Expensive time eaters that leave us with lighter wallets and a taste of burnt coffee in our mouths. 这些景点浪费了我们的时间,并且留下的只是瘪下去的钱包以及口中如煮糊了的咖啡般的味道。 blog.163.com 7. If you go, go early and only on weekdays to avoid the crowds and get a taste of the tranquil atmosphere before the hordes descend. 如果你决定去,早点出发并且建议只在工作日去,在大队人群出发之前感受一下那自然安宁的气息。 www.ycxyz.com 8. For those graduating into 4th density, these mysteries will be only a taste of what awaits. 对于那些毕业进入第四密度的人,解开这些谜团将只是小菜一碟而已。 hi.baidu.com 9. Chinese are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of cuisine. 中国感到非常自豪自己的文化的食品和将尽力给你一个口味许多不同类型的菜肴。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. According to the disclosure of the AQSIQ, Hubei ports detected a "taste of canned cuttlefish pay" excessive levels of cadmium content. 根据国家质检总局披露,湖北口岸发现了鱿鱼罐头“品味付款”的镉含量过高有关。 www.qiyeku.com 1. These second-tier posts could give the heir apparent a taste of the mechanics of running the state. 这些二线职位可让这名当然接班人体验管理国家的具体操作。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In one largely unexpected effect of the crisis, investors have developed a taste for emerging-market debt. 这场危机还带来了一个多数人都意想不到的结果,那便是投资者对新兴市场债券产生了兴趣。 chinese.wsj.com 3. As Vronsky had from a child a taste for painting, and as, not knowing what to spend his money on, he had begun collecting engravings . Vronsky从小对绘画就有着独特的品味,现在他钱多得没处花,于是便开始收藏雕刻品。 select.yeeyan.org 4. Every now and then you need a taste of your favorite childhood dish. 人常常会回忆起您喜爱的那种童年的味道。 www.bing.com 5. They had a taste for randomness and complexity, for jagged edges and sudden leaps. 他们有一个随机性和复杂性的味道,为锯齿状边缘,突然飞跃。 www.baike.com 6. It will also give you a taste of tablet computing with functions like browsing the Web, using some apps and eventually, full emailing. 它同时兼具平板计算机的使用体验,像浏览网页、使用应用程序以及最终收发电邮都不在话下。 c.wsj.com 7. Reid said Albania gave tourists a taste of the Mediterranean without the crowds and prices. 里德认为阿尔巴尼亚给游客带来一种没有拥挤人群和物价的地中海气息。 dongxi.net 8. With on-line shopping fast gaining popularity in China, more people began to have a taste of modern day E-commerce. 在中国,网络购物越来越流行,越来越多的人开始喜欢如今的电子商务。 dipan.kekenet.com 9. You're a "Easy rider" You're an adventurous soul with a taste for the good life. 你是一个熟练的驾驭者。你是一个喜爱美好生活的冒险者。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Travel away side the country to Petrodvorets Palace to a taste of old imperial grower. 离开市区往彼得城方向游览,一尝古老皇宫富丽堂皇的风味。 www.ffenglish.com 1. "One thing we know about the Herto people, they had a taste for meat, especially hippos, " White said, brushing some sand off a hippo skull. “我们知道赫托人已经开始吃肉了,尤其是河马肉,”怀特一边说着,一边将一具河马头骨上的沙土拭去。 www.bing.com 2. On January 2, many Mexicans waited for a taste of the giant cake in Mexico City, Mexico. 1月2日,墨西哥首都墨西哥城中的民众正在等待品尝巨无霸蛋糕。 gb.cri.cn 3. Visitors can board the city a taste of the majestic Great Wall and works great and arduous. 游人可以登城领略长城的雄伟和工程的浩大、艰巨。 www.qiyeku.com 4. We've experienced the dizziness of free fall; now we've been getting a taste of the equally fast ascent. 我们经历过股市自由落体的眩晕,现在我们又尝到了以同样速度急速上升的滋味。 www.bing.com 5. Twenty years ago theorists feared that the newly emerging democracies might lack a taste for capitalism. 理论家们在20年前曾担心:新兴的民主国家可能不太热衷于资本主义。 www.america.gov 6. a boy almost entered the girls' dormitory to get a taste of the cake. 有一个男生为了吃蛋糕,还差点跑到了女生寝室。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. Do you cry out in your sleep, all my failings exposed? Get a taste in my mouth as desperation takes hold. 你会在睡梦中哭泣,暴露我所有的缺点?在绝望扎根时,我的嘴中有了一种味道。 www.yappr.cn 8. Shipping companies are getting a taste of what excess capacity feels like. 航运公司正在品尝产能过剩的滋味。 chinese.wsj.com 9. If you truly want to get the feel for a city, you need to get a taste of the city first. 如果你要真正感觉一下一个城市的生活,首先应该品尝这座城市的美食。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Officials from all of Spain's big parties are being investigated for corruption, but the PP cases reveal a taste for ostentatious luxury. 西班牙所有大党的官员都在接受贪污调查,但是人民党案件揭露了对铺张奢侈品的偏好。 ecocn.org 1. "Let us have a party tonight to celebrate, " Mother suggested, "and ask Dad to come for a taste of our fresh peanuts. What do you say? " 妈妈说:“今晚我们可以做一个收获节,也请你们爹爹来尝尝我们底新花生,如何?” www.bing.com 2. Van Gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant, unmixed colours. 凡高发展了个性化的笔法及鲜明、纯色的品位。 www.ebigear.com 3. The Academy offers different music courses to allow children to have a taste of different types of dances. 学院特设计多种音乐课程,让儿童可挑选喜欢的来学习。 b5togb.hkedcity.net 4. For those on a budget who want a taste of the rich life, consider secondhand items. 对于那些在预算谁想要一个口味丰富的生活,考虑二手物品。 cuidadosamente.famousnudelady.com 5. Expensive time eaters that leave us with lighter wallets and a taste of in our mouths. 昂贵的时间耗费,留给我们的只有变得很轻的钱包和还残留在口里的糊咖啡的味道。 www.bing.com 6. balanced nutrition and a taste your dog will love. 平衡营养和符合你的狗的口味。 hi.baidu.com 7. Life is hard. Time is short. Sometimes all we want just a taste. . . 呵呵,同时人生苦短,有时我们想要的却只是一种体验… blog.sina.com.cn 8. Beside the obvious differences (horns, a taste for hay), there is a major psychological contrast: Goats are masters of single-minded focus. 除了明显区别(犄角、对干草的口味)之外,有一个主要的心理对比:山羊们是一心一意专心的大师。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Foreigners strolled in Beijing's streets and lanes recently, getting a taste of Chinese culture. 这些天,包括奥运贵宾在内,世界各地外国人穿梭在北京大街小巷,领略中国文化。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. The gritty suburbs of Paris are getting a taste of the glamorous Cannes Film Festival. 砂石遍布的巴黎市郊同样分享到了戛纳电影节的影视盛宴。 www.hjenglish.com |
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