单词 | a-x | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | a-x
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 不等式,一,第一盘 1. The Virtual Classroom makes these tests more efficient, Rizzo says. In one experiment, he gave a group of kids the classic "A-X" test. 虚拟教室让这些测试变得更有效率,Rizzo说,在一项试验中,他给一组孩子们做经典的“A-X”测试。 www.bing.com 2. Yes, but this was long time ago. I had an a X-ray taken, but it did not say exactly what's wrong. 顾客:检查过,不过是挺长时间以的,那时还拍过片子,结果也没确定是什么病。 www.39kf.com 3. He originally named the mouse as a "X-Y Position Indicator for a Display System " . 他最早把它称作“显示系统X-Y坐标位置指示器”。 www.bing.com 4. He gave me a X? ray and took my blood pressure. 他给本人做了X光透视,量了本人的血压。 www.djzhao.com 5. If in its hay day the USSR could not compete with american carriers how well will the chinese do with a X-USSR carrier refitted. 如果是在苏联的全盛时期,他们也无法与美国航母相抗衡,中国对一艘未知的苏联航母又能改装得多好。 bbs.voc.com.cn 6. If you're paying close attention, you'll register all the times this combination occurs. If not, you'll miss some. 如果你能够集中足够的注意力,你能够记录所有这样的A-X组合情况,如果无法集中注意力,你会忽略一些组合。 www.bing.com 7. Review the capital letters with your flash cards but put little a-x in with them. 复习大写字母的同时把小写的a到x穿插到里面去。 www.myld.cn 8. World Patents Abstracts (WPA) - European Patents Abstracts (Unexamined, Numerical Order), Section A-X. 欧洲专利文摘(未经审查),号码顺序,A-X辑。 www.zhongtu.com.cn 9. World Patents Abstracts (WPA) - British Patents Abstracts (Unexamined, Numerical Order), Section A-X. 英国专利文摘(未经审查),号码顺序,A-X辑。 www.zhongtu.com.cn 10. Which flowers spread pollen by insects? Show with a X. 哪种植物利用昆虫传播花花粉?画“X”。 www.rrting.com 1. Put a X on the pictures with on image. why are no images formed? 在没有成像的图中打X。为什么不有形成影像? www.rrting.com 2. Domino can be a X. 509 Certificate Authority (CA). Domino可以作为X.509CertificateAuthority(证书权威,CA)。 www.ibm.com 3. A human sperm cell contains either an X or Y chromosome, while an egg only has a X chromosome. 人体精子细胞包含X或Y染色体,而卵子只包含X染色体。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Ll take a white blood count and give you a x-ray examination. 我将给您做白细胞计数和胸片检查。 learn.examren.com 5. This paper describes a X-ray data acquisition method in industrial CT. 介绍了X射线工业CT中数据采集的一种方法。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. Provides a X enhancement bonus to the wearer's Perform skill. 为穿戴者提供X点增加加值到表演技能。 www.everknight.net 7. If you are already running a X. 500 DAP service and you want to continue to do so, you can probably stop reading this guide. 如果您已经运行了一个X.500DAP服务器,并且您还想继续这样做,那么您可以停止阅读本指南了。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 8. Provides a X enhancement bonus to the wearer's Swim skill. 提供穿戴者X点加值到游泳技能上。 www.everknight.net 9. The secondary outlet signs a, x. They are clearly indicated on the casting body. 二次绕组引出线端子的标志a、x,均在浇注体上清晰注成。 www.chinapower.com.cn 10. Makes the wearer move fleet of foot, giving a X% bonus to speed. 这种装备可以提高穿戴者的基本移动速度,其移动速度上获得X%的加值。 www.everknight.net 1. In algebra, numbers are often denoted by symbols (such as a, x, ory). 在代数,数往往指的符号(例如,第十,或y)。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This is because there are two types of sperm produced in equal amounts; one carrying a X chromosome, and one carrying a Y chromosome. 这是因为,人体产生了两种同等数量的精子,一种携带X染色体,另外一种携带Y染色体。 www.bing.com 3. This in effect asks R to find the coefficients A and B that minimize sum((y-(A*x B))^2). 这样的结果是,要求R找到系数A和B使得sum((y-(A*x B))^2)最小。 www.ibm.com 4. You should go to take a x-ray if you feel something wrong with your body. 如果你感到身体有什么不舒服的话去拍个x光。 bbs.fxdm.net 5. Grants all Juggernaut Skills a X% chance to stun enemies for X seconds. 使所有毁灭天赋技能有X%几率造成敌人晕眩X秒。 www.bing.com 6. You can use a X. 509 certificate by using the STARTTLS extension of SMTP. 可以通过使用SMTP的STARTTLS扩展来使用X.509证书。 technet.microsoft.com 7. A X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and X-Ray Excited Optical Luminescence Study of Silicon Nanowires 硅纳米线的X射线吸收谱与X射线激发发光谱研究 www.ilib.cn 8. EXperimental research for the factors affected the imaging qualny of DSA connected With a X-ray machine 影响X线机加装DSA装置影像质量因素的实验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. The propagation and amplification of a X-ray laser in cylindrical plasma column X射线激光在柱状等离子体中的传播与放大 www.ilib.cn 10. Alteration of AC Electrical Power Generating System for a X-Type Aircraft 某型飞机交流电源系统改造研究 service.ilib.cn 1. A X-ray Source for Exploring the Secrets of Nature--Synchrotron Radiation 探索自然奥秘的X-射线光源--同步辐射 www.ilib.cn 2. A X-ray Dual-energy Image Subtraction Method Based on Multi-referential Points 基于多参考点的X线双能量减影算法 www.ilib.cn 3. The development of a X-ray film counter 实用X线胶片计数器的研制 www.ilib.cn |
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